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7.3k · Sep 2016
You Know You're A Fangirl
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
When you get nostalgia
For previous episodes, books, volumes, or songs
When you understand the world better
By comparing it to a million fictional ones
When you obsessively hit the reset button on YouTube
Waiting for the next episode or song to come out
When you have tons of fictional or celebrity crushes
But don't like anyone in your school
When you understand the characters
Better than the people around you

That's when you know you're a fangirl
Just a little bit of geeking out.
5.4k · Oct 2016
Fashion and Violin
Breeze-Mist Oct 2016
Wearing stilettos
Is like playing La Folia:
Attitude is Key

Wearing makeup is
Like playing folk songs: do what
You want, but nicely
5.3k · Aug 2016
Frizzy Hair
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
As soon as I get out of bed
My hair makes a mess of my head
I brush it flat and sleek
And, for an hour, its neat
But then it gets frizzy instead
Humidity, dry air, wind, static, hats, and bandanas seem to be conspiring to ruin my hairstyles.
4.9k · Nov 2016
Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
Now it is finally the moment I truth
As citizens enter the voting booth
In response, I'd just like to quote a comic based on this election here:
"Vote like youyou'll have to explain yourself in twenty years"
4.9k · Aug 2016
Sailor's Daughter
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
You know you're a sailor's daughter
When you can smell if there's salt in the water

You know you're a sailor's daughter
When you swim with the ease of an otter

You know you're a sailor's child
When you love waters both tame and wild

You know you're a sailor's girl
When water surrounds your whole world
I'm often suprised at how much my world involves water, but then again, my dad works for the Coast Gaurd.
4.5k · Sep 2016
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
My pantheon is
The hundreds of characters
That I know like friends
Just a little bit of fangirling.
4.3k · Nov 2016
One Question Remains
Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
One question remains under the cover of this night
Will I bow down or will I fight?
Submission garuntees a place to stay
But rebellion lets me live my own way
4.2k · Nov 2016
Rising Above
Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
Harken now to the fighter's call
From demigod warriors to the petitioners at the mall
We band together and rise when they divide and fall
E Pluribus, Unum: we rise above it all
4.0k · Sep 2016
A Nerdy Saturday
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
Harry Potter's on
With Star Trek, sudoku, and
A book on Aaron Swartz
3.1k · Jun 2016
Breeze-Mist Jun 2016
I want to breathe in so deeply
My lungs inflate
Break their cage
And let my heart
Along with my feelings, thoughts, fear, and numbness
Fly out
So I hold my breath
And I almost get there
2.9k · Aug 2016
Welcome to High School
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
I want to live for today
But keeping grades gets in the way
I want to be wild
But to get a job I have to be mild
They say "be yourself"
And throw themselves at your mental health
Welcome to high school

Welcome to high school
It's not exactly musical
Welcome to high school
Isn't it wonderful?
Forget what you know
I'm just here to show
You your classes in a place
You thought would be cool

You're underslept
You're somewhat upset
Mood swings, hormones
Family issues
A shitload of schoolwork
Mix them together in a class
And you'll pray that college will come fast
I found this poem/song in a journal that I kept in English class last year.
2.7k · Apr 2016
Breeze-Mist Apr 2016
"don't grow up too fast
you still have time
to be a child"
you say to me

The difference between us
is that you wish to be a child
whereas I
never want to be one again

your childhood
was playing foursquare
and lava monster
and avoiding the cheese-touch
with your three best friends

my childhood
was being kept out of foursquare
ignored by the lava monster
and being the untouchable object
in my class's game of "Beth-touch"

your childhood
was a playful push and poke
with your classmates

my childhood
was getting my front tooth chipped
and being pushed off of the monkey bars

your childhood
was seeing your parents argue
then make up

my childhood
was hearing shouting upstairs
and seeing my parents sitting apart silently for hours afterward

your childhood
was hoping your mother's flu got better

my childhood
was my mom falling and twisting her arm
on the way to a meeting with the principal
hard enough that her hand still isn't the same size

your childhood
was learning weird new things
through rumors, friends, and what you could find

my childhood
was being left in the dark
on all but the basics

your childhood
was fun elementary school trends
like lunchables, messenger bags, and chocolate calculators

my childhood
was having a different style
and having no common interests with the other kids

your childhood
was a playful time of learning
that you wish to return to

my childhood
was the role of the playground's pariah
and I'm never going back
I wrote this because whenever I talk about wanting to be older, the usual response I get is "but you'll never get to be a kid again!"
to those people: that's kind of the point. I didn't exactly like being a child: I once got sent to the principal's office six times in one semester.
2.5k · Jun 2016
Sparkling Eyes
Breeze-Mist Jun 2016
Your eyes shine brighter
Than the milky way veiwed from Shenandoah
And twinkle more
Than all of the attacks and special effects in anime
Yes, this is a love poem. I've tried to avoid writing any because mine are a bit cheesy.
Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
On the first day of junior year
I came to school to see
A video on students rights and responsibilities

On the second day of junior year
I came to school to see
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the third day of junior year
I came to school to see
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the fourth day of junior year
I came to school to see
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the fifth day of junior year
I came to school to see
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the sixth day of junior year
I came to school to see
Six school police officers
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the seventh day of junior year
I came to school to see
Seven student councelors
Six school police officers
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the eighth day of junior year
I came to school to see
Nine school principals
Seven student councelors
Six school police officers
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the ninth day of junior year
I came to school to see
Over thirty clubs
Nine school principals
Seven student councelors
Six school police officers
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the tenth day of junior year
I came to school to see
Hundreds of badly labeled classrooms
Over thirty clubs
Nine school principals
Seven student councelors
Six school police officers
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the eleventh day of junior year
I came to school to see
Over four hundred teachers
Hundreds of badly labeled classrooms
Over thirty clubs
Nine school principals
Seven student councelors
Six school police officers
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities

On the twelfth day of junior year
I came to school to see*
Four thousand, five hundred and twenty-eight students
Over four hundred teachers
Hundreds of badly labeled classrooms
Over thirty clubs
Nine school principals
Seven student councelors
Six school police officers
Five different sports fields
Four hallway monitors
Three different lunch periods
Two miles of hallways
And a video on students rights and responsibilities
Sung to the tune of "Twelve Days of Christmas.
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
Doodle, and give weird answers
He'll leave you alone
Advice for anyone who has to take gym class next year.
It worked for me.
2.2k · Feb 2017
Sunset's Swan
Breeze-Mist Feb 2017
Sunset rolls in like a rainbow swan descending
Sweeping darkening colors over the rolling land
She raises both wings behind her at her landing
Showing her wing's plumes, painted by an artist's hand
2.2k · Jan 2017
Tomboy Reminders
Breeze-Mist Jan 2017
When I was a small child
I was no lady fair and mild
I was the princess of the wild
As by tree climbing I was beguiled

I didn't like pink princess sets
Sports were something I couldn't get
I climbed everywhere, even playgrounds that were wet
And I loved proving kids wrong on a bet

As I grew into the girl I became
Some things changed, some stayed the same
I love all sorts of clothes, made for both gents and dames
And my boyish reaction to crushes is still my bane
Some girls rub a guy's arm. I fold an origami swan, try to secretly drop it in his backpack, and walk out of the classroom with the bell without checking to see wether I was successful or not.
2.2k · Aug 2016
Nightime Lightning
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
Long after dark
In a sky full of grey
Lightning's quick mark
Turns night into day
2.1k · Jul 2017
Hiking Lesson #1
Breeze-Mist Jul 2017
One of the best things in life
Is hiking up a massive hill
Reaching the top and seeing the light
As water cascades into a pond where birds trill
And you set down your pack to breathe
And wade knee deep in mountain forest air
And then lie back against cool stones in ease
And bend back to let the current rinse your hair
Breeze-Mist Oct 2016
Under water colored lilacs
The water colors the world
Running along her driveway
The rain comes along and runs down
Through the mist she runs out
To see if the paperboy missed
2.0k · Aug 2016
Idioms II
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
Ignorance is only bliss
When you're the one the effects miss
2.0k · Dec 2016
Loud Phone
Breeze-Mist Dec 2016
I need to quiet my phone
the worry will drive me insane
The sound it makes in a room
Embarrasses me for no gain
In a large group, it's fine
No one can hear a thing to blame
but in a small group of my friends
I can't ever let it happen again
I really need to figure out how to quiet my phone down.
2.0k · Apr 2016
Breeze-Mist Apr 2016
glow bright, glow bright
chase out the shadows
of the night
during the day
you hide away
to another
place to stay
firefly glow bright
for fear of the dark
cast out your light
but lest the sparrow
find you by day
by sunrise you
must run away
glow bright, glow bright
chase out the shadows
of the night
during the day
you hide away
in another
place you'll stay
firefly, just sparkle
and shine
you'll find others
of your kind
for at night only
they come out, too
hidden by dark
plainly in view
alone by day
they run away
lest the sparrow
come their way
in the night
they come together
and shine bright
now and forever
glow bright, glow bright
chase out the shadows
of the night
during the day
you hide away
but hold on for better
to come your way
this is sort of a song, but I can't think of a tune for it.
1.9k · Aug 2016
One Chance
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
One chance
That's all I've got
One glance
To make this shot
A final stance
To change our lot
This chance is all we've got
1.9k · Jun 2017
Summer Sonnet
Breeze-Mist Jun 2017
On hot summer days that strech ouy like this
Bird and bug song harmonized in the air
Cool water splashing with the sound of kids
Hearts start to be wild and do as wished
Leafed breezes blow away all hardened care
Creatures come from the dens in which they hid
As stars draw in like a smooth panther fur
And future folds out, bright and unsure
Music calls out in the dead of night
As all come out to camp, dance, chat, and play
We try our bravado and our own fright
As summer nights flow into the dog days
1.9k · Jul 2016
Silent Cities
Breeze-Mist Jul 2016
My favorite juxtaposition
Is when a city goes totally silent
When the widest streets are empty
And the only sounds are quiet

The bustling stores are still closed
And no one else is walking around
The city looks amazingly different
With only a few men in the ground

The buildings stand tall and silent
While those up late tuck in for the night
And the earliest risers have yet to awake
To meet the ever blinking lights

The signs are as bright as ever
And the lights still work 'round the clock
But not a single bike, car, or man
Can be seen on the city block

I stand on the silent street corner
Feeling the moment rush through me
For stunningly empty cities
Are some of my favorite places to be
1.9k · May 2016
Breeze-Mist May 2016
Unwind my body
Like a vivisection
And see if you can find
The real me

Unwind the code
Like pulling a string from cloth
And see if you can find
Humanity's reason
1.9k · Aug 2016
Idioms III
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
People keep saying "Just be yourself!"
But they act disappointed when you're not someone else
1.8k · Sep 2016
What The Circus Taught Me
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
Always follow your dreams
Even if they involve
Flying through the air
Meeting an alternate version of yourself
Talking to invisible creatures
Throwing pie at people
Interpretive dance
Singing in nonexistent languages
Walking on the celing
Swallowing fire and blades
Or flashing lights

Because in the end
When other people see it
They'll either laugh with you
Or stare, breathless and in awe
1.8k · Jun 2017
Breeze-Mist Jun 2017
I'm walking down a path I know
I got the volume on full blast
I've still got thousands of verses to go
I intend to make each last
But someone walks up to me
Telling me to cease and desist
I begrudgingly comply
But in my mind, I say this:

Don't talk to me now, my headphones are on
I'm dancing in my mind to my song
My feet match the kicker, my heart beats the snare
In this moment, I don't have a care
So while I've got my headphones on
Please take note, I'll carry on

It's the end of the day, I'm finally home
All homework and chores have been done
So I walk up to my room, warm and alone
And soon the phone's concert has begun

So I say
Don't talk to me now, my headphones are on
I'm dancing in my mind to my song
My feet match the kicker, my heart beats the snare
In this moment, I don't have a care
So while I've got my headphones on
Please take note, I'll carry on

I've got two more hours on this ride
Through a long and quiet night
But I've got a little help by my side
To get me to the morning light

So I say
Don't talk to me now, my headphones are on
I'm dancing in my mind to my song
My feet match the kicker, my heart beats the snare
In this moment, I don't have a care
So while I've got my headphones on
Please take note, I'll carry on

Don't talk to me now, my headphones are on
I'm dancing in my mind to my song
My feet match the kicker, my heart beats the snare
In this moment, I don't have a care
So while I've got my headphones on
Please take note, I'll carry on
1.8k · Apr 2016
Information Age
Breeze-Mist Apr 2016
the most important thing
in all fights everywhere
is information
Knowledge is power
and to obtain said power
we mustn't bar the flow
so down with censorship
break the taboo from its chains
and bring it to light
and if someone says
"we won't let you say these things"
tell them to buzz off
1.7k · Feb 2017
Planet Prison(10w)
Breeze-Mist Feb 2017
Some make plans to escape
Some just watch it burn
More inspiration from Kurgestat.
1.7k · Nov 2016
Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
I'm okay at cooking
But I'm no Julia Child
So hopefully dinner tonight
Won't end up getting too wild
I'm trying my hand at French cooking. Hopefully it goes well.
Breeze-Mist Jul 2016
You will not break my mind
You will not shatter my spirit
Try me as you want and you will find
That I am quite resilient
1.7k · Jun 2016
Breeze-Mist Jun 2016
My little redheaded cousin
Still in elementary school
Or whatever it's called in Belfast

The news just came in
From the other side of the pool
The Brexit movement has passed

Will little Aoife still be
Able to travel freely southward
To see the rest of her family in Ireland?

I'll have to wait and see
If North Ireland's change will be hard
I have no idea what's being planned
1.6k · Feb 2017
Night's Fox
Breeze-Mist Feb 2017
Night is like a black fox, prancing and gliding about
His black fur iridescent with the stars that come out
His large brush of a tail sweeps over the earth
His phasing eyes a moon full of mirth
1.6k · Sep 2016
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
What started with benign intentions
Turned into an Orwellian invention
What started as a way to stop a mental trip
Is being used incorrectly for censorship
Yes, YouTube may be a company
But our speech is supposed to be free
And if we wanted certain features disabled
We all would've signed up for cable

So we'll find the information
And we will speak out
Let's join together from every nation
And make the world turn about
YouTube has unveiled new guidlines for youtubers stating what constitutes "advertising friendly material", which essentially says that if a video maker swears a lot in their videos or brings up a sensitive subject like drugs or suicide (even if they are actively trying to stop these things in the video), YouTube will not allow these content creators to earn ad revenue from the videos in question.
This may not seem like a big deal, but many big YouTubers make nearly all of their money from their videos and don't have other jobs since they spend so much time not only making but also editing their videos. Under these new guidlines, if a youtuber swears a lot in their videos or if they bring up controversial subjects, they will not be able to make as revenue off of their videos, essentially taking away their pay. The only way that this can be avoided is if the youtuber in question stops making "contreversial" and "non-advertising friendly" videos.
This is a blatant act of censorship. If YouTube were at all concerned about people being triggered by a video (as they will claim that that is why the new rules are in place), they would ask youtubers to tag their videos with trigger warnings and not deprive them of ad revenue. This system only serves to drive contreversial youtubers, many of whom are very popular, to quit YouTube and look for a more stable income.
This does not violate any laws, as YouTube is a private company and the first amendment applies to the government. This does, however, violate the very principle of free speech.
Many youtubers choose to work through the media that they do because the internet is supposed to allow for freedom of expression in a way that broadcast television does not allow. YouTube also allows content creators to reach a global audience, wheras without it a video might only be available in a small reigon of the world.
There has been a trend recently of people trying to censor the internet, such as with the "right to be forgotten" laws (Which can allow criminals to hide articles about their arrests), copyright claims based on background music that no one can hear, and inconsistent age restrictions.
We need to speak up and let the world, the internet, and especially YouTube know that this is not okay.
Spread the word however you want to, make sure people know what's happening. If we all speak up, then maybe companies like YouTube will hear us.

And if you read all the way to the end of this essay, I would like to say thank you. I know that was extremely long, but I couldn't figure out how to explain it with fewer words. So for you attention and support, I will give you an emoticon rose.
1.6k · Oct 2016
"I Don't Need Friends"
Breeze-Mist Oct 2016
What I say is that
I don't need friends because I'm
An introvert girl

And that's mostly true
But in all honesty, I'd
Like some companions

The full truth is that
I don't need friends who will joke
About mental health

I don't need friends who
Use "******" and "******" as
As ******* nicknames

I don't need friends who
Create drama and then say
That they hate it all

I don't need friends who
Will lie to me, and then go
Gossip about me

I don't need a circle
Of friends that gets so complex
It becomes a web

And to be honest
I've been, in the past, guilty
Of all of these things

But I don't need to
Deal with these things all the time
In a group of friends

I just want friends who
I can simultaneously
Be dumb and smart with

Friends whom I can be
Existential with, and yet
Prank other kids with

Friends whom I don't feel
The constant need to hide or
Be perfect around

Those kinds of friends seem to be
In short supply here

So far I have three
And I only really see
Them three times a month

Call me a homebody
Say I'm antisocial, but
That's just how I feel
1.6k · Oct 2016
Samhain Night
Breeze-Mist Oct 2016
Tonight all the spirits come out and dance
Tonight all the beasts jump around and prance
Tonight we join that ancient Celtic trance
From Japan to America to Johannesburg to France

The spirits and fairies walk the earth tonight
As we watch and tell stories to induce fright
As werewolves and zombies come out into the light
And all of the witches shall do as they might

So happy Hallows eve, wherever you are
Be it in a haunted hedge or a ship in the stars
From the days of the first druids to those of flying cars
Let us all, human or not, come out to laugh, sing, and roar
Happy halloween to all of the humans, aliens, elves, pixies, zombies, vampires, ghosts, and animals!
(I did write this on October 30, but it's only 6 hours before the 31, and I'm going to a Halloween party)
1.5k · May 2016
The Queen of Flowered Vines
Breeze-Mist May 2016
The young wolf runs down
Intrigued by the masked woman
Followed by flower vines

She urges him on
Bringing him to the city
She has to show him

Looking at his land
He sees no proud, brave warriors
But a numbed crowd

The Queen leads him home
But the Prince thinks of the crowd
And runs down once more
This is actually the second poem in a series, so I would recommend reading the other poem, "the king of thorns" and the collection description if you feel confused
1.5k · Jan 2017
Night's Call
Breeze-Mist Jan 2017
Some just begin to rise
Others begin to fall
People's sleeping changes with dusk
Heeding the night's call

The early bird tucks in for sleep
The night owl wires up for fun
As people continue their daily cycles
With the disappearance of the sun
1.5k · Sep 2016
Bouncing in the Snow
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
Bouncing through the snow
pit, pit here I go
Crunching through the ice
snap, crack this is nice
Falling down my yard
Now I'm a snow covered bard
Just a memory from last February.
1.4k · Apr 2017
Fire and Ice
Breeze-Mist Apr 2017
Fire burns in passion untold
Ice reflects and refracts in the cold
And it must be said:
Please watch your head
Their burns can scar you 'till you're old
Ice, if cold enough (think dry ice temp), can burn you.
1.4k · Dec 2016
Auld Lang Sine Rewrite
Breeze-Mist Dec 2016
Can I just forget this year
That started off so fine
I just hope that by next year
I'll have a better time

With all the fighting on the news
In Damascan streets
Makes me wonder how we can
Reject the survivors we meet

Between Brexit and the election
We keep on splitting apart
And all of the hateful ones
Feel free to threaten our hearts

Zika rode in behind ebola
Two crisies on end
All of the panic caused by it
Hardly helps people make amends

The Olympics were pretty great
But still pretty spotty
With bacterial bays, alge filled pools
And the antics of Ryan Lochtie

The globe's heat keeps rising on
Wreaking havoc on our climate
With polar ice melting, it grates
That people don't get science

My favorite sci fi heroes died
Those people who inspired
Those who gave us so much hope
Just suddenly expired

The local subway's been a mess:
It keeps catching on fire
After three times, it just seems
That we can't fix a wire

My brain seems to be getting worse
At being normal or sane
Somedays I just want to run
And dissolve into the rain

I ended my relationship
Of over a year
And lost touch with some friends
Whom I once held so dear

School just keeps getting harder
(Not too shocking to find)
But my Girl Scout and school projects
Might just fry my mind

My mom and I are getting to
A rough patch in our ways
And hiding my intrests from my 'rents
Takes so much of my days

My social circle only gets
Harder and harder to track
And my family's stories sound like soaps
Even though we have each other's backs

So can I just forget this year
Make it all fade away
Can I just go back to sleep
And face '16 another day

So can I just forget this year
Just please make it all end
And maybe in 2017
I'll be able to start again
Since no one knows the words to the song, I made up my own version to sing at midnight.
1.4k · Oct 2016
An Allegory
Breeze-Mist Oct 2016
Give a man a room
With a bed and an endless kitchen
And a door and a window
And he will live in the room
He may go outside often
But he will always come back
And maybe
In time
He'll bring back new things
And he'll add to the room

Take away the door
And he might stay in for months
Before he can't take it anymore
And climbs out the window
Never to return

Take away
The window and then door
And the man
Failing to break through the walls
Will either
Tear up the room with graffiti and flames
Resign himself to a corner for weeks

Either way, he will destroy himself
If he has not way out

So it only makes sense
To give the man
A windows and a door
And to have a little faith in him
As he meets the world
1.4k · Aug 2016
Idioms IV
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
"Why don't you ask for help
If you know you're not alright?"

Because we all know what happens
To cornered dogs who bite
1.4k · Aug 2016
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
Water flow throughout me
Down into the earth
Wash away my past life
Awake me in rebirth

Water flow around me
Paint your 3D tapestry
Those otherworldly earthy scenes
Of the rivers, lakes, and seas

Water flow down on me
From upon those clouds so high
Drizzle, drip, and thunder down
From the endless sky

Water flow throughout me
As you move about the world
Moving both slowly and quickly
In motions both meek and bold
1.3k · Nov 2016
Cell Phone Renegades
Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
This is for the cell phone renegades
Those who use post its like grenades

This is for the average mavericks
Those who live in defiance of cruel cliques

This is for the subway gladiators
Those who live love over hate even in an elevator

This is for the commuter warriors
Those who ignore the bigots and barriers

To all of you out there , wherever you are
Let's create a better world, both near and far
1.3k · Apr 2017
Wild West Web
Breeze-Mist Apr 2017
Is the wild west
Of the modern era, with
Vast, open space, laws with few sheriffs
Fights between groups rights and religious beliefs
Unknown connections waiting, and some rustler's crime rings
And a presence of *** overlooked when this is taught to kids
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
Sometimes the weather
Is a foe you can't beat.
The library just closed
"Due to excessive heat".
You know it's a hot day when it's too hot to keep the library open.
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