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Dead lover Jun 2016

Dearest father, of all beloved,
Father's day, too reminds me of you..
Does it matter to you?

Dearest father, of all loveliest,
I really do wish to wish you,
But how do I do?

Dearest father, of all sweetest,
I wish if you could hear me,
But dad is busy bee...

Dearest father, of all cutest,
I wish if I could sing along -
For you, father's day song...

Dearest of all father dearest,
Did you bother to see my greetings?
Or still lost in meetings?


My father is the bestest,
The bestest of all friends and family,
The best of all actuality..

My father is the sweetest,
He does try getting free, you see,
Well, never that for me..

My father is highly intellectual,
He knows, a father he would remain..
So no time he drains..

But dad, you know what,
You don't treat your child any well,
you make my life hell..

Miss you so much papa,
You would have no time to hear..
At least tomorrow, be here...
Dead lover Mar 2017
I accepted for the sake of your exams,
That i am a bad human,
A fake human,
One into emotional drama,
One who's life is fake..  Fake.. And fake..

Fake fake fake and fake...
Your lover did use this word so easily,
I still feel the cuts in me..

I accept what i am not for you Oh best friend,
I accepted the fakeness... And did put it to the end..
Am just so free,  for everybody...

I remember my words...
I won't ever talk to you,
Oh best friend...
I can't put into words how much it hurts,
Am sorry that i was so " fake"....
I never knew I was..
Don't Know why does she think so....

You are my support..
And look,  we are never going to talk to each other...
Well you have your support...
But what about mine?
I feel so Terrible about myself..
I feel like dying...

Oh best friend, am such a useless best friend,
Who's phone number is not even worth trying..

You have done bundles of favors for me,
But your girl has always left me crying...

Just one wish from you oh friend,
Kiss the forehead of my corpse,
The day i be dead...

And whisper what had been my fault in my ear...
Oh friend so dear....
Dead lover Jan 2023
Don't love me back,
Just acknowledge that I do.

For I've never dreamt
To hold hands with you.
"No" could not have hurt as much as you believing that my infatuation will fade off eventually.

You didn't want to act a grown up and decided to out me off by ghosting, avoiding and silent treatment.

I lost a good friend, a friend that i now doubt if I ever had.
Dead lover Dec 2015
We're so many yet so alone,
We live in a prison and call it a home..

Only if I could die, I could be well,
Since over 7 billion people on this planet,
And not even a single has time for me,
What The hell...

whenever I cry, I just have a blanket,
My friends - they're so busy,
I feel like John Cena -
Saying you can't see me..

Somebody has a life to make,
Somebody is busy in the life already made,
And somebody's somebody has problems from me..
That's what the world's population sounds to me!

I want to die,
I want to end my life,
Maybe a dagger, a bottle of pills,
A gun or just the kitchen knife..

Or else,
Maybe this world could be made a better place,
And this Earth can too have better grace...
Where all are the winners of the same race,
Where there's no religion, no gender and no race..

Where the news  isn't flooded with - murders, robberies, corruption, abduction and ****..

Where people love humanity, and equality,
Where people love animals and are against them the cruelty,
Where mother nature is treated with all the novelty..
And where people don't live for money..

And where there is no liquor, no smoking pipe,
All humans, living a peaceful life..

No army - fighting for borders,
No policemen killing innocent 'cause of orders,
No terrorists no racists,
And humanity has no horrors...

I know that world is kinda impossible to create,
But maybe this does happen,
If  a little  step  we  initiate..

We're so many yet so alone,
We live in a  prison and call it a
Please support humanity!
Dead lover Dec 2015
Gazing at the window pane,
I see a road with 8 lanes. .
I live near an international airport,
Also not much far from the court.

The roads are always full with life,
and is visible a life taking another life..
A kidnapping here, A **** there..
Dress properly, to do none would dare...

Take away the right to wear frocks, from a girl under ten
Toned legs are arousing, and legs 're visible in them..
Take away a girls right to walk alone in streets,
When on a public property, as a public property people shall treat

Nobody spares you here...
Step fathers
And even fathers!

Nobody understands love here, Everything is love making.
A girl in pain, 'cause of rod which in her body is shaking.

We have murderers,
We have ISIS agents,
We have corrupt officials,
We have suiciding peasants...
We have kidnappers,
We have hackers,
We have looters,
We also have sharp shooters,
We also have all age hookers...

Come, see my city,
And then on it, **do pity..
Is it just my developed city or are all the same?
Dead lover Aug 2016
Does it even make a difference, if none wishes you?
Dead lover Jan 2023
Love me better than I've ever loved myself,
For I don't believe, anyone will ever love me.
I'm trying to be brave,
As much as I can be.
It breaks my heart.
How unworthy of your love could I have been?
I love you.
I'm trying to butcher the butterflies, but that process hurts too.

Is it too much to ask to be loved back?
Dead lover Jun 2016
My existence matters to none,
Am but, someone long forgotten.
None ever wondered where I am.
None ever wondered how I am

My reality matters to none,
Am but, someone long forgotten.
Someday try to talk to the sun rays,
I did complain to him in numerous ways..

My capability matters to none,
Am but, someone long forgotten.
Sometime, try to understand the star's rhyme,
Saw them changing, I recalled you everytime..

My name no more matters to none,
Am but, someone long forgotten.
Dear, All the time I miss you Oh my fear!
I miss you everybody, I swear...

My existence matters to none,
But to me.
My reality matters to none,
But to me.
My capability matters to none,
But to me.
My name matters to none,
But to me.
Miss you all so much..
Dead lover Jan 2023
The depth of your eyes, makes me lose my mind that inspires to leave everything behind.

It enchants me and makes me jump into the ocean that knows no emotion.

I imagine you tracing my face, each time that I feel the wind, Yes with imagination I have sinned.

I wish there was a way to end my sorrow, my best bet is on having no tomorrow.

But today, yet again am in pain, I've been tied to the past and that's turning me insane.

You deserve to be together forever,  with someone that you treasure.

My dream has had its fulfilment,
It was brilliant, but I know I don't deserve your commitment.

Live Long and Prosper, oh "Love of My Life", I know I can never apologize,
But will I still get to look into your eyes?
I've never felt more alone in life. I feel bad for my one sided feelings, it is a torture for me, my loved one and also for those who are looking after me.

I wish i gain enough strength to not let these emotions make me cry every now and then. I'm sorry for acting out when you said a no. I should have never confessed, I should have tamed the butterflies and none of this would have ever happened.
Dead lover Jan 2016
Well before you know anything else about him,
I'm so happy right now, with my eyes filled upto brim,
Well yeah, it's about a special friend of mine,
Call him a friend, a daddy or a birdie, all are fine.

He's a down to Earth person, with no time to even show it!
Yet people call my birdie, insensitive!
I don't know what do they want to say,
And why as negative they want him to be portrayed.

He's not weird, just unique,
He's not being selective,just doing something for himself for the first time,
You can't call him Selfish.

He's not you, He's not me,
He's better support than us, you'll see!

He's an awesome person, with his awesomeness obscure,
That doesn't make him insecure!
He's no good around people you say,
But in reality, He's the same around all..

He's not fake, expressions he doesn't feel like he doesn't know how to make.
He's just too good the way he reacts,
'cause there's just one way he acts,
That's same,
And no adjective I know,
Could complete his name...

I call him a dad as of yet,
So that such an independent person of humanity,
I don't forget.

**Dad, Please stay
Stay my
Dead lover Jan 2020
Either give me some hope Or give me death,
It's hard to remain on the deathbed.

Dear Death, come and **** me,
For i am neither strong enough nor good enough..
My life has no silver lining
Dead lover Nov 2015
Being a girl,
Doesn't mean a three way hole,
Being a girl,
Means to be admired and respected as a whole..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that getting married is your goal,
Being a girl,
Means to be whatever your heart says to your soul..

Being a girl
Doesn't mean that (just) as a mother, wife or girlfriend is your role..
Being a girl,
Means that you need to prove yourself as a diamond in the mine of coal..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that entire your life you need to stay a tadpole..
Being a girl,
Means that you need to develop into a frog before getting ole..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that you are the negative of the dipole,
Being a girl,
Means that - you need to take your life's control..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean to accept your worth to be ***** and *****,
Being a girl,
Means to accept your beauty, not just the duty,

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that you can be a heroine just in the movie..
Being a girl,
Means that you can be a superhero in real life - you can be a ruby!
Learn to accept your beauty girls..

Being a girl Doesn't mean to be oppressed by the so called " society's rulers "
Dead lover Jun 2016
I  bought another dog,
And my dog left talking to me..
Been 8 days..
I sob,
He stares at me...
Tried all ways..
Now, Tired of all ways..

He still doesn't agree,
I love him a lot,
I love him too much,
But he doesn't see,
And has forgot,
All my love as such...
Shiro is a family member from a long time, where as Kuro is a new addition.. Both don't like each other.

It is becoming painful for me.
I love both of them, but both are arrogant and not willing to accept each other.
Dead lover Aug 2018
Dreams are numerous,
But, reality is a curse
Dead lover Jan 2016
Gazing at
The ever raising,
Of everybody,
I die daily.. *

Stop caging me and my intentions,
My life is mine,
not for implementing,
your *
learnings and inventions...
Dead lover Jan 2016
I tried to follow the footsteps of our government,
And I fell inside me and you..
Our government belongs to us,
Their governance means to us..

Things done by any Minster,
Must not be just for his or her brother sister..
What they do, Needs to be,
For me and you too!

Let's re - sketch the political structure,
And don't let it retrace, then it would rupture..
Dead lover Oct 2017
Loving you is a crime,
That I would do everytime...
Loving you is something special,
Loving you has become essential...
Your Soul,I keep embracing,
Your words, Put my heart on racing
I love you dear...
Dead lover May 2016
You have so many restrictions applied upon - Freedom of speech, that instead of being taught about it, you  need to be taught about ' restriction on speech '..

Seriously pathetic. I can't really see people blaming the politically elected government for vague reasons.

This is literally hundreds time worse than hell.
Dead lover Apr 2016
Oh God, visit the Earth, we'll pay for your visit,
Look at the condition of people, you too won't resist..
Every religion has aim, the same.
Then why wars cause of your name?

Come on the heavenly Earth, oh Great Lord,
Answer why history gazed at your name's sword?
Who eventually won those wars, oh father of all, let us know!
What benefit it did to humanity, oh creator of all, let us know!

There are so many religions, and religion has become a political ornament,
Kindly tell, if the humanity was supposed to go, wherever it went..
Every religion claims that, oh all pervading, you are everywhere,
But I looked up at all possible places, you weren't there...

Religion has adapted to changes - some good, some not so good..
The beginning concept, today has been misunderstood..
Some people have made religion a business,
Some have made it a war, we demand a recess!

God loves all, and let him-  the all understanding, Judge everybody,
And let the wrong doers, suffer for their deed,
Why are we doing the job, that oh ever existing is supposed to do?
None of us is a messenger of God, then why we're fighting for religion the true?

Oh creator, oh ever lasting, oh ever existing, oh all merciful, oh all loving,
Please oh God, come and meet the work of your seemingly long forgotten creation,
**We'll pay for your visit, there's a lot of money with the ones, who ask for donation...
I pity the number of  results Google provided me with for the term, " Religious Violence ".... May God bless them All...
Dead lover Jan 2016
Can't the rain, hear our pain-

To shower again,
When meet the lovers insane?

And drain the strain,
Inculcated by their brains?
Dead lover Apr 2016
Her chapped lips, and round hips,
Her beautiful nose and cheeks of rose..

Her flawless complexion,
Her intelligent reaction..

She was a true beautiful person,
From her appearance and mind,
Still I couldn't confess my love for her,
Since just from the eyes, she was blind...
Dead lover Mar 2016
His highness is searching for a bride,
She must be very beautiful and also dutiful.

He doesn't care if she's not educate,
He just cares that she be able to *******.

He doesn't want to have a lady with brains,
He just wants a woman to hug in the rains..

He wants a first hand girl, that is a ******,
So that she doesn't complain, to merge in..

Not debate, and follow all his orders without hate.
And to accept such a wife, he needs dowry as bait!

He is gonna be king, an official ideal candidate for a bride,
Who wants to have a lady, 'her' tears who could hide
Kings my goodness!
Dead lover Nov 2015
Friends with modesty, honesty and quality
Friends with novelty, loyalty and equality,
Is What all desire,
Friends with disability, social inequality and religiosity,
Friends with 'weird' human ecology, and 'discriminating' ideology...
None wants to acquire..

Some traits of these,
Are undesirable for sure,
But not even a single person of them,
Need to be ignore(d)...

We all are humans, we all are friends,
We all are lovers of humanity,
We all are creators of humanity and
We all are sufferers of humanity...

We all are friends, we all are a family,
We all are a human colony..
Dead lover Jan 2016
Humanity, fears calamity,
Stop killing people of nature,
Don't act so witty!

Humans feared animals once,
People fear people today,
I'll continue, only if your allowance...

Nobody is above nature,  
You are nothing more than,
Just another creature..

You **** people who refuse to accept,
You abducted some girls for your team's lust,
And the rich fled, while their homes you theft..

It is justice, from where,  this idea crept?
Dead lover Apr 2016
Oh my darling bestie..
I have no mood to be around you.
But that doesn't mean that I don't want you as a friend,
Or if our terms are approaching dead end..

But I have no mood to be around,
I don't know even if idiotic I sound..

You are my bestie, and always meant to be,
But currently I have some different plans with more priority.

I love talking to you, but I have no time anymore,
I am either tired, or exhausted.
And you somehow happen to demoralise me..
I told you many a times indirectly ,
But no good it did...

You don't want to hear what's going on in my life,
You don't want to hear my views about anything..
Correct me if am wrong, but I ain't your diary..

I don't want to meet you, when you cannot come to see me,
Don't expect me to be so crazy about meeting you..

You maybe going abroad for years four,
Doesn't matter the distance I promised Our relationship won't turn sour..
But dear, what's wrong with you?
Why don't you understand?

You are purely selfish, and tell me that am selfish..
You disturb me during the exams, to clarify your so called doubts..
You don't let me sleep, make me weep,
And tell me, that you are my bestie..

I don't feel like keeping contacts with you,
You think all your misconceptions are true,
You don't want to hear me, and am not a dummy to hear you..

My life is boring, yeah well accepted,
But I don't want you to make it more boring..
I don't wish to be around you,
I don't care about you..

Stop imposing such restrictions on me,
Which you too can't even do..

I am sorry, but I can't travel to be around you,
If everytime it has to be me..
Some people are highly ridiculous, and I just don't want to be around them. Don't want such additions who think its necessary to meet every month, and don't understand your condition, don't want to hear what you are going through.. And most importantly who don't respect your decision and judgement and are already highly preoccupied..
Dead lover Feb 2023
You care for me,
I care for you.
I love you,
And i can feel your love for me too.

I want to stay your friend,
But how?
Dead lover Mar 2016
Aura of opera of her trauma,
Was so convincing and so loving..

Never she did sleep but always does weep..

Her identity, was something but her ethnicity
meant more, and forbade her to roar!

She owns nothing, but at least something
like a small compartment in a huge apartment.!

And she  doesn't feel pity for her ****, by the owner of landscape!
Cause her brain still lives in a world, where there's no constitution's word.
Ladies please raise your voice. I feel so ashamed of incidents happening around and not being reported.. Stop suffering any kind of oppression from that sub-  section of males who have no mercy for females.

Our culture and custom may regard them a post higher, but our constitution considers them the same.

Still, I feel pity for all those, who are either being ***** for being their wives, or even worse for not being able to repay the loan..

But unfortunately, all these ladies have one thing in common, they lack education and eventually they don't know about their rights and hence, choose to suffer..

Things would have to change. Education is no joke. It must be proper! Its a powerful commodity, everyone must own it. Or maybe, at least about the constitution!
Dead lover Mar 2018
When life keeps giving you lemons,
You are a **** lemon tree
Life is awful
Dead lover Jan 2023
I wish you enjoy your space,
In someone else's warm embrace..
I'll be at peace thinking about your happy face,
And relive your touch, as wind brushes against my face, as I wait for you at The Lakes..

From my memories I can't erase you,
From my dreams, I can't replace you.
For it's true, believe me even though I withdrew,
And you, I no longer 'actively' pursue.

But in my heart, there's nobody else,
For Who it makes as much sense,
to cherish the agony and laments,
At my present's expense.
I love you.

I want you to live, live on for me.
I just want to see, you live happy,
And i totally get that your happiness doesn't lie with me.

I will move the mountains, I will change our stars,
If you consent,
each morning to drink some tea with me..
Oh absentee!

I live on, I will continue to,
What if it is not next to you?
You are one of the few,
Worth the wait.

I wonder, if it hurts you too?
Dead lover Jan 2023
I wish you hug me one day,
If not everyday, at least one day.

I will not ask you for more,
I will not become a daily chore.

I will never ask you to say,
What you do not and thus can not say.

I have loved you for as far as I can remember,
It was just my confession that I made in December.

You trying to hurt me to make me move on,
Reminds me of the scene between Eowyn and Aragon.

What makes you think you can do, to  stop me from loving you?
I ask you not for your presence, just that you acknowledge my feelings for you.

Which you do not, even though it won't hurt to.
It will not cost a penny.
I am not asking you to love me too.

I cry myself to sleep, even though to you I say i am better,
You never acknowledged any feelings on calls or the letter.

You did not see me, you don't know i am in pain.
I know you do not want to see me ever again..

I deserve one hug, if not more.
You've never really hugged me before.

Give me some meaning, just closure I don't ask for a hope.
I know you don't like me, and for a future together, there's no scope.

But to you, oh my near and dear one!
I wish, I was more than just a no one.
I've no idea what's the point of hurting someone who has already grieved for so long?
That's not how my love, you can make me move on...

I loved you then, I love you more today,
In my own ****** up way.

You didn't have to reciprocate what you can't.
I will never ask you to. But what's so wrong about just saying a simple "Thank you"?

Ykw, I love you, and I will. For I have no switch to turn it back.... You've never been a bad person to me, I don't know how do you want me to see you as one... Don't give me reasons on why we shouldn't be together.. I've said everything that's there in my heart, I have nothing hidden anymore. I know you still care for me and I do too... That for me is more than enough... But I really hope one day I do get to hug you, and to get a selfie clicked with you... That's all..

And I hope I stop crying... My eyes hurt.. my face looks all puffy and has got a few scratches from the tears that actually Dry up your face.

Maybe one day you'd care to know about it...and I write it here with that hope. I love you
Willing to be Yours and only yours..
Dead lover Jan 2023
My stomach turns and crumbles,
My heart it breaks and aches,
I wish to say, all I can manage is to groan.
I wish to sleep, all I can manage is to growl
in the pain, a new night, yet story the same,
Every single day, all over again.

My skin is being peeled, and I bleed,
to death, only to be reborn with the same fate.
Piece by piece my limbs are being taken apart,
My misery is a work of art.
I can't seem to unlove you.
Hours and hours
Of hope,
Of our compatibility,
Of how you know me, the best

Of marriage,
Of our 'childhood connection'.
Of me being your gift, you being mine.

And never mentioning that you are seeing someone else to get married.

You agree that our relationship and our talks had led me on,
How many times?

You don't deserve another poem,
For you are a chaos.

You don't deserve another chance,
For I find you gross.

I was but a source of attention for years.
Left everything for you, repeatedly.
You *******
Dead lover Oct 2016
The Probability tells me, it stands a chance,
but the statistics of the thing, keep me down..
I wish I could get my sister back..
She committed suicide for reasons that nobody knows of.
Dead lover Feb 2016
I must admit as well as appreciate,
I have the best father, my good fate.

All along, I had been wrong,
I have been cranky, stupid and ignorant
Yet you were there to make me strong,
And make my incoherent thoughts coherent.

Sorry for my mistake that I did make,
I'll correct it all, For your kindness's sake...
I promise to improve exponentially,
I feel high potentially...
To connect with etiquette,
That I thought you lacked initially..

But you are my dad,
You were meant to win finally
But I promise I would change,
And win this game, eventually
Dead lover Jul 2019
When your life's misery knows no bound,
when your happiness is never recorded as found.
Should you take the liberty,
to end your apathy?

There's an entire world out there,
about each one there you do care.
When not a soul talks to you back,
why do you still run on life's track?

Not a soul loves you; the one who claims to,
trust me my dear, would be better of without you.
Why extend your misery,when limited could be your days?
Yet,to relive this burning soul, you have been confused by the ways.
When you can't take your life anymore.
Dead lover Jan 2016
Be sincere, oh friend,
Before you reach your end.
Your aim is to live your life,
Don't depend on afterlife.

You have plenty of time, my dear friend,
Live your life happily,
Help the needy ,
Don't be greedy.

What comes, that goes,
Same with your money,
Same with you.

Keep smiling my friend,
And I know, You know how to!
Dead lover Apr 2018
A person who can be used.
Reused and refused and misused.

Does his living make any difference?
Absence, presence, are just bitterness.

An idiot who is good for nothing at all,
Is pounding his head as a ball on wall.

Day after day, there's no new story to say.
What happened today, would happen tomorrow as it happened yesterday.

Am willing to scream, am willing to shout.
Am no more in doubt, I've ended this bout.

I have had enough punches, from the satiricals,
Even the ones vocals, and the ones locals..

I have no idea what has happened to me,
I can't see, i can't believe, happy i can't be.

This unhappiness, this loneliness,
This helplessness, this depressedness..

Enough of this Temple Run,
I feel done, completely done. I am done.

Good bye..
I wish i don't survive this.. I'm fed up.
Dead lover Mar 2018
Am on a joy ride ,
with no trace of joy.
Hopefully one day the things would change and I'd hug you again.

I love you despite everything, maybe I love you more too..

i miss you whenever you are not available. Takes away my senses.

Although its ironical, how your presence can't keep me sane either ;-)

Maybe one day You'll read this. But I'd be long gone.

After Waiting and waiting for the Master soooooooooooooo busy with his family, in which he doesn't include me. And is tooo afraid to introduce just cause his family is conservative.
Dead lover Dec 2020
Traumatising childhood,
Inexplicable Youth.
Dead lover Feb 2023
Spare me some memories of the boy I fell for.
For I've no idea of the man that he has become.
Dead lover Oct 2015
My lust, my thirst,
Day by day happen to increase,
But the truth is it darling,
That my life till date has been cease (d)
Dead lover Dec 2019
I thought I'd never write again,
And yet here i am..
Going through the same pain,

I feel soo lonely, the way I was once used to of..
For those happy days, its supposed to be a pay-off..
Am that lonely toy, nobody wants to own,
Am that orphan child, nobody knows is gone..
Am that cry baby, that cries despite her age,
Once for grades, then for beauty, then for better wage..

But nobody hears me,
Nobody cares for me..

Even my so called lover jilted me at the altar.
Thought that happens only in the movies,
But my life's example isn't very far..

He wanted a beautiful bride, for his pride..
From me all he wanted was ***.
5 years, used me, and moved on to the next.

I could very well be an idiot,
Still wanting and begging him to come back,
Am planning to book the church again,
And request people to be dressed in black.
I'm fed up... And i still love you *****.. And it hurts.
Dead lover Nov 2020
I bleed through words,
From the cuts given by the society.

I want to escape and fly like birds,
With a hope, it all ends my agony.
Dead lover Jan 2018
Oh my soul, my foul cry..
I ask why,
You wish to stay,

Body, mind or more?
There's enough love to pour,
Pour everything for you.

You love me more, I do know,
Just don't expect me to accept,
I want you to love me even more.

The emotional string between,
Would keep our terms evergreen,
I adore you My Spirituality.
For my special someone..
Dead lover Jan 2023
Will it ever stop to hurt?
Will I ever forget you dressing up in that cream shirt?

There are moments when am happy, and then I cry inconsolably,
I've gone crazy, totally.

I will always pray for your happiness and success,
and my feelings I shall try to suppress and no longer express.

Your smile fills my heart with emotions, as if it were causing a flood,
My heart keeps aching for you, as if a part of you has been dissolved in my blood.

Day by Day, my spirit moves away from this body of clay.
I'm afraid as a character, I don't have long to stay in my own play.

This love is unrequited, I'm delighted I have memories to fill up my heart's treasury.
Still for some reason there's this curiosity, will ever he?
I wish you live happily. I've no anger or hatred towards you. And I hope I do stop bugging you.

Idk if this is your way of helping me get my closure, but it is honestly more difficult than I had imagined it to be. You've been so indifferent to my "I love you", would a single "thank you" had hurt you? Would it still hurt you to just randomly acknowledge them someday?

You'll not believe me if I were to tell you that each of the time that I've spent with you is engrained and it pops up as a happy memory... My brain has started to uncover memories from back in school - in depths I never knew I had lived back then... But at the same time, I'm also living a hard-to-get-on terms kinda realisation yet again, your love interest was not me and shall never be me.

I'll pray for you and whoever you choose to be with. May you live long happy and healthy lives in ways you both dream and then deem fit.

I just hope to have some strength within me to be able to repress these emotions again... In tired of them resurfacing over and over again, when we aren't meant to be why can't they just be done with?

I'm nobody to complain but it does pain to imagine that he had time for people but me... I just don't matter to him.. I regret that you can't even be honest with me that it took you soo long to just turn me down... I wonder if I am so bad as a person that you decided to leave me hanging? I also wonder if I have ever done so much harm that i just end up hurt over and over again... But it would be good if I don't jinx anyone's life.. I don't know why do you say I'm a good person, it took SB 5 years of relationship and 9 years of knowing me to conclude that I'm a very bad and manipulative person. I do not know what eyes you see me thru.. but thank you.. even though I do not relate with your interpretation, but from the bottom of my heart I really appreciate your effort at trying to see me as a person than as a body.

I love you, and i always will.
Dead lover Dec 2015
I am not a poet,
But a poem,
Just trying to complete myself.
Or maybe,
-I am Completing myself..
Dead lover Dec 2017
I loved him,
He was of someone else...


Suddenly one day,
He completed all my poems..
I love you mine.
Dead lover Nov 2015
Although all poets write well, only those becomes popular who learn to respect the work of others..
This is what my favorite teacher used to say.. " do you know what makes a person's work more important?
the ability of the work to adjust with the reader, and that adjustment is only possible when - you learn to respect the sentiments and style of how all express and that's the way you should write.. "

She died in a car mishap, 1 and half year... I posted this in her memory, because If we see - its not just about a writer and his readers, its about all, about everything in fact..
Dead lover Apr 2016
I believe in God, i believe in his greatness,
I love the way he helps me,
I love the way he cares for me..
Sometimes as a friend, sometimes as a sibling,
Sometimes as a parent, sometimes as just another stranger  
Sometimes as a  teacher, sometimes as a book,
Sometimes as a quote, sometimes as a thought..

He's always there to guide me,
I love the way he guides me..
I love him, i love him, i really love him..

I feel so grateful for whatever he has given me,
What I don't have, wasn't meant for me..
Everybody has a purpose and a reason for its existence,
Everybody has everything, but God blesses only some with persistence..

I beg you for persistence to be able to love you forever..

I love you God, i beg for your mercy,
Please make me capable enough to get your love,
Please fill the void within me, that demands for your guidance,
Please make me a good human being..

Love you, oh all merciful, oh meant to stay forever,
I love you Lord, you are the supreme truth,
I love your existence, I love your power...

Thanks for all your love till date, Oh Lord!
Please make me capable enough to appreciate it..
God is great!
Dead lover Jan 2016
For ages I didn't act as myself,
I forgot that I was sentenced death,
The day i took birth,
It's law of nature,
As true and as powerful as rest of its laws,
So same, so true,
For me, for you..

We do not need to survive,
We need to live,
We weren't born just to stay alive,
But to thrive..

I prolonged my development,
I am so ashamed,
In this game of society,
I too have /had been gamed..

I haven't been myself till now,
But, I'll be for all the time so left
A poem for my parents, am so pleased to be your daughter, I can never write about your love and stuff, but just can write about the way you've sacrificed your tastes, for rearing us...

Thank you so much mummy, thank you so much papa..
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