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Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Eyes tired, mind exhausted
8-4 or 9-5
Put in the time
Count down the days
Wake up and repeat
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Is this it; is this all there is
Is this it; is this all we have
I feel there should be more
If one door closes and another one opens

Why are all my doors are closed
There are no windows
I can’t see, I can't hear, I can’t breathe
I need air, I need air

To touch to feel to know
To be felt, touched and known
Pull me out of the water
Stop me from drowning

I need air
I need air
So I can see things clear
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
In the window
Waiting for her day
Wishing for someone to come soon
And take her home to stay

The room quiet and still
Sitting in the dark
Alone and always thinking
Of the leaves, the trees, the bark

Patience, faith and will
Day turns to night
Hope desire, strength
Darkness turns to light
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
You said I was beautiful
I smiled
You said this was meant to be
I believed
You said till death do we part
And I agreed

Now all these years later we sit as though nothing has ever changed
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
The trust and love you give
To one you consider dear
Only to be ripped apart,
Shredded without even a tear

Feelings not considered
Only selfish pride
To throw away a family
And set everyone aside

Interests at heart
Were only your own
To be so cold blooded
Leaves a chill on the bone

Distance divides us
In our own space
Time separates us
I forgot your face

I may have missed you
I no longer feel that way
Your actions have proved harmful
And certainly you had a price to pay
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Lights, noise, traffic
Never quite, never dull
Always on the move

The hustle and bustle
With never ending chatter
Knowing it has something to prove

I feel the city vibes
Move thorough my bones
As they shake and rattle

We are all on a path
Going different directions
Fighting our own battles

Millions of people
Just as many cars
Streets full and packed

Thousands on transit
Travel without a seat
Jammed in until stacked

For this is the big city
And it never stops
Long and cold February
Yet the sun is beaming strong and steady
Strange time of year to have no snow
Making afternoon walks a gliding smooth flow

The air is crisp the wind is cool
With sunshine being my source of fuel
It provides us all with vitamin D
And gives that burst of energy

The days are growing longer
Bringing us out of night
I love this time of year
Cause winter has shown its might
#winter #spring #February #seasons
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
I hear your footsteps running
You are not far behind
I hear your footsteps further
We are running out of time

Did you hear me call your name
Did you feel the sorrow and all the pain
I hear your footsteps fading
Please don’t turn away

Your footsteps just a memory
I hear them in my dreams
Even though your footsteps have stopped
You will forever be running to me
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Physically strong and healthy, mentally lost and confused
Prideful and independent, but can no longer live in your home
Trying to remember your past, mixing up the memories
Scared and befuddled, please know we are here

To feel alone and in the dark, in someone else’s space
Thinking the people on film you have met on the street
Certain you are in the town of where you were raised
Never realizing you are not really in that place

I wish I could make this ugly disease disappear
The pills are a preventative they are no cure
I wish you could come back to us and have no fear
This disease takes a toll and it is unfair

You are a great person who was always there
You nurtured and encouraged for all of whom you cared
The tables have turned its time to not resist
The ones who love you will care for you best

Sitting in wonderment awaiting your fate
Repeating your words time and time again
Not remembering certain persons places or things
In your own universe so distant, slowly fading away

To see the decline and the empty look on your face
It has gotten the best of you and what you held dear
It is more than unbearable; it's a true heart break
I'm so sorry that this will be the end to your story

Forget me not, Grandma
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
It’s time to say goodbye
Always loyal and forever true
Evident this day would come
No one will ever replace you

Pictures and memories
Times of good, times of bad
By my side, never left
Being it happy or sad

Goodbye old boy
Best friend to me
When I get to that farm
I know there you will be
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Sleep well little one
Don’t be afraid
The sun will be back
And take the darkness away

The sky is lit
The moon is out
Shining bright
With the stars

Hold your breath
Make a wish
And shut it down

Sleep well little one
I will see you
When you awake
Until then sweet dreams

I love you
Every morning
Noon &
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
In an instance your world can change
Taking away all you once knew
Once was there, now gone
Leaving you without a clue

An accident, maybe not
Just like that, never the same
Needing reasons a way to understand
Leave you searching for someone to blame

No answers to be found
What is, is what will be
Leave the pieces where they fall
And move on with your heart open and free

For in an instance
Your world can change
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Into the night my soul dances
Alone in the wild
With the moon and stars
Stillness and quiet all around

The ground is cool
The air is warm
Spinning in circles
Serenity and calmness

Happiness in the ****
A wide open field
Glory in the beholder
Of this gorgeous planet
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Darkness without a sound,
Until I hear that door creak
Sweating under the covers,
Until chills of fear creep

Is it all a cruel prank?
Is someone in this room?
Is it all in my head,
or is this figure standing in loom?

Heart is in my throat
Tears are in my eyes
I hold my breath
I gasp a soft cry

Wake up, wake up
This is not a dream
Open your eyes sit up
It is what it seems

Someone is here
I am not alone
I try to move, I can’t
Sound erupts a low drone

In Brazil the pisadeira  (she who steps)
Known as different names
By all cultures
Whom have wept

To me she is the old hag
Stealer of my breath
I hope she will not be my taker
The reason for my death
For anyone who has experienced sleep paralysis aka. the old hag; aka. Pisadeira; aka. Phi Am
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Hit not once but twice
Expecting me not to rise
Face bloodied and bruised
Heartbroken and confused
Words of hate won’t suffice

This has taken all my might
All alone in the middle of night
Thoughts of leaving creep
It’s time now to take that leap

Never again will that happen
This is my vessel; I’m the captain
Time has passed, I am no longer mad
I have flourished and refused to be sad

No regrets from the past
Although my choices did not last
I am stronger showing no shame
I pass no judgment nor hold any blame

The damage done was a cracked cheekbone
Still till this day is there and shown
I forgive that crazed juncture
My heart is still whole it didn’t rupture
Not a beat is skipped
Or a doubt held within
These hearts are open
Our words are true
We hold no worries
Because we have each other
We fret at nothing
Because we know we will get through
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Soil in your palms
Seeds in its depth
Care and warmth
Water and light
Growth of life
Sprouting from the earth
Awake inspiration
A new home
Lush and full
Green and soulful
An oasis
Welcoming Spring
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
The ocean crashes; waves above shore
Its peace, beauty, excitement & freedom in one
Water foams with the angry thrusts
Generate a swirling tunnel
Pulling me into its wide open gullet
Now mystified at all its power and allure
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Lov-ing Support
Teach-ing of Life
Help-ing Understand
Grow-ing as a Whole
Develop-ing as a Person

Laugh-ing as a Pair
Cry-ing with the Bad
Smil-ing with the Good
Comfort-ing when Frightened
Sooth-ing when Hurt

Nurtur-ing Love
Cherish-ing Memories
Create-ing a Bond
that is
As a new mom this is my view on the ING of parenting
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Raindrops glistening
In the springtime air
Blossoming tulips
Resurrect life

Magnificent sound echoes
A song so pure
Its rhythm infectious
Dancing off leaves

Red amongst the trees,
Gentle verses
Sway with the wind
Clarity sets when inhaled

Anticipation of sunrise
With pleasant melodies
Melodic phrases by the pair
More elaborate sung by she

Dedicated to the young
A brief hymn
Tweet with accents
Communicate a need

Attractive calls
Set a dulcet tone
Admired by all
Of whom hear

For the cardinal sings the sweetest tune.
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Before there was you
It was emptiness
And dark skies

Until there was you
It was loneliness
And teary eyes

Now there is you
My clouds have parted
And the sun is shining through

I laugh like I’ve never
Love like I’ve never
Live like I’ve never
Because I have you
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Remember that time in Paris? I do.
Cafes and baguettes;
Eiffel tower and views

Do you remember that time in Paris
The Metro and Seine;
The streets of history

I remember that time in my Paris
Most of all I remember Cathedral Notre-Dame
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Weight shifts
Light goes out
All too much to bare

Vicious circle
Never ending
No time left to spare

Heavy pressure
Hallow ground
Treading to stay afloat

Hurt heart
Shattered mind
Raw emotions that emote

Deep breath
Exhale slow
Let the body mend

Clear vision
Free soul
Know it’s not the end
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Never moved forward
We just stayed still
Did u stop loving me?

Did you forget about me?
Did you leave me behind?
In this world of madness

I thought our love was madness
Turns out that was just me
Alone in self-contempt & pity
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
To see the world
It opens your eyes
Experiencing cultures
And their way of life

No words can explain
The emotions can be much
To gain something new
And have a fresh outlook

Constant learning of different ways
Broaden your being
It grows you as a person
Humbled, grounded & joyous

Heat and dryness of the desert
The openness of the ocean
The world so vast and extraordinary
With so many things to offer

Music, food, traditions
So different yet the same
Benefitting worldly wisdom
With a great deal still to wander
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Flowers wilt and they will wither
I long for the nights when you used to make me quiver
Under and out over and above
You were the one; my only true love

Efforts were seamless
Your smile was timeless
Why did we put it all behind us?
In hopes for something better

I hope you are happy
I hope you are true
I will always remember our time spent
I will always remember you

— The End —