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12.4k · Feb 2015
My Promise To You My Love
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
I promise to always lift you up
When you are feeling down
I promise to wipe your tears
When you feel you need to cry
I promise to keep you smiling
To show off that cute smile you have
I promise to be your strength
Whenever you fall weak
I promise to be your voice,
When you can't find the words
I promise to be your eyes
When you cannot see
I promise to be your ears
When you cannot hear
I promise to always tell you what's real
When you want to hear the truth
I promise to be your dream catcher
To chase away you're every fear
I promise to be your smile
When you're frowning
I promise to always cheer you up
When you are down and blue
I promise to give you faith
When you are feeling insecure
I promise to keep you sturdy
When you are feeling unsafe
I promise to listen
When you need to talk
I promise to tell you no lies
Just what is true
I promise to always lend you my shoulder
For when you need to cry
I promise to always hold you
When you need someone
I promise to always care for you
Wherever you are I promise to always be there
I can't promise you the world
I can't promise you the sky
I can't promise you that we will never fight
I can't promise to never hurt you because i know i will unknowingly
But i promise i would never break your heart
And baby I promise that I will always love you more than anything with all my heart, no matter what happens or what we go through, baby I'll love you until the end of time!
That's my promise to you!!!
4.3k · Feb 2015
Belong to the Ocean
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
There is a place in this world where we all belong

Where we can be as free as the wind and as reckless as the waves

We could sleep on the sand and walk the shores

Where the water will love us and we will care for it

Where we can swim forever into the depths of the sea

And explore the places where people have never been

And share secrets with the coves and have a family of miles of seawater

See creatures of other worlds and beautiful kelp forests

That’s where I would be forever and ever

I wish I could be there, live there

Soon I will be at the sea and live with the

Soon that will happen
2.8k · Feb 2015
My deep sea love
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
Your shoes unravel
From our travels,
From all our endless walking.
We spent days running away
From the shore until
You were safe with me.
We slept under stars that spelled our names
For all the world to see.
We avoided the coastline,
And your mariner kinsmen,
That would take you away from me.
I remember perfectly that night
You fell out of the sea.
2.3k · Jul 2015
It will be okay
Rachna Beegun Jul 2015
Everything gonna be okay in the end
If it is not okay then it is not the end.
2.0k · Nov 2015
Rachna Beegun Nov 2015
Your feelings are valid. You have every right to feel whatever emotion you want. You aren’t being dramatic. You aren’t over exaggerating. You’re feeling. And that’s okay.
1.9k · Feb 2016
Rachna Beegun Feb 2016
You're my proton to my nucleus,
I'm your electron in your hydrogen molecule.
Orbiting around you in the hope to catch your eyes.
1.8k · Feb 2016
**Six Word Poem**
Rachna Beegun Feb 2016
Replace fear with aspiration.
Now, climb.
1.6k · Feb 2015
"Prayer of a False God"
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
All are doomed to love.
All are doomed to die.
Tonight bring the black tomb.
For even the most high.
Even those in this room.
Cannot pretend to fly
And I know.
Even you.
Even I.
Must die.
I found myself engulfed by Pike's words--caught up in the nightmares he describes, the strange lights, the odd occurrences, the scenes pertaining to the advanced civilization that was Ancient Egypt, the wrenching fight between keeping love alive or resigning yourself to moving on. Anybody who has ever entertained the notion of bringing someone they love back from the dead should read this one first. Sometimes it is indeed better to be left dead rather than suffer the ceaseless pain that the real world offers.

Everyone in this novel is trapped in their own never-ending tragedy. No matter how much they claw, and scream, and assure themselves they are doing the right thing, they ceaselessly end back in the storm of the madness.
1.5k · Jan 2017
Six word Poem
Rachna Beegun Jan 2017
Feelings makes poets out of people
1.5k · Feb 2015
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
Your mother bore you for nine months,
she watched her feet swell,
she struggled to climb stairs,
she got breathless quick; she bore excruciating pain,
she suffered many sleepless nights; she became your nurse,
your chef,
your teacher,
your cleaner,
your laundrette,
your friend,
She struggled for you,
but not once did she see it as a struggle.
Not once did she develop regrets.
After all this,
how dare you say, 'uff' to her?
1.4k · Feb 2015
I want
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
“I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend. The one who will memorize the things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them. I want to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body.
I want to know where to touch you, I want to know how to touch you. I want to know convince you to design a smile just for me. Yes, I do want to be your friend. I want to be your best friend in the entire world.”
(Calia Read)
1.3k · Mar 2015
Rachna Beegun Mar 2015
Memory is cruel
Queen of attention to details
Defending intentions, yet he failed
Until now, he told me her name
It sounded familiar in a way
I could have sworn I’d heard him
Say it ten-thousand times
Oh, if only I had been listening
1.3k · Mar 2015
Rachna Beegun Mar 2015
It's scary how much a smile can hide.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Rachna Beegun Jul 2015
1.2k · May 2015
I miss you
Rachna Beegun May 2015
You aren’t physically here with me,
but I always see you.
I see you every morning,
because you’re my sunshine.
I see you every afternoon,
because you’re the dream during my nap.
I see you every evening,
because you’re my sunset.
And I see you every night,
because you’re my blanket of stars.
1.2k · Jan 2017
I'm sorry
Rachna Beegun Jan 2017
To my DAD,
I’m sorry for being born
I’m sorry for being a girl but you know all my life I’ve tried to be a boy to you, as you always wanted but God didn’t gave you one
I’m sorry for being such a failure in life
I’m sorry for being a burden to you and mom, especially to you when mom passed away 3 years back
I’m sorry for being angry whenever I see you drinking alcohol and in the end you’re unable to stand straight. You see I’m more concerned about your health because I know the disastrous effect alcohol have on you and also it is the reason that my concept of a perfect family is ebbing slowly.
I’m sorry for telling you NOT TO DRINK ALCOHOL TOO MUCH
I’m sorry for yelling at you when you start to drink as I know you’ll crave for more after one bottle
I’m sorry for being angry when you invite your friends and your family over to drink a lot of alcohol because I know they are just momentary friendship and familial bonds, when you’ll fall ill nobody of the group will come to your help
I’m sorry for being so brutally honest when I tell you what effect of this new behavior of yours is affecting our relationship and also those of my sisters
Moreover I’m sorry for all that happen yesterday night : for telling you to go to bed and scold you like a child because you can’t wake up enough to walk to the bedroom
I’m sorry for helping you to stand and take you to your bed
I’m sorry for removing the glass from your hands and suggesting to carry it for him to his bedroom because of his inebriated state
I’m sorry because of me you’ve gotten angry and broke the glass into millions of tiny crystals on the floor
I’m sorry for caring too much
I’m sorry for thinking life is like a bed of roses and as long as I have my parents love I can overcome anything
I’m sorry for hoping you loved me and still do despite all this
I’m sorry for being a hurdle in your path to live your life fully. Though I would never understand how a child can be a hurdle as I was lead to think that a child is the greatest gift that GOD can give
I’m sorry for being unwanted
I’m sorry for not having the courage to end my pathetic life and remove myself from your path
I’m sorry for constantly trying to gain your attention, you see I yearn normalcy in my life where everything is fine, I have a loving father, perfect life and all

It's just a short letter not a poem .... just wondering what i did wrong... where was my fault that it leads to this stage that i am now
1.2k · Apr 2017
Rachna Beegun Apr 2017
I’m too sentimental. I can’t wander back through the memory lanes without feeling like it’s bleeding out of me. All the tender memories slowly drains out my color at night, only for sleep to bring a transfusion. All these small things shouldn’t matter so **** much but still it does. I think, that's the cruel fact of being sentimental much.
1.1k · Jun 2016
Rachna Beegun Jun 2016
I am homesick for a place which I am not sure if it exists. One where my heart is full and my soul is understood.
1.0k · Mar 2015
Rachna Beegun Mar 2015
There was no world without him, at least not one worth living in.
940 · Nov 2016
My thoughts
Rachna Beegun Nov 2016
I thought i was moving on from you,

Until one day, someone asked me:
“If you had one wish, what would it be and for whom?”

And the first thing  I thought of was to waste that wish on you
882 · Jul 2015
9 words poem
Rachna Beegun Jul 2015
And someone better always comes along every single time..
859 · Dec 2015
I wish...
Rachna Beegun Dec 2015
I wish you knew,

how much you mean to me
how i want to start everyday with you at my side
how i want to end every night in you arms
how i can lose myself in your smile
how my heart skips a beat at the sight of you
how my heart races when you get close to me
the feeling in the pit of my stomach when i know we will be apart
how my heart pounds waiting for you to respond to my text messages
how i hang on every word you say to me
how excited i am when i get a text message
how disappointed i am when the text is not from you
how my passion for you overwhelms me
how i yearn to gaze into your eyes
how i crave running my hands through your hair
how my need to see you daily consumes me
how my every thought consists of you
how you exist in all i do
how captivated i am by you
how i know how much i need you
how i have found my one and only
how i want to spoon with you
how i want to sneak up behind you and cover your eyes
how i want to kiss the base of your neck
how i want to whisper "i love you" in your ear
how i need to feel your touch
how the scent of your skin is my nourishment
how i dream of you every night
how i daydream of you constantly
how i can never get enough of you
how i can't last a day without you
how i can just look at you for hours and never want to stop
how i can't wait to have you all to myself
how i have never loved anyone the way i love you
how i want to devote myself to your happiness
how i can't wait to give you all of me
how i can't wait to have all of you
how you are the only thing that matters to me
how i am like a ****** who needs you like a drug
how you have taken over my life
how i know you are mine and i am yours
how i pray for the day the you will be in my arms
how i will never let you go
how much i really truly love you alone

But, alas you will never understand the extent of my love for you neither what i think of you nor how much you mean to me.
846 · Mar 2015
Rachna Beegun Mar 2015
Everytime I say I love you...
I'm really trying to say so much more
than those three little words.
I'm trying to say you mean more to me
than anyone else in the world.
I'm trying to let you know that I adore you
and that I cherish the time we spend together.
I'm trying to explain that I want you and that I need you
and that I get lost in wonderful thoughts
every time I think about you.
And each time I whisper "I love you",
I'm trying to remind you that you're
the best thing that has ever happened to me.
835 · Sep 2016
Rachna Beegun Sep 2016
They say sometimes it's the princess who kills the dragon and saves the prince. But maybe the dragon is the prince himself.
The Prince, with all the demons in him, would then turn into a dragon. He was so afraid, he might engulfed himself with his own fire. Then came the Princess, extinguishing the flame of hate consuming her Prince, where he was just there waiting; waiting for a Princess to save him, from his own self...
798 · Jul 2015
I know...
Rachna Beegun Jul 2015
Trust me, I know how it feels.
I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower
so no one can hear you,
waiting for everyone to fall asleep so you can fall apart,
for everything that hurt you
so bad that you just want it all to end.
I know exactly how it feels.
772 · Mar 2015
Rachna Beegun Mar 2015
I know there are things we have to work through and I know I haven’t been the easiest person to live with but I wanted you to know I would never, ever, want any other woman but you.

You are the air I breathe, the rhythm my heart beats to and the true love of my life.

You are my heart and the only constant in my life.

There has never been anyone but you.

I love you and I think if anything, this time apart has shown
me how I can’t live without you.
It can never be over between us because it has only just begun.
751 · Nov 2016
To someone who left
Rachna Beegun Nov 2016
In my head, I see myself walking up to you and smiling, asking you how you’re doing and hug you so tight that you wouldn't want to go away again.  But why is that whenever I actually see you, my steps reduce to a stop and all I can do is stare from a distance and wish that maybe, maybe all my imaginations will come true and you would be mine?
749 · Sep 2015
Please stay
Rachna Beegun Sep 2015
I can't imagine someone else making you laugh, taking you to places you love, texting you day and night, giving you flowers and chocolates you like. I can't imagine someone else filling my position, my love. Someone who is better than me. I can't imagine losing you. I can't stand it. I can't let you go now. Please, stay? I love you.
746 · Jan 2017
Rachna Beegun Jan 2017
My mind loves you; it asks to my memories about you all the time and often I get lost in these lanes
700 · Feb 2015
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres
700 · Feb 2016
Rachna Beegun Feb 2016
Be the rainbow in someone's life when dark clouds try to ****** all their happiness.
It give inner bliss when we help someone in their difficulties and makes us closer to God.
698 · Dec 2015
No one...
Rachna Beegun Dec 2015
No one worries about you like your mother, and when she is gone, the world seems unsafe, things that happen unwieldy. You cannot turn to her anymore, and it changes your life forever. There is no one on earth who knew you from the day you were born; who knew why you cried, or when you’d had enough food; who knew exactly what to say when you were hurting; and who encouraged you to grow a good heart. When that layer goes, whatever is left of your childhood goes with her.
This is dedicated to my best friend, my first companion, my Mother... I wish where ever you are for you to be happy always... Miss you so freaking much mommy :(
680 · Feb 2016
Rachna Beegun Feb 2016
The most ironic thing about pain is that you expect it to lessen during time and think that this pain you're suffering is great and won't have worse than that but in reality the pain only grows and in the future there are more worse than that.
Always thought that but it occurs oppositely for me ... maybe that's life... small amount of happiness and loads of suffering :)
672 · Jan 2017
Rachna Beegun Jan 2017
He had the power to both possess and shatter my entire universe, so he chose the latter. But he didn't know that it wasn't that easy to break me.
657 · Feb 2015
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
" - Elle t'aime.
- Qui m'aime? C’est qui « elle » ?
- Celle qui t’aime? C'est la fille qui te regarde dans les yeux en te parlant. Celle qui sourit quand elle est à tes coté. Qui te taquine sans cesse pour au finale réussir à obtenir un câlin ou un simple bisou. C'est la fille qui veut t'embrasser la sur le champ. Celle qui ne rêve que d'une chose: crever dans tes bras. Elle veut que tu lui dises ce que tu penses d'elle. Que tu la prennes dans tes bras comme une poupée de porcelaine. Que tu la réconforte comme si tu réconfortais a ta petite sœur quand elle pleure. Que tu lui dises que tu l'aimes comme tu le dirais à ta mère. Cette fille-là, veut voir son reflet dans tes yeux quand tu souris, quand tu es heureux, quand tu rigoles. Mais ce qu'elle veut par-dessus tout, c'est ton cœur. Celui qui va la loger pendant des heures, des jours, des mois, des années. Elle a des frissons dans le ventre dès qu'elle te voit. Rêve de te dire je t'aime yeux dans les yeux.
654 · Oct 2016
Rachna Beegun Oct 2016
You threw me away just like I threw away time, on a boy who tricked me to think he was mine but in the end got betrayed.
617 · Feb 2016
For My Valentine
Rachna Beegun Feb 2016
From the moment you entered the over-crowded room,
I knew that you were the one made for me.
Suddenly all the loud voices, laughter and shouts faded into oblivion, when our eyes met that auspicious day.
The only thing that kept me grounded to Earth was those beautiful black orbs,
Telling me, teasing me in their own words,
They had their own story to tell.
Those dark black pools captured me, entranced me, leading me in another place where there was only us.

When we first started to talk, the belief that we’re meant for each other kept on strengthening as we talked.
All your talks, beliefs, thoughts and wishes, even how much they were funny, weird and awkward and serious philosophy related kept on attracting me like bees around a honey jar,
I kept on returning back for more and more even some which hurt me, in which we didn’t share the same views  and also I thought it was total *******.

Your cute, lovable smile lit up my whole being; it’s like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.

Being with you makes my whole world a lot more pleasing place to be. In you I’ve found a friend, a good listener, a lover, a caring husband and everything I’ve ever wanted. You respect me, love me, show me a  different facet of the world and protect me and encourage me in endeavors  which I thought it was impossible for me to do.

Everything about you, leads me on. It’s you have a strange gravitational field that forces me to move around you like the earth rotates around the earth. You, my love, are the one I was waiting for in my entire existence. I’m irrevocably in love with you my baby.

*Be my valentine forever?
That's for my love.. He's my everything, my world. Love you a lot ^_^

Wish you all a very happy Valentine's Day
Be happy always :)
596 · Mar 2015
Rachna Beegun Mar 2015
"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason....And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."

- Edward Cullen
Extracted from New Moon
581 · May 2015
Rachna Beegun May 2015
A mother is a special gift of love that's deep and true.
You know she's always standing by to guide and comfort you.
A mother, with unfailing strength can keep you safe from harm
And yet you feel the softness of her gentle grace and charm
A mother gives encouragement
with wisdom and a smile
She understands your hopes and dreams
And makes them seem worthwhile
A mother always is in your heart wherever you may go
She's part of everything you do
That's why you love her so .
I miss you so much mom .... wish you were here with me :(
575 · Jul 2016
Rachna Beegun Jul 2016
"Why didn't you tell me? " he whispered, looking at my scars.

"Because," I replied, "I can hurt myself but can't hurt you and these scars are nothing besides the scars in my heart."
567 · Feb 2015
Heart in my Hands
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
If you said you were cold
I would wrap my arms around you.
If you said you were thirsty I would give you the ocean blue.
I would give you anything: the moon, the stars, the sunset too.
This heart in my hands I hold out to you.
552 · Dec 2016
Rachna Beegun Dec 2016
Heartbreak is not beautiful. It isn’t poetry or a song. It doesn’t say to stay up all night to listen to sad songs. It’s breaking down the middle of a busy street. It’s seeing his face in all the passerby’s. Its feeling okay for weeks and suddenly you hear his voice and then you’re choking on memories of his presence. It’s waking from dreams of him coming back and screaming in the middle of night because your heart aches like a dagger has been put in there. It’s crying so hard after laughing while you're watching a funny scene because all of a sudden you realize he isn’t coming back. Please stop, romanticizing over pain and using people as objects. A heart isn’t a cigarette that you can just light up and then stomp on it when you’re done. Don’t act like heartbreak is beautiful or even wonderful, because I even won’t wish that upon my worst enemies.
Something I would never tell him, how much he hurt me.
536 · Jul 2015
Rachna Beegun Jul 2015
How nice it is to hurt someone so much that it breaks them little by little and in the end say "sorry".
It's like the little word "sorry" will eliminate all the pain and the memories of me crying on the bathroom floor, breaking down slowly, until numbness return to me.
When you break a glass into pieces, try saying "sorry" to it.
Did the pieces join together and form back the same glass without any sign of previous breakage?
No, it didn't, right then how can you expect me really to go back how it was before you shatter a part of my heart into millions of pieces?
Really, how?
528 · Jul 2015
Rachna Beegun Jul 2015
Usually, people think that I’m a strong, happy person
but do they look behind my smiles
and see how much I’m in pain and almost broken?
Do they? Really?!
My wandering thoughts about how actually people think.
527 · Feb 2015
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
“Focus on ur goals baby girl, these boys ain’t going nowhere”
What i will tell my daughter in the future
527 · Feb 2015
Someday <3
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
Someday, you’ll meet the genuine love of your life.
And unlike your previous lovers, this one is
completely different because he’ll make you realize
that love was worth more than the risk of losing.
He will complete you and make you realized that
he’s that missing link you’re eagerly looking for all
your life. He will treasure your existence and give
you reasons to wake up every morning. He will
take care of you the best way he can. He won’t
promise you that he’s not going to hurt you,
because chances are he will, but he’s willing to
admit his fault and make up for it. He’ll not just
say sorry, he’ll prove to you that he’s sincere and
that he’ll never do it again. He’ll not just give you
butterflies, he’ll make you breathless because he’ll
hug you so tight. No matter how many times you
give him reasons to walk away, he’ll stand his
ground and give you reasons why he has to stay.
He’ll make you realize why your past relationships
didn’t work out because you’re made for him. And
he’ll hold your hand no matter how unfit it may be.
He’ll give you a lot of different emotions, he can
make you cry and he can make you laugh. And
though he knows that he has the power to do
these things, he’ll not try to play with your
emotions. His job is to make you smile, always
and make sure that your smile will never fades
away. He will remain true to you no matter how
many years may pass. He will give you all of him.
He will love you — your edges, your curves, your
imperfections, your flaws, all of you.

Someday, you’ll be happy. You’ll be living your
dream life and someone will love you the way you
are deserve to be loved. Someday, you’ll wake up
at 3 AM because your partner is talking on his
sleep and when you tell him about it when he
wakes up, you’ll laugh the way his face expression
says “No I don’t.” You’ll be inspired everyday. And
even if sometimes you slept on the couch the other
night because something is going on between you
two, you’ll realize that it’s a part and you’ll still
cook him his breakfast and bring it to his bed.
Even if he forget about your anniversary, you’ll still
forgive him because the next day, he’ll surprise you
with a romantic candlelight dinner so he can make
it up to you. You’ll be furious once you caught him
with someone else and you’ll think that they are
having an affair, but you’ll be confident that she’s
not gonna do that because his workmates assure
you that your partner is just doing his job. There
are days when he’ll go home late and you’ll
suspect that he’s having some kind of monkey
business, yet you’ll drive that thoughts away
because you know that she’s not like that and he’ll
never lie to you. Someday, you’ll just smile as your
partner go the distance to surprise you and make
you feel that you’re his eternal love and how lucky
he is to have you

Someone who isn't perfect, But who would be
perfect only for You !
515 · Jul 2015
Rachna Beegun Jul 2015
In some days your heart just feels heavy and sad, no matter how strong you are.
499 · Apr 2015
So lonely without you
Rachna Beegun Apr 2015
I feel so lonely without you
I lay in bed just waiting for you
Wishing that you where here with me
Holding me closely as I fall to sleep

I feel so lonely in everything I do
Cause I turn around and do not see you
I want to see you behind me
As we walk around joyfully

I feel so lonely as I curl up to bed
No good night kisses
Or you caressing my head
All alone is how I lay

Missing you once again
In each and every single way
Wanting to be close to you
Yet I know that will not come true

I wish that we did not have to part
Yet our lives take us so far apart
I know that one day we will be together
Yet one day is not now and forever

I miss you my dear as I lay here in bed
Crying so softly I can still hear you say
Do not cry anymore that we will be OK
Yet right now I feel like my life is a waste

Without you here with me everyday
I feel like I am walking with no soul inside
A zombie like person if you can call me that
Moving through the motions of this one crazy ride

I am so lonely without you by my side
I dear of you being here right next to me now
As I close my eyes and fall to sleep
Someone please tell me this has not been a dream

I swear that it feels like one day you are here
Then I open my eyes to realize you are not
Was it all just a dream that I woke up from
It is so hard to grasp when you are already far gone

Dear love of my life please let me know
That things are ok that is all I need to know
That we will make it through this together at last
Be husband and wife happy at last

Darling please show me that it was not just a dream
That you where here with me and not just going crazy
I feel like I lost you yet once again

I love you so much yet at night all I feel
Is the cold lonely room that I choose to live in
You are not here keeping me warm as I sleep
I miss you so much please come rescue me
478 · Feb 2016
Random thought
Rachna Beegun Feb 2016
Everyone is good at something and I'm good at getting disappointed by people.
474 · Feb 2015
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
You fill the room with sweet sensation
distracting bits of information
crowd the space where logic dwells
distorting sights and sounds and smells
touching me with tactile pleasure
pushing me beyond a measure
of reasonable doubt that soon I sense
I'm nowhere in the present tense.
For You only my love
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