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Feb 2016 · 2.9k
Unaware thief
Beinghonest Feb 2016
He stole her heart,
but he was unaware of it,
didn't mean to drag it through the mud as he made his way to the girl he'd been eyeing for weeks...
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 258
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I guess you really were perfect,
that's why it's so hard to accept that I've lost you for good.
But you are perfect,
I don't think I'll find a girl who can erase my memories of you -
so I'll hold onto the hope that you one day think I'm perfect too...
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 601
Beinghonest Feb 2016
She made me feel love,
only to drown me in depression.
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 773
I'm tired
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I'm tired,
wish you'd wrap your arms around me,
or offer your chest or lap for me to rest my head upon -
I'm tired,
but I can only sleep if you're here.
Hmm, would love to have her in arms right now :'(

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 214
Beinghonest Feb 2016
"Perfect is you", love
Why do you not see that?
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.8k
Your anger isn't appreciated
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Dear dad,

in case you didn't know,
the moment you raise your voice,
I space off -
you can talk to me without an angry tone,you know.

All he does is shout... all I did is say sorry when he's done, without being able to recall the lecture he gave.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 273
missing her
Beinghonest Feb 2016
At times i want to tell you
That i want you back...
I want you to tell me that I'm not alone - that you want me too.

I want to tell you that all that  i told you wasn't a lie.
I do love you and that's making things hard.
I do want to hold you tight.
I do want to kiss you on your ear after telling you how the sun can't compete with your beauty.

But i also told you that as long as you're happy...I'm happy, i guess that was lie :
I want you to be happy with me, love.
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 416
I'm fine
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Hey, love
I'm sorry if I hurt you -
if it means anything, I still think of you,
every time I wake and before I sleep.
But, I can't tell you how I feel,
for I know it's the last thing you want,
so whenever you ask how I'm doing,
I'll always reply with,
"I'm fine/good"
and never,
"I don't know, I'm kinda missing you a lot and regret what I did greatly..."
Sorry, it will take some time before I stop these stupid regret poems, but I need to get these emotions out...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
Wish I could be numb -10w-
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I find it so difficult
to ignore
my pestering emotions.
I wish I didn't have to feel these things - or anything :(

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 943
2:32 AM
Beinghonest Feb 2016
And I'm thinking of you -
while studying maths -
I wanna say hi,
but it will just make things harder to bear,
as I realise you've finally moved on...

And well,
*I haven't.
It's fine, it'll take time to erase her name from my heart - but I have to try, for I made the choice...And I have to deal with the consequences :3

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 193
Beinghonest Feb 2016

To the man that manages to **** my mood,
Dump me into a sea of blue,
Make my life ****** when I finally see a rainbow.
Sometimes, I wonder what I've done,
But I realise it's the story of my life,
I'll never be happy until I leave your roof,
It seems.

But for now,
All I can do is write about how much I abhor you.
I wish he'd just stop being such a *****.

Maybe I'll run away someday, that's when I've had enough :(
Feb 2016 · 844
Can't get her outta my head
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I can't get her off my mind,
Which is making it hard for me to unwind.

**But is she on your mind,
Or your heart - boy that claims to be kind?
The answer, you and only you, can find.
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
Letter to Cupid
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Before valentine's day is over,
Please impale my broken heart with your arrow,
So that my heart can think of someone else,
Because it's not nice to think of someone you lost.
Be quick... It really hurts!!!

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
I'm sorry
Beinghonest Feb 2016
If I had a hot rod,
I'd ride all the way to your place, so that I can take you to my place
and make you keep me company. So you can prove to me if you can really lay in my arms without doing something that we'll both regret.

If I had the wings of an angel -
it doesn't matter, be it that of a devil -
I'd heed the lesson learned from Icarus's story and use my eyes and racing heart to get to you,
pick you up in my arms, slay all your fears,
and confess some of my secrets.

If I had a private jet,
I'd zoom through the skies this instant,
so I could take you somewhere you haven't been,
and hold you tight, keep your lips occupied,
so you stare at my eager and love-filled eyes  -
not the clouds outside.

But I don't...
And I'm sorry,
sorry that I can't make the distance between our bodies vanish.
I'm sorry,
but for now, I can only wish -
and hopefully in some years to come, I'd remind you of this poem
and we'll laugh - well, you will, while I try to capture the memory
using my elephant memory,
so that I can relive it every time I'm lonely,
or we fight, because I hate tension between you and I.
I'm sorry...I feel like that's all I say, all I've been saying all my life  -  
but I'm sorry.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.7k
Root of all my problems
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I think all my problems in life stem from my greatest flaw -
Lack of self-control...
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 315
Valentine's day
Beinghonest Feb 2016
To those enjoying today with their other half,
I hope you get to celebrate next year's valentine's with the same person.

To those who are single,
Then welcome to the club,
My name's Bob,
So let's mingle.

To those with broken hearts,
Do not fear, forget your ex's lies,
For sooner or later someone else will make that heart race.
You won't notice it's poor condition, when you stare at their face
And give it to your new crush, while gazing at their eyes.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 532
Unheeded advice
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Sometimes you just need to relax
And take everything,
One step at a time.
Wish I could heed my advice

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 188
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Yes, I want her to be happy -
I just thought it would be with me.
Feb 2016 · 534
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I didn't know that a girl could trigger all these feelings.
I'm going crazy right now, all because of her.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 300
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I thought I was doing what's best for her...
But I'm also doing what's worse for me.
That's life, isn't it?

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 351
Beinghonest Feb 2016
You know why I think love is difficult for many?

They're always searching for "the one"...

Do we really know there is such a thing as "the one",
Could be a myth if you ask me?
Just my opinion, everyone you give your heart to could be the one... There could be more than one "one"  for all we know... So yeah, it could just be a myth, there is no such thing as "the one"  until you're dead and they're by your side -  I think.
(it's like santa clause for hopeless romantics :v)

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 633
Something you need to know
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Babe, there's something you need to know,
Before you go.
Wherever you go,
I go,
Because home's where the heart is,
And mine is with you, miss.
Don't make me homeless and hopelessly in love at the same time...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 321
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I think it's safe to say that when motivation runs low,
You've lost yourself.
How I feel right now, and it's a ****** feeling, but I guess the solution is simple, I just need to find myself or my motivation, my reason for, well, living.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 253
<<N | G H T M A R E >>
Beinghonest Feb 2016
It kinda ***** when you meet the things you're running away from in your dreams.
It's terrifying to be honest, to see the things you thought you've overcome or gotten rid of in your dreams...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 317
Beinghonest Feb 2016
He lost everything -
But he was able to recover it all,
Because he still had one thing :
Never lose yourself - no matter what...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 343
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Our eyes locked,
Time was non-existent,
We were in the moment.

My eyes,
Trying so hard to pierce hers,
"What was up with this intense eye contact?"
I thought -
Her hands found my cheek,
So I placed mine on her head,
Feeling her hair twist around my fingers,
They didn't want to let go of my fingers,
Just like her eyes kept mine focused on hers

She giggled as my fingers went down her neck,
She liked as my fingers caressed her skin,
And then she closed her eyes,
And leaned,
Mine closed unexpectedly
And I began to close the tiny space between our faces,
Then -
I can't remember how it feels to kiss a girl,
So I just tried to relive the moment :(

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 735
Worst kind of guy
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I think I'm the worst kind of guy...
But I don't mean to be.
It's just because I flicker from using my brain to using my heart.

I don't mean to mislead a girl,
I don't mean to break hearts,
I'm just searching for my one true love,
But it's harder than I imagined :

To go on this journey without leaving hearts broken.
Because I'm deceitful,
First following my heart,
Thinking you're the one,
Then following my brain,
Realising that we need to end things,
Because my conscience tells me I'm doing the wrong thing by holding onto you,
Even though you fill me up with so much joy and love...
It keeps whispering,
"You don't deserve her."
- just being honest
Feb 2016 · 349
Gave it to her
Beinghonest Feb 2016
"Home is where the heart is",
So... Ummm... My home are her hands?
Just playing around with the saying...
Because I gave a girl my heart, does that mean my home are hands?

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 725
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I guess I always thought that I was a good guy,
That's why my thoughts are scaring me,
That's why I'm feeling guilty -
Because for once I'm going to do something bad...

But I really don't want to,
Nor do I have a choice.
I feel like I'm cornered, having to cause harm to do good... But I don't have a choice, I'm cornered :
The sooner I get out, the better...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 289
Game of love ``10w``
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Why'd I press "play" ,
When I knew I wasn't ready?
Stupid, stupid me,  I should have never allowed any of this to happen...
And you know in games, sometimes a message pops up saying, "Are you ready?"
I kinda saw it and I said yes, when the answer was obvious to me - no.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 377
My feelings ~10w~
Beinghonest Feb 2016
     G  U  I  L  T
              ­     T

that is all I feel right now.
I am guilt-ridden right now... It's not a nice feeling.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 3.1k
Greatest invention[10w]
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Sound-blocking headphones are the greatest invention known to teenage boy.
Love them, ***, when it's just you and the music, ****, it's a whole new world!!!!

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 823
Hopeless romantic I am
Beinghonest Feb 2016
You know, I thought I had an idea of love,
an idea of things I would do with my first proper girlfriend,
and it went like this:

Telling her she's beautiful everyday,
writing poems for her as often as I can and reciting them to her.
Pulling that studying line : where I tell her I need help studying, but all I want is to make out on my bed.
Trying to make her laugh as often as I can, just so I can see her smile.
Confiding in her.
Holding her close when she cries,
holding her hand and tightening my grip when she's staring at another guy.
Making out with her under the stars,
telling her my life story and my daily struggles.
Treating her like a queen without expecting a king-like treatment in return.
Telling her that I love her as often as I can,
spontaneously asking her for walks or dates, just because texting or skype doesn't cut it for me.
Teasing her,
tickling her,
hugging her,
pleasing her,
kissing her...

The list goes on... but now I realise that all this just proves I am a hopeless romantic and that relationships won't be as easy and flowery and romantic as I've always thought.
Oh, it's so sad, it all looked sooo good in my head - too bad, it's all a fantasy :'(

-just being honest
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I think I know now,
What all these feelings mean...

That I'm unworthy of your love...
I spent a lot of time thinking and well if I can't accept the fact that she likes me... Then maybe it means that I don't deserve her :(

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 271
Should I feel bad
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Should I feel bad
For thinking
That I am more in love with her,
Than she is with me?

Should I feel bad
For being scared that she'll one day get tired of me?

Should I feel bad,
For thinking that
She just wants someone to feed her compliments,
And that she doesn't love me,
She just needs someone to tell her that she's worth something?

Should I feel bad,
For thinking about her,
When she most probably doesn't have time,
To think about me?

Should I feel bad,
For thinking that I've made a mistake,
By letting her in?

*Should I feel bad,
For doubting her love?
Something, in my gut, is telling me, that I've made a big mistake, but I'm also scared that I'm wrong for thinking like this and she could be my soulmate...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 512
Weak love
Beinghonest Feb 2016
There will come a time when you get bored of me.
And I guess I'm waiting for that time,
Hoping it's soon,
So that I can be sure your love is true or not...
Because if we still stay together,
Then maybe we'd be able to rekindle the spark,
But if we fall apart then and there --
At the first sight of boredom...

Then your love was never true,
It was as weak as I predicted!
Yeah, she'll get bored of me soon, I sense it, already from her messages and well it's not like I'm scared... I just want to know already if she'd still try hard to keep what we have going, because I can, I really can, but can she?

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
Gentlemanly or perverted?
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I think I realise why gentlemen say,
"ladies first"
And wait at the door and permit women to go in before them.

*So that they can get a rear view of their assets!
I'm pretty sure that's why, and it's a clever idea xD

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.8k
My opinion on love
Beinghonest Feb 2016
"Romance is like an extra in life. I don't mind having it, but I'm not in the mood to chase it."
This is a quote from an anime, "Wolf Girl and Black Prince"
And it perfectly describes my opinion on love...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 387
Me {15w}
Beinghonest Feb 2016
It's not easy being me,
But if I'm not me,
Then who will be me?
"The world's a stage and we are merely players" (I think that was by Shakespeare)
So, if I don't play my part, then who would play me?

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Nothing makes my day,
The way a yellow lightning bolt
On the top right of this page does.
I love it!

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
My feelings
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Does everything to do with my feelings have to be sooooooooooooooooooooo
I'm messed up, I think too much, I predict the results of my actions and then I'm too scared to make a choice.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 509
My conclusion
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Love is amazing
Heartbreak is ******,
Loneliness is simply depressing.
-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
My heart's now a fountain
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Whether I try to or not,
I'll keep
Out my heart to her -
Because she keeps

Puncturing it! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

With her honey-sweet words.
Umm, she triggers these things in me and I find myself telling her stuff I wouldn't tell anyone.

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 526
Torn, stuck, cornered
Beinghonest Feb 2016
There's this urge to say I love you
And there's this fear she'll say "I don't"...
I don't have a choice but to wait for her to say those words...

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 317
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Occasionally the fear of losing her to some other guy grips me,
But then she tells me things like I made her day just by saying hi and that she misses me and that gives me the idea that she loves me - even if she doesn't want to say it.

So even if she is cheating on me,
I'm fine with the lies she's feeding me then.
Beinghonest Feb 2016
I'm getting worse -
I keep falling deeper
And deeper
For her.

Everytime she opens up to me,
I sense it getting worse.
The feelings that I have for her they get stronger
Each time she shares a secret with me -
And I get the idea that we are getting more intimate.

I'm falling for her,
At an alarming rate
(and I don't think she notices)
But it's fine
As long as she is too,
Because it would be unfair of her
To leave me alone

So, I feel like I'm falling dismally for her each day - and I'm really hoping she is too, that we are going at the same speed - because it would be unfair of her to allow me to get worse when all she has to do is tell me to slow down...
(but I'll still adore her anyways :/ )

-just being honest
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Just want you a lot
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Sometimes I lay on my bed,
When you lie asleep,
Makes me hate the timezones more and more -
But it allows me to think about you more and more.

I lay there and I dream of meeting you love,
I dream of kissing you the first time our eyes actually meet,
Of holding you tight.
I dream of the taste of your tongue,
Feeling the heat energy given off by your face when I remind you you're beautiful.

I dream of holding you tight
And whispering some ***** things into your ear,
Then you know exactly what I'm insinuating because you'll act uncomfortable.
I wonder what will happen,
Would you give me a church girl's response?
Would you act shy and tell me that you're only doing it for me.
Or would you just grab me,
And tell me by the means of your caresses that you want to...

I wonder if you'll mind,
Mind me and my desires...
Would you give yourself to me wholeheartedly or would you rethink our relationship?
I wonder if you would be mad at me if I forced my lips onto yours in public.
I wonder if you'd be submissive to me, or maybe you'd be the one making demands, begging me to kiss you, give you massages, or just to hold you because you want me closer.
I wonder if you're like me,
One who gets tired of hearing confessions
And just wants to feel loved in another way - by another way, I mean I want you to taunt my pleasure receptors.

I want your skin on mine,
I want to feel you exhale upon my skin...
I just want you,
A lot...
Straightforward with my feelings there :D
-just being honest
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Sometimes I just want you to say,
"I'm yours"
Really, I want you to say it.

Maybe you have said it,
But I'd like to hear it again
Please use "my" in front of your pet names for me,
Really, I long to hear those words -
But if it's too much that I'm asking for, I understand...

And I hope you like being mine.

I'm sorry, I sound so pathetic,
But babe, I like you a lot,
Would like you to like me a lot too...
I hope my stupid sensitivity - cries for loving words - isn't appalling to you,
I hope not, but this is how I feel :
I want you to call me yours...
Hmm, sometimes I feel weird about it, I try not to assume I'm on some high pedestal in her life - but I'd like her to tell me that I am a lot to her :3

-just being honest

— The End —