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showyoulove Sep 2018
40 days of praying and fasting,
40 days for life everlasting
40 days to stand up and say
We are here and here we will stay
It’s a time to answer a calling
Down to our knees we are falling
40 days of peaceful presence
Standing here is solemn vigil
40 days for hope and healing
40 days in faith revealing
The greatness of our God and King
When to his mother our prayers we bring
Open our eyes to see you moving
Open our hearts to what you’re using
40 days to change ourselves
Even as we pray for their change
40 days to discover the value of a soul
40 days to realize how we play a role
40 days for Life 40 days to wander
40 days to invest not squander
40 days to make your love known
40 ways to say you’re never alone
showyoulove Feb 14
40 hours to pray and fast
40 hours to put Jesus on blast
40 hours to sit and adore
The mystery of the living Lord
40 hours of silent reflection
40 hours of soul introspection
40 hours to ask and intercede
And come to Him with every need
showyoulove Feb 2018
Good morning AB
I hope you have a good day
We go home at 3
showyoulove Nov 2024
Open and broken
Love was spoken

Come back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace

Come back to me and be healed
Come to me and find truth revealed

I will always take you back
Find in me what you lack

I am crazy in love with you
I'm not too good to be true

It is the greatest story ever told
Already more than 2000 years old

You just met me and this is crazy
But I love you. Please call me daily

You are my beloved, you I want to bless
It's a love story, child just say: Yes

My love for you is fiercer than a hurricane
Once you feel it you will never be the same

I was broken so I could make you whole
I will heal your beat up and broken soul

All for you I was crucified
Because of you I freely died

I can lead you to the living water, but I can't make you drink
In faith, walk on water. I'll catch you if you start to sink

I am dying just to meet you
I pray that one day, I will greet you

I love you now and forever without end
In courage and compassion, to the world I send

I am in your corner; I will help you fight
And when you are lost, I will be your light

I rejoice for you are alive, no longer dead
In your hunger, I will keep you fed

The blind will see, the lost are found
The lame will walk, mute are filled with sound

The angels sing a heavenly chorus
When we pray for others as they pray for us

The act of forgiveness is truly freeing
Know the unbearable lightness of simply being

It is enough for me just to glow in your presence Lord
As, for an hour or so, I sit, and we are of one accord

For a moment our hearts beat in harmony
As with saints and angels I am in your company

Lord, please come fill this longing deep inside
Flood me with you, as you break me open wide
showyoulove Sep 2017
Full of mercy and compassion
Abundant grace and blessing
Justice and peace are never out of fashion
Focus on what we can do and stop stressing
Rest easy and be quiet as we go about living
The Lord rejoices in cheerful giving
Giving some of our time or money or skill
We use what we have been given for good will
The humble and the broken are graced
The lonely and oppressed are lifted
Those who mourn will have a taste
Of hope and joy and all will be gifted
We are to be light for a world that is blind
We are to be love in a world often unkind
We are to be warmth in a world now cold
We are to be courageous when so few are bold
We are to be strength to lift up the weak
We are to be gentle in a world that is not meek
We are to be pure in heart for a world that is broken
We are to be the truth that must be spoken
Be a blessing for others and a blessing for the Most High
Help others, do your best, and always try
Allowing God to bless what little we bring
We find that this can be a wonderful thing
Whatever you did for the least ones
Whatever you did for my daughters or sons
You did for me says the Lord God of Hosts
Help us be humble and honest lest we should boast
You gave us everything we could ever need
You are like good water to our seed
You gave us all we could want and ask
You will aid us in all of our tasks
Be with us Lord when we are burdened and  worn
Keep us safe through the night and wake us in the morn
Let your love go before us strengthen us while we pray
Let us bring your kingdom here this very day
There are so many who suffer in spirit and in physical pain
Give us the grace to bring them back and there, remain
Bring me to your heart and help me love with all I am
Take my hands and use them for your healing
Remind me why I do good with this wonderful feeling
To praise you with all that is in me
Bless and glorify so everyone can see
This is what I hope to do
And serve your people the best that I can
Let me not be prideful in me but rest in you
Continue to refine me in your perfect plan
showyoulove Oct 2013
You are a special person in many, many ways
Loving and patient for all of your days
Your smile means everything (though you may never talk)
And your heart soars on the wind (though you may never walk)
You might not express yourself like I can
Or explain what you mean like I can
But I learn from you.
“Oh yes, I do”
I learn how to Love
Like the One From Above
I learn how to Care
Helping others and ourselves through the talents that we share
You are the feared, the looked down upon
But we are the ones who are the real cons
For everything is here for a reason
The world is so cruel and cold it’s like its freezin
We need to warm it up start a fire
No time to sleep, we can’t retire
Light it with love, compassion is our kindling
Keep it in our hearts till to all the world we bring
This revolution starts with two
It starts with me and it starts with you!
showyoulove Dec 2018
Draw me close to You Lord and never let me go
Arms outstretched on the cross to love me so
Open my eyes Lord to see the beauty around
Place my feet upon the rock and on holy ground
Open my ears to hear the voice of the one who saves
For love of you the dead will rise from their graves
Put a joy in my heart that can’t be contained
A fire, a passion that can’t be dimmed
Your word lights my way through the dark place
And everything is brighter in the light of Jesus’ face
With peace flowing like a river
From the throne of the giver of life
You have shown us the way to the father
You know us and call us by name
You see us as we are and you love us the same
And when the day comes for this life here to end
Lord protect us and let sweet sleep descend
Grant us the peace and the comfort
Wrap us once more in your gentle loving arms
Bring us home to be with you in the fullness of your glory
To be in your presence a saint among the saints of history
showyoulove Sep 2013
A Life of Humble Humility

The creator and ruler of the entire universe so powerful and so great, wanted a relationship with his people and loved them so much that he would leave heaven to be with them. He was concieved by a very ordinary ****** girl no older than 13 or 14, was born in a stable with pigs, oxen, and donkeys where it was cold, dark, and smelled very bad. Throughout his 20's, he ate and dined and held the company of prostitutes, tax collectors, uneducated fishermen, bad men, and unclean people. He did things that few could believe and none could explain and often did not take credit for these things. He took time to pray, ask for help and to rest, but was always ready to help those in need. He lived a life of service, of love, compassion, prayer and healing. When he rode into Jerusalem at the age of 33 on a Sunday, the king and ruler of everything came in on a donkey; a pack animal and lowly beast of burden of peasants rather than a horse or camel more fitting of his royalty and status. A week later, he was falsely accused and, though found not guilty, was condemned to be flayed till he was near death and then forced to carry a heavy piece of wood through town, beaten, mocked, spit upon and publicly humiliated to be nailed by his hands and feet to die in the most painful, brutal way imaginable. He was obedient to his father's plan and will to the very end and gave everything so that he might have a relationship with his beloved children.

Lord, help us please to love as you loved, serve as you served, to live as you lived. In a society that focuses on competition, personal gain and success even at the expense of another; send your Holy Spirit to be with us as we try to live by the example you have set for us: a life of humble humility. Whatever success we have, help us remember that it is from you or you working in and through us. As we strive to serve each other and you in a way that honors you and gives you glory, fill our hearts a with joy and peace that only you can provide! AMEN.
showyoulove Sep 2015
A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A life of joy and wonder and grace
And here we are: running in place

The miracle of a rainbow, the beauty of a blade of grass
Finding untold treasure where others see only trash
Listen. Here the thrum of wind on golden strings
The bells sounding clear and pure in the trees they sing

A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A life of joy and wonder and grace
And here we are: running in place

Feel the complex dance around you come alive as you are filled
With a racing spirit and feet that won't be stilled
A song bursts forth just like the morning sun
And overflows and covers you until you and it are one

A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A life of joy and wonder and grace
And here we are: running in place

We lose sight of what's important as we fight to survive
But if we stop to look through a child's eyes we learn to truly thrive

A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A life of joy and wonder and grace
But here we are: running in place

A life of joy and wonder greets the sun in morning sky
A life of joy and wonder will run free and learn to fly
A life of joy and wonder finds gladness in the rain
A life of joy and wonder finds healing amidst the pain

A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A life of joy and wonder and grace
But here we are running in place

A look at life through a child's eyes
Is pure and honest; without disguise
A child's eyes are bright and strong; they don't dull or dim
You might hear their quiet song if you stop and listen

There is a life of joy and wonder and grace
But here we are running in place
A life of joy and wonder takes patience, love, and care
It takes a long time, many years till we get there

But a life of joy and wonder is a precious thing I'm told...

Because a life of joy and wonder far surpasses the value of gold!
showyoulove Feb 13
Look child, for the day is drawing near
And, if you are silent, you might even hear
The angels bending low upon the earth
Proclaiming now a little baby's birth
Born to one so pure and blessed
His head laid gently upon her chest
Under watchful eye of Godly man
Wordlessly, he takes his wife's hand
This Holy Family exemplifies the love
Between Father, Son, and Spirit above
Hush little one, let sweet sleep descend
And, to the angels, your soul I commend
See the light that shineth down
Upon this sleepy little town
Unto us a savior is born, a helpless little babe
But, someday soon, the people, he will save
Listen and learn from this simple story
Be ready when He comes in all his glory
To unite His children to himself at last
Old is made new and suffering is past
Watch the light, keep it safe and let it shine
That to all who see you, it may be a sign
showyoulove Oct 2018
We fall down at your feet Lord
Humbled in your glorious presence
We fall down in awestruck wonder
When you split the sky with lightning and thunder
Before you we lay down all we have and are
And arise with so much more by far
There are walls built up around us
In our hearts and in our lives
Brothers from sisters husbands from wives
Some to keep in, some to keep out
Some because of fear, others in doubt
But these barricades provide little comfort
No way to leave, communicate, relate
And walls close in on us siphoning life
Lord let the walls crumble let them all fall down
Turn our world and our thinking all the way around
Break down these walls find the cracks in our armor
Leave us vulnerable and needy
Let us build from the rubble bridges instead
Let out minds and hearts in harmony be wed
Joshua marched for 9 days around Jericho’s wall
And on the power and mercy of God Joshua would call
Let us march and pray for 9 months and 9 days
And sing songs to our Lord who is worthy of praise
We trust in you Lord, but in all things, your Will be done
And we give glory to the Father, the Spirit and the Son
showyoulove Feb 2018
He made the sun to shine for you
The grass, green and the sky so blue
He made you the stars to point the way home;
There for you wherever you roam.
He made the wind to dance in your hair
He gave us a love that we could share
He gave you the sea to ebb and flow
He gave you the rain to make life grow
He gave you the trees to heaven reaching
He gave you the wisdom for little ones' teaching
He gave you a heart made of pure gold
He gave you a Spirit strong and bold
He gave you this gift so we could adore
He gave you His life and so much more
He gave you all this from a love so divine
Let us give to him our heart, soul, and mind
showyoulove Nov 2018
Lord God we pray for all souls on this day, especially those whom we have lost recently. Have mercy on their souls and bring them into the fullness of Your glory to be with You forever in Heaven. We pray for our souls that those lost or in the dark may find their light once more. We are all sinners and have turned away from You and Your love. Have mercy on our souls. For all the unborn for all those who never saw the light of day, take special care of those precious souls in your presence Lord. We pray that, by Your gracious will, we may all be reunited with the ones that have gone before us that one day we may all glorify You in Heaven forever.
showyoulove Sep 2017
You Oh Lord are the Alpha and the Omega
You Oh Lord are the beginning and the end
You Oh Lord are the counselor and healer
You Oh Lord bring us here and now you send
You Oh Lord are the word and the light
You Oh Lord are God of the day and the night
You Oh Lord are the wind and the rain
You Oh Lord are God of my joy and my pain
You Oh Lord are present here and now
You Oh Lord give me the strength to stand and to bow
You Oh Lord are God of my life and my death
You Oh Lord allow me to take my next breath
You Oh Lord are the life blood that flows
You Oh Lord stir a fire that grows
You Oh Lord are my rock and stronghold
You Oh Lord are the anchor to which I hold
You Oh Lord are my Shepherd my Master
You Oh Lord make my heart beat faster
You Oh Lord hold me in your hand
You Oh Lord are firm footing in shifting sand
You Oh Lord are my peace and provision
You Oh Lord help me make a good decision
You Oh Lord help make me complete
You Oh Lord have made me a seat
You Oh Lord are good when I am not
You Oh Lord love me a lot
You Oh Lord are the reason I get out of bed
You Oh Lord are where I lay my head
You Oh Lord are knocking at my heart
You Oh Lord love my every part
You Oh Lord of my good, bad, and fair
You Oh Lord are inescapable, you are everywhere
You Oh Lord love me even when I fall and sin
You Oh Lord you come running to take me back in
You Oh Lord are my shield and my sword
You are my Savior my King and my Lord
showyoulove Dec 2024
By the light of a million candles burning
A million hearts, for you, are yearning
A million stars up in the heavens shine
As you tell me "I love you, and you are mine"
You are my Light and you are my Love
You are my Life: my Lord above
Come and find rest, come and find peace
Come to the table and join in the feast
For the Lamb that was slain is alive in us once again
No one left in darkness and sin can remain
In the light of grace and in glory resplendent
Behold, the triune God, fully ascendent
My soul shakes as the light breaks
Over the hills that come alive with song
And I know in my heart, this is where I belong
Here with you in prayer and praising
In silent wonder at Christ my Savior gazing
Grace and mercy, water and blood
Drown me in this Holy Flood
Streams of life from love outpoured
When they pierced the heart of Christ my Lord
In your great goodness may I never grow tired
Of looking upon you, and being inspired
To look with awe and wonder as a child
Come back to you and be reconciled
You do not condemn me, but you say "Sin no more"
A chance to come clean: what are you waiting for?
showyoulove Nov 2024
Why must they take my Lord from me?
Why, oh why, can they not see
What it is they have really done?
They have killed God's only son.
I know he came to suffer and die
But I hold him in my arms, and I cry:
"Abba, my father, why must this be true
For Jesus, he was my son too.
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
Father, my father, if only they knew"
Let these tears that fall be as sweet perfume
As I lay our son in a borrowed tomb
Father, my father, cleanse them from their sin
Father, I beg you, don't let Satan win.
In my heart I knew this day would come,
But part of me, to this fact, was numb.
I am pierced by sorrow so deep and wide
Your cousin and I alone stand at your side.
My heart is broken on the altar of love
As my tears mix with the rain from above.
In an instant, I would trade my life for his.
I would die so that he might live.
But may it be done according to Your Will
You were my God, and you are still
My faith remains steadfast even in this darkest night
I believe that we will once again see your Holy Light

showyoulove Dec 2024
You find me Lord and you speak my name
Fully known and truly loved, I'm not the same
I find myself in your eyes of grace
I find myself in a much better place
I find myself with joy in my heart
I find myself a work of living art
I find a new song formed on my lips
I find my stomach doing flips
I find my cheeks most deeply blush
My pulse quicken and my blood rush
I find to think of you gives me a thrill
And my God! I pray, pray that it ever will
To life's most burning questions I find
That the only answers truly lie
In finding a love that lasts a lifetime
For love takes all of a lifetime to tell
showyoulove Dec 2024
There was a little girl in a small quiet town
Wherever she went there was nary a frown
The birds would sing, and the flowers would bloom
Whenever she entered a room
A kinder soul you'd never meet, full of grace and beauty
Gentle, sweet, and pure she was always happy, never moody
All the people loved her and cared for her like their own
All life was good and there was peace in all their homes
But then one fateful day her life was changed forever
A terrible accident occurred that caused her old self to be severed
And she, once beautiful and full of life and joy
Now her beauty was marred and life as she had known was utterly destroyed
The very same ones who once loved and cherished her in every way
Were now the same who drove her away
On the run, lost and alone, tired and afraid
She wandered for many miles, many long nights and days
Her heart turned cold and she grew hard and distant
Now bitter and angry the hurt she felt was very persistent
She became cruel to hide her deep pain
But no matter what she did, the wound still remained
Those she tried to get close to ran away in fright
Alarmed by her nature and disgusted by her sight
Thsi only made the whole thing worse growing in hatred and rage
So, over time, there was hardly a trace of the sweet little girl from Bethphage
Chapter 1 of a story I'm writing primarily in verse. It started back in 2017. I've made some progress, but have been stalled for a while.
showyoulove Nov 2024
I felt no shame I did not cry
When I shouted: "Let him be crucified!"
And you forgave me
It was I who turned away and denied
Who swore to all I did not know you
Only later did I realize all along you knew
And you forgave me
It was I who betrayed you with a kiss
After all this time it has to end like this
And still you forgave me
I could not watch so I ran away and hid
I was a coward a scared little kid
And you forgave me
It was I who slept when you needed me most
It was I who foolishly abandoned my post
And you forgave me
It was I who mocked you and I who jeered
I who rent your clothes and plucked your beard
And you forgave me
It was I who condemned you out loud
To appease the maddened mobbing crowd
And you forgave me
It was I on your left that told you to prove
If you are the Christ, then stop this and move
And you look at me with love
It was I on your right who asked "Remember Me"
And in spite of everything, all of my history
In that moment I was free

It was I who shared the burden on the road
Helping you to shoulder that heavy load
It was I who stayed close to the very end
Why you would suffer though I could not comprehend
It was I who tenderly wiped your face
A small act of love, and mercy and grace
It was I who anointed and dried your feet with my hair
Sparing no cost to show you how much I care
It was I whom you saved from a life of sin
You would die to make new life begin
It was I whom you called from the sleep of death
And I watch as you now give your last breath
I who gave you life now mourn and weep
My heart is pierced with sorrow so deep

It is you who took our sin and shame
It is you who took on all the blame
It is you who died so I might live
It is you who said to me: "I Forgive"
It is you who looked with loving eyes
It is you who saw past all disguise
It is you who make me reconciled
It is you who call me beloved child
It is you the pure spotless sacrificial lamb
It is you my Lord my Savior, the Great I Am
showyoulove Nov 2024
I sit in stillness in this silent, dark room
Lit only by candles and the soft glow from the moon
I sit before Jesus, drawn in by his gaze
My heart is filled with a silent song of praise
I can hear my heartbeat: it beats for you
How my spirit aches to be united to you
The stars above- a hundred billion tiny lights
Comfort me even on the longest of nights
In your arms you lead me through a heavenly dance
You chose me to be a part of this sacred romance
Together we glide across the celestial dance floor
I am dancing with the one whom I most adore
I am taken by a love so profound I am shaken
And when I turned away, I was not forsaken
I sit with you and watch my worries disappear
You open my eyes, and it all becomes clear
All I need, all I want, is to be right where you are
I need you so close: please be never far
I am here just to burn in your presence
To bear witness to you in life's little moments
Just once, I want to spend an evening
With my Lord, just being and receiving
Not talking, but listening not rushing, but waiting
Being filled with courage and confidence, not hesitating
I sit here and surrender my heart for you gave me your own
Spending an evening with Jesus is like nothing I have ever known
It brings me in my weakness, down upon my knees
But there is strength and peace and the whisper of a breeze
The feeling of this fleeting moment
My soul holds now and forever
A memory so powerfully potent
To strengthen it in spiritual endeavor
showyoulove Dec 2024
Today I have found a new reality
A truth that shatters the common fallacy
It lies hidden just below the surface
It gives my life new meaning and purpose
There is a God: he's alive and moving
The mystery of life itself is proving
He is risen alleluia, and he is lifted high
Let the trumpets blare as his glories fill the sky
I am free to dance and free to sing
Praise and honor to the God and King
I am a new creation; I'll never be the same
For you called me and gave me a new name
I cannot live now the way I once did
But I'll keep the joy and wonder of a kid
I have a spirit of courage both gentle and bold
This Gospel of Life is ever new never old
It can't be sold, it can't be bought
A promise honored that wasn't forgot
It is the very word of God coming alive
It is to live this new reality that I will strive
showyoulove Feb 3
Angel of God given to my special care
Help me feel that you are truly there
For, though unseen, you linger nearby
Day and night, you remain at my side
To guard and protect me from any harm
To warn of trouble and sound the alarm
You bless my life and guide my feet
You lead me to the Lord in every heartbeat
Help me be mindful of this great grace
And be with me as I seek His Holy Face
I'll keep you in my thoughts always,
Oh, Holy Angel of Christ's Light Divine
And I pray, keep me ever in thine
showyoulove Aug 2018
The angels bow in reverence to the Lamb upon the throne
Through his suffering and death the love of God was shown
We who walk upon this Earth that we call home
Are never very far from Him wherever we roam
There are no words that I can say
No prayers that I dare to pray
That should ever reach your ears
But you reach out and calm my fears
You hear me, you see me, like only you can
I am waiting, contemplating, trying just to understand
Help me Lord to learn to be still and to discern
Transform my heart so my desire is your Holy Will
showyoulove Aug 2015
(Angel Warriors)

Angel Warriors by our side
Be our lamp, our light and guide
Guardian Angels hear our prayer
Keep us in thy loving care

Guardians of light of love and of truth
Unseen warriors fighting for you
Though you can't touch them they are always close by
No need to fear so wipe the tear from your eye

Angel Warriors by our side
Be our lamp, our light and guide
Guardian Angels hear our prayer
Keep us in thy loving care

They guard and protect you they'll keep you from harm
Though you can't see them don't be alarmed
There is never a moment when you are all alone
They are present always; even when they aren't shown

Angel Warriors by our side
Be our lamp, our light and guide
Guardian Angels hear our prayer
Keep us in thy loving care

They walk right beside you wherever you go
I feel a calm, a peace; and in my heart I know
Watching over you all day and when you sleep at night
Surrounded by the enemy they stand and fight

Angel Warriors by our side
Be our lamp, our light and guide
Guardian Angels hear our prayer
Keep us in thy loving care
showyoulove Sep 2013
The sun peeks through my window

I yawn and stretch and wake up slow

Get ready for a new day of adventure and surprise

Hear the birds greet the brightening sky

A smile on my face and a song in my heart

A good day and a great start

A day a work and a day spent with family and friend

Talkin' 'bout life, love, and good times by the day's end

The sun is slowly sinking in the sky; setting eart on fire

The air cools and the colors inspire

Soon the sun is asleep and with it the women and kids

A yawn escapes, a wolf howls, and heavy are they lids

The day is through, a new one will greet you soon

You fall asleep under the blanket of stars and the moon

Before you know it you are roused from sleep

By soft rays of light, the golden wamth penetrates deep

I thank God and look forward to another glorious day
showyoulove Jan 21
Pray first, pray often, pray always
Begin by acknowledgment and praise
Our Father who art in Heaven
Blessed and holy is thy name!
He is Lord and, as such,
We should treat him the same
Once we have done this we can begin
To open our hearts that we might listen
Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done
Come to him in humble surrender
Ask him your questions, ask him to reveal
What He desires for us to feel
Open our eyes to recognize
Your love as your word comes alive
In our hearts and in our souls
After this we come to a place
Of forgiveness, repentance and grace
Forgive us our sins as we ourselves
Forgive those who are in debt to us
Lord, we pray, bless our foes
Make them Holy and happy
Forgive me Lord, I bought the lie
That you did not know as well as I
What was best for me and for my good
I see now that I was wrong
And I should've listened all along
I beg your grace to follow still
And the strength to do your will
Finally, ask God to bless your life
Pray for others who are in strife
Believe that God will hear and answer
If he overcame death, he can overcome cancer
Give us, this day, our daily bread
Lord of life, please keep us fed
Ask, seek, knock, and pray
To the Life, the Truth and the Way
Pray first: ask what God wants you to pray for
Pray often: pray daily and be faithful to it
Pray and fast: it focuses our mind and our heart
Pray always: pray without ceasing
Be patient and persistent; do not lose heart
Like a friend or doctor, make an appointment
Make a time and keep it Holy and Blest
Do your part and God will provide the rest
Partially inspired by a book "Appointment With God" about prayer and ways to pray. Referencing Luke 11: 1-4
showyoulove Dec 2014
Kneeling at the foot of your cross
Before your presence I am at a loss
I seek your heart as you seek mine
I am bathed in your love divine
As I gaze upon your lovely face
I am drowned in the sea of your great grace
I look no further for you are here in this place
Lifting my heart and my hands to heaven so far above
I can feel the gentle power of your love
I'm asking please help me be quiet so I may hear and listen
Help me find the part of me that, so long, I've been missin'
Help me love you more and more
Remind me some things are worth fighting, even dying for
I am so weak Lord, I am so frail
But over sin and even death, still you prevail
Make my soul as a dove in flight
On the breeze of hope, the air of joy, and the winds of love alight
May your love be the song that I sing
And like a fire on the earth joy and peace I might bring
I yearn to know you more your heart your soul your mind
And I ask that I might know more in time
showyoulove Dec 2024
Bless my mind Lord and the thoughts that I think
Bless my lips Lord and the words that I speak
Bless my throat Lord and the songs that I sing
Bless my heart Lord and the love that I give
Bless my life Lord and the way that I live.
showyoulove Feb 2019
Lord right now I’m lost and confused
Hear my cries Lord I’m begging you
My life was going so well and you turned it upside down
And now I can’t tell which way is up and which is down
Lord I’m trying so hard to understand
How this all fits into your grand plan
I feel you calling me to be to be a husband or wife
I feel you calling me to married life
I know I ought to trust but right now my heart is as dust
To follow you I’ve tried and tried
But what you want I can’t decide
I’m hurting Lord can’t you feel my pain
And world is gray and my sky is all rain
Help me Lord I don’t know what to do or where to turn
What is it Lord that you want for me to learn
Part of me should feel happy but part of me feels dead
The days are painful reminders and most nights I cry in bed
Oh Lord my God why must you wound me so
Please hold me close and never let me go
There are moments when the pain is too much to bear
And when I pray I don’t seem to feel your presence there
I know you love me and you are by my side always
And, if you chose, could turn this protest into praise
But even if you don’t right now I know I’ll be alright
And from this darkness deep inside will come a brilliant light
I’ll be there eventually, but right now what I really need
Is your patience, your guidance, your love, and your lead
showyoulove Dec 2024
At this moment Lord, I am feeling a little uncomfortable, a little irritable, a little restless. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't pleasant, and I don't know just why. So, Lord, I ask for peace. I ask that you make it go away for I know that you are able, but if it is not your will Lord, help me offer this up for the salvation of souls and that you would ease someone else's discomfort. I unite this moment to the moments when you were also distressed. I offer these prayers and this feeling not for myself, but for the many others who, at this very moment, are in far greater need of your comfort and peace than I.
showyoulove Mar 2016
Wild weary wanderer come to me rest your heavy head
Tired hungry travelers all come to the table and be fed
When the burden is too heavy and the load too much to bear
Stay with me and know just how much I care

Come give me your doubts and worries and fears
Be assured I will answer and that I am all ears
Listen now, be still and hear the whisper faintest voice
Earnestly I seek you I call your response is a choice

Come Saint come sinner come young and old
The ends of the earth and the four winds are the flock of my fold
Come together in love and unity
Strive for greater peace and harmony

Out of the many we find a place all as one
Together turning from darkness and learning to face the sun
In a beautiful family so many strong
All find a place they can belong

There is a peace and love far beyond compare
To which, when exposed, you cannot help but share
Caught up in the world there is never enough time to do
Because it was not for the purpose of doing that I created you!

I created you for love, with love, in love from the dawn of creation
You see, I created you to be: be with others and with me in right relation

You are my children and I love you more than you can conceive
Enter into the song, join in the feast, receive and come to believe
Sense the love coursing alive and warm through your veins
In the final analysis love has won; only love remains.

You who are lost, you who have found
You who are seeking find your feet on sacred solid ground
Here there is a place of truth and light
Light a blazing beacon in the blackest night
Here is a place of refreshment and rest
Here I take you in my arms and hold you close to my chest

I have written my name upon your heart burned my word into your mind
In the Father Son and Holy Spirit you have been SIGNED

Just relax and try to let go of the ill you feel
Let me in and slowly begin to heal

I have set my SEAL upon your heart I have marked you as my own
From now on you will never be alone

I died to conquer sin and death and so DELIVER
Life in abundance and healing river

Send you out to be fishers of men

You are mine and I AM YOURS
Always and forever from present day to eternity's shores
showyoulove Dec 2024
"Are we there yet Mommy?" asked the little child

"Not yet my love. But soon enough you'll see"

"Daddy, are we there yet?" the child asked again

"No. But when we are you'll know it. Trust me"

"It'll be a while yet before we are there
But I'll tell you a secret of which I am aware.
If you pay close attention, sometimes you'll spot
A little bit of home that someone had forgot."

"It happens when two hearts come together
And true love finds a lasting home
Where peace and joy are birds of a feather
Built upon faith's cornerstone."

"It's where life flourishes and children grow
It's where laughter and love so freely flow.
But this is just a taste of what is yet do come:
It is far beyond your wildest dreams and then some."

"One day we will go before you
And leave you for a little while
But later you will join us again
And we'll welcome you with a smile."

"So, you see, for now, home is where we are.
As long as we're a family, Heaven isn't far."
showyoulove Nov 2024
As a flower blooming gently
Opens up to greet the sun
The soul that feels His warmth
Opens up to God's own Son

As a spring river runneth over
Pregnant with melted snow
Filled with seed of love and life
Our lives burst forth and overflow

As a bird so sweet rejoicing
Sings forth in joyful chorus
The spirit sings divine melody
In the gifts that He has for us

As love is expressed and given flesh
As new life comes from the womb
So is His life, now born within us
We: the bride, and He: the groom
showyoulove Dec 2017
Traveling along down that long dusty road
Carrying within a heavy load
You journeyed far as Christ in-dwelt
A warmth that would cause ice to melt
You went forth to Bethlehem: house of bread
With no guarantees only Spirit led
From there he came forth to shine the light
That pierces even the blackest of night
Born in a stable not a place to call your own
But that night love itself came home
Shepherds and wisemen and animals send
Honor to the king as on knees they bend
They came from fields both near and far
Following the radiant wandering star
They pay their respects and you hold it in your heart
Could you have known the truth right from the start?
You son would come to redeem and save
But to do so, he would first be in a grave
Was it quiet and still on the first night was all the world at peace
For we received the presence of the one who frees
As a mother you wrapped him in your loving arms
As a mother you tried to keep him safe from harm
As a mother you danced when he laughed and wept when he cried
You held his body in your arms again when he died
As a mother you walked beside him as he went
You trusted his plan even if you didn’t see at the moment
As a mother you were present and you cared
You comforted your son when he was scared
As a mother, show us your son that we too may know
Him and follow him and likewise grow
May our faith be strong and may it never die
May the well run deep and the living waters never be dry
As our mother, we look to you for compassion and healing
As our mother intercede on our behalf as we are kneeling
Be with us always and give us the grace
To look around us and, everywhere, see Jesus’ face
Bless and protect us and forgive us I pray
As we battle to move forward day by day
showyoulove Dec 2024
Crowned with glory like the sun
In robes of dazzling white
He is lifted up; the Holy One
Behold, the Ascension of Christ!

You have seen and you have heard
Bearing witness to the Living Word
Live your lives to reflect the change
And some people will think you strange

What hope to know Jesus goes before us
To intercede and prepare a place for us
Then sending down His love made manifest
His Holy Spirit by creation blessed

He empowers us to boldly proclaim
And do great things by the power of His name
Our hearts too small to keep the love inside
And must be shared high, far, deep, and wide

As Christ ascends to Heaven above
We too are ascended by His love
He lives within and we are lifted high
And on the wings of hope we fly

So shine upon the world so that all may see
Your true joy and come to believe
Go therefore and preach the good news
Be instruments for your God to use
showyoulove Feb 2019
A flower dances under a sky of blue and white
Petals outstretched to take in the sun’s great light
A bloom so beautiful and pure that none can match
No words can contain nor brush that can catch
The radiance of this single solitary rose
Of how it came to be, no one truly knows
But here it stands tall and strong
Blessing all those who happen along
Is it just a hardy stubborn thing or is it something more?
Is it a message for someone and, if so, who is it for?
For myself it is a reminder of all that life can be
And a statement of all that we can achieve
We can overcome heartache and sorrow and pain
We can be an example and stand strong in the rain
With patience love and kindness we can cultivate the seed
And with grace and peace and quiet strength, be what people need
But like the rose we must open to the sun
And by our living lead others to the Holy One
He is our strength he has given us this gift
So let us now sing out and our faces lift
How Great is our God who alone can save
Whose death and resurrection brought vict’ry o’er the grave
showyoulove Feb 1
In the Beginning was the Word
The Word was with God and the Word was God
And the Word became flesh and blood and dwelt among us
The Word of God is Jesus Emmanuel "God With Us"
The Living Word handed down to us through the Bible
Why, after more than 2000 years it still speaks and moves
And in many ways, continues to apply to the world today
Your Law and Your Love, Oh Lord, are written on my heart
Your Word is life itself: you speak, and I come alive
With one Word you spoke creation into existence
All proclaim with Honor and Praise
Him who made the Earth and Sky
And gave the sun to grace our days
To thee we bring this offering, to thee we glorify

Word of God please come to me
That I may listen and receive
Word of God please speak through me
So that others may know and believe
Word of God please move and inspire
Enkindle in me a Holy Desire
To seek what is pure, holy, righteous and true
And that, like the moon is to the sun,
Apart from which no light will come:
The light that I reflect only points to you
showyoulove Dec 2024
Ask of me what you want
What does your heart truly desire?
I delight in providing for your needs
Even when you do not ask me.
Come to me in your weakness and strength
Seek my aid each morning.
Offer me your day and everything in it
And ask me to bless it and give you graces
I rejoice in your asking, and I love to give
Open yourself to me and receive
Receive my love and affection
Receive my presence and do my will
Receive the gifts I have prepared
Believe that I live within you
In all you think and speak and do
Let me help you do more good
What would you do if only you could?
Have faith in me
For, with me, all things are possible
If you are truly doing my work
Do your best and I will make it work
Give it to me that I may bless and multiply
Walk with me faithfully
and I will teach you how to fly
When this happens, and it will, be assured,
Be not proud, but rejoice and give me thanks
Everything you do, do it for the greater glory of God
For you have been chosen to bring
A bit of heaven down to the earth
You are a beloved Child Of The King
Called to a purpose before your birth
Call me up: I'm always free
For you, I'm never too busy
But when you are done, stop and listen
Be patient, persevere even if I seem silent
Sometimes I speak through things
Sometimes what you want is not what you need
Sometimes I have something better
Sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder
So often you take for granted
The many blessings you are given
You don't appreciate their value as much
Until it is taken away
My spirit longs for you
As a desert longs for rain
How long must I wait
To feel your presence again
Let your face shine upon me
Take not your spirit from me
Open my eyes to truly see
As I live out this new reality
showyoulove Sep 2013
You never said it would be easy

You never said life would be fair

But You said You'd never leave me

You said You'd always be right there

And when I stumble on life's road

Lord You catch me when I fall

When the weight is heavy and I'm burdened by the load

You help me and You answer when I call

I am weak and can't do much on my own

But You said I can do all things though You who gives me strength

And whatever I do, wherever I go, I know I am never alone

With You by my side I know I can go to great lengths
showyoulove Feb 3
Oh Lord, I am relaxed so deep
I find myself almost falling asleep
Almost in a trance so heavy and profound
At the same time, I'm almost off the ground
Lighter than a feather on the air
Just a little longer and I'll be there
In your loving arms, I'll find my rest
Safe and secure, close to your chest
Lord, sing softly in my ear
Cast off anxiety and fear
That I may come to you again
And truly mean it when I say amen
showyoulove Aug 2017
I come before you now and I lay down at your feet
I come before you now with the weight of this day
I come before you now in Humble praise and joyful Adoration
I come before you now to show honor and thanksgiving

I praise you for your goodness and for another day of living
I praise you for your love and mercy brand new every sunrise
I praise you for your grace and peace that stills my restless soul
I praise you for the gifts you give and blessings from my life's role

I sit at your feet and listen to all you have to say
You walk by my side and give me the spirit to illuminate my way
I sit at the table and take in the great feast and try to go out and to share with the least

I lay down my burdens my stresses my troubles and tears
You raise me up with strength and peace give me rest and quiet my fears
I lay my heart before you bruised, broken and unclean
You lift my eyes towards Heaven and to yourself bruised and broken so I could be redeemed

I fight surrender even though surrendering is the only way to win the fight
I don't let go of the chains that bind me
When you don't let me go and I cling to the one who sets me free
I don't trust you enough to completely be open
But you can be trusted completely, trust me, I know

With all of my faults I try to run away and hide
But you love me the same and run to me to bring me by your side
How great this love that I don't deserve
It's painfully obvious how much you love us if we stop to observe!
Written at St. Patrick's Catholic Church at Adoration tonight
showyoulove Oct 2024
So often my love is shallow or fake
Unwilling to do what I know it takes
I am too wrapped up in my self-love
Self-interest and self-pity
To see that my vision is itty-bitty
I miss the sunset staring at the ground
Tenser than a spring I'm so tightly wound
In the war between the spirit and flesh
Caught in the middle, I'm a hot mess
So easy to say I love you
But so difficult to really prove
You love me without condition
And you send me out on mission
Jesus; source of love in pure perfection
In your love help me be a reflection
Imperfect as I may be shine through me today
Grant me grace to turn back to you
And the discipline to obey

For freedom is found in following
The law of the Lord is the light of love.
Perfect peace and power passes over
When we watch with awe and wonder
What happens when, in our need, we kneel.
Sorrow and sadness in the savior's shadow
Are arrested in authentic love's atoning act,
Shed for sinners in the ultimate sacrifice.
Body and blood broken and beautiful
We are given the gift of God's great grace.
Recall the wretched reign, be reborn renewed
For Christ has come to call his child.
showyoulove Dec 2024
So often, my love is shallow or fake
Unwilling to do what I know it takes
I am too wrapped up in my self-love
Self-interest and self-pity
To see that my vision is itty-bitty
I miss the sunset staring at the ground
Tenser than a spring, I'm so tightly wound
In the war between the spirit and the flesh
Caught in the middle, I'm a hot mess
So easy to say I love you
But so difficult to really prove
You love me without condition
And you send me out on a mission
Jesus; source of love in pure perfection
In your love help me be a reflection
Imperfect as I may be, shine through me today
Grant me the grace to turn back to you
And the discipline to obey

For freedom is found in following
The law of the Lord is the light of love.
Perfect peace and power pass over
When we watch with awe and wonder
What happens when, in our need, we kneel.
Sorrow and sadness in the savior's shadow
Are arrested in authentic love's atoning act,
Shed for sinners in the ultimate sacrifice.
Body and blood broken and beautiful
We are given the gift of God's great grace.
Recall the wretched reign, be reborn; renewed
For Christ has come to call his child.
showyoulove Dec 2024
Come and follow me if you do believe
Trust that all you need you will receive
Come away with me to the secret place
Where hope takes flight and fears erase
Land of eternal light, of rest, and peace
And every day love and wonder increase

Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man
I am small and weak, but you say that I can
I am not worthy so why do you insist
Why keep waiting? What have I missed?
But you can't stop, you won't stop. Fine. You win!

Do away with me, make my will your own
Take me away from all I've ever known
Fill me up with only you
Consume me through and through
If all I am is who you are, that's where I wanna be
So, I'll go when you say "Come. Away with me"
showyoulove Feb 19
The hopes of our hearts are lifted to heaven
Sent up with a wing and a prayer
If it seems like the action of a last desperate plea
It is because it is
Sometimes it is the tears that you weep bitterly
It is raw, it is real, it is a soul that is laid bare
"God, are you there? Do you even care?"
And, sometimes, a wing and a prayer is enough
It is the darkest moment before the dawn, in glory, breaks
And sometimes unexpected are the forms His answer takes
On a wing and a prayer, miracles can occur
And the lines between heaven and earth blur
No proof is necessary for those who believe
But to see you must be open and able to receive
Our prayers are lifted up by angels and placed at His feet
It's a system of delivery that simply can't be beat
And we are lifted up, wrapped up in their wings
Borne to be in the presence of the King of Kings
We are cradled and enfolded, we are ever safe
As they sing over us sweet, amazing grace
So, call upon the Lord with bold confidence
Trusting in the power of divine providence
And the power of a wing and a prayer
showyoulove Jan 2017
A new year is upon us, another time around the sun
A year full of faith and fellowship and fun
A year of family and friends and joy and dreams
Laughter and tears, hopes and fears.
Every year there is a cause for hope for things to come and things to change
Some things we do differently, but most just stay the same.
This year is  a year of Hope! A year to believe in miracles and dreams
A time to walk by faith and not by sight; to quest for the unseen.
It is a year of big things happening, changes great and small
The year may not reveal all the answers, but leads us all to hope.
Hope for families, hope for peace, hope for jobs, for freedom and release
If we come together in love and unity
We can make this world a little better and a little brighter than when it first arrived
Come to the water, let it wash over you and take the dive.
The spirit is moving swiftly and roaring like a lion
Stirring our hearts and starting fires in our souls
Breathing the spark of life back into these flickering coals.
Dry bones will come alive and the earth itself shall cry out
And God's people will have no doubt:
He is Risen, He is Alive, we have been set free
And that knowledge alone is Hope enough for me!

showyoulove Jul 2018
Go back to baby steps back to one foot at a time
Live in the moment and you are in your prime
Remember that before we walk we have to crawl
And before we can stand, sometimes we fall
It’s not how often you fell it’s how often you got back up
It’s not the mistakes you’ve made it’s the lessons learned
Baby steps start small and uneasy
But they get there just the same
Before we run we have to walk
Before we fly we have to run
It might look bad now, but one day you’ll be lifted up to soar
Free from what binds you, clips your wings
You were born to be free,
to sing and dance and play
With faith in yourself and our faith in you
You’ll be there soon one day
You’ve been shaken and you’re frightened
You feel the scars it left behind
They don’t define you they remind you
Just how far you have come
Find once more that inner light
The fire inside your heart
Let me remind you how it looked to me
I saw the strength, I saw the hope
I saw the courage and the pain
I saw the love I saw the caring
I saw what life had done and what remained
And I loved it. It was beautiful, it was raw
It was real: this I saw.
It is special just like you
a treasure through and through.
What you see before you is not a fixed thing
It may be part of your story so learn and grow
Please remember we are here and you are not alone
We may not be able to carry your burden
But we can carry you
The line between space and too much space
Is often gray and hard to find
We worry because we care, we care because we love
If we can be faulted for anything it’s loving you too much
Although I don’t know that it’s possible
Before we walk, we have to crawl
Before we stand we sometimes fall
Step by step we’ll see it through together
Because we are your friends forever
showyoulove Nov 2024
Life is like a great big balancing act
When we can't find our center, things are out of whack
Too many irons in the fire and too much on our plate
Its chaos truly, but if anyone asks, things are great!
Life is playing a tug-of-war, and I seem to be the rope
To finally step off this wild ride there seems but little hope
My priorities are a mess, and my life is out of order
And I can't call for help, 'cause I just put in my last quarter
The world is spinning sideways, my life is upside down
I don't know which way is up; my head keeps spinning round
I know I've lost the rhythm, help me find the perfect beat
And when I find that groove again, I'll put it on repeat
If I looked the world over there is one thing I would miss
That would put color in a life that is currently so colorless
Something not of this world; some celestial force
To some, it is quite alien, but it's Jesus Christ of course!
With Jesus at my center I feel, at last, made whole
And now I can truly say that this is the story of a soul
That once was lost and in chains
But has been found and set free
Through the suffering and the pains
My Lord and Savior died for me
As all things come from Him, He is the center of all things
And so, from Him, to all my life, joy and peace He brings
He is there when life's demands I'm juggling
He is there when it's clear I'm struggling
But when I focus and don't look to do too much
Then, I find sometimes I can have the perfect touch
So, Jesus be my center; my rock, my cornerstone
You are the best balancing beam I have ever known!
showyoulove Feb 1
There are demons and evil spirits
Lurking in the shadows of our minds and hearts
Some small forgotten corner is where it starts
It only takes a single little crack
For the evil to take root and attack
It eats away slowly, carefully biding its time
And, until it is too late, you think you are fine
It starts small: softening the edges
Bit by bit shifting and driving wedges
It is a poison sweeping through
A silent, deadly killer it is true
But worst of all it affects the greater whole
It takes a soul as pure and white as snow
And works to turn it black as coal
There is no cure for this disease
It is part of our Human Condition
But with careful care and treatment
This cancer can go into remission
There is a way that we can fight
Tools and medicine to battle the blight
The Rosary: blazing cord of burning truth
Evil screams and flees in proof
Prayer and praise our armor and shield
To protect us on the battlefield
Calling down Great Heaven's Might
Saints and Angels put foes to flight
Holy men and women we have known
Show us always; we do not fight alone
Commanding the evil in the name of the Lord
We Rebuke Renounce and Cast Out
And, by the Mercy and Grace of God's own Son,
May goodness and peace be restored
showyoulove Nov 2024
There are demons and evil spirits
Lurking in the shadows of our minds and hearts
Some small forgotten corner is where it starts
It only takes a single little crack
For the evil to take root and attack
It eats away slowly, carefully biding its time
And until it's too late you think you are fine
It starts small: softening the edges
Bit by bit, shifting, driving wedges
It is a poison sweeping through
A silent deadly killer it is true
But worst of all it affects the greater whole
It takes a soul as pure and white as snow
And works to turn it black as coal
There is no cure for this disease
It is part of our Human Condition
But with careful care and treatment
This cancer can go into remission
There is a way that we can fight
Tools and medicine to battle the blight
The Rosary: a blazing cord of burning truth
Evil screams and flees in proof
Prayer and praise are armor and shield
To protect us on the battlefield
Calling down Great Heaven's Might
Saints and Angels put foes to flight
Holy men and women we have known
Show us always we do not fight alone
Commanding the evil in the name of The Lord
We Rebuke, Renounce and Cast Out
And by the Mercy and Grace of God's own Son
May goodness and peace be restored
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