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2.6k · Jan 2021
His Hideaway
You are asking for advice
but you can't see reason
You are tired of her tantrums
but going against her? Treason

You know the facts
this is an issue
She may be waiting
but she doesn't miss you
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
1.4k · Mar 2021
Her Jinx
A powerful, slow curse
"It's in your head"
Mumbling truths...I rehearse
I religiously chant my lines
but it gets worse
Obsession, you are mine
in this entire universe
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
1.4k · Mar 2021
Their Mystery
You can't know my dark past
If you were to discover it,
our relationship wouldn't last
Yes, it is something I want to conceal
I was the one hurting somebody
I don't need to "heal"
You need intimacy, you need to feel
but don't focus on fleeting memories
focus on what is real
His3Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
1.3k · Jan 2021
Her Enlightenment
I didn't know what love was
so I asked you to tell me
"There are no guidelines or laws
Love is boundless and free"
I inquired about effect and cause
"If it is desired, it will be"
and after a dramatic pause
I felt it
to a certain degree
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
1.2k · Mar 2021
Their Crossing Path
It's my hideout
My cherished secret place
You will know what's about
surprise written on your face

It's where I don't feel lonely
especially when I am alone
It's now shared, me and you only
welcome to my comfort zone
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
1.1k · Feb 2021
Her Reputation
You antagonise me in your warped story
Taking piety from people
you feel validation and glory

Politician with no shame
pulling the strings
Not your partner, not your lover
I am just your plaything
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
1.0k · Apr 2021
Their Connection
We are a couple of humans
beyond gender and race
What do you see
when you look at my face?

We are a couple of lovers
beyond culture and its pride
How would you act
if you were to put traditions aside?
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
884 · Mar 2021
His Alterous Attraction
You pop in my mind
every now and then
Between us
"If" can become "when"

We are not tied
but we are bound
to a world.
More beautiful with you around
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
882 · Jan 2021
Her Say
Our relationship is plastic
our relationship is suffocating
never beyond the surface
your attitude I'm hating

You need to open up
Show me the nice and ugly side
I got patience, I will wait
I am not the one who must decide
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
851 · Apr 2021
Her Culmination
I was reading too much
in your care, affection and boundless touch

Acting based on my sixth sense
I was excited and awkwardly tense

No seed of doubt
I was ready to bloom
You cut me off
Not your pick...I assume
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
838 · May 2021
Her Uncovering
Sick of mistrust
eyes on my every move
It's your anxiety
I have nothing to prove

Double check?
A much higher amount
Control for (in)security reasons
my privacy doesn't count
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
833 · Jan 2021
His Say
"You need to open up"
Vulnerability but with no choice
She is ready to listen
I speak, forcing my voice.

Sacrifying my will
to make her happy and proud
Her silence is so heavy
Her silence is so loud
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
807 · Mar 2021
His Pace
Running on adrenaline
I think we should rest
Let's slow down a bit
I think it's for the best

We are rushing things
without thinking twice
Fearless but out of breath
please listen to my advice
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
796 · Feb 2021
Their Confrontation
The "context" is not an excuse
how can rumors
be only unfortunate news?

The fault is yours but I am the one you accuse

You appeal to reason and want a truce
but why do I feel like I can't choose?
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
713 · Mar 2021
Her Burnout
Consuming each other
and we still burn
for a stronger flame
I yearn

We are back to a spark
but I want fire
I can't be complacent
with such a blazing desire
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
678 · Jan 2021
Her Postponement
You were about to leave
3 words to make you stay
It was a lie
I forced myself to say

Somehow you did believe
Eyes so bright. I looked away

Together for another second
another minute, another day
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
668 · May 2021
Their Vis-à-Vis
"Don't think about the future
love me and kiss me now"
Our time together
has a countdown
I want to stay
but I don't know how

Don't mistake my reasoning
for doubt
Romantic words from my mouth
Ours is not a break(up)
but just
a timeout
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
659 · Jan 2021
Her Skepticism
to the last detail
you know my psyche
you never fail

Perfect behaviour
suspicious to say the least
Witness of your beauty
unaware of you as a beast
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
650 · Jan 2021
His Confession
"Don't you feel better?
Isn't this for the best?"
She shows strong affection
her head on my chest

She says I love you
Shocked I reply likewise
I feel much worse
while I close my eyes
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
622 · Jan 2021
Their Level
I put you on a pedestal
and now you want to stay on top
of my kindness, patience, affection
Obsessed, you can't stop

I'm out of the picture
and it is a lonely view
Trading efforts for nothing
because nothing is what you do
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
622 · Feb 2021
His Worship
Treated like a queen
Now afraid of her majesty

Reluctantly, I have seen
confidence becoming vanity

From self-love to narcissism
ongoing insanity

From king to servant
emotional tragedy
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
615 · Jan 2021
Their Boundaries
I need some distance
but your love knows no space
My request brings pain
I can see it in your face

You take no offense
but you consider my behaviour vile
Your eyes scream terror
but rigid is your smile
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
595 · Mar 2021
Her Alterous Attraction
We can go on, take a break or stop
Many possibilities
Harmony on top

We are what we want
Threading on a blurry line
Friends to lovers and reverse
We are flexible, we are fine
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
587 · Mar 2021
His Dream
Romanticising to the extreme
I give you no space
To the moon and back
struggling to keep up the pace
Focusing on what you can
and not who you are
you bear the weight of my fantasies
my wishes, shooting star
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
571 · Jan 2021
His Exaggeration
Willpower has a certain weight
your effort is valued...tenfold
an action to reciprocate
glorious to behold

Hands as gentle as sunlight
"This is basic affection"
How are right
ours is not standard connection
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
566 · Jan 2021
His Perturbation
Beauty on her left
Ambition on her right
Looking from every angle
I can see her flashing might

I wish I had the same splendor
to walk confidently by her side
I fear the public and their opinions
I fear the shadow where I will hide
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
533 · Feb 2021
His Assistance
She didn't want any help
but she was feeling down
she is strength herself
when I look at her now

I learned to trust
and hold the belief
that silent love
can be support and relief
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
441 · Apr 2021
His Deduction
Mine is not empathy
but perspective-taking
I go through the possibilities
and the decisions you are making

Mine is not empathy
but a rough estimate
based on past events
and your mental state
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
434 · Jan 2021
Her Penalty
You don't talk
but your eyes speak
Powerful words
that make me weak

I miss your touch
it has been a week
This sensory punishment
is your worst technique
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
424 · Jan 2021
Their Wishful Thinking
I saw a future in your eyes
A tale of effort and compromise

Little I did know
we wouldn't last
and now the only way to picture you
is by looking at the past
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
410 · Jan 2021
Their Storyline
Jealous of the people before me
and how they made you feel
It's in the past, a previous life
secretly wishing they weren't real

You wouldn't be who you are now
so it doesn't make sense
but their names, experiences...somehow
they make me angry and tense
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
400 · Jan 2021
His Turmoil
You want a fighter
and I don't like war
You want chaos
you don't desire "more"

Peace is a foreign concept
Order is "strange"
Are you sure you really need
what you call "change"?
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
387 · Jan 2021
Their Story
We have high highs and low lows
We are going to be ourselves
and we will see how it goes

There's an invisible force pushing us
I suppose
We are in a fairytale
we are fated and it shows
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
363 · Jan 2021
Love Felt (1)
Love felt revealing
awakening hidden senses
It showed my strong traits
deal breakers, defences
new ideas, points of view
through rose-colored lenses

New parts of me
but they didn't feel strange
as it was obvious
that I would change

Love felt revealing
"Love felt" is a description of love from multiple angles and different stages. Sensations are heightened to extreme levels, from line to line. Analogies are both mystical and realistic.
341 · Mar 2021
Her Realistic Outlook
With some insight
I changed direction
I now find love
in my own reflection

Yours was a protective albeit heavy gaze
We had happy memories while living toxic days
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
332 · Jan 2021
His Rebuttal
Jury executioner and judge
Using your friend as a lawyer
to deliver your grudge

In every action
you find a flaw
Forever defeated
my aim is a draw
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
309 · Jan 2021
Their Spontaneity
Going with the flow
or following the course?

We are advancing
thanks to an internal force

Trusting the direction
or examining the source?

We are progressing since
we act with no remorse
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
283 · Jan 2021
His Rancor
Love failed
I never thought it might

I cry disappointment
in the middle of the night

Reality doesn't care
about what's wrong or right

Reality doesn't care
about how hard I fight
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
276 · Jan 2021
Her Emotionlessness
An ongoing tragedy
but when did you start?

Cunning, charming
manipulative, smart

You numbed my brain
and took over my heart

Divide and conquer
I am falling apart
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
265 · Feb 2021
Her Bad Faith
You have what I am missing
can you feel my envy while kissing?

Good partner?
Guess I am convincing
my sins
I am rinsing
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
257 · Apr 2021
Her Fairytale
It's in my nature
amplified by my behavior
You can't change me
You can't be my savior

We are past the tragedy
and I am "normal" ever since
Don't be fooled by words
you won't ever be my prince
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
248 · Mar 2021
Their Red Flags
"I'm young, free and wild"
but we are in an adult relationship
are you a child?

I don't want to hold you back
Communication and respect
can you give me at least that?

Frustration is on a rampage
my attitude is mild
I look at the red flags
we have ignored and piled
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
243 · Jan 2021
Their Scrutiny
I wonder who is the wolf and who is the sheep
Appearances are superficial
while traits are deep

I wonder if the predator can actually become  the prey
Pick your words wisely
They will bite you back someday
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
242 · Mar 2021
Their Pov
Changing was necessary
to be together
For him, I was ready to wait forever
She said we were fated
and she would stay
that having differences was okay
My mistake
Never say never
you were enough but I wanted better
Hell came to Earth
apocalypse day
I'm scared, I'm humble
for a second chance, I pray
His3Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
223 · Feb 2021
Their Chaos
How can you be the devil
and simultaneously my muse?
How can you gamble with life
when there is everything to lose?

How can I enforce boundaries
when you don't play by the rules?
How can we keep loving each other
when it's clear we are fools?
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
134 · Mar 2021
His Amazement
Fleeting definitions
common sense is upside down
Bound to logic but
I can't keep my feet on the ground
I look at you
and I question reality
I then forget
the implications and the gravity
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.

— The End —