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Mar 2019 · 753
I Rise From Nothingness
from death, alive,
the wedding between the good and evil gives birth to the death’s sublime beauty,
far from the depths of darkness,
in the huge void,
nobody can see, feel or perceive,
the truth and nature of the fragile consciousness,
a death alive will **** the spoiled allure of the world,
a touch of death over my eyes,
the gaze which brings sounds and rhythms after life,
death over beauty in the dark,
from void and blankness I rise,
the virtues of the infinite,
dimensions of time and lustful waters soak the mind,
I am the gate of irresistible hell,
passions and fashions of the dark,
the love from death was a temple of endless births,
inside my prowess, inner joy,
I put a spell over the time ending its life and continuity,
today time is finished and vanished from perception,
ending but never,
prolonged by a luring infinite.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time', now available on amazon.
Mar 2019 · 301
The End Of Human Life
death’s entrancing lure and charm,
I’m far away from my heart,
questions to reach an aftermath,
my lustful youth murmurs the sea of weeping void,
gentle flames to climb the sky,
above death’s veils and tempting allure,
the swan would stare close to the shore,
picturesque face upon night’s bright dispersal in the darkness of a mind,
pearls to shine an urge of power,
swan’s pure demeanour changes the faith of time,
spiritual emotions,
both in its poise and weeping beauty,
a nymph would stare back at the boiling water,
Earth’s harvest burnt like vanishing disasters,
eyes to eat a song of luring infinite,
I travelled till the end of human life.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time' which is available on amazon.
Mar 2019 · 573
The Sensuality Of Death
it is the death of time,
weeping beauty cries her grief and grace up to the sky and back on Earth,
moons are the ring in melted void of time,
weeping again,
a world in rain and harsh deluge,
entrancing flesh,
the life is short and temporary,
I cry with the urge of the apocalypse,
my noble soul belongs to the beauty of the infinite,
come back on Earth, water the land,
choir of butterflies,
honey and grapes would burn the evolution of a mind,
seeds in the darkness,
mouth full of birds fly after time,
dark veil and beauty in the dark,
it is the death of time and space.
Fragment from my book 'The Allure Of Time' available on amazon.
Mar 2019 · 301
The World Of Poets
if you are a poet,
come join me with your knowledge,
come touch the godly kingdom of deities,
both with perception and curiosity,
I will imbue a world of progression,
you will reach the highest peak,
touch me with your words and pain,
dress me with your cravings, more,
if you are a poet, show me the nature of your being, love,
show me the colours of your infinite meaning, pain,
words scattered by your soul, heart,
up in the accents of profound delight,
paradise of butterflies.
My book 'The Allure Of Time' is available on amazon.
I can't wait until I am going to publish my next book.
I must evolve spiritually.
Mar 2019 · 357
This Is Who I Am
I am beautiful like heaven glows,
and fountains of time kiss my cheeks,
wisdom of fragile sensibility and grace.
my book 'The Allure Of Time' is available on amazon.
Mar 2019 · 445
don't be sad for the one who didn't love you back,
love is never lost,
head up and move on,
your being will reach the luxury of time.
My book 'The Allure Of Time' is available on amazon.
Mar 2019 · 221
fruits break out of the tree,
comets fall,
bringing the richness of the nature of the Universe,
through time, light and darkness,
through Hell and Heaven,
the water of the shadows of gemstones,
the world is an evolving organism, a creator,
rainfalls of stardust shattered by gravity,
fire holes and big explosions in the Sun,
tender spell upon its heart,
the sleeping silence waiting forever to be awakened.
Poem from my book 'The Allure Of Time'.
Mar 2019 · 317
I Come From Far Away
I come from far away,
I'm here to save and to protect your vulnerability,
your fright,
the unknown nature of your mind.
as you grow wise, your life will have the meaning you are searching for.
My book 'The Allure Of Time' is now available for purchase
Mar 2019 · 233
Immortal Lure Of Sexuality
bleeding nights of fashion,
a smoke of spirit haunts my poise,
words to climb the height of erudite temptation,
born to be the uniqueness of life’s design,
immortal lure of sexuality,
my zeal is inured to pieces of cupidity,
bleeding lure of innocence,
my earthly scent transcends visions of quenched thought,
the will hoards spells of liberation,
ferment of fevers, shock of sighs,
I am the magic of surreal,
my faith to drench the magnitudes of war,
the love to drain aesthetics of perception.
Mar 2019 · 402
I pick up the greatest achievements of human life,
I indulge my self in the richness of the poor and wounded by misfortune,
their aspirations become my motivation,
brick on brick,
victory after victory,
my aura gets invincible in time,
growing wise to realise the truth of life is in my dreams,
generation after generation,
the temple of dismissed potential,
my vengeance was not in the lack of love,
it was the peak of inner fame,
it was my chameleon personality,
define me but it doesn’t mean you understood what you defined.
Poem from my up coming book.
Mar 2019 · 404
Mountains Of Despair
adorn my manner with a blast,
posh, huge, cemented, ugly lust,
adorn and redefine a glamour,
it’s so hot, it’s melting in the summer,
it’s melting mountains of despair,
it’s heavy rain inside my mind,
it’s funny, ugly in the dark,
Fragment from my book 'The Allure Of Time'
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
The Allure Of Time
vanished in the allure of time,
my spirit grows in a flower,
I am dead and still alive,
ashes blown up in the sky,
burn my flesh, burn me alive,
the youthful poor, the richness of life,
I am the spiritual emotion,
the flesh of hopes and bleeding bones,
steam and clouds above the sea,
my soul will reach the luxury of time.
My Book 'The Allure Of Time' is now available on amazon. Get your copy and get inspired by the wisdom of my book.
Mar 2019 · 999
Poor On Earth
I would rather be poor on Earth and rich in heavens of divine,
like the beggars on the streets,
I hide my spirit in the realms of time,
far away from the evil eye of the world.
I was afraid I won’t succeed in life,
I was burdened with aloofness and I couldn’t see my pure self,
but I had hope within my essence,
I am unique the way I am,
sometimes afraid, sometimes so brave,
if I don’t love my own beauty nobody will,
I see through myself here and beyond,
and I see you too, you are afraid and think life’s hard,
listen to your mind and search for the truth inside yourself,
you have something nobody has,
the way you are is unique and perfect,
a world of love and great virtues to govern your mind,
from now on you live within the grace of the allure of time,
the life you have on Earth is the beginning,
beings of joy and happiness,
come to the shore of great allure,
your mind is a burning ocean of knowledge,
open your fear in the face of the infinite absoluteness,
you’re vanished from evil now and for forever.
Mar 2019 · 244
The Force Of The Good
for all that’s good on Earth,
for all the holy virtues,
for the greatness and the purity of my authentic spirituality,
the presence of epiphany which helps the poor become the bold,
the necklace of the souls once bereaved and insecure,
I, for the grace of humankind,
give rebirth upon a world of lost ancestors,
to come from so afar what I perceive,
to bring me the pure and the kind,
ferment a shape, a pyramid of light and matter,
water the land, germinate the void with seeds of creation,
a hope melting all my dreams,
give birth to a diluted wonder,
the fertile soil of innocence and power,
earnestly conjure from thought to heights of infinite,
abound my being with your lust and wishes,
may all the grace of the genesis be the sojourn of fantasy,
my precious thought, my enlightened heart.
my heart is black roses,
you’re lying on black roses,
my eyes are of diamond relics,
warm and wet,
my lips are waves of bleeding fire,
I am in diamonds, I am in tears,
I told you I am evanescent in time,
you taste me once and then you die,
I am the storm and nature of your personality,
do you truly understand what hides above and underneath the world?
it’s just above my heart, it’s just a scream,
a purple scream,
the scream of sexuality and love.
Mar 2019 · 128
Eternal Revelation
softly urging to the shore,
the kiss of sexuality is joy and war,
drifting night of knowledge,
yearning souls invade the cloud of uncertainty,
the power of the infinite,
breath of soil,
mourning whims with sacred joy,
liquid of profound desire,
urging truth, feathers of glamour,
my molecular composure,
my heart of boiling moons and wishes,
vanish the life from my perception,
my mind is but your spiritual connection,
shy vulnerability and joy,
the shore of eternal revelation.
Mar 2019 · 293
The Spell
a dust of the moon wipes my face and my crystal edges,
hiding from the evil eye of the world,
it was a spell without a clue,
with the shadow in the thought the death angels called,
a twilight under the eyes of the holy ghost,
the death of the long-time world,
under my eyes of cold shadows,
red arrows and dry shadows.
Mar 2019 · 412
I Am Here For You
I come from far away,
I am here to save and to protect your vulnerability,
the unknown nature of your mind,
as you grow wise your life will have the meaning you are searching for.
Mar 2019 · 299
I Cry The Moon For You
I cry the moon and night for you,
with all my heart I crave for you,
and roses cry along the freezing bed,
it’s nothing left and you seem dead.

— The End —