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878 · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
I like personality, not popularity.
I like sweetness, not beast mode.
I like gorgeous eyes, I don't care about the "gun show".
"I wanna cuddle" is not the same,
to me, as to you.
I want conversation, not fornication.
The bad boy thing is cool,
but not being an *******.
Why you have to ask me?
"Are you single?"
Of course I am...
Because what I want,
I can never find.
I want marriage, not just a slot in your weekly calendar.
So if i ask...
"Do you wanna be my boyfriend???"
Then you fit the profile.

Who would?

"If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape"
I'm a girl who goes by
personality not looks,
good looks is just a bonus...
I don't see why knowing
what i want is such a big deal.
874 · May 2015
Panic Attack
IcySky May 2015
My heart starts to race faster,
my hands shaking,
tears running down my face.

I'm scared, and worried,
"why is this happening to me?" ,
I wonder to myself.

"I don't know why this is happening!!"
How do you stop this feeling?
This feeling not being in control.

This thing that is happening to me,
I'm having a Panic Attack.

My anxiety is out of control,
I can't control it,
will you help me?
841 · Aug 2015
Just.... Never mind
IcySky Aug 2015

Do­ you have any idea of what this stuff is?
What it can do to someone....
How much it hurts the people that love you.

NO ONE knows what my life is like...
NO ONE knows what I've dealt with ,
How many times I've cried,
because I was scared....

Scared to lose someone I love,
Scared about what it'd do,
worried sick,
crying hard.

I just can't deal with someone else,
who I care about,
doing anything like that,
or getting hurt.

I try not to care,
so I won't get hurt,
but I can't not care,
it's just who I am...

Please don't put me
through that experience
again by doing the same thing,
I care too much to not care.
840 · Mar 2016
Be gentle
IcySky Mar 2016
I'll give you my heart,
I'll give you my soul,
I'll give you my all,
Just be gentle.

My heart has been broken,
once before...
It's a fragile part of me,
Be gentle please.

My soul use to burn bright,
But the flame distinguished,
My soul has renewed its light,
I hope it is not finished.

My body is a temple,
It's been used,
And abused...
My spirit is an example...

So please be gentle,
I'll give you my all,
For you brought me
Back to life.

But please be gentle,
And do not take
That life away...
For I am yours....

Love me til the end,
Hold me close,
Hug me tightly,
Kiss me sweetly,

If not forever,
At least for tonight,
And be gentle,
When you lemme go.
798 · Feb 2016
Sí O No?
IcySky Feb 2016
ojos marrones , blanca sonrisa , labios suaves, toque dulce . Impresionantes miradas, risas increíble , amor del corazón , Mente creativa. Por esta razón, me quedé , Enamorado de ti...
Por esta razón, me quedé, Tan difícil cuando se fue... usted gritaste , Para nada, Usted fue a la otra , Pero ellos no aman te gusto. Usted tomó mi sonrisa , Muy lejos, Cuando te fuiste, Me dejó frío. Todavía oigo tu voz , En mis sueños ... Aún veo tu sonrisa ,¿Cómo que una vez que besaste mí. yo no saben lo que estoy haciendo ya ... darle otra oportunidad ? Ser amigos ? Dime por favor , Porque yo no puede ir sin ti ... Dime por favor, ¿Me lleva de vuelta?
English version to follow
797 · Jul 2015
Save me...
IcySky Jul 2015
Save me, for I don't want to fall in love,
but yet I have with you.

Save me from my self abuse,
the cuts show the truth.

My hearts breaks when I see you,
save me, help me forget you.

It's to late,
I've fallen for you.

No one can save me,
not from myself at least.

For my mind knows I'll hurt,
but my heart doesn't care, except about love.

Save me from this world of doubt,
and keep me locked about your heart.

Tell me you love me,
for I love you dearly...

I love you
but I'm afraid to love.

I'm afraid to fight,
for what I want.

Save me,
and take me away.

Don't let me fall,
don't let me hurt anymore.
791 · Mar 2016
Love isn't so bad
IcySky Mar 2016
Your smile bright white,
Your eyes twinkle in the sun,
Your voice gives me chills,
Your touch, there's nothing else like it.

We've made wonderful memories,
with many more on the way...
You make my days happy,
and my nights peaceful.

You know just the words to comfort me,
when nothing seems to be going right.
Just the way to hold me,
to tell me everything's alright.

Thank you for loving me,
for knowing me,
Thank you for being there,
for making me yours.

I love you,
more than you know,
Keep the memories

I love you to,
the moon and back.
784 · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
The Best success story is the one you write for yourself,
Make it great!!!
781 · Aug 2015
For my past...
IcySky Aug 2015
I miss you, I truly do...
I lay in bed at night thinking of you,
thinking about how we left things,
not how I wanted them to end.

I think about what happened,
and how I was so dumb,
and wonder why we did,
what we did.

I thought we had something special,
but I guess I was wrong...
I was in love,
but you called it crazy.

You hurt me to the core,
never thought you would,
I thought you were different,
I was wrong there too...

My heart will never be whole again,
I am broken...
but who cares?

So "thank you" for the hurt,
and for the pain,
because though I miss you,
the pain makes it easier...

I was in love once,
and might be still...
but I'm moving on,
to someone who cares about me.

I may need to heal,
but I know it's what I have to do...
"Thanks" for everything...
I'm just here to be walked on anyways....
For my past.... you know who you are....
777 · May 2015
IcySky May 2015
There's marks on her body.
The cuts on her wrists,
The bruises on her legs,
The bags under her eyes.

These marks you see, she makes.
The cuts she does,
is to feel something.
The bruises she makes,
because she feels ugly.
The bags under her eyes,
because she can't sleep.

These marks you see,
she makes.
To feel pain,
to feel prettier,
to not rest.

Until her body is a goner.
These marks you see,
she makes.
776 · May 2015
IcySky May 2015
We all have dreams, big and small
Some of us dream of meeting the right person,
some of us dream of getting to be a rock star.
People dream a lot, and of a lot of different things.
But tell me this...
Who ever dreams of hurting the ones you love, or care about?
Who wants to dream about being abandoned, or hurt?
Who really wants their dreams to become nightmares?
I want sweet dreams and good night kisses.
I don't want fighting or hurting or letting people down.
I want a day to come where I can lay in bed next to the one I love.
No body wants a pleasant dream to become a horrific disaster.
I want sweet dreams and good night kisses.
775 · Aug 2015
IcySky Aug 2015
I'm done with this ****...
731 · Jul 2015
Because of you...
IcySky Jul 2015
Because of you...
I can see myself like you do,
I have the will to wake up the next morning,
I have a reason to be happy.
You're the reason I smile,
you're the reason I get up,
you're the reason I feel beautiful,
you're the reason I'm in love.
Because of you...
My sky is no longer gray,
my world is no longer "blue",
I feel special for once.
You're the reason my arm is healing,
and no longer bleeding...
you're the reason the heartache,
is going far away.
Because of you...
I can love again,
I'm not afraid to be myself,
I don't care what others think.
You're the smile on my face,
the butterflies in my stomach,
the twinkle in my eyes,
and the skip in my step.
All this to say "I love you."
719 · Jul 2015
IcySky Jul 2015
Sometimes there is no reason behind what I am feeling.
708 · Oct 2015
Our Song
IcySky Oct 2015
I walk down the street,
with music playing,
thoughts running through my mind,
and there's our song.

The song we met to,
the song we danced to,
the song we kissed to,
the song I'm listening to.

The melody of happiness,
has become a dark place,
This same song that was playing when we met,
is the song that was playing when you left.

Our song...
the meaning of happiness,
and the meaning of hopelessness,
our song is as complicated as you.

The high points,
the low points,
the good times,
and the bad.

This is our song.
702 · Oct 2015
My smile
IcySky Oct 2015
You see the real me...
the me I'm afraid to be,
You see me for who I am,
not for who I was

You look into my eyes,
and say that I'm a prize...
You tell me I'm ****,
and you tell me to smile.

For you're the reason,
for this smile upon my face.
And you're the reason,
for the happiness that I part take.

You are my smile,
my laugh,
my heart,
my prize.
701 · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
Please stop hurting me </3*
I can't take anymore.
stop the hurt
700 · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
No one notices your
No one notices your
No one notices your

They all notice your
687 · Sep 2015
Comin' in hot
IcySky Sep 2015
"If you got jack in your cup, go raise it up
If you ain’t got enough, go fill it up
If you had too much, don’t throw it up
And if you ain’t got ****, throw your hands up

I'm gonna chase this whiskey with Patrón,
I wanna ******* my lap and a jägerbomb;
I'm comin' in hot, you heard me
And I'ma make it rain on the girl who serves me
I drink a fifth of ***** till it’s gone
And if it feels so good then it can't be wrong
I'm comin' in hot, you heard me
And we be taking shots and if not you nerdy."

~Hollywood Undead~
685 · Jul 2015
Tu amor<3
IcySky Jul 2015
We met by a smile,
and we talked for a while.
You make me laugh,
and make me happy.

We were amigos,
at first,
but now,
I'm your mi amor.

Talking in spanish,
though hard to do,
just helps me,
get to know you.

We talked today,
and that's when you said it,
you called me your love,
your mi amor.

I melted in my seat,
as my heart raced faster,
and the smile on my face,
grew larger.

My spanish is muy poco,
but my love is mucho,
soon you'll know more than english,
you'll know me, you'll know my heart.

Your mi amor.
Your mi amor.
663 · May 2015
I imagine you
IcySky May 2015
I can feel your smile rest upon my face, and I can feel the warmth and gentleness of your embrace. I can hear your laughter, its music to my ears, and your voice still whispers to me, and wipes away my tears.

I imagine you right here with me, the one and only place you are meant to be. This is your home here in my heart, but fate has been unkind and time has kept us apart. So, I imagine you right here with me.

I remember that sparkle that dances in your eyes when something makes you happy just to be alive. I remember you spirit and how it set me free. How the tender side of you put me at ease.

I imagine you right here with me, the one and only place you are meant to be. This is your home here in my heart, but fate has been unkind and time has kept us apart. So, I imagine you right here with me.
661 · May 2015
Would you?
IcySky May 2015
If I ran away,
would you look for me?

If I cried,
would you dry my tears?

If  I got hurt,
would you make it better?

If I died,
would you cry for me?

If I wasn't here,
would you miss me?

If I was gone,
would you care?

Would you even notice me?
660 · Sep 2015
IcySky Sep 2015
"My legs are dangling off the edge,
The bottom of the bottle is my only friend,
I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone,
My legs are dangling off the edge,
A stomach full of pills didn't work again,
I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone.

We hit the sky, there goes the light, no more sun, why's it always night?
When you can't sleep, well, you can't dream,
When you can't dream, well, what's life mean?
We feel a little pity, but don't empathize
The old are getting older, watch a young man die,
A Mother and a Son and someone you know, smile at each other and realize you don't,
You don't know what happened to that kid you raised,
What happened to the Father, who swore he'd stay?
I didn't know 'cause you didn't say,
Now Mamma feels guilt, yeah, Mamma feels pain,
When you were young, you never thought you'd die,
Found that you could but too scared to try,
You looked in the mirror and you said goodbye,
Climb to the roof to see if you could fly.

So if I survive, then I'll see you tomorrow, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

~Hollywood undead~
656 · Jul 2015
Fire in the Sky
IcySky Jul 2015
Its beauty unravels as in bursts in the night sky,
multiple colors unleashed and free,
exploding with awe.

Fire in the sky as some call it,
the rays of color and shape amaze,
as always I watch intensively.

I watch as the flowers spark,
as the blooms buzz,
and as the sparklers sizzle.

Amazed at the beauty and happiness
these small simple things bring,
to all who watch.

To be a part of such...
is much more than lighting a fuse,
it brings people closer.
Happy Fourth everyone!!!!!
655 · Apr 2016
IcySky Apr 2016
A gift from God,
One of compassion and understanding,
One of bravery a true fighter,
One of loyalty and trust.

A young and beautiful woman,
Who is there for those she cares about,
She's one you can tell anything to,
And know it's safe with her.

Thank you for being there for me,
Thank you for opening yourself to me,
Thank you for being my friend,
And thank you for being you.

Haley, An angel
648 · Oct 2015
Wake up
IcySky Oct 2015
Stop and listen... do you hear that?
The silent thoughts and broken spirits.
The mind running on low fuel,
The heart still not whole.

Do you hear the voices calling out?
Calling your name,
Pulling you down,
Dragging you beneath the surface.

Whispers of the wind,
Voices in the night,
Darkness overcoming,
Stop and listen.

Wake up from this nightmare,
Try to run away,
Try but don't succeed,
Stuck in this hell.

Voices screaming at you,
Shadows growing larger,
Darkness consuming you whole,
Just wake up!!!
Just wake up
646 · Jun 2015
IcySky Jun 2015
I'm in love...
I've been in love since we've met,
And I always will be in love with you...

Since the moment our eyes met,
To the moment your lips found mine...
I've been in love.

But no one understands the way I feel,
No one realizes that I'm happiest,
When I'm thinking about you.

So now we are apart from each other,
And I still think about you,
But do you think about me?

Time and fate have kept us apart,
No one on my side....
No one to realize.

I'm in love with you,
Though we may not be able to speak,
I still think about you.

Do you still think of me?
Do you love me?
Do you still even care?

Forever on my mind,
622 · Jul 2015
Better (10w)
IcySky Jul 2015
I don't deserve to live, I am better off dead.
604 · Nov 2015
IcySky Nov 2015
I lie awake, listening to the clock, as the seconds tick by...
Seconds turning into minutes, minutes turning into hours...
Lying here awake,
Just thinking of those moments I'm happiest.

Those moments I'm with you, in your arms...
Those moments we laugh, and smile big for a picture of just us two...
Those moments of just us...
Those moments I love.

Laying here thinking of the timing we chose...
The times we talk,
The times we see each other...
The times we're together.

It's not always perfect,
But it's prefect for us,
And that's all that matters,
It's who we are...

We rode this rollercoaster,
And even though it has its ups and downs,
We'd do it again,
Just to get to the happy ending.

Timing isn't everything...
But this time it is...
And this time...
We'll get it right!
600 · Jul 2015
IcySky Jul 2015
If only we could have met each other sooner,
we'd be closer than the stars in the sky.
©Davon Brown
591 · Sep 2015
IcySky Sep 2015
I miss the bad things,
The way you hate me,
I miss the screaming,
The way that you blame me!
I miss the rough ***,
Leaves me a mess,
I miss the feeling of pains in my chest!
Miss the phone calls,
When it's your fault,
I miss the late nights,
Don't miss you at all!
I like the kick in the face,
And the things you do to me!
I love the way that it hurts!
I don't miss you, I miss the misery!
I don't miss you, I miss the misery!
I don't miss you, I miss the misery!
583 · May 2015
Anger into happiness
IcySky May 2015
I have this feeling deep inside, as I sit on the steps of the beach.
Listening to the ocean's roar, staring at the horizon.
My eyes begin to water as the thought of you floats through my mind.
How could I have been so stupid to let you in my life?
The love I felt for you was real,
yet the "love" you had for me was not.
My love has turned to sadness,
and my sadness into anger.
For my life that you toyed with was not yours to ruin.
And now I think of you for what it used to be
For now I am happy you are gone.
577 · May 2015
Think of me
IcySky May 2015
Think of me
When your feet touch the sand
How we once walked together
Hand in hand

Think of me
When you feel the sea
How you once held me close-
Definite harmony

Think of me
With the wind on your face
A whisper in your ear
"This is our place"

Think of me
As the ocean roars
And always know
I am forever your
574 · Jul 2015
Heartbreak dream
IcySky Jul 2015
is like waking up from a good dream,
at first everything was all cool and then,
it suddenly hits you and boom your awake.
Eventually you'll forget and move on
it's what we humans do...
It's how we excel and evolve.
©Davon Brown
Quotes by my homeboy.
565 · May 2015
IcySky May 2015
Soft touch;
warm kiss;
heart race;
total bliss....

Chills that start
from deep inside
creating the want
but fear will hide....

Impulses rage
through mixed thoughts
emotions to explore
a wildly beating heart....

One's thoughts-
wishes to never end
the tender moments
between best friends.
562 · Jun 2015
Emily Dickinson
IcySky Jun 2015
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody too?
Then there's a pair of us?
Don't tell! They'd advertise you know!

How dreary to be somebody!
How public like a frog-
to tell one's name... the livelong June.
To an admiring Bog!
One of my favorite poems of all time!!!
557 · Jul 2017
Beauty Within
IcySky Jul 2017
Look into my soul, stare into my eyes...
Do you see what I see?
Do you see the way I'm treated?
Do you see the way I view the world?

Now into the eyes of another...
See their heart for what it is...
Do they view the world the same
as you or I?

In this world of gray,
you say this all you see...
Does one see color?
To make this world a little brighter?

They say to never judge a book by it's cover...
But is this motto we live by?
Do you see the true colors
of what's held within?

The rich who seem colorful on the outside,
look deeper... are they rich and colorful where it counts?
The man over there, sitting by the road... The one who seems gray,
look into his eyes, his beauty is full of color, truly radiant.

What we portray isn't always what's behind the mask,
No matter the race, culture, or gender,
look deeper than what lies on the surface,
you never know whose heart is truly pure.

Beauty is held within,
What lies on the outside,
that's just a delusion...
Seek for the soul that lies beneath the surface.
555 · May 2016
IcySky May 2016
You hurt me,
Betrayed me to the deepest core,
Took my biggest fear and used it against me.

I forgive you,
Will you forgive me?
I am sorry,
But are you?

Can we make this right?
Can we ever let go?
Of the things of the past,
Or things that have yet to come?

Live in the moment,
A completely fresh,
And totally new start,
A clean slate for both.

I'm scared of love,
I'm scared of you,
But at the same time
I'm not...

All I can think about is,
and haven't stopped,
thinking about is...

Whether you're ok,
If you're happy,
If you're writing,
Or smiling.

I'm scared of love,
But not scared of loving you,
I'm scared of you,
But that's because it's new.

I've never stopped caring about you,
I've never doubted you,
I've never seen you as anything less,
Than... Amazing.

Though you "don't" know it,
You're smart,
Talented writer,

You're gentle kiss is the best,
Your hugs are the world's saftest place,
You're so funny,
And determined...

I just wish you could see yourself,
Like I do,
Even after everything...
I don't think you're a bad person....

I never did,
I think you're hurt,
And want someone to love,
And want something to finally go good..
You're troubled,
But you've had a hard life,
You love,
Though haven't gotten much...

Whether you decided to come back,
Or to let me back into you're life,
Even after EVERYTHING,
I'm always here to show you...

Who you truly are,
And not the broken,
Screwd up,
Nothing you think you are...

You're here for a reason,
You're amazing,
Not a mistake,
And definitely not for nothing...

With much love,
That has never stopped...
IcySky xoxo
554 · Jul 2015
Can't 10w
IcySky Jul 2015
I love you, but I can't... It hurts too much!
545 · Feb 2016
Yes Or No?
IcySky Feb 2016
Brown eyes,
White smile,
Soft lips,
Sweet touch.

Breath taking looks,
Amazing laugh,
Loving heart,
Creative mind.

This is why I fell,
In love with you...
This is why I fell,
So hard when you left...

You yelled at me,
For nothing,
You went to another,
But they don't love you like me.

You took my smile,
Far away,
When you left,
Left me cold.

I still hear your voice,
In my dreams...
I still picture your smile,
How you once kissed me.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore...
Give it another try?
Be friends?

Tell me please,
Cuz I can't go without you...
Tell me please,
Will you take me back?
Spanish version up
544 · Aug 2015
IcySky Aug 2015
Right timing?
Trust me, in life there's never perfect timing.
543 · Aug 2015
IcySky Aug 2015
It's quiet,
I stare out the window,
you walk up,
clear skies turn to storms.

You're dangerous,
your touch turns me to stone,
you're as cold as ice,
never feeling remorse.

Now you walked away,
the skies are still dark,
and the air around me is silent,
and my heart broken.
538 · Nov 2017
Numb pt.1
IcySky Nov 2017
Anxiety rushes over your body,
You're paralyzed,
Sound seems to slowly disappear,
Vision not in focus.

The room begins to spin,
Your head feels dizzy,
Stomach in knots,
You can't feel anything...

You're numb.

Suddenly you're falling,
For what feels like forever...
Your heart pounding faster and faster,
Until... it stops.

Your body hits the cold ground,
Your hands shaking,
You can no longer stand,
You lie there, weak.

You're numb.
484 · Apr 2017
~Not so lucky~
IcySky Apr 2017
Do you ever feel so alone, even though you're surrounded by people?

So alone, that you feel like you're drowning?

So alone that, no matter how much you scream for help, those people won't hear you?

No? Then you're lucky... Me? Not so much...

~Corrie Anne
I've been broken so many times, I don't open up to anyone anymore... I'm alone
465 · Oct 2015
I get off
IcySky Oct 2015
I get off on you
Getting off on me
Give you what you want
But nothing is for free
It's a give and take
Kind of love we make
When the line is crossed
I get off
I get off

There's so much left unspoken
Between the two of us
It's so much more exciting
To look when you can't touch
You could say I'm different
Maybe I'm a freak
But I know how to twist you
To bring you to your knees

I get off on you
Getting off on me
I get off on you
Getting off on me
451 · May 2015
Will you?
IcySky May 2015
Live today,
Die tomorrow,
I will die writing my poetry and it shall be forever more.
421 · May 2015
Can you hear me now?
IcySky May 2015
Can you hear me? My screams getting louder, my body fighting harder, can you hear me now!? I tell you stop, but you don’t listen. I tell you once more, but again I am ignored. I hit, and kick, and watch you stumble… Can you hear me now!? You come back, making another attack. I hit harder, you go down, how bout’ now, can you hear me? Now you’re up, but I ran away, not a clean getaway, you caught me, and I’ve had enough! I pull a knife, and you go down, not gonna get back. I told you to stop! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!?!?
388 · May 2015
~Wasting away~
IcySky May 2015
I'm trying to be strong,
but the strength I have is wasting away.

This life we know,
is not the same,
as it used to be.

When you were the one,
the one that laid close to me,
and whispered hello.

I missed you quite terribly,
I fell in love,
in love with you suddenly.

There was nowhere else,
I wanted to be,
but there in your arms.

Time and fate have been unkind,
and everything you want,
isn't always what you need.

I guess that's why I've never
realized what I had till it was gone,
everything I know is wasting away.
363 · Jun 2015
Not Who I Was
IcySky Jun 2015
I'm not who I used to be..
I've changed my ways,
and cleaned up my act.
My ways were so different then,
I hung with the wrong crowds,
I know that now.
I made a stupid mistake,
but I don't want that life,
not anymore.
I'm not who I was,
no longer astray,
I'm here to stay.
Why can't you see?
That, that's not me...
I'm not who I used to be.
I wish you could see,
the new me,
the one whose been set free.
I'm not who I was,
I'm not who I used to be,
When will you finally see?
People can change, for good or for bad... I've changed for the better.
People only see what they want to see though,
and never see the truth.
343 · Feb 2017
Love each day
IcySky Feb 2017
The sounds of birds chirping outside my window seal,
The light of the sun just peaking over the horizon,
The smell of salt water fills the air,
Once again this beautiful morn.

My senses all awaken,
Taking in every ounce the day has to offer,
The sunlight shining through the trees,
The cool breeze of the morning air,

The sounds of animals nestling in the bushes,
Senses without a fear...
A glorious day to bring new meaning,
A day to bring new joy.

Snuggling up with a cup of coffee,
Way up on the balcony chair,
Releasing your stress with each deep breath,
Remembering today is one of the best.

*One may never know what a day may bring forth, live each day to it's fullest, and enjoy the little things in life. Hold those you love close, and forgive those who have hurt you, life is too short to never let go. Though it may be a cliche,remeber... Live, Laugh, Love.
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