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2.2k · Jul 2014
(Wall of doubt)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
You work to pay your way threw life, while you pray to last another day. As time goes by you realize the strength it takes to play this game.

So I live the life I want outgoing and against amendments, earth to me is jail so i work to serve my sentence. Forced to spend eternity behind walls that don't exist. These walls were built tall and created by mental bricks.

The shackles of self doubt keep us chained down to the surface. While we deal with the stress, pain, and emotional damage, from a journey of life's questions  and the absence of answers.

It's even harder to think clear when all these distractions surround you, while brick walls made of thoughts create obstacles around you.

We create these walls and build them tall as a form of self protection, but when your guard is always up doubt will leave yourself defenseless.

With each conflict that we deal with our mental sentence extends. So bend the bars and break down the walls, from out the prison that's within.
Poem by: KLoyal  Est: 02-2014
1.8k · Sep 2015
( Conn-stitution)
Unreal Society Sep 2015
Defined: The sad reality that our political system, government, and it's elected officials, are plagued with corruption by factions of corporate America.
By: KLOYAL  Est- 9-2015
1.8k · Mar 2016
(Financial Slave)
Unreal Society Mar 2016
Stuck inside the maze of life, were material value keeps the people slaved. You get so caught up with the distractions around, you fail to realize the price you pay.

It's time to disconnect the computer wires and step outside the captive frame. To no longer be dependent on, the software society's programmed in your brain.

I know the plan the hidden hand, keeps in play to keep us slaves. Keep the people dumb and in constant fear, they are easier to control this way.

The plan calls for mindless drones with mounting debt, so you continue to work and pay interest for the rest of your life. Living pay check to pay debt, in a vicious cycle until you die.

Credit is a weapon used in the separation of the masses. The goal is to collapse the middle class forcing them to join the poor. They give out loans and extend out credit, so people can live a life they can't afford.

Make no mistakes about the truth. From birth your programmed and trained to live this way. It's sad to say a credit score determines your wealth now a day.
Poem By: KLOYAL Est 03-2016
1.3k · Aug 2014
(Social ladder)
Unreal Society Aug 2014
Its hard to bare your reflection when your disturbed by the image it makes. As you stare into the mirror, your faced to deal with your mistakes.

The truth of the matter is you can lie to the world, and live the life of an actor. You can portray yourself in many ways, but when you look in the mirror, you view the truth that you cant escape.

Your just a pawn playing social chess just to be accepted, by interested impressionist. I stray far away and ignore getting ****** in, to associating with manican's  that pretend to be your friends.

The social ladder is filled with actors, lies, and insecurities. So I judge alone by actions shown, and only trust my certainties.

Most people base their judgements by your appearance and your current status. I guess my designs unique, I base my judgements by your actions.

I stay true to myself, I'm not eager to be accepted. I view my friends as family and I'm willing to die for my investments.

For all the time that I've invested, I  would give my life to provide protection. Because quality over quantity, is the "ONLY" acceptable method of friendship!
Poem By:KLoyal EST:08-2014
1.2k · Aug 2015
(Subliminal Life)
Unreal Society Aug 2015
It's crystal clear that it's not right. The strangle hold of control, that governs the public. Were force fed advertisements by corporate Americas budget.

Television in America uses terror to channel, the media as  a weapon, and your attention as ammo.

We're so caught up in the now, we can't see threw the confusion. That we're just  living puppets on our strings, and freedoms an illusion.
Poem By: KLOYAL Est-8-2015
970 · Jul 2014
(Deceptions In My Dreams)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
I speak to you during the day, you listen but you remain silent. At night I hear a familiar voice, his shift begins when I close my eyelids.

Sometimes in my dreams i see these bright flashes that illuminate, what appears to me to be the sky. But the lightning strikes are a disguise, my subconscious creates to fool my eyes. The action of my neurons firing, are mistaken by my mind as lightning.

I watch the sky in disbelief, for the light show seen is so inspiring. I'm captivated by my thoughts, as they travel along my neural wiring.

My subconscious works overtime to keep me from discovering its deception. But this false reality my subconscious made, is a needed form of protection.

As I dream my mind and body get the rest that's truly needed. So I can recuperate the energy, that the previous day has depleted.

My subconscious is a narrator,  that explains my life without subtitles. Threw my dreams on this screen, plays a movie that I'm forced to watch. So truly when do I get sleep, when I'm in my dreams, and I'm deep in thought.
Poem by:KLoyal Est:07-2014
911 · Sep 2015
Unreal Society Sep 2015
Created to destroy us there deadly poisonous, you pay for it, you pray to quit, but truth be told, you cant kick it. ******* these cancer sticks, that are sold through out our nation. Purposely designed for the decline of our population.  

I'm just another victim with the sickness, no stoping now addiction. This poem is called addicted, for those who smoke the death sticks, of tobacco but try to quit.

Its a habit you cant lift, and even packaged like a gift. Just try one have it, light another with matches. I started smoking to fit in, then it developed into a habit. These demons in a pack of 20, constrict my lungs and turn them black. I know the risks yet still I smoke, why must I buy this pack.
Poem By:KLOYAL Est 9-2015
894 · Jul 2014
(What Is Love)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
Its the way your smile can change my mood, and when I'm stressed you keep me calm. The way we accept each others flaws, instead of giving up and moving on.

Its how I always think of you, before I think about myself. Its the lack of care of material value, when it comes to dealing with your health.

Its the trust we have for each other, that over the years remains strong. Its the Anxiety I get when your away, that makes me feel that I'm alone. Together forever your in my heart, my heart forever remains your home.

Its the nervousness i felt inside, when i held your hands as you held mine. We gazed deep into each others eyes, no doubt at all had crossed my mind. You spoke the words that changed my life, when you said I do and became my wife.

Its the reason that I wrote this poem. These are my true feelings, that come from the heart within. Your my beautiful wife, the love of my life, my reason for being, and my best friend.

Its the moment we met, that saved my life. I'm forever grateful for all of this. But most of all its the time we share.

every moment together since our first kiss.
Poem by:KLoyal Est:07-2014
847 · Jul 2014
(Self Inflicted)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
When living with addiction, you focus your time and effort on your next fix. I wish that this was fiction, but its a sickness that your stricken with.

This habits self inflicted, behind your smile your suffering. You hate your life and feel numb inside, from the shame you bare as punishment.

Why do you entertain the thought of suicide, for the position you put your self in. When your depression stems from low self worth, yet your still injecting hopelessness.

Stop looking for a permanent solution, to a temporary problem. Is your life so bad that the only feeling you know is pain, or is it guilt from the thrill you get, as you search, for the perfect vain.

You say you've finally had enough, your fed up and its time for change. But its a vicious cycle with mental strain, because tomorrow came and remained the same.
Poem by:KLoyal Est:07-2014
842 · Jul 2014
(The Price Of Liberty)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
On September 9-11 the Twin Towers were smashed, into by two planes that were destined to crash.

New York City was attacked, causing camotion and panic.
The people tried to deal with the madness, and cope with the sadness, but the number one consensus is the impact was tragic.

Fire men ran in, with the hope to save some lives. Not knowing for their courageous effort, that this would be the day they die. True Hero's showed their colors, as they rushed the stairs that day. Fire fighters turned fear to courage, as their sacrifice was made.

The burning towers collapsed, as people were crushed by the structures metal beams. Clouds of dust consumed the sky, with smoke and loose debris. While screams for help went unheard and bodies lined the street.

The action of two highjacked planes, as they were guided and used against us. Caused a collision course and loss of life, that was undoubtedly tremendous.

Hate against our country, was shown by disregard for human life. These cowards couldn't die alone, they needed passengers on their final flight.
Poem by:KLoyal Est:01-2014
741 · Jul 2014
(Real Vegas)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
I was born and raised in Vegas were I have spent most of life.
Dealing with the hardships from the town of bright lights.

Welcome to Sin City but don't let the bright lights distract you, or mess around with the locals they won't hesitate to jack you. Keep your eyes open remember what town your in, and don't gamble with your life in the  city of Sin.

This town will have you confused, you might get upset, you will probably get depressed, when you gamble all your money your outcome forms to debt. Your debt forms to anger, then you break a sweat. This town's aggravations activate the rest. There is coke, pills, and ***, prostitutes to rot your brain out, slots to take your cash, while addicts run this place down.

Constant constructions in abundance while the desert gets *****.
Just to build casinos on the land, this town is outrageous. Then they advertise on billboards with clever marketing statements. It's a delusion you trust, until you gamble all your money chasing the illusion of luck.

There is a sucker born everyday, so don't get hustled by sinners.
This town was built off the presence of losses, not the essence of winners.
Poem by: KLoyal     Est: 01- 2014
702 · Dec 2014
(Thought Traffic)
Unreal Society Dec 2014
Ideas are like traffic lights. People tend to follow the direction in which the thought is going when the lights green and the path is clear. When the path presents obstacles in the way of the idea, the light turns red and the breaks are applied.

Any path or idea worth pursuing, is going to have plenty of red lights and detours that are undesired. The challenge is accepting the time spent on the travel and enduring the ride. This is what separates an achievement from just another red light!
Poem By:KLOYAL Est-12-2014
681 · Sep 2015
(For What)
Unreal Society Sep 2015
How come we fight for our country and put our lives on the line, for a corrupt political system and officials that lie.

We fight overseas for our freedom, and we do so with honor. Yet how can we be free, when our government is secretly keeping all of its citizens monitored. Its no secret Americas broke, so its a joke that we still spend, billions of dollars a year on our nations defense.

I guess when your obsession is power, the best direction is war. When were face to face with recession, how can we justifiably spend more.

We stand by our leaders. We expect their actions to  honor there name. Only to be left with corporate corruption, financed for political gain. Now a days the word justice, fails to hold its function. When big business contributions, purchase the people that govern us.

So how do you tell the people, that our debit is so vast. That our currency is becoming worthless, without panicking the mass.

By consistently creating conflicts, that create a flow of cash.
This is how it all works, with the current system in play. The poor go to a war, that the the middle class pays, the people in power see a profit, and the soldiers feel the pain.
Poem By:KLOYAL Est-8-2015
673 · Jul 2014
(Self Devine)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
Self gratification is this feeling I get inside, like the muscle in my chest that pumps and gives me life is working overtime.

Its just an adrenaline rush, my healths not on the line. I'm  energetic, energized, but my vital signs are fine.

I have self respect and I give respect, for every relationship has its limits. The hardships are endless, just like the headaches and gimmicks. I don't waste time so don't waste my time with your friendship of fakeness.

I see beyond the disguises. The truth hurts, so I hope you can take it. In fact it doesn't matter because your just an acquaintance.

I have my ego in check. Yeah my minds in its prison, as it struggles to free its self, I deal with these symptoms.

I'm an addict to words, my heart flows with ambition, my addiction to words courses poems threw my system.

I got this vision in mind, were people actually focus. Take a second to notice, the message and the impact from these poems of a poet.

I stay true to myself, on this mission of mine, with the directive and intention of remaining self Devine.
Poem by: KLoyal Est:01-2014
642 · Sep 2015
(Enough Said)
Unreal Society Sep 2015
Its safe to say that better days, will come to me when I loose the rage. I hate the way I have been betrayed,  and I have lost all hope, but still I try. To be with you even though you lie.

I should of had some common sense, by the way you act around your friends. I've had enough, so I question why I spent the time right by your side.  Then I get questioned by you any time when you get drunk, you throw away my compliments since you deny my trust by arguments. You treat me straight with disrespect, I should have known so I regret. To have given my all, but what I have learned from all of it, is trusting you  had a consequence.

I lost more now, than just my pride. No more time to spend with you I tried, I shut the door, and close the blinds. Good night, good bye, I've made up my mind.
Poem By:KLOYAL Est-09-2015
633 · Sep 2015
Unreal Society Sep 2015
At first glance it was lust, that was worth charting the water for. As time went by so did the love, while they desired more. Off the starboard bow stood 2 captains, watching as the relationship sailed, but then started to sink quick. Both pondered over the option of sticking it out, or jumping to view the wreckage.

Is it worth sinking in the water, when you know how shallow the depth is. Is it worth the time, for them to waste your time intentionally. When its in there favor to stay together, purely out of necessity.

Sometimes the catch is worth release, if only one  is willing to walk the plank. Relationships take equal effort, to sail the seas of feelings that change.
Poem By:KLOYAL Est-9-2015
609 · Mar 2016
(Friend card or discard)
Unreal Society Mar 2016
If you pay attention to those around you, eventually you will  begin to notice. That people's words and their actions, don't flow together in a fluid motion.

I have had quite a few losses on the battlefield of friendship, it's unfortunate with the friends I've chosen.

It took some time but my eyes have opened, wide with truth and my mind is focused. On the quality of friends I keep, and the trust I seek is loyalty a bond we share that goes unspoken.

Like having my back when situations provoke approachment, it's the loyal ones that stick around and back you up. While the ones who always  talk the most, will stand in silence with no defense keeping still as if their frozen.

Trust me when I say, that trust alone won't get you far. When greed and envy are played as cards, to hurt you as a person. When you pay close attention, you will know which friends to hold and which to fold for certain.
Poem By: KLOYAL Est-02-2016
522 · Jul 2014
(10 Word Poem)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
-For mistakes
Strip My Pride
     My fate
Awaits the

  Inspired by life!
Poem by:KLoyal Est:07-2014
491 · Jun 2016
(Up 2 You)
Unreal Society Jun 2016
With tired eyes I see things clearly now, trust me I'm for certain. Its not about how far you get by another's standards,  that has any real importance. Life is to be or not to be, it's your choice to continue on or call it curtains.  Just follow your own path, and let your decisions provide your purpose.
Poem By:KLoyal Est 06-2016
Unreal Society Jul 2014
We discover space and the stars but our oceans stay dark and deep. While the moon is in constant orbit, its not until night its light is seen.

Our nearest neighbor from a far is so desolate and lifeless, compared to earths contrast of color, from  the light our star provides us.

Does the moon hide its darkened side, from the lack of contact that we make. Or is our purpose for not returning due to findings that we can't explain.

Were living and observing coexisting as servants. With age and conflict our bones decay. It ***** to be born to a society were no one understands, about who or what created us and the earth on which we stand.

I travel on my mission as I question my fate. Religion is a choice so I patiently wait, for the answers to my questions that determine my faith. I'm not against the Bible or the constitution of Religion. Its my decision to be cautious, when dealing with mans vision. The interpretation of our past, through a book that was hand written.

The Bible explains our creation salvation, sacrifice and our very existence. Its mass distributed around the nation, and its creation deserves respect. Because true or false its content, its message keeps the mass in check.
Poem by:KLoyal Est:06-2014
432 · Sep 2014
(The Essence of Time)
Unreal Society Sep 2014
As the clock of life tics the minute hand takes away from us,
Precious time in our lives just to see what were made of.
We live in a society that is always testing your nerves, through  situations and issues that challenge your courage.

It's hard to move forward when your griped by depression. It starts infecting your mind with hopeless feelings and self doubt. Some days you even feel like you cant cope, with all the depression and you start to think about letting go. Stress is common in life and staying focused is critical, to gain strength from your struggles and remain in control.

When life seems to hard, do you give up and forfeit the effort of trying, or put it all on the line? Does the fear of you failure bother you more than the fear of you dying? Hopefully so, we use fear to remind us, that our time here is short and our decisions define us!
Poem By:KLOYAL Est-09-2014
409 · Dec 2018
Unreal Society Dec 2018
The true meaning of being an Artist is not just to captivate, or capture someones attention. It is to create art that inspires others to be creative.  -KL
Poems By:Kloyal EST-11-2018
398 · Jul 2014
( Pursuit Of Pain)
Unreal Society Jul 2014
The planets in a panic and our world is in bad shape. We create our own destruction when we manufacture and test bombs. That fracture our land scape.

There intended for much more, we use fear as our greatest weapon and make up reasons to wage war.

We deploy to destroy, enemy targets, in strategic order.
We bring a destructive fate and and excessive pain, to the land of sand that's past our border.

Its hard to spot the enemy on the battlefield were standing on, when the enemy disguise themselves as citizens turned human bombs.

The problems were miss lead, the real issue is forth coming, the motive for conflict is in the interest of money. If united we stand then we need to correct it, before everything gets destroyed by these nuclear weapons.  

With all the hate and the anger, we add religious views in the mix. Why do we feed off the fear of these media clips. If we continue to thrive off all of the violence, we will be consumed by our hatred and fall victim to silence.
Poem by: KLoyal Est:04-2014

— The End —