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20h · 25
Death of a Mailbox
Can a mailbox truly expire
or does it simply get archived?

Can a text really be deleted
or does it move to another folder?

Can I simply log off and shut down
or do I remain partially connected?

When I manage to restart
I hope I retain some memory.
I got the title from an email I received from the author John Scal;zi.  We're not friends, I just subscribe.  He was talking about a more physical mailbox I think.
3d · 38
Our Story
‘Once upon a time’ -
that’s not the first line
not the start of this plot
it’s not where we start

no smart-talking mirror
no scheming stepmother
no frog in a pond
no magical wand

‘In the beginning’
and again
‘In the beginning’
That’s the story we’ve got -
us and our God
Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. ‘In the beginning…’
7d · 75
beneath my feet
the ground beneath my feet
soft grass that’s fresh with dew
cold with deeper warmth

the air that I breath
fresh breeze warming inside
rising to long strength

the hope within my dreams
wide and filling my morning
building fresh foundations
Watching a Mr Rogers documentary.
what could be harder
getting up before the dawn
beating a lone path

climbing into your cold cab

what could be cooler
sitting high above the snow
clearing a shared path
Thanks to John Scalzi for the idea.
Feb 12 · 140
Steve Page Feb 12
I miss my little brother. Especially at harvest. He was a hard worker – strong back and long reach. The kind of brother you want around.

‘Course, there was much more to him than strength and size. His art demonstrates that. He used to love experimenting with oils in his down time and had a knack for vivid battle scenes.

They say you paint what you know and not a year went by when he wasn’t called up for service. They would come to the farm to say the king needed him, and there was no refusing that call.

What he saw on the front line haunted him. So much was expected of him of course, but I think we overestimated his ability to cope with the ordeal of combat. Folk mistook his stature for a propensity for violence that needed release. We knew different. He was happier in the fields.  

I heard dad talking with him while he painted. It was clear my brother knew the value of a champion. The lives saved. The men who got to go back to their farms and families. The gods had gifted him, dad said. But when I see his canvases, that’s where I see the gift. Lasting reminders of the trauma that lesser men can wrought. Reminders of the suffering one man can save us from.

I miss Goliath.
There are always 2 sides to a story.
Feb 11 · 78
Typical Jesus
Steve Page Feb 11
He was there, just where you wouldn’t expect him – typical Jesus. There he was selling the Big Issue while chatting with mates. I was just walking round to Sainsbury’s to pick up some milk.
I couldn’t stop, I had to get back for my 2 o’clock.
If I’d known he’d be there I’m not sure what I would have done – maybe gone the other way. You know what it’s like, you just want to get on, but he has this way of getting you to slow down. It just takes up your time.
So there he was. He knew I’d seen him, even though I kept my head down and kept walking, checking I had a carrier. It really bugs me when I forget and I need to decide whether to buy another bag for life or act casual with a two pint-er hanging from a finger, despite the numbing cold. I’m not sure if I felt relieved or guilty that he didn’t call out. I could see he was busy. It’s no big deal.  We’d catch up another time.  
As I queued for the self-service, I wondered if he’d still be there, and if he was, would it be impolite to just nod and keep walking. I had that meeting. I’d said I’d be back in time. And I really wanted to have enough leeway to make a cup of tea and get my head in the right space.
I was just thinking through my options when he popped up beside me as I swiped my nectar card. ‘Hey, matey,’ he smiled. ‘Can I walk with you? I know it’s a working day, so I won’t slow you down.’
I felt like he’d read my mind – maybe he had.  I made a neutral sound, something like a casual agreement and we walked. I wasn’t sure what to say that wouldn’t end up taking all afternoon, so I thought I’d best say nothing.  
He kept his word and didn't slow me down. We walked and he talked about the stabbing. Everyone was. Noone I knew. A guy in his thirties just outside Sainsbury’s. He had walked to the Grosvenor, and they tried to help but it was too late for him. The police camped out all the following day.
I nodded, not seeing the point of adding anything. Like I said, it wasn’t like I knew him.
When we got to the corner, where the police tape still floated attached to the lamppost, he took my shoulder and made me pause. Then he gave me a hug.
You know his hugs – like warm memory foam. I really needed to get back for that call, but instead I stood and sobbed, like he knew I needed to.
Blast. That really messed up my plans for the afternoon.******-investigation-launched-in-ealing-493765
Feb 9 · 84
Poets write
Steve Page Feb 9
Poets write with crooked lines
Lines that zig and zag
Lines that duck and dive

Poets write with messy lines
Lines that weave and wave
Lines that come alive

Poets write with spiral lines
Lines that gain speed
Lines that fall and rise

Poets write with broken lines
Lines that leap chasms
Lines that launch and fly

Poets write with solid lines
Lines that embody
Lines that embed
I started with an old proverb: 'God writes straight with crooked lines.'
And I played with a parallel idea.
Feb 7 · 145
Big & Ugly
Steve Page Feb 7
“You’re big and ugly enough,” he meant it kindly
as he passed me a wrench and continued to guide me.

“You’re big and ugly enough, to handle this truth.  
It’s now time that you learned that it’s just what we do.
We take the rough every day along with the smooth.
You will learn that the world will expect this of you.”

And so, each year upon year I took on rough truths,
until my battered strong hands were no longer smooth.
I grasped the sharp nettles, and I braced for disputes
until each opposition decided to move.

I ignored muscle pains and maintained my strong grip,
all the much tighter as life continued to shift.
Through my gritted cracked teeth, sometimes expletives slipped
as I beat mounting odds with dulled cries of relief.

Now a few decades on, I’m still big and I’m ugly,
but I’ve got a light touch for words that hold beauty.
There’s a time for raw strength but space for what’s lovely
and the lovely gifts strength to meet each day’s duties.

My dad did mean well when he passed on his insights,
but there’s much more to my strength than winning each fight.
I’m no longer a big, ugly stereotype -
The best part of me now can be found when I write.
If my dad saw me struggling he would say that I was big and ugly enough to handle it.
Feb 7 · 51
Steve Page Feb 7
Father-craft has been passed down from father to father,
losing and gaining at each slow bequeathing.
Less heavy-handed there, more soft-hearted here
at each generation’s rejection of the disciplines of the past.
So much so that I wonder what's left of the original art
and what we've lost and what we've gained.

This is my food for thought as I feed my daughter
crumbled digestive with mashed banana -
(Perhaps a favourite of mine and my father's.)
- while she grins and chortles, blowing biscuit dust
and spittle bubbles with absolute child-delight.

Food for thought and thanks as I drink in her smile,
wipe my cheek and laugh along, prolonging
the choice perfection of this fathering moment.
Notes on fathering, prompoted by a conversation with a young first time father.
Feb 6 · 153
Morning routine
Steve Page Feb 6
At the rumble of a badger's yawn
At the crack of a sparrow's ****
At the pang of his weakened bladder
That's when he makes his start

With the scrape of greying stubble
With the shine of derby brogues
With a perfect Windsor knot
That's how my husband rolls

At the slam of the panelled door
At the echo of a muttered curse
At the march of polished steps
It's only then that I emerge
revisiting an old poem from 2019
Feb 6 · 84
No Mind
Steve Page Feb 6
No mind left behind
No-one left deprived
Of love and joy and song
And knowing we belong
See for more information. It's time to talk.
Feb 5 · 60
Steve Page Feb 5
When bad motives are assigned to your art
When you're perceived as trouble in the making
When your audacious is seen as disruptive
That's when you smile and keep on writing
[painting, making, drawing, singing...]
Inspired by a #UK_Moot interview with Sophie Killingley @
Feb 3 · 66
Read Your Writes
Steve Page Feb 3
I am a poet
Anything that you tell me
May become Haiku
I'm indiscriminate.
Feb 1 · 105
London Soul
Steve Page Feb 1
"What have you got there?"

"A few particles of joy and this.  I found it hidden when I last looked in my quiet."

He opened his hand tentatively, not sure if it was safe to do so. He had unknowing saved a small remnant of his original soul.

We looked at the torn corner resting in his palm. It was more than anyone could have hoped for for someone who had remained in London.

"How have you kept hold of that?"

"I'm not sure. It might be from my old prayers. I thought it had been used up years ago. Is it worth anything?"

"It just might be worth everything."
Started with a thought prompted by a blackout poetry thing which I messed up.
Feb 1 · 67
Body Language
Steve Page Feb 1
We’re told to watch the body language
that it may be subtle
and difficult to decipher.

But in the right hands
it cries out in its fluency
it sings in its inflections.

In the right company
you can’t tear your eyes away
from the clear meaning.

We’re told to watch the body language
so we watch his hands, his feet
each pierced to make a point.

We watch the words hanging there,
terrible in their eloquence
accentuated by His sacrifice.

We’re told to watch the body language
because in the right hands
actions speak so much louder than words.

And His can still be heard.
I'm an investigator.  When I speak to subjects of our investigations, I'm watching as well as listening.  But when I read the accounts of Christ's death, I'd have to be blind not to get the message.
Jan 28 · 73
Van Gogh
Steve Page Jan 28
I laugh at the young light
and gift colour full rein
cover the ground at speed
flex the holy spectrum
into deep infernal textures
boldly release hinted hues
hidden to the casual eye
stroke my rivals into life
created at the break of day
capture unnatural advantage
in this leg of the human race
to reach God's rest
at the creation's edge
Prompted by Van Gogh's mastery over colour.
Steve Page Jan 24
The men of God met together
early in the morning
Would 4 dozen eggs stretch?

The men of God cooked together
early in the morning
Would Pyrex or Crackpot be best?

The men of God planned together
early in the morning
Would Barney remember the chives?

The men of God sat together
early in the morning
Would Logan allow open fires?

The men of God prayed together
early in the morning.
Would Jesus prefer bread and fish?

The men of God laughed together
early in the morning
Could anything ever beat this?
We meet once a month for breakfast and prayer.  Echoes of John 21.
Jan 24 · 106
The Last Priest
Steve Page Jan 24
The Last Priest smiled his blessings
indiscriminately, bridging,
building a new priesthood
beyond borders, across tribes
ignoring gender, discounting class
blind to race, snubbing rank,
denying privilege and preferring
a new holy nationality
for refugees, for stateless souls
like mine
- like ours
I wrote this over 7 years ago.  We still need reminding.
1 Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Galatians 3:26-29
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,
27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Jan 21 · 63
Which road...?
Steve Page Jan 21
Which road did you take?
Emmaus or Damascus?
Don't matter.
Same Jesus.

What brought you here?
Breadcrumbs or beacon?
Don't matter.
Same Jesus.

What meal did you share?
Flat bread or feast?
Don't matter.
Same Jesus.

It's the one you meet.
Not how you meet him.
Jan 15 · 118
Steve Page Jan 15
Jack of all trades,
master of none,
but oftentimes better
than master of one.
Apparently the first line was the original quote - given as a compliment.  Then the second line was added to turn it into an insult.  But the full (later)  quote resonates more with me.  See also 'polymath'.
Jan 9 · 130
Bumper poets
Steve Page Jan 9
That bumper sticker
is only two lines away
from found poetry
[rewrite haiku style]
Steal those first lines; transform your family trips.
For example:
What would Lady Macbeth do?
If you can read this, thank your optician.
Does the one with the most toys really win?
My other car is the Batmobile.
I'm lost too.
Jan 9 · 192
Steve Page Jan 9
Rosa Isabelle is a splendid sixpence,
Shining silver, bright and smooth,
Rosa reflects love, joy and the pride
Felt by family between budding and bloom
My granddaughter turns one this month. We'll gather as a family this weekend, seeking a blessing for her at church and celebrating her shining life.  I bought her a silver sixpence for her year of birth, complete with floral design.
Jan 6 · 123
Steve Page Jan 6
Parenting is a statement
of belief
in our future
in our potential
in our intent
to grow
and to change.

Parenting is a statement
of faith.
Jan 3 · 198
Refreshed memory
Steve Page Jan 3
You glance up once again
from the rediscovered photo,
sellotape stained and saved
for this future finding.

You hold me yet again in
the honesty of your peaceful smile,
in that shared perfect moment
catching us all unaware.

But that was just before our fall
into confusion, into the fog
that suddenly enveloped you
and robbed us all completely.

But now you return to mind
and I can return your smile
once again.
This month marked the 5th anniversary our mum's dealth after 3 years of dementia.  We were fortunate enough to have a glorious photo of her about a month before dementia really bit deep. That photo has pride of place in my home.
Dec 2024 · 218
Fighting your monsters
Steve Page Dec 2024
When fighting your monsters
- watch yourself
less you become monstrous.

When fighting your monsters
- watch yourself
and arm yourself with virtue.

When fighting your monsters
- watch yourself
and shield your deep innocence.

When fighting your monsters
(and you must fight your monsters
no matter the depth of the abyss)
- watch yourself
and let your true self stand.
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Dec 2024 · 109
Little lies
Steve Page Dec 2024
Little lies.
Purposeless perhaps.
Arguably with little effect,
but nevertheless, flowing
off the tongue and keypad
with little thought.
Born of habit.
Born of a child's need
to be on the front foot.

Little lies,
building up into a facade
behind which I hide
my ineptitude.
Overheard conversation.
Dec 2024 · 173
Whitney said it best
Steve Page Dec 2024
I wanna that moment of rhythm in an embrace.

I wanna those few steps across the floor
in the arms of someone who loves me,
accepts me, doesn’t want to change me,
can’t wait to see me, and see me grow,
hear me sing and laugh and dance,
someone to join my song,
someone to follow and lead me
across the uncharted floor into hope
and the joy that’s found by two hands
clasped in the dance.

I wanna that.
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me).
Whitney Houston
Dec 2024 · 138
Be curious
Steve Page Dec 2024
[not Walt Whitman]

Begin with questions
Lead with both ears
Dig for honesty
Don’t freak out at tears

Listen for the truth
Seek the 360
Never assume
Don’t judge so quickly
'Be curious, not judgmental.' Whatever the source, I appreciate the sentiment.  
Matthew 7v1. 'Do not judge.'
Dec 2024 · 120
Christmas Sweater
Steve Page Dec 2024
He pulls on the sweater, unasked for, ill-fitting and probably itchy as hell, but he knows the ritual by now and pulls until his head births and he opens his eyes ready for the chorus of smiles and laughter, but they're not there.
It's dark and the scents and chimes of Christmas are gone, he's spinning and falling in a force 10 gale battered by the sound of breaking waves.  So he reaches out for an anchor; his hands sink into a hedgerow, prickly with Hawthorn entwined with Holly, but he can't pull away and the momentum thrusts him forward through the pain into a field of sunflowers which swing their heads to face him, accusing him of trespass.  That’s when he becomes aware of distant gun fire and what looks like a star falling towards him.  Their heads duck down, forcing him to his knees and he's on all fours, his hands deep in Aunt Maud's **** in front of the fire, his head ringing, shell shocked, shaking and weeping while the family help him up.
- Easy there, Sam, you okay?  You look like hell. –
He looks around for his aunt’s face, and she smiles.
- He'll be fine, it sometimes takes us a while after our emergence from Mid Yell.  It's my first attempt at a Mid Yell and Ukrainian mohair blend.  Bring him some water.  Sam dear, have a seat and make sure you come and find me when you want to take it off, but not for a while. You shouldn't Walk the Goat too often, it confuses the soul. –
His siblings stare, full of questions and relief for their scarves as he studiously ignores them, and stares into the fire, shivering, hands prickly, the gun shots resonating in his gut and the aroma of sunflowers filling his head, knowing he needs to find that star.
Mid Yell - a settlement in Yell, Shetland, Scotland.
Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine.
Walk the Goat is a Ukrainian ritual symbolising fertility and the triumph of life over death.
Dec 2024 · 261
Choice of metaphors
Steve Page Dec 2024
Poetry is a painting
The poet the painter
The reader the beholder

Poetry is a riddle
The poet the riddler
The reader the solver

Oh, poet.
You choose the metaphor.
i hear some poets speak with pride how they hide behind their words while others talk of painting pictures.  I know there's a place for both, but I know which I prefer.
Dec 2024 · 230
The weight of the smoke
Steve Page Dec 2024
You can only weigh the smoke
after the ashes.

You can only measure the man
after the tears.
Walter Raleigh had a wager that he could weigh the smoke from his piped tobacco.  Look it up - he won the bet by weighing the ashes.
Dec 2024 · 81
Family Burton
Steve Page Dec 2024
There's a home I know where you'll find a hallway
Full of shoes and possibilities.
And an at-the-door a greeting leading to a family
Of amazing abilities, excelling in humility
Which I think is key to the near lack of hostilities
(given the number of siblings).

There's a home I know, crammed full of creativity
Exhibiting an intensity of ability
To fill the week's itinerary with spirit-led opportunities
To reflect their creator-charged curiosities
Feeding into gifted virtuosities
And long stretches of physical activities.

For example: you can taste it in the culinary.
Sense it in the musicality.
Hear it in the scratch of poetry.
See it in the smiles of story.
In the sighs of reading deeply.
In the care of cutting edge art creatively.
In the assists that deliver with accuracy.
In the allotment, tending their nursery.

You can see it in the inter-connecting
Found in faithfully praying
Hands holding, heads bowing,
Tears intersecting while seeking
The Father's counselling
And while boldly telling
Of the sudden joys and blessings
Encountered in everyday living.

Here's a family I call family
Who quietly live passionately
With no apology for the sincerity
Of their love and their daily seeking
Of their Father's leading.

Here's a family living godlily
Pointing to a greater glory
With the church-wide family
Where we'll all be feasting
At the great family wedding
For my dear friends, the Burton family, whose adjective is 'generous'.
Dec 2024 · 96
Poetry in the wild
Steve Page Dec 2024
Still yourself. And this time
look the poem straight in the eyes.
Don't let it stare you down.
Face its challenge head on.

Show respect, yes. But show no fear.
Still yourself, calm yourself
and offer yourself as a friend.
Give it time to close the distance,

watch how it softens under your focus.
Slow your breath, synchronise
and only then - gently, patiently
reach out and let it engage.

Let it come to you.
Still yourself in its majesty,
it may surprise you.
Listening to Simon Armitage on BBC Radio 4: My poetry and other animals.
Dec 2024 · 135
Christmas Games
Steve Page Dec 2024
Searching for a piece of the puzzle
Pondering the last cryptic clue
Rethinking your intended tactics
Selecting the right block to remove

Whatever choice you're facing
Whatever age you are
Remember that it's just for fun
She's still your sweet old grandma
Memories of underhand tactics from the older generation.
Dec 2024 · 73
God came in Three
Steve Page Dec 2024
God came in three –
they set aside time and space
for collaborative creativity

God came in three -
and in that 'us', 'our' and 'we'
they metaphor’d mutuality

God came in three -
advocated once and for all
a celebration of plurality

God came in three -
illustrated that all families
are a godly thingamy

God came in three -
they invited us, you and me
to join them for eternity
Genesis 1: 26.
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, ...
See also Gen 3.22.
Dec 2024 · 113
Children understand
Steve Page Dec 2024
Children understand loveliness.
They recognise the aroma,
the touch of love,
the echo of hearts
that rise to adore.

Children understand loveliness.
They recognise the savour,
the weight of feast,
the press of voices
that sing with laughter.

Children understand loveliness.
They recognise Christmas
within the heat,
the fire and glory
of Christ's forgiveness.

Children understand Christmas.
Look to them.
First line from a radio chat.  I took it from there.
Dec 2024 · 174
Clan Del Ben
Steve Page Dec 2024
Can soft and quiet sing loud and strong?
Can self-possessed burn hot lifelong?

Can serious hearts giggle delight?
Can gentle spirits fight for right?

Can loving souls know good anger?
Can wind-filled sails stow good anchor?

They not only can, but will again.
I've seen it within the clan Del Ben.
Ode to dear friends, whose adjectives are 'gentle' and 'strong'.
Dec 2024 · 367
Steve Page Dec 2024
This month I call you Saviour.

Mostly, instinctively
I call to you as Lord-God and Father.
Typically these are the names
I call to mind at early dawn.

But this month you are Saviour
as I become more acutely drawn
to my need to call on your saving grace
on your sacrificial willingness
to cast off the trappings
wrapped up with heavenly glory
to embrace the blood and the mess
that comes with small town nativity.

This month I address
my Hosannas to you,
my loving Saviour.
An early prayer on my commute.
Dec 2024 · 212
Embers for ashes
Steve Page Dec 2024
I had mistaken the embers for ashes.
I passed by, blind to the fire,
betraying the flames
and leaving the phoenix
for a more prescient pilgrim.
In too much of a rush.
Dec 2024 · 292
King Wenceslas
Steve Page Dec 2024
It was the first minutes of the morning after.  
The feast of Stephen boldly trod across the threshold
and waded through the leftovers
of Christmas delights and indulgences,
the echoes of family festivities,
and the discarded wrapping
still clinging to twists of Sellotape.  

The delights repeated,
the echoes faded
and all the discarded
lay deep and crisp and uneven,
even as we followed the heat
of the good King's steps,
into the cruel cold,
seeking the blessing of fresh fuel
for the wider feast ahead.
After Good King Wenceslas by John Mason Neale.
Dec 2024 · 284
Protect your king
Steve Page Dec 2024
Always think before you move
This is no composition
Then move in combination

Always think before you move
Protecting your advantage
Take none of this for granted

Always think before you move
Always protect your king
Watch your flanks
Plan your attack
Push until you win
Prompted by'Life of a King' - a movie with Cuba Gooding Jnr.
Dec 2024 · 383
Then I woke
Steve Page Dec 2024
Then I woke

   The dream died
   like the faded marrow ache
   once the door closes
   and the fire invades
   to rekindle the embers within.

and my eyes adjusted to the light.
Dec 2024 · 239
Steve Page Dec 2024
Can we skip the bit where I'm not sure what it is you feel
where I wonder if the feeling that I'm feeling could possibly be real
where I’m asking whether someone as amazing as you could be feeling it too?

Can we dispense with the fear that what appears to be actually here is
a figment, a fiction based on a misread permission
a tarnished mirror hiding the terror of being seen this clearly by another?

Can we move on to the unguarded laughter and the freedom
to touch the surface of your face and the assurance
to reach across a within-our-reach shared space?

Can we stay in this moment for as long as this path takes us
from our past on into a future without masks
to where we nurture each other onto greater and to deeper?

Can we do that?
a re worked poem sparked by re watching the closing scenes of Silver Linings Playbook (a great movie).
Dec 2024 · 405
Steve Page Dec 2024
Herbie ain’t no herbivore
He’s more of a feasting guy
His taste buds are testy
His jaws are real itchy
For a succulent turkey thigh

No, Herbie is no herbivore
And when he’s in the kitchen
He’ll alway stay focused
Ready to show us
Food is much more than nutrition

Herbie is no herbivore
There’s more to life than greens
But it shouldn’t be said
That his mum and his dad
Haven’t taught him to love chilli beans

Herbie is no herbivore
This Christmas there'll be no doubt
He’ll feast like a prince
On pies filled with mince
And turkey and maybe a sprout
With love to the Butcher family
Dec 2024 · 425
Steve Page Dec 2024
But are we the rabbit
Or are we the magician?

Oh, no, my dear
You've misunderstood.
We're the hat!
And there're many more wonders within!
Re-reading Sophies World.
Dec 2024 · 101
Steve Page Dec 2024
Treacle-ly can sometimes be nice
Treacle-ly will always be sweet
But never when making decisions
Don't bring treacle when we meet
from a comment at work
Dec 2024 · 735
Steve Page Dec 2024
When does a gift given become a gift received?
If a gift is not accepted, is it a gift indeed?
If a gift is left unopened is the gifting actually achieved?

(Is a gift not a gift if it is rejected?
Does it lose its giftedness when refused or neglected?)

Does the gift itself retain some kinetic gifted energy?
Or does it need the active catalyst of reception
to truly be the gift that its giver intends it to be?

This Christmas be sure to accept your full responsibility
to receive with a fully open heart as well as open hands
this gift I give to you from me.

(I've left the receipt in the bag.)
Gifting can be complicated.
Dec 2024 · 143
Not Hungry.
Steve Page Dec 2024
No, I'm not hungry.
But my taste buds are testy
for tasty
My jaw is itchy
for chewy
My nose is tingly
for the aromatherapy
of rich and meaty

No, I'm not hungry.
But my stomach aches
for feasty.
Started a liquid diet supervised by my doctor.  I miss chewing!
Dec 2024 · 216
Christmas is a Construct
Steve Page Dec 2024
Christmas is a construct
We've been listening to lies
There's no reindeer in the stable
Santa wasn't any Magi

Jesus got no Christmas stocking
He had nothing to unwrap
The Kings, they turned up later
And that manger was cold and damp

Christmas is a construct
There was no snowy frost
Joseph wasn't draping tinsel
He wasn't rushing up the shops

And Jesus wasn't quiet
He kept them all awake
Like any other baby
He didn't sleep til daybreak

There were no holly berries
No mistletoe or ivy
No pine tree in the corner
At that first nativity

But that sudden choir of angels.
The promised ****** birth
Yes, all that really happened
God did send peace on earth

There's much we have constructed
Even more that we've left out
But Christ remains in Christmas
That's what it's all about

God coming as a child
God reaching down with favour
God with us. Yes: Immanuel
Our promised Christmas Saviour.
The first line came from a friend when she realised Jesus wasn't born on 25 December.   Shocker!
Dec 2024 · 1.0k
It only takes
Steve Page Dec 2024
It only takes a small cut
  It only takes a soft word
in the right spot
  in the right ear
to sink deep
  to sink in
and scar for good.
  and bring healing.
Lessons from life.
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