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398 · Sep 2017
Alone in the Empty night.

The tears flow down slowly at first,
Resolving into a waterfall.
Uncontrollable fears, icy cold current,
Dragging down to
Unrelinquished pressure.
Sopping wet boots,
Suctioned to numb toes and feet,
A weight that won't let go.
Reaching up...
But there's no purchase on the
Slime filmed rocks.

Tortured... Drowned.
397 · Apr 2015
My voice was a silent scream in the wind.
394 · May 2014
Rain streaks down like tears,
Puddles of longing litter the sidewalk.
The songbirds abandon their posts
And the clouds have turned a hostile color.
Up and down and over again,
This is the path I walk.
Other will walk here,
Their eyes cast down,
Preferring the sight of
Silent stones to seeing others
Just the same as them.

Why do I say this?
I guess I'm just tired
Of being alone in a
Rainy world,
With people too much like me.
Obnubilate Definition:  to darken, dim, cloud over, or obscure.
393 · Sep 2014
Some gone
And feeling like the girl next door,
No way to show how
I was or am.
Try too hard only to be let down easy.
Your playmate.

And as you play with my heart
I lay in the corner
Trodden over and forgotten.

Black is my heart today...
Suggilate: Beat black and blue
391 · Dec 2014
It is much more...

Complicated. And still you believe me
When I say I'm okay.

Have you ever been told
How easy it is
For an honest person to pass
On a lie?

I know you aren't dense.

I haven't been "OK"
In my world I feel used and abused--
My trust broken by everyone.
I can't even tell you about a feeling
That makes me want to curl up in a dark room
And cry...

So boy, don't believe it when I say
I'll be fine.
Teratology: The study of monsters
389 · Dec 2015
The "L" Word
Only because I'm talking to you and eating,
Instead of doing homework.
I'd rather be talking to you
Than studying.

Not to be there, but to leave.
Even when I fall asleep you are still here,
I wish you could hold me now.

That what you call me,
A princess.

What I have when I am not with you.

I really want to say a four letter word... The L one :)
388 · May 2014
My heart is motivated by
It protects itself with a
Stone wall.
A foot thick,
Five feet tall,
Nothing gets through,
Nothing gets out.

I am alone.

Alone and abandoned
I stay.
Not wanting to give up,
I get up,
Treading my feet
Up the numbing frozen slopes.
Why do all hearts break in
The cold intensifies
With every step I take.
When will this frostbitten winter thaw?
Jactitation Definition: The restless tossing of the body in illness.
383 · Jul 2018
Hold me tight,
My guardian,
The Angel that God sent to meet me.
Honest, gentle one,
With your warm smiles and
Caressing lips.
Will you let me have your heart forever?
Handsome Prince
The man I trust,
How can you convince me that
This isn’t a dream?

I love you.
381 · Jan 2019
Just another day.

Weeks have gone by with me in this funk.
Don't know what I'm doing.
Don't know where I'm going wrong.
Waking up is worse than falling asleep.
Nightmares next to my patient husband.
Drained more than I started with.
Cannot remember what went on.
Days and days, just another day.

Just another.

381 · Jun 2014
It's true that fresh air is good for the body,
And singing is good for the soul.
Dancing is the exercise of one's strength,
And learning will help us grow.
This is our body,
This is our part,
Why should we give it up?
Breathe, sing, dance, learn,
Give the world our all,
And take nothing less than that.
Zoetic Definition: pertaining to life
380 · Nov 2014
She was left:
A mark blotted her name,
A forgotten one.
No one cared-- so it was thought,
But gradually one was --seen--
Infatuated perhaps,
But love was never to survive.
Incondite: crude, unfinished
379 · Sep 2014
Nihil ad Rem
Back in time to the beginning,
A queen from the future ruled,
Dreams on her heart
Holding on and cutting deep like knives.
She knows never to return back to where she came.
Rule, rule, endowed by God,
Then run away--
She cannot taste of the bittersweet drink yet.
Living hundreds of years
In isolation
Then learn how to be a lady of the court.
She still cannot handle the memories
Of those she left first--
The ones who weren't here.
Again she hides as the world shifts,
She comes again, then goes again,
Waiting for what she lost and is destined to gain
At the beginning of time.
Dream of last night.

Nihil ad rem: Nothing to the matter: irrelevant
378 · Jun 2014
Lying in a cold hard existence
As lies of the carousel
Achieve a delusion more colorful
Than the usual gray and khaki.
Not wanting more of this desire to break,
I roll away from the harsh criteria.

Living life is more than duets,
Tangles of notes on sepia.
Remaining in a word: I'm the amateur
Never amounting to enough; Here my plea--
Treat me as if I'm no longer foolish.

Helpless, I am a ship
Bound for a supernova.
Real to the touch, but artificial--
The code is set, check my algorithm.
None desire to solve it more,
I'm hiding in the world through the backdoor.
Kakorrhaphiophobia Definition: Abnormal fear of failure.
376 · Oct 2014
Entre Nous
The door closes,
Alone in the dark,
Lost for words,
Without a hope.
I wait for the reassurance
I am worth more than a text.

Dripping down,
Water comes too fast,
Streaming from my eyes.
I am too vulnerable.

Is it sadness
                        When I feel
                                                Nothing at all?
Entre Nous: 'between ourselves'.
374 · Jul 2014
It's like forgetting
A melody you've always known,
A dream that you've flown
Only to crash...

Who am I suppose to be?
I'm ready to question,
Can anyone hear me?
Too many words....

Am I allowed to think
If I can no longer escape?
In less than a blink
I leap...

Chasing away,
Maybe being left is better.
Missing all traced letters,
Yet without I sway...

... F  A    L     L      I        N         G
Jaspé: mottled or streaked with color.
372 · Nov 2014
The dusty speech
Emitted from chalky mouths
Clouds the custard air
With much deceit.
Again told too many lies,
Misting any direction
That once was known.
Force fed another drought,
It is easier to give in:
It devours from the inside out.

The constant drip dropping--
Pressure building up from inside
And choking. Lungs fill with it.
A deluge, it could be called.

But there is no more breath to speak the words.
Maculate: defiled; impure
371 · Nov 2014
You try on a blank expression to fit in like The Others, yet feeling like you are wearing stage makeup and logie, you are an uninvited impostor to the stage. You put your worst foot forward, willingly concealing the extent of your genius, stepping forward into the fuscous hallway, relying on their uniformity in order to blend in.

Their stares are drawn to you instantly, mouths agape and their lucid eyes showing no expression and no thought. It was cold as you shifted your eyes to look at the floor. Step after step you can hear the blood pounding in your ears, every pulse becoming louder as you focused on your feet. You knew the drill-- if they ever stopped to talk, the dreaded question would be asked-- "How are you?" You would suffice to a smile, a lie, though you had never felt so empty. How could that be answered in honesty if all you can say is "Alone," "Ignored," "Devalued?" The insomnia, the stress, the anxiety, the truth: that is what would break your will and increase your assimilation into this plain society. That is, if they ever cared to ask. Ignored in passing conversation, unheard, unseen, struggling under a load of knowledge of a world that was not always this way. Yet, you smile when they ask. They may think you as the happiest person, if they could think, but you have shut yourself in the darkness where they will never find you.

Trudging down the hall with your eyes glued to the floor, and a painted expression on your face, you head back down to the room of your residence. Security cameras scan over the people and guards strode up and down the hallways like they always do-- To keep the peace. You have your doubts about that, constantly wondering if The Others could think if they had the chance. The hall was lit by ***** globes running down the center off the corridor, casting everything in a dismal brown glow. Everything was colored putrid brown: the dirt floor, the ***** lines on your unwashed hands, the doors, the uniformed shirts, the course hair, and the eyes staring back at you. You quickly drop your wandering gaze back to where the rats live, but one of The Guards was already walking toward you, a menacing expression on his grime covered face.

Out of all The Others, The Guards were the worst ones. They remained unthinking and expressionless, but they can tell when another individual was thinking. Any thought is prohibited, be it good or evil. It may break the peace of this thoughtless society. They hunger for violence and deliver unjust punishment without question, especially one of thought. A whipping or a kick is one of the less severe consequences of thought. However, you have witness death before, and you hide your trembling white hands in the pockets of your jeans.

"Yellow," the guard mocked, smiling, licking his lips in anticipation, "How are you?" Then the whipping comes, blow after blow on all sides, both pain and blood searing your nerves. You didn't realize the extra guards coming from behind. Their expressions change, relishing the feeling of joy each time their bats hit another mark on your soft flesh. Thankfully, your conscious quickly retreats to a hiding spot they where can never find you.
This one is a longer one...I know this isn't a poem but I am trying to write a book and I was hoping if someone would give me their opinion on how it is turning out or give constructive criticism. There will be more numbered sections later. Thanks!!!
371 · Jun 2014
Kalokagathia (10w)
Look down:

              Are there



                                               ­                                        Is next to

Kalokagathia Definition: a combination of the good and the beautiful in a person
371 · Aug 2014
Xiphoid (10w)
My soul
               Is a sad song

                                       Who can't

Xiphoid: sword-like.
370 · May 2014
No matter how much it hurts,
No matter the pain they give you,
No matter the disease that
Gnaws at your heart.
God knows,
Knows that you are of worth,
That every mistake
Is only a mistake that makes you better,
Makes you worth all that pain.
Ignore those that hurt.
Forgive them.
They know not what they do.
They might hurt like you do,
The only difference is that
They can't contain that disgrace they feel.
You can.
You have.
Give away your pain.
Find an outlet.
Find a wish.
Give your pain away to your maker,
He will take it.
You need to live.

You are of worth.
Chispa Definition: A gold nugget
370 · Oct 2015
I'm back to being invisible,
Head low,
Avoiding other's eyes.

I let one see me for
What I am.

(demon, monster, unnatural, hideous)

He Cared?
Walked away.
Just as everyone has before,
Just as I feared he would...                     ...but promised he wouldn't...

I dared to dream,
Dared to accept,
To open.

I am invisible.
Why did I dream that I shouldn't be...
370 · Nov 2014
You stand back up in this dismal world, face down at the floor. You will not rebel today; you must fit in for a few more months. You must not be discovered. Focus: mumchance. The Others do not know how plastic, how robotic they became. Perfect your flaws and mask your feelings. Imperviously, you have become a doll, a moving statue with no expression. No one can know, you will not feed monsters your fears, yet you already have.

Step after hesitant step with your eyes on the dirt, you make it back to your destination. Griping the golden handle, you open the dirt caked door to reveal your abode. Brown blanket spread on a wooden bed frame, a pillow stained with mud, even though you tried not to cry, a rickety wooden chair and a desk to go with it. You quickly close the door. You only have a few minutes before the lights turned out and you didn't want to do it gawking at your few possessions. Quickly, quietly, you shut the door, locking it with shaky hands. You may finally be alive again. But what was it like? To live before this? To be happy?

What is happiness?

You have never known that word, only that it is the opposite of disgrace, pain, and violence. Maybe it is dark and silent, like the place they cannot find you, where they cannot harm you. It is not the fire in their eyes that call for destruction. That is all you know.

Breathing in deeply, you reveal the book, a treasure to your eyes. You are aware that it is a symbol of rebellion, a relic that proves that you are guilty of all crimes. The velvet, scarlet, was soft and worn, the title spun out of gold. "Future" you mouth silently, the word too strong for your own ears. The chain, also gold, shone brightly, as if just yesterday it was formed. Yet there was no key-- there was no way to see what "Future" had to offer you.

You try everything to open the lock. You pick at it. You curse it. You plead with it. In your frustration, you throw the book under your pillow and sink into your blanket for another night of dreamless sleep. As your mind drifts and the lights grow dark, your thoughts remain fixed on the book. Slowly, you slip into a tossing sleep.
I know this isn't a poem but I am trying to write a book and I was hoping if someone would give me their opinion on how it is turning out or give constructive criticism. There will be more numbered sections later. Thanks!!!
370 · Nov 2014
Ab Initio
I am the horrible one--
Destroying hope,
A mock blessing,
Living in the unconscious mind
And just so easily forgotten.

I deserve the pain that plagues a heart.

And as I easily let the tears fall from my eyes,
I forget how
Easily I once smiled.

I am the horrible one
And there is no remedy
For the embarrassment I am.
Ab Initio: From the beginning; from the very start or outset.
367 · Sep 2017
Without a grip,
Without a choice of slipping under the current
Limbs limp,
Body spent,
The water rushes over my face.
364 · Jun 2014
Against the current tide I go.
Becoming what? I don't know.
Cunning words cut to the core,
Dragging down the soft
Energy of one's empty soul.
Fathomless in cycle, a
Gale of bitterness blows: but still I go.
Hiding from the wind, and
Isolated from survivors.
Jesting at worries, but
Knowing that there will always be a
Longing to live when there was
More to live up to.
None will know where there should have been
Openness to the pain,
Placating the desire to
Quomodocunquize what is not ours.
Remaining unchanged will
Supplicate to the
Terrorizing world, teaching the
Unguarded mind to fear.
Vulnerable to much, there are more
Wanweirds finding their ways to
Xerophagy and suicide
Yearning to go back to safety.
Zatetic hearts might survive.
Epeolatry Definition: Worship of words.
364 · Nov 2014
I need you.

I'm breaking down,
Pieces of my world shattering...
I feel like this is the end.

I don't want to alarm you,
It was never your fault,
But I've been lost in a dark place--
I drew butterflies on my wrist,
Because I cannot **** a butterfly.

But he would never believe me...

Were you ever in love with me?
Every action told me you were,
But his words made me believe he wasn't--
I started to think I couldn't be loved.
Should I believe it?
I don't want to tell him any words like this though...
I don't want to alarm him.

When the rain falls,
I will be waiting,
Knowing you will find me...
Lassipedes: Tired feet.
363 · Jan 2019
My dear Faithful Husband
I hope you know
My goal is to never take you for granted
I cherish you always
I love your scent and your smile
You make me happy
Your arms keep me warm and safe
Protected when you are near
I love you my darling dearest
With every breath I take and beyond
363 · May 2014
His unbidden reply
Perched on his lips,
Smoldering like gray coals.

She stared back at
His empty completion,
The sudden silence smelling of
Rotting tomatoes.

As they parted, he couldn't
As they grew apart he realized
She was his prop,
She was his heart.

He was heartless.
It was hopeless.

She was gone in the dust, but
Traces of her memory seared his mind,
Worse than any hot knife.
Time went on at a
Quickening pace:
So did his unchecked fantasy.
He really should have said it,
Before she left.
Before he felt the end.
Preterist Definition: A person who enjoys reliving past memories
362 · Sep 2016
The feeling that someone slammed the door in my face. memories…echoes…

Rejection was never
Easy. even for me… so many times.
and Always because you.

Why let you in more?
Why do you even care—
—you don't. Right.

Don't worry. I'm easy to get over.
Forgive me for shooting you in the foot. You shot me in the heart…and watched me bleed.
361 · May 2014
We stop for nothing.
Torn into.
Unable to fall far enough,
Fast enough.
Run to catch up,
They are just too far ahead.
Watch until wanting to run,
Unable to continue forward.

Why stop?
Brimborion Definition: a thing without value or use; something that is silly
360 · Jun 2014
Sometimes I wonder
If I saw you again,
Would you recognize me?
Would you look and see the stars in my eyes
And still love me?
Make a wish on me
When you've seen a bolide?
I remember your blonde hair
And your childlike love.
I guess we were only children,
And then I was gone so far.
How often do you look back and see
My beaming face and
Trusting heart
Slip from view in the back of a car?

Fate has brought the broken
Friendship back together,
But do you look to see who I am,
Or do you see who I was?
I'm no longer little,
But I don't know what to expect.
I guess I'll let fate decide
What happens from here.
Mneme Definition: persisting effect of memory of past events.
Concentration on the cake I was mixing
Annoyance that the doorbell rang
Frustration that security camera wasn’t working
Exasperation at who I thought was a salesman
Suprised as I pulled the door open
Confused as I stood there gazing at you
Loved as I lept into your arms
July 14 ♥️
Thank you for the surprise my Darling
358 · Jul 2014
Think back to what you said...*

People live in dark realities,
A grim fairy tale of
Hope and heartache.
People always try--
But then again,
People always fail:
Is it better to question your potential,
Or falter in a better place?

Some give in,
Trying to fill the wallowing gap in their chest.
Ending up heartless on street corners,
The scams begging for money to
Buy their drugs,
The ones who really need help suffer.
Their first mistake:
Setting out to fail.

Others let it gather,
A dreary storm in their eyes,
Clouding their perception
While every friend turns hostile:
Fiends consulting the enemy.
Let the storm blow over--
Don't give in.
Anoyed with the world a little right now because people don't realize their potential. You are of worth.

Palladian: pertaining to learning and wisdom
357 · Dec 2014
I wish I knew
What you
Think about when I
Text you my

Do you see the little lies,
The clouded truth?

In reality
I haven't been able to sleep because
Of sickening words and harsh tones--
All repeated memories,
A slideshow in my mind.
Every cruel tone ever heard
Intermixing with the ones told to me--
Including your words--
Forming a perception of myself
That the devil may shutter at.

Almost addicted to the aches of sadness
Always empty,
Never full:
I am troubled by my own mind.
Holocryptic: undecipherable.
356 · Apr 2015
How are you?
If we were more like ourselves
How long could we keep up this act?
Dodging each other,
Only saying meaningless "Hellos"
And questions,
Never pausing to stop and actually
Take the time to know someone,
Who they truly are,
Deep down,
And then

So they know that they aren't the only one there.
356 · Apr 2015
I felt the impact of
Jumping into the unknown cavern of
Not knowing how hard
And broken it would be.
354 · Jan 2016
Did he leave?
Just drop me--
The thing he promised not to do all along?
Not meaning to lead me on:
Telling me I was
Me for once trusting someone,

And for what?
Being dropped again,
Just as I learned to love the feeling of falling. Thinking
Would catch me.

I knew it was a bad thing for me to fall in love,
Why did I doubt this
Intuition? For I am always right.
I cannot be loved back.
Why did I let him fool me?...
I am a fool.



354 · Sep 2015
Heroes are weak.

They go around saving,
Expecting nothing.

They are exploited,
Forever on their way to destroy
What will not be destroyed.

Yet they continue
In their own quite way.

I want to be weak.

I want to be the person that

I want to be the person people forget about.

I WILL be exploited, used, and cheated, but

Just like all the heroes before me.

I want to be a hero.
354 · Apr 2015
Its hard to give up
On a love
That was never yours.
354 · Jun 2018
Only You
Right beside me,
A support,
My other half,
My crying shoulder.
You’ve been here next to me
More willingly than any human
Has before.

I trust you,
Happier in your arms than
Any other place I’ve been.
Even when the tears overtake me
Or the numbness starts to seep in.
You've been there for me and
With me
Through the pain.

You are genuinely interested,
Loving me though you know my
Deepest sadness,
Broken trust,
Worst mistakes.
I don’t know why you do,
But I am incredibly grateful
You Love me
Despite myself.

With you
Cannot be put into
A simple wonderful.
It is more grand than
Any word ever known by mankind.
353 · Sep 2014
Neomenia (10w)
Do you love



to leave
                                  if I ask?
Neomenia: time of new moon.
353 · Feb 2017
"Don't waste my texts"
Listening to
The echoes in my ears,
Turning old words
Over and over in my mind,

It makes me wonder
When did I ever change from
A bothersome aquatince
To a quiet nobody?

It's the small heartless things I remember most.
one way i was left alone in school... I don't want to make the same mistakes others hurt me with. I'm fine now
352 · Oct 2015
His rejection still sits there
In the back of my mind.
Even though it's been so long,
So long that I thought I moved on,
I still can't let anyone get that close to me.
I can't be open…
It hurts too much.
Too much to wish and hope
That someone may actually care about me
After I let them in.
And letting them in--
I know they will leave
Once they see the broken and
Ugly inside of me.
It isn't a good thing for me to fall in love
Cause I've never been loved back.

Just give him a chance
Start slow
*To let him see the real person and beauty beneith
351 · Jan 2015
We are all broken inside
A sliver of humanity
Hiding the truth from us
And pelting words
Bidding us to use them
In all our haste.
                            We condemn ourselves to our own fates.
Cacotechny: A corrupt state of art
351 · Apr 2014
I'll tell you what I thought about when I was gone and so alone,
Secrets with no one to tell--
Every action in this world has a consequence,
And I don't talk like an open book.

Don't tell anybody about the things we have planned
Or how you turned me around:
They just want to push us down,
But I will muster every ounce of confidence
To promise not to promise anymore.
I will take the chain from off the door:
It's not too late to apologize.
I went as far as I could,
I'm not afraid to fall, I might just learn to fly.
We learned so much about ourselves,
But did you know how much you moved me?

My world is not everything I hoped it would be.
It's a little bit scary;
I am lost for words.
I feel alone in the unknown,
All I want is to be in the light.
Please get me out of here,
Wash away all my tears,
Let me know that I'm not alone;
I am scared:
They are trying to figure out what I'm all about,
But it's not easy to be me--
I try my best.
You know I'd fall apart without you.

I want to see you be brave.
If you're still waiting for the breakdown,
I just hide it away--
Throw it away.
I feel like a problem girl,
And you are more than I deserve.

You want to know more about me?
It seems like there's always someone who disproves,
So I built a concrete wall.
Please be there through it all--
Everybody has a dark side.
Will you love me?
Will you love mine?
My hair looks dull,
My shoes are wrong,
They laugh at me,
I don't belong.

Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got until it's gone?
I'm tired of hurting,
But I'm slowly learning that
Tomorrow may be one day too late.

Even the best fall down sometimes,
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme,
But when the time comes,
Don't run,
Set me free.
Here I stand,
Just the way I'm suppose to be,
But I'm going to make that change.

I will dance if you ask me to dance,
But right now I'm sitting here praying for reason.
You don't know a thing about me,
But I threw a wish in the well:
Be my escape--
I need someone who stands beside me,
Not in front of or behind me.
Please listen closely to everything I say,
Otherwise you will never know me.
These words were taken from various songs.

Foiter Definition: A riddle or puzzle
351 · Oct 2014
Chiseled by your smiles,
Falling in your laughs...

I read your face like an open book,
Every lie I can see right through.
Your eyes whisper secrets
Your lips nar will tell.

Leaving myself alone,
Maybe I will overcome my weakness,
Later our eyes will say,
Or revive the promise I though they said.

You don't know all that I know;
You notice not who I am.
Like you can see through my poetry?
Who am I actually?
I will keep my secrets from you
And take all yours with me.

But every day I *weaken...
labefact: weaken.
351 · Sep 2014
The dark that brings the light,
A grading that shades the tones of life,
A graying tone of black and white.

The hopeless hide here,
Invisible to all:
They themselves concealed from their eyes,
Here, a shade of gray,
Nothing to stand in the way of being gone.

How? Why?
Days, weeks, months, years,
The trusted One...
... A lie?
Closing the door--
Bolted, nailed,
Anything to prevent it from opening again.
Does the One remember the promise?

But the door is shut,
Again alone,
In my world of gray.
Fuscous: Dark in color; tawny.
349 · Dec 2014
"To be or not to be?"
Stifling the scream
Forming in my throat.
A devouring force,
In the care of my heart.

"Can I trust you?"
I have buried
My bottled feelings,
Ignoring my cries
If only to forget
How to drown in tears.

"There's the rub."
I can't trust unless
I can give something
That will never be given
Back. Secrets
When told are
Never mine
Homologate: confirm; approve; agree.
349 · May 2014
You can do that.
Just a flower,
It can't change the world,
You say.
So you can get away with it.
You can get away with
Stepping on it,
Pulling the petals off one
By one.
Just a flower.
Only a flower.
One out of
What is one dinky flower
In comparison to the
Capability you have to give?

You can give,
You can take,
You can build,
You can break.
Just a flower.
Does a flower matter?
Beat it,
Break it.
Ignore the perfect imperfections,
Ignore the hurt you cause.
You say you will give back,
Some way some how,
So you don't mind,
It's only a flower.

The flower has one question:
What do you have to give?
Nikin Definition: Someone who is stupid; a fool
347 · Dec 2014
My words are running out...

An empty page--
It spells out my name,
Calling on me--
It pushes me
To build a new castle--
Find a new kingly knight.
But I would want to go back.
It was simpler
When the old pages were full--
When I knew what to expect.
I don't want new adventures--
I love the old ones with
My blood pounding,
Head spinning,
Heart breaking.
I would rather fall with my broken wings
Than learn to walk with my broken soul.
It gradually fills--
Life, like a journey on this empty page
Brings us back to the beginning.

I am full once more
But just as broken as before.
Vecordious: Senseless, insane, mad
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