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Jul 2015 · 3.3k
Aparna Jul 2015
He swore under his breath every time he saw her.
She was unlike any creature he had ever seen.

The dust on her wings and the dew on her ****-like hair,
She'd only be better if she were a mermaid.
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
Star Crossed Souls
Aparna Jul 2015
Glowing constellations and powdered snow,
Fingers intwined under the cashmere blanket.

I promise, I swear, whispered over and over,
The broken record, near the crumbling bodies.
Their bodies are dead, but the promises their souls made reverberate through time.
Jul 2015 · 2.8k
Dracula's Death
Aparna Jul 2015
Pomegranate gems on her slender neck.
Ruby stains splattered on the bear rug.

A break from breathing, some shut eye.
She closed the coffin, with her heart inside.
Sep 2013 · 16.2k
Aparna Sep 2013
Handcuffed to a post, body chained to death.
Rusted irons pulling his spirit towards Hell.

Shackled souls who cry in hope.
His name in blood on white-washed walls.
Jul 2013 · 3.5k
Aparna Jul 2013
Rascals, ruffians and rogues alike.
Slumming the alleys with their slurs,
And sewage rats.

Across the streets, just beyond the performers.
The dames of paradise carrying flowered parasols.
A *****, she is. Stupid Alessandra! one said.

The hooligans hugged each other with glee,
As the women struck each other,
With their spiteful words.

Filthy, is the life of the cleaner souls,
And rich, is the life of the poorest minds.
Alas, the weirdest of them all is God.
Jul 2013 · 2.5k
Aparna Jul 2013
Treble, tunes and solemn symphonies.
Trouble, wrecked and poignant stories.

Classic harmonies and plastic picks,
Picking on strings and drumming sticks.

A tale as old as his peppered hair,
Brooding lyrics of his dead girl, so fair.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Aparna Jul 2013
Take the wind away with your breath, he said.
His body weakening under the sun.

Take the wind away with your breath, he said.
She cried as the wind took away his.
Jul 2013 · 2.5k
Aparna Jul 2013
Glistening  sweat, on his chest.
Hairs on the back of his neck,
Readily risen as his face tenses.
Cold thoughts arrest his movement.

****** Mary! ****** Mary! ****** Mary!

And there she was, white and all.
Knife in hand and a lusting smile.
Plunging deep, his heart must rest.
Glistening blood, on his chest.
Jul 2013 · 2.3k
As Old As Time
Aparna Jul 2013
Paper boats and twisted rivers,
Dead fishes, floating on water.

Blue ink in the babbling azure,
Their names in cursive, faded-
*Adam and Eve
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Blind Chanteuse
Aparna Jul 2013
White socks, black shoes.
Old soul, new tunes.

Changed her name,
For promised fame.

Lost her eyes,
For a better life.
Apr 2013 · 2.5k
Aparna Apr 2013
Toxic love spilling,
Wrapped in his ecstasy,
Breathing in his fumes,
Drawing her to this poison.

Lying on burnt roses and hot candle wax.
Flickering lights above her,
His silhouette on the wall,
Strong, tall and bare.

**** her world. **** her now.
Aparna Apr 2013
Peasant clothes and peasant shoes,
Hardly bathed and poorly used.

Resting in coal and eating curds,
All she had left were her learned words.
Apr 2013 · 2.6k
Aparna Apr 2013
Oil paintings hung on ropes,
Like a suicidal woman.

Death wishes scratched upon,
The glossed walls.

A golden crown dressed in red,
The scent of ****** in a palace room.
Apr 2013 · 2.9k
Aparna Apr 2013
Strutting, the halls in Jimmy Choo boots,
Wearing a daring V-neck sweater that was envied by every girl,
Dark skinny jeans that ran along legs so firm and toned.
Hushed voices and awkward glances at the diva,
Who strolled through the doors.
Gossip and idle rumours echoed the halls as the blonde walked past.
Heads turned and stared as a locker flung open!
Romance novels and glossy magazines,
Covered in foam, spilling on the floor.
Tears rolling down cheeks, as haughty laughter filled the air.
Hurt and regret!
If only he was a girl, they would accept him.
But now, he's nothing but a boy!
Apr 2013 · 2.9k
Hungry Kittens
Aparna Apr 2013
Stale fish and sour milk,
On the marble floor.

Their pockets were rich,
But their hearts were cold.
Apr 2013 · 5.1k
Aparna Apr 2013
Sweet sorrows of burning palms,
He loved everything that was wrong.

She washed away his pain with coconut flesh,
And tender kisses of a foul mouth.
Apr 2013 · 9.9k
Pre-Prison Party
Aparna Apr 2013
Threaded brows and polished nails,
Pouting lips and ruffled skirts.

Doing it slow, with a Magic Mike look-alike.
Hosting shows for the richest of the slums.

Wearing glittering rocks,  buying Vuittons.
Stolen dollars, well spent before their time inside.
Apr 2013 · 2.9k
Aparna Apr 2013
Writhe, burn, twist and roll,
Bodies on fire as hot as Hell, itself.

He pled for breath at the flicking furnace,
"Rot, in misery!" said Satan himself.
Mar 2013 · 3.3k
Aparna Mar 2013
Sipping tonics on toned bellies.
Elbows soft from jasmine lotions.
White skin painted in deep caramel.

He held his sweaty palms out,
Begging, a penny for his meal.
She kept the dollar for a Starbucks latte.
Mar 2013 · 2.4k
Empty Bellies, Whole Souls
Aparna Mar 2013
The sugar, the ice, glazed upon the cream buns.
An array of plates of delicacies.
The roasted pig, grunted while being chewed.
Or perhaps, that was the man who chewed it.

She stood in rags waiting to be served.
'What would 2 pence get me?'
They snickered and giggled as she,
Bought a stick of butter for dinner.
Mar 2013 · 3.2k
Aparna Mar 2013
Maids at noon
Performers in the eve'

Maria and Ayla worked,
For every penny they stole.
Mar 2013 · 2.0k
Alma Mater
Aparna Mar 2013
Well- bread horses and golden corn.
Freshly rained upon, scissor cut green fields,
Dew settling on stained pink roses.

Ribbons entangled behind the blueberry bushes,
Where boys and girls share their first kisses,
Shaming Nano Nagle, her statue.
Mar 2013 · 5.9k
Here, Hear
Aparna Mar 2013
Loud minds in the silent chapel,
Echoes of desperate prayers.

Hope settled in their seeing eyes.
Words that their ears, caught not.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Aparna Mar 2013
Shattered porcelain, on the chamber floor.
Like eggshells, interrupting the silence.

Ebony curls torn out from the scalp.
A wooden cane in his hand.

No NO, he whispered at the withering life.
She breathed her last breath, and then died.
Mar 2013 · 2.7k
Aparna Mar 2013
Burning bodies in salted seas.
Pinching ***** along the dead beds.

Wet winds carrying the sharp flavour,
Of overcooked hot dogs and slutty beach bums.

— The End —