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Feb 2017 · 1.6k
cookie cutter poetry
Julia Elise Feb 2017
Title (optional)
cliche word combination begging you to read on

something about love
something about lost
probably something about brokenness too
a story of heartbreak and being destroyed

an overused simile because those are the easiest to understand
maybe some rhymes about how, like a bird, time flies by so quickly
a closing line that contains the only actual feeling
something about what could have been

Notes (optional)
a monologue describing the words that should have spoken for themselves

Tags (separated by spaces)**
#love  #supposedunderlyingmeaning #imissyou #thisisthecryforhelpihopeyousee
this poem is about the art of poetry as a whole, and how those who do not understand the power that words can have try to write the previously mentioned poems, and end up disgracing the sacred name of the poets' society.
Feb 2017 · 749
Julia Elise Feb 2017
no feeling toward you
not even enough to fill
one small haiku
Aug 2016 · 528
Julia Elise Aug 2016
those beautiful eyes
waiting for you endlessly
hopelessly wond'ring
Aug 2016 · 454
Julia Elise Aug 2016
love in the moments
holding on to single words
simple perfection
Aug 2016 · 496
Julia Elise Aug 2016
he said to meet him
then left without saying where
the stars are different
Aug 2016 · 3.1k
he said (meet me in vietnam)
Julia Elise Aug 2016
meet me in vietnam
he said
adventures await us
the world ahead
meet me in vietnam

don't wait the year
he said
I can't wait that long
don't wait the year

watch the stars with me
he said
stars are far
but I'll be close
watch the stars with me

you're beautiful
he said
a galaxy above
but looked at me
you're beautiful
instead of
watch the stars with me

meet me in vietnam
he said
the stars are the same
he said
you're beautiful
he said
meet me in vietnam
Jul 2016 · 697
I am: A reflection
Julia Elise Jul 2016
you've put every
single thing I fear
directly in my face
i am unworthy
i am unwanted
i am alone
every single flaw
is prominent
i am vile
i am incompetent
i am stupid
each problem
is displayed
i am boring
i am sad
i am angry
individual sins
i am hateful
i am filthy
i am bitter
all my
i am careless
i am open
i am emotional
my blemishes
visible across
my forehead
i am pockmarked
i am paunchy
i am diseased
the limitations
i am dumb
i am pathetic
i am anxious
i am incomplete
i am lost
i am done
PSA: This could very we'll be a humbling experience where you acknowledge the flaws and move on trying to better yourself or it may trigger the realization that human beings a strange creatures who will not change no matter what knowledge is placed in front of them. - either way beneficial.
Jun 2016 · 568
ode to nyc
Julia Elise Jun 2016
dear new york city, my new love,
our affair was short lived and I cannot fathom how you were able to, in the single moment I was with you, take me by the hand and lead me to something I didn't know I needed. a place where kaleidoscopes of people are
not only living but alive and everyone has the chance to be whoever they want.
somewhere that is somehow an escape and a reality. you are a wonderland straight from a fairytale, full of extraordinary culture and ordinary people that somehow become more once you you force them to succumb to the lights and sounds of the city. and when all these things come together and connect like the pieces that make up the sides of the glass palaces, i realize you become the most beautiful thing I've ever loved.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Julia Elise May 2016
if all my fears were water, i'd be drowning.
if all my thoughts were tears, i'd be a river.
if all my worries were raindrops, i'd be a storm.
if all my love were puddles, i'd flood the earth.
May 2016 · 622
Julia Elise May 2016
the silence between the waves scream all the unspoken thoughts.
May 2016 · 718
Julia Elise May 2016
you had a depth within you that the ocean craved
probably will put this into a longer poem later
Julia Elise May 2016
carry on from the beginning
we are the alive poets society
words said by another  
all we believe in is each other

secretive language all our own
passionate words among loving tales
writing words, raptureously flowing
others left completely unknowing

O captain, my captain
guide us in the ways of words
careful now, do not reveal
for they are our only seal

the only initiation
is contributing a verse
in a poem called living
or this play unforgiving

our pens speak like our tongues
writing what we wish we could say
undercover we stay, quietly
we are the alive poets society

carpe diem
tribute to dead poets society. ameliorated version
Apr 2016 · 633
our song
Julia Elise Apr 2016
you said it was our song then sang something different.
Mar 2016 · 766
I fell
Mar 2016 · 660
3 little piggies
Julia Elise Mar 2016
i built a house
maybe a home
to keep you warm

you sent a wolf
to scare me away

not of sticks and stones
but bricks and boulders

word said under your breath
was all it took

to blow my house down
Mar 2016 · 387
not for you
Julia Elise Mar 2016
you coward - tell me to my face
"I loved you with everything I had"
thoughts of you corrode my brain
the vines slither and grow; the overgrowth over takes my mind
your name taste like acid
your apologies leave five lines burning red across my cheek
sorry - Sorry - SORRY
are you?
memories of that word run marathons through a looking glass
I cry looking at my reflection
remembering your fingers on my skin
flashbacks of that touch make my body temperature plummet -
you were the best and the worst - at the same time.
and you come crawling back like the greens in my head
trying for who we were to return like the undead
salty sobs spill from my sparkling eyes
crying tears of wishing not to miss you
forgiveness hangs by her nails on the tip of my tongue
waiting to fall into your grasp
your claws pawing at her dangling feet
but she won't fall for you
not again
Mar 2016 · 298
Julia Elise Mar 2016
163 pages in our book
all empty but 2
filled with words you cried to me
everything spoken true
the first one says
I love you
the last reads
I love her too
thinking about the last time I saw you.
Dec 2015 · 2.1k
perks of being a wallflower
Julia Elise Dec 2015
dear friend,
trying to participate
falling and failing epically
perks of being seemingly invisible
to the only one you see

don't want to wake up on your own
so you accept the love you think you deserve
put them first and now you know
this is how a wallflower grows

your friends they see it, live it, breathe it
smokey parties and poorly lit rooms
synthetic happiness, the only way to get by
fragile hopes and dreams

you know everyone and no one
watching their daily lives happen
but nobody stops it takes a second look
at your wilting petals and falling leaves

below average, psychos together
"welcome to the island of misfit toys"
somehow a place of belonging
and now in this moment, you feel infinite

love always,
Based on the book and movie
Nov 2015 · 504
Julia Elise Nov 2015
if you run away
where are you going
and once you get there
how will you get back

are you running to feel free and alive
and will you run back into comforting arms

or are you running from fears, tears, trials or tribulations
and will you have to slowly force yourself to return

to think that running is something good or something bad
something beautiful or something tragic

if you run away
where are you going
and once you get there
how will you get back
the title means "to run"
Oct 2015 · 457
Julia Elise Oct 2015
The monster was here
then went away
he left her for good?
she begged him to stay

With her now pathetic sobs
She cried “Don’t leave me”
maybe he’d change his mind
Maybe now he could see

But has it returned?
it looks right over her
welcomed like an old friend
back is the monster

“i’ve missed you so” she said
as he took her hand
“but i was here all along”
she did not understand

could he be her hero
a monster not scary at all
back is the monster
right here when she calls
just a little poem i threw together to help a friend with an assignment :)
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
no happily ever after
Julia Elise Oct 2015
Once upon a time
or so the stories say
i was yours and you were mine
and everything was okay

in distance we were apart
and maybe emotionally too
never in my heart
did i think twice about my love for you

it was the fall which carried over to winter
but as the days got warm
again you started talking to her
my heart suddenly torn

you said she was nothing you
and i believed your story
maybe i was naive or just a fool
all you said was "I'm sorry"

more days went past
and you fell for her
I wish I'd seen it coming fast
then your love made a turn

I wasn't close enough for you
you scared little boy
way too honest, too much truth?
I was tossed away as an old toy

now you were tired of being alone
I pity your poor being
you had before never felt home
although my heart was for your keeping

if you hadn't left me in the cold
I thought I'd love you for my whole life
I would never have known
that all this was one simple lie

now here our story ended
you're okay and you have her
you saw where this tale was headed
for me there's no happily ever after
Sep 2015 · 3.3k
my shiny armored knight
Julia Elise Sep 2015
you my shiny armored knight
oh, I have not seen you, are you alright?

my minds gone crazy, I'm going insane
without you, but a battle in my brain.

the towns going mad because you'd gone
oh please come back, for only you I long

may it be the stars have not yet aligned
or maybe the oracle has not seen the light

if only I could see you one first or last time
then maybe I cold think of one last little rhyme

to explain how I feel about your sweet heart
we've never met but we're never apart.

I will be waiting, for you I swear.
my precious prince, I promise,  I'll be there.
Sep 2015 · 3.5k
Julia Elise Sep 2015
dark hair
he cares?
same classes
darling eyes
dashing smile
high five
been a while
pitiful crush
four days
not in a rush
for him out of my brain
Sep 2015 · 339
Julia Elise Sep 2015
new ways
new place
unsure where
they care
or misery
new life to be
Aug 2015 · 673
alive poets society
Julia Elise Aug 2015
carry on from the beginning
we are the alive poets society
words said by another  
all we believe in is each other

secretive language all our own
passionate words among loving tales
writing words, raptureously flowing
others left completely unknowing

O captain, my captain
guide us in the ways of words
careful now, do not reveal
for they are our only seal

our pens speak like our tongues
writing what we wish we could say
undercover we stay, quietly
we are the alive poets society
tribute to Dead Poets Society
Aug 2015 · 901
dear you
Julia Elise Aug 2015
to the one who broke my heart
I should have known
I gave in to you're pathetic lies
now my life has fallen apart.

I hope you're happy with your life
good luck, you're going to need it
I'm ashamed of what you've become
and embarrassed to have ever called you mine

dear self, what's happened to you?
you used to be so strong.
the wear and tear of others words
you now believe to be true.

you'll be okay, I promise.
you can do hard things
day after day it will get easier
just don't look back, regret, or miss.

to the one who gave me life
and to the one who sorta helped
thank you for everything you've done
all alone I could not handle my strife

dear crush...
I'm sorry that you don't exist.
it's a real pity
the idea of you is exciting, but I won't rush.

to the place that's suppose to teach
when will I learn how to live?
I'm unsure of my life
lifting me higher to the goals I may reach.

dear brother, dear sister
I know I am stuck with you
but for what it is worth
I love you for who you are and what you were

to me long ago
don't worry about now
we are doing alright
things do get better, I know

dear first love
when I was blinded, it was beautiful
my eyes eventually opened
you weren't there when my days were tough

I burned all your gifts
deleted all your pictures
but mountains of memories remain
and I'm falling off the cliff

there's not enough words to say
just know one thing
I loved you with my whole heart
and I felt nothing but betrayed

to the new me years from now
I hope you're still doing okay
please tell me that you've healed
maybe danced away the pain somehow

dear friend, my dearest friend
I wish you were not so far away
I love you with my entire being
no matter what may are friendship never end

you have been with me through hell
and helped me stand up again
forever have my heart and soul
you my friend, who knows me so well

to my child who is years away
you make a perfect addition
to our imperfect little family
we have not yet met but I love you anyway

dear person I hate
sorry we don't get along
unsure of who you are
but I guess now it's too late

to the one who has my heart
thank you for being in my life
I wish I could know who you are
and I wish we didn't have to be apart

dear friend who use to be
I'm sorry for everything I did
I wish it hadn't happened
but I hope you will please forgive me

to the people who don't like me
I'm sorry you feel that way
I will not change to please you
because you hate me for things I may not see

dear boyfriend of mine
so sorry you aren't real
maybe I will meet you soon
but while I wait, I'll be fine.

to everyone who has existed in my lifetime
thanks for doing your part
you've shaped my entire being
and made my life sublime
Aug 2015 · 896
metaphorical emotions
Julia Elise Aug 2015
Happiness is the tide rising and falling.

Anger, a whistling kettle, boiling over.

Sadness is a withering flower, waiting for water.

Fear, a lion, roaring until it's conquered.

Hate is the moon, inconstant and fading.

Loneliness, a single raindrop falling towards the sea.

Jealousy is a parasite, eating away at you.

Confidence, a sunrise, for everyone to see.

Guilt is an upset child, begging for attention.

Emotions are the adjectives of life.
The reason love is not grouped along with all of these emotions is the fact that I feel love cannot be compared to something of the earth. For love should be everlasting and it is thought to be perfect, but nothing in this world is.
Aug 2015 · 569
because I'm a girl
Julia Elise Aug 2015
heartbreaks are normal
you built a big wall
and shut me out

I am alone now
and I don't know how
to push you away

it's because I'm a girl?
I should expect this?
what was I thinking
about a long distance

so get out of my face
Before I punch yours
I don't deserve this
and I know for sure

it's not because I'm a girl

I wanted revenge
but when I did
I was put down

"did you think this through?
what did he do to you
to deserve that?"

he broke my heart
he tore it apart
what do you think

it's because I'm a girl?
I should except this?
what was I thinking?
he could be trusted?

You can't do better
And you know it's true
I've got one thing to say
I can do better than you

and it's because I'm a girl

I can stand on my own to feet
I burned all the pictures that you gave to me
I tore off the head of the stuffed monkey
and all those things you thought I would keep

because I am girl
I can fight for me
and the things that I believe

I may be a girl
Doesn't mean I am weak
when I said I love you
What did you take that to mean?

because I'm a girl
All the stereotypes
I was told I did wrong
Even when I was right

Because I'm a girl
Can't stand up for myself?
And if you think that
Find somebody else
for all of the girls who's feelings were pushed away because they were told that they didn't matter, or they should've known, or that because they are a "weak" girl you should just except the fact that boys will break your hearts and be okay with it.
Aug 2015 · 383
You did not...
Julia Elise Aug 2015
You did not complete me, you destroyed me.

You did not help me, you watched me struggle.

You did not trust me, you doubted me.

You did not believe in me, you broke me down.

You did not hold me, you pushed me away.

You did not care for me, you put up with me.

You did not love me, you lusted after me.
Jul 2015 · 1.8k
nighttime haunting
Julia Elise Jul 2015
nighttime haunting
head hits the pillow
eyes shut tight
memories fade into focus
horrible thoughts play
soon hope to forget
not so fortunate
tossing and turning
cannot sleep
replay eternally
daydreams or nightmares
can't tell the difference
no whimsical fantasy
dark treacherous feeling
never ending cycle
very near sleep
eyes abruptly open
shoot straight up
breaths heavy
mind full to entirety
lie down
slow breaths
drift off
and repeat
nighttime haunting
Jul 2015 · 704
to my sweet friend
Julia Elise Jul 2015
i love you my sweet friend
and will always
until all of my days end

while you explore the world
please stay safe
and may I still be your favorite girl

i pray you find what you search for
go far and wide
express your passion, be more

live your life the way you planned
just don't forget about me
you'll have my soul safe in your hand

i will be there when you marry
may it not be me?
yet in your arms, my heart, you carry

she will love you, much more than i
but please remember me
when struggles arise, for you i'll cry

explain to her, let her be understanding
about my love for you
our relationship long lasting

when we've both grown old
may you think of me
my friend not of silver, but gold

i love you my sweet friend
and will always
until all of my days end
Jul 2015 · 726
how can we wish
Julia Elise Jul 2015
we confuse wishes with reality

and we confuse reality with dreams

we confuse dreams with what is

and we confuse what is with desire

we confuse desire with truth

and we confuse truth with fantasy

we confuse fantasy with certainty

if nothing is certain

how can we fantasize

if we don't know the truth

how can we desire

if we don't know what is

how can we dream

if we don't know reality

how can we wish
Julia Elise Jul 2015
selfish boy
took what wasn't his

young girl
more than a stolen kiss

deceitful boy
somehow gets his way

naive girl
wants him to stay

convincing boy
says all the right things

innocent girl
to the words she clings

irresistible boy
fills her head with lies

rebellious girl
morals she defies

detestable boy
destroys her heart

hopeful girl
love was short

thoughtless boy
drops her, he's gone

poor girl
still holds on
Jul 2015 · 893
you are how you are
Julia Elise Jul 2015
you are not the clothes you wear
but you are how you wear them

you are not the words you say
but you are how you say them

you are not the way you look
but you are how you look at other people

you are not the person you're with
but you are how you work with them

you are not the lies told about you
but you are how you respond to them

you are not your bad decisions
but you are how you deal with them

you are not your friends
but you are how you treat them

you are not anything...
but you are how you are.
Jul 2015 · 547
Julia Elise Jul 2015
it was nothing more than a silly game
and maybe that's all it ever was
emotions over ride all else
I wish I had known before
that trusting you would hurt
I hardly knew you
I thought i did
but it was
all a
Jul 2015 · 543
Julia Elise Jul 2015
heart grabbed
back stabbed

heart cost
mind lost

heart given
none receiven

heart gone
fights long

heart hoping
hardly coping

words spoken
heart broken
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
fool with an open heart
Julia Elise Jul 2015
would have been an honor
to have my heart broken by you

yet without being yours
you managed it anyway

how could this happen
loved too hard, too fast.

maybe it's stupidity
maybe I'm naive

a fool with a open heard
is all I claim to be
lots of emotions happening.
Jul 2015 · 640
say goodbye.
Julia Elise Jul 2015
packed and left but now people care.
didn't even notice when I was there.

say their goodbyes, farewells, so longs.
doesn't matter that I'm already gone.

now I'm here, and now im alone.
in a new place I have to call home.

starting all over in this new place
all old memories hope not to erase.

and through it all to myself I stay true.
for a wise one once said, hard things I can do.
Jul 2015 · 248
Julia Elise Jul 2015
see him
been long
since then

one time
a year
he looks
a tear

we say
my eyes
they cry

lean in
arms strong
has gone
Jun 2015 · 587
Julia Elise Jun 2015
if home is where the heart is,
and you took mine...
then where is home?
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Julia Elise Jun 2015
island is my land
feels like leaving my own home
just to go back home
Jun 2015 · 680
how I met your mother
Julia Elise Jun 2015
way too long to tell
friends to help along the way
stories on stories
twisted fate or destiny
the way I met your mother
Nearly finished rewatching the series so I'm a bit emotional.
Jun 2015 · 690
love never dies
Julia Elise Jun 2015
young girl, pretty and sweet
waiting for love, her hope in deplete.

petty child, barely eighteen
spectacular emotion she had only seen

with only her parents, has any love last
not even one coming up from the past

young boy, nearly of age
almost a man working for wage

sick of his father, sick of his life
longs for a child, a family, a wife

try to leave as soon as he may
or sneak around to go right away

an unforeseen night, left all alone
until one another, felt one of their own

their beloved daughter had left
along the locket, her pocket she kept

how could she leave, they'd given  her everything
worried horribly sick, unsearched they left nothing

their wretched son had finally gone
dead to them if not back before dawn

angry father searched all night
"I find him, he's dead, he'll regret it alright!"

the most unlikely, incredible set
completely inconceivable they had met

they bore the same faces
but come from two different places

the look of shame, drowse and wear
young these children, altogether unfair

love at first sight, some like to think
true, also quick, miss if you blink

a budding romance between these two
nothing could stop their love that grew

but unknown to them a plan devised
take back their child, devils disguise

disowned by father, his mother a traitor
thought he'd forget but had grown to hate her

that detestable boy his father thought
as he held to the cords he had just bought

"That selfish boy how could he go
I gave him food, a bed, a home!"

on the night of the ceremony wed
an intruder in their marriage bed

"I've found you now at last" he cried
before a gasp the boys throat was tied

"Don't hurt him!" his lover yelled out
Then everyone began to shout

"He won't live if he speaks again
You'll be fine, find some other men"

no empathy for this little girl
seeing her love taken from this world

she listened for the softest of words
so quiet, jagged and slurred

"Please my princess listen close
My time here is almost....

I have the key to your locket gold,
I kept it in my broken soul

you may not understand it now
but when I'm gone you'll see, somehow

Our love is a curious thing
I see you and my feelings sing

you're beautiful, I love you
and there's one thing more to share too.

Our love will never end
May this now let it begin

for you and I there's no surprise
no matter what... love never dies."

And with those words he took a breath
the breath she could not soon forget

she cried for days although she knew
that now their love could start anew

he would watch over her days
and she would find new ways to say

"My love, I love you, you're never gone
I know forever, our love lives on."

and with these words the locket opened
a heart now mended, no longer broken.
Some made up words.
Not sure how this happened, sorta darker than I was going for originally.
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
Julia Elise Jun 2015
back into the spotlight
step onto the stage
with all your might
breathe taken away

regain your poise
sing loud, dance on
hear all the noise
night is almost gone

ending, powerful note
together in a moment, mere
no more time to devote
entire lives spent here

living for the thrill
of stepping on that floor
climbed the biggest hill
waiting for fans who adore

lights blind eyes
look into the crowd
this stage is mine
take your bow
Jun 2015 · 1.3k
everything for you
Julia Elise Jun 2015
Words like knives.
Spoke like rain.
Everything he said drove me insane.

Lips like cherries.
Tongue like viper.
Everything I said, shot down, ******.

Eyes like storms.
Ears like caves.
Everything I said echoed back like waves.

Hands like hooks.
Arms like vines.
Every word he spoke, twist, entwine.

Laugh like witch.
Smile like Chesire cat.
Everything he gave, he took back.

Thinks like humans.
Soul like ice.
Every bullet was from him, don't have to think twice.

Memories like sunset.
Boy like moon.
Everything I had would be gone too soon.
the idea behind the "thinks like humans" is that humans are the most selfish animal.
Jun 2015 · 383
Haiku about a haiku
Julia Elise Jun 2015
Two, five syllables
Odd combinations of words
Seven syllables
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
beautiful girl
Julia Elise Jun 2015
girl in the bathroom paints on her face
covering the spots on her skin
hoping to be like the others
cover it for the mornings
but reminded by the night time
knowingly she changes her looks
unknowingly she changes herself
shimmering colors reflect the lights
perfectly pinched pink cheeks
but her mascara-full lashes smear
and the wings of her eyeliner droop
she knows she'll never be like them
how could she love herself
when everything she sees in the mirror
are the things she hates most
cries as she stares at her reflection
she'll never be like the other girls
with genuine beauty and poise
but the other girls aren't authentic
they paint on their faces
to hide the real girl underneath
Jun 2015 · 655
Julia Elise Jun 2015
disgusting creature
belly scrapes the ground as it moves
small minded animal
ignorance has shone through

evil being with beliefs unfit
even for the underworld
potential for divinity
shot down by sin

ashamed by its words
horrified by the language
nasty things fall from its tongue
corruptive and *****

completely intriguing
nearly convincing
phrases mesmerizing

nearly to entirely
believed in the lie
satisfaction becomes regret
everything happens at once

nothing is the same
not after the fall
relates to the devil or boys. either works.
Jun 2015 · 5.8k
Julia Elise Jun 2015
She's what I long to be.
God brought her to me.
Beautiful, loving and kind.
I'm happy to call her mine.

Daughter my parents never had.
To have her I'm so glad.
She knows just what to say.
No matter what, come what may.

Best friend to call my own.
But the coop she already has flown.
So her wisdom she passes on.
We have a special "sibling" bond.

Although not the same descent.
And our relationship recent.
I am proud to call her.
My favourite older sister.
Cheesy poem for my sister Terrin❤️
Jun 2015 · 738
1 o'clock
Julia Elise Jun 2015
Sky is comepetely dark
The town is asleep
Almost time for the signing lark
As the sun will soon start to creep

Not much longer til morning rises
This little city will wake
Bringing a day full of surprises
Waiting for dawn to break

But for now the stars shine bright
For everyone who is awake tonight
Waiting for morning to come.
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