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16.4k · Jan 2016
This soul pt.1
IcySky Jan 2016
This soul isn't as beautiful as it once was, my soul has been burned, beaten, and buried beneath the betrayal, and hurt this world has cast upon me.
9.8k · Aug 2015
Cheetah Love
IcySky Aug 2015
We walk, talk, dress, eat, act, and love like humans...
We feel pain, sadness, joy, and all the same emotions.
The difference.... We love each other no matter what,
we talk to each other, and help one another...


We don't judge people,
but yet they judge us.
We maybe different...
but we still feel.

Furries love,
and care.
I am a furry.
Deal with it.

We stand up or each other,
You will never be misunderstood,
Furries band together,
and stay together!!

Furry Love
Cheetah Love
6.5k · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
If only someone loved me, that I can love back.

~ <3 ~
5.1k · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
Don't be angry; Get snappy
Do what makes you happy
For you know that things
Are hard to change;
And life is full of krappy
So- smile when you feel slappy
or sing when you feel trappy
Because you know deep down inside
You can never keep people happy!!!!
I know this is corny, that's why I named it that way....  Just a poem to make you laugh at it's stupidity, and for fun.
5.1k · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
I'm worthless....
not a reason exists why I should be here...
but yet, here I am...
I'm a nobody,
why do you love me?
why are you still here?
you hate me.
Life not worth living....
I'm not worth living...
I'm worthless...
So there...
I'll be gone....
away for good...
no longer taking your precious air...
I don't need it, where I'm going...
I'm worthless,
so there...
and farewell.
4.5k · Dec 2015
Bitch mode
IcySky Dec 2015
***** mode activated, so ******* leave me the hell alone.

I no longer give 2 ***** about life, or about anything.

You don't care, so I don't either.

Life is better without ******* ******* it up.

No flex zone.
No ***** zone.
No drama zone.

Gossip girls not tolerated.
******* not allowed.
Drama Queens forget about it.
*******, ****** bags, and ***** this includes you too.... *******!
Not in the mood for ignorant people, and their stupid ignorant comments.
3.7k · Jun 2015
Trust is Fragile
IcySky Jun 2015
Trust you!?!?
Trust you!?!?
How do you expect me,
to trust you after everything?

Trust is a fragile thing,
and when you lose my trust,
it's hard to get back...
How can I trust you?

Trust you...pshh
You don't even know
the meaning of the word.
Trust you

You have not a clue,
do you?
Of what it takes to keep,
nay, earn back trust.

My heart is *not
a toy,
that can be replaced.
It's fragile, and should not be broken.
But yet... you have.

Trust you?
I can't...
No way...
No how...

See what you have done?
*My Trust is gone!
3.5k · May 2015
Not Good Enough
IcySky May 2015
The girl inside you think is true, is not who she is, but a reflection of you.
She is not perfect, for perfect is so far out of reach.
But the girl she tries to be, is so not to hear you preach.
Trying to make you happy, while all along she’s crying for disappointing you.
She’s nothing but sad, and heartbroken for all she is, is a disappointment.
Your approval is a token, but for her it’s unspoken.
Not wanting to be left out searching all about…
For something she can do, to hear you say “I’m proud of you!”
Awaiting the day she will rise, but not coming, she’s not even close to being the prize.
3.5k · Dec 2015
Dear Self
IcySky Dec 2015
Dear Self,

When hurt and broken down,
sadness and depression take over,
thoughts become suicidal,
life doesn't seem fair.

You don't seem worthy,
of the things in your life...
Family, lover, friends...
you're worthless.

Dear Self,

When laughing and smiling,
happiness takes over,
those suicidal thoughts,
are gone away.

You have so much to live for,
and have much support,
from family, lover, and friends.
You are priceless.

Dear Self...
Please stay smiling and happy,
Laugh... just to say all is ok,
Remember, life is worth living.
When down and depressed, and all you want to do is die...
just remember that it's just all in your head...
Love is still burning bright in your heart,
it may flicker every once in a while,
but never goes out....
IcySky Aug 2015
Would anyone really notice if I die?
Would anyone really care?
Does anyone notice the slits on my arm?
Does anyone see the pain inside me?
I contemplate suicide, and death....
and whether it should be slow and painful,
or if should be quick and painless...

Do I live? Or, do I die?
That is my question.

I think of my past pain, and depression.
I think of the present, and the future...
Does any of it even matter anymore?
Do I even matter anymore?
All I am is a disappointment to everyone,
and I hurt them, without knowing it.

So, do I live? or, do I die?
I choose....
3.4k · May 2015
My Homie, My Best Friend
IcySky May 2015
I miss you, and the time we hung out… I miss the bad times as much as I miss the good times… our relationship is never great, we have our fights, but we always figured it out.  
My homie, my best friend.
I love you and don’t at the same time, and I know you feel the same… We can chase each other around the house, hitting each other with pillows, but all in good fun...
My homie, my best friend.
We’re tight, and best friends, I love you…
My homie, my best friend, my brother.
2.5k · Jan 2016
IcySky Jan 2016
Hands locked, and held down,
lips kiss, soft and passionate,
bodies close, sweaty and hot,
eyes gazing at the other.

Soft moans and loud groans,
lip biting, and neck kissing,
hands touching and feet rubbing,
both bodies, become one.

Pleasure divine,
hearts racing,
minds blank,
sweet aroma fills the room.

Bodies tire,
and become two again,
with a gentle kiss,
and cuddling bliss.
2.5k · Jul 2015
Depressed happiness
IcySky Jul 2015
It is but only a stepping stone to
achieving happiness.
Depression is a reminder...
"Hey, you've failed once at chasing happiness
and grew stronger and smarter from it,
give it another go."
Depression is only to make happiness
that much better.
©Davon Brown
Quotes from my homeboy.
2.4k · Jun 2015
Stronger Now
IcySky Jun 2015
You pushed me,
now I'm pushing back.
My chains are gone.
I am no longer a slave,
you don't own me
You don't control me.
I'm stronger now.
My head is clearer,
and now I see...
how could it be?
That I let you in,
in the first place!?!?
I'm free to wonder,
I'm not in your control,
My heart is free,
and the rest of me...
I'm stronger now!
So leave me alone,
Because God is on my side!!!
Special thanks to Brandon Nagley,
who taught me that I should write for me,
not to please anyone else.... If you couldn't tell...
I"m NOT leaving HP!!!!
2.2k · Jan 2016
This soul pt.2
IcySky Jan 2016
This once beautiful soul, is filled with sorrow, fear, depression... My spirit glows dim, no longer bright.
2.2k · May 2015
IcySky May 2015
The worst part about being a writer or poet,
is the critics....
You're your own worst critic.
Take a breath and relax,
don't put yourself down.
1.9k · Oct 2015
Prayers are welcomed
IcySky Oct 2015
My mom is in the hospital, they're keeping her over night.... She had a small stroke... And to make it worse today's her birthday. Prayers are appreciated. Thank you!
1.8k · Oct 2015
Sweet 16
IcySky Oct 2015
Sweet 16 I am today
Getting older everyday
Maturing, growing, and even more.
Leaving it all on the dance floor.
I'm 16 today!!!!!
1.7k · Nov 2015
Sophia Grace
IcySky Nov 2015
Black curls, brown eyes, white smile...
A beautiful girl with a heart to match,
Daughter, sister, and  best friend...
So much more than just a girl...
She's smart, beautiful, funny, and kind.
One who never leaves your side,
And who will always be a guide.
She's fierce, and a force to be reckoned with...
But she's also sweet, and one to hold on to....
You'll never find another...
Sophia Grace, quite like her.
1.7k · Jun 2015
Linda Derry!!!!!
IcySky Jun 2015
Scammer!!!! warning another scammer going by Linda Derry..... the email for each scam artist is almost exact..... Each person has their email with a different first name but derrick as the last.

1.6k · Jun 2015
Hey You
IcySky Jun 2015
Hey you with the amazing smile,
would you smile for a while?

Hey you the one with the gorgeous eyes,
would you give me the time of day?

Hey you, yes you...
Do you know how good looking you are?

How beautiful you are out,
just as much as you are in...

Hey you....
Why don't you stay a while.
1.6k · Aug 2015
Growing up
IcySky Aug 2015
You can grow up, and get wiser, and stay true to yourself, there's a difference between changing everything about you, and adding things to the same you, to make a better you... You can still be a child at heart, but be  mature at the same time... There's a time and place for everything... Growing older, just helps you realize what those times are.

Davon Brown:*
Growing isnt something distinguished by age, but by state of mind. It doesnt mean you have to change it just means you'll become more reasonable in your future decisions. Your sense of "common sense" wont be focused on having fun and doing reckless things such as the ideas of a teenage kid.
Collaboration with Icy Sky and Davon Brown
1.6k · Jul 2015
IcySky Jul 2015
Don't push away the people who deal with your *******.
1.6k · Jun 2015
Mrs JC!!!! Beware!!!
IcySky Jun 2015
If you are following her stop!!!
And block her now...
warning!!! She posted a comment on my poetry,
stating she would **** me...
and she doesn't know who I am...
I am not the only one!!!!
She needs to be stopped!!!
This is a petition to get her away!!!
Comment if you agree, and has been tormented by her as well!!! or message me!
1.6k · Jul 2015
Betrayed... again.
IcySky Jul 2015
Why do I fight for something,
for someone who's going to betray me?
You said you loved me,
you said you'd stay.

I told you my deepest secrets,
my deepest regrets,
my deepest fears,
you used them against me.

You fed me lies,
I never knew if you were honest,
if you ever told the truth,
did you ever really love me?

I gave everything to you,
you took it when you left,
everything I was,
everything I will be.

My heart,
my love,
my trust,
but the pain you left.

Being betrayed by someone
I never thought would hurt me,
and I let you use me,
but this time...

I give up.
I'm leaving,
walking away....
I will no longer be hurt by you.

I'm moving on,
and forgetting your name,
My heart may need to heal,
but my mind is made...

past love.
1.6k · Sep 2015
You don't know me
IcySky Sep 2015
You don't know my life,
You don't know the struggles I've been through,
You don't know the things I dealt with,
or the people who have hurt me,
and broken me down.
I let people use me like a doormat,
You don't know the betrayal I've encountered,
You don't know how I feel inside,
You only see the act I put on,
on the outside.
Afraid to stand up for myself,
Afraid to show the real me,
Afraid to be hurt even more,
Afraid to speak up,
Afraid to want something.
Emotionally I'm done,
Mentally I'm drained,
Spiritually I feel dead inside,
but yet somehow,
Physically I smile.
But, no...
You do not know me...
because if you did,
You wouldn't use me like a doormat,
Or treat me like trash.
You wouldn't beat me down,
you'd help me up...
If you knew me, you wouldn't treat me like I'm worthless,
You'd know life is hard enough,
without being kicked while already down.
1.5k · Jun 2015
Leaving HP
IcySky Jun 2015
I'm leaving HP...
I can't do this any more
1.4k · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
I'm not crying because of you:
I'm crying because my delusion
of who you were,
was shattered by the truth
of who you are.
1.4k · Jun 2015
My God, My Savior
IcySky Jun 2015
He listens; He speaks
He watches over you
and always loves you.
My God, My Savior

I'm strong, no longer weak
because He is with me.
He has saved me by Grace.
My God, My Savior

My heart is finally whole
when I found Him.
I know I am loved.
My God, My Savior

Tears run down my face,
for disappointing Him.
But He is forgiving, His love is strong.
My God, My Savior

He is the one and only,
He is the one true King,
He is my Heavenly Father above.
My God, My Savior
1.4k · Jan 2016
My bae Mariya Sayed
IcySky Jan 2016
Beautiful, smart, sassy, fierce, kind, and sweet.
A girl of sugar and spice and everything nice.
She's like no other girl you know,
And if you're lucky to know her, never let her go.
She's brains and beauty.
She always makes me laugh.
I love her so much, my girl.
She'll never speak bad of you, unless you mess with her, or the ones she loves.
She's stronger than she knows,
Never weak, even when she feels she is...
This girl is the most amazing girl I know... I love my babe to the moon and back! Her name is Mariya Sayed!!!
1.4k · Jan 2016
The truth
IcySky Jan 2016
I am not who everyone expects me to be,
some think I'm a ditzy blonde who can't think for herself,
some think I am one to be pushed over, repeatedly hurt,
some know I have a brain, but expect too much from me.

I do not even know myself anymore...
always compared to my brother,
my aunt, my cousins....
newsflash, I'm not them!! I am who I am.

I am a teenage girl...
I love classical music, I don't just hear the music, I feel it.
I love the opera, there is so much emotion in these.
I love the fine arts, music, museums, art.

It's true I don't love reading, but yet my favorite book is 'To **** a Mockingbird'.
I am homeschooled, so what? Homeschoolers are some of the most brilliant people out there, no one should call us dumb.

I am a blonde, I'm not ditzy, I don't need everyone to tell me things I already know.
I love nature, and photography.
I am great at math, I love it, along with science. I have a 4.0 GPA.

I'm not mall, gossip, and makeup.
I am, sports, cars, weaponry, and music.
I don't wear dresses, and skirts.
I am gym shorts, jeans, tees.

I am a fantastic cook, but I ain't no "house wife" type.
I clean, but if I didn't who else would?
I love kids, but not in my life until after college, and marriage.
Do you get it yet?

I am one of the most honest, trustworthy, kind person there is.
I love easily, but I do not trust as easy.
I trust no one, but I love, and get hurt.
I am a broken spirit, I love, and I forgive too much, I am too trusting.

No one knows me,
like they think they do.
I am who I am,
not who everyone wants me to be.
stop thinking you know me, cuz you don't!!!!
IcySky Nov 2015
Hands touch, eyes meet, lips kiss, going through the motions...
If you meet my mom, then your the one.
I'm my fathers little angel, he only wants the best.
My brothers are protective, it's not hard to guess.
Conversation or lush in, bring in love one another,
Give me all your love and I'll never upset your brothers,
You and me are eternal lovers when our lips lock.
My love is yours, forever...
But only if you're true,
I'll give you my heart,
If you're ready to give me yours too.
Conversation or lush in, bring in love one another,
Give me all your love and I'll never upset your brothers,
You and me are eternal lovers when our lips lock.
This is a Collab I got to do with Arcassin B... I wanna do a shoutout to him, for being a part of this piece, and for being such an amazing poet!!! Love you!!! <3
IcySky Apr 2016
For those of you who don't know me...
My name is Corrie Brown and I struggle with depression.
I have family history of depression, and I am clinically depressed.
I have a lot of things go on in my life,
Between, being molested/*****,
having a druggy for a brother,
a family who is totally ******* up,
people betraying my trust left and right,
hurting me for the fun of it,
or to scare me for no reason....
I have done things I am not proud of,
I have been through things I'd rather forget,
but can't.
I use to cut my arms, just to escape,
when the pain became unbearable...
I am a tough girl, but I can only be tough for so long.
I spend everyday replaying things in my head,
my past mocking me...
To this day, my past ruins my present, and future.
I spend every night crying myself to sleep.
Thinking how much better off the world would be without me,
how simple it would be to die, and not have to worry anymore.
Life just doesn't seem like living,
if you live it crying everyday, wanting to die.
This is me, the me I don't show, because I have to be strong for everyone else. Be everyone's psych, rock, inspiration.
So for those of you who don't know me.... Here's just the tip of the iceberg of the crap that is my life.... You want to know why I am the way I am.... HERE!!
1.2k · Dec 2015
That time of year...
IcySky Dec 2015
Christmas time again,
Time for joy, and time for love.
Time for peace, and time for a holiday feast.
Tis the season.

For me, it's time for...
heartache, and depression.
Time for brokenness, and hopelessness.

Family troubles, money tight,
frustration, crying...
it's all the same...
Christmas isn't a movie for me.

Filled with memories,
from Christmas past,
trying to forget,
yet here it is again...

Every year we try,
and maybe we'll get it right,
maybe, it'll be ok...
maybe... It'll finally be Christmas to me.
1.2k · Feb 2017
Lost soul
IcySky Feb 2017
A lost soul,
swept up in a bisque of one's inner thoughts,
feelings of sorrow fill your heart,
thoughts of woe filling your head.

A lost soul,
in a sea of loneliness,
driven to despair,
all dreams fading away.

A lost soul,
falling from the sky,
waiting for the inevitable,
a future yet to come.

A lost soul,
with pain in their heart,
and brokenness in their eyes,
complete loss of joy from their once bright smile.

A lost soul...
A soul forever gone.

~Corrie Anne~
1.1k · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
I watch out the window
as the rain pours down,
watching as the droplets
roll down the glass...

I see a flash in the distance,
lightning not to far away,
followed by a loud crash,
thunder on it's way.

The storm coming closer,
as I lay down in my bed.
Thinking what it'd be like,
easier done, then said...

Of what it would be like,
to be a rain drop.
Who lives again,
and again.

Of what it'd be like,
to be a lightning flash.
To touch down to the ground,
and light up the sky.

Of what it'd be like,
to be a clap of thunder,
As small as a yawn,
or as big as a roar.

Of what it's be like,
to be a rainbow.
After the storm is gone,
to be something beautiful.

I wonder what it'd be like
to be apart of a storm,
from something harsh,
into something sweet.

But all I can do is wonder,
and listen to the skies,
for something amazing
to happen.
1.1k · Aug 2016
Deep Down
IcySky Aug 2016
Breathe, relax, slowing sinking beneath
the waves of fear and insecurity,
realizing the deeper you go under,
the safer you feel.

Just go with the current,
don't try to force it,
relax, and trust it...
Watch the beauty unfold.

As you dive deep down,
into a world unknown by many,
you discover possibilities,
you never sought possible.

The cold and warmth work in unison,
The beauty, and the beast, side by side,
into a world unlike no other,
Take a breath, dive deep down.

Watch as the bubbles ascend above your head,
letting all your worries go with it,
each breath, easing your mind,
and relaxing your body.

Only to emerge from the deep blue,
looking to land on one side,
and open, infinite possibilities on the other,
so much to explore, in so little time...

Deep down we dive,
searching and looking,
for new possibilities,
endless excitement for years to come.*

Dive Deep Down
Into The
Deep Blue
1.1k · Jul 2015
Get to know me...
IcySky Jul 2015
Favorite color: (Neon) Green
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite movie: Mama or Legion
Favorite movie genre: Horror/thriller
Favorite actor: Jackie Chan
Favorite musician: Michael Mangaroo or Kenny G
Favorite song: Sail by Awolnation
I play guitar and alto sax.
My passions are poetry, music, cooking, and nursing.
I'm Single <3
Comment your answers of your favorite of these things... you don't have to.. wanna get to know my HP family, is all.
(not a poem, I guess)
1.0k · Jun 2015
Ocean Side
IcySky Jun 2015
As I drive along the ocean side,
I think of how it used to be,
Of just you and me.

Life seemed much simpler than,
The sky was blue, and not a cloud in the sky,
Along the ocean side.

But now the blue skies have turned gray,
And the clouds above, are pouring rain.
Things are changed, by the ocean side.

When will the sun come back?
When will the rain stop?
When will you be here again?

With me, along the ocean side.
1.0k · Jan 2016
IcySky Jan 2016
I miss you, I truly do...
I miss talking to you, hearing your laugh, and seeing your smile...
I miss your kisses, and warm embraces...
I don't get jealous to see one with another, but yet with you it's different, I'm jealous, I miss you, I love you...

.... I'm sorry.... For everything ); </3
1.0k · May 2016
Look at me
IcySky May 2016
Take a look,
A good look,
And tell me what you see...
What DO you see when you look at me?

Do you see beauty?
Do you see intelligence?
Do you see hope?
What Do you see?

Take a look at me,
I bet you don't truly see me,
The person I try not to be,
Do you see?

See the scars on my wrist,
See the brokeness of my heart,
See the fear in my eyes,
Do you see?

See the hurt that's left behind,
From years passed,
To years to come,
Look at me.

See me for who I truly am,
Because who I am...
Is a fighter,
And a warrior.

I fight everyday,
To keep from what people say,
I fight to keep myself here,
I fight to live another day.

I fight the urge to cut,
To over dose,
To drink,
To smoke.

I'm a warrior,
I have been through hell,
Breaking inside,
A little each day.

I've fought for escape,
I've fought for love,
I've fought for forgiveness,
I've fought for understanding.

So look at me,
And tell me,
What do you see?
Do you see the real me?
1.0k · Aug 2015
IcySky Aug 2015
Why do we have to say good-bye?
Why does everyone have to be *******?
Why do we live in a society that says this is ok?
Tell me why, because I really want to know.

Tell me why this world is so cruel,
why people no longer say hi with a smile,
why children have to grow up without parents,
why people have to go without homes.

Tell me why kids have no food,
why the rich are so greedy,
yet the poor are so generous,
why the world just passes by.

Why do we never stop to think of others?
Why do we laugh at another's expense,
but quick to anger when it's us who is laughed at.
Tell me why, because I would like to know.

Why is this earth so messed up?
Why do fathers abandoned their family?
Why do mothers cry?
Why do children have to pay?

Why does love have to hurt?
Why does pain feel so good?
Why does helping seem so hard for people?
Why does anyone do anything?

I look around this world,
I see broken families,
homeless people,
people who don't care,
or don't give 2 ***** about one another....
I see people who bully just for fun,
I see the ones who really need help,
and the ones who just want things.
I see people who are hurt, and depressed....
I see what they are going through,
and all I can think about, is how much I want to help.
Why does this world have to be so messed up!?!?
956 · Aug 2015
May I Have This Dance?
IcySky Aug 2015
We spin around on the dance floor,
my hands locked with yours.
You look into my eyes,
and to my surprise I'm looking back.

Watching each other,
as we dance the night away.
There's something in my heart,
that I have to say.

Is the very reason,
that I will stay.
As we move simultaneously,
locked in perfect unison.

My mind begins to wonder,
and my heart begins to race.
I'm falling in love,
with your warm embrace.

As the music stops,
and we do too.
We smile and depart,
till the music brings us along.
May I Have This Dance?
946 · Jun 2016
~Damaged Goods~
IcySky Jun 2016
Left alone in my own head,
It's a scary place in there...
Silence is my right hand man,
Darkness is my best friend.

Past, present, and future...
My life is like a rollercoaster,
Happy, sad, angry and crazy...
Come along, and take a wild ride.

Learn the depths of my deepest wounds,
Feel the pain that I've endured,
Enjoy the love that I've received,
Savor the memories of each touch...

I have my baggage,
Is that too much?
I'm damaged goods,
Is that enough?

Love me today,
Leave me tomorrow,
We see what the future holds,
Does it know about us?

I am strong,
Yet I am weak...
Pick me up,
So I can fall.

I've have done things,
Of which, I am not proud...
I've seen the error of my ways,
Can you say you love me still?*

I have my baggage,
Is that too much?
I'm damaged goods,
Is that enough?
940 · Nov 2016
Fear To Lose
IcySky Nov 2016
You are my every emotion
I have never felt you,
Yet you’re the most physical experience,
I’ve ever had.

The tears I shed, I shed for you…
My heart beats, beats for you,
My mind can’t get you out,
My body stays awake; it can’t sleep…

What can I do?
You’ve got this hold on me…
I’ll never leave,
And you’ll never leave my mind…

Stay with me dear,
For you’re not just a figment of my imagination,
I don’t feel as much as I do as when I think of you,
And when you say my name… you bring me to life.

Your voice is unlike any lifeline,
Your attention’s a drug, and I’m addicted…
I fell so hard,
Just so you’d carry me back to reality…

Please don’t say goodbye,
For you’re unlike any other, I’ve ever known.
Please don’t say goodbye, if not here,
Then stay in my mind… Never leave, never let me let go.

For I fear if I ever let go, I will never feel again,
I fear you take my heart, my mind, and my soul…
I fear to drown in a sea of loneliness, and sorrow…
Never let me let go… For I fear I will never love anyone, like I love you.

*~Corrie Anne~
936 · Jan 2016
IcySky Jan 2016
Nothing really phases me no more.... I don't trust anyone anymore, not even my family, I don't care about anything, life is done.
IcySky May 2015
If I ran away,
would you look for me?
If I cried,
would you dry my tears?
If I got hurt,
would you make it better?
If I died,
would you cry for me?
If I wasn't here,
would you miss me?
If I was gone,
would you care?
Would you even notice me?

Written Destruction:
If you ran away, I'll pack up too
If you cried, I'll cry with you
If you hurt, I'll make it work
If you die, I'll follow you
If you wasn't here, I'll drown in tearz
If you was gone, right will slowly turn to wrong
Would I even notice you? Tell me your joking, I seen you shine amongst a parade full of people
911 · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
The day we met we knew from the start,
that we'd be best friends...
and not soon after,
we became like sisters!!!
We had our differences,
our ups and downs.
but after every storm,
comes a rainbow!!
To this day,
you're still my best friend...
and it feels just like yesterday,
that we met for the first time ever!!
I love you sis!!!!
Best friends forever!!
Happy friendiversary!!!
Miss you girly!!!
This goes out to my Best friend Aleia Bricker!!!
907 · Jun 2015
Pain Reliever
IcySky Jun 2015
It's smooth as it goes down,
the taste is bitter sweet,
it takes away the sorrow,
and the regrets.
It's better cold,
never warm,
it's never weak,
forever bold.
It takes away the pain of yesterday,
and helps you forget,
of the things that have gone wrong,
at least for the night.
This is my pain reliever,
my little helper,
it never seems to fail me,
and always calms me down.
No one understands,
No one tries to help,
I'm to help myself,
My pain reliever.
893 · Jan 2016
My nightmares don't sleep
IcySky Jan 2016
Tears streaming down my face,
Hands trembling,
Voice cracks,
Can't breathe...

I try to call for help,
But there's no reply,
I try and try,
But it's no use.

I fall to my knees,
Finding it harder to keep my eyes open,
Air getting thinner,
As the walls around me crumble down.

I wake up screaming,
Awakening from the dream,
That from which I could escape,
All I have to do is wake up...

But when I awake,
From the nightmare...
How do I escape the ones,
That aren't asleep??
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