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Jenish Jul 2020
in my changeless sky
clouds of thoughts are passing by -
shining sun smiling
Jenish May 2020
Yes, I built a boundless blue sky
For me and my fancies to fly
Countless cotton candy clear clouds
Flying in flocks like swimming doubts.

Yes, there lightning flashes thunders
When my mood do stupid blunders
Dropping snow, showering bright sun
In a day as mind wishes fun.

Pouring rain and swirling wind blows
When my thoughts and reactions rose
But my sky go moonless at night
As my eyes close ending star sight.

Yes, 'll let your ship fly my zone
When mind merges singing same tune.
Jenish Jan 2020
blame and curse on him
for her son's forgotten coat -
innocent rain God
Jenish Jan 2020
Muddy waves, foam and the storm
All settled in my teapot
As nature stirring outside
My own spoon rustling inside
Will all settle in due time?
Jenish Jan 2020
Again I barred her
From peeping in my blanket-  
Winter is naughty
Jenish Feb 2020
white hair came with wrinkles
leanness, paleness and a bend-
time.... don't touch my mind
Jenish Feb 2020
Well lit light in dark old sky
Hue of gold on tree top high
Climb up high and caught him right
No moon this day no need cry.
Jenish Jun 2020
I laid my head in an ocean of heather,
Drinking panorama of silent weather,
Life still ahead.

When swarthy sky sent the messengers of night,
My lost time started grappling with dreams in fight,
Left miles to tread.

Down the bed of heather, resting in timeless world,
Echoes of silent words, yet to be uttered swirled,
Not an ear to be read.
Jenish Jun 2020
Heart in melodious mute,
Impressions of my mind fuse,
Eyelids got amazed and pause,
Until you gorgeously passed.

Eloquence of fervid glance,
Plunges in my hollow heart,
Exuberant fragrance danced,
Earth exhibits show so grand.

Lively lives dived into frames,
Divine ink lavishly paint,
Sunny spring swept stifled graves,
Bid a night to spare and fade.
Jenish May 2020
One drop fell down, one followed more
Then my count failed, free downpour
From two cloudy eyes, tears wishes feet
My lone miseries, life's endless beat.

On my bay, a sweet sparrow sat
Flown from far, but resting at last
In his beak a thread, thin long
Kept his weight down, started a song .

Weary of singing, he looked over wings
In such small frame, life joyfully blinks
Then I spot his one-legged walk
How shameful my moans, how so dark!

Oh God, tiny wings evinced glee
In his woes, but a king in flee.
Jenish May 2020
How I wish to live a life, like any child of naughty five
Cry and smile with an empty heart, and sleep at night without hurts
Ah! how many springs passed through me, still I longed to have one more.
Jenish Mar 2020
One and only foe
we have is our ignorance -
those led by, perish.
Jenish May 2020
Folded once, again in line
Scraping with great claws of fate
Bended, flattened and then when
stretched to life, my paper boat
Ready for sail, crew of dreams
Gusts of wind in sweeping sea
Till paper torn, we will flee.
Jenish Feb 2020
The seasons of life
passing by in rapid flash
childhood, youth and old
like summer, winter and fall
Will I get one more sweet spring?
Jenish Jul 2020
puny pink primrose
pursuing phantom pleasure
pecking playful puff
Jenish Aug 2020
Rabble of butterflies, fluttering on.
Bluish beauty,
come to me.
Touch me,
my kiss.
Play with me,
sing my soft purr,
Roll with blissful wind's gentle euouae.
Jenish Apr 2020
While mind,
Wandering far,
Waking sleeping panache,
Springing wisdom buds danced in glee,
Muse born..
Melting mute melancholy souls,
Bringing life emotions,
Healing lone hearts,
Lived long..
Jenish Apr 2020
Nipped the brush, picked the paint, let the canvas fill
Oh my crush, like a saint, keep your head still
Let me first, draw the sketch, what a cute face!
Body next, let me fetch, lovely gaze and grace
Lines are made, streaks of color, your portrait is good
Bit of shade, made it duller, a monkey in woods.
Jenish Jul 2020
queasy queen questions
quirky quail's quivery quacks -
quill quietly quit
Jenish Jan 2020
in great penury
he twinkles in happiness –
rich man in disguise
Jenish Jul 2020
rain rake rattling raft
river roared ravenously -
rider relished ride
Jenish Feb 2020
On the rise of wealth I laid
On rise of power I wade
On rise of beauty I pride
On the loss of health I hide
Jenish Jul 2020
tiny wavelets sang
sonorous songs in delight -
dozing river woke
Jenish Apr 2020
crouching for shelter
from pattering rain, I sat -
before cutting him.
Jenish Jan 2020
night shed white from sky
colours faded, sun succoured -
greenish tint is back
Jenish Jun 2020
grey twilight waiting
for darkness of ignorance -
let truth of lights lit.
Jenish Apr 2020
sin adheres firmly
like a blood ******* vile leech -
doer never spared.
Jenish Jun 2020
Sit beside my bed
Sit beside my bed
Before my breath starts counting to naught
One more last time
For many lives to come
Let our eyes meet once again to love
Before they part..

Let me once more smell the fragrance of you
The fragrance which I adore to keep
My breath will take the last smell and go
Along with it your memories will flow

Let me once more touch your wrinkled fingers
Once so soft like a wet rose petal
Smothered in roses under the grave
Those rubbing fingers alone will stay.

Let my heart again melt on your heat
The heat once covered me in vile winter colds
The warmth of your hugs and kisses of dew
Will fly with me to the heaven high.

While last slanting rays glaring my eyes
Sit beside my bed
Sit beside my bed..
Jenish Dec 2019
stern King of days and
sensuous Queen of nights
of Heavenly kingdoms
mating in the sky  
staring above is not wise -
as they may get shy
Jenish Apr 2020
Like buds open soft,
Mind blooms with no serenade.
But it's pure fragrance,
Reaches distant akin hearts.
The symphony tolling long...
Jenish May 2020
Countrysides calling,
dull and dreary towns.
Tides of joy hitting,
poor men's simple huts,
bringing spring of growth.

Sunny, funny
Lively weather
Sowing seeds of
Peace and pleasure.

Scents of sprouts
Sunshine show
Rainbow sky


Jenish Aug 2020
swift breeze rolling waves
bamboo flutists trying notes -
symphony in air.
Jenish Aug 2020
Sun stops not for twilight to shine
Nor abysmal darkness to wane.
Moon stops not for hasten waves to tender
Nor licentious dreams to render.
Spring stops not for lazy lilies to bloom
Nor lone nightingales to gloom.
Life stops not for sparkling memories to return
Nor cupid desires to spurn.
Death stops not for none to mop a life
Nor some to cleave their strife.
Time stops not for puerile minds to wonder
Nor sapient sages to ponder.
Jenish Jun 2020
for a fresh fragrance
the tender petal bearing -
pang of her life time
Jenish Dec 2019
Tried again, I tried in vain
Far away he went so far
Train of thoughts I need to forget
Upon which my life is hanging
Forgive me, the cork of death opened.
Tried, Far, Train, Cork
Jenish Jun 2020
parched earth whining for
single droplet of water -
crimson sun blazing.

flush of anger drive
the trifling clouds to hideout -
lone sun ruling sky.
Jenish Jul 2020
rider bridled wave
carving through the curving crown -
ebullient sea smiled
Jenish Aug 2020
From a distant village, where forest lining the edges, where nature dancing with wild rhythms, where human existence have usual conflicts with minacious wild life, I bought an unparagoned cow.
superbious gait
she glimmered in bright spotlight -
wild domestic breed

In that romantic night, where moon shy to pop out from behind the murky clouds, the queen in the cowshed spend her first night with the howling songs of dogs.
croaking frog's sonnets
blended with loud fearful barks -
greeted the new guest

As the symphony of greetings continued the night and the night after, I was puzzled and forced to look around to meet a vacant sky and under it the haunting darkness.
predawn darkness stood
a veil to my eyes hiding
mysteries of night

Unable to squirrel the burden of anxieties of my quizzical mind, I decided to stay awake to watch the cowshed and my cow under a splendid moonlit night.
mask of truth divulge
laurels stirred in fiery force -
a fine leopard leaped

My abstentious legs dragged back the fleeing heart, and I was rooted trembling as a pole left alone in a cyclone eye.
watchful twinkling eyes
stem the course to silent cow -
fearless mother licked

Astonished to saw the nonchalant cow, licking the beast same her calf, I decided to rend the skies for the jewels of truth behind this precious spectacle of love.
beast lost his wildness
under legs of licking cow -
Leopard lied there low

I took an assiduous journey back to her previous owner with the imagery of a leopard cherished by their benign cow, where I was welcomed by the most baffling story of motherhood.
the truth rushed at last
shivered reminiscence –
fed curious mind

Once a female Leopard lost her way to the erf of human dominance and suffered a pitiful end in their retiform, but before she touched the sacred stream of serenity, a baby was born to the hands of her pursuer.
crying cub was fetched
from dying womb to the barn -
cow turned loving mam

Until the baby Leopard transformed to riotous youth, the halcyon mother cow fed him directly from his teats of love and then one day he was transferred to a faraway forest as an avowal of the law of land.
objections obliged
mother and her son parted -
but distance was dim

Hither to, on every darkest hours of silent nights, the different son visited her foster mother to share his adventures in the distant wild and to cherish the beauty of motherly love and it continues even the mother was transported to another house as the uncouth son followed her to her new abode.
trembled with pleasure
flower of truth opened soft -
fine fragrance of love
Jenish Dec 2019
For the breast milk and the care I thank you:
Oh dear mother earth.
Jenish Jun 2020
the effulgent sun
dipping everyday in the
river of darkness.
what lose, burning him as fire?
what blame, he bathing away?
Jenish Jun 2020
the boat to heaven
roving arcanum of life
have truth at the wheel.
Jenish Jan 2020
Long long ago in a lonely lovely hill
When earth was young, handsome and green
Besides the meadow near the curly winding flow
There stood a tree proudly high and spry.

Swaying and dancing in wheezy pleasy breeze
Never was he still, always in a swing.
Not even a speck, not a little flea
Never allowed any, sitting in his spray.

Winder came to hinder, pouring all her snow
Our tree kept fighting, throwing all his snow.
Jutting high he stood, leafy and green
In the midst of an ocean of falling snowy flakes.

Two little sparrows, flying from the north
Searching for a shade in that minacious wind.
Saw the mighty tree, swiftly they descent
Nestled in his branches to save their little lives.

Before they could settle, hurled to the ground
Without any mercy, our dancing prancing tree.
Again they tried, again thrown to ground
Again and again, bereft of any kindness.

Tired and puffing that little sparrow mother
Sprawled on his feet fighting for her breath.
Two tiny pearls rolled from her eyes
Smelted on his foot with her warmth and pain.

Dazed and watching, the mighty tree stood
Feeling all the pain the little creature bear.
Heavy at his heart, Heavy was his branches
Forlorn and silent, melting hefty heart.

The feathery teeny couple, eyed the tree quiet
Perched on his branches, prudent and happy.
Later on that day, picking twigs and leaves
Weaving with care, they made their winsome nest.

The dotish dancing tree, spying all their actions
Tussled with tempest, stayed there without motion.
Not a single leaf, not a petty branch
Not even a sigh, he uttered without care.

The pair of lovely birds, huddled in their home
Shared lovely blankets, spreading wings and feathers.
Peeping through his leaves and crimson little branches
He watched the birds slept, with a sense of love.
Teeming deep-felt care, bearing flakes and fall
Proud dancing tree, stood there rapt and frozen.
Winter slowly left and the spring was yet to come
The tiny sparrow mother, laid three wonder eggs.

Hugged and rolled in love, day and night in hurry
Feeble tweets and cry, woke the vigilant tree.
Weeny songs of love, doting brush of quills
Tiny goofy beaks, jutted from the nest.

Like a foster father, our tree stood blessed and chilled
Wished to rock and spin, but moved not in the least.
Time kept flying away, spring came dazzling in
Pretty little chicks, learned to flutter and dance.

Rapture spilled around, florets blossomed out
Covered nacarat flowers, stood he shy and blushed.
Chasing flies and bees, singing songs of love
They float around their grandpa, lovely wonder kids.

Swinging salmon fruits, he fed the little birds
Bowing head and pride, with a dancing heart.
The naughty sparrow chicks, poohed on his branches
But the mighty tree, never mind their doodles.

As the wings got stronger, they soared high and far
On the vicinal lands and to the distant shores
Sailing wonder worlds, flying with their dreams
But never forgot to return, for a goodnight sleep.

On to the cerulean sky, not any farewell words
The happy little family, one day flown and gone.
Watching day and night, our doomed dancing tree
Waited for their return, dreadful and as dead.

Sun shed all his splendors to wake and make him happy
Dismal clouds cried, drenching him in showers.
Winter came and poured, covered him in snow
The dancing tree never moved not a single leaf.

From distant snowy clouds chirping sounds he heard
Woken from his slumber, shaking all his snow.
In wheezy pleasy breeze, swayed and danced in glee
Waited for the couple and one more tale of love.
Jenish Oct 2019
Mighty, calm and composed she lies,
Like a sleeping queen of Arabia.
The wind is blowing kindly and soft,
Barring the rise of her waves in wrath.

Besides the sea there lies a sand-dune,
Twinkling in sun and flying in wind.
Stars above are fewer than her grains,
Whiter than the white, she looks so pure.

Besides the hill there lies a garden,
Fresh and beautiful, flowers she bear.
Greenish meadows and cool air always
She a beauty, the Garden of Eden.

Besides the garden there lies a forest,
Without any trees, full of buildings.
Settings of sun made her beautiful,
The golden city, then she is called.

Above the city nearing the clouds,
There lies a heaven, smaller than hell.
An angel and two kids, opens the door
Whenever the bell rings, for a new soul.

It is my house and you are welcome,
Six hundred and three, written outside.
No need to die to reach our heaven,
All are admitted, except the dead.
Jenish Jun 2020
kiss on faded face
revived recollection of
long lost wizened youth.
Jenish Dec 2019
The Sun was far, hot and big
Before I trapped him in my camera;
Like the mighty sea lost its might
When carried away in a bucket.
Jenish Jun 2020
tuneless piano
silently singing
the truth of silence.
Jenish Oct 2019
I stand on the podium, with a trembling heart
Looking towards, a big sum of audience.
Their eyes are like, stars in the sky
Twinkling clearly and raising my pressure.
They seems before me, as devils in their chairs
Waiting to tear my heart, apart.
Hundreds and hundreds of eyes, I saw
Without a drop of, kindness in them.
Then I remember, the famous words,
None but the brave deserves the fair,
The sign of life is strength and growth,
The sign of death is weakness, it says.
I kept my doubts, a distance away
And delivered the lecture, without any fear.
There saw the devils, standing like angels,
Clapping and clapping, for ever and ever.
Jenish Sep 2020
Solo bird
Strayed in the
Ocean sky,

Heaven sent
Appeared for rescue.
Jenish Feb 2020
My thread is broken and the pearls are falling
In that flood of tears I’m searching for my broken heart
Your silence is my fiery ghost
Wake up dear soul, without you, my life will stop.
Still the breathless whispers of tendering love ringing my ears
While your long soft fingers brushing through my wrinkly hair
Oh dear love, open that beautiful green eyes for one more time
To see this dark miserable eyes and the love inside.
Leaving me and my life in this hell
Like those birds, when you fly to your destined home
In my fathomless flurry of mindless worries I’m surrendered
Sorry for my hasty journey to your side.
For one more time I need to lie on your *****
For a new sunrise and blossoming tulips in your heaven.
Jenish Feb 2020
Sun scatters splendid splendors in utter silence
Flowers shed their pure fragrance without any aim
Never once they never trumpet their excellence
Real wisdom, real merits acquires great fame

The moon maps her magic hue in silent midnight
Wind swept in melodious tone scenting surprise
Ever did they ever boost their mettlesome might?
Never fool can ever shine bruiting his own praise.
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