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Jenish Jul 2020
“Bound by banks of time, a zillion years had passed before you and a zillion years yet to come; but in this timeline, we never met a GOD as he is a cup of delusion and so don’t fear the sacrilege, if you decide not to drink from that cup since bustle of civilization thrived without him and will continue.” After the speech I silently retired to my room and bowed.

scuttled the true faith
and celestial opulence -
I beg Your mercy.
Jenish Apr 2020
From far far above in fright and fluster
Into the trustworthy hands of GOD, I
Jenish Mar 2020
frozen moon
shivered in horror
when death rolls.
Jenish Jan 2020
pale trembling body
mind leaking flames of fire
love fever conquered
Jenish May 2020
Fireflies of lies souring high, where pristine truth couldn't follow nigh
Like stupid ant sorting out, sand and sugar in just a kiss
I caught fireflies amid fallen leaves, blowing for fire of truth.
Jenish May 2020
Ah! Drop your prejudice and hear
I lost my love, fortnights ago
My weeping tears dried-up
Searching for my last name.
With solo flashlight wandering
Among scattered droplets of war.
Jenish Jan 2020
When effulgent sun scattered his splendors in the firmament
And charming flowers shed their pure, sweet bewitching fragrance
Then I whispered an adoring adieu to my loneliness
And cherished the blossoming muses of stoup in ecstasy.
Jenish Aug 2020
Golden strings of life singing exuberance of birth
Silver strings of death ringing grievance of fate
Between life and death wandered cotton clouds
Shedding shine of sun or pouring useless tears

Winding mysteries of labyrinths lying ahead
Waiting to tread to a denizen of paradise
O man, your frenzied footsteps of lies sure ‘ll fail
When the holy glimpse of truth in the florid firmament.
Jenish Jan 2020
Go, go my dear butterfly
On to the garden of flowers you go
Don’t ever funk to flutter in wind
‘ll be watching your funny leaps.

So gracious from flower to flower
Gliding and swimming through the air
Rather than flapping your little wings
As an artist you turn and twist.

Coming and going with ease and will
In my garden you dance at thrill
On the flowers you sit as still
Until get full with honey that fill.

Surfeit zest you bring my mind
Buried in your flight I forgot mine
Unto the sky and heaven I soar
To the gracious God, my soul‘ll fly.

Teach me dear this art of flying
Else I lay buried under soil
Raise me with your tiny drifts
From hell to heaven I flit at will.

Like loving God’s Gracious Butterfly
Yonder sky, my dear soul, I will fly!
Jenish Jan 2020
Gone to the divine
Soon we are all to follow-
why should I lament?
Jenish Jun 2020
Grows the night, tremulous passage nigh
Aught of earth ushered my boat of hope
Tint of virtue brightening cressets
Lights of love, I left behind the shore.

Grows the night, for the glitter I rove
For the lost heaven fringing my fate
Hue of kindness, I shown in the land
Eased the pain of death, while grows the night.
Jenish Apr 2020
Cold wind
Rushing in through
Weak mind.

Dead lips
Quivering when
Fear grips.

Lone hope
Anchored soul in
Faith rope.
Jenish Mar 2020
Poor lad lay there blight weak worse
Rough rag spreads on hope or curse
Kind hearts frail to fill his gut
Gold and cents ring from rich purse.
Jenish May 2020
Greenish meadows, stony benches
Doves and crows toilet in bunches
Huge turnout..

Without fear of baited string bides
Flying fishes in lone seasides
From hideout..

Tree top squirrels wandered bottom
Like torpor kings in their kingdom
Free rollout..

Weeds and shoots sprouting from the soil
Dormant seeds sensing human spoil
They freakout..

Birds and beasts call on us to boo
World became a big human zoo
In stakeout..
Jenish Mar 2020
Winter shoved soft snow
Summer came in fierce fervour
Passing seasons gone
Joys and sorrows also pass
Never hurry, why worry?
Jenish Apr 2020
Ponder me, I'm the best poetic expression
In yonder world, my father had wrote.
Awful me, I'm the depth of calmness
In buoyant sky, the eye of storm shows.
Fearful me, I'm the lord of darkness
In dreadful night, residing beneath the light.
Cheerful me, I'm the light of lightness
In playful way, children adore to hug.
Joyful me, I'm the pleasure of a new born
In delightful might, when motherly angel nears.
Wishful me, I'm the wise of the wisest
In brightful day, like sun showering his grace.
Colourful me, I'm the blush of the rose
In beautiful hands, picked and worn in romance.
Tearful me, I'm the cry of the heaven
In cloudy day, drowning the earth of hope.
Blissful me, I'm the minute of the minutest
My faithful Lord, allowed to wander in this world.
Humble me, falling into the pit of ignorance
Boasting myself, for impressions in distant hearts.
Jenish Feb 2020
Feeling as a rat
I went to the doc for clue.
He gave pretty pills
Now great and sound as a rock
Will cats know I'm not a rat?
Jenish Mar 2020
like a spacious cloud
roving through infinite skies
my gentle soul wandering;
while body dissolves
into the five elements
abandoned by its owner
Jenish Jun 2020
Inside every colour of skin
There flows a river of red.
Inside every river of thoughts
There binds a piece of mind.
Inside every piece of mind
There blows a stroke of soul.
Inside every stroke of soul
There falls the hands of God.
Jenish May 2020
Colorful days pouring like snow, winter not but so cold inside
Picking them in baskets of memories, I set a hell fire of love
Let my days burn into ashes, spreading heat to loving dear ones.
Jenish May 2020
World of dreams in her *****, pain of the earth bearing with ease
Days and nights were spared in fire, wishes and tastes for her blossom
Oh mothers! Bowing on your angelic gentleness, I thank.
Jenish Jul 2020
I wish to be the gentle breeze
Sweeping tearful eyes
Of the weary midday flower.
Or to be the horrid shadow
Casting fearful darkness
For a passer-by to rest.
A rippling river of white
I wish to be the one
Drenching thirst of arid earth.
Or to be a dancing wave
Of the mighty sea
Playing with a child.
A guild of fleeting clouds
Hiding splendid sun
For a homeless soul
Or the canopy of green
Thwarting rain for a home
I wish to be the one.
I wish to be a cresset
Guiding glimpse of hope
In the prosaic paths of pangs
Or to be a firefly
In the dim toilsome journey
Of a soul to his divine home.
Jenish Feb 2020
King and a beggar
Together they went for sleep
King lost his Kingdom
Beggar lost his begging bowl
Until both are sound asleep.
Jenish Mar 2020
crush the ignorance
by your sharp shafts of wisdom
and win life's Kingdom.
Jenish Jan 2020
When the holy water of cognizance, washes your mind clean
And the delightful fragrance of faith, ingrained your intellect
Then the nature blissfully give you her magic wand of life
And crown you in the kingdom where the wise sanguinely follows
Jenish Dec 2019
O Hearts of elegant softness
O Souls of tranquil calmness
O Minds of charming fragrance
All resting in peace in silence
I, kissing the air in every breath,
Living on your impressions till death.

O Shapes of perfect cuteness
O Traits of extreme boldness
O Words of subtle cognizance
Also went in the wake of silence
I, counting my seconds of life
Waiting to be an impression in life.
Jenish May 2020
Born with a cry and will doom in a smile,
between three dots left spaces to fill.
Fate and luck played big casinos,
but my dreams whizzed the yacht.
Breeze of love showed my way,
faith in God, propelled.
Before my boat,
kisses shore;
let world,
Jenish Jan 2020
Merry, merry, merry
Married to my body
Body became healthy
Healthy I'm wealthy

Body in a leisure
Leisure gets better
Body in pleasure
Pleasure I will treasure

Merry, merry, merry
My mind in merry
Mind became peaceful
Peaceful I'm hopeful

Mind starts to enjoy
Enjoy and it enjoy
Mind became joyful
Joyful I'm playful

Merry, merry, merry
Moving my emotions
Love starts to blossom
Blossom it was awesome

Emotions to devotion
Devotion gets better
Compassion in action
Flowing and growing

Merry, merry, merry
Life is in much merry
Life became blissful
Blissful I'm wishful

Life and its destiny
Dancing on ecstasy
Merry, merry, merry
Merry without worry
Jenish Feb 2020
Bereft of buoy,
sinking in this life's ocean
I pity my acts.
Till my sorrows disappear
Happiness hiding behind.
Jenish Jul 2020
success, a mirage
which opposition foretells;
till the time arrive
drink the cup of delusion!
Is life a void race to win?
Jenish Mar 2020
Ah! my small withered life
Creaking like autumn leaves
Try yourself, tread and hear
My lost love and her cries.

Silence of death had took
Glim of my soul and love
Darkness ne'er lift from me
Until her light lit mine.
Jenish Apr 2020
Windy sunny funny days in hurry
In my home I dine and slept in merry
One day from blue landed on my terrace
Lonely dove came ill and still to scare us.

Not a vet to consult in this dark time
Like a drunkard tripping falling at times
When I lend my helping hand for his lift
Angry murmur heard I while he makeshift.

Like a waiter waited with his grand food
Not a stir or happy face my guest stood
No grain no drink he made for four long days
Little dove saint kept on barring my prays.

Prying peeping praying for his prime life
Hearing, stretching wings he fly heaven safe.
Jenish Aug 2020
Death is not your aim, Life is not for fame
Between lines of nature’s rhyme,
Luck is not the same.

Mouth is not to mime, lust and luster’s chime
Beggar’s garb on dame,
Why the heart not flame?

Tin of humanity shame, opened loud to blame
Without having the brame,
Uttered vanity claim.

Time is not to tame, minds of ruthless lame
Do your little dime,
Not for name or acclaim.
Jenish Mar 2020
Watching from my window sill
I saw him walking, a lion in thrill
Streets shivering of his mighty shrill
On his call they come and fill
An army of dogs route march and drill.

Peeping through my window pane
A group of birds landing on the lane
Through which cars flown in train
Now laying like a snake in pain.

Prying eyes through melancholy windows
I saw spring sprouting fast in meadows
Nature dancing reviving lacking human shadows.

For bringing back her magical touches
As she strikes, one but all happily blushes.

Oh, dear mother, forgive your prodigal sons.

Awful calmth of streets in still
Sinking my spirits in silence they remain
Without the treading feet of two legged fellows
One and twenty days freed from his clutches
Nature will revive, but her sons fearfully in their prisons.
Jenish Jan 2020
Long lost stars of sky
Still staring at us and gleam -
Like beloved dead
Jenish Feb 2020
As my heart skipped a note eyeing her
Blossoming a red rose inside
Can’t even sway my naughty eyes from peeping
Did she ever noticed my sheepish looks?
Elegantly moving from one ***** to another
Followed by my eyes like a slave
Good, she never discerned my wishful stare
Haunted dreamily I walked and tripped.
Inside me a storm whirling in silence
Joy of love lurching my feeble trunk
Kindling a heavenly fever in my mind
Lest I fall, my friend, please hold me tight.
Met our eyes in a trice, a lightning hit
Nay, she pulled her sword back in a flash
Oh my God, I can’t stare the stars so bright
Perhaps, she an angel from mighty heaven.
Quest to know her mind I wander without fear
Rest, like a magic I can’t conceive
Staggering my ship she came directly to me
Tripping my drinks and the glass all over.
Upset with what she did to me in haste
Veil, she took and rub my faintly beating heart
Wish that moment will last for aeon
Xanthin face she pleaded for an apology.
Yes, my friend, there my story of love started
Zesting my life with the love at the very first sight.
Jenish Mar 2020
Brush of lone moon paints her light
Hue of fair gold spreads dark night
Songs of sweet love drums my heart
When my true love hugs me tight.
Jenish Mar 2020
Grape vine held out her soft hands
Red pine bow down and hold hands
Will they care not my shy look?
Love in dark woods that thrive lands.
Jenish Jan 2020
In boundless love, I hate him for my loneliness
Through clamorous words spilling out from my eyes
Mindless me nurturing sprouts of love in my mind
Where inkless pen wrote love letters in silence.

Plunged in Hell, in this heaven where I am
Drenched in gloom, flashes of jouissance I cherished
Bound with him, we sat merrily in solitude
Drowned my soul, in that ocean of multitude.

Dreams of love, which I cherished as real in vain
Haunting me like a ghost still breathing in sane
In the grave of mind, he lied alive and dead
In boundless love, I hate him for my loneliness.
Jenish Feb 2020
evil words uttered
with vigour of voice die out -
good softly blaze forth.
Jenish Mar 2020
manifested will hide
and hidden will manifest -
life and death playing.
Jenish Feb 2020
miles and miles I stroll
without an inch of tiredness -
distance runner mind.
Jenish Jan 2020
miles and miles I stroll
without an inch of tiredness -
distance runner mind
Jenish Jun 2020
With timid steps and a trembling heart
I walked through verdant barren paths.
Toward a rusty gate it took my feet
Into a garden of roses among the weeds.
Carmine flowers, dripping in blood
Wrung my heart in pain of fear.
They caught me from every side
With their lithe and sharp thorny fingers.
Raveled in clutches of copious wines
Turning and twisting I struggled to escape.
Evening shades pirouetting ghosts
Trapped in light tracing fiery faces.
Pouring perspiration pooled my feet
Shedding grappling thoughts I decided to run.
Back to the sinuous path,
Away from the puzzle of life,
Till I reached the black bricked wall,
Beyond it I lost my memories,
Maze of mind closing behind me.
Jenish May 2020
strands of love
sung in fine flair tune
near her side.

strain ends, then
life took my dear keys
now with dust.
Jenish Feb 2020
When my heart started ticking in rhyme
And the three arms ran around and chime
I ran faster and fast
Then got slower at last
And now not good enough for a dime.
Jenish Apr 2020
Little floret, little floret, when will you bloom?
Egging with watchful eyes, I waited in the gloom.
Gentle dreams hit my eyes, missed your secret dance
Engulfed in mystic fragrance, took me into trance.
Drowsy lazy timid mind, one day sure will blossom
Yes that day, spreading fragrance, makes the world awesome.
Jenish Jan 2020
prill on tranquil loch
and my image rippled out
as words on mind lakes
Jenish Dec 2019
I'm the two year old
With white hair and wrinkly skin-
Mother's eyes' magic
Jenish May 2020
Lively brid, lovely bird
Hear my little song,
You come and sit my window sill
And hear my little song.

Butterfly, flutterby
Hear my little song,
You come and dance and fly around
And hear my little song.

Curly wind, whirly wind
Hear my little song,
You brush my cheeks and go away
With my tune of love.

Tiny flower, shiny flower
Hear my little song,
You wave your head and flash your scent
And smile the song of joy.

Let me sing, let me dance
With my song of love,
Butterfly and little bird,
You come and join me.
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