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1.4k · Jan 2019
New life
Pallavi Jan 2019
Come out of the mirror,
Come out of the blues,
Come to the real world,
It belongs to you.
Take a deep breathe,
Unsheathe the wreath,
Beneath the barren heath,
A new life is going to meet.
848 · Jan 2019
The Art Of Detachment
Pallavi Jan 2019
"It's like detaching my soul from your body".
It's like soaking my soul in your heart
and keeping it under the  Sun apart.
I like to give my mind, body
and soul,
to get back the energy
and passion we own.
It's been years now
U took back your heart,
But still I don't know
how to master
this art.
842 · Feb 2019
Pallavi Feb 2019
My love is like a quartz
Bestowing shine & sparks.
It's still like a Tiffany
So smooth but slippery.
It's like an expensive piece of art
I can only imagine for.
Absence sharpens love.....
They say,
My love couldn't reach
to the bay.
It's just a fiction.
816 · Jan 2019
On the other side
Pallavi Jan 2019
You came in my life like a breathe of fresh air
With loads of happiness, love and sorrows to care.
We find a story at the core of each other's heart.
Knowing and unknowingly it was empowering our emotional part.
Our love is eternal and I ll keep loving you regardless.
Believing that a better chapter waiting on the other side of darkness.
779 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
You are like a wish,
Which will never come true.
I loved you like anything,
But you fell through.
I am chasing a star,
But you're too far.
To hear my voice,
And to make me rejoice.
709 · Feb 2019
Love on death- bed
Pallavi Feb 2019
I don't know
Where I am going ....
This road leads
to your heart.
But still you are far
so far.....
I could not reach to you,
Because you are like a moon,
I can only see you
from a distance.
I can not have you,
touch you
embrace you
In my arms.
The only voice
rumbling in my ears
is the last time
you said,
"I Love You"
I still wanna go
back in time.
To ignite the fire
the thoughts & desire,
are sleeping on death-bed
Very soon they will expire.
640 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
"For you I am nothing,
   For me ........ you're
     My whole world"
569 · Dec 2018
Sunny day
Pallavi Dec 2018
It is a fresh sunny day,
I am enjoying the warmth of it.
Soaking each dew drop,
Feeling the peace in me.
547 · Jan 2019
My world
Pallavi Jan 2019
I jotted my work
to the world,
They accepted it,
with a curl.
I took a fresh page
to write,
There also they,
gave a bite.
But I am happy ,
with my stuff.
Whether it is ,
Soft or rough.
508 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
"Mom" is a word,
Which is my world.
Thinking of without her,
My life will become blur.
At time of *****,
She is my hope.
She is always there,
To share my despair.
She is my heart, eyes and bone.
What could be better,
That I am your clone.
470 · Feb 2019
My family tree
Pallavi Feb 2019
My family tree.....
gives me the Glee.
Joy of sitting together,
and thoughts to agree.
They gives me the freedom,
endearment & care.
So lucky to have this
bear and flair.
462 · Dec 2018
Pallavi Dec 2018
Winters are on,
Making me frown....
My heart is freezed.
I don't think I could,
Love anymore.
458 · Jan 2019
Hazy night
Pallavi Jan 2019
Hazy night
Still Stars are bright
Clouds are in queue
disturbing my view
Dogs are barking
My pen is in parking
But my words can't wait
Compelling me to create
To close my eyes,
a sweet lullaby.
446 · Feb 2019
The Happiness
Pallavi Feb 2019
Happiness is a cloud
When you have it,
It shouts loud.
As white as dew,
As good as few,
So pure & blissful .....
When it comes.
Abondon in pain
When it runs.
437 · Feb 2019
Pallavi Feb 2019
It was utterly sweltering day.
The sun is ramphant high,
on my way.
There I found a big aged tree.
I took a break,
& make myself free.
I was wet,
drenched in sweat.
Nothing with me as blotter.
So I had some,
Coconut water.
I sat under the shade of tree.
The comfort was not letting me flee.
It was a quickening ray of hope.
And woah!!! What a refreshing glee.
Trees are as a ray of hope in intense & searing day.
397 · Feb 2019
Who are you?
Pallavi Feb 2019
Who are you?
My instinct or my desire
You're taking me higher
And giving me immense pleasure.
My shadow or the liquid
running through my nerves
and absorbed by my bones.
My shade of lipstick
enhancing the beauty
of my unspoken words.
A sweet melodic song
going on the loop
all the time in my head.
I am sitting in a corner
Of my heart,
watching myself dancing
on your tunes.
This is the way I like
to feel you.
Because I know
You're not the real
Only in my muse.
394 · Feb 2019
To whom should I tell
Pallavi Feb 2019
To whom should I tell........
My heart is bleeding like hell.
Shattered ray of hopes,
Dark well & deep slopes.
Deserted island & empty shell,
Broken promises would never sell.
Anger, pain harder to dwell.
To whom should I tell.......
To whom should I tell.......
393 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
You're my love,
You're my heart,
You're my thought's,
Indispensable part.
You're the torch,
You're the light,
You're the Sun,
Making my day
You're the force,
that lifting me high.
You're the reason,
of my amplify smile.
The honesty, the loyalty,
the positivity we share,
the laugh, the cry,
and your special care.
Thank you is a small world,
I don't want to mention.
Your friendship is the
only thing,
I want as an extension.
392 · Dec 2018
With love
Pallavi Dec 2018
One day we will be apart,
With no impressions left.
Few smiles and scars........
Will be there,
To enfold and kept.
376 · Feb 2019
For you
Pallavi Feb 2019
I am the moon,
walking along the night.
I am the eyes,
for every pleasant sight.
I am the air,
for every single breathe.
I am the light,
to bury darkness beneath.
I am the cool breeze,
intense summer heat.
I am the death,
wants to live you .......
In repeat.
374 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
"Acceptance is a key word for happy
and successful life.
Everything will fall at place
you need not to strive"
368 · Jan 2019
Miles away
Pallavi Jan 2019
Miles away the distance......
But still we are close.
Your love is like a lighthouse,
Which navigates me to arose.
I can't overlook that smile
Which is engraved in my heart.
My love for you will never sink,
No matter how much we are apart.
327 · Jan 2019
Lost love
Pallavi Jan 2019
I have lost the mark of love,
Dripping emotions
and the spark of dove.
I have lost the warmth and connection,
Kisses,hugs and all the affection.
I have lost the time we spent,
the farms,the places and the parks we went.
My love is concentrated, dwell and brew,
I have lost myself in you.
326 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
Life will never ,
Let you sit back.
It always keeps you,
      on move.
It's agreement of disagreements,
dancing on its groove.
Pain, agony, and
feeling of despair.
Every fair chance,
is there to repair.
It's a bundle of
Glee, euphoria & delight.
Need a right move..........
and embrace it tight.
301 · Mar 2019
Missing you
Pallavi Mar 2019
I am missing you
I am missing every word
of our conversation.
I am missing our first & last date
Which happened unexpectedly fabulous.
I am missing that Passionate hug &
honey dipped kiss you planted on my lips.
I am missing your arms
Curled me up & not letting me to go.
I am missing those silent talks,
We had for hours & hours.
I am missing that promise
to meet again......which was never fulfilled.
Now I miss myself
having You in Me.
294 · Dec 2018
Name game
Pallavi Dec 2018
I don't wanna name,
I don't wanna fame,
I don't wanna be ......
In this ***** game,
But I don't wanna quit,
Wanna taste little bit,
The sweetness of grit,
And bitterness of split,
This is how .......
I want to live.
Just a little Glee,
To achieve.
291 · Jan 2019
Joy of giving
Pallavi Jan 2019
Beauty of giving,
having the  pleasure of living.
Sharing of knowledge,
beyond school and college.
The contentment of spreading
Joy and enlightment.
Removing the pain &
Creating divine environment.
Comfort someone with a helping hand,
a pinch of care & kindness to lend.
287 · Dec 2018
What is love?
Pallavi Dec 2018
What is love.....  
It is not to be with,
It is to live with,
Not to take.....
But to give it.
To feel it,
To embrace it,
To respect it,
To sacrifice and
Keep it in heart
286 · Jan 2019
I can't hold you
Pallavi Jan 2019
I know I can't hold you,
You're slipping through my fingers.
But still I m proceeding to you,
And  time tries to linger.
I know I can't hold you,
You're like a water.
But still trying to absorb you
I am feeling like a blotter.
I know I can't hold you,
As I am loosing my grip.
Hey! Gotta hold on your smile,
Or I might get slip .
277 · Feb 2019
Looking for you
Pallavi Feb 2019
I am  waiting for the dawn to set
And the night to come
The stars to shine
Crowd to ****
So that I can search you
In the light of stars
By following their marks
From the distance constellation
Looking for your information
I wish you will meet me someday
And come around my way.
277 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
She comes at night
She comes at day
She tries to grab me
And put me on slay.
I had some water
to keep her away
But she was so beautiful
I wanted to be her prey.
She takes me on a journey
In the land of dreams
Trees, mountains,rivers
love is the only theme.
She makes me happy
She makes me weep
Yes I am talking about
My loving  "sleep".
275 · Dec 2018
Pallavi Dec 2018
Is it you still standing in my past....
Or it's just an illusion of my love.
275 · Dec 2018
On the couch of net
Pallavi Dec 2018
It was a fiercy night,
When we met.
Sitting at our home,
On the couch of net.
He was amazing,
I was awesome,
And the flower of our love
started to blossom.
He was excited,
and I was bit shy.
He held my hand ,
and asked could.....I.
That was a time, now
faded and old
But the memories of
that night
Would love to treasure
       as gold.
266 · Sep 2019
Woman in love
Pallavi Sep 2019
It's 2' o'clock, and I am having sleepless night.
Thundering in the sky,and the Moon is sinking in my tears.
Seems my heart is breaking, thrashed into pieces and crushed into powder.
Women in love are more vulnerable than men.They are crazy when in love.
They love like a universe full of stars & galaxies.
Their attachments are like my Amma's old remedy of glueing paper with rice.
Being in love crazily for a decade & suddenly
walking alone in a terrible path is like walking on cold graveyards.
My heart thaw and I couldn't put my foot forward, I freeze there.
I freeze in love, for love , to be in love forever
265 · Feb 2019
Pallavi Feb 2019
He extended his hand,
there was a seclusion in his arms.
I loved the touch and desire,
Completely dipped in ,
zest and amour,
It was like fire on fire.
The shine ,sparkle,& glisten
on his face.
The wonder, mystery happen
When we interface.
The feelings that you inhale
in my heart.
The last kiss you planted
before we depart.
They say love is myth.
The fallacy that never lies.
A strong perception
Which never dies.
254 · Feb 2019
A Girl
Pallavi Feb 2019
There is a girl
who dreams a lot .
Family and
simple yet critical
modern still typical
Rough and rage
Colourful than her age
But nobody can gauge
the darkness she beholds
she was just thirteen
her Innocence unmould.
My pen refuses to inscribe the cruelity.
I wish this could be my imagination not reality.
235 · Jan 2019
Pallavi Jan 2019
"It is a great feeling,
to be in touch with you.....
Without you."
235 · Feb 2019
The silence
Pallavi Feb 2019
This silence is sting
This silence is pain
It's a big cluster of cloud
Which has no rain
I am standing on a skiff
In the middle of sea
Cyclones around.....
Just silence & me
It's hollow and deep
I even can't weep
Now everything is gone
Nothing is there to keep
The only thing I accompain with
Just silence & me.
229 · Jan 2019
Happy hours
Pallavi Jan 2019
Colours, colours everywhere.
You need to wait,
to see the flair.
Red ,yellow, blue and green.
Making my life ,
dazzling sheen.
Family and friends.........
are the reason of preen.
I wish, I could.....
hold this scene.
227 · Jan 2019
Shining high
Pallavi Jan 2019
I woke up at midnight
looking at the stars,
How, Wonderful !
their life is .....
no boundaries and no bars.
Clouds or wind nothing matters,
It's a source of collective
They are far away from us,
still shining so bright.
I want to get merged,
in their divine light.
Which can uplift me,
with tempestuous delight.
224 · Nov 2019
Unspoken words
Pallavi Nov 2019
Let this urge, be with me
Let our thoughts merge & be with me
Let me **** out,
Your love & notion
Let this hatred surge & be with me.
My love was not love
It was a church,
Let it converge & be with me.
223 · Feb 2019
Feelings are Feelings
Pallavi Feb 2019
Feelings are feelings
They aren't right or wrong.
Sometimes wanna hide in
an empty glass bottle
Sometimes wanna scream
Like a Gusty wind.
It drifts like an unstoppable
River flow
Sometimes freeze at
0° degree snow
Sometimes it grows up
like wild grass.
Sometimes it is a brilliant
Student of class.
It's gruelling, exhausting,
Perplex to understand.
Yet Simple, effortless,
Undemanding & grand.
221 · Dec 2018
Strangers meet up
Pallavi Dec 2018
They were strangers,
When they met.
But they came together,
As it was their fate.
They fallen in love,
Dreamt sky and feathers.
Still we aren't
Meant to be together.
He arouses her passion,
She spices up his desires.
He means everything to her....
Still we aren't
Meant to be together.
They shared trust, love,
Laugh and pleasure.
Still we aren't meant to be together.
179 · Feb 2019
Pallavi Feb 2019
Living without you is like........
Raining in Winters,
Garden without sprinklers,
Egg without yolk,
My shoe pair got broke.
It's like flower without fragrance,
Sun without radiance.
My beliefs got wrecked,
Love you to the moon back.
172 · Dec 2018
Pallavi Dec 2018
Everytime I look at him
I want to love him more....
I wish my love leaves an impression,
As waves swirl to shore.
170 · Feb 2019
Last night
Pallavi Feb 2019
May be this is our last night.
May be this is the last sight.
I am going to outworn,
the furnace of twilight.
Let's not clear the nets of,
wrong and right.
May be this is our last night.
166 · Feb 2019
A Girl
Pallavi Feb 2019
There is a girl
who dreams a lot .
Family and
simple yet critical
modern still typical
Rough and rage
Colourful than her age
But nobody can gauge
the darkness she beholds
she was just thirteen
when her Innocence got unmould.
My pen refuses to inscribe the cruelity.
I wish this could be my imagination not reality.

— The End —