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B Irwin Apr 2016
In society,
Women are always told they are too much.
Too angry, too calm
Too quiet, too loud
Too big, too small
And we are all of these things
We are angry.
Angry about the internalized oppression that still flows on a day to day basis. We are angry about our predefined roles of what girl is, what girl should be.
And we are too calm.
Calm about the man that called you a name in the street and all you wanted to do was cry
Or the teacher that told you you couldn't do what you wanted because it was a mans place, not a woman's
You should have yelled, but you didn't. Because we are too calm.
We are too quiet.
We are silenced.
Our opinions are ranked of worthiness by our physical features, our body types. Our intelligence is last to our ****** appeal. We can not be heard through the babble of social media judging and critiquing and pointing out our flaws. So we are quiet.
And we are loud.
We have the ability to speak for the world. To weave the revolution out of the words of women. We have the voice to speak to our sisters globally, teach women that we are loud. We can drown out prejudice with the power of voice and bring down the barrier of how a girl should be.
We are small.
Told that our personalities are preset by the gender normalities that the patriarchy has placed, we are shrunk to fit our predefined roles. They cut us into shapes so we can not realize that we are so much bigger.
Because we are big.
We are huge. We have global impact. While we are cut down, I would like to see us glue each other back together. I want to see women take back our voices. I want to hear women all over the world speak how they feel, bust through the barriers of what the patriarchy has told them. Fight back against their rapists, abusers, silencers. When someone tells you that you are being too much, say "I am. And I am becoming so much more."
Amitav Radiance Oct 2014
Started walking along the path
Where life was leading me
Towards a destination chosen
Not chosen by me
But was willingly following
To a predefined destination
Then I came along a bench
Weary I was travelling
The bench gave me respite
From the grueling march
I inspected the torn soles
As the pebbles were hurting my feet
Bleeding profusely
I thanked the bench
Where I could now rest for the night
Lying on my back
I connected the dots on the night canopy
Slumber took over
Dreams of a new road, I could see
Sleeping off the weariness
I woke up to a new day
The bench which taught me to wait
Another destination chosen by me
Clouds have cleared away
I knew the path to walk along
I was a traveler with purpose
My destination, waiting for me
D Jul 2016
Laying on the bed, reading your wedding invite.
I recall the day you went silent and I threw my crown.
Stepping down and lost myself.

Today I let you go, my love.
Not because I give up.
I believe you cared and you still do.

Your silence did cut through my flesh,
Your strangeness burnt my heart.
But here I stand today ready to let myself heal.

Years of gathering broken pieces of my heart.
My lost pieces of love, wailing to be found.
Stranded I searched, and I still do.

I held on to you, like a stubborn child.
Your memories engraved, your doings encircling my thoughts.
Strangely never remembering our fights, I was partial.  

My heart wanted more, my soul was thirsty.
I found pleasure in pain.
I kept you alive.

What a splendid journey, my love.
The impeccable high of your addiction.
As I drowned, I found myself.

One day I chose to revisit my past.
Regretting the time lost to stupid fights, blaming myself.
I never felt, keeping you alive.

Stupid were my acts, unreasonable was my anger.
Childish were my demands.
A sinner, at your altar I confess.

Sleepless nights, result of a restless brain.
Blaming you for the love I dreaded I deserved,
For making me feel worthwhile.

Keeping your memories alive,
Redoing my past, for an escape.
As the odds increased, so did my grief.  

For the broken promises, and the endless thoughts.
U left without a word, so did my Tears.
You coward, I pushed myself to oblivion.  

I saved our love when the world sympathised.
I held on to respect, for u and our love.
Wishing you the best, I kept u alive.

My futile attempts to blame you, was a curse.
A part of me found pleasure when they blamed you,
My stupid selfish heart.

But today I let you go my love, I allow myself to heal.
You meant so much, you still do.
But life is more than just you and me.

A part of my soul is still with you, it’s yours now.
Keep it safe my love.
I’ll nurture what is left of it.

As time flies by, I’ll heal.
For a better tomorrow, for a better me.
I’ll strive with a hollow heart and a partial soul.

Thank you love, for the heat.
For never cheating my heart.
For the never ending  euphoria.

I know u cared and you still do.
When you found me, I found myself.
For your breath of life, I’ll keep u alive.

You made me believe in good.
To Love someone more than my being.
Surprised I’m to know my strength.

Entwined souls, living in the moment.
We headed together, Insane and reckless.
Towards our predefined end.  

I’m glad it was you and no one else.
You were the one, my wildest decision.
Oh my wings, my strength.

But today love, I let you go.
I was your princess.
Now it's someone else.

It’s time to put back my crown to rule.
U won't be forgotten my love,
but like any life chapter ours has come to an end.
VENUS62 Jun 2014
Cast me not
in any mold
of your preconceived
ideas and notions

For I am
A woman
With my own
Intelligence and Intentions

I shall be not
In contours

I morph,
I change,
As I evolve
Not in any orbit will I revolve

Chisel me not like
Some statue fine
For I am neither divine
Nor a concubine

Label me not as
Fertile or fallow
Or simply
as shallow

I am not
just a mother
sister or wife
I am a woman dignifed

At times
at times

I can be spiritual
Or plain evil
I am but a woman
Even today in many parts of the world, women are stereotyped and expected to behave in a certain way!
Homunculus May 2015
Perhaps, We have a worldview, that has turned a bit myopic.
Perhaps, We need a checkup from a doctor for Our optics,
Perhaps, We need for them to write Us out a new prescription, then
Perhaps, We'd see the truth in life that's written in inscription,

Perhaps, the Earth is weeping somberly, but We don't care to listen,
Perhaps, it warns us of Our doom when global profits are our mission
Perhaps, the World is run by men, whose only drive is for themselves
Perhaps, the few will **** the many, just for monetary wealth,

Perhaps, We're all too blind to understand the implications,
Perhaps, a future fraught with poverty and war is what We're facing
Perhaps, a different train of thought, is faintly running by adjacent,
Perhaps, it's one that wrests its life from the stagnation of complacence

Perhaps, We're living forms of life that have been cast inside a mold
Perhaps, estrangement from each other causes Our Hearts to grow cold
Perhaps, all concentrated power's an illusion, We behold,
Perhaps, We all could take it back, if We'd stop doing what We're told

Perhaps, Our Being is unique, and isn't something predefined,
Perhaps, Our priorities in life should they themselves be redefined,
Perhaps, Our voices are of import, and should not be undermined,
Perhaps, We all should organize, and build a world of new design

Perhaps, it is the Media that keeps Us all divided,
Perhaps, We should act neighborly and strive to be united,
Perhaps, in living as a People, We would find Ourselves delighted, and
Perhaps, We'd change the status quo, if We would only try to fight it.
Repost for repost. Mutual altruism.
LearnfromBOBD Dec 2022
The beauty of a *****
Is predefined by her face
Her smiles shows how touchy
the ******* is
A moment with her is like
the best day of my life.
A hug with her is like
A life time *** experience
Her peck makes me drain
and fulfilled
The memories afterwards is unexplainable
I asked for a visit to my house
She look sweet in her no bra,
soft black half short gown,
showing her shinning thigh
and high heel on her foot.
All i can see now is a nice cleavage,
and ****** under cloth.
Then I hug her in.
I didn’t wanna leave her,
Her perfume is sensual’
I make her sit on a couch
She looks at me wanting me to say something
I’m scared cos she’s bad to me
I asked for her favorite
She said white wine
We both took a toss
We looked at each other,
She asked, why.
I said what !
She smiled
I said why ?
She said nothing,
I moved closed to her,
but shy.
She sighed,
I took courage,
I touched her thigh,
But couldn’t move it
Cos I was shy
She looked at me
I mean my ****
She saw me hard.
She wowed,
I said what,
She said this,
I took her hand gently on my Jean
to feel it.
why I gently move mine on her thigh. She felt my **** getting bigger
While I was also making a move through her short gown.
She was breathing fast.
I got to her hips,
touch’ her pant.
Rub my hands around.
We couldn’t resist
I knee in front of her
Slightly moved my two hands to her thighs,
And move her **** short gown up
I slowly removed her pant
Got her eyes kissed,
While i unzip her dress-half way
Took her shoulder to rest on the couch
Then i pull her-legs wide open.
What a nice smell down here
at a snail's pace i eat em’all.
Drew the ******* nearer
Her Legs vibrates
Lick underneath,
with my tongue ready to **** harder.
Took my tongue to her ****. She scream for more
She draw me closer to untie my zip
Saw me ready to insert.
She got them to her hands
And do her thing
She took my ***** to her mouth and dangle it.
Make them wetter.
Licked every part of it wetly
she got the thing bigger
While I completely undressed her
I saw the ****** up
Another thing
that got my **** heavier
I-stood her up to **** the ****** out. She hold my head tightly
While she continuously feel it.
After a while,
i carried her to my waterbed
Both naked.
I Play a slow romantic music
Took her legs up.
While her ****** was slightly opened
I took my wet **** into her.
In and out slowly, until she ask me to **** her harder.
I bend her thigh over to her chest.
While i insert all my **** in her Pusey
She said Yes, yes
I made her call her mum name several times.
She sweat off.
I gave her the full option
I later slept on her,
While i gently romance my **** inside her *****
Touching the peak of her ****** wall.
She said yes thats it thats it.
I later stood up and took one leg up and one leg on the bed.
And gave her another tight style
She breathe for joy
She said she loves me
I sharply turn her over for a doggy
I widen her leg and struck the **** in.
She thirst for this for long
I ride her till her leg vibrates no more.
Her ringing tone is fantastic and
Her tone later got me ****** on her face
A 33 minutes hot *** got served
She thanked me
Images float in-front of your eyes.
Your hair flies in the wind, almost wild.
You struggle with your skirt a little bit,
Feeling glad that you wore shorts underneath.
The wind can be heard even over the
Honking of the cars, as it carries some
Stray, withered leaves.
The sky has darkened and you can smell the
Freshness of grass over the smoke and
Stink of ******* dumps in the open.
The crows start flapping around in
Choreographed committee and start cawing
About the latest weather changes.
It somehow doesn't surprise me that this
Reminds you of countless others you
Might know.
The crows ruffle their feathers and
Take shelter in predefined places.
It is another rainy day amongst
Billions of others that have occurred.
To state the obvious, you have too
Much time in your hands if you begin
Describing another rainy day.
Helpful critique welcomed. :)
Marieta Maglas Jun 2013
The lead ideas fell on a field as voices
coming from a bad dream. The yellow
of the daisies became sharper than the
serpents’ teeth, and the fragrant sun

started to tremble in the wind. The ideas
would fall into a silent abysm, but they
have become as hard as those boulders
falling to hit people and to ****** their

reality. I am talking about those newcomers
picking the flowers and having injured
smiles. It looked like the life was destroying
itself under a predefined set of circumstances.

Those people had  ghostly, spectral feelings.
Those feelings began to grow into the Light of
God, Who has started to reconcile all things
to Himself through His Embodied Word.
JDL Nov 2018
Must everything be black and white?

Must we choose left or right?

Wouldn’t either choice eventually take us back to where we began?

What if we made our decisions based upon the needs of others, wouldn’t that be grand?

Mustn’t the pendulum meet in the middle before making it’s next move?

Wouldn’t the clock’s tick tock stop without this groove?

Are decisions made on predefined options still based on our own choices?

What if we instead made decisions using our own voices?

Why then is the road less travelled?

Is it because it’s only made clear when the facades built upon it unravel?
SassyJ Feb 2016
Juxtapositional Refinement Redefined  (Spoken Word- Freestyle-Dramatics)**
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
== JRR ==
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Credits to: Angelina Lopez (HP Poetess)

(Copy the link below to your browser)

Juxtapositional refinement redefined:
When you meet beautiful souls we have been taught by the society to confine them. Like "I love you" but what does that word really mean. Does it mean "sharing in openness" or does it mean " been confined in expectations and obligations".
The paradigm that we live in as society is delusional. We have learnt to analyse the "in between" based on our analytical and logical systems. But how about going to the individuals involved and creating an open dialogue to talk about what the situation may be. This is a thorough and more accurate way of attaining acuity.
To flow in openness is like listening to 'harmonious jazz music' ...... it is like inhaling the beauty of the ginger scent in the breeze.
Life itself speaks to us and we don't have to make it complicated. If we only were able to have an open platform..... hearts that are blissful and not tainted by fear then we can redefine the contrasting views of dichotomy that we have as mankind.
In essence, If you haven't communicated to someone openly about something ...... we should never draw out conclusions. They will only be pre-judgemental notions oozing with constraining predefined and predetermined assumptions. Give everyone a chance and the world will smile!
Follow the spoken word linking sound cloud
You are an I in the eye
the eye that hynotizes the essence of I...

And the galaxies par religion will be heaven
and the races not revealed by official networks will be demons
and the elementals and avatars in sacred places will be unearthly beings

the moon will be a rocky orb and not a planet-ship helping a race evolve
the tree will be a plant and not a transporter of energy via energy beams, connecting the underworld with surface humans and life...
And the stars will be ***** of gas and not a picture a thousand years old
a thousand years as planets in those star system are thus ahead of us
and spaceships will be UFO's
and beings from the universal neighbourhood will be aliens

You will be taught to speak in a defined vernacular called language
Your psychic abilities will be reduced via sonic beams emitting negative energy
reduced via products that reduce positive vibration

You will belong to a race, tribe and religion
You will fall into a gender
Your destiny will be death
Money will be a means of exchange
You will not think of Earth as a space, but as a lonely flat plan-et
Powerful families will rule your life
Government will dictate your purpose
Wars will be fought and it will be blamed on oil

You will know only that which you need to know
You will be driven to follow predefined norms and orchestrated systems
You will be watched and never truly feel free
This is the Matrix
The web that imprisons souls...
and slower than the speed of thought you will trail in linear time...
The web that confines your thinking...
and reasoning will only be absolute within logic gates
You will be encouraged to be as one with them as they will be compelled to be one with you

Life will be basic, you will not be aware of the realities and dimensions in the world
Your conscious mind will be wrestled by ego
Your heart chakra will be tainted by emotional scars

You will not see the eye that sees, only what is seen fit to be seen
Only when the dragon has licked you and its friends stabbed you and molested you - will you be free to choose to be free
This is the matrix and you will be made to feel like an orphan
Your immaturity and lack of knowledge will lead you to adverse happenings
"Live and learn", watch as they crash and burn
If you are wise you will learn to yearn
and a fate that is yours will you discern

maybe and only then will you escape the threads and define your own reality.
Welcome To The Matrix
Leonard Green Sep 2013
Welcome to the new age of spit’n
to change the flavor of mix’n
where MCs are kick’n provocative rhymes
to stretch the imagination of open minds
no need for weapons, blood, and tumbl’n
we’re gonna educate and stimulate rumbl’n

Spit’n Philosophically Aware Rhymes
for the New millennium, that’s SPAR’N
elevating the level of rap’n hip-hop beats
to achieve new heights, to accomplish new feats
to teach the youth a brand new way of feel’n
to preach in the streets a new way of deal’n

Poet’s Verses:**
I’m a warrior for the new age of spit’n
flatlin’n a verse like F’n-stein to do my bid’n
tired of listen’n to the violence and the ****’n
rather kick a message for tolerance to the liv’n
better to be rich in center than material possessions
’cause fear and greed foster the need for man’s weapons

Don’t have a saint, a preacher, or a teacher’s hand
just a person on edge, trying to survive in this here land
to pass along to others the meaning of liquid wisdom
that can’t be learned in some classroom using ‘isms
so listen up my brothas, listen up my sistas
the words ya hear’n gonna blow ya away like twistas

Each of us is composed of molecules, atoms, magnetic forces
revolving around one another, following predefined courses
at this level, ya couldn’t even tell the difference
yet we judging the casing that gives us false appearance
if ya think intelligence is inherited by yur parents
then a child of the slums and ghettos has no merits

Be a product no longer of sins numbered by seven
take back yur destiny and life by search’n the heavens
for in the cradle of His arms, true luv awaits
if yur will’n to give a commitment of faith
pain and suffering may be the unwanted test
but don’t give up, ’cause ya not alone on this quest

Luv is more than just words, feel’n, and thoughts
and goes beyond ***, roses, and diamonds bought
real luv is a state of mind, a state of being
when yur together or when yur off somewhere leaving
like the spiritual reality shared between Eve and Adam
something only a true heart could really fathom

Everyone on this here planet has some mean’n
with the gospel hav’n so many people feen’n
if ya feel’n alone, lost and discouraged
this verse is my way of giv’n ya courage
for at night, I pray to the Lord yur soul to keep
sincere in the wish for no more pain or causes to weep.
Dedicated to the positive poetic art form of Rap
Amanda Blomquist Jul 2013
Time and space divided by all your past regrets.
     A fuel for the fire, to burn up and forget.

Your lies held tight, between your tongue and cheek.
See the reflection of yourself, before you begin to speak.

Recognize all your faults to bring potential into view.
Lives of self destruction in order to start anew.

Every moment predefined, within an awkward silence.
Trying to **** the kindness with your unexpected violence.

Override the system and watch while it breaks down.
Another body will fall with failure and hits without a sound.

No truth can reside within the honesty of a liar.
You're selling a broken soul without a committed buyer.

Fate can't be bought so cross your fingers while you sin.
You have to move quick before this Karma settles in.
Older, from 2006.
pcbzzzt Jun 2010
Desire expressed
manifests in moments
Genesis to geneticist
alpha to omega, Eden Armageddon
and a particular flat stone
I'm flinging at that pile of H2O

It skips, predictably,  causing surface ripples
under a line of predefined arcs
each described by gravity and water molecules
neatly arranged in surface tension that
reflects this day ... blue as the clear sky
and a peaceful wavelength
we know as

I'm wondering who desired such perfection...
Enabled energy, proclaimed pebbles
Caused a lake to feel at home right here

Read Darwin some respond
you're only here because
a primal pond appeared
somehow someway backwhen
and that famous fertile germ
opted for a brave new world
with ****-sapiens
conveniently mapped to its single cell
Dadadadaaa! Dumdeedee dumb!
Dvorak wonders too

Backwards, on slow-motion rewind
lofty intellects scratch and munch in flaky wonderland
ever plotting the self-indulgent, Lemming way 'ahead'
Independence day drags drearily on
Take fifty! ... A more human-friendly God
created in our image ... lest we forget the beast
I, me, first-person-one, Oh you're lookin' good!
Lets put that that triple 6 trinity to work
Replete, till death us do part, we do things My Way
ala Frank (and certain gorillas with cigars)

Thus is the compliment returned
Man attains an ever lower High place
Pass my slice of cake please
Myopic, entropic moments
loop their mobius strips
ever further down the food chain
Highways congeal and earth chokes

Small wonder Wisdom opposes pride
Shows His face to humble folk
Invites shepherds to witness
Jupiter in Virgo's womb
Rouses them with a shofar blast  
come Kingdom come.
moss Dec 2015
Their freedom to tell their depths is now confined to a week.
But despite the propaganda, they are still afraid to speak.
On the outside, they are perceived as nothing but freaks.
On the inside, their lives are catastrophic, yet also bleak.

From their mountains of anxiety to their valleys of depression,
Nobody wants to listen to their pleading expressions.
They're forced to hold down their feelings with constant suppression.
So desperate to become invisible, it becomes an obsession.

As if their sickness was not as legitimate as one of the physical kind
Just because it plagues their body on the inside of their mind.
Behind their daily masks, they are continuously confined,
And the rest of their lives will be wrapped in a box and predefined.

They often wish things were how they saw them: nothing being real.
They use third person pronouns to describe how they feel
Because, whether they like it or not, they aren't made of steel,
But continue to futilely dance around the solar system's wheel.
I meant to post this earlier in the week, but I've been busy. Supposedly, this was "Mental Health Week" in case you weren't aware. It really bothers me that it's such a social taboo to talk about mental illness any other week of the year, and even during that week, it seems most people are just helping "raise awareness" by retweeting or sharing, but it's still always something that no one wants to admit that they themselves have problems with as if it's not as legitimate as some physical ailment like the flu or even cancer if you want to take it that far. The more people distance themselves from a problem, the more distant it will seem, and then the people who have those problems will seem more distant, producing the opposite effect that was intended. Good grief, do we need a special day/week/month for everything?
Farhan Ahmed Dec 2018
It is defined to the end
Though I do not know the way
but fate cannot bend
The gate with an earthQuake

And a barrier between two states
Psyche or physic
Each say 'war is upon us'
I am just a critic.
Craig Irving May 2017
Human, being said to be conscious
living is defined by what he does
lifes are chenged by his choices
But how could I be called human
when all I choose seems predefined
when to me, the meaning of life is unknown
Conscious I am said to be,
but how could I be more unconscious
When the world's sadness fall upon me when a loved one dies
and unaffected I am when when million other's die each day
When, at eas I sit before my TV
as one's life, in an alley is taken away
I am human, I am called conscious, living and intelligent
But not more than a sleeping lion am I aware of the child who died at birth
Not more than a walking ant am I aware of a family's hope,
whose dreams are taken away before him powerless
I sure am conscious, of how little I know
that I live, only until I die
that I choose, until I have no choices left
That being human, is knowing
that my life is but existence
and my consciousness mere awareness
before what lies beyond the midst of life
Nabarun Roy Nov 2016
The way I oppose
What everyone say,
The day I realised
That everyone pray,
Not to the god
But with a heart fraud
To someone superior
At first prior,
Like everyone wanna gain
Without any drain
This is what a human is
Catch a fish
And win a wish,

You Might have seen any falling star
Not so far
And did a wish,
Can you say what it is?
You will say no
Thats what I know
This is an example
Of human mind sample,
People define predefined myths
But never try to catch undefined facts,
The reason I fear
Is that they will change never ever,
Sorry if I went offtractk or off your mind
Ignore those lines like a blind
That will be so kind.
Suggest me a title if you can :P
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
One of a kind???

To be undermined
As this earth is redesigned
by so called masterminds
The future predefined
becoming unaligned
and a lot less kind
The direction does not have to be underlined
The evils has all combined
To define the fate
of Mankind
The divine it seems
Mankind has lost it's  faith
Now it's only about cyberspace
So much time with this we waist  
Is it upper case or lower case
is it in the database ???
It will be the down fall of the human race
You wait!!
Can't you see how it dominates
It will detonate
As we overpopulate
We need to reevaluate
the direction of
This poem of mine trended and it was not finished ...Wow ..Thank you
I posted it by mistake .....
Tony Tweedy Oct 2023
Over half a hundred years
and still I journey on.
At times I'm left to wonder
Where all the years have gone.

Memories that hold the proof
that this life was really mine.
Reflecting as I sometimes do
was it fate or predestined line?

Did I make real choices
that took me down this path?
Or did some cosmic scheme
shape every tear and laugh?

Is all I am and all I've been
of unique and individual shape?
Or was I made to be like this
taking part in manufactured jape?

If some hand does guide it
and I be but actor in some play,
What point in this life I have,
for it to be played out this way?

Of course there is no answer
that I can ever be sure to know.
So I just blindly journey on
to wherever this line might go.

Random course or predefined
my day to day follows every bend.
And over half a hundred years,
I am so much nearer to its end.
Do you suppose reflecting on your own mortality is something we all come to do?
Is it the drawer of the lines way of preparing us?
Then again.... it could be just me.... might be why I don't get invited to parties anymore.
Alin Jun 2016
O sappy daffy incongruous frog
Waiting for a beauty queen
to be kissed by
to turn to a prince in your dream

You want some lessons
on art?
You want some lessons
on art?

then come to me
For ye it’s gonna be for free!
Oh come to me
I can teach you how to read
in manners that are non-slurpy
and slimy
As your automatic long tongue

I be a friend and a lover and a teacher
For the manifesto of our Love

We’ll read  as loud as we can with our combined reptilian heart

Let’s shout until we silence
Let’s shout until we can be heard
as and by and for the silence of the spirit

Without defining
to be assigned to any poetry

Let’s trespass these fake borders
of the image of our predefined
in our  
As boring as can be
made of the phrase
Only clever birds sing it as:
“This has been done already”
Your shout would silence
My Palpating heart

Please do not misunderstand my
Love word
and traditionalize

As mushrooms grow
Under rotten
Of urban flats
or lies
La la la lies

and pathetize
Yes Pathetize
my words
Without understanding what they’d truly mean

When words
Combine to a phrase with the spirit
Truth shouts
but not the cynic

Like a poisonous
Made of the scared sound of your blood

which should have instead been sacred
by the earnest of our lovership

Without any of your definitions of poetic

You shout
You shout like politics
Which is meaningless
For true ears

A defined silence
has no power to trespass
Boundaries of conditioned
aesthetics of your
Learned poetry

Let's dare to read love now
As plain and clear and straight
As can the truth of hearts be
without the need of any gelatinous stickers
or the chess board tattooed
Along the skin softness of
our sitting bones
inspired by a word of ' Shout ' whose truth is never heard by some of us...

you may also wish to listen to Shout - Tears For Fears
or my spoken interpretation of this poem above on soundcloud: dnalumuland/ribbon-snakes-serenade-to-***
Mary-Eliz Mar 2017
What have you done
to the words?
I know them.
I recognize them.
I've even formed them
on my lips
or scrawled them onto paper.
They are the same words!
letters assembled
in predefined form,
but from your lips
they become
pure spirit. They flow
the form.
Spilling out,
they fill the universe.

What have you done to the words?
Your pen,
your lips,
your soul,

how much they must hold!
Inspired to post this when March 28 Daily ("The Poet" by Sjr1000) reminded me of it. A whole different perspective from the writer listening to other.
Megha Balooni Jun 2015
The breathing is composite
Of the infinite years that we've sung through
Of the infinite possibilities that could be to life
But its me and you again,
Us in the corners of the world
Or maybe the core of it all
Where white stars refuse to diminish
And bend down a powerful light
A time lapse so strong
You have your string held tight
And mine on the other side might
Not be as pulled *******

Let's not be
a broken mirror
in a scraped out
wooden frame
tilting behind
an abandoned, old barn,
with a messy hay stack
open, the meta strings untied
rained upon
walked upon
more often than it was
originally supposed to be.

Lets not be
a predefined song
blasting through the ears
at 3:49 am on a digital clock
in a dingy, cold studio apartment
which hardly makes sense
to what one feels, at that moment
but blasting in the ears, anyway
because the silence
is too deep for your existence, to bear
too fragile, to make this heart
pound flesh out and about
beat the veins, upturned
memories spit out
some venom, some close to perfection
in a moment brief,
Although knowing
it had to happen a long time ago.

Lets be
a coral in the deep
shimmering, look at the odds
through scattered, refracted, reflected,
light, only to fill up its dream
not being the blind box of colors
only hoped in its heart.
Lets be
a lost star
in a far away galaxy
appearing to some
like a planet
escalating like a meteor
not being defined, yet existing.
Lets be
an endless well
quenching thirsts, unknown
bursting possibilities
feeling a little too much
than what was defined
or hoped.
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2016
Did you know that gold is dug and washed out of muck?
You miss a lot attaching so many strings
for the so many terms attached and conditions
just limit the talent you are likely to capture
As an intending or a yet to be business consultant
I honestly believe the inefficiency we see is resultant
and consequent to the boxes we create
thereby numbing the personnel our recruiting and selection curates
Don't get me wrong on this but even if I had a first class
I would not find joy being an employee to such an employer
seldom do our results show our capability
especially in the developing nations where our results
are usually subject to lots of questions
What I mean is I would grudgingly take up such jobs
where aspects like a master's degree is an added advantage
for to me I believe in the semi skilled, degrees and diplomas being vintage
this being the main reason I might take up a job to manage the HR
to prove to the world that today's academia doesn't define who we are
I'm not saying that if a company hires me I'll hire failures
No, all I'm saying is sometimes extremes are dangerous
like Wilde put it, too much is as bad as too little
Let's put away these archaic and very conservative measures
and emphasise aspects like talent and character strength
Not every good medical student obviously becomes a good surgeon
not even do good literature scholars turn into good authors or poets
We have to start realising that some go to places to survive
we seldom choose the places we end up in but endure to be alive
We need to be better employers to find better employees
in my company, the papers will not be as vital
as the man in the suit, let's not take life as a bible
especially in the business world where things often go strange
those greater than us adopted the basics for that was their change
we shouldn't keep walking in their footprints
We can find jungles and propagate our own path
leave our prints and set pace for the fresh dynamo to power generations
A million employers are going to miss me because of such rigidity
I've been a mediocre business student and I admit
I could not hit the pinnacle of preset peak for I had my limits
but I'm going to be one of the greatest transformers of my time
You can take this for pride or just another rhyme
someday these so called egocentric first class employers
will hire me to enlighten their classic fraternity
on the different ways we the open minded weave
our learned with the inborn to function as an entity
so to my would be employers... do not fall for the anchor heavy vitaes
neither should you be fooled by the experienced suits and ties
I'll come to knock clad in my miserable second hand shirt
with dusty shoes, with my collar sweat marred with dirt
but beware there's always more to every story than told by the cover
don't be hood winked to go picking like you'd choose a lover
to leave out the seemingly ugly asset for **** liabilities
cause those predefined sample spaces omit so much abilities
destroy the box,set no boundaries to let every sailor try out their luck
business is a Sea with so much in the uncharted to see
we risk fazing out boundaries but the essence of business is ecstasy
we ain't experienced but carry a flame denied to some used embers
whose blaze can fuel success in the egoistic business chambers
We can't stick to ancien methodologies to castrate the bull
for we can set up our own modern and operational dominion
no hard feelings, I'm just an enthusiast airing his opinion
Peace, straight outta the Makerere business school.
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2019
are not the
to the
whims & fancies
of someone
by the
by everyone

@deovrat 04.10.2019
Tøast Jul 2018
Well my life was doomed from the begining.
Punch in the face by life itself,
Everyone else lives their lives on a predefined pavement
With barriers and lanes, they divide their life into devotion,
Pledging to reach the end of the road.

Well we ****** up few live our lives on a different route,
Far away, a broken road with potholes and cracks,
Called the high way for a reason, a road with no end,
We travel down alone and alone we die.
Zeeshan Aug 2017
never will I ever try to fit myself,
in a predefined mould of perfection,

until the day comes,
all of our fingerprints are the same.
Gareth Nov 2015
Are you Free

Down trodden
Unkept hair
Skin of leather
Cheap ***** on the air

Are you Free ?

Wake up in the Morning to a predefined time
Goodbye honey 
Breakfast this morning , I have to decline 
To my job , I must go
For wages to earn
For things we don't need
This cash we must burn

Are you Free ?
Babu kandula Dec 2014
Our destination
   Is predefined

But, why we bother
   About sufferings

How much you
   Try you cannot escape

From what we deserve

A hope will help us to live

But, satisfaction always
Leads to happiness
Never bother about
What you are not..
But, be happy about
What you are at present....
Graff1980 Dec 2017
Your consciousness is restricted by your self-imposed ignorance. You are so much more then your consumerism impulses, your romantic fantasies/heartaches, your political ideologies, and your religious dogmas. You are a universe of potential, something that can be developed in the stillness of introverted introspection, something that is unique and beautiful, something that longs to be shared with the world. You are your own mechanism for self-directed emotional, intellectual, nutritional, and  neurochemical evolution. You just have to look beyond the predefined prepackaged reality and realize just because it is done this way does not mean it has to be done that.
Caio Gomes Jan 13
Betrayal lurking,
In hope of novelty,
Like news carried by the wind,
Blaming indifference,
Breaking the convention
Imposed by society,
Following rules
Indifferent to the heart.

We seek the reason
That "corrupts" emotion.
To be human is to seek reason,
Hiding from sensation.

To succeed and fail,
To run and fall,
To rise and lower,
To cross,
To decide,
To fix and depart.

Here lies the break
In reconciliation,
In the absence of trust.
Love forgives,
But for how long?
Here’s the issue:
The discontent,
The restlessness,
The blessed novelty.

Would we have arrived here,
Without this search?
I don't think so.
What is normal?
What is predefined?
And by whom?

Betrayal is normalized,
A disruption of trust
From an abnormal union,
But natural to the essence,
Like rivers that flow into the sea,
Waves that break through cliffs,
Eagles that migrate and spread,
Devastating tsunamis,
Storms that ravage.

Ah, commitment, pact,
Agreement, alliances,
Necessary for balance,
But inattentive to temptations
And the shocks of passions,
Stronger and older
Than human wisdom.
A personal view of betrayal, according to the observation of relationships.
Krad Le Strange Apr 2019
I am many things all at once…

I am more than just a poet
I am more than that human
Who you see muttering
Those verses, rhyming and aching
Of longing and brokenness
Of depth and hopelessness…
I am more than any piece I’ve spoken
More than any poem I’ve written

I am many things all at once…

I am more than just those “titles”
More than any predefined roles and adnouns
I am more than that kid who you used to see
Climbing up a nonsensical pedestal relentlessly
I am more than that person
Who has long been enslaved –
By words and numbers written on a paper
Life worth mainly defined by others
I have always endeavored to become better

I am many things all at once…

I am more than just taints of my past
More than a byproduct of bad decisions
More than a series of apologies and resolutions
More than a prisoner of my innermost fears
Earnestly seeking for vagaries
I have yet to forget the art of letting it be
And learn playing with blurs of probabilities

I am many things all at once…
A diffraction of Schrödinger's equation
Reflecting a quantum superposition
I am many things all at once…
kfaye Jul 2023
What is satan,
If not the very concept of accountability, itself?
It would seem that those who are opposed to satan are opposed to accountability - seeking to claim the mind of god as their own.
In essence, they systematically claim godmind in all of their dealings, while supporting the veracity (and therefore, the justice) of these claims on the presupposition of a necessarily true external force.

It is the same circular definition which serves as the root to all of mankind’s greatest failures.

It is to say :

“I must be good because I invoke the name of god, which, by definition, is the very concept of a necessary, predefined good”

“Therefore my will and subsequently willed agency must also be good”

“As such, I should (and should be allowed to) do what I want, because I am good and my will is the will of ultimate, predefined good”

On satan, they say :

“My sins and failures are not my own, but rather the result of an external rogue agent who has influence over me and others via an unjust extension”

Going one step further, we may say that those who then rally against works of satan in this world will fundamentally make the following statements by doing so :

“I will seek to punish the punisher, as I myself am an extension of the agency of god”

“As I enforce the will of god, so too, must I become punisher of all sin-source”

Thus, in a uniquely poetic way,
These minds take on the supposed role of
Satan, himself -
In the name of god and in direct opposition to their own self appointed roles :

A true work of
Eyes ©seemakjayaraman

I look up into the vast endless skies
Deep azure in endless white
whenever I remember you
and your engimatic eyes
I could never tell
where exactly the amber gems
dipped in laughter
And ringed with copper
seamlessly faded into a tapestry
of endless serenity

They say eyes are the window to the soul
but I say yours are gateway
to heaven and beyond
They are portals to divinity
Dynamic and fluid
I see imprinted within the tawny iris
The code to the point of your origins
On a yet unnamed star
In a far of galaxy
But such finely tuned homing devices
They will unfailingly take me home
Only I don't have any memories
Or recall of the interstellar experience
Within your eye

Eyes on a flight into endless space
to discover the reason for my creation
They carry the spark of God
And the intent for this creation
Within liquid honey
many a floating flints of gold
Seem to melt into an unmapped horizon
On unchartered journeys
expanding into infinity

Eyes Invitingly, let me dive in
They convey many a sign and revelations
Thesaurus of love
Codified in language of eloquence
With speeches devoid of sound
Energy emerges telepathically
And detail insights of great adventures
And immense learnings

What are we without
Our distinct eyes
They mark us as higher beings
On the path of spiritual evolution
Distinct from land locked vegetation
Each pair of eyes hold that
special spark of recognition
They set of pyrotechnics
Sparkling within dilated eyes
Oscillating to predefined vibrations
In the vicinity of a soul twin

Of lotus blossoms
A limpid pool of bottomless dimensions  with 'mrignayani' shape
Neither oval nor oblong
They don't exactly match any shape or description
And no matter how deep I dive
And how far I swim within them
I never could set my feet at the bottom or  find the end

I found tawny eyes
lit with love inside
showing me the way
lest i stumble and retreat
But i know the journey
to discover this truth
Is a one way dive
into the intensity burning bright

A star soul
you have the imprints of all the dimensions
and divinity in those copper ringed eyes
brimming laughter of golden sunrise
And many a spectacular sunsets
Into the indigo of unending space
a beacon for me to strive and unravel
unlimited possibilities of you and me
oscillating on the spindle of love
till we funnel someday into
the 'bindu' of unity
replete and complete
as a potential, potent

Eyes eloquent sweep me away
On a tsunami of unspoken needs
They speak in many a tongue
Conveying in silence
many a complex meanings
Pouring forth from the oceanic eyes
Are verses, love poems and reams of paeans
As spring tides and tidal bore
They frighten me with their fierceness
Declaring their undying love for me

Eyes they  lead me on
To gamble on an adventure I did otherwise have never dared or known
Someday I will find my moorings at their bottom
dock and end my explorations
Till then the fragrance of paradise
pulls me on
I had expected darkness and shadows
Many a hidden passages of grief
But alchemist eyes work miracles
Holding only joy and peace
©Seema Jayaraman , Mumbai , 6 Feb 2018
Graff1980 Dec 2016
Your consciousness is restricted by your self-imposed ignorance. You are so much more then your consumerism impulses, your romantic fantasies/heartaches, your political ideologies, and your religious dogmas. You are a universe of potential, something that can be developed in the stillness of introverted introspection, something that is unique and beautiful, something that longs to be shared with the world. You are your own mechanism for self-directed emotional, intellectual, nutritional, and  neurochemical evolution. You just have to look beyond the predefined prepackaged reality and realize just because it is done this way does not mean it has to be done that.
"just love."
It is hard to for-fill such a "command"
When one has "lost" more than "He has given"
Since the He was "the odd" "Number"
To the "Even" reactions in time.
Having to "Fill"
"Predefined " "Shoes"
A map is askew
When the landmarks are "marked"
In writings that "fit descriptions of the clouds."
He has a heart. It beats.
He has "cared for those"
"Who have cared for him"
"In return."
As these "somebodies"
Who "decided to trust" in his
Looked past "what it appeared like"
and used their "gut" "Instinct"
To Share what "is known" to the opposite
of a "first" glance."
Ken Pepiton Jan 15
learn looking back
learn looking forward, think it through
expect what you hope to happen,

peacefully reassured calm breathing
agreement with some e worship
breatheing in and breathing out, or
the other
it’s a wave you on one side
then the other
in time, we age, we float and think
from whence come desires
- and in this space,
- this vacuum between us,
- interlinking laced up logic,
Money buts in, we say no,
we are being too old for this,
we endured to this end,
this peace we leak,
as we dry out
in the sun.

discursive reversal one verse

universe is to verse as cycle
is unicycle, to balance my intention

- stand right up and say, see,
- inadvertently, bu'chawanna

today, I, the author of my testimony,
my conversation with life's agencies,
spoken in public dominions
my agreement,
to abide
line item veto, supposing my right,
by-weform we forbid my awe,
using my augmented servo-mechs,
to keep things spinning, running
as when current pushes mill wheels,

which turn drive shafts and hammer cams,
and nested gears and cogged wheels, work

once imagined done
by smart machines, work imagined
long engrained as duty to life itself, honest work.
Parsing. Roles words play
in lines. Predefined.
Tricks of the trade, easier done, expert gnosis,
old recollections
prepositioned standing stone landmarks,
sometimes terminii posts
of wood, good work, every year assessment work,
--- did you know Ireland was forest for a long while?
chopping trees to make those holy markers work,
it was all in those revered saints tutelary vows tied.

- seasonal but good work replacing survey stakes
- core holy ethic, honest day, honest wage,
- your attention, pleased, paid, unpleased, unpaid.
- \
work, the idea, affording me no escape, what is
work, the truth, Pilate asked, could answer,
what I did,
yes, imagine that,
from a witness POV,
whoever first told whoever was not there,

to see two ways, get and give, give and take,
understanding life can be misunderstood…
make believe any child faith ever used,

disbelief is easy
in the dark social milleau
under one pillar, one center pole, easy perfect
circle from one point, in mind form, spirtual point,

an idea,
slow thunk, click, lock
breathe and think how many breathe,
in as you breathe out, at rest, must be,
a we about as big as two,
idle minds at work, thinking,
value of a minute found in time,
only those bidding on others idle time
redemption value on the trade routinely
claim the idea
first person POV, as seen, we hear said, so
this is all my idea
first impression preaching makes, on small
child faith that stories do come true, in dreams,

but, not really,
we imagine dreams, awake, we run the sleep code,
we thinking ourselves presorted scribal kinds,
assigned to ag whyers asking

up the ladder, if
its me

money ***** attention
from peace
omniscience immediacy points accrue
this we
of me and thee
in thought's immediacy,
no medium, two way gnosis, cognosis, breatheing
be mode middle ground
breathe-ing being
shortened or lost, caught
be gotten un gotten unsaken secret sacred ritual

breathing said each way, yawning,
obsessive both do both breathe, and

picke yergnosis

think it through, it was fun first try, nobody dies.
We laughed.
We think it goes on, so we go on,
wagwan ye'ai say bruddermike


let a name be
'pon my word,
by my own lieve, let say.

Money and time, lazy life,
good life, life in the glare

of the children addicted
to mirror neuronal dopamine
ai, not us,
no suspense need call to
watch two minute creeps
in to co-gnosis psychosis, creepy
- skip ten ten seconds, no

space to breathe

the medium is infinite,

teletype role acted digitally
projected on the one wall between us

of what ever we agree works peaceably
because we are liefers lieving being
be, as is, and this is all we offer

Peace on earth, good will toward men.
Hence forth swear not at all,
it is finished, make your peace using
truth you fact check your own self, using

tools such as this magic window,
which no fools dreams linger, life
for me,
in my most present mind state,
individuated aspirations atained
to all myself besmirching, fine
enough is enough to share,
does not apply to hate,
but does apply to some pains.

I couldabeenacontenda, but ai win on
another ******, wery twist, feel,
won called to think I won, done,
this ties into yesterday one way, and
tomorrow the next,
and it's my time
Umami redeemed,
mushrooms as food,
savory meats,

Cain, momma's boy, many things
from a mustard seed, and an almond rod
what if Cain pleased Adam's palate?

nonono Adamhad'em
fleas need iron in meat, only carivore
he itched nose,
meat fat in the fire, roaring hunger salivate

go on, salivate your thirst, gnoshit, grow up,
become a mind spread out in parsable bits,

like Isaiah's word of god,
here a little there, for a while,
there a little here, for a while,

what were the prayers not praying in vain?

the sayings fed me said to me all along,
the worth of a satisfied mind led to ready be

such determines the worth of whatever be
done, by the time the first reader, agrees,

to read this far, I think next time, enjoyment

is three words indeed, done is done,
never done is never done, that's the line

that's the line, parsed indexed someday
slouching past the last myths standing.

hard feelings, artiste,
we all make up and wax
poetic in our efforts as users
of words, weform from the media
conjoining our screened experience

today I saw a motto, so now,
I MAY, should I choose, or wish,
I may find that motto and use it,  here:

Ready to fight tonight,
while preparing for the fight tomorrow.

Must be the mission mentioned
in the real motto:
“One Island, One Team, One Mission.”
'This phrase encapsulates the spirit
and unity that
defines the operations
on Diego Garcia,
emphasizing collaboration
and a shared purpose
among all personnel stationed there.'
-- or any other war
for good ideas place.
Planning tomorrow, today,

ai, but not
on our watch, eh
we make each breathe a thanks
I am alive, by all the good there is.

Heavy art's ache, weight a minute's worth,

what can one do, in time,
after many believe,

yesterday through to tomorrow
is at the moment as has been ordained,
indeeds individual deeds deigned gnosis

ai, therefore, heretics believe gnosis uses
us to think easy
tricks us into easy
peaceful breathe and swallow, verify zone

safe, check

feedback, sub humm, 5wpm beeps waves
signal per micromanaged vagus loop decisions

arteries and veins, one blood, one mind,
one body equipped
with an autonomous
muse using adaptability extending cold
fingers./.in a room where my breath
is not misty cold fingercup blown
into breath

The idea universal
big, once small, once a nothing, once
a king, it truly meant every thing matters,
or nothing happens to disturb the peace,
this very one, you may feel,
we keep year round,
it won't be getting too cold again soon,
so we make some peace each day,
take some time, wrap it a bit,

blow into cold hands, old friend's spirit,
memory, huachamacallit, mindjoymaker,

idea, in a name, being, Huan'gwan thunk.

So, monstors, as rampant as on television,
psychically exist, and we displace them,

whose duty - eh -
who is honor bound,
¿?-8  read in on the ends…
great codes were broken, oaths
of aliegiance
to the representative,
on real islands
those stationed there, put there
follow the protocols, the drill

of our immediate corporeal commanders
of our betters
at the judgement bars
as we all count
on nnnand appeals forever
real in reality and real in corporeal
are the very same real in life
lieb blieben doch
in a word form, time spent, invested
thinking word's function fun junk, tested

passed, understanding this is a peak,
passing on a wave, and at this point,

it feels edgy,
inner bubble barrier… boiling

evaporating, breathe holding breathe
evaporation on purpose, smoke,

taken, used mused to saying, so, breath
taken was mine, a bit, once, at least,
hold that, there
so there, can we be friends
in function, aspire conspire inspire
no story oaths bound to us, by now, bro,

you are a blasphemer
of the spirit, keepin' me alive, humm,
you think, and breathe and think it not true,

you laugh,
it feels good, things
can seem to easy become,

lucky, light
in the night
to guide us,

at your worst would you have
this much attention to devote to a whim?

common good, safe wood feeling,
park like,

we know whose woods these are,
this is where the weather works whether
you like it or not, so,

if you think prayer works, think about time,
and patterns
of never seen
before your time,

so many things never seen are now tools
to do this,
to think
after my time is mind, yes, mind

may has been my word, ai say I may and
I do as I pleaded, please, let me be


LIFE ramificates,
in deed,
in word, imagine
adulting as a child, wild in mind, in time

imagine being that personal best, once
be the you from then to now, and see,
- look really then to now, and see
was any war between these points,
reasonable on any judgement format,


Though your misconnections
be crusted with oxides excited
clinging to one positive terminal,
reasonable meaning in balances push,
to fill a hollow holy gnoshit we never thunk

ying yang thang thunk anewn. A hole. Newn.
If you read this far you are stubborn or carefree, I was fishing for carefree in a sharable format, like a sneezable viral idea, hey, think this, it ties a knot,
to a hook you had// so thanks/
Realeboga M Apr 2020
In the case of me not ever getting over you,
I was worried that when you find love, I will live in pain.
And ultimately it would ,mean my feelings were and could have been in vein.
It would also be ironic, your happiness would cause the blood stains in my heart.
It's like, perhaps what I sought to be love that doesn't end was just a toxic figment from the start.

In the case.
But that's not what's at state.
I told myself that for me to love another, I must fully let go of you.
Of course I thought it wasn't possible, but my reality proved other.
For I too have found another.

She's not you.
She's not a predefined version of you.
She is everything I need and want.

And in the case you find love outside of me.
Know that I am so happy for you.
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
with the peoples of
blocks and closed

leads no where
to their predefined
self centered

©deovrat 21.05.2020
River Jun 2020
What if,
One day
I wake up from this years long slumber
And just go? Just leave?
What if I left everything behind
Disconnected from everyone, from the world
And set out on my own course?

Sometimes, I feel that pull in my heart
There’s so much confinement here,
So much mess
I just want to leave the mess
I don’t want to live up to my predefined roles
I just want to be free

There’s always some nagging thought in my head, and nothing is ever quite right
Or healed or whole
And you don’t understand how hollow that feels
There’s so much pain
And the pain keeps piling on
My heart is a tightly closed rose bud,
I miss the times it was open
When my heart’s open, I can breathe

But when I’m outside, on a trail
Gravel underfoot
The crunch, crunch, crunch quiets the mental chatter
I keep walking, one foot in front of the other
Until the civilized world is far behind me
And I begin to forget
Forgetting— that sweet freedom
I forget the pain.

Maybe if I run away
I’ll forget the pain.

— The End —