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13.7k · Feb 2019
Lost in Translation
Peasant The Poet Feb 2019
Early in the morning,
Laying in bed,
light washing over me,
thoughts floating in my head.

Wondering what it’d be like,
Doubt seeps like morning glow.
What could I say to him?
What might he never know?

- Lost in Translation
1.4k · Feb 2019
Peasant The Poet Feb 2019
Stomata seeded psyche,
nightly thoughts perspire;
ooze from my pores,
diffuse and transpire.

Green growth needs light,
but not in my head.
It seems it’s at night
ideas sprout and spread.
940 · Aug 2019
Spill the Tea Sis
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Boiling brewing,
brimming brink;
piping hot tea
to turn you pink.
Cream and sugar?
No need I think.
Scandal so sweet,
delicious to drink.
792 · Aug 2019
Wish Upon a Wine
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
If there was a message in this bottle,
I'd sip until I could see.
Drinking dulcet dreams
of what I wish you'd say to me.
762 · Aug 2019
Eye Contact
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Eyes elicit
smiling, tease.
Playfully ponder,
fluently please.
Lofty, loquacious,
words a'weave,
what's the message
I am to recieve?
752 · Feb 2019
Don’t Read Me Wrong
Peasant The Poet Feb 2019
I have an idea,
A game we can play.
I’ll paint you a picture,
What does it say?

“Like charades?” you ask,
Yes, but with higher stakes.
I’m the riddle on the canvas,
Can you solve without mistakes?

⁃ Don’t Read Me Wrong
657 · Oct 2019
Peasant The Poet Oct 2019
Sneaking, slithering,
creeping down;
snaking hands
prey they've found.
Wrapping, writhing,
closely wound;
warping warmth,
sleeping sound.
648 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Once upon a wonder
You must’ve known me.
Unfamiliar familiarity,
Straight through me you see.
To you transparent,
My mind a sieve.
Surprisingly apparent
Reluctant for you to leave.
643 · Mar 2019
Say It Again
Peasant The Poet Mar 2019
How lucky you love languages,
I speak a few too.
My favorite one you’re fluent in?
I’ll give you a clue.

A sweet speak in tongues,
I never tire to hear.
Words drip not in honey,
but your taste for it is clear.

⁃ Say It Again
624 · Aug 2019
Scarlet Sentiments
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Roses are beautiful,
but even more so dead;
weak and wilted,
not sad but misread.
Peeling petals,
reflective red,
sanguine silk,
a bittersweet bed.
556 · Jul 2019
Don’t Wake Me Up
Peasant The Poet Jul 2019
I don’t want to wake up,
I want to live my lucid dream.
Flushed with shades I’ve never seen,
You entwined in every color scheme.
550 · Aug 2019
Unburden My Mind
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Pursuing distraction
Within good hands
Focus a fraction
Unspoken, understands.
Thoughts weigh heavy,
Shake it off.
Eyes caught steady,
Take it off.
539 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
A picture captures a moment,
Entrapping it for view.
If I reach into the frame
Clutch and claim,
Can I have that moment anew?
519 · Aug 2019
Open Affair
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Silky strands,
Belie beware.
Framing my face,
Snake and ensnare.
Teasing and twirling,
Fingers in hair.
Begging to be pulled,
Mockingly dare.
508 · Feb 2019
Shoutout to Zoloft
Peasant The Poet Feb 2019
Look I'm awake!
I used no alarm!
Not torpid, no despair,
Pill worked like a charm!

I've been mentally marinating,
In a cerebral stew.
Truly amazed by
This chemical brew.

-  Shoutout to Zoloft
456 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Dark to dawn
ink blue bleed.
Spilling sky
morning seed.
Greedily growing
a clockwork ****.
Smothering slumber
with stealthy speed.
421 · Aug 2019
So Bad at Goodbyes
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
I used to think I was good at everything
But now I know it’s not true.
After trying & failing & yielding nothing
I realize I’m bad at letting go of you.
407 · Mar 2019
Liquid Diet
Peasant The Poet Mar 2019
Hungry gaze,
Craving respite,
Satisfied seeing you,
Drinking in the sight.
398 · Jul 2019
A Speck of Color
Peasant The Poet Jul 2019
Today is gray,
in lieu of blue.
Funny how I'm reduced to pigment,
when I start thinking of you.
380 · Aug 2019
Eye Encourage
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Suffocating lull,
adulterated air,
dreary dull,
rescue is rare.
Taken aback,
snatched ensnare.
Curiosity caught
hard to bear.
Hesitantly hopeful,
delicately dare,
don't be fooled,
by a doe-eyed stare.
352 · Jan 2020
Peasant The Poet Jan 2020
Honey colored gem,
a resin relic;
sweet suspension
of past to present.
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Coyly capsulated,
Peel and pry;
Eager to unravel,
Encouraged to try.
Splitting skin,
Surgically apply;
Enigma extraction,
Sweetly sly.
333 · Sep 2019
Peasant The Poet Sep 2019
Wiley whiskey,
drips and drains,
sip n' spills,
stings and stains.
Dilute the drink,
with time it wanes;
seeping spreading,
through my veins.
332 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Arms wrapped tightly,
loving embrace;
every hug haunted,
laced with your trace.
297 · Jun 2019
Tastes Like Blue
Peasant The Poet Jun 2019
I think I've caught a case of synesthesia,
because I'm feeling a hue.
Normally I only see in colors,
but today I'm feeling blue.

It tastes sad and salty.
I hope it's fleeting like the flu.
Maybe it's an allergy?
Or perhaps I'm just missing you.
293 · Jun 2019
Real Ruse
Peasant The Poet Jun 2019
Synapses crossing signs,
a mental ruse.
Where to draw the lines?
When senses mix cues?

Hearing sensations
Feeling hues
Tasting sounds
A sensory diffuse.
292 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Vowels vermillion,
bleeding ink,
dripping dialogue,
lingering link.
Looking inward,
tearful blink;
pour on paper,
soak and shrink.
278 · Jul 2020
Peasant The Poet Jul 2020
fluent flume
scribble and scrawl
ink stains slither
wriggle and crawl
Across the page
fluidly fall
mind spilling, scattered
no semblance at all.
266 · Oct 2019
Meet Me
Peasant The Poet Oct 2019
Twilight state,
hungry to keep.
Hope it’s not too late,
to see you in my sleep.
266 · Aug 2019
Slippery Schemes
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Daylight dozing,
Half asleep.
Wispy wonders,
Crawling creep.
Inching upward,
Curiosity deep.
When I wake,
They spill and seep.
253 · Aug 2019
Lead Role Auditions
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Sunny silhouettes dance
Midday debut
Shady embrace cast
Searching for a shadow of you.
252 · Jun 2020
Peasant The Poet Jun 2020
Wandered a whiff,
trailing a breeze;
an inkling waft,
a tickling tease.
Faintly familiar...
Fragrant with ease.
Perfume of past,
present to please.
scent memory
238 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Usually I'm a forgetful one,
Unlucky this is no longer true;
Everything existing under the sun,
conveys a clue for you.

Teach me how to unknow what I've known
Learn me something new.
Ripping roots mentally sown,
Desperate to renew.
204 · Aug 2019
Time Crunch
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
A second can be forever,
but forever is seconds with you.
Elapsing fast, rushing past,
over before I even knew.
199 · Jan 2020
Haptic Haunt
Peasant The Poet Jan 2020
Sketching scripture,
a seductive scrawl.
Fingers tracing,
receptory recall.
Tapering with time;
a melancholy erase.
Reminiscing your writing,
healing hieroglyphic efface.
197 · Aug 2019
Body Language
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Lofty fingers innocently lay,
my interest is piqued...
by what they might say?
dictating dialogue,
my mind astray,
wildly wondering,
how those hands might play...
Hands catch my imagination sometimes, i enjoy juxtaposing the innocence of their everyday use. Ubiquitous and in plain sight, teasing secrets in my mind.
184 · Aug 2019
Hide and Seek
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Skeletal sanctuary within my head
No longer safe, haunted instead
Desperate for refuge, full of dread
Hiding from you, and what’s ahead.
171 · Aug 2019
Weeping Willow
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Willow tree woeful tree,
leafy lament
sweetly sways
billowing and bent.
Tearful tresses
a crowning tent
weepy whispers
windy wishes sent.
170 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Salty streams,
despairingly flow;
watery wisps,
glimmering glow.
Tumbling tears,
an iridescent code;
seeking a solution,
to this emotional erode.
sad cry emotion love water
167 · Aug 2019
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
Saccharine sounds,
Sugary speech.
Candy coated, profound,
Yet far from reach.

You know I have a sweet tooth,
How dare you tease?
Enticingly uncouth,
Taste to please.
144 · Aug 2019
Rhymes With Clementine
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
If I were a clementine,
Would you unravel me in a single peel?
Strategically stripping,
With artful appeal?
Plying ploys,
A ring-like reel,
Meticulous membrane,
Devised reveal.

— The End —