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The multitude

The lapsed multitude

Fallen, weakened and languid

Under the burden of their bodies

Kept going from one peregrination to another one

And the painful desire of crime

Swelled in their hands

Sometimes a spark

A small spark

Decomposed this society by interior

The men tore each other’s throats with knives

And in a bed of blood, violated premature girls

They were the drowned in their horrors

And the frightening sense of crimination

Had paralyzed their blind and naïve souls

During the rites of hanging a man

To the gallows-tree

When the strangling cord

Threw out the convulsive eyes of a condemned one

They sank in themselves

A by a lascivious illusion

Their tired old nerves

Had a twitch of pain

But always one could see

These small criminals

Standing at the corners of squares

Fixing their eyes

On the continuous fall of water-jets

Perhaps still behind their crushed eyes

In the profoundness of coagulation

A half-alive thing had remained

Which wanted with its strife without energy

To believe in the cleanness of songs of waters

Perhaps, but what an unending void!

The sun had died

And nobody knew that the name of that sad pigeon

Which escaped from the hearts is: Belief.

Ah prisoner voice

Whether the glory of your despair

Will never burrow

From one part of this abominable night

                                                       to the light ?

Ah prisoner voice

Ah the last voice of voices…
Some part of the poem!
1.4k · Aug 2019
Universal teddy bear!
Reminds me of those sweet moments
I wouldn't switch it with anything
Either I'd have cried or I'd have gotten conflict
I used to hug it every single night
Say my dreams to it
N take myself to universe vlog
It pleased me often
The matter was just it couldn't get me to talk
Brought it to the parties
I spoiled it
I've always realised
That if there weren't any attention
Now we would be harder than a rock
1.2k · Jun 2023
Nedeni Bilmiyorum!(1)
Neden böyle hizli davranmk gerektir?Bir kere yaşayacağız.
1.2k · May 2023
Biraz zor düşünerek,
Kabul etmek,
Zorlüklari yikar!
How do you think to write in Turkish?
1.2k · Jan 2019
Painting with snow
Were Paging my favorite book
With a cup of hot chocolate
& Reading diplomatic poems
Got bored
Wear my socks again
Bring my coat & camera
Run away...
Shlup shloop
Wet snow wets my boots
Seeing patterns designed on the wall(seem not professional)  but charming
Low key light screamed on my eyes
slow down please.
you're low contrast
Then fade away
867 · Aug 2019
To rescue myself
I rescue myself not to dig a big hole for myself
I wanna go out of my way to be really something
Cause all the regretful thoughts I have about others
Don't let me sit on my chair
And my solid motto is to go forward
With no doubt, fear n shame
I'm prince charming yet isn't bloomed
815 · Dec 2018
frustraited compassion
she decided to go far away from here
with her frustrated compassion
&endless confussion
by the way she's concerned of being proud,bold & strong
&lost in the heavy rain so magnatic&
charismatic member of the seasons
hey you fall!
teach me how to build
after falling& move on
when sun goes down
pulls me out of crowd
just let the rain
do it's show
playing piano
with the wet leaves
&let it go
by my sprit
765 · Jul 2022
Mystery O'the Day!
If this is a mystery to rescue my desires,
I have no idea of letting your heart fill in Fire!
692 · Feb 2021
Obsessed Memory!
Icy & Cloudy
A surface of snow on my glasses
Would it be a memory that obsesses
Me with a song?
You with a letter?
Hearing the rhythm of passion
In between a coffee cup
& Some kind sound of slow street
& A heart race at speed!
685 · Dec 2021
Love Letter!
this is not the age of letters
but the letter leaves you a feeling you've never exprienced by knowing how much you've been loved!
Time could be hesitant
But illusion is not
Time can fly
But an illusion can turn
Fading in illusion,
I thought I was in prison
When my second was your hour
The mystery of an underworld tought me
To fly in time
For what a real illusion
Is in there...
11:01 p.m. words!
629 · Jun 2022
There Was Sun Dead!
There was sun dead
Behind the hurricane of sorrow
Which was
For sun,a disaster
For hurricane,a played track for swallow
There was sun dead
In the dust of your rebellious manner;
For sun,a mysterious chapter
For dust,an endless struggle
There was sun dead
In a frustrated gaze of you
Where passion was running through
That was
For sun,a praise
For your eyes,a rosiness!
628 · Feb 2021
Sorrow' Cloud!
I wish the cloud of sorrow would rain
A little bit faster,
Not much colder
I wish the cloud of sorrow would move Away
A little bit hopeful,
Not much painful!
620 · Aug 2019
A turkish expression
(Callasinnan yeka ish gorur)
In English( doing sth bigger than his head)
Means: a person is doing sth that doesn't relate to his age!
Another lesson with Parastoo
614 · Aug 2020
Haiku (Adrift!)
I'd love the way I'm eager & adrift
That's the only time to know confidently I Would lift!
How do you think about success?
608 · Aug 2019
A Turkish expression
(Allah gutarde)in English( God ended)
Means:God saved you from a bad situation.
This expression is used in Azerbaijan at Iran.
Another lesson from Parastoo
563 · Jan 2018
Generally think we don't deserve love
Or if love get into us
How could we trust
That we become kinder
And cause the world going better
552 · Aug 2020
"Run" & "Reflect"
I like the relation between the words
"Run" & "Reflect"
When You're in cave
You race to be perfect!
Coined words of philosophy!
545 · Jan 2021
It seems like winter!
It seems like winter;
But my coffee cup is left out with a cold Pen & a paper
It seems like winter;
But you miss a hand on your shoulder!
527 · Dec 2020
It's almost
4:00 A.M.
Painting in pain
With rain
What's within?
The time stopped my smile
Where it has already used to compile
A tone of words
Into one word:
Love again!
512 · Feb 2018
Blue moon 1/31
The moon was ready to write a poem for her
I was in her symphony
She was in my lyrics
We share our ideas together
Cause it makes us healthier
She burns my waste thoughts
I give her a new situation to shine
497 · Jun 2023
I don't know why?(2)
"Poetry can't lie",I knew this;
Girls crying,fighting,broken
Peolpe genesided
They were in danger,in dilemma,they had no solid identity,
They were just blamed
I don't know why?
Can I ask for a piece of justice?
Girls were stolen for fraud,
Mentally were abused
That feeling numb is being wided in crowd

A solution
Was presumably faded
But hoped
We all in yatcht,looking for a desert,
Shall I ask for one thing?
Breathing the fog of crimes,
Is there any motive left to live?
Girls,of course have their voices
The truth is saviour
Is not adequate
To burn out the fake fire!
495 · Aug 2019
For volleyball lovers
You're the master
Not the disaster
Jump up, jump down through the net
You have your pupils get
To play good yet
I look at your cleats
You cast glances on the *****
I jump to spike fast
Your pure glances are cast
We have no time to rest
The marathon moves from past
Let's say love to the gym
Pleases us on the team
490 · Dec 2017
In the north pole
It's time to open the window
To see the single tree
hoping to fly early to be free
to find a place faraway
so,there I will have a better stay
waking up by sunshine top of the mountain 
there are animals you can countin
bears and wolve of here are kinder than some people
they only treat you like an eagle
490 · Aug 2019
But unless you return
No matter
I used to wait
487 · Jul 2020
Heart becomes prison on the horizon!
467 · Nov 2020
There you were;
In the shadow of the mountain
Thinking back on those days in sudden
& compiling your songs with the Memories & the moments into your rigid Heart
Then saying:
No...this is not the upshot!
456 · Jan 2018
Blue moon, great moon, supermoon
Never wanna be hidden
Far across the sky I see you, I live you
I will quickly run to take you
To walk, to run, to enjoy the every moment with you
454 · Mar 2018
I know the one who's able to see the moon behind the foggy sky.
448 · Dec 2017
Great loneliness
I woke up by sadness that I couldn't explain
I didn't want to get rid of the surrounded pain
Sudden crying in the morning
Feel lonley, Nah it's not boring
God brought my soul from superficial 
Guided to his world that is called official
440 · Jul 2020
Cause you're a horse back rider as I supposed
You hesitate if my heart were closed
You're a secret between me & page
Where your name is composed

Be careful!

You may fall
On my inclined heart!
3:25 a.m. poetry!
438 · Aug 2019
All of the stars
If you were here, I'd sing to you
You're on the other side, as the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you
But I can see the stars from America
I wondered, do you see them too?
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
All of the stars( ed sheeran)
421 · Aug 2020
How nice it is to admire one
With a tone of mystery!
413 · Jul 2020
Small Things
It was a sweltering sunny day on Sunday
Sitting on the wooden chair behind the Window
Painting the canvas & realizing that She's In thought of one
As if that one could portray like a Rainbow,
So that,
She tries hard
In good faith
If only her attitudes cling
Even to the small things!
Somehow like a novel paragraph!
413 · Feb 2019
Identity crisis
I page my photo album to keep my memories alive
I listen to my favorite songs
Yet I couldn't survive my memories
I go places in which I had memories
Again I couldn't survive them all
I meet my friends whom I loved them much
Then I couldn't keep them alive
All I want is my feelings that have stored & shared
All I miss is my identity
This poem is for people whom they feel confused at times and trying to hunt their best version
413 · Sep 2020
Hurry To Waste!
As I surf on some people's ideaologies,
I notice that
They spend their time with others
Maybe to waste in haste!
412 · Dec 2020
Tear The Tears Out!
All the tears would treat like a stranger
Cause they're castaway into your heart That is fragile!
412 · Dec 2017
So just why...
While you wanna cry
So just why
Don't let yourself to cry anymore
I wish I'll be with you to listen to you,
I'll let your tears to go down
To wash your damaged feelings
So just why
Don't wanna go with them til the end
And get rid of them
I just wanna bring you to sky
You know we can fly
So,please try.
410 · Dec 2020
Oak Like Kiss!
Let me wrap you in my arms
With no harm,
An oak like kiss
A soft touch,
Closed eyes
Listening to sound of sticks sizzling
Til they turn to ashes!
395 · Jan 2018
Shining Star
At a snail's pace she moves around
To see her mate on the ground
Reflect her warmth toward us
Try to rais the grass
I told her the reason of my life
She stands front of earth by her endless love
391 · Feb 2018
I don't beleive in gender
I am
Stronger than mountain
Prouder than wind
Powerful like sun
Warmer than fire
I don't believe in gender
I feel
Free sprited like swallow
Deep like ocean
Magical like nature
Complicated like wolf
Cause ;
I don't believe in gender
369 · Jan 2018
The queen of heart
To the Queen of hearts
Is the Ace of sorrow
He's here today
He's gone tomorrow

Young men are plenty
But sweehearts few
If my love leaves me
What shall I do

And I have a story
In yonder mountain
Where gold and silver
Is there for the counting

I could not count
For thought of thee
My eyes so full
I could not see

I love my father
I love my mother
I love my sister
I love my brother

I love my friends
And relatives too
I'll forsake them all
And go with you
Nana mouskouri
366 · Mar 2018
Rainbow teach me how to warm my world
364 · Feb 2018
Magical world
Totally we don't exprience
The world has created
And the world we role on
Doubts with no reason
Devils without shamless
How often do we meet our world
To advanture
To enjoy
To leave ourselves
362 · Jan 2021
Love' Tragedy!
I come up,
You end
Passion bursts in where it used to Suspend
It could be like a tragedy
You under the semi_light
Love has its own strategy!
How do you think to end this poem??
361 · Jan 2019
Snow power
There's a woody house overthere.bring my steps solidly.crip crop... I'm freezing this time of the day it's not very shocking to be cold.
The weather is snowing with a box of cheer the winter have been carrying.I move towerd the woody the door.light the candles& sit on the cozy couch.breath deeply.bring my guitar& play the part you turn on your recorder.happily you drink your coffee.then I read a book about great says nothing breaks like a heart even you need someone help you sweep the pieces of your broken heart.then a sudden phone call arised.
Umm... hello? _ hi Kelsey.this is Mery. oh Mery I missed you are you? _ I'm fine.where are you now? _ I'm in the country resting in my cozy woody house._well Saturday is Mery Christmas .would you like to join us? _of course. Then....
Part of my novel that is imaginary
Let's pull our souls too high
Til the birds couldn't fly
You're the "one" as yourself
Like the single star in the sky
Try to shining strong
You're the "one" as yourself
Like the single rose in the desert
Water my rose not to be  withered
And cause other's considerd
Joining to help the hurted rose in the dry
So, cause later desert will die
348 · Dec 2018
I see universe within your eyes
Who shies
To take the universe
& make the feel butterfly
You value as all the stars
In univers
Your smell is in flower sheets
You're heart gets to quickly beats
Of seeing my universe better
&  catch togetherness forever
346 · Aug 2019
Tendency of love
A beautiful creation
A powerful persuation
Underestimates nation
Build the foundation
In my heart navigation
Hey! You curly haired
The one let the coffee said
I'm warmer than her
Be careful!
Don't get burned sir!
343 · Jan 2018
The clouds whiteness fills inside of my pupils.
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