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18.2k · Jul 2014
lavender lilacs.
shåi Jul 2014
you took me
to a lovely garden
long ago,
and told me i was beautiful

you kissed my hair
just as the sun rose
the intensity of our lost love

every inch
every crevice of me
loved you
missed you.

you were my infinite stars
cast on the midnight terrain
you lit up the world
just for me

a sweet scent of lavender
permeated through the garden
you said
it was the thousands of lilacs
blooming for me

you kissed my hair
leaving behind
a sweet scent
to caress me

thanks for 1k views on reflection! i love you all and i love suggestions! :)
4.4k · Jul 2014
shåi Jul 2014
tears fall
your name i call

frozen in time
wasting away life

outright cry
strikes at night

always lost

acts like
gasoline , poured on me

cast a match
flip the latch
to the prison cell of lost hearts

murmur my name
before i slain
the wretched beast

whisper into
the dead alleyways
a revival unavoidable

n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ l̶o̶s̶t̶.
more deceit.

cold like a
untouched angel
away from the worst danger

i am born again.

suggestions are always appreciated!
4.1k · Apr 2014
noitcelfer (reflection).
shåi Apr 2014
the mirror
divides where
the partition begins
between broken and free

i touch the glass
it imitates me
copies my every move
i must be confused

i touch the glass again
it still imitates me
showing the contour lines
of my every ****** expression
but then its gone
i must be very confused

i look hard into the glass
i see my face
i look harder
but this time its different

i first see my flaws
my imperfect perfections
what makes me whole
why should i look like a brainless doll?

i look harder once more
into the glass
and i see something
far more different

i see the girl
with the piercing
dark grey eyes
who has everything in
her life just sorted out

but then i see
the girl
with dark black
holes in her sockets
instead of eyes

this girl has
many marks on her body
signifying how many times
she has been hurting

i see a marking
on her forehead
it says LOST
it then begins to
cut a wound
into her scull

i try to forget
all these disturbing images
i have seen in this mirror
forgive and forget

hasn't it always been about forgiving and forgetting?

i'm not sure i want to forget anymore.

i want to remember.

i turn back
and look at the girl
with the deep dark eyes
i then see her mouth move

who are you?

suggestions are always appreciated! :)
btw the title is is the word reflection backwards

chapter 1 of the reflection writing prompt.. chapter 2: Spiritual Death is out now
3.6k · Oct 2013
morning sun
shåi Oct 2013
pink sky
drizzled with the radiance of
the morning sun
the earth holds this precious light

purple smoke
dissipates into
the woven clouds
the sky holds the secret

luscious greens
mixed with aqua blues
soothes the serene landscape
the land expresses a longing desire
to be one

3.2k · Oct 2014
molecular confusion
shåi Oct 2014
long ago,
I was once given
one of the finest pieces
of cloth

only that the cloth was very small
and I had no thread

I was given some nice
golden thread
I had sewn a tiny heart
on the cloth

the next day,
a boy asked to see
my fine tapestry
i was full of smiles


I looked at it and saw
a set of terrible words
on the cloth

as i read it my eyes

"jealousy is a nasty *****."

3.2k · Jun 2014
{ } (12w)
shåi Jun 2014
i was lost
in love
a deer
lost in
the wilderness
3.1k · May 2014
bloody lipstick stains
shåi May 2014
i am shåï
and im here to stay...

lipstick stains
left on your
swollen cheek
love uncontained

red pen marks
drawn carelessly
i have not forgotten you
my dear

you came home
the other day
why did i even bother
to kiss you away?

the stains
still remain
on a carpet
that cannot be cleaned

your cheek was swollen
i cant think
i forgot
a heart stolen

you were here
maybe you once were gone
i cant think
just the mere thought

taken from my project who are you? ... coming soon!! suggestions are very much appreciated!
2.9k · Nov 2014
scented candles.
shåi Nov 2014
i once had a cinnamon jar
but it didn't really hold cinnamon
it held something called feelings

these feelings were like
maybe scented roses
( i can't really remember)
that was something only you gave me

there was another thing
you gave me the day i
met you
(you called it love)

i had asked where is it
you pointed out in the distance
and said "look over there"
(i still did not see it)

i must have been blinded
or maybe your piercing silence
was what i need for you to tell me

you lead me out to look at the night sky
i told you it was lovely
(but you had hated it)
i did not understand

and i thought i would never.

you asked me
what colour the moon was
i said white
and you shook your head

and said;

my love, the moon
is my heart
and the sun is my
trapped soul

it took centuries
for me to understand
what you had said
2.5k · Jan 2018
love guillotine
shåi Jan 2018
click click*

i was bound to your
like chains on
a dead corpse

you held the gun
to my forehead
as i adoringly
fell in love with you

so hypnotised
drawn by your
my invitation

2.3k · May 2017
koi ponds +
shåi May 2017
the stream
lies ever so calmly
gently rippling with the wind

the wind
echoes and howls
a point of no return

pink beauty,
will you ever
return to me again?

2.3k · Aug 2014
egregious lilies
shåi Aug 2014
to be beautiful
can be such
a dangerous poison

but to love
is the ultimate
lethal injection

sorry im on a huge writers block
2.2k · Jun 2014
shåi Jun 2014
i guess
this might be another poem
about how the mind works...

my mind
is a constant explosion
of fears and doubt

it ticks like a
constant bomb
never knowing
when it will explode

i fear that i
will awake
not knowing who
i am

i doubt
that anyone
would ever
light a fire
to my dying heart

i await
the day
my other half
will take my place

i fear the existence
of not existing
and the death
of a lost poet

where is love?
where is peace?
where am i?

i'm probably dying.
uncertainity exploding at the seams.

Thank you for all the kind suggestions and comments on my last poem! Your comments let me grow and evolve into a better writer :)
1.7k · Jun 2014
serene lakes.
shåi Jun 2014
you loved me
like the way
the sun
loved the earth

you radiated upon me
giving me
a love
i could barely recognize

but then;

your words
filled with deceit
brought waters
i have never seen before

i have come to
what face lies
behind your lies

the waves
know your
deceitful secret
and keep it well

the waves begins
to fill my body
how could one
endure an agony like this?

the waves
in my mind
have thickened
at the thought of you

water fills my lungs
i gasp for each breath
i begin to suffocate
waiting on death's bed

i begin to sink downward
in a effortless spiral
my body is now calm
just like when you left me

my breathing has slowed
just like our recent lack of communication
im must be on a sedation

my corpse has become lifeless
beginning to shut down
piece by piece
the water is a sinful poison

flooded thoughts
run rampart through my soul
scrambled images
i can barely see

after screams
break my thoughts
of you

i will myself
to sneak just
a tiny glimpse of you
a small bit of euphoria left

it begins
to bring an unceasing pain
that my body cannot handle

i start to perish
i can't seem to let go of you
just like you said i would

suggestions are greatly valued! :)
1.7k · Feb 2016
torn. (a collaboration)
shåi Feb 2016
darling daughter, dad has left us
he says he won't be coming back
it's not your fault or burden, dear
a spell has made him lose his track

my dear mother,
the pain lacerates my heart
his leftover ***** rips my soul
and forever empties my heart of love

love is a concept
a figment of imagination
but does it truly exist
when i am here?

my heart's tearing too, my sweet
but i'd nimbly endure its double
if i could shield you from its cause
to spare you all grief's trouble

let's not give up on love, my girl
these aching holes in us are proof
we're made to seek its filling warmth
and to nest beneath its sheltering roof

your daddy's soul is broken too
like a well that's leaked all its water
plagued with a thirst he can't ignore
and demons he's out to slaughter

but mother,

is it so when
our hearts are ripped
from every corner of our soul,
we turn into unforseen beasts?

the pain seeps
into me like
some sort of poison
i can't control

my walls are broken
how can i ever mend
against a resistance
intent on pursuit of troubles

you weep with the spirit of asaph
who lamented in psalm seventy-three
of emerging a beast in his grieving
embittered by frail men's iniquity

he learned that the path to his healing
was sufficiently wrapped in God's love
that when all on the earth had failed him
perfection reached down from above

the spirits of lost winds
plague him
as he's filled and perforated
with fury

i've pleaded with his spirits
but they've forsaken him
continuously receded
and left his body

he shook hands
with the innermost depths
of his cold heart
and can't be freed

so maybe his leaving us is his love
to protect us from his deep torment
i know it's not right, but in his own way
feeling without him we'd be more content

i pray he'll find solace in God's grace
and the power that sets free a captive
for there's nothing of mortal persuasion
to redeem fallen souls unadaptive

if not for Christ's paschal atonement
no man could escape hellish rage
and except for His Spirit's blowing
we'd all be locked up in death's cage

no man has encountered more fury
than this One who was torn for us
marred beyond human recognition
to bear sin and shame on the cross*

i guess, mother
it's now time to leave
who he was
to what he has become

the path has been
divided into two
as if it were separate worlds
but the hell is all but subsided

Here is my long awaited poem project with the absolutely amazing alyssa :) she is such an amazing person and allowed for me to come out of my comfort zone to write this :) i am beyond proud of this piece :)
1.7k · Jul 2014
stitching needles.
shåi Jul 2014
when i laid eyes on you,
or maybe perhaps,
you laid eyes on me
it felt like a miracle took place

i guess
you somewhat
stitched my heart together
once again

my skin
had been
an array of
deep lines

as you touched
my lines
you connected them
making them look as if they were constellations

you gave me stars
and the moon to see them
it was beautiful
they were my stars

"beautiful", you murmured
as you left
a litter of kisses
on my collarbone

you held my hand
like it had been
the only thing
you ever wanted

you took my pain
away with every kiss
and you erased my lines
with every smile

you believed in me.

you healed me.

1.6k · Aug 2014
rotten existence
shåi Aug 2014
i am

it seems like my mind
is rotting
at the concept of love

it is like a cliche
that moves in an
unbreakable cycle


once it is over
you can not retrieve it
once more

it is dead
just as  a lifeless body

without love
we are not alive
love echoes through
the hollows of our heart

i have loved
then lost
so now im dead

sorry for being out so long just went back to school last week! suggestions are definitely awesome! ;)
1.5k · May 2014
the acrobat.
shåi May 2014
it begins
with silky smooth fabric
like tiny cushions on her
delicate skin

she spins
her back arched ever so slightly
the curvatures of her feet
cuts through the empty air

she is swift
she is fast
she is doing what she
knows best

her fragile stability
is as light as a spider
she dances through the darkness
leading light in her path

the inaudible patter
as her feet
gracefully hit the floor
weave a tapestry

of a love unknown.

the sun
rises as
it is done

she does not remain
she is gone
her blood is a

sang just before the dawn.

Please send suggestions in my messages, readers! I would love some criticisms of all kinds
1.5k · Apr 2014
the cathartic purge
shåi Apr 2014
drunk at 5am
emotions are running high
she thinks she will overcome it

fear of  life;
her own self
waiting for the
untold death.
she thinks it will go away.

"she is still the same"
"she wont change"
the beast in her heart
she can't tame

"she doesn't want to change"

these voices
echo and bounce
through her mind
she is tired of not listening

she doesn't want
to hear the words
that cause her ****** agony
she succumbs and
almost believes it

her ***** mind's tricks.

you can't
you wont
you can't stand a chance

what if she can change?

but what if she's in the process?

between that
shot of alcohol
and her drunk 5am
something changed.

she brought forth
the emotional cleanse
gave herself a fresh start
just like a brand-new

she gave another chance;
a rebirth of the old
a light for the new
she said adieu
and also thank you

will get the best of you
but i hope
you can overcome them too.

suggestions are appreciated! i would love if you guys did so! :)
1.5k · Jun 2014
dead love.
shåi Jun 2014
empty kisses
and pointless hugs
had been the symbol
of a dead love

his lips had been
the gun;
his words
were the bullets

it all made sense now
i had been enticed by
his sweet kisses
just like carbon monoxide

sweet but yet odorless.

he filled my lungs
with hope,
and belonging

i had been poisoned by deceit.

every kiss
was meaningful
as he loved me
except he had a gun
behind his back

everytime he touched me
it was like an ignited flame
except he had
a gasoline tank hidden in the woods

finally it had been his time
to do what he does best,
**** my loving heart.

suggestion are GREATLY NEEDED!!
1.5k · Feb 2014
inverted love.
shåi Feb 2014
love is inverted
not all straight up honest and raw
but it is your name it calls

love's inverted ways
guide you like a cool breeze of wind
gently pushing us away from a

love is not black and white
it is not forthcoming like so
love is a concept ...
a figment of one's imagination
probably thought up on a lazy
saturday afternoon
or 4:00 am on a monday morning

love hides in unexpected corners
it is now for you to find it
1.3k · Apr 2015
shåi Apr 2015
don't you
miss the way
you would always course
through my body

it seemed
as if
it were a high voltage
electric shock

i lose myself
in the electrical
coils and snaps
mesmerized infinitely

i wrap the long cords
around my neck
and body
 i want you,
even if you dont.

1.3k · Jul 2017
bathtime remedies;
shåi Jul 2017
little rubber ducky,
with your wailing shrieks
of tiny squeaks
erupt out of me
a coven of mice
gasping for air

i am like you
little rubber ducky
soundlessly musing
ignored by the world

the water ricohets
around me
surrounding me
a translucent trove --
my dark chasm

i am like you
little rubber ducky,
stuck in my little white bowl
air ****** out of me --
a body that never felt
i am here
1.2k · May 2017
> salt water dreams <
shåi May 2017
i lie on
the beach
the sand
my bed of desires
against the beating sun

the gentle current
sprays diamonds
upon my *****,
dead body
baptizing me in
the land i had once came

i have no destination,
native of no land,
human of no name-
the earth's
eternal lover

swept into
the aqua blue
turbulent waves-
two lovers
dancing in moonlight

the world watches on
piercing eyes
gaze on
as i fall gracefully
to the depths
of my inevitable demise

1.2k · Jun 2014
magnificent sky.
shåi Jun 2014
the sun like tiger stripes
illuminated my room
and reminded me of you

your smile was radiant too
it was like the early morning rays
will you be mine today?

your kisses like euphoric desires
fell like an eternal stream of rain
are you here to stay?

first haiku that i wrote that turned out well! suggestions definitely needed for this one!
1.2k · Apr 2017
~liquid dreams~
shåi Apr 2017
her mind
wove assorted ornaments
          of vivid hues

each stitch
      an alternate reality
a story she wished she knew

her view,
a distant spectacle--
a casual onlooker
upon the lovely scene

emotions spin
      making its own ball of yarn
a tight knot forms

she is
her own
great nightmare

distorted reflections
grimace in horror
                her own doing

a black sea
bubbles and gurgles
liquifying sensual sins

beauty hides
the facade
         of her own madness

1.2k · Mar 2018
mixed signals?¿
shåi Mar 2018

the lights flash

on the quiet serenity of
the streets

the sea
of darkness on the
midnight scene

sad eyes
hide amongst the trees

those eyes
do not draw attention

they seek no gratification

they wish
to be forgotten under
those forsaken willows

these pale
sad spheres
brighten one time
a day

age will come
their time will

they sing souless
like lost silver lilies
in the koi ponds


another day dawns again
no hope no more feelings
a troubled world
remains until the very end
1.2k · Apr 2017
the golden egg
shåi Apr 2017
which came first,
the chicken or the egg?
a century old question
with no forthright answer

the chicken,
whose regal presence
the world is his abyss

the egg
in meek stature
remains a gift
to its ceasing world

the chicken stands proud
a surefire bet
the world-
its audience

the egg
afraid of itself
the world-
its personality court

all the world is a stage
every saying- a game
you know how the story goes,
the chicken never gains

happy easter!this poem is drastically different from what i write so leave me comments of how you interpret this poem
1.2k · Apr 2017
lost identity
shåi Apr 2017
'what do you
want to be when
you grow up?'

'what do you plan
to do with your life?'

'you can't make money

this age old question
acts as
the intersection
between dreams
and reality

people ask this question
and i am rendered speechless
a voice lost in the
howling wind of promise

their piercing,
expectant gaze
like paparazzi

i put on a mask
my own shadows
loom in the night

'oh maybe,
i'll be a nurse
or a pharmacist'

i am safe
as warm approving
nods beckon

'oh i want to be
a writer'

nods turn
to disfavor
like a star
falling out of the sky

when has
authentic happiness
become a servant
to dishonest disinterest?
follow your dreams
1.1k · Apr 2017
sunset bliss
shåi Apr 2017
there is a girl
who's dark skin glistened
like stars in the night

her eyes
flash crazy
like the dazed sun

she craves attention
and love
feelings strong-
a hungry wolf inside a docile sheep

she wants to be understood---
loved upon-

her expressions like
ever changing
in the turbulent wind

her hair cascades
on her back
like a sea of
fluttering moths

she seeks to please
such self-sufficient desires
what shall be her remedy?

her eyes remain
like gaping wounds-
a scab undone

her forehead,
a canvas of ash

a dark horse
of old
conceal a heart
of time's own

she is empty
in soul
her body
a pristine cat

she wishes to please
but how can she?
if she remains
the servant of her past

1.1k · May 2017
gingerbread houses
shåi May 2017
she tastes like cinnamon gum
i want to inhale her smell
you are sweeter than before

she smells like cherry pie
her sharp breath
against my red

her green eyes
like gumdrops
on a hot summer day

she is my gingerbread
warm to my touch

1.1k · May 2017
annie, go get your gun!
shåi May 2017
i stand trembling,
as i hold a gun
to the forehead
of my fears
grasp unsteady-
breathing calm
waiting and waiting
each precious second
as it slips away

a mirror
a cloak of safety, so clear
i am not human

my reflection
dares me to shoot
teases me with
its echoing laughter
its voice tantalizes
it knows i am weak
it chuckles because
it knows my
every move

its servant of image
reputation and impurity
meek and humble
like a mouse

i cant do it
i let the gun slip
from my hands
my clumsy doing

i am the girl
who cried wolf
into the darkness
i was only screaming

about the wolf of my own thoughts.
1.1k · Sep 2015
shåi Sep 2015
i told your eyes
how much id love them
for its smile shone
like the stars

my shadows told
me i lied
continuously taunting
breaking my aching heart

aching moans
and wildful wails
escaped my corpse

i wanted to tell your eyes
a secret
unlike no other
i couldnt

your eyes was my gateway
it was my white lighter
it was the thing that kept me
away from running

my shadows pursue me
telling me not to believe,
not to love

your eyes set my spirit free
left me in a state of euphoria
utter bliss
and casted my shadows away

i dedicate this poem to this special girl named laura  because i love her so much and she is my world.. she helped me realize that love is possible
1.1k · May 2015
psychedelic delicacies.
shåi May 2015
vision's hazy
don't know where to go
never have known
such faded distorted lines

im falling
into the pits
of my own

i shriek
and i scream
i choke
and wheeze

the path is broken
hasn't it always been?
i am
truly lost

i am no longer me
i am only now
in another body

caged thoughts in
quite an
unfitting corpse
broken always.

my mind
is fading
i have become
a mindless drone

ensnared in
the emotion
of indifference

i am overcome with
the want to feel

it has always
been the same
endless cycle
continuous repetition

have i
become numb
to the capabilities
of true love?

my mind
breaks into
of screaming ecstacy

i am breaking
i am screaming
as the sun approaches

i long for
a world
that i may be
free again
1.1k · May 2017
the sahara-
shåi May 2017
the lion stands proud
on the edge of the abyss
with its increasing prowess
it is never the same

its flaws
an unwritten tapestry
waiting to be written

sinew woven
in his hard eyes
a pain of the past

( b.d.s.)
1.1k · Apr 2017
{curvaceous limitations}
shåi Apr 2017
roads once
traveled so frequently
lay empty
in the midnight scene

of unknown lands
once swept
through once
fufilled hearts

exotic creatures
perambulate hearts
of the weary

succulent leaves
rustle gently-
perusing untimely

the road stretches on
the expectant gaze
of the scolding sun

the poem was inspired by the curved roads of route 66,  the green forests of asia and roaming animals of africa.. we are the world's keeper..
1.1k · Aug 2013
breaking darkness
shåi Aug 2013
asphyxiating by the hour
falling  in reverse
drowning in the waves

ticking clocks , counterclockwise
freezing by the second
waiting for your precious touch

before i fall into hands
of darkness unknown
( b.d.s.)
1.0k · Apr 2017
[the skin i live in]
shåi Apr 2017
my body
covered like ivory
richest of all man's desires
a disarray of
such wet dreams

my skin
delicately with
each fold and crease
a mark of unfathomable

my lips
love back
harder than any love
you give
like a silent

my voice
speaks in the tongue of love
its native language
and only one its
ever known

my face
a ornate mask
i can be any
just for you, baby

my eyes
embezzled jewels
construed upon
a woeful heart

hard as nails
cared for like
a trough of crystals

forever yours
so effortlessly,
*i have lost my true humanity.
i wrote this poem after a movie entitled the skin i live in
1.0k · Jul 2014
constructive lines {11w}
shåi Jul 2014
love shouldn't have to
feel like
empty words and pointless phrases
suggestions are always welcome!
1.0k · Apr 2017
/stanzas of silver/
shåi Apr 2017
a poet
acts as a mirror,
an instrument
to cast
a translucent reflection
not one's own sentiment
but upon
the kaleidosopic realities
of the world

be the light you want to see...
1.0k · Aug 2014
venomous touch {19w}
shåi Aug 2014
his lips were the gun
his smile was the trigger
his kisses were the bullets
he was my killer
suggestions lovelies! :)
1.0k · Jun 2015
affectionate colors.
shåi Jun 2015
bathe me in the
colors of your heart
take me
into your assorted hues

different colors
all sorts
of purples and blues
you bled one color true

you bled into
my life
like a chaotic melody

you were the constant
the black to my white
the light to my dark
such the balance!

i bathed you
with thoughts in hues of purple
but one day,
you decided purple wasn't for you

997 · Aug 2014
shåi Aug 2014
people can be
a lethal injection
of agony

people will stab you
and ask you
if you are bleeding

people can make you swallow their lies
as if it was a bowl of the finest food
laid in front of you

sometimes some pretend
as if pain does not hurt
as if the concept of pain
does not exist

why do we always ignore
ignoring is the outcome
of society's war
against itself

im very tired to write lately i apologize
989 · May 2016
shåi May 2016
i screamed into the empty void
all alone
paranoid of everything

the emptiness
moaned back at me
its nature
making me its slave

my dreams
shredded me apart
piece by piece
made me weak

my thoughts haunt me
they are my inner demon
screaming into
worlds unknown
sotop: dreams-pearl
974 · Jun 2015
(bad blood)
shåi Jun 2015
here i stand
amidst all confusion
and far fetched intuition

i look at my fists
i begin to tremble

i cannot stop
my skins begin
to fall like leaves
in the night

i bruise
and feel the pain
of rocks
grating on my delicate blood

i see tiny
crimson red dots
spring from the unknown

i know i am hurting
yet somehow
i just cant bring myself
to make it stop

my hands are raw
i am tired
tired of fighting
i don't want to win
my only desire is to live

966 · Apr 2015
bloody bouquets.
shåi Apr 2015
my heart
feels like a
dozen of slashed
black roses

i woke up
in such a
twisted fantasy
with the slightest
possiblity that you didn't love
me the way used

i refuse to believe
that we were rotting
in the blood
of my dead corpse

i begin to write
the love letter
inked in the blood
of my love for you

i must hurry
before the screaming
sun arises
before im gone

i begin to stencil
a ****** love
for such a lying
heart that i have begun to hate

948 · Apr 2017
-distraction- (acrostic)
shåi Apr 2017
terrified, wait
cheating husbands
others' bed
now under the midnight sky
im working to get better at this poem style!!
938 · Mar 2016
rated x
shåi Mar 2016
i made love to the beach
and i thought of you
its airy wind reminded me
of the time you came and went

i made love to the wind
for it sprinkled over me
like a thousand winters
harsh and cold

i made love to the sun
again and again
forever addicted
souls forever mended

i made love to the sky
for it loved me so effortlessly
it had been my morphine
just like how you used to be

should i start to put song recommendations in here?
sotp: walk away // jmsn
936 · Mar 2014
consistent hues.
shåi Mar 2014
black and white
the imperfect perfection
the balance of consistency

the classy colour of darkness
contrasts humanity's existence
the pit of eternity

the colour of light
brightness at its wake
all is seen.

the aesthetic presence
is around us
it is covered by the coloured lies
of this world

black and white
is heard by all.
seen by all.
believed by all.

it is straightforward and raw precision.

everything is black and white.

at least, it should be.

black and white
has been forgotten
by many

but it is still alive
it is breathing...
it lives in us

its presence should'nt be forgotten
it should lie in our hearts
it is now.
it is yesterday
black and white is forever.

926 · Mar 2017
/love translation/
shåi Mar 2017
lucid trepidation
lost in translation
falling into confusion
further into oblivion

mixed languages
complex sentences
decoded puzzles
emotions subtle

i spoke
but was not heard
i loved
and was not loved

invisible phrases
lost hope
speaking in tongues
never understood

the flaw of the system
or the flaw of myself?

i rather the contrary,
but i am not so sure anymore...
i post now on the odyssey too!! link coming soon :)
917 · Jan 2016
shåi Jan 2016
love has a deadly price
where fate and destiny lay
its pain I managed to suffice

destiny acts like rolling dice
our hearts gently at bay
love has a deadly price

time can bring forth a deadly demise
the hours can only say
its pain I managed to suffice

love has the power to entice
it is a constant game of predator and prey
love has a deadly price

fate is my only vice
love awakens another day
its pain I manage to suffice

love has a fiery flame it ignites
bless me love , I pray
love has a deadly price
its pain I manage to suffice
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