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Jul 2024 · 666
I've thought deep and true for an idea,
Of a topic I can center my poem on.
There was none that surfaced,
So none shall it be.

No weight of subject to anchor us down,
No limits to hinder, no thoughts to drown.
In the vast expanse where stillness is known,
The heart of nothingness is brightly shown.

Akin to the sound of one hand clapping,
Like raging winds in the eye of the storm,
Let us contemplate on nothing,
Let us define the absence of form.

A blank canvas for something to exist,
The absence for the heart to grow fond,
It is a silence so deep, where echoes are drawn,
The root of the void where all things are gone.

Without, none, nothing, doesn't exist,
Synonyms, or a sentence wrongly punctuated.
One thing is for certain: this poem's been fun.
A topic to discuss, indeed I have... none.
I really have no idea what to write for my poem of the day.
Jul 2024 · 780
Nice to meet you again
Today I met someone I knew before.
We talked for a while, shared memories and more.
Then I realized, we can only meet the same person once,
For experience asks, and change is our response.

Static we can't be, unless life's flame
Is snuffed out, and we're just a name.
In every encounter, new experiences we obtain;
Our paths have shifted, though echoes remain.

Time's gentle passage had left its mark,
On hearts once familiar, now slightly stark.
Contrast of past and present, like a shifting dream,
Each conversation weaves new threads in the seam.

After our meeting, I closed my eyes,
Remembering what once was, under the skies.
In quiet reflection, I found a trace
Of the past intertwined with the present’s embrace.
Jul 2024 · 908
Demolitions Expert
I'm a demolitions expert of renown
Star of the show, the talk of the town
A destroyer of worlds they say
Or at the very least a destroyer of one

Voices rang inside my head
When things were good in my life
The urge to sabotage, the want to destroy
The desire to go off-course, the desire to stop

It has been there for as long as I can remember
Guiding me to the dark path
More often winning than being ignored
It was something I blamed for the way things are

But that was just me, my subconscious, my insecurity
Molding my decisions to be as suboptimal as possible
I need to accept, and got to learn accountability
Face the consequences, and fix the broken crucible

I want to destroy no more, for destruction is already here
Already suffering for the mess I have made
What I thought I deserved, I definitely do not
Now I have to make do with what little I have left

Let it stand as a lesson, let it stay as a warning
Beware when you light the fuse and watch the sparks
They may shine beautifully, but they are searing to the eyes
And if you do continue, give the big boom my regards
Self-destruction and sabotage is a struggle some people cope with daily.
One way or another some people think that they don't deserve all the good things that go their way. So they do some action, or enact upon a decision that will harm the self in ways beyond the physical.

Then **** happens.

There's also the self-fulfilling prophecy of some people thinking they deserve bad things, and do get them one way or another. The law of attraction is a *****.

By some people, that includes me. Self-awareness is a pain that one must endure.
Jul 2024 · 253
A Poem a Day
What keeps the dark away?
And keeps the wick alight?
Let's create a poem a day
It is not that difficult to write

Doesn't need to be a masterpiece
Just need some time and consistency
It doesn't even need to rhyme
Just meanings upon meanings, and words within words

Use puns, irony, simile, or hyperbole
Tools to use at your disposal are many

Free form or haiku,
Just write, time and time again
Embrace consistency

Write without hesitation, but be sure to re-read
For mistakes can be made, and improvements can be done
Not chasing for perfection, just a product pleasing to the eye
May it contribute to the reader, more than it did to the writer

Now come on, follow that blinking cursor and type
Grab your respective writing utensils and weave the words
These poems ain't writing themselves
And the day is not done
Jun 2024 · 151
There be monsters
In the silent voice of a mother
While her son is beaten black and blue
In the smiles of a friend
While they wish for death so true

There be monsters anywhere
To combat or to succumb
In raging winds, in a quiet house
Monsters roam within and without

There may be monsters in the dark,
But scarier are those found in the mind
As not all darkness leave its mark
And not all thoughts are left inside
Dec 2023 · 320
Theseus Ship Unbroken
I am more than the sum of my pain
More than the lessons of my mistakes
I am an amalgamations of inspirations both within and without
An unbroken Theseus ship, all parts replaced, yet a whole nonetheless

Songs on my playlist carries echoes of my friends
A recommendation where every time I play them, I remember
I remember that once we crossed paths and you left a piece of yours behind
Now it's mine truly, and I thank you for providing such things of wonder

I am a reader first and foremost, a definition of what I am
Stories have molded me, each page a speck of my soul
From religious texts, to novels, and literary pieces alike
The words have become my sustenance, as we become what we consume

To those strangers in foreign lands that I may never meet again
Their perspectives offer much wisdom to this frog in the well
Shocked by new cultures and beliefs, my horizons were expanded
I believe I've went home a little wiser from those excursions in faraway places

I admit, not all of them are beautiful, some pieces ****
Parts undesired, but parts that stuck
Lessons paid with a hard price, some twisting my self
I am still grateful they are a part of me, in my unbroken Theseus ship
“I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.”
― Jorge Luis Borges
Dec 2023 · 124
Someone sits on their throne of lines
Sipping coffee like the finest of wines
Holding a scepter of buttons and wires
In here lies the digital sire

Building kingdoms overnight
With an army of black and white
Grouped in ranks, no symbol askew
Shown to many, known by few

Hello world, here sits royalty
Creator of heavens, destroyer of destiny
Fighting demons line by line
Crushing bugs, reality he redefine

Looking inwards he saw something new
Something undesired, and then he knew
To comment out a few bad habits, and start anew
Change for the sake of himself, as much as for you
Dec 2023 · 147
The Fourth Letter
Hair like waves of the sea
Raging then, but now the calm has prevailed
The sweetest thing ever that I've known of
A smile that could make storms go away

Confidence found in such a short stature
A professional of formidable intellect
My inspiration to better my career
A huge motivation for my personal goals

Solitude we both prefer, but then again I don't want to be alone
I want to be with you someday
Stay in touch, but now I'll let you be
I want to know you better, and be a pillar you can rely on

Please don't be burdened by my affection
Just do your thing, and we'll see how this goes
You are free to do what you want
Just know I will appreciate any care you throw my way

I'll not let things be for granted anymore
I will shoot my shot, even if I am more likely to miss
You are precious to me
You are one of the reasons I wake day to day

I'm new to this, so I'm sorry if you find me lacking sometimes
I only know how to care, I am unsure how to love
Thrice, I wrote a love letter. Once in elementary, once in highschool, and once in college.

All were met with rejection.

Many years since then, and now this is the fourth one.
I'm afraid to send this. Even when I'm a bit more mature now, a broken heart is still a broken heart.

I'm such a hopeless romantic. Still, writing is where I express myself the best.

Update: Life's good without drama, so I'm just going to shelf this until the right time.
Dec 2023 · 157
Walk of Life
I often wonder how my walk would be in another's shoes.
Would it be smoother, faster, and with the path clearly laid?
Or would it be like walking in eggshells, or a tightrope perhaps?
Crossing mountains of daggers with my tattered footwear.

Would I be burning bridges after I traverse them?
Or walking a plank to a dastardly end?
Would I be walking the talk, as I speak dreams of wonder?
A walk with thousands following my footsteps.

Would I get lost in my walks to memory lane?
Dwelling on the thought of trekking the paths less travelled.
Is it a walk where I hold someone's hand, as theirs hold mine?
Or a bitter cold one where my feet gets frostbitten?

I wonder and keep wondering these walks of life.
That I only noticed, there's only a few steps in mine.
The path is not clearly laid, but I know my direction.
The goal is in the horizon, but I really must take a step.

So I gathered my musings and put them in my pocket.
And I... walk.
I'm in a four year college course, and I've basically finished all my subjects... except for one. My thesis.

It has really been a difficult journey for me to finish it, still is a difficult one. I've barely started on it, and it seems that I'm self sabotaging myself to not graduate.

I only recently found the motivation and will to finish it, and I hope it will stay there.
Dec 2023 · 333
She'll Last
She's going away to another journey now
I hope it will be a bit smoother than our current one
I'm sure there will still be hurdles and mountains
Ones she will climb with glee

She'll pass them and come back a little tougher
I just won't be there to witness the heights she'll reach
I'll be climbing my own mountains then
And I can't support her in times of need

Then again, she doesn't need my help in the first place
Though I sometimes wish I could still give it
She's small but she has a giant soul
One capable of devouring dragons

She cares for me not, and it's fine
A story as old as my life
Caring for someone doesn't need a return
A smile in my face to help the people I care about

A martyr maybe, but why do you care
This time a pushover, that I am aware
I don't want any trouble and drama
I just want her to smile and to last in memory
A poem before bed to help me sleep. Will probably polish it in the nearby future, but for now, I present to you this flawed piece.

created: December 6, 2023
last revised: December 10, 2023

A coworker is leaving, and I am sad.
Nov 2023 · 139
Time to Rhyme
For as long as I remember, I've made poems to rhyme
They were a restriction, as well as a direction
To lead me on the lyrical path and make me learn
And it did lead me to a point, that of no return.

I've realized they've become chains
A habit to beat, a skill honed well
Too heavy to cast away, too useful to break
Here I thought it was the icing on the cake

A-A-B-B, A-B-A-B
Nothing rhymes, I'll add another word, maybe
Restructure my sentences, into pieces they fractured
From fractured pieces, my sentences restructured

I could be more, and my works can also be
More than what they sound at the end
I just have to be aware that there's a time to rhyme
And there's a time to make a poem
Thank you Nat Lipstadt for your comment. It is a helpful awakening. I have been forcing some of my poems to rhyme. I shouldn't. I should let it flow naturally. There's a lot of literary tools out there other than rhymes.
Oct 2023 · 195
A piece of drift wood I am
In the sea of fate
Under the storms of life
And in the world of men

A piece of drift wood I am
Floating without reason
Tossed around by waves
Whipped by the ongoing storm

A piece of drift wood I am
Saw the sun on the horizon
Mesmerized, a goal was found
Hoping waves drift me to my beloved

But I was just a mere drift wood
Without control of his fate
The sun had set, while I am still adrift
In the sea, under the storm, in the world of men
created: 29/03/2018
last revised: 01/08/2023
Aug 2023 · 336
In the Grey
Used to losing when victory is at grasp
Used to pain like being stung by a wasp
Being alone became my second nature
I believe it is bleak, my present and future

I'm a pushover, I was told
Too cowardly to leave this world
Yet too tired to live it fully day by day
I am currently... currently stuck in the grey

Yet to find color, yet to see the sights
Everyday losing the will to survive my fights
The grey has consumed me through and through
Troubled is my mind, and my spirit launched a coup

Black and white combined, apathy the result
Nothing matters, neither affected by praise nor insult
Inspiration is but a 3:00 am musing
Gone by day, I wake up with alarms snoozing
Jul 2023 · 200
Not for me
I have loved once, for a decade long
It did not work, maybe my love wasn't strong
Then I've loved twice, a year full of spice
The fiery passion died down, I was frozen in ice

That was how I realized, not all has a pair
Not all can love and be loved, oh how unfair
My rose colored glasses have cracked in two
Replaced by tinted shades of a blackened hue

Now a jigsaw piece in the wrong canvas
A piece too jagged to fit in with the rest of us
Too grey to be featured in a colored picture
Thrown aside... I am, but a detached fixture
A broken heart's poem long due.
Jul 2023 · 1.9k
In the Cards
There exist two-sided planes of loss and gain
That exists both as a way of life and as a versatile toy
Bringing forth to a person either happiness or pain
It can hold our desires and was made for us to enjoy

You can cut it in the center, many in the world do
Stack it from one another and anything you decided to
It was created to flourish and be pleasing to the eye
It is a wonder with a cacophony of colors dyed

It is made for us, that which in the rules abide
And like good and evil, it has two sides
It is a friend of magic and a friend of trickery
Both is to deceive, one for joy and one for tragedy

Often, it has a bad reputation in the eyes of many
A tool for treachery and a miserable man’s destiny
But I tell you, it is the one that holds that give its voice
For it is an instrument that can either play a hymn or a noise
created 04/04/2022
revised 07/25/2023
Jul 2023 · 318
All we are, but dreams of the past
Fade away to nothingness and dust
Close thy eyes and think
Fill thy thoughts to the brink

Explode in a shower of colors so bold
That which brings you to thy inner world
Here lies worlds unseen by naked eyes
Worlds nonetheless, of sad goodbyes

Of nightmares, and people you miss
They may be gone, but here they exist
Worlds of freedom, serenity, and peace
Here you explore, and in here you rest

A display for memories of the soul
A playback for joy and sorrow
Mashed together in an incoherent whole
Inspires, terrifies, and brings us the morrow

Life is but a dream to discover
Dreams are but a part of life to uncover
So dream little one, dream to no end
Creativity be fuel, reality you'll transcend
Found this in one of my notes. I vaguely remembered writing this for an event.
Jun 2023 · 340
“The Weakest”
I’m the weakest man, or so I claim to be
Been wandering for so long, in my hellish land, in my stormy sea
Never found the courage to denounce what I proclaimed
As I found myself lost, distraught and ashamed

Then I’ve met a little girl, smiling, but I know she’s sad
Seen within her eyes, a sorrow I once had
A woe that can’t easily be erased by others
At least no one did for me as I put my pieces together

She’s broken beyond recognition and living each day bitter
But I know and will believe that she can put the pieces back,
For even as the weakest man, I can put mine together
What more a woman as strong as her, blessed with courage and luck

She made a mistake and ****** up I presumed
In any way, she thought she was doomed
All hope is lost and darkness already swallowed light
But I want to speak with all my heart, Girl, I believe you can fight!

Don’t be ashamed, you are already great
Baring one's heart once again is an amazing feat
The world is just not in the right… girl you are not wrong
It’s okay to cry, it has been too hard to you for so long

I hope to say to that girl, if I can meet her again
Don’t hesitate to seek the weakest in traversing the rain
Even though it’s a fight you alone will have to fight in the end
Who said that you can’t ask the assistance of the wind?

--- This is the world’s weakest man going out
--- Created April 4, 2022
--- Last revised June 14, 2023
I believe it is detrimental to try to fix someone and even claim they are broken in the first place. Still, it is true that bad things happen in life, and sometimes we need a helping hand or an encouraging word to push us beyond our limits. It is a fine balance, to help other without impugning the line between help and control.
Mar 2023 · 384
Fairly Happy
+ Inequality is good, a wise friend once divulged
+ It was a good thought that has a hint of truth
+ Why? I asked to uncover its mystery
+ Then he replied, and informed me gleefully

- Perfect liberation is too far to achieve for foolish men,
- In the present times I witness what I believe
- Blissful faces all around and it's probably not their last
- Ain’t we living now in an unequal world with future to trust?

+ I ask, but what about those people lamenting in the dark?
- I’m sorry to tell you bro, in a senseless quest I won’t embark
- Unfairness is when happy people are the cause of their misery
- Which we are a part of, this is ours and that is their destiny

- Of course I won’t impede your stance in this matter
- I believe you ain’t too foolish with your freedom and liberty
- It’s just that some people get what they want on a silver platter
- While some work their ***** of just to receive their miniscule pay

+ I understand my friend that harsh verity
- Harsh? Yeah to some people it is full of cruelty
- That’s why they want to overturn the norms, the world’s ethos
- I admire their courage but that is a matter I don’t intend to poke my nose

+ Speaking of unfairness, I have a thought of mine
+ Why do people complain of what is absent
+ When compared to others they have a lot present
+ Is it because man’s greed knows no confines?

+ And some people grumble about their problems that  
+ When compared to other’s crosses are just shallow vats
- If it is what you said then what use is contentment?
- And the second problem’s just like a game in my discernment

- Level by level we are differing with every other
- It is by which our environments determine our given attitude
- A level one complains to a level seven, a higher number
- And a level ten complains to a problem of greater magnitude

- By which sometimes the level ten see level one in annoyance
- For how lucky he is yet grumble of his misfortune
- See, its just a matter of perspective and vision
- Now why are you looking at me in askance?

+ Your logic has something wrong, I’m just pointing out, not debate
+ Why can’t a level ten, over a level 1 problem, grumble?
+ For its just a matter of perspective as you did articulate
+ And if it is the case then what use is the level of the people?

- Hahaha, you got me right my friend
- My view is flawed as I am
- Please do share thy thoughts so all this will end?
- For we have talked till the cows to home, come

+ My friend, I dare not belittle the view you conceive
+ For I think it has a hint of truth, even though with a flaw
+ You have a wisdom that exists only on a chosen few
+ So let me add a bit of my subjective perspective

+ The great may whine of a small barricade
+ The lesser may smile to the towering obstacles ahead
+ In every individual there are many factors of multitude
+ This is what you have missed, the peculiarity of humans

+ Not just discernment,
+ There is also temperament
+ We not only have perspective,
+ There is also attitude that we give

+ Many matter in life, I thus conclude my statement
- So that’s it! Thank you for the enlightenment
- Those factors really do affect our actions
- As long as we are humans, there are no exceptions

- To persist, to cower, to grumble, in traversing the rain
- To take it easy, to seek help or to accomplish it on our own
- Despite all this choices one truth will always remain
- That in life we most likely will reap what we have sown
A poem I've made back in September 18, 2018, a discourse about unfairness and happiness.
- Persona 1
+ Persona 2
Mar 2023 · 176
Nothing New
It seems there's nothing new under the sun
All has been written, all has been done
At the very least in the realm of poetry
Even if all is not written now, eventually it will be

Countless words written over many millennia
In any language conceived, and any form of media
Millions of people write to their heart's call
Some reflect present issues, while some reflect the soul

Should we be discouraged? Should we be not?
Let's load our ideas, and let's take that shot
Blend your own flavor in something that exists
Twist and turns, to the future we'll persist

May we continue to contribute to poetry's repository
Write my fellows, in ink, screen, or plaque
That in a footnote of history someday
Lies our name, immortalized in black
It can be discouraging sometimes to think that your new idea is already an old idea of someone else. Nothing new under the sun. All of us just recycle words.

There's probably going to be someone who will be charged with plagiarism someday because their words and concepts will be similar to an existing one. The chance is miniscule, but it's there.
Dec 2022 · 260
Hey, hey, what's there to say
Silence is all there is today
For I have no meaningful words to utter
No helpful ones either

Of course I'll lend an ear
Talk your hearts out, do not fear
A nod, a tap, or, a hug
I'll give what's necessary, even a shrug

Say what you mean, and mean what you say
Then say it once again, for good measure
Don't worry, your words I'll treasure
Take your time, speak at your own leisure
Nov 2019 · 210
The Things I miss
The absent things, the things I miss
Those that are trapped in past' crevice
Even when I wish, of those that I lack
For the things I miss are never going back

And I don't have the power to go to them
Nor the help to lead me there
I've forsaken the things I miss
In exchange for worldly bliss

I miss them, I truly do
I hope they miss me too
But they never will even if I call
For they are already with better people
Sep 2019 · 193
"Nothing left"
A hidden burden got ahold of me
Took away my senses till black was all I can see
Caught me in my weakness with a silent roar
In a daze I was, till I can't escape no more

The past is a ghost I shall never escape from
Never... Never I whisper as my guitar strum
What am I? When everything is already taken
What is left, not dignity nor love, just a heart... broken

The ancients were wrong when they said time heals
They were wrong when they said love conquers all
All that time brought me was timeless pain
All that love did was take, never returned even a slight gain

With the exception of a lesson still not learned
In silence, I let myself be burned
Now in silence, I'm suffering
With nothing left, but ashes and embers burning
Nov 2018 · 257
Whence a man slumber down
With a smile and seldom a frown
For sleep is heaven's gift
And Sleep is life's little rifts

Rifts of passage where souls reside
Souls reside in peace abide
In peace we slumber and in tranquility stay
We go to new places while in a place we lay

In nightmares grow the fears we sow
In dreams we meet the unbeatable foe
Foe I say, but is simply love
Love we can't face in shyness shoved
Thank you for staring at this worthless creation
This had now been given worth due to your attention
Please hit that heart below for a moment
Or continue reading this, it isn't urgent

The purpose of this poem is just for reading
I reckon this is starting to get boring
I've already succeeded half my goal
To get the attention of your soul

To waste your time and energy
That is this poem's destiny
Sep 2018 · 236
The first sight I witnessed was a loving caress
Warmth and care was my first sentiment
A family is all it took for my happiness
In embrace and companionship I was content

I grew up and mastered a money making trade
Little by little my loved ones in farewells bade
Little by little, friends and loved ones also are made
I think I was at the peak of my commoner’s creed

But then I awoke in a lavish room with no family in sight
Only to find out my strange and astounding plight
I was suddenly a king with a territory millions of miles spanned
What awaits me is a life filled with luxury and a life painted grand

With a wave of the monarch’s sceptre
Mortal subjects abide my words
Gallant knights slay with their swords
Without hesitation they follow and never falter

But one day of being king, stupefaction once again filled my face
I woke up in unknown lands of new laws and new ways
In here a mortal king may even lose his life to the poorest beggar
For the inhabitants are cultivators in this land besieged by war

With a flip of the hand, mountains are flattened
And with another flip, seas are overturned
This was the apex of this wonderful realm
And to experience this, I was frankly overwhelmed

Then again, born as the strongest man
I have a responsibility and a creed to uphold
Outside this glorious lands of immortals,
Lies darkness threatening to blotch out the sun

As I faced that mortifying experience, I was reborn once again
Literally in a Deity’s body and oh! What a shock I’ve seen
Squatting with the sun behind, I saw a mound in front of me
A mound that once had been the place I’ve lived, the Immortal City

People like ants, people I once had been
And to think that the darkness was my casted shadow
Raising my head, I gazed far into the horizon
The world is vast, This was slammed to me over and over again

A mountain above mountains, a sky above the sky
All those glory and all that I amount to be
Was a frog in a well, gazing at the narrow hole up high
And rose within my depths, was a feeling of melancholy

Indignant, I screamed to the one who played my fate
I don’t want any of this! I don’t need to be immortal!
Godhood can go to hell! I just want to be normal...
To embrace my friends and family once again even if to death I’ll wait
Sep 2018 · 458
“Drunken Regrets”
The road was windy and the path ain’t straight
In my drunken fantasy where my satisfaction did sate
Fireflies lingering all around, and my vision almost drowned
Heard imps laughing and bees buzzing, that annoying sound

A whimsical laughter filled the atmosphere
To a memory, that for now, I’ll not remember
I only have a single regret in this moment
That this happiness is just transient

The moon was black and the sky was white
As I wake up from my drunken stupor
Mind beating like the heart and eyes filled with blinding light
Slammed hard to the ground from the heavens where I soar

Remember once again what I want to be forgotten
The disappointments and regrets that was once hidden
But I must endure for now and live this ****** life of pain
For when night comes and the bottle is uncorked, it’ll be bliss once again
Sep 2018 · 246
For every failure there is always a gain
Blades of grass will always sprout after storm and rain
Though most times you’re blinded by disappointment
Just clear your thoughts and think for a moment

See the positive light in the blinding darkness
Examine your weakness and in there strength you harness
Do not be discouraged even if you cannot win
Be brave and find the strength within

Tribulations and trials are there for a reason
To temper and strengthen, to test you every season
We may fall but we won’t break, just bend
We’ll just stand upright again and again

What I said isn’t entirely lies
Ten failures and eleven tries, a hundred falls and a hundred rise
Become a person that is wise
Failures are just blessings in calamity’s guise
Sep 2018 · 236
The suffocating feeling when you lose your purpose
It’s so uncomfortable, I suppose
To lose that light on the horizon
It’s very arduous thinking for a reason

A reason to live
A purpose that I believe
That I can traverse blade and fire
Just for that reason, my desire

When problems fade, when reasons wane
We seek for burdens to weigh us in the world of the mundane
The feeling of weightlessness we don’t much entertain
We seek, have seen, and then seek another once again

It’s very ironic the purpose of the past
We hope to be relieved from our crosses
But when we do relieve it, our minds become lost
No driving force left, we then hope it never ceases

Problems are a proof of life
For problems is life’s unending strife
Solve it then seek anew
Let’s solve them without further ado

My problems, my blessings
Thanks be to god for these things
Without stress, there’s no joy in relaxation
If there’s only rest, we’ll be full of vexation
Sep 2018 · 223
Everyone wears a mask in this world
This mask we develop from young to old
Emotions we lock that clouds our judgement
Mind over heart, this marks our testament

A smile may hide an excruciating pain
Or a tear may hold deceit and sin
In this world not everything is certain
So doubt a little, the truth you may gain

How peculiar some people of the human race
They have masks that perfectly match their face
They are either good people with mind so pure
Or despicable humans who show their true nature

For faith and love some people are blinded
For these, wise people become dumb
Wrong becomes right, in lies we succumb
What use is the senses if the heart is one sided

I’m telling you nothing is wrong with trust
Nor it is wrong to believe
But we as humans we deceive
So to check for facts is a must
Sep 2018 · 229
“A Warning”
A mere mortal in the world of men going my own way
Witnessed the red bird fly high in the bright skyline
The experience was tantalizing at the same time full of agony
A scar in the soul and an unforgettable memory  

To see that red bird pass by
Is an honor as well as a curse
Now many people ask me why
For that red bird was the devious of lures

To us, mortals that is
For we will be mesmerized by its splendour
And, for a moment, forget we are just mortals
Then the curse of devotion enraptures our soul

To keep chasing but never reach
To keep seeking but never find
And find in the end all this is for naught
Shouldn’t have chased, shouldn’t have sought

A fish to the bait was I
The start was a foolish heart and a smiling face
And my end was a wrecked heart and tears long dry
Regretful, still I am, remembering those days

Now I forewarn ye mortal men
The mind is inherently weak to worldly temptations
So strengthen your will and your conviction
To elude and prevent that heart wrenching pain

But not all people are like me, so weak
Some have lived with their hearts intact
We’ll see our red birds even if we don’t proactively seek
When time comes, it’s just a matter of choice, what to do and how to act

I don’t know if you will heed my warning
What credibility does a cowardly fool have?
But please believe, I bring good tidings
Sigh, who would believe, am but a loser whining
Sep 2018 · 187
Walk, stop, look
In this journey I go barefoot
Passing many things that I forsook
Without a place to plant my roots

Gave my hearts to the people I pass
For them to play, love or break
To myself I have brought this ache
For insensitively talking words of crass

I’ve seen too many things
Felt too many stings
But I’ve never changed this attitude
In the horizon I spot solitude

Maybe It’s better to be a genuine passerby
Enjoying the scenery as I move
With no hearts left behind and given love
Free as the wind in the unfettered path toward the sky

But can’t and will not cease
For I can’t stop being human yet
To separate the seven emotion and four vices
My mind, for that, is still not set

Lets say I’ll achieve those on death’s door
Only looking forward if to hell drop or to heaven soar
But there is still such a long way before the ending
Now with hearts given, I am just passing
Sep 2018 · 182
“The Selfless River”
Flowing water of ocean bound
From mountain peaks and underground
Numerous lives he have saved
Myriad of paths he had paved

Another day on the riverside
Bathing in clear water, in boats they ride
Someone washing their sullied clothes
Another throwing trash from their abode

It’s just a little, I’ll take it all
Said the river as his water soared
As man continued to prosper and live
The greater we take the more he gives

Day to day as time passed on
The same scene happened, nothing changed
The river still gushed with selfless abandon
Man still continued with their reckless destruction

It’s just a little, so I’ll take it all
This is my life’s meaning, my only goal
I’ll cleanse your sins and I’ll save your soul
For I loved you still and this is my role

Only after the lightning stroke, did we pray
For that clear water to live another day
Only after did we change for good
Filled with regrets and a sorrowful mood

In the end he died due the foolish of man
Still his love shone like the everlasting sun
Still he forgave the sins of the young and old
Still he continued to protect this world
Sep 2018 · 188
“Sailing the Red Ocean”
In my world, there is a boundless ocean so bountiful
It was tinted crimson like fresh blood flowing
Some places are calm, while some are raging
As I sail with my rusty sailboat and my fractured paddle

By what I saw, I was utterly bewildered
Bleeding people with smiling faces
Crying people in broken pieces
Now I know why the water was florid

Why do people do these deeds?
Ain’t it painful enough when they bleed?
Why do they continue loving, as if it’s their creed?
A crazy world, is full of crazy people indeed

I sailed near a shipwreck and found a desolate man
He was staring into space, maybe the horizon in his sight
What was ever beautiful as it is ending, the setting sun
I asked him his experiences and this he told with all his might

There is always a possibility of failing to reap what you sow
But we still love, for we might be the victor, who knows
Then why do we love? Isn’t it for happily ever after?
When that happiness fades, do we then surrender?

No, no! Never lose hold! Just hold on tight!
A couple in a luxurious yatch chimed in
The storm will pass as you endure the rain
You’ll see, if you both survive, a future brighter than sunlight

But then a free spirited surfer interjected with glee
Why must we endure if all we feel is pain?
Like what he said, in the end we may not reap the grain
If they can free each other, why prolong their agony

You are and will not be wrong to start it and continue to hold
But, I say, your resolve may be weak, to see it to the end
Or time had caused its toll, and behold!
This is what happens when your will eventually bend

Still, don’t worry dear sir, your boat is maybe broken
But I know and experienced, time will do the fixin’
And you’ll sail once more after you stand up when you’re down
Unless you decide to end it all here and drown

Time does it magic without end
To further bond, eventually erode or slowly mend
Love and time in a sense is eternal and relative
Farewell now wanderers, we still have a life to live
Sep 2018 · 283
The most precious things
Are free and without fee
Can’t be measured by gold
Can be shared but never sold

Regrets are too easy to gain
Mistakes are plenty to be seen
But to choose what is right
Is harder than showing one’s might

Life is just between B and D
The beginning is the Birth of thee
The end shall be thy Death’s embrace
All life, specially the human race

Now what is life? The question that time can’t ****
The center of B and D as you can see is C
The C here refers to our Choices procured from thy will
The Yes and No’s, The Do’s and Don’ts of you and me

All of this isn’t meaningless
Just imprint it on in your mind
The world may be huge and boundless
But hey! It’s just a matter of perspective, isn’t it?
Sep 2018 · 246
“Cowardly Love”
A coward can also love
Not making a move unless you give him a shove
He can only watch and seldom initiate
How sorrowful for to fail is the coward’s fate

The other party can’t be blamed
For the coward is the one that aimed
But didn’t try to fire due to fear
Fear that he will miss and his dreams will tear

The intended prey he have lost
To find medicine for his regret is a must
But there are just some things in this world
You wouldn’t find no matter the gold

Crying over spilt milk is useless
Man up! Suppress your tears and cry less
Gain courage and change your cowardly way
And happiness will find you someday
Sep 2018 · 237
As abundant as specks of sand in the dessert
As frail as a towering sand castle in a beach
Countless times we enter the cycle of death and birth
No matter how we desire, eternity we won’t reach

People need to find happiness in this brief life of ours
Different beginnings but still collapse in death’s embrace
We don’t need to count our years, months, days and hours
This is a limited life to enjoy, this isn’t a timed race

Nothing is ever built to last
All lives will fade, all metals will rust
Even celestial worlds will wane
For destruction is creation’s bane

In an hourglass watching the falling sand
One by one, grain by grain, and second by second
I feel sadness for our inevitable fate
No matter the happiness, this sadness won’t sate

In every walk of life there are many reasons
A reason for every step
Though there are only four seasons
In between them we smile, we live, we weep

I keep walking in resignation
And continue life in indignation
Life is my wonderful loan
While death is my due after I’ve grown

I have begun from a cry
Time pass, like a fleeting cloud that has flown
Living until on death’s bed lie
Then ending life with a groan
Sep 2018 · 212
Humans, since the dawn of time, have been physically weak
In intelligence we found the strength we seek
Technology progressed as we built our hot weapons
Born not evil nor good
Instead the one we judge
Not the gun, but
He who holds
take note of the shape
Sep 2018 · 278
“Utopia in a Box”
There is a six sided utopia’s that exist within everyone
You may not know it but it has been with you since the beginning
Such a wonderful place free of worry and conflict is gone
In there, no one is above you, only you are reigning

What is wrong and right is dictated by the person residing
Your consciousness is the only thing that exist, the proof that you are living
Not even your shadow found, the place is full of nothing
The loneliness you feel in here isn’t a curse but a blessing

A place without a trace of happiness there will never be a trace of misery
A place without anyone to love is a place without a vestige of fury
Here there is no companionship but solitude it is graciously giving
Without anyone to leave there is no sadness in parting

Within yourself you can learn to find joy and happiness
But you shall never find it when loved ones leave, only bitterness
The world within the six walls is a much better place
For in here there is no one to judge you no matter the ability, personality, face and race

Reality is full of cruelty, sin, deceit, death, pain and strife
This is an unbeatable game, the game we call life
No one can be blamed when people give up playing
This is such a harsh reality, I’m just saying

In this three dimensional utopia solace is what people seek
All types of people from fierce, cold, serious and meek
They come to ease the pain, cease the grieving and put sorrow to an end
They come to forget regrets and think that their mistakes never happened

This six sided heaven is found within our minds
In here only freedom reigns, no laws that binds
When all is ruined and gone, when the battle has been lost
We retreat to our boxes, our fates to destiny we entrust
Sep 2018 · 206
“Moonless Sky”
The moon have been lonely ever since its birth
We can only watch it as it watches us on earth
The moon is all the same and fair no matter the race
After twilight ends the celestial body always shows its grace

In times when you’ve got troubled thoughts in a cloudless night
When you’ve got no friends to turn to and no family in sight
The moon will accompany you until your troubles alight
The moon light will guide you all throughout the fight

It had seen uncountable tales of people living
We have sought its light every time we’re alone grieving
Even sometimes when the moon doesn’t shine
Don’t fret for it is there in the moonless skyline

Like god and his uncountable blessings
Like our teachers and their teachings
Like a mother and her unspoken care
Like a friend and the things he share

We sometimes take people around us for granted
Akin to the moon, our smiles are what they wanted
They are always there silently serving and inconspicuously giving
Sadly we mostly notice them after they depart from us, from the living

Repay their love with a love of your own
For time awaits no one and we always reap what we have sown
So that we won’t regret it when they are gone
Become a faithful devotee, loyal man and a filial son
Sep 2018 · 150
“A Mountain”
Not only is the world vast and colossal
But time is majestic still
Feeling like an ant, my emotions so dismal
But to write these words I will

When compared to literature’s entirety
Specks of dust are my indistinct works
Still I keep writing unceasingly
In my heart the answer lurks

For what do we do if not what we love?
And follow the path laden by thee
I know it’s debatable, what is freedom? Are we all free?
But for now let us put our minds on the topic above

I fear that what is mine will be lost
Lost in the sea of time and creation
Inevitably, there will always be more lofty compositions
A mountain above the mountains, a sky above the sky

That when compared to mine, all I can do is admire
Me a pauper, they the sires
Then I took comfort seeing the hills below
And in the saying, beauty, in the creator’s eyes, show
Sep 2018 · 2.9k
1st persona
Inequality is good, a wise friend once divulged
It was a good thought that has a hint of truth
Why? I asked to uncover its mystery
The he replied and informed me gleefully
2nd persona
Perfect liberation is too far to achieve for foolish men,
In the present time I witness what I believe
Blissful faces all around and its probable not their last
And ain’t we living now in an unequal world with future to trust?
1st persona
I ask, but what about those people lamenting in the dark?
2nd persona
I’m sorry to tell you bro, in a senseless quest I won’t embark
Isn’t it those happy people the cause of their misery?
Which we are a part of, this is ours and that is their destiny

Of course I won’t impede your stance in this matter
I believe you ain’t too foolish with your freedom and liberty
It’s just that some people get what they want on a silver platter
While some work their ***** of just to receive their miniscule pay
1st persona
I understand my friend that harsh verity
2nd persona
Harsh? Yeah to some people it is full of cruelty
That’s why they want to overturn the norms, the world’s ethos
I admire their courage but that is a matter I don’t intend to poke my nose
1st persona
Speaking of unfairness, I have a thought of mine
Why do people complain of what is absent
When compared to others they have a lot present
Is it because man's greed knows no confines

And some people grumble about their problems that  
When compared to other's crosses are just shallow vats
2nd persona
If it is what you said then what use is contentment?
And the second problem’s just like a game in my discernment

Level by level we are differing with every other
It is by which our environments determine our given attitude
A level one complains to a level seven, a higher number
And a level ten complains to a problem of greater magnitude

By which sometimes the level ten see level one in annoyance
For how lucky he is yet grumble of his misfortune
See, its just a matter of perspective and vision
Now why are you looking at me in askance?
1st persona
Your logic has something wrong, I’m just pointing out, not debate
Why can’t a level ten, over a level 1 problem, grumble?
For its just a matter of perspective as you did articulate
And if it is the case then what use is the level of the people?
2nd persona
Hahaha, you got me right my friend
My view is flawed as I am
Please do share thy thoughts so all this will end?
For we have talked till the cows to home, come
1st persona
My friend, I dare not belittle the view you conceive
For I think it has a hint of truth, even though with a flaw
You have a wisdom that exists only on a chosen few
So let me add a bit of my subjective perspective

The great may whine of a small barricade
The lesser may smile to the towering obstacles ahead
In every individual there are many factors of multitude
This is what you have missed, the peculiarity of humans

Not just discernment,
There is also temperament
We not only have perspective,
There is also attitude that we give

Many matter in life, I thus conclude my statement
2nd persona
So that’s it! Thank you for the enlightenment
Those factors really do affect our actions
As long as we are humans, there are no exceptions

To persist, to cower, to grumble, in traversing the rain
To take it easy, to seek help or to accomplish it on our own
Despite all these choices, one truth remains
That in life we most likely will reap what we have sown
Sep 2018 · 222
“Light and Hope”
Once upon a time in a faraway land
Where evil ran rampant, as many as desert sand
Bloodshed and betrayals, deceit and greed
In here the devil reigns, while good men bleed

Life in here can only be called heaven
To the corrupted souls and wretched minds
Sins and selfishness are a dime a dozen
That unrestrained freedom, where no laws that binds

Love have long turned cold
As cold as winter’s ice
Morals and conscience have long been sold
Every promise said, probably lies

In the darkness a ray of light shone
Flickering, yes but still holding on
Threatening to extinguish at any moment
A common occurrence and another light to lament

But expectations are suddenly broken
For the light, instead of extinguishing had brighten
Now the darkness is threatening to fade
With new born light the evils with farewells bade

That one luminescence spread its wings and scope
Over the mountains, the seas and skies
It propagated love and disseminated hope
Never ceasing until it was time for its demise

All it took was a single spark
From a bleak place, to a bright future they embark
Even if doubtful never forsook the hope in thy heart
For we’ll never know what’ll happen if we start
Sep 2018 · 304
I am a dreamer of wonderful worlds
Where stories of sorrows remain untold
Where joy and happiness are found on every chapter
And my life is a book that brings you laughter

I woke up, and now it’s time to live my life
It is a journey filled with cruelty and strife
And here, I am a coward who hides in his shell
My dream is heaven while my life is hell

To change my road is what I require
But the current have forced me the way
To bare my heart is what I desire
But I fear what others will say

How can I face this treacherous current
If all I have is weakness
Where can I find this worldly strength
If I’m blinded by my own meekness

Woe is me for I have forsaken living
To forget my pain, sorrow and misgiving
To escape this torturous reality
I yearn for my fantasy
Sep 2018 · 8.3k
"Ode to the Phoenix (I)"
From the heavenly embers the phoenix rises.
It opened its scarlet eyes and saw the world blanketed in darkness.
Its cries reverberating in the dim valley, paternal love it sought.
Woe is the phoenix for not a creature came and all it did was for naught.

With tears in its eyes till sunrise it waited.
Filled with indignation the phoenix flew.
For it realized that as a newborn it was cheated.
With only the support of itself the phoenix grew.

Time passed peacefully in the valley.
The phoenix' wings have now grown fully.
Then the phoenix’ adventurous spirit was suddenly ignited.
With newfound courage the phoenix soared, clearly it is excited.

It was fearful yet ecstatic for the world full of the unknown.
The phoenix said farewell to the place it once had grown.
It desired to wander the world hoping to meet with its kin.
The phoenix is very lonely and hoping for one’s happiness isn’t a sin.

Many beasts quickly hid when they saw the phoenix near.
When they saw the flames blazing they can only shiver in fear
Sighing with regret for it wants to make a friend.
But fate has been cruel and fear was its desire’s end.

It traversed thousand of mountains
And experienced countless rains
It hoped and prayed fervently to the glorious entity above
To grant its wish, to experience love

To be continued...

— The End —