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Dec 2019 · 317
TheWitheredSoul Dec 2019
Still burning for the scars that we never planned on having,
yet dreadfully dreaming that it was all worthy of having.
Love scars

^_^ if you like it check out the others too
Dec 2019 · 222
Love Burns
TheWitheredSoul Dec 2019
Love is
neither eternal nor existential

its just like a spark from a flint in a flourished forest.

When the spark vanishes the forest burns.
I don't know if I loved her the way she deserved but I am sure as hell that I loved her with all of my heart.
I don't know if I will ever get over her yet all I know is all this pain was worthy for all the happy moments  and ***** giggles of her.

When you love someone hold on tight to them no matter what.Even if its lame especially when it's lame.
Nov 2019 · 177
Feeble Feelings
TheWitheredSoul Nov 2019
When you let go of someone you love
For a brief moment you feel light and you reassure yourself that you're gonna be okay without them but then reality hits you.
You will begin to understand that it was not the goodbye that was gonna hurt but it would be the void that was  once filled with all the repugnant lovable flashbacks your mind would never erase was the one that's gonna drive you crazy.
the feelings that never go away are the ones that cause the most pain.
Nov 2019 · 243
TheWitheredSoul Nov 2019

Memories that haunt,
Notions that my heart never moves past and the
Lessons that'll forever last,
Were all given by the one that I sought.
If you like it
Check the other ones too
Sep 2019 · 300
Fading Souls
TheWitheredSoul Sep 2019
Still falling
Solemn rains being
Still_watched by a
Soulless bloke who
Saunder sleeps with the dead but
Slithers amongst the Living
if u like it  write about it and do check out the profile
all comments regarding improvisations are welcomed
Sep 2019 · 253
P.S:Love someone
TheWitheredSoul Sep 2019
Breathe as i bleed,
Drink as i drown,
Dream as i die,
Sing as i sicken,
Leave as i love,

                 But dear love, please learn to
Love  someone who loves you as much as i did.

P.S: I Love You, forever and beyond.

                                          Yours lovingly,
        The one who misses you the most.
A gentle note/remainder to your loved ones to move on even if you are no more. Dedicated to a lost soul.
R.I.P. dear
Sep 2019 · 316
Endless Nights
TheWitheredSoul Sep 2019
Lucid dreams echoing through endless nights relentlessly reminding the fact that the day that the tireless heart stops,
is not so far.
Sep 2019 · 434
TheWitheredSoul Sep 2019
Every time I think of you ,
All i want is to just,
See, see you and
Fall into the depths of that dark brown eyes of yours and
Fade away as ashes into eternity, trapped exploring the depths of your eyes forever and beyond.
Love never fades away it just builds up  on hopes forever
even if it is hopeless
Aug 2019 · 357
Dark Roses
TheWitheredSoul Aug 2019
Sometimes my heart really longs for the thorns despite the fact they bleed me red ,because
the  scent of that dark rose,
My dark rose!!,
makes it all worthy.
Aug 2019 · 320
Black Heart
TheWitheredSoul Aug 2019
Somewhere between
learning to love you and
watching myself lose you

My black heart realized it had traces of red too.
The definition of love from a loner will always be a question that questions the existence of love unless he finds a love.

The worst part is the aftermath he could never accept the thought of being a loner again.
Aug 2019 · 372
TheWitheredSoul Aug 2019
Oneday I will have it
I will have everything I have ever dreamt of,
I will be surrounded by the right people,
From that day on my path will no longer be devoid of love, people, happiness or success,
I will no longer feel the heavy breeze that reminds me that I am alone.

Hopes every loner.
Aug 2019 · 269
Everyone Lies
TheWitheredSoul Aug 2019
Everyone lie to their loved ones on a hope that lie protects them but they donot understand that the toll that a lie takes on their loved ones
outweighs the hurt truth
could have ever done.

We lie because we love them,
they weep because they love us more.
Everyone lies .even the ones who are reading this might have relatable situations but the mere truth is a lie that protects their loved ones is worth a thousand truths that hurt them as long as it remains untold.

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Do check the others too ^_^
Aug 2019 · 154
Lost Heart of the Undead.
TheWitheredSoul Aug 2019
Shared heaths of sunshine crisps and sweetened chips,
***** smiles and claspy hands,  
Silly slips along shady groves with silent kisses and secret hisses and
A million other little things led
A Severed heart to get lost on a silvered beach with the one it loved.

And thus here I stand.
Looking for my lost drowning dead heart along the voids she left.


Looks dead
but still beats

call me asap
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If you like it do check the others(^_^)
Jul 2019 · 356
Love Withers.
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
The Moment where you start searching the reasons for loving someone
is the
Moment where you
Lose your ability to Love them.
Jul 2019 · 885
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
For the millionth time a deep mean gruff voice echoed from within
"I give up on you "
not realizing that there
were no one
left to perceive it.
Jul 2019 · 280
Everyones Lost
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
Our hearts
long for the places where it once
Jul 2019 · 211
The Gamble of Love
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
I knew love was a,

      Every word she said was so,

       I never thought my mind would, Tumble
     I never prospected the way,  
      in which  my heart would,

        Either way she dropped me on a,
        windy ocean like a,

        Now i am just another rough,

         Being rummaged to,

Love is not an easy gamble the more you fall for the wrong the more you lose
Jul 2019 · 164
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
The highest level of sanity is achieved only when the mind percieves the inevitable regardless of how insane it sounds.
If u like it #like #share #comment #follow
^_^ do check out the other poem
Jul 2019 · 313
Feelings that never Fade
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
Some feelings get stuck in your heart and perched in your mind
You will never express em ,you will never speak of em but those feelings
they are as real as the air you breath
as lively as the breeze that bezels your soul,those feelings they are the ones you will never be able to shake it off.
They are the ones that wont fade away.
Jul 2019 · 175
l' amour
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
if it was that easy to forget your past and move on , would there be any respect for all the emotions like
Love, sympathy, empathy, longing loneliness, feelings, guilt, clamoursness or anything of such.

A regreteous haunting past is the only thing makes the ever new guilding present worthy of what it is.

your past is a measure of everything that shows how good of a survivor that you are.
Death gives life a meaning
Losses make victories worthwhile.
Jul 2019 · 191
The Uncomprehensible.
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2019
The day you decided to cede me.
My mind became
deadset on hating you
My heart ,oh that da×n thing just sacrificed my mind because it thought
to hate you.
You can never find a logic of why you fall for someone you will never find a rational understanding of love. its just a mere collection of innate non understandable superficial stuff that cannot be reasoned with
Jun 2019 · 281
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
Around a thousand faces
Among a million smiles
Across a billion miles
I still find my heart weary of Your lies.
Jun 2019 · 190
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
The eternal sadness haunts.
Jun 2019 · 330
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
Never hesitate to look back for your scars hold reason for the way you are and the way you will persist to be

Embrace your past for it has the power to shape in everything about your future
Jun 2019 · 324
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
Loneliness will  be scary if you are uncomfortable being lonely with the person you are-_-some are really content and comfortable that way

improvised prospects=>improvising perspective=>you get where you are going:)
If you get comfortable alone you are definitely heading where you want to be:)
Jun 2019 · 166
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
For the millionth time a deep mean gruff voice echoed from within
"I give up on you " not realizing that there is no one left to perceive it other than the forever constant one who loves the most.
She is the one who gives the most of her time to anyone she meets. For she sings in a sanguine silence and talks with a telluring tollence which will never be heard.
Walks and strides all around an'd amidst the crowded streets and lonely roads where she will never be seen.
Jun 2019 · 253
Love has an antonym
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
Hate is not the opposite of love because you still give a **** about that person and thats why you hate em .
The actual opposite of love is apathy ,where you stop caring about them, when nothing concerning that person like their happiness,sadness,grief,well being,heartbreaks,victories,failures not any crap or anything even remotely attached to them affects you is when you really moved on from them.
Tq to the wisest man who shared the wisdom
Jun 2019 · 296
The One.
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
My love might not be a two way street but sure as hell i knew she was the one the moment i realized what all of my heart ever craves was just to see her wiggling somewhere happily on the surface of this rock. ^_^
She is the one that i would never forget.
She is the one who i would  always be longing for.
She is the one who slipped right through my hands.
She is my one and only.
Heart felt words¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
Jun 2019 · 348
Love that dreads
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
She: Boooo ,I'll infect you too.

He :you already did and I already died but I am happy enough to do it all again, over and over ,again and again,forever and ever,until your heart soaring just about mine.
My love might not be a two way street but sure as hell i knew she was the one the moment i realized what all of my heart ever craves was just to see her wiggling somewhere happily on the surface of this rock ^_^
She is the one that i would never forget
She is the one who i would  always be longing for
She is the one who slipped right through my hands
She is my one and only
Jun 2019 · 296
Six sigiled stars
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
Six sigiled stars and serene silence  saved his soul for sixteen years in a saline bath,

A seline girl with six chaming words severed his soul solicitously

A six minute call without a second thought kept scribbling scars on them  for eternity

The six sigiled star seeked serendipity
It takes a minute to fall in love but you will never really recover from the damage
May 2019 · 219
Slender slits
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
She thought ignorance was her virtue of command over everyone right until he showed her what real ignorance feels like.
May 2019 · 523
The Lies of Love
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
I told you I was brittle
  I told you I would break
I told you I won't  be able to move on if you won't stay  
You promised you were different
You promised you'll let me stay as one You promised to make me strong

You did keep your word  
You did make me strong but  
You never told you were gonna vanish with all the bits and pieces,
shattering even the last
that's left of me.
Love takes many forms maybe if leaving the ones they love is also one of it's forms then don't worry people we(the broke) are the most loved ones ^_^
Read fast to get an actual piece of mind. ^_^
If you like it do check out the profile ^_^
May 2019 · 440
Loving you from far away
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
When your kisses started to fade and your sighs started a charade
I understood ,eventually
I would have to love you from
far away.
Love you
May 2019 · 219
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
When the person you love
feels ,you've become the person they loved then
The person you love will become the person who loved you and
no matter how hard you try,
their loss , their memories and your love for them becomes your cornerstone and
There is nothing in this world that will help you snap out of it.

No books , no prep school , no charity , no clubs , no friends ,no amount of alcohol , not a hundred dates ,  not even writing a thousand poems about them is gonna help you snap out of it.

Your love,your true unrequited love will forever persist as your cornerstone from the day you fell till the day you fall.
Fall=>death.     Fell=>fell in love.
If Love is a suicidal then unrequited ones are the ones where you chose to commit suicide From the day you fell in love to tge day you actually die.
May 2019 · 467
Bleeding From Voids.
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
Bestie:I loved you more than she ever could.I cared for you more than she ever did.I priortised you more than anyone in my life.Yet You chose her over me everytime.Why? why?Do you Ignore me the same way she ignored you?
Me:Dear bestie,its not like i am ignoring you the same way she did, I can never let her place be filled by someone else.I loved her and i always will Love her the way she deserves to be whether or not she loves me back.
A heartful converations of a withered soul
May 2019 · 297
Remimder for Everyday
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
To a greater grandeur thats left to achieve every next day this is not the day or the way how my story ends.
May 2019 · 403
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
I know not every knitty, chubby white skinned,
curly bird nested messy haired girl with
a cute piglet like face is you
I still catch up with everyone of them just to make sure
I don't miss you once again.
I lost my loved one. Never make the one you love feel alone especially when you are there.
if you like it do checkout the other ones in my acc. ^_^
May 2019 · 2.1k
Dominium of Closure
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
My dear For eon's  
I searched for closure ,
Closure on  what blended us together ,
Closure on what melded us forever,
Closure on what made us care for each other up until this very moment,
But dear after so much time I had to realize the very truth,
Our closure , it was never out in the world keeping us far from each other.
It was here right here
infront of us the whole time.

It lied in us being closer in this moment than the last,
drawing each other's breath
Till the air will no longer be a concern,
Till our hearts consume each other's soul,
Till I become yours and you ,while you become mine and me that's exactly where our Closure lies.
Closure is necessary but for us closure never existed. For What's sinned shall always be redeemed and for what's lost could always be found,I will never have closure on acceptance of the thought that I lost you even if it consumes what's left of me. I suffer by my choice of choosing you against the whole world for my choice will remain the same no matter what.
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
From sweet savouries to saline seas nothing can be preserved.
May 2019 · 241
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
From promising to fight for each other,
To sarificing each other inorder to safeguard each other from ourselves
we both understood what's love ,
the hard way.
I loved her and she loved me maybe that's why she kept me away and loved me from afar to save me from destroying myself. I stayed away because I wanted her to be happy no matter even if I am not the one for her.
May 2019 · 343
To the one that got away
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
I will never know ,if you had found your perfect love ,from the bottom of my heart I really hope you do
I do know
the one perfect thing you will never have.
May 2019 · 481
Life is serendipitous
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
He was sterile .
She was virile .
Their love was fragile.

He gave up on love.
She gave up on him.
Love gave up on them.

He flew half way around the globe to find riches resources and
meaning of life.

She strode through sickening seas insearch of honor and pride.

Love didn't care neither did Life
Life made sure both paced halfway around the globe just to find each other again.
Love might work in mysterious ways but Life does what needs to be done.
May 2019 · 514
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
Some can't be Loved and
Some can never love
but there are
withered souls
who will never love as they already know
Their heart lies with their one and only.
Apr 2019 · 365
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2019
She said "home is where the heart is" maybe sometimes it becomes the place where the heart just used to be.
Home is not the place where the heart belongs, it belongs to the people who live there once their lost then it becomes the place where the heart used to be.
Apr 2019 · 325
Spurned souls
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2019
When  ghouls and ghosts of a haunted past hunts down
Mason's of a future,the brigadeless shadows dwindle through the riverly course of time,
For all that remains  within are the dreads of dead alongside rubbles and rummages of your memories that'll never sink in the spoils of my mind.
Apr 2019 · 1.5k
Love Is A Souvenir
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2019
Losing you was easy until my silly heart realized that It lost itself.
Apr 2019 · 393
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2019
Oh dear , I don't wanna get entangled with the miseries of my present for I always reside as the prisoner of my past.
I don't know where my path ends but I certainly do know I lost the only light I have ever known.
I don't feel the warmth of the sun.
I don't feel the gentle breeze skimming through my skin.
I don't feel the liveliness of my life.
I don't know how incompetent my feelings have evolved.
I no longer care about anything . I am no longer capable of grieving someones loss.
I think I have grown extant.
Maybe i LL have plants to eulogize me on my funeral for evolving into of them
Apr 2019 · 106
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2019
Sometimes it's better for me to act as if I am a complete stranger to myself.
Sometimes it feels as if it's better for me to make myself scarce.
Sometimes it feels better for me to not feel myself at all.
Sometimes I do understand that I won't really have any one who loves me .
Yes Sometimes the reality that I live with scares me alot but it's not gonna make it any better,
So I really do hope that sometime someones gonna look at me like
I am
something different ,
I am
something beautiful ,
I am
Something that's worth living for,
Something that makes them feel as if I am enough,
Sometimes somethings can just be hoped for .
Loneliness begets a lot of things.
You discover all the secrets about your self in that loneliness and those secrets scares the crap out of you
Apr 2019 · 129
Candours of Love
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2019
Somewhere between
talking for hours and hours
avoiding each others line of sight ,
Every one of us here
understood how
a beautiful,lovely, heartfelt lie
can be portrayed as
You can only Know how much you love someone you will never know if at all the person you love recites your love in the same way.
Mar 2019 · 206
Veracity of Love.
TheWitheredSoul Mar 2019
A heart that gives never gets.
A heart that loves never gets the love it deserves .Even though the heart that loves doesn't expect it in return.
The love it deserves never really comes back.
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