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Jun 2016 · 1.4k
Kinda Ironic
gray rain Jun 2016
Kinda ironic
I write poems and find myself
writing about how much I hate English.
I don't want to read
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde again
or analyse a play!

No matter how interesting.
The themes are the the themes
and the characters the story tellers
but to me it's just words
No link in my head.
Every sentence is read.
Then the next,
makes no sense.
It all seems out of context
but no one realises
I don't know what the ****
the teacher goes on and on about,
it goes over my head.
I can't explain my ideas
because I can't make them myself
and I can't understand where anyone else's are from.
So I lead my self on a tangent,
that could go on and on repeating itself
that could go on and on repeating itself
that could go on and on repeating itself
but will never come back to the beginning.
Writing aimlessly
but no one seems to see;
it's all nonsense to me.
Kinda ironic.
As weird as it sounds English is my worst subject at school.
Jun 2016 · 357
Words Can Hurt
gray rain Jun 2016
I am cracked
I am broken
your words attack
when they are spoken

they made me fall
pushed me to the floor
your words they call
then push me out the door

they're just an act
but they feel so real
they were a pact
now they're a broken deal

you caused this all
your words, they surround
they pushed me off the wall
and left me on the ground
Jun 2016 · 900
He Is Unstoppable
gray rain Jun 2016
Burning up everything in his path,
never taking a moment to look back.

Destroying everything he comes into contact
with no regret of his attack.

Surrounding them
engulfed in flames,

his fiery rage
of them it claims


They will fall.

For he is unstoppable.
The first poem I wrote I lost so I rewrote it.
Jun 2016 · 2.7k
gray rain Jun 2016
unity          of id
eas                       link
ing p                               eople
toge                          ther
to f              orm
Jun 2016 · 896
gray rain Jun 2016
A position
of hierarchy
leading people
to believe
themselves as
better not
Jun 2016 · 298
gray rain Jun 2016
overgrowing passion
overlooking thought
impulsive decision
the effects are distraught
Jun 2016 · 376
The Government
gray rain Jun 2016
If they are so well educated then why don't they
realize they were taught the wrong information
and change it for the future generation
Jun 2016 · 457
gray rain Jun 2016
To get ahead
before anyone
Jun 2016 · 308
The Bag
gray rain Jun 2016
this bag I carry round with me
has a lining of guilt
a pocket of false hope, false dreams
oh and I forgot regret
regret for not trying or failing to get back up
for failure is the heaviest and of that I carry much
whilst wealth is light and love is nonexistent
past fights and arguments increase the weight rapidly
the ratio of bad to good is very inconsistent
this bag grows heavier as I carry on through my journey of life
I wish I could empty it and then it would be very light
but that can never happen until the day I die
Jun 2016 · 485
A Line From 'The Girl'
Jun 2016 · 608
The Girl
gray rain Jun 2016

No one wanted to talk to the girl who's arms were covered by sleeves,
ashamed of what she had done; she wished not to be seen.
Instead of seeking help, she continued to cut;
after all her life was going down and seemed to have no possibility of going up.
Starving herself daily: she thought she would never be good enough.
She knew life was hard but never thought it would be this tough.
Everyday she was a victim to the same
"oi you! you really let yourself go, you're insane!"
"you're crazy" they said as she was pushed to the ground.
For she was the queen of helplessness; she had just been crowned.
Growing ever so slowly timid as she lay in the rain;
this wasn't the first time and she knew it would happen again.
So she rolled up her sleeves and cut deeper than ever before:
the pain grew more and more.
Damaging herself as she grew weaker than weak,
as her existence grew evermore bleak.
She counted down the days until she choose to go.
She would leave before anyone would stop her, no one cared, no one would know.
She wrote a note, it didn't say much
other than how she hated herself and to help: they couldn't do as such.
She disappeared the next day into oblivion;
gone was her life and no one was there to stop it.
gray rain Jun 2016
Yes, I don't like life at the moment,
anxiety fills me but I am numb to emotion.
I'm ridden with fear, a plague
infected by what people have said
in the past
but the effects stayed,
they seem to last.
Repeating in my mind
played over and over all the time.
They speak acrimoniously
and use words unconservatively.
Unknown to them that their words are trenchant
and highly unpleasant.
I'm usually strong
but the pain caused has carried on too long.
I usually don't care how people have come to their reason
no matter what people say, they hurt! What ever the time, day or season.
I'm tired of hiding who I am.
I want to be free, not live in fear that others wouldn't understand.
I hate that people use words in a negative context then wonder why people are afraid to come out; what they don't realize that it's a difficult thing to do in a hetero-normative society and what they say can make people feel rejected even though they have done nothing other than be themselves.
May 2016 · 684
Silence = Sound
gray rain May 2016
Silence in excess
can be just as bad as too much sound.
May 2016 · 406
Another Cliché
gray rain May 2016
roses are red
violets are blue
I thought they were dead
and we'll join them soon
May 2016 · 455
No love
gray rain May 2016
There's no love in my life
which caused the death of my heart.
I can't even begin to explain how much it hurt
when you ripped out my heart and tore it appart.
May 2016 · 3.0k
Killing Creativity
gray rain May 2016
Silent screams
come from
every student
as the lack of noise
kills creativity
May 2016 · 834
Music 3
gray rain May 2016
A blank stave
is an endless script
written on by few
but understood by many.
May 2016 · 415
Music 2
gray rain May 2016
Music expresses
emotion you are
unable to even
think about.
May 2016 · 351
gray rain May 2016
Music is a language
no two people speak
the same.
May 2016 · 983
Martial Arts (quote)
gray rain May 2016

".Keep calm, smile and
then headbutt them."

~ Sensei ...
I'm not putting the actual sensei's name as I feel as though it would not be fair because it is not actual advice and was said unseriously and I don't feel as though it important,
May 2016 · 1.0k
Without Silence
gray rain May 2016
Without silence
sound would be
May 2016 · 2.1k
Rise Above
gray rain May 2016
The more you do to correct yourself:
the more attention you bring to your flaws.

You're the greatest critique of yourself.
If you stop judging you,
people will have to live with who you are!

In return you become stronger,
admired for your pride.

Not torn down by opinions
you make based on how
society is standardised...

so all benefits are erased when
self-acceptance of flaws is achieved.
You will not be torn down
because you're too strong for them...

and you stand above what is thought of you
because only you can make yourself rise above them.
May 2016 · 572
For Us Or The Future
gray rain May 2016
Nothing is definite in the world today
no matter what people say
the American dream
covered by screams
silence by politics and democracy
when the ideal world is based on anarchy
help each other
to help one another
not for a price whatever that may be
but because it's why we were created, people don't see
life is indefinite
but our effects are infinite
for the future generation
overrun by a system
for not us but them
they don't exist
but are the reason for change not to be dismissed
are we really doing if for the future of them or us?
social acceptance and helping people climb in to the system is it for the future or for our generation, for us!
May 2016 · 910
Panromantic (3w)
May 2016 · 288
The Road To Nowhere
gray rain May 2016
Endless paths that never seem to finish
but when they do
you find yourself back at the beginning.
gray rain May 2016
so there's this band I wanted to see live
when they went on 'hiatus' I didn't know how I would survive
they're music was amazing
they went back and forth when they sing
but they are 'on a break'
and will probably never be returning

the closest band to them is the bassists brothers
they're already amazing after just a few summers
yes they won't be who I wanted to see
but they're the closest thing to the band that started me
on this journey of my discovery through music
every opportunity to see it live. I will use it!
I know this isn't the best.
WATIC= we are the in crowd
ATC=against the current
I just got ATC tickets for September. If you haven't heard of them what are you doing? You should probably listen to them!
gray rain May 2016
All of us agree the British school system is ******...

segregation of classes, religion and race.
Teaching one sided and not seeing the other face,
another view.

We're taught that being homophobic and transphobic is bad,
yet treading on eggshells, it's the ignorance! That is sad!
But really...

what is useful information?
When all we learn is not to question segregation.
What we need...

is to be taught about politics and how it works
so we aren't overrun by political jerks

how to pay bills and what are taxes?
Not to depend on parents to teach us these facts!
What's your job?

To teach the clues in the name,
so why does every student want the same,
to know...

about the future, to be prepared for life.
Not what we are taught to believe, we know it's all lies.
we want...

a system where we can learn free,
no one offended, my views belong to me!
You know that...

we want to be treated like an adult, not like a child!
Who made up not having qualifications makes you any less qualified?
if you see something...

you're right! Turn a blind eye,
to those who see it differently or follow what they've been told,
who said 2+2=4
it might be 5
just look through another's eyes.

It's our system we recieve it.
It's our system but do we really truly believe in it?
I just had a discussion with a group of people about many topics. We all have many views and different experiences at school as we live in a very culturally diverse city. Everyone was between the ages of 14 and 16 but are very political and aware of societies flaws.
May 2016 · 791
gray rain May 2016
Finally they're done
A year until the next

I can't do anything now
It's over, is the test

Biology, chemistry, physics
All three I made a mess

There's no point dwelling in
sadness hope I tried my best

There's nothing to do now
except hope and wait and rest
I finished my exams yesterday for core science.
I'm sitting them early but will have more next yeay.
May 2016 · 374
gray rain May 2016
I was thinking about my future 
and what I want to do
but I found I have no interests 
strong enough to hold on to.
Wrote this yesterday but couldn't post it
gray rain May 2016
Remember this...

You are the reason for countless,
sleepless nights where I lay awake
wondering what light you would bring.

You are the reason I had no imagination,
believing that no one could fill the gaps
and why each day came with a sting.

Unknown to me, who you were going to be.
You sang to me, so sweet! You make my dreams
weep with joy and sadness.

Unknown to me, you were everything
or nothing. Someone to depend on or destroy.
I've torn you down but you stand with me in the mess.

You helped me through everything,
good and bad,  through my darkest moments when
self-harm and suicide didn't seem so bad.

You expected it back in return but when I couldn't
live up, you didn't leave you stayed
because you knew you were the only thing that made me glad.

This is for you, whoever you are,
thanks for being there. I know I don't say it much
but I don't know what I'd do without you.

This is for you,  because I know you are truly
willing to forgive me and I cannot repay that
or even begin to.

Just remember I wrote this for you.
This is my 200th poem on here.
May 2016 · 1.6k
gray rain May 2016

**if exclamation
marks  put
on   the
word or

it ?
May 2016 · 519
gray rain May 2016

truth be
the            reve
   will                    aled        
                            ­   even    

This looked better on paper
but still kinda works.
May 2016 · 1.9k
gray rain May 2016
There's this obstacle on my road of life.
A small pebble in my shoe
so it hurts to walk,
this mountain growing more distant
as I get closer but the pain increases

There's a obstacle in my river of life.
A river that I'm drowning in
yet nothing to hold onto
drifting further from the boat
as by body becomes weaker

although this seems like a large obstacle
It's really just a small hole in the road
that is yet to be filled
because no one will help me fill it
May 2016 · 314
gray rain May 2016
Sometimes I don't feel like writing
I just want to listen.
The moments
were I ponder
about who I am
and write it down
in a poetic format
because it's a really addictive drug
and I'm already hooked.
Coming back.
and over
Like it's the only way to feel.
To imagine what feelings are.
To imagine love or hurt.
Is this a curse or karma getting back at me.
and over.
May 2016 · 1.4k
Originality Isn't Dead
gray rain May 2016
Albums, collections of songs,
A collection of words
brought together
to right, wrongs
or just to hurt
they're there forever.


Old recordings
on vinyl
or hand written on papers.
New recordings
still on vinyl
but more objected to haters.

To be

easily accessed
and heard by everyone
fans or not,
torn to shreds
when criticised, a song
is unappreciated for what

amount of effort

the artist went through
to create something new
and original
just for you,
for your ears. To view,
to be a signal.

That originality

isn't dead
or dying
or even injured
but instead
to be heard

by millions around the world.
May 2016 · 616
gray rain May 2016
A hierarchy
of hot
or not.
or destroying
a relief
that they're fading.
We're not finisted
there's a long way to go
this mountain of know-
ledge and acceptance
is yet to be conqured.
But we're all climbing,
some still dying.
Along the way
because they can't say
that equality
is needed over
and monarchy
in society.
May 2016 · 406
Morning Headache
May 2016 · 1.1k
Forgotten In Time
gray rain May 2016
a mystery
of facts
and artefacts
swallowed by time

or revolution
fossilised claws
and medieval wars
fallen in time

ruling society
to equality
change over time

a distance
from memory
a stone in a cemetery
rotting over time

shut up
boxed up
laid down
in the ground
shipped to a new time

or a mystery
our history
forgotten in time
May 2016 · 387
Carries On
gray rain May 2016
When thoughts stop
causing a mind block
time carries on
without your song
May 2016 · 602
gray rain May 2016
Call us crazy
Cast your judgement
we're having fun
you're welcome to watch us
For all those people who judge people being wierd.
May 2016 · 1.2k
Blindfolded through the city
gray rain May 2016
Walk blindfolded through the city
to not see is a pity
unable to see the light
on this beautiful night
as we reach the mirror pool
judgement passed
like we're crazy

We take off our socks and shoes
as people exchange their views
Through looks and glances
we take our chances
and continue to run through the fountain
as the night become later
and later

numbness felt in our toes
as the unheated water shows
what it can really do
we put on our shoe
the the other
feet still wet
From the water as we leave
maybe something different next week.
We're crazy what can I say
May 2016 · 664
Lost Thoughts
gray rain May 2016
Lost thoughts. Stop.

unable to carry on.
May 2016 · 849
Face It
gray rain May 2016
Let's just face it
we're all living a lie
thinking we're something
but eventually we'll die

we'll be forgotten
buried in the ground
or burned down to ash
and scattered all around
May 2016 · 342
Written On The Walls
gray rain May 2016
Everywhere I've been
everywhere I go
everything I've seen
everything I know
is written on the walls
and burried in my soul
May 2016 · 3.9k
Sound Of Silence
gray rain May 2016
The sound of silence
is deafening
the loudest sound
is nothing

the sound of silence
isn't quite
this peaceful sound
more like a riot
May 2016 · 580
Sit In Silence
gray rain May 2016
Why can't we ******* speak?
This silence seems to go on for weeks.
When noise is what we seek.

Deafening noise we want to hear!
Melodic noises we want loud and clear!
but we sit in silence over here.
May 2016 · 458
Be Anything?
gray rain May 2016
"Be anything" they say
how can we when we are forced to decide at the age of 13 and change our mind.
May 2016 · 556
Not Now Maybe Later
gray rain May 2016
I don't really care for this
it means nothing to me
in a few years or many more
I'll forget all I've seen
all I learned
'cause it ment nothing
at the time
just a lost and empty soul
that I'll eventually find
and I'll realise why I did this
whether I regret it or not
'cause something that ment nothing
could eventually mean a lot
May 2016 · 1.9k
Dream Vs Reality
gray rain May 2016
Lost in reality
caught up in a dream
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