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9.4k · Jan 2018
Coffin in the Sky
Zoe Mae Jan 2018
Why am I always afraid
I just don't know why
Is it cuz this bed I've made
Feels like a coffin in the sky

Floating over crowds alone
I never feel connected
This place doesn't seem like home
And I always get rejected

I may look human just like you
With two legs underneath
Two arms that don't know what to do
Wrapped round me like a sheath

A mouth that opens, words come out
Sometimes in a faint whisper
Other times I scream and shout
In the mirror at my sister

Two eyes that blink but do not see
A nose that does not smell
A feeling I'm not meant to be
And that this must be hell

If so then why is no one here
And I'm the only one
I feel my heart swollen with fear
And I just turn and run

Why am I always afraid
I can't figure why
Is it cuz this bed I've made's
My coffin in the sky
3.1k · Oct 2021
High as f#ck
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
Treating something like **** doesn't mean it is,
but we never knew any better as kids.
Thought we were above the sheep.
Soon found ourselves in craters miles deep.
Was it fun enough to be worth the dive?
Should I not just be grateful to be alive?
The first answer is no, though I did have some fun.
The scars that come with that life,
I wish on no one.
The jury's still out on the second,
I have no answer.
But I'd rather die high as ****
than of cancer.
2.9k · Nov 2021
Moon Faces
Zoe Mae Nov 2021
You mimic the Moon
Twelve foreseeable phases
Infinite faces
2.9k · Jul 2021
Zoe Mae Jul 2021
Don't forget to do your wakeup
It's just like doing your makeup
It covers the scars
And makes you feel like a star
Just hope when you fall you land face up
2.1k · Nov 2018
Zoe Mae Nov 2018
They said my hand is a weapon

Because it's covered in dirt

So put it away

Before someone gets hurt

They claimed my head is a bomb

Cuz they hear it tick tock

So you best just stay put

Instead of risking a walk

They said my tounge is a sword

Quite deadly but small

So I finally agreed

And beheaded them all
2.0k · Nov 2018
Zoe Mae Nov 2018
They say you should keep your enemies closer than you keep your friends
Good thing I go to bed with myself every night
1.9k · Nov 2018
Grab bag
Zoe Mae Nov 2018
I reached into the bag and
pulled out what I got
They said I had to live with it
like it or not
It didn't seem fair
They insisted it was
Life is what your born
I asked why? Just because
So please go stand
in that line over there
A biped will approach you
pretending to care
At this point I tossed
my grab back towards the sack
Quipped I'll pass on the offer
and dove into the black
1.8k · Sep 2021
No Sympathy
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
Said it was a hoax
Laughed at masks, refused vaccines
No sympathy here
1.8k · Feb 2022
Faster than you
Zoe Mae Feb 2022
I will get nowhere faster than you
Just look at the yellow lights I'm blowing through
Yes, for a moment it seems you have the edge
But you drive with your heart instead of your head
I saw that no u-turn coming for miles
You cut me off, and I was all smiles
In reality we both have nowhere to get to
But I'm gonna get there faster than you
1.7k · May 2021
A is for first
Zoe Mae May 2021
What the eff is up with this site?
Why is it most people on the front page can't write?
Folks just babble on and on...
Or spit out a two line poem
Which is fine if it's a two punch knockout
Instead of sounding like a grammar school dropout
And why do certain things get so many views?
I can't seem to get more than two
Post crap if you want, if that's what people write
But they should give everybody a chance on this site
So I don't write about flowers or blather on about paint
So I don't pretend to be something I ain't
We should all have a voice here, The good and the bad
The silly, the happy, the lost and the sad
So come on hellopetry, give gutter poets a try
If you'd rise just a bit, we could meet eye to eye.
So sick of seeing the homepage full of crap poetry.
1.7k · Nov 2018
Zoe Mae Nov 2018
Sometimes I wish I were dead
Or maybe in a box somewhere
You could keep me under the bed
Take me out
Dress me up
Give me air

Sometimes I wish I weren't here
Or maybe in a tree somewhere
You could shake it and I'd appear
Check my pulse
Dust me off
Brush my hair

But most times I wish I were you
Or maybe on the moon somewhere
You could scream till your face turns blue
Bring it on
Do your worst
I won't care
1.6k · Feb 2022
Love Trance
Zoe Mae Feb 2022
Or spotlight
Let's dance
This night

Or maestro
We can

Cha Cha?
Oh, na na
I'd rather

Slow dance?
Oh, no chance
It's simply
A love trance
Realize Hello Poetry made this public before I wanted it to. Anyone who has to see it again, just ignore it like most people do.
1.6k · Jan 2018
Zoe Mae Jan 2018
My skin is transparent
My heart made of glass
My lungs are construction Paper
Not built to last

My bones are just straw
My veins merely string
My spine is a willow branch
That can't hold up a thing

My brain is a flower
My nerves are pure ice
My soul is a memory
Caught in a vice
1.6k · Aug 2021
Addicted to Poetry
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
I wish I could write a great piece and then chill for a few

Instead of scrounging each day to create something new

Every poem I write literally makes me jones for more

Is it the poet or the addict in me?
I really can't be sure
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
Imagine being a poet with nothing to say.
Vacant eyes fixed on your screen all day.
If a lost soul reaches out, you slap them away.
You pretend to be a poet, but you've got nothing to say.
Poets are more than words.
1.4k · Jan 2018
Red Tide
Zoe Mae Jan 2018
Shapeless like a monster in the sky
Tilted like a glass eye
Howling like a creature at the moon
Reaching for my spoon

All I ever wanted
Was to be a silver bride
And to hope he doesn't notice
The dead girl at his side
All I ever needed
Was the will to be baptized
So they could rinse me of my failures
In the waves of a red tide

Faceless like a stranger in the night
Clutching my heart tight
Hiding like a vampire from the sun
Reaching for my gun

All I ever wanted
Was to be a purple bride
And we could have the little funeral
On a crumbling mountainside
All I ever needed
Was the will to be chastised
Then I could wash away my suffering
In the waves of a red tide
1.4k · Jul 2021
I Tried
Zoe Mae Jul 2021
I tried
I'm spent
I give up
I relent

I quit
I'll just stop
I can't stand
I just flop

I'm broke
I'm a mess
I've no *****
I regress

I've failed
I won't fight
I'm lost
I can't write
1.4k · Jan 2018
Zoe Mae Jan 2018
In idle hours of the night
Chains of worry wrap me tight
Only in sleep is there relief
But like all moments it is brief
Dawn unveils to reveal
What wasted hours never heal
1.3k · Jan 2018
I Am Alive
Zoe Mae Jan 2018
Unable to connect to others, I feel I'm always peering in
With envious eyes, I observe their lives, and wonder when mine will begin
The insidious illness that creeps into my soul, isn't easily diagnosed
It's hard to explain, to a real living being, what it's like to be a ghost
The doctors check my vitals and say "Umm, you look just fine"
If only that blood pressure cuff could read my ******-up mind
All the pills in the world don't seem to help, and instead just make it worse
I wish I could feel, something that's real, besides my mother's curse
Unable to relate to others, I feel I'm always on the outside
So I breathe on the glass and use my bony hand to scribble,
I am alive
1.3k · Feb 2022
just the Moon
Zoe Mae Feb 2022
Sometimes the Moon is just
the Moon
Stars simply stars
They're just reliable objects
They just are
And birds are just birds
They're pretty
They fly
Often words are just words
They're witty
They lie
And colors are just granted
Sort of like you and I
Until each pretty petal
just withers and dies
1.3k · Dec 2018
Zoe Mae Dec 2018
It's true I could never

forget you

That doesn't mean I could ever

forgive you
1.3k · Aug 2021
Look Up
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
Stars are always there
Some nights we get a free show
Make sure you look up
1.2k · Jan 2019
Zoe Mae Jan 2019
If you've never
And you've never
Then you've never
1.2k · Aug 2021
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
Stick with me

I'll stick by you


Is almost through
1.2k · Oct 2021
Phoenix in a red Corvette
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
Blonde in a red Corvette, free as a bird
Me, just a child, staring at her
Remember thinking, that's where I'm gonna be
In a red Corvette, at 33
No kids, no baggage, not even a dog
Stomp on the gas, and simply take off
No limits, no signs, just a juicy sunset
The wind in my hair, not an ounce of regret
She never saw me, but I'll never forget
The phoenix who flew past me, in a red Corvette
1.2k · Jan 2018
Sleep Tight
Zoe Mae Jan 2018
I wish you'd go away
I'm tired of your voice
I hear it night and day
As though I have no choice
It's been over a year
Since I last saw your face
You looked just like a deer
But I was froze in place
I'm sure you've since moved on
While I dribble out this trite
And my voice is long gone
Like a black cat in the night
1.1k · Jul 2021
Everyday feels the same
Zoe Mae Jul 2021
Left for dead
in someone else's memory

Nothing but pain
Always awake
searching for a remedy

Torn inside out
Inately irrelevant
trying to stay in the game

Giving up quick
Treading water at best
Everyday feels the same
1.1k · Sep 2021
Celestial Teardrop
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
A star up and dies
The universe sheds a tear
Particles fly everywhere
The Milky Way collapses
Half of infinity is gone
The Sun tilts on her axis
The Moon knows something's wrong
Oceans begin swelling
Water devours the land
Earth hasn't been this bedraggled
since life first began
Gravity forsakes her
Grounds fall to the sky
A celestial teardrop's ruthless goodbye
1.1k · Aug 2021
Blueberry Porsche
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
All around your blueberry porsche
I saw a bunch of people
And oh, the fun you were having of course
****! What a weasel
1.1k · Aug 2024
Zoe Mae Aug 2024
I have to get to the Moon, just to clean the bathroom
I'll give Mount Everest a nudge on my way back
1.1k · Dec 2021
One day she'll orbit
Zoe Mae Dec 2021
One day she turned where there was no bend in the concrete
Skipping in bare feet
It looked triumphant, but it was retreat
Far far back to the days before poetry
And gaudy words for all to see
She skipped into a past where she could keep it all in
Afraid to mutter a word
Not wanting to burden the wind
So she built herself a rocket out of satin and tears
She'll be orbiting Earth for the rest of her years
1.1k · Oct 2021
In Prison
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
In prison, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are birthday cake,
and ramen noodles a succulent meal.
In prison, everyone's given shower shoes,
but pillows you have to steal.

In prison, the "beds" are worse than the floor,
the "blankets" giant SOS pads.
In prison, lice goes around like soup du jour,
and **** talk spreads like mad.

In prison, all you see is gray,
color only lives on your screen.
Now you're picturing us watching a 60-inch all day,
but it's only 13 by 13.

In prison, there's no such thing as steak, there's no such thing as meat.
Almost everything that resembles either is fake.
Real milk would be a real treat.

In prison, you still need money,
or you go to bed hungry each night.
It's seriously not funny.
Three small "meals"a day  
isn't right.

In prison, if you don't lock it down, another con will steal it.
There's more than enough desperation to go around,
and everyone can feel it.

In prison I was years ago.
I'm a different person today.
But the shame felt from being forced to bend over, spread my legs, and cough,
well that's never gone away.
I was in prison for 49 long days, and it was enough to scare me pretty much straight. I still know people who are locked up today. The majority of them are in for something related to alcohol, drugs, or psych issues. Many non-violent people that should be in rehab, which is where I should have been, are sitting in prison being punished for having a disease. They're not horrible people. Some people just don't get the breaks in life. I'm not saying no one deserves to be there, but in my mind, you have to have done some pretty bad **** to deserve that.
1.0k · Nov 2021
Zoe Mae Nov 2021
I want to go to my grave unafraid,
at peace with choices I've made
I want to go to my deathbed
not regretting every word I said that day, with clouds in my eyes and raindrops on your face
If it comes down to forgive or never live, I'm unafraid
Because I can do both today
I will do both today
1.0k · Jul 2021
Zoe Mae Jul 2021
I don't like my skin today
It doesn't fit me right
It's loose in the wrong places
Where I need room, it's too tight
The color doesn't match my mood
I don't appear slate gray
I think I might go back to bed
I hate my skin today
1.0k · Sep 2021
Let's fly away...
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
Let's just fly away
Soar past the sun to the sea
Let's set ourselves free
972 · Jul 2021
Zoe Mae Jul 2021
I try to write from different perspectives
Think outside of my box and be more objective
Give every style of writing a chance
Be open to learning an alien dance
I appreciate effort and creativity
Even if it's subjects that for me don't come easily
I try to write and read from different perspectives
But one thing remains constant
I feel rejected
971 · Nov 2021
Whispering from a well
Zoe Mae Nov 2021
I'm just scribbling in the wind
Babbling to dead trees
I wonder why I even begin
painting portraits no one sees

I'm just spitting into a void
Barely whispering from a well
I wonder if anyone hears my voice
It's becoming hard to tell
965 · Aug 2021
Falling stars (haiku)
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
Zeus demands some soup
But the Big Dipper's broken
Seems some stars escaped
939 · Dec 2021
Rise from the ash
Zoe Mae Dec 2021
Rub elbows with the Moon
Run free as weeds in October
Race to what makes your heart bloom
Rise from the ash, and simply fly over
920 · Aug 2021
Earth (haiku)
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
She'll spend her last breath
Doing laps around the sun
Until they are one
903 · Jan 2022
Increments of shit
Zoe Mae Jan 2022
We witnessed cataclysmic events not take place, and instead accepted little increments of ****.
That's what life is.
Little increments of ****. Sometimes it's decent ****.
Most often it *****.
But it's always little ****, and it always adds up.
902 · Dec 2021
Unintentional lies
Zoe Mae Dec 2021
Pigs cascade from the
The Earth's core solidly
If I crossed my heart I'll
We both left that window
wide open
We swore to flourish at each other's side
Who knew vows were born to be broken
Let àll records show we
once tried
Our words lies before they were spoken
901 · Nov 2018
Save Me
Zoe Mae Nov 2018
You know you don't belong anywhere
in a vat of misfit stew you find you're
the only one clinging to the
900 · Aug 2021
Hurricane's eye (haiku)
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
The sky's blinding us
Only her eye offers sight
But for now it's shut
897 · Oct 2021
Amber Puddles
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
Dying maple leaves
collect in shallow puddles
Autumn collages
887 · Nov 2018
Zoe Mae Nov 2018
Death is for the living
Only those lucky enough to see
The next sunrise understand its full Implications
It is final
It is merciful
It is forgotten
868 · Aug 2021
Cloudy Daze
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
The sun's a pothead
She puffs on her pipe all day
Fishbowling the Earth
865 · Jul 2021
Love Delusions
Zoe Mae Jul 2021
Everybody loves a love poem

But does anyone really have love?

To be a writer's to be alone

We just write about what we dream of
824 · Aug 2021
It is...
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
It is what it was

It was just because

that's how it's always been


It's not what it should be

nevermind could be

yet here we go again
Zoe Mae Jan 2024
As I try to write a poem Someone's lost their home

As I try to be witty
Bombs destroy a city

As I try to create
Death is their only fate

Makes this seem so silly
Because it is
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