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1.6k · Dec 2015
Lion in a Cage
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
When you look in your reflection
Tell me what you see
You see the person that you pretend to be
And everyone else can see
But you can put your guard down
When you hang out with me
How come you can’t see yourself
How everyone perceives you to be
Your many insecurity’s, it’s all humor to me
Your smile is sweet, your personality is forgiving
But your eyes are fierce and your chest is burning
Everyday you’re learning more about yourself
And I can’t wait to see you
Take a step out
Because you’re a beautiful person
Inside and out
you’re like a lion in a cage and i want to let you out
1.1k · Jul 2018
Sunlight Promise
Nicole Feekes Jul 2018
The night is long and yearning
craving for the promise of sunlight
the turn of a new page.
melts through the trees
as the sun overpowers and the shadows retreat

With the day we dance
Metaphors in motion
We are given another chance
Soak in, fulfill, advance
dazed by the sun's romance.

Flowers twirl open blooming, ignite
as time passes the hues seem to fight
dusk gives way to night
I live for the promise of light
1.0k · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
When I think of you
My whole personality glows
You’re the string in my stitching
And I don’t care if everybody knows
You raised me well
And made me think
Made me question, and best of all,
You made me, me.
The day your gone is the day I fall weak
But I’ll do good for you and stay strong
My life goal is to carry all of you I hold on
It won’t be long for me to grow
And we'll discover our true mold
I hope I do as well as you
I want to make my children glow
Stitch them together
And help them grow
Be in their hearts like you are in mine
More than you can possibly know
811 · Dec 2015
Break the Chain
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
There is more the everything that you see
don’t make decisions that are full of greed
everything you do now will affect you later
make good choices, deflect the pain and anger
what seems fun for a while, can have lifetime effects.
what you do now, in the future you’ll regret
don’t ever think your going to be the same
because if you do , your starting a chain
if you do this.. change your ways
because if you don’t
you’ll find nothing left to gain
794 · Dec 2015
All the Same
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
The only thing that makes me different is the fact I know we're all the same.
we play the same character in this greedy game
we roll the dice and play our life’s, choose whether to do what’s right
even though it’s all the same at the end of every night
our limits our budgets are always tight
some of us rebel some of us fight
and hope that maybe the cards are in our hands tonight
741 · Jul 2018
Words unsaid
Nicole Feekes Jul 2018
Thoughts unspoken
Silence is waiting;
Is this space enough to be filled?

Moments are measured
By words unsaid
Words that we package
Into different sized boxes
It has to fit perfectly
Or they will never leave my head

We keep waiting
For the right time
In the wrong way

When time runs out
All the boxes will be empty
By the thoughts unspoken
Forever in my head

Perhaps it is better
To speak up instead
Better to cause discomfort
Than find your thoughts dead
When we find ourselves in moments of silence that could be filled - but we wait for better timing. But sometimes the perfect time never comes. And the thoughts die.
724 · Dec 2015
Love I haven't met
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
I’m not worried because I know
most people will just come and go
and when I see the one
I think I’ll know
together we will bend and grow
although we haven’t met
we are preparing for each other
in the meantime we fall for others
but we will land at the crossroads
and hand in hand we choose which direction to go.

you’re the type of guy
who’s caught looking up at the sky
my reflection found in your eyes
you do whatever you want
as long as you believe it’s right
the type of guy who gets along
but never backs down from a fight

I will nurture you like sun to vines
outrageous off the walls and totally unprepared
but we will leap and take flight
who cares I’m not worried
because you’re the one
and we both know neither of us is going anywhere
684 · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
A sense of exuberance fills the room,
her hair still wet, smells of perfume,
she walks clumsily with awkward hello's,
the form of her smile is all that I know.
She lines up her pencils in a colorful row
gifts her joyful spirit everywhere she goes,
listens and nods, quick to crack jokes,
her eyes are windows to her unapologetic soul,
her existance is ethereal
light and refined
She is her own, so she will never be mine
as long and she is still here
I think i'll be fine
an inhabitant of heaven
leaving traces in my mind
This is a fantasy of how I want to be seen.
667 · Jul 2018
Coloring Book
Nicole Feekes Jul 2018
I can’t help who I am, all my truths that I reveal.
I’m an open coloring book. My thoughts are yours to steal.
My soul is inside out, can’t be anything but real.
My open heart is generous; not a wound that needs to heal
I will not apologize. I am not broken.
649 · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
The bricks lined up
Like jigsaw pieces
Every step I take
Was not my decision
My thoughts are so reckless
I’m afraid of my conclusions
All questions in my head
Are left with no solutions,
I hold faith in the hands of a stranger,
I pray I’ll be led away from danger,
I know I’m supposed to be where I am
But for how long can I trust these hands?
624 · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
I can’t see the sunshine
but I know it’s there
I am all understanding
but I feel like my answers
are floating in the air
though the trees are tall
and the leafs are healthy
gaps reveal the sky
but I still can’t see the sunshine
I made my decision
to make up my mind
I will exceed
every aspect will rise
every tree, I want to climb
but I’m too afraid
after I’m done
I still won’t see the sunshine
what if I brought someone with me
lend a hand from
the branches I can’t reach
sense the signs
that I still am
too naive to read
and on top we will succeed
and the sunshine
with all its meaning
I could not before,
but now I do see
616 · Jul 2018
Counting Love
Nicole Feekes Jul 2018
They say there are three types of love, but respectfully I disagree.
How can someone count, what one constantly bleeds?
Can you imagine love so simple, like counting to three?

Love is losing control, love is setting free, love is giving a stranger your seat.
Love is breathless, love is bold, love is sharing a blanket in the cold.
Love is pure, love is tragic, love is unintentional magic.
Love cannot be stopped or contained. It just constantly happens.

Love evaporates and falls from the clouds. It sneaks up on you when you don't want to be found. It is a force that knows no bounds.

Love gets you out of bed, and helps you fall asleep. Love is always present even as you dream.
Work in progress
576 · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
Disappointment rises
peace of mind waits at the horizon
no one to rely on, no one to confide in
hope and strength, in my heart you can find it
I crave and I need
but I’m getting lost in everything
everything against me.
Exhausted and drained I fall to my knees
everyone watches as my energy depletes
I hold all the love close to me, all that I see
it’s not enough to silence
my utter feeling in inadequacy
I’m afraid for the future, for what is unseen
forgotten where I’m bound
there’s nobody to be found
when no one’s here
where can my guidance be found?
although I’m well intentioned
there are a few things I failed to mention
I’m in need of security in need of affection
trials and tribulation
prevent any illusions of protection
I’m cautious because it’s hard to tell what’s fake
I have to take initiative, don’t wait
don’t have time
to explore my heartache
563 · Dec 2015
Surface, Surface, Surface
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
the more I take action
is the less I have to think
the more I reflect on others
the less I have to feel
when I sit still
the truth is overwhelming
I have no idea
where this all is going
am I happy?
Or is that a false emotion
one can only be happy
when they stay in motion.
511 · Dec 2015
On Hold
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
in a distant place
we lay on our sides face to face
in a green meadow wearing white
I can see us smiling eye to eye
our hair is longer, there is peace and ease
what use to be uneasy is now released
because it seems so impossible
right now this present time is too strange
maybe in a later day
as of now too much is deranged
much more too learn
my only choice is too delay
I can only hope I don’t miss that day
You make me feel like I’m doing okay
I want to know
I need to know
will you wait for me
I want time to find the words
I need time to calm my nerves
I know it’s you I want
you’ll find me bettering myself so you can see
there is a light like yours that can reflect in me
I’ll put my feeling on hold
let the answers be told
it’ll take a great deal of work
to get the what our future holds
we will unravel and unfold
until in a distant place
was lay on our sides face to face
501 · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
I’m walking on broken glass
Looking up toward the overcast
so many empty faces pass
no one looks at me
and they leave at last
I’m between the present and the past
no relationships are going to last
I’m nowhere near any kind of track
maybe if you had paid more attention
I wouldn’t be hurting this bad
my heels dig into the grass
but I guess I’m ok
everyone’s still rushing past
449 · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
I see the shadows
From the corner of my eye
They fall near me and dart across the sky
My mind is wrapped around
What facts can’t define
Time wasted
Running out of time
I’m waiting for you and what you might find
I’ve decided it’s going to work this time
A tug at my heart
As I see the shadows part
I should have known
The warning was the spark
443 · Dec 2015
Sticky Fly Paper
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
Resist most
let a few in
hide behind a wall that appears paper thin
watch it dissolve
into sticky fly paper
people are compelled
instantly attracted
you let people in
and begin to form a bond
if they leave
part of you corresponds
as you add on to the wall
you prevent intrusion
it all adds on to the illusion
the inside seems so great
because it was made so hard to penetrate
the thicker the wall
the longer they stay
rewards come soon
to those who are welcomed
because behind that fly paper
is all of your imagination
so share out loud your thoughts and consolations
the air around you the air inside
is filled with admiration
and overflowing with pride
because now that your inside
you are forever mine.
417 · Dec 2015
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
I turn my key and start the car
I swear I heard your laugh in the distance
Why do you deny that our happiness ever existed?
Head down the freeway, but the roads are twisted
I can’t turn around on this one way road
Can’t find the exit, must have missed it in the snow
You make me feel so cold
I need a sign but how would I know
I can’t decide if I should stay or go
So I just keep going
As if on cue, I’m swallowed
All my thoughts slow
I guess maybe I’m meant to be alone
I know I don’t need him
But where else would if go?
So many options but I only want you to know
I love you so please don’t go
You can’t hear me now
I’ve sunken so low
Who’s here now when I have nowhere to go?
I can’t move I’m buried in this snow
Please let me in
You’ve made me so cold
383 · Dec 2015
Save Face
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
what do you stand for
can’t avoid what’s there
turn up the volume
with your eyes you dare
you can’t keep me down
go ahead, save face
sometimes I wonder
if you are worth the chase
I never said you were wrong
we just are on a different page
I hunger for what I enjoy
I couldn’t help that you were my first choice
you fill me with rage
but I know I’ll be okay
the truth hurts
you hurt me by showing me
a different way
379 · Dec 2015
Never Enough
Nicole Feekes Dec 2015
I try to let you out, but then it’s too empty.
I want to put you back, but then you’re not happy.
I want you to have everything you want
But then everyone’s mad at me
I want to defend you
But I’m making no sense
I want to be happy
But that visions changed so much
I want you with me all the time
But it’s never enough
I want to be carefree
But it’s impossible for me to lose touch
I think you should know
To me you mean so much
enough notenough impossible lovehurts vision carefree happy
290 · May 2018
Where I stand
Nicole Feekes May 2018
As I finish my last drops,
your pushing me your full glass.
Convinced me you want this to last.
Come over. Come over.
I came until you were done.
How did I not notice?
I was finishing your cup.
At some point it was decided,
I was not enough.
Something short lived, mysteriously died. Completely one sided. Never got to speak my mind.
210 · Nov 2019
Speaking in Silence
Nicole Feekes Nov 2019
Your eyes
How they plead
They sparkle with need
Your hands
Reach for mine
Together we bleed

With you
Content to be
Unforgivingly free
In silence
We speak
Sighs and touch
Perfecting technique

The depth we go
Grows deeper everyday
There is no darkness
When you show me the way

— The End —