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Path Humble Aug 2019
your best stuff will never be posted here

goose, you crack me up,
your bests stuffs can never be posted,
the tender stroke away of a child’s tear,
the welcoming of a smile delightfully unexpected,
a first grade art project so successful
it is mounted forever on a
front door Hall of Fame

a good cry all your own,
in private sobbing,
mouth mourning the absence of
a kiss on the back of your neck
shivers with surprising waves of pleasure,
that announces you are more than noticed

if you can post these stuffs,
call me asap,
because that’s the sight
I wanna see & be,
when only the best stuff you got given,
given got,
becomes real


Viji Vishwanath Dec 2019
A view just before sunrise
Resembles like a sunset
But the difference is vast
As it is fills with a hope of rays

A view just before sunrise
Is well felt deep inside
When it starts to gleam
With its sun rays

A view just before sunrise
Is a blooming sun of rays
Which fill with bright lights
And make beautiful sights

A view just before sunrise
Is a view of hopes
Excited in full of vibes
With its vibrant colours

A view just before sunrise
Is a one more chance
Given to know the worth of lives
To live with full of senses

A view just before sunrise
Is to be grateful to God’s grace
To be a part of living miracles
Especially in this competitive eras

A view just before sunrise
Is enjoyed well when it rises
And when it rise to its bests
It seems as smiling at us

A view just before sunrise
Is a smiley face of sun
As of a blooming sunflower’s
With its joyful pleasures

A view just before sunrise
Is the waiting periods
To see the rising queen
Reflecting as golden eyes

A view just before sunrise
Is hope of new days
In its blessed paces
For every faces

A view just before sunrise
Helps to plan in advance
To utilise the opportunities
With its best ways

A view just before sunrise
May bless us to rise
With its immense cheers
So all can have its leisures

A view just before sunrise
Is the stipulated time frames
To harvest the best nuts
From the life’s tests

A view just before sunrise  
Is to raise yourselves
To shine as jewel stones
As a sun in yourselves

A view just before sunrise
Is to enjoy the glory of living vibes To make best diamond from coals
So that it lustre in darks

A view just before sunrise
In nutshell, is a glorious shine
As a diamond kept in caves
To brighten the path of ways
A view just before sunrise is a ray of hope with full of opportunities. Utilise your opportunities at its best. And make yourself as a shining sun to brighten the ways wherever you go.
Today this view before sunrise, bring lots of energy to write. Hope all can enjoy the depth.
Alin Feb 2015
He is worried!

the Mr. Perfectionist.

It’s almost Carnival but
He hasn't yet got a mask

with specifics
his ballads
and jests
surly lists his bests
in two principle steps
of CAPS :

* Feeds the Bats and
* Tempts the Charms

* Cheap N Handy
* Quixotic but Scary
* Not too Trendy

and he cries


What's worse than
a self-adoring pathetic bat
in my whereabouts!

I can't get the stink and shrill so I help him fast

'Yo what's the worry!'

-I say friendly -

'you need not hurry
cause I think you already are ready!'

-I continue enthusiastically-

'Here! Try this one
My top design
Custom fit chemistry
A truly  NO Risk Recipe
and of course
Specially designed for you! '

'for you for youuu
   to echolocate
such is an eye-gaze
for the half-blind
such is sound
a vibration that propagates
in ears and brains of pretty gulls
and of course
only  for youuu'

-  I sing loud a common bat ad just to stimulate
my client and continue- merrily explaining my serviceable recipe

for 2)

Wear your white shirt just always

the one I know
you know?
the webbed one
weaving grace
and don't forget to
iron it well this time.

for 1)

Put on your true face!
I reckon then
and can guarantee always
no one will ever recognize you .

In a flight he disappears glad and I hope he won't show up till next year
What can you do I say to myself and quote a encyclopedic fact about my client.
All things have a place, you don't really need to like them but these ones pollinate flowers and disperse fruit seeds and they are economically important as they consume insect pests reducing need for pesticides.  

I say while I ventilate my head with an OM mantra and an incense stick
Bah what a stink what a stink...
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2017
Bala^ comments:
"alignment - any which way one can if possible to make
****** and ******* simultaneously happen,
without any best position plan"


may all the gods bless you, Bala,
for waking me at 4:33 with this poetic induction
coaxed from my spinal fluid sanity
with perfected clarity

my own circadian rhythm masters internal,
the most reliably unreliable human container technology teachers,
semi-skilled in the entrainment arts for this impoverished body mine,
deem it appropriate that early morn messages of
propitious possibility be greeted immediately

entrapped, awaken me at four AM with great glee,
because these elusives^^  know exactly what stirs
this being's cochlear cockles into birthing a
poetic cookie ******* *******

your message meme provoking, inducing,
be honest man - simply seducing, my within
by your teasing words from without

"without any best position plan"

not to confuse the mere appearance of a routine
as worthy of the entitlement of "plan,"
much as the poem's own vanity chooses it own alignment
the relationship, the relativity -
always the
flexing flummoxing freaking insatiable pleasuring

when your thrusting unplanned message
****** and bests my brain,
releasing a fully formed, instantaneous parrying poem
from an aroused, passing, unsanitized, second of sanity

for no better *** than this...
as per the unplan?

this tissued life,
this in and out
of punching and counterpunching continuous,
but rarely contiguous,
for we are never aligned for more than a moment,
the moment that almost always goes unnoticed,
for the heart's ***** tissues,
are mostly torn by how life
uses us roughly

so here is an aligned confession fecundity

this poetry gig, my salve,
to tenderize the daily redness,
the irritation residual of having no plan

however these fingerprints decided for you,
to present, upon completion,
this soft-spoken loud *******,
a peaking, not a leaking,
** ** ** - a screaming

hallelujah, i'm aligned!

the man found albeit briefly
a  beat, a plan and its verbal, herbal,
best solution

may all the gods bless you, Bala,
for waking me at 4:33 with this poetic induction
coaxed from my spinal fluid sanity
with perfected clarity

the man and his plan, for a mega-second
his best,
unplanned but got and given,
in poetic planetary alignment

as are you and I -
the thousands of miles of distance tween us
as you read this
collage collapse
into a singular synapse
of ****** and *******

hallelujah, we are aligned!*


anything you say to me, can and will be used
for a poem

April 1, 2017
^K Balachandran  comment on
"any which way
one can
if possible to make ****** and *******
simultaneously happen
without any best position plan"

Nat Lipstadt Nov 2014
prefer celery to carrots
light scrunch over an orange hard crack,
straw red over berries bluest,
coffee over tea,
skies white clouded
all clear, unadulterated uni-tone,
blondes, brunettes, redheads,
even pink or blue haired,
well, ain't going there
(wink wink,
too smart for that...)

but that's just me

colors viral virulent  over manhattan grey~black,
a good Pinot over a glass of Jack,
beach and sea undefined
over lake delimited, outlined bounded,
ocean caught fresh over farm raised,
city slick over country sweet,
striped bass over monk,
tuna bests salmon,
but both miso coated please...

Italian Indian Ethiopian
Sushi and occasionally Chinese,
all grand,
but my kosher deli and dogs, pickles,
yellow mustard ball parked,
tops them all
especially when serving
over tasting portions...

but that's just me

right over left,
naked better than ****,
polite over rude,
Rembrandt tops Vermeer,
but his light nonethess,
extra over ordinarie...

Swiss over white American,
Gruyere beats goat cheese,
citrus tops apples,
sweet melon my
secret passion,
paprika and oregano,
never ever cilantro,
milk over OJ,
especially, grade A
milk of human kindness,
all flavors

love my poems centered,
(except for this one)
with no sugar added,
but a lot of cream and sweat,
both a necessity, not a luxury,
prefer mesmerizing,
crafting hard, laboring,
me writing, you imbibing,
leaving you oohing and loving
because of the appreciation built in
ditties that are semisweet
sugar nadas that populate the
easy come easy go away
poem of the day

but that's just me

like myself hard
cause when I melt,
to a child's grin shyest,
laughter silly me provoking
it is ever so better so...
tears, any kind, don't mind
laughing and sorrowing pouring,
let genuine be my only test
speed limit barrier unlimited

sorta saved a street crossing
phone-occupied-woman yesterday,
put my arm across her body
fast hard, unasked
so she wasn't
bicycle crashed,
both looks well received,
the *** and the gratitude,
but latter over former,
if I had to choose,
but I dont

but that's just me

Joanie M. over Judy C.,
Amy over Adele,
Eva Cassidy over all...
Zombies over Beatles,
Blunt over Taylor,
Rhyming Simon over Billy Joel,
no typos over flaring,
glaring no caring...

your poetry over mine,
cause it amazes,
cause mine,
just old familiar crazies,
just runaround Sues from yester pester days,
transcribed for a someday later
future grimacing laugh of
good god did I write that!

but that's just me

wrote quite the many
literary escapades
this morning,
like the yore,
good old days,
when every glance,
remark passing
made me run
to tablet them
in perpetuity ASAP

placed them before you
scattered thither and dither,
like all that jazz notes
running hands over planes geometric,
most just average,
but all there in hopes
you would love me better

but that's just me

sneaking inside you with
a wink, a tink-ering whimsy,
a stupid smile, a wicked sinning
humongous grinning
with a belly laughing,
havoc raising, me crazing,

*but that's just me
thinking I like celery better than carrots, and the rest you just read...
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the burdens that we hold are for our backs to curve years of wisdom---to reach peace:}

hard for me to express

the things you left in me are in mess

the buildings so high scared to my *******

believed things come now to their bests

acceptance of the unknown faces that bloom on the yellow stairs

moments I found it a burden to bare

then you another ranger in those brown tiles

made me drink that blue liquor made me smile

laughter in the wooden walls I will uncover soon

even when the visits brought a past gloom

searching is something I was meant to do on those borders

never will I know or remember unless I read the folders

feel the flies in the green lands

a tingle plastered on the hands

but nothing more than that stance you ******

put a lot of grace because of a simple caring lace

is it okay if this while took a late

that mere second has been stuck written on my fate

those arms gambled with my noes

even though a little lie

didn't hurt

didn't go

far from the beyonds

that red sweater

a path to the wallpaper

to the given weather


About me, I swear down.
I'll tell thee of treks – how I in radged-days
put up with fretted-time,
sought abode and still do, get bitter ***-care,
in us heart-ship, scary waves’ rolling,
where narrow neet-ogle
often kept us at heart-ship’s stem
when it scurries by cliffs.

Us feet clammed by cold,
bound by frost’s frozen cold steel,
where those frets sighed
marfin about heart;
clemmed within ripped
mind of sea-knackered.


Town lads have it soft, dunt know nowt
as how us, care-beggared, ice-scratched sea dwellers wintered in exile,
swayed from mates and kin,
rigged with rime-crystals.
Hail stones bounced off our decks.
I heard nowt there but sea’s groan,
ice-flecked seas furrow. Heard at times summat like swan’s. And made glad by gannet’s and curlew's clamour,
for homely laughter,
gull-shriek for bitter ale.
Hail beat up stone-cliffs, where feathered
spray nattered to them; often eagles dew-feathered screamed.
No mates sheltered us,
or made us feel minded.

Town folk dunt credit it,
complacent with blessings
and few baleful journeys –
proud and wine-sozzled, how I, knackered,
often on sea-snickets had to abide.
Night-shadow snuffed us out;
snow fell from the north;
rime bound soil; hail felled earth
coldest of corns. So, now, thoughts
mither my heart, that I the deep sea,
salt-waves, should fetch myself on.

3. NOR

Salt yearn moves us gently.
Desire is a gust catcher.
Heart-ship bobs in its harbour,
as it pitches and yaws
to stranger islands.
Refugees homeland seek.
Though embarking, the reckless, skilful, youthful, brave,
do not know what life has in store.
Nor my hands on harp or on coin,
on lasses limbs delight,
nor on owt save wayward water.


These woodlands unwinter too much with blossom,
give too much gold to villages, overbrighten meadows. World pushes on, all this urges us,
doom minded spirits to leave on flood-ways.
Heart-ship tugs at moorings.
Summer cuckoo's mournful call urges,
bodes sorrow, bitter in breast-hoard.
If tha blessed with comfort, how does tha know what some endure on tracks of exile?


Heart-ship tugs at its harbour.
My imagination in mere-flood,
in whale plunge, wide in its turns
eager for seas vastness. Gannet yells
as whale-wends, spirit quickens over holm’s deep, irresistible delights of life are more
than this life that flits on land.
Illness, old age and aggression
wrests life away, bests breath.


Praise life. Before tha death
tha must climb mast against malice,
shun dodgy devils. Days stale,
earth’s grandeur beggared,
now no bosses, gold-givers gone,
glorious deeds done,
live out their doom.
Joys stale, weak rule this world,
live here afflicted. Glory humbled,
earth grows old, withers this November.
Old age fares over thee; tha bright face pale;
gray-haired, tha grieves over tha mates
given to the sod. Homeless tha flesh, then, when life is lost to thee, tha cannot sweet swallow nor sore feel, hand stir nor mind think.
Tha gold means nowt beside graves of tha mates, that proud deed will not go with thee,
gold is no help to a self full of itself.


The world's craftsman is a Measurer
that turns the earth. Founder of fields
and sky. Only the foolish mess with it
and die unexpected. Tha must be humble.
The Measurer helps them be strong
as is minded in steer of their heart-ship
wise in tha decisions, clean in tha ways.
Anchor tha fire or be burned.
  Fate is stronger Measurer than any a tha thought.
Harbour is a life long in love of Earth,
hope int skies. Through all rough tides
and smooth trust in water and the sod.
I thrill at transliterating poems into Yorkshire vernacular.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Throw your face into the bucket
full of ice and water.
Leave it there for predetermined times
based on physiology and psychology.
15 Seconds first, to get your lungs to work.
20 Seconds next, after getting used to holding breathe.
Try for 30 Seconds last,
that is what they tell me.
Then I go for personal bests
to make the pain even worse.
Ice Diving is a coping skill for cutting. It's a way to induce pain without really harming yourself.
Bassam Dec 2009
Society, the people's forum
Where they learn about the rules and
Meet each other, understand the game
That they play every moment
They each introduce themselves
As one who abides by the social law
And convene in larger numbers
With those who are very much the same

They chit and chat and shoot the ****
They liff and laugh and moot on it
But what of those who aren't a part of it?
Simply because they just don't fit?
This is learned at a young age,
From our childhoods, life's book's first page
Rippling, growing, til' it reaches a stage
Until you're all alone, trapped in your head's cage

And God can't play the shepherd to the sheep
Can't bring you back to the flock
You're tired, worn, can't breathe or sleep
You age faster than the clock
The paranoia inside your mind grows strong
You're anti-social, not after long
Sideways thinking, upside down
A kingdom of one, you bear the crown

Psychotic sins and torture played
Thanatos and Eros, pleasure forbidden
More real to oneself, to the others, one fades
And appeals to oneself to make it all forgiven
In the social circus, in your own ring
Universes you ponder, death songs you sing
You recluse your mind, lost without intent to be found
For solitary freedom bests being amongst company, bound.
Sean Flaherty Jul 2015
Out-of-that same hole, you built the bridge that brought you into my apartment, and closer, enough, to laugh, at my-joke. Enough to make you comfortable, once. And well-built-bridges survive torrential burns. 
[Good pitching usually bests good hitting, bad defense is hard to play-beyond, but, for some reason, sonny keeps-on. Practicing that shot, past-the-arc, [page 8] feet-so-far from the floor.]
I bet on another-blaze, from that boy. Bet his broker--- down at the "bridge-insurance-agency"--- bet, that he bets, too. One big tragedy and The Bad Boy-Blonde bought himself a little capital-l Legitimacy. Or at least a capital 
M-mulligan, ~~~~ _~~. "******, man, can't make another mistake?"

I mumble, again, to myself. But this time, I'm not complicit. I won't be the lubricant, whilst he wears-down his looks, or when he can't use his **** every day, or when he runs out, again--- back, with mean things to say. And now he's ******* disappeared, and you're back on my couch, and we both complain. And you read a poem, and I write a love letter. And---

That part there, that ain't-even projection! Another delusion, maybe. Again. Am I trapped, in [page 9] typing out words that later, I'll trick myself into believing? Or? Truly? I'm more sum, than total, when you tag-along. I'm totally, and tragically, head-over-heels. You'll hear this, here, and have a hard time listening--- "no, listen, I understand all that, and have a position on your counter-punches."

I couldn't, possibly, corrupt my own kingdom by exiling you entirely. Because, yeah, you're so beautiful, but you're also my-best bud. You, fit-flawless, and fearless, and effortlessly, into the hole, left by the jigsaw-piece, lost-years ago. My friends, and ******-when, had it, penultimately, "pieces-no-more," way-back then. 

Yet you're sure you weren't there. "You're sure? You weren't there?" You can be sure, I [page 10] believe you. I'm not under the impression that this is the long-con. I know, I'm a little-less-adorable, when I yawn. Or I cough, or I cry. And if I fawn, all-over you, still, after, I admit. I've really been trying to get-over-this, for a bit. (you could, honestly, be the best-friend that I've never-had-yet.)

And, you could, plainly break-my-heart, again. Apathetic over my annoying requests, for you to, "read my ****!" For it to be this, and you, getting-so-mad. For Adderall-sale to become the staple of our "extra-workular-relationship." For us to lose all contact, like my personalities, currently. For losing the ability to over-explain HBO programs to "This-girl-from-seven-nine-three." For you, this might be easy!

No, sir! Miss, I mean! No, you! I won't let it happen, if you say you won't, too. Put this down, make no mention, if it's made you upset. I've [page 11] already trusted you, once, to forget. And, he did, as well, so we're on the same page. Writing about him: lettered-love, turned toward rage (never, in-your-direction). I'm sure, at one-point, I had promised: no-more interventions. Lashing out was true, but convolutes my intentions. True, also, is the certainty of this-thing, I claim. The third-dream, "with ~~~-~~~~ ~~~," ~~~~~~-~~~~, yeah. You're the name.
I censor the sensitive bits, solely, sorry though.
Hannah Gaines Aug 2018
Through these past four years that I've known you
I've come to realize something.
I don't truly know you or know if you still do care about me.
I know I mess up, and I can be an idiot at times.
I know that I'm annoying and a bother.

I'm sorry for hurting you, and I'm sorry for hurting everyone.
I don't mean to cause harm or trouble, I just simply want to help.

Maybe its because I feel helpless at times.
Maybe it's because I feel like I have no worth to my loved ones.
I feel like everyone is just annoyed by just my presence.
Maybe thats the reason why I've tried to distance myself,
I don't want to hurt my friends anymore.

Everytime I look at her, I feel as though we are growing apart.
I know that I might be wrong, but it feels like it,
I'm sorry.

I know I'm sorry about a lot of things.
I'm sorry that I made you mad.
I'm sorry I've hurt you.
I'm sorry if I seem like a total *****.
I'm so, so sorry about many things.

I shouldn't have good friends like them.
I should be alone.

Do you still think of me as a friend?
I'm just so worried that something bad between our friends will split us apart.
You can take this however you want.
I'll always be here for all of you.

I'm sorry that I'm not the bests of friends...
Liam C Calhoun Jul 2015
I extolled them as they went about their
Menial tasks in suits of silk;
Sunday bests amidst the concrete, the earth,
The broken shards of
Bamboo splintered skin, hiding interiors
                          And further, the broken mirrors of
                          The broken memories of the
                          Broken histories upon the
                          Broken backs become names wrought ancient.
Though further from fractured, a family calls,
Beholden to the absolute intent, but one wish –
Eternity amongst the bountiful brethren left behind
Atop tea-brimmed Mountains and a
One malevolent, revered benevolent,

One more saga prerequisite this newer dynasty red –
                          Witness the
                          Wives huddled plowshares,
                          The daughter scribbled arithmetic
                          And sons assumed thrones to legacy.

I scrutinize soiled  – smoke amid pear peelings,
The dirtied – unscathed and archaic,
So very fatigued – just one more nail,
For his eternity, with scratch and
Sliver of blood, a sanctity upon chin
                          Beyond cradled hammer,
                          Hand hugging thumb,
                          Thumb beyond nail, iron or the
                          Heart impaled homesick;
But I and hand asserting tie, freshly pressed,
Almost gleaming with an embezzled prestige –
Born unto Arcadia, a puzzle near complete
Continued to run, with only second’s pause to admire,
So very far from the fields of, “father,” or first blink,
While Sunday’s best weep, work and wither.

This man with joint autographed, “end,” and
                          Soon to be mound, history wrought dust,
                          A chipped Henan ceramic
                          And hours in attempt to breach;
                          Behold the back of Chen.

*The title of this piece was inspired by observing constructions workers wearing suits we'd typically wear for an interview. That being said, my venture in China is near an end - years in the making. What's next? Ecuador? Japan? Morocco? Montana? Either way, I could never thank China enough for all that'd become naked before I and my pilgrimage christened, "world."
David Hilburn Mar 2024
Acid smiles
Simple lucre, to a faster pussycat
Worth your was, thus a loose while
Sweet knowing you, with this and that...

Solemn kinds of whether?
Looking beyond you, the truth to a smile
Fashion forward, and surviving the gall to bother
A season of choice, to keep the better of rues of denial?

Talk to me...
The rose and the voice of alright, tonight
The liberty in a merciful love, merciless to we
Simple news for an irony's me; my accept, my slight...

Yours again...
Set to rights, the tale of seeking how
For a better lover, the risks of integrity
With hold or archaic powers, the speed of knowing...

Is a reaching us, a clashing must?
To voice the other wise, in these rages and fates...
A look for bests is the only way to discuss
A misery followed by charisma; a sense of privilege, curious in the shade

Where sincerity is a favored eye, if not concern
Spare intention, in the paces we further to skill
Life with a stern lip, but know an eye to worth...
With the love it is given, the swallow of pride, in hell?
Hello, dawn and dread, a liberty has responded ahead
Safana Mar 2021
Just for I love...
your bests are
best to me,
When you turn
off the dark and
say it's a light...
I can see the
same, blinded
me a love for
for you...
I can't see but
Tysheanna Nov 2015
I've fought to become who I am and what I want to be,
I have to remind myself that one day I will be free
Free from rules I followed as a child when everything was a game and life was so mild
Now times have changed and I realized nothing is fair
And it seems like nobody even care or pays attention for what bests for me and sometimes asking why things have to be this way be the only thing to get me by especially when dreams continue to die sometimes its nice to just sit in the rain to help relieve the pain
And when I have a really bad day I just need to get away
I never know what's wrong without the pain
But sometimes the hardest thing to do is right thing is the same and sometimes when people get hurt even the strongest one may need comfort
We all do at some point in life.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020

On Athens' chessboard
Olive tree bests spring water
Owl hoots victorious

This haiku is dedicated the Goddess, Athena.
Now I have a bit of a love hate relationship with her, some myths I find her awesome and some make me really dislike her.
But even so, now that Im older and reading more about her, I can say that Ive somewhat love hate relationship I have is fully balanced now.
I'm really enjoying this series, my list grows by the day!
Be back soon with more!
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2024
~it feels good to keep a promise~
~for AV~

my expertise is at the PhD. level
for mine own experiments have
been less than successful by the
feedback periodically provided
O & Co-vertly over forty years

but a poem triggers, go figure!

and making morn coffee,
a task that teaches well,
that doing the prep is essential,
no shortcuts
for which we spend/waste years
looking for, and
realize that’s a hint to settle in
with a hot beverage,
this feels like it’s a longy coming

we know so much,
most i m p o r t a n t l y,
even how little we actually
do comprehend, and that
is importabt beyond belief,
learning to
choose counsel
that should be allowed
to pass under the bridge that filters
the crapshoot crap that pretenses
as smart and sound,
that should be
burnt & buried in an open pit

so what do fathers know?

- that finest firsts are so youthfully
under loved, under appreciated,
misperceived as endless,
the flush the rush the the thrusting
piercing of your composite composure
practiced protective skin,
cherish them firsts cause
they don’t last
because axiomatic that come
lesser, fewer, with every wrinkled day,
and sorry, time doesn’t make you bolder

- luck is a lottery ticket, the odds preposterous against you, but we
buy a ticket weekly because you
thinking this time is your time, sorry,
this lady sleeps around, a lot, a  
borderline *****,
who never asks
honey what’s your nane, because
they are thinking ‘bout the next
customer,you want it? you work for it,
and that never ever ends,
the odds
against ya never improve

- invest in discipline early and big time:
later when it will be desperately needed,
and twice as hard to obtain (can’t be bot,
no matter how much moola
you will
and it make it habitual;
and discipline
is the entry card to unlocking the
unknown, the exceptional adventure

- thinking ‘know everything’ is a giant
no-no; this body of knowledge
you think you’ve earned by being
learned, is not as
valuable as one might
think (or feel)

cause knowledge is like a breeze,
on its way to somewhere else,
the cooling skin it leaves in its wake,
cools too quickly
and when you whine
“I know”
think this
”I no NOthing”

- that fathers oft say little, wordily,
so keep an eye out
for a raised eyebrow l,
a crinkling around the eyes,
a wrinkling nose,
they be  clues
ask me
more, later, when we deux
can pas alone

-peace of mind is
like watching waves
coming in;
ithey are long in the forming
and faster in dissolving,
they arrive piecemeal
but they keep on coming
in different shapes,
from different places,
but they do keep a-coming
and their power,
is the result of thousands individual
so you get pieces,
thru the unconscious
habit of accumulation
here I’ll pause
to preach
makes a father thirsty
a fresh cuppa
seems highly desirable

oh yeah,
warmth can be received from blankets,
expensive ski jackets, wooly socks,
but its best when freely created
from within,
worn as you own & owned creation,
a reward for being wide open
ready,willing & able

one more thing:
find the best addiction
that bests you,
that thing will live
within forever,
writing poetry?

so what do fathers know?

a lot, too little, never enough,
sometimes too much,
mostly good,
some awful,
just ask
find out
who will be more surprised
when you
Robert Gretczko Aug 2016
my heart is airy as a feather in flight
I have now striven what I wished to write...
tender words of joyous fun
a path so pleasantly traversed, is now done

recounting perceptions of your wondrous ways
robustly enchants all my days
no matter for now, I can't squeeze you tight
or whisper a sweet kiss and say good night

your smiles ****** and voices resound
for you are all here... so easily found
Hayden's sharp wit,  Klyan’s elegant surprise
Thalia's wiggly walk, mommies deep, opal eyes

inscribed here is my love with fervent sigh
permanent as sun in the morning sky
let’s dream on together... it's already fall
in a time soon to come, I will embrace you all

For Hayden Enan...
smartness resides in his vibrant smile
when he speaks always linger awhile
soundly imagined... so brightly lit
beguiling in his engaging wit

of cosmos and wonders so very bold
far from his years, distanced from old
eyes aglow... filled with challenging delight
entranced and sparked by ideas so bright

happily witnessed, abundant with joy
his father’s dreamboat, our big, big boy
with his mind and days complex and laden
one is always in awe, here comes... Hayden

For Kylan Kafu...
words with aplomb and consummate wit
wondrous imaginations, so readily fit
of galaxies, action heroes, his peachy sis
tendered and nuanced he's never remiss

stay still, listen up and hear him well
ready with buoyant laughter to tell
sit glorified in his iridescent smile
a charm, a goose, a country mile

face, a visage of handsome gone wild
our daily amazement, this extraordinary child
knowing and caring, what right to do
a joy to behold, our precious Kylu

For Tahlia Lehsan...
sleeping like an angel, she awakes a princess
with crystalline eyes and smiling caress
now off with her brothers, her day to whirl
my joyously strong, bounding big girl

“it’s my way or the highway”, she’ll give you the choice  
with directness and surety in powerful voice
running to claim another best place to be
comfy chair, mommy's lap... under that tree

calling out “Hayden”, “Kylan” “time to play”
pantomime, dance, and songs fill her day...  
wonder and delight, her name ends in “ahhh”
ablaze in curls, our beautiful Tahlia

For  Elvire...
here's mother, mom, earth, morning and all
guiding strength and total recall
beautiful, erudite... smiles that ignite
seeking, spinning to all our delight

a gaggle of yes, nos, dancing and song
packed bags, hot plates... “let's move along”
an heiress of style and eminent grace
wrapped so deftly in burgundy and lace

voluptuously tall flowing gait...
hurried and dabbled, she’s worth the wait
how fortunate am I sharing one so near
a symphony of bests... my dearest Elvire
Harry J Baxter Nov 2013
too drunk to blog
allow me to send my inebriated thoughts
ton the temporal lobes which halo your ears
I spend seventeen seconds spending spent time
on times spent wallowing in the too many you're the bests
genesis is failing
genesis is falling upon us
like snowflakes spent forgetting the times we forgot
I forgot to tell you
no matter how drunk I get
I will remember you
so let's regret the forgotten reasons
of reasonable men reasoning the realist responses
of people who forgot to check their phones
for the second time today
Gypsy Soul Jul 2015
It isn't late I guess..
Its just 3 am..
I am not alone for I have  a guest..
It brought its friends...those became my bests
pain was shy.but regret was hard
Tears were there,to sing to my heart...
My door is open,for any guest may come
Arlene Corwin Mar 2017
A Little Deep Thinking

Some lady wrote as seed of creeds:
“All it needs
                  is a little deep thinking”.
A little deep… cannot be little.
Deep is deep, and little little.
One or t’other.

Deep: profound, complex, discerning;
Weighty downward, inward, sound;
Rapt, absorbed, immersed, committed;
Wise, engaged, perceptive, learnéd;
The opposite of mediocre.
No light joker,
But deep thinker (and non-smoker).

Recommended by this poet.
If you really want to know it,
Do not sleep through life and day.
Go deep into the strife or play,
Wakefulness and nightly rest.
Deep will satisfy each, every quest.
Deep is the best of bests of best.
All you need is dee-eep thinking.

A Little Deep Thinking 3.27.2017
A Sense Of The Ridiculous; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II;
Arlene Corwin
There's no such thing as a little deep thinking.  There's either deep thinking or there's not.
EP Robles Sep 2018
THE PRECIOUS terror is realizing
most adults are dead children
or like a day that folds itself into

a basket of reborn night.  That long-
necked geese and stiff necks are
either pretending giraffes or self

consumed souls; ignoring the mirror's
reflecting thoughts introspection
devours it's own mouth.  

  Surrealism is hickey upon my heart
that bests freezer burn sunlight any
now.  Kiss me you brilliant stupid

:: 08-30-2018 ::
Adesumbo Jun 2013

The road to war a reserved grave. The beginning of it, a hell aforementioned. Household goes to firm with the best anticipation of celestial ascension above. Pick three to make two, bury wit, never to mar chew.
Beat from the heart
The very voice to define Riffle’s
**** can’t be so dumb !
Not to be mistaken as a strong explosion on the Sahara

Whining of the Babies send a gravy message
All is read in silence, even in seconds

Paths, so crowdy like no Adam was ever made
Pests, Lizards overthrow the market around,
Roads are best ridden by goats
Scary heartbeats dominate the atmosphere
Ever befitting chorus,
Remains the sweet songs from Guns.

Eye above lost counts of Donts
Does seem scarce like the touch of Saint in Gommorah

If it lasts more than months,
You will miss the look of your Edifices to bulldozed yards
The bests you cherish now lay in pieces,
If not far gone become a story
If you still tell the stories,
Let’s meet on the alter next Sunday
All !
In the Art of War.
Jordan Kit Nov 2010
The day may lie
Bitter daggers of fault,
Icy in cruel candor,
While the night,
Whose voice unsolicited,
Whispers facts
With holy virtue.
Rattled with paradox.
Always confide in the thief
Never finding refuge in the saint.
Men despair,
Bleak in fear,
For the the world appears a foe.
In truth,
Desire bests intellect.
I wanted the sun,
When better had it set.
Àŧùl Jan 2016
I miss your poems.
A collection of bests they were,
Only not giving due credit,
And plagiarism they term it,
Your poem about your bunny,
It was as real as that hot sunny,
Why plug out my recharge wire?

Her poems were not all plagiarized,
At least not her poem about her bunny,
What you guys did was to pshaw her so much,
That she deleted her account altogether.
My HP Poem #1000
©Atul Kaushal
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Don't it so...
After the plan, a wholly made can...
For the salt of the seen, a caring woe...
A happening place made, with also and...

In the arms of dismay, is an hour said
Or is being a choice made, in lots to be, won?
With the worlds we invest, a care in lead...?

The stone of freedom
Today, is the silence of justice, broken for a time
To know a callous share, the irony of a question
Meant with a smile's cope, and harmony to become, trying

Whether amid seldom or comparing rarity to obligation
We have ours, an appetite of simplicity, keeping a noble prophecy
A redoubt to the ends of the ear, if not the bests of listening
All of due couth, and the promises to know youth, we mean...?

A world of sincerity with an eye for summation
And to a deed in love, with scope for a mightier future
Where one day, with sense beyond any other, condition
Well, is ours for a song, given the places and faces of needs, more
And vice versa, a little bird once said...
Melissa Malan Aug 2013
I never think about you
Your name is distant, your face  blurred
as if purposefully hidden

I never think about the things
things we did, things we created to make us more
than just familiar acquaintances sharing nothing but a Hello  

I never think about the places
the ones we used for adventure
ones we made our own without permission but acceptance

I never think about the times
The firsts, the lasts, the bests, the only

You are not forgotten
not even close to a faint idea
Your presence lingers
silently, with the ambiance of our home

You see I never think about the things
because I treasure them as if they were so beautifully fragile
even the thought would break it, break me

I never think about the places
to leave my mind standing in them feels empty, cold,  lonely

I never think about about the times
because I want to face the up and coming ones without tears and reminiscing  

I never think about you
because you are constantly in my thoughts
you are always a part of my mind, my heart

So don't for a minute think that I dont think about you
I don't,
your always there
LONE STAR Sep 2020
I found the one with the bests of smiles
You made me laugh and cry
My heart was content with your passionate love
I wondered how someone so perfect was created
Until you became a **** Jack
That's when I understood you were never in love
You just wanted to taste the waters
Unfortunately they drained before you could have a deep
Then you became the real you the one you hide from the world
When preying on innocent girls
What a **** you are my dear Jack
But the stupid thing is I still love you
Expirl05 May 2018
You choose to stay still,
But You confused with the silence.
You choose to peer with the wind,
Make the wind as one of your bests.
But You hated its cold.
You choose to run with your own feet,
But You complained to the Sun.

Still with you and the displeasure.
Robert Ronnow Aug 2015

Last night dinner
with four couples
points out the difficulties in living together
and apart.
                    Even the
son of a wealthy doctor, disdainful of
inebriates more artificial than the moon,
full, full of joy for humanity
and life
                 suffers deepening depressions
like the dark outside a lamplight.

It was a good restaurant
expensive but comfortable
in the alternate life-style way
the cook was a hairy
talented clown
and we clowned though beneath each
was turmoil and decay.
                                           We lay
beside each other like bones
in a boneyard
and find joy (I do anyway)
in the bone dance
to bone music.

Without a thought for slash fuel
or deer, the mist
deepens and deteriorates upon
the mountain. The mountain
completely unaware
of its greenness. The ice
is centuries old.

A red-tailed hawk
floats above the unit
observes what small mammals, birds
are in the clearcut

the moment
to strike

or fades away almost
silent as the mist. I dream
of it, though I am awake
among my co-workers, the bullet
system zinging cut logs down
to the road, firewood.


me you mountains
for coming to the edge
without mystical knowledge
or belief, only love and wrinkled
eyes for the women and men who
light the fires and wield the chain saws,
drive the cat, swing the ax, I

completely laugh among them like a god
yes, although my face is a mask of hate
and pain, what god does not come to this field
of flowers out of fear and confusion and chains
product of the hot anvil and hot engine
of human history.
This duality, these arm-breaking dualities
this volcanic eruption erupting from some
confluence of beheaded forces, one
powerful with eternity, one
blinding with intensity, meet
and in the middle is me

like a husband and wife fighting
like two dogs fighting but not biting hard
life bests my best synthesis of it
and I begin to pray, hard to believe
I kneel woefully and pray
for a happy combination
of sun and mist
and sometimes man’s destruction.
dorian green Jan 2019
my chest is an aviary,
hundreds of caged birds
flutter and shudder and whistle
soft songs and incomprehensible words.

my ribs as bars,
and my heart as feed,
and the birds all hum,
and we all have needs,

including birds, including me,
digging my hands, into my chest,
they peck at me, my insides,
to rip me open, we try our bests--

i scream and writhe and cry and whine--
i tear and pull and carve and break--
they sing and sing and sing and sing--
half-gored, i give in, stop, shake--

an albatross in my chest cavity,
the canaries' screaming pitch remains,
the robins and bluejays and wrens and larks,
all choir my unending pain.

i want to be free of them,
and them, of me,
but my ribs are bars, and my heart is feed,
and in my chest they will always be.
life is a series
of questions and quests
events and memories
the betters and bests

who will discover
and who will become
an artist, a lover
a brother, or chum

seeking and searching
and wondering why
striving and reaching
and learning to fly

why must we struggle
and strive on this quest?
we trample, we juggle
to be better than best

simple is second
and less is a bore
becoming fecund
still striving for more

along the quest
more questions arise
we dream of rest
and try to theorize

the meaning of life
the striving and seeking
Plain Jane Glory Oct 2015
I see you there,
See-through Girl, barely there

you think you must be yelling

nothing but a whisper

See-through Girl, you live amongst monsters
and the real people question if you or they are even there

See-through Girl,
your world is whispers and monsters
and second bests and blind eyes
last resorts and second rate sins

See-through girl,
see it through the night
and we'll do it all again
David Hilburn Oct 2023
Understand the name
Ushered with soliloquy
Urged and formed with particularity's same
Utterly and heralded if decency...

Us, words to live by...
Totals of uniqueness, a use for today
Simple replies to vestige, the way we live...
And the example, of a question to winds of strange...

Changes, the toward in the capricious deed, a harmony
To look beyond the overt, the escapism and the mayhem
We favored for a legend of the everyday, a breaking testimony
Ready to live in the times, a comparison to lend and whim

The this of thus, a lovers blessing, still a richer lessoning?
To which we never knew, a hap in the meager throe of light
That said the more, the news of sincerity for its guessing?
Was a marvel of unction, to let a reach of bests, become might?

That somber need
Enabled with the calm of a noble friend
Poise is us once again, a promise amid the heed
Of causes said for, sated with and a salt to the end

Privilege, do we remember your silent approach?
To the truth, a vanity we share to know a callous sorts of, you
Taken with a harrowed moment, to these we will know
The taint and the tender, asking in platonic voice, is ought too; soon?
Understood with a time for a tact, a providence is ours until facts are let, until we are fed the truth...
Harry J Baxter Nov 2013
too drunk to blog
allow me to send my inebriated thoughts
ton the temporal lobes which halo your ears
I spend seventeen seconds spending spent time
on times spent wallowing in the too many you're the bests
genesis is failing
genesis is falling upon us
like snowflakes spent forgetting the times we forgot
I forgot to tell you
no matter how drunk I get
I will remember you
so let's regret the forgotten reasons
of reasonable men reasoning the realist responses
of people who forgot to check their phones
for the second time todau
Tobias Graves May 2013
Sitting in this yellow room of yours
Planning our great get away of bores
This sunny spring day shines on us
We are holding each other without a fuss
Practicing our secrets before we’re out
Our childhood means nothing now
We got to please leave, get out of here
Make these promised vows and run my dear
She was crazy for me
I was crazy for her
We were crazy for us to be
Hiding under the blankets of your covers
Hanging onto these cliffs of dovers
Swearing to our solemnly prayers
I’ll play with your long golden hairs
For as long as we are to be near
We’ll hold hands together, looking into this mirror
Then run away from all the unsolved problem
Was I ever supposed to know I was going to feel numb?
I’m so tired of these rests
We are just out on our lasting bests
Fantasies are just busy thoughts
Like writing down lists and dots
Just untrue marks and this ten month lie
I just feel like I could die
The sacrifices of this expression
When should I bring this to mention?
What comes next, what will be best?
Is this right, is this wrong?
I’m so tired, so heavy with thinking
I wonder what we’re doing tonight?
And for every night for the next one hundred years.
- T.G.
Sam Temple Apr 2015
same ***  train wrecks effecting perplexed Texas housewives
who’s lives can never be the same again
they fearfully place toddlers into shopping cart jail cells
and whisk them haphazardly through produce islands
and cereal box displays –

     broken bottle beneath the battered bed wetter
          bending back before brackish beer bests him

She runs up and down crowded streets in a frantic tizzy
smeared eyeliner explains the due date is really just a number
and that without help
they will take this precious bundle of joy –

     fast asleep in a drunken coma only the steady sound
          of deep unrelenting snores can be heard throughout the concrete tomb

with a tiny human perched precariously on a calloused knee
tears of resolute frustration fall on flower print Capris
holding in one hand every form of ID the state offers
and in the other, a forehead –

— The End —