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Oka Jan 2019
Meeting you was summer
Clashing waves of emotion,
Bright rays of hope
Knowing you was spring
Blooming love and soft fragrance of care
Loving you was autumn
The leaves of my heart fell by a whisper of your breeze
Missing you is winter
Because while you were in July
My heart is stuck in December
Oka Feb 2020
Hey, it's been a while
How's life been?
As of late, my heart's in trial
For never throwing you out the bin
It longs for our past
The beautiful and the fond
Lucky for wisdom to come and pass
That what it misses is long gone
Truth of the matter, it was not you,
A liberated soul that cannot be ceased
but a past fragment of you
that has rested in peace
A person evolves, grows and changes. It's sad to know that sometimes but it's something we can't control. I realized that closure wasn't given because I thought you were the same, however I met a, evolved you. A person that I am yet to know, someone with noticeable differences. The person I was longing for is gone, nothing but a memory in my brain. And what is best to do than to cherish those memories and realize that "they" are gone from this world.
Oka May 2020
Came to life as an alien,
And my skin palette is broader
try and hold me down while I'm breaking the border
Trumping over these walls, call me a dreamer
Oka Apr 2020
Without you
The world is stuck
Like I'm in quarantine
Oka Mar 2020
Like writing on sand
I will not tire to remind you
Of your beauty
Cause I'm afraid that
Waves will wash the shore
Oka Nov 2019
Seperti hembusan angin yang berlalu
selamanya kau tak akan
pernah kugenggam
seerat apapun ku bertahan
kau akan berlalu begitu saja
meninggalkan resah kontinu
"ke mana kau akan pergi?"
Oka Sep 2019
Kaulah kenangan di langit tinggi
Bersinar terang tanpa mengetahui
Ada manusia menatapmu di bumi
menawarkan tangannya bukan memberi
meminta hangatmu walau tak berarti
Hanya doa yang bisa ia ucapkan dalam hati
Mari berjumpa lagi walau hanya sebatas mimpi
Kadang bingung kalau mau bikin puisi translate yang bahasa inggris. Ujung-ujungnya beda banget dari yang dibayangkan wkwk. Terima kasih red velvet telah memberi ilham.
Oka Nov 2019
My dear,
I have been urging to write this well after our quarrel
it took a while, after my ego and mind had a battle
if you don't mind and have some time to spare
allow me to apologize and admit that I was unfair
I never bothered to wipe your flooding tears
or even to your worries lend my ears
my sympathy and care I held tight
while I let your misery take a bite
at your heart that was weathering already
that you found solace in another's company
I see that you are crowned with blissful joy
with more sincerity than when you were my toy
if it was regret to evoke within, you truly succeed
cause whenever you laugh, my heart bleeds indeed
but I need to face reality, you are now gone
I miss you and that's what I have to live with from now on
Well this took a brighter tone than expected. I intended to crystallize "the death of a loved one" but this is more accessible I guess....
Oka Mar 2020
Hal terindah yang akan kau kesali
Sakit terperih yang akan kau rindui
Tragedi yang akan kau ulangi
Irama merdu yang akan kau benci
Buku suci yang akan kau nistai
Dosa besar yang akan kau tekuni
Logika yang akan kau tinggali
Emosi yang akan kau hamburi
Gak tau lagi
Oka Jan 2020
Ku menggigil
menatap rintikan hujan
Payungku terlalu kecil
Untukku dan sedihnya kenangan
Entah kenapa yang kepikiran puisi galau terus, kayak hidup gak pernah terang aja
Oka May 2020
I would **** to be
the lover in your
fantasies and wildest dreams
Call me a ******* but a hobby I have is falling with people I can never have
Oka Jun 2020
Take me back to a time, rewind
To an age, a moment
Where I would be scared
of ghost stories
And hopeful of the world
Oka Apr 2020
Melihatmu melangkah menjauh
"Aku pamit"
Ku terhembus mabuk
mendekati ruang hampa di sampingmu
Perjalanan beberapa tapak
menjadi hamparan samudra
dan ku tak sanggup berlayar
Oka Dec 2017
The amount of kindness and care
increase exponentially
well wishes and warm smiles
swarm me and catch me off guard
but I do not have to be happy though
It's all an act exclusive for today
Oka Dec 2017
When your heart moves to another,
hurt me so that I grow
hatred and anger,
shatter my love to dust
and leave me wounded and scarred.
So that I detest missing you
and run away from your reconciliation
Oka Jul 2018
Will you stay
knowing that I am broken and lonely with you
will you stay
even though you will hear me whine and complain over the same things, the same feelings for god knows how long
will you stay
when I can't even capture the shape of my problems so I remember them in everything
will you stay
and hold on to a burden that does you no good
Oka Aug 2018
24 hours chasing me
too early to seek shade
too late to hide in the shadows
no rest, no pause, always forward
and I will be history
Ok ok ok ok ok
Oka Oct 2018
I'm slow dancing
to non-existent melodies,
loud thoughts that orbit me
never giving reason
to be compact
I'm alive because I can't die
Oka Aug 2019
Langitku penjajah
Menghalangi hangatnya mentari
tubuhku diinjak, teriakanku dibantah
Air mataku mengalir, ketawanya nyaring
Dimana langitku dijunjung
Disana diriku ditindas
Y’all heard of papua?
Oka May 2020
They say love is like flight
and fills your heart with delight
But it is never like that, right?
It's crash landing from a height
and many sleepless nights
Oka Dec 2017
My canvas relaxed in front of me,
a brush in my hand and colors splattered all over my palette.
"How do I color you with one but show a wide spectrum?"
My brain circulates my head and over and then it YELLED :
"USE HOLO, *****!"
Oka May 2020
The nights heal what the days have hurt,
the days hurt what the nights have healed
Do you like grand verbose and intricate rhyme schemes in poetry or it's not necessary?
Oka Jun 2020
Our lips were
5 centimeters apart
but between our hearts
was the galaxy
Oka May 2020
Is this love?
When everything is beautiful,
When I can't sense the passage of time,
And where everything is so dreamlike
That I beg you to never wake me up
Oka Mar 2021
Dream on!
Cause legends were fools who never ceased to stop
and nobodies were sages who hesitated to take a step
Let's say it's bardic inspiration
Oka Sep 2019
Run, run and run
away from that misery
Shout out loud and clear
Without a **** to the world
You are broken, a misfit they say
even though they deny the anguish within
Oka Mar 2020
Cause I want to reach you
before the moon comes
to tell that I miss you
and see your smile
Oka Dec 2018
I am danger to men
I must cover up
Behave well and then
Pour my guests a cup
I am heaven to men
I must pamper up
Flirt well and then
Be lustful when I ****
I am hindrance to men
I must shut up
Suffer and when
I speak up and fight
There will be me no more after tonight
La vie en femme.
Oka Jul 2020
Here is an offer,
a request to be a lover,
make my love prose longer,
add structure till it's form differ,
once a poem to a novel full of laughter.
Oka Apr 2020
You blossomed me to life
Blushed me shades of rose and cerise
Oh dear let me brush my care
but promise me I won't pale
to the crescent moon and
leave me to bloom
This is for a new friend.
Oka May 2020
I will remember you
I will meet you again
I will draw you in my dreams every night
You and I, under the blue night sky
I promised you love
I will give you a moonlight in the darkest nights
I want to shine the world with this light
My Full moon
Inspired by Dreamcatcher's song Full Moon
Oka May 2020
It is regrettable to not be a fond memory
But aches more when you contributed to tragedy
scoring scars on the soul and bruises on the body
Digging pits and holes deep inside the memory
Yes, time heals all wounds and forgiveness may wash guilt
But to know you can hurt always makes you feel like a *******
Oka May 2020
Run away, with me
And the poltergeists and ghouls
We can wander through the darkness
And play by our own rules

Run away, with me
To a cavern shaped like home
Where we'll build our own forever
And never dance alone

-Marceline The Vampire Queen
I love adventure time alot
Oka Dec 2017
A sunny day
warm and clear
A hand that is near
caring and never to deny
but I am sorry dear
all you can do is try
Oka Jul 2018
What can a smile do when you are sad?
It hides you from the world
it lies to you and others that you are fine
that the burden you carry is light on your shoulders
while your legs wear out out of sight
It's hard to admit that you are sad
It hurts to admit that you are not fine
but you deserve to feel the truth
and know that the world seeks you
to help you
to accompany you
to love you
Oka Jan 2018
Baby one of these days,
one of these years,
happiness will be the end of me.
Tell everybody that I'm sorry
and they needn't worry.
For their goal was my happiness,
but all I accumulated were reasons
for my farewell.
For their sadness and tears will fade overtime,
but my pursuit of happiness is just eternal torture.
Oka May 2020
Don't have to mope about you,
I got prettier lips to kiss
No need to keep all the pictures I drew
All you deserve is a meaner diss
Oka Dec 2017
Excessive apologies,
unreasonable reasons,
Clouding thoughts,
wasteful sadness.
All of that is just stressing you, dear.
"I don't love you."
It's as simple as that.
Oka May 2020
I'm up your mind flocking, like a bird
Menancing, dropping disses like a **** when you look up boy you better be concerned
Compared to your rhymes, it would be the flyest **** you ever heard
Did I say I like hip-hop?
Oka May 2020
Perhaps I'm too lonely
Or too desperate
I hoped this would work
I'm so ashamed, what did I think?
I should have been more attentive
I should have been more caring
I'm sorry I'm not 6 foot tall
I'm sorry I'm not ripped with a six pack
I'm sorry that regret is flying
straight through you like a bullet
Oka Nov 2019
Umur berpihak dengan raga
menahan gejolak membara jiwa
umur menggengam hati dan berdoa
"tuhan, jangan kau membuatnya buta
mengejar idealisme, terkekang fatamorgana.
kembalikanlah ia,
ke mana hidup menuruti realita."
umur makin takut melihatnya
mendobrak dinding bata
batasnya dengan dunia
"Tiada guna,
di luar sana
kau hanya akan binasa,
ku hanya memiliki cinta
dan ku tak ingin kau kecewa..."
"Bukan cinta bila tangisan
membanjiri mata,
bukan kasih jika wilayah ditempa
membatasi ruang bermuara
semua perilaku hina padaku tertimpa
ku terima dengan hati leluasa
tanpanya ku tak akan bermetamorfosa
jangan kau berlara-lara
melihat juangku yang remaja
kekacauan ini indah
membuatku merasakan untuk kali pertama
hidup tiada kesempatan kedua."
Oka May 2020
I can't stop thinking of our last moment
You were still the sweetest saying those harsh words
"Please, not yet..."
The words I repeated desperately
Even today, my lips can only tremble
And I will never be fine
What's a good break-up?
Oka Feb 2018
No matter how colorful
all I see is black and white
no palette or aesthetic
will amuse my dull vision
the soft hums of nature
the noise of a bustling metropolis
are all too mundane. Boring.
The world is not my place,
not my home,
not my reason.
I bid you all farewell,
and gratitude.
For life in a monochrome,
you have tried to paint a spectrum on me.
colors of care,
It was beautiful
even if my tears wiped all spotless
It was beautiful
even if my sorrow numbed your kindness
It was beautiful
even if my departure was to you an attrocity
Oka Apr 2018
A huge step to mankind
microscopic to mine
heads up in reach of
today's warm rays
eyes shut, hostile towards
the blinding light
a new beginning, progression
towards an ideal vision
an age old quest in search of
means for eternal rest
Oka May 2020
Tiada salah membiarkan raga terluka
semakin dalam jarum jam menusuk Memang, tiada obat untuk semua derita
Tak salah menerima pilu dalam khusyuk
Oka May 2020
Sekian lama tak berjumpa
Duniaku berhenti, hampa
Seakan diriku dikarantina
Oka Sep 2019
Ucapanmu membisukan
mengantar banyak tafsir secara simultan
membuat nalarku rentan
dengan sakaunya khayalan
Kepalaku dulu mengambang di tengah awan
dan kini kau meluncurkannya ke bulan
Oka Mar 2020
I run for you
to catch your heart
but will you stray further
If I rest my knees
and catch a breath?
Oka Dec 2017
Ketika ku menumpahkan isi raga,
ku tak yakin ku membasahi manusia.
Setiap suara yang ku simak bukanlah mulut berbicara
melainkan insan memuntahkan sastra.
Oka Apr 2020
Ku merindukan kata-kata hangatmu
yang menembus dinginnya malam
menyelimuti raga yang gugup
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