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It's a good place,
The place we are.
Even in the cold weather,
I know I have your warmth to hold me over.
Because after all the freezing winds,
Comes the happy days of spring,
And this spring, I'll be happy with you.
So won't you get your converse on,
To come flower picking with me.
We can skip down flower fields,
Picking plenty of rosy red poppies.
Love grows with the seasons
19h · 55
My Time Travel Hat
I've got a magic hat,
That'll take you back in time.
So we can go shoot pool,
In 1999.
Or back to the 80's,
We can dance, dance baby!
Do the robot all the way back,
To the 50's.
That's where I left my I-pod,
Hope they haven't found that. . .
Inspired by the song, "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats.
1d · 61
Your beautiful wave washed over me,
When I was a lonely shore off the sea.

Wrapping its elegance over my sands,
The way we hold each others' lonely hands.

Replaced the dust with dazzling sea glasses,
Brought back the sparkle to my heart's masses.
Each stanza rhymes and is 20 syllables
I learned to spar with my stray thoughts,
Every ounce of fear or anxiety,
Becomes a battle of wit.

Though that may not work for everyone,
Some just build lanterns,
A way to see through the night.

Others learn to silence their worries,
Utilizing weapons to wipe away their nightmares,
Burning holes where there once was doubt.
Everyone has their own cure.
1d · 84
Lightning Love
Every little thing you do,
It lights me up.
Almost if I was a pool of oil,
That your passion set aflame,
I will burn each night and day.
So that the sun can never set,
On our lightning love.
I'm dumbstruck by how amazing she is
1d · 60
No Sequels
This movie of mine is ending,
And I don't want a sequel.
Just leave it here,
Let it be.
I'm finally in a good place again,
I think I'd like to stay.
So here's a cheers for good days,
Let's keep it that way.
Slightly inspired by the works of Qualyxian Quest
2d · 48
Once A Pioneer
I was once a lonesome pioneer,
A past life ways away,
I spurred my horse in desert sands.
A familiar stranger,
Is all I ever was,
Anyone could tell you, nobody remembered me,
I was in by sunset and left by it's rise,
A way-fairing American,
Inspired by new lands,
After all, the west is best.
Inspired by old west style country
We are lit,

We burn,
We flicker,
We die.
I'm afraid we all burn up, some slower than others.
There's something bout this place,
America, rolling plains and jagged peaks,
Skies of stars drifting in my gaze.

Europe has history,
But we have soul,
No where's better for me,
Than America's portion of the seas.

Whether or not we're falling apart,
This landscape is beyond mere art,
After all, we all came here to make dreams,
Not for the perfect life,
But one we'll remember when it ends.
Edward Carnegie was once a normal man,
Steel monopolist extraordinaire.
Till a fateful dip in rail stock,
Lead to his discovery of time travel.
Confused, he landed just a few years from the modern day,
Where he was arrested by the Time Police.
"Edward, we'll set you free,
If you defeat public time enemy,
The Alien."
So off went Carnegie to the modern day,
To face off against fellow PTE.
But what was revealed,
Shocked even the Time Police.
His business partner, Henry Frick,
Was the real villain all along.
"Buckle up, we're going back in time!"
Back to the time of steel money,
Frick had almost bested Carnegie.
"The company is mine Edward, stand down!"
Though undenounced to Henry,
His advisory had pumped his veins full,
Of the Blood Of Steel.
Inspired by a home movie a friend made
4d · 168
Love Is Strange
Love is a strange thing,
Often plays games in your head,
Keeping you from bed.
4d · 142
I Hope
I hope for longer days,
More light on this lonely town,
For better times to come,
And for them to stay.

I hope for the warm to return,
Life feels better in the sun,
Fingers are more useful,
When they aren't shivering.

I hope for the future to be bright,
That we will grow and prosper,
As the flowers grow and rise,
Let us reach out our petals to the light.
Hope is a living thing
4d · 133
I Worry
I worry a lot,
And I know I need to stop,
But I can't just leave anxiety,
It's a human instinct inside of me.

I worry for your safety,
I worry for mine,
It's a cold world out there,
Without enough fire to keep us all warm.

So if you're struggling,
Please confide in me,
I worry so much for you,
For your happiness.
You cherish the things you love, it's why we become obsessed.
4d · 143
Show Business
Show business isn't as glorious as you'd think,
There's not much glory that comes form this stage,
Yet us actors trade all the lovely pieces of our life,
For a split second of grace and beauty.

Don't mention the back stage,
No to an actor at least,
I'm afraid nothing good happens there,
At least for us, it's just heartbreak and longing.
Acting, you chose to mask yourself from reality.
If the planet woke up,
And we had all disappeared,
Would it mourn our memory?

It depends on the way we go,
Somebody snapping their fingers, we fade away,
Or a blinding ball of light as nuclear weapons implode.

If God revoked our presence today,
What would happen with all the factories,
There's a chance they run until Earth runs out of fuel.

It seems that if that happened,
Then all these countries would sink into the sea,
With our glory and memory.
The prompt was,
Would Earth be better off if we all went extinct.
5d · 92
March 20th 2025
I'm tired,
But that's not everything,
I'm out of body,
Often with my soul wandering,
Watching over things and righting the displaced,
A fragment of what it should be,
So don't worry,
I'm tired too.
5d · 195
Mr. Rose
They call me Mr. Rose,
Bearer of lost love,
Mourner of memories.

There used to be a Mrs. Rose,
But she faded to nothing but a stray few,
Memories for me to weep over.

They call me Mr. Rose,
Because of this flower I pin on my suit,
More for the stab of the thorn than anything.
The kind of man you'll find in the corner of a sailing club while everyone else enjoys the party.
5d · 99
I Am Lucky
There's no promise of love,
I was lucky to find it.
Nothing says there will be someone there,
For you to hold or be held by,
When the storm rolls in.
A very few get to know,
Just how it feels,
To embrace your lover.
Carefully placing your hand on their face,
Love isn't promised,
Possibly it may never come,
So I am lucky to have it now.
It's rare for it to be true
5d · 196
There will always be dark of night,
It is a common human plight.
Often it's hard to move throughout the black,
But what you'll find if you keep moving,
A kindling of light,
Never leave behind a dream.

I miss you
I miss you too

Life will knock you down,
It seems to be the only thing it really knows,
But in the face of doubt,
Move about,
You will come to find,
It's hard to keep inside the night.

May I still hold her when the sun dips well bellow the sea
Tell me lord, may I still praise her if there is dark?

In times of doubt you must stay strong,
Far away from backhanded thoughts,
Never let love waver,
Reinforce it with iron arms,
Be calm with the winds of night,
Condemn this mortal spite.

Never doubt that I am here,
I will hold you safe from the tendrils of fear.

But once it's found,
You fear losing this light,
The piece of love you found,
Within the blinded world of now,
Don't be worried
For if you worry it is destined to leave.

I love you,
I love you too.
Inspired by my love, every time I almost lost my love, the faint piano that plays in our souls, and every little grace of our skin.
I've come an awfully long way,
But of course I'm not done going.

Someday you'll prove yourself,
Never let them falter your way.
Believe in yourself
5d · 76
OPAD Notes
Spurious correlation is when two random variables line up,
Such as shark attacks increasing with the amount of ice pops sold,
Unfortunately for health nuts, ice pops don't cause shark attacks.
But what is truly spuriously correlated is this bullet board,
That I am using to unravel the secrets of writing today.
Such as the number 122 lining up with severely different artists,
As well as well defined writers turning into many missing cases.
If I was ever offered a job as official poet detective,
Of course I would take it, but I would run circles each day.
Official Poets' Association Of Detectives
The sun sets on the last day of winter,
A warm breeze sets upon the cool evening.
Ironically, the first day of spring,
Will be colder than this.
Winter is officially ending.
Never hesitate to lend a hand,
If you help someone back to their feet,
They'll remember it when you need a hand.

Don't let todays morals get in the way,
Nothing replaces a good old Jack of Trades,
Traveling to make things change.
Karma is a real thing
I like to throw lightning bolts,
Way up into the sky when no one sees.
Releasing every ounce of plight,
Into a perfect balance.
If you want to know this magic,
You can come with me,
We'll throw thunder through the trees.
What's better than a summer day?
Not a whole lot,
But there are a few things.
There's love for one,
After all, any day with love makes summer look glum.
Some argue for money,
But I just don't know,
Money doesn't feed my soul.
Family is up there,
But the sun can set even on that,
Guess a legacy isn't as immortal as they say.
I miss summer dearly
Don't let the little things get to your head,
Because if you do, your love will lay dead.
It's complicated
6d · 129
7,000 Ways To Say
There are over 7,000 known ways,
To say 'I love you' on this earth.
So there is no excuse to not tell the one you love,
That you love them,
And maybe they will say the same,
I know mine did.
6d · 264
Hey, I Love You!
Hey, you! I love you,
In fact I love you so much,
You star in my dreams.
I met someone at an all county chorus who loved haikus, unfortunately I had none on me to share.
7d · 107
New Opportunity
To those honored poets,
An opportunity has opened up,
I'd like to spread this gospel,
Of a chance to reach new horizons,
Well beyond this world,
Now gather if you dare,
Join and journey to a new place.
You most likely already saw it, but one of the great poets on this site, Ghost, is making an Instagram project to share poetry from this site into the wider world. Go check it out!
7d · 108
I Knew It!
I knew it!
I knew it wasn't real,
I knew the echoes of this place,
Were just misleading hooks in my face.
Look at all these people, real,
I swear they aren't simple clones,
Or were they all along?
Leave it in the past
The Black Knight of the Franks,
He feared no thing,
Except for the hand of God.

With his sword and cross,
He rode triumphant,
Through out the Holy Land.

But once he crossed a monk of opposing faith,
But spared his life,
So his story was erased from history.
The greatest heroes are felled by silly means.
7d · 126
The Bench
Every single sunny day,
There's a magic place,
A brown bench by the baseball fields.

Such a basic grace,
When the sun shines down,
You and I walk the way.

Right on down to our favorite seat,
Whether its summer, whether its spring,
I can hold you all the same.
Our little afterschool hideaway
7d · 86
To Use A Pen
If you're afraid to speak,
Come with me.
I'll teach you how to use a pen,
So you may write it out.
Because if you can write,
Someone else can speak it for you.
Words are power
7d · 116
Pulling Poems
I stand in this inky crucible,
Staring down the gemstones of my work,
But which of these sparkling stones,
Is beautiful enough to be brought to light?
I have blue sapphires,
The color of lonesome waters,
Made of solemn tears.
I have clear diamonds,
Cut carefully,
Each face polished delicately.
But are any of these good enough,
To be shown to the masses?
What if they don't shine as bright,
When they are brought to the light?
I'm pulling poems,
But I'm afraid,
I might set the back down anways.
I'm trying to pick some poems to read for a school event, not going too well.
The truth is,
There's no elite thinker's society,
We're all elite in our own respect.
We evolved from bent over forms,
Working for raw survival.
But as we grew, some of us split away,
Faded from simple survival,
Growing a taste for art.
So were born the sculptors,
The painters, and the poets.
Clever as they were,
The old artists.
They formed a secret society,
For elite thinkers to survive.
Can we take that idea and use it to save those who've avoided the brainwashing?
Mar 17 · 82
New Opportunity
To those honored poets,
An opportunity has opened up,
I'd like to spread this gospel,
Of a chance to reach new horizons,
Well beyond this world,
Now gather if you dare,
Join and journey to a new place.
You most likely already saw it, but one of the great poets on this site, Ghost, is making an Instagram project to share poetry from this site into the wider world. Go check it out!
Mar 17 · 162
Sailing For Icebergs
We head for icebergs,
Faster than we know,
We cherish our unsinkability.

But we don't know what lies on the dark sea's lip,
Often sailing with confidence,
Yet, without a search light.
I sail with hope
Mar 17 · 176
Who Drags Forth The Sun?
Who rises the sun,
What man drags forth light?
I know not the knight,
Valiant to bring forth the sunrise.
Still, valor to his efforts,
For life is better in the light.
There's been many pretty sunrises recently
Mar 17 · 84
March Is A Hard Time
March is a long month,
Rainy days with no remorse.
Even when the sun does come,
Bleak winds drag it back to the sky caves.
Though if not for these tested times,
Would there be an April song?
Lots of not great this month
Mar 17 · 121
Our Day Will Come
If there's rain in the sky,
Thunder in the clouds,
The we will take our two feet,
A run through these grounds.

If the fields are drenched,
Then let them be,
Wheat will sprout bountiful,
From the fresh water tears of the sky.

They will hear our feet pounding,
Louder than thunder,
Greater than the storm,
Tiocfaidh ár lá!
Happy St. Paddy's day!
Mar 17 · 140
Sit Down Love
Can there be a time,
Where we sit down in deep night,
To be honest and alone,
Saying everything we wish we could.

Can there come a day,
Where we just sit and talk,
So I can tell you how I love you,
And plan all the things we're going to do.
Mar 17 · 303
The Storm Gathers
Clear the way!
Can't you feel the rain?
It is soft now,
But it bares its bite.
Clear this road so the carriage men may run,
Gather your families, be ready to leave.
Here it comes,
The storm! Can't you see?
Don't you feel these winds ripping up this land,
Get away while you can,
Or die with the land.
Inspired by the sudden windstorm last night
Mar 17 · 186
Country Of Her
No bed is mine,
If I lay not with her.
There is no home for me,
If I cannot hold her, gazing into the sea.
I am citizen to no country,
Unless it is the territory of her lips.
Mar 17 · 112
Rushing Childhood
I often wonder,
Am I growing far too fast?
I think like a man,
But I, a child, could never be regarded as one,
Even though I seem to constantly be the smartest in the room.
Wait, are we racing to fast through this?
I know the time is ripe,
Though I didn't think I'd lose my childhood tonight.
Yet there is a chance I'm speculating on how to defend,
Something that's already gone,
Because I'm only a child away from you.
Love blooms faster than you could guess
Mar 16 · 177
I Need You
I want you here,
In this place with me.
I wish to hold you,
As the stars are born to the sky.

I need your touch,
These little fantasies.
I crave your kiss,
Each taste of love on your lips.

You, it's you.
I need you more than anything,
I need you more than water to drink.
Each touch of your hand restarts my broken heart,
Every grace of your touch raises me from the dead.
Are you a sorceress with a spell to temp me?
Or was I destined to cross paths with you?
Mar 16 · 193
Wishing For You
The sun descends on the horizon,
Flaming all the way to its death,
A far ways out in the ocean.

I shed a tear watching it fall,
Though, not for that great ball of fire,
Come tomorrow it will rise again.

The tears I shed are for you,
For my arms which will be empty tonight,
Always wishing you were here.
If only
Mar 16 · 141
We Fell An Elder Oak
Today there was rain,
It brought thunder,
Strokes of electric death.
Lightning ripped through the canopy,
Aiming for a defenseless flower field.
But alas, the elder oak reached its branches out,
To take the lightning's killer blow.
So when the rain passed,
We took our saws,
To finish the job.
A sudden storm tore through my town today
Nobody likes a winer,
But they all like wine.
Unfortunately every sip,
Brings out one more complaint,
Till I'm sitting with a bunch of hypocrites.
Every gathering they say the same thing, "no wining!" to all the little kids. But the minute the drinks come out
Mar 16 · 62
how do i make you feel better without f-ing it up
without invalidating you
the first time you want to talk about you

Mar 16 · 120
These Meds
I hate this pill,
I hate these meds,
"Don't forget! Don't forget!!"
If you don't take them,
You're a disgrace to this earth,
Such a terrible person you are a scar on this earth.
But if you remember, like you can never,
That capsule will absorb all feeling.
It's not my heart that doesn't work,
It's these stupid medicine measurements.
Why do I have to either go through hell,
Or put everyone I love through it.
How is that fair?
I guess it's not.
Life *****, but I don't want it to end,
I'm still waiting to feel reality,
When does this wear off?
Will I ever stop being an actor,

And just be me?
Meds never work in the way they sell them to
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