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1.9k · Apr 2022
Am I Pretty?
Furey Apr 2022
There are some days
I think to myself
I am beautiful

But most days I can't
Sometimes I catch
Just a glimpse

In the mirror is the girl
She is the one
I wish I could be always

She is graceful
She is beautiful
She is everything I want to be

I cannot look again
If I do I won't see her
I will only see me

It's disappointing
I can only see her
Just the single time

These days I don't
I no longer see her
I am no longer beautiful
701 · May 2018
Furey May 2018
Eyes glance back and forth
They wore identical masks
Chained together in silver
The moving of a car over potholes
When they were caught
Their masks were removed
A girl and a boy
Held together by nothing more
Then a rosary with Dismas
It is held in their hands
Clasped together in the back
Bars divide them and their captors
The boy is whispering
The girl recites with him
The man in the front yells
The car crashes into another
Shielding her he takes the blunt of it
Glass flies and a bar breaks
"Let's go"
His words loud in the silence
The two climb out
Immediately surrounded by 'family'
The ones that saved them
Today they are seperated by cities and bars
By people who don't want them together
By oceans and lakes
But they each hold a piece
Of the same rosary from all those years ago.
696 · Mar 2021
A Dream?
Furey Mar 2021
There on the wind
Is that a bird or just an image
Am I dreaming of something
Is anything real here

The woods by my house
They sway in the breeze
Picturesque in this dream
They shake their leaves as they die

The clouds are drifting
They are white on this gray background
Fluffy but wet as they go
They shake and they cry for the Earth

Is anything here real
It all looks like a dream to me
The birds are flying past
The wind blows across my face
557 · May 2018
Furey May 2018
my head is killing me
looking at anything hurts
it's like if someone took a knife and
I don't know why it hurts so bad
my eyes overflow with tears
it's a migraine
there's my heartbeat
it makes my head hurt worse
please stop
I just want to sleep but I can't
medicine not helping
what am I supposed to do?
546 · Apr 2019
The Angels
Furey Apr 2019
The angels are falling
They burn like Icarus
Falling from above
The building below
It looks like it will collapse
My eyes full of tears
The start of this sacred week
Begins with the flames of a fire
It takes out an important symbol
But things are saved and stored
The angels though they've fallen
Still guard what they've guarded for years
Though in doing so they were burned
Still here I sit waiting for better news
Tears finally falling
510 · Apr 2018
Back Again
Furey Apr 2018
Freshmen year
He made his way into the school
It was my birthday
He walked to my class
The room had gone silent
I glanced up
There he is arms open
I leap straight into them
I could feel his glock
It sat against the small of his back
I smiled breathing in
His scent is a weird one,
Stale blood,
And antiseptic
It smells like home
‘Happy Birthday Inferi’
My smile widens
I begin to tell everything about the new school
He just smiles quietly
The whole class is whispering now
I can hear them
The teacher makes a noise
I look at her
He’s glaring at her though
I snickered behind my hand
She looks afraid
She should be
He would **** her if he didn’t know I was hiding
He gives me my gift, leaving he smiles
I am bombarded with questions
‘Who was he?’ ‘How do you know him?’
I explain he’s a very close friend
My best friend
Who happens to buy me 24 karat gold necklaces
449 · May 2018
My Vagabond
Furey May 2018
Finally old enough
I spread my wings and leave
Walking, running, laughing
The world still beautiful
A gunshot echoes
The facade broken
A boy in a mask sprints
“Come on run!”
He shouts grabbing my arm
Adrenaline pumping I run
A new feeling I’m excited
So is he through
His smile shows in his eyes
We run until we get to an apartment
He leads me in a door
Panting he sits
“Vagabond, call me the Vagabond”
His voice small echoes through the room
I nod knowing that isn’t his name
I flinch
We’ve exchanged names now
Suit says I’m not supposed to do that
I’m supposed to say ‘Katherine’
“Inferi, I’ll call you Inferi”
His voice is crisp and sounds unused
I just nod in agreement
Now he is My Vagabond
And I’m still the little Inferi tagging behind
Still the small children we were in the beginning
439 · Sep 2018
Furey Sep 2018
Your brother came onto me
I'm sorry I hurt his feelings
But not really
He took me to the party
But he didn't want to dance
I tried to talk
He didn't respond
I think that he deserved anything he got
Especially after he called my friend
I'm not sorry
It hurt him but it hurt me too
From this I know I'm on yours
Your Blacklist
You care about him
Then let him fight his own battles
You're the younger sibling
You aren't supposed to fight his for him
So now I'll deal with you both
You can send the hounds after me
I don't care
But once you attack my friends
That's another story
I will fight
Tooth and Nail
425 · Sep 2018
Sick of It
Furey Sep 2018
I'm sick of it
Sick of hearing
Your generation this
Your generation that
We were never that lazy
I walked uphill both ways
So what
Do you want pity
Do you want me to be you
If not then why do you compare me to you
I hate gym class but I like helping people
What's wrong with that
You say "Why not do both"
Because I don't like both
I'll join the military just to get away
Maybe I'll die honorably
You'll be proud
I doubt you'll be sad though
Not as sad as the people I helped along the way
Tomorrow might be another day
So what
Why should I do anything tomorrow what I can do today
Because then I have time
I don't have to get it all done at once
I can pace myself
Take a moment to just breathe
Then comes the onslaught
Why are you so lazy
Why can't you do one thing without complaining
When I was your age...
Why don't you ever stop talking
Stop muttering to yourself
Stop singing in public
Stop embarrassing me
SHUT UP ******
my tiny voice of
I'm sorry
I didn't mean to
Please I'm sorry
Tears stream fast
Marks flood my cheeks with red stain
It makes me sick
That you think to be good at anything
I have to be you
Or like you
I'm sick of it
I hear so many people say things like this, parents, teachers, random adults while I was at work. Why is it so necessary to be like you when we are supposed to learn from your mistakes?
402 · Nov 2018
Furey Nov 2018
One day I will
Hang these words
They will no longer
Need to be my shield
I will not worry
One day I will
But not today
383 · Apr 2018
Furey Apr 2018
They are my mighty sword
They are my shield
To protect me
They can't do it completely
Some of your words with hit me
But I stay standing
I can fight you back
As long as I know what to say
No stutters
No fear
I can hold my own against demons
The ones you've sent after me
You set them on my trail
But I cut them off
Here I stand
Are you afraid
Afraid of the words that I hold
Afraid I'll send demons after you
I won't because I can't
I cannot send demons
I know what it is like to run from them
To be scared
To fear
Just smile for me
I will be on my way
No demons on my tail
None to chase me
None to follow
Just myself on my way back home
377 · Sep 2018
Furey Sep 2018
so much further am I from you
I cannot be safe from anything now
it's just a word you say
I know I know it's just a word
away and away I get
all my life I've been moving
it's ok he whispers
we'll be together no matter how long it takes
the longer
still it is
339 · Apr 2018
Furey Apr 2018
I close my eyes
Taking a deep breath
Why am I here again?
Is there something important
For me to do?
Was there ever?
My body is always sore
Everyday it hurts
Why do I keep going?
I wait for my body to give up
For my time to stop
For the days to finally end
I’ve said I’m fine
But never really was
I’ve dreamt of places far away
But never really got there
Those places I want to go
To disappear
And call them home
Help me
An echoing voice in my head
A convincing smile
This is my lie
A lie no one has ever seen through
They never will
The voice responds
Help me
Another smile
Why can no one hear
No one hears
No one
318 · Apr 2018
Dark Days
Furey Apr 2018
Dark Days
That’s what I call them
The days I feel useless
And weak
As I get older
They occur more often
My head will pound
My stomach churns
But I keep going
My friends expect it
I can’t come and say
“I’m too tired”
I can’t stay home and sleep
Even though I feel as I couldn’t move
Dark Days
They are the worst and never end
Now it’s almost everyday
I cannot fathom how bad it is
I hurt, all over
My mouth feels dry
Migraines getting worse
My heart hurts
Why can no one hear the awful voices I hear
They tell me horrible things
Tell me how many people hate me
Tell me how worthless I am
I want to give up
I want to just stop trying
Let me just let go
Here in my mind
I am so very alone
On these lonely
Dark Days
318 · Sep 2018
Furey Sep 2018
Today is a day I barely remember
Everyone says that people were lost
I understand that but what is the purpose
Why do we continue to grieve
Why do we lose ourselves in something
This was almost two decades ago
Yet here we are remembering
All those lost
Those who were injured
And the falling of the towers
America why is it that we remember
Just the pain
What were we speaking of that day
What were you doing
They ask
When the towers fell
I don't recall I say
They look disappointed
In all truths I do not understand
Why we are grieving
Even though we are told to continue
To move on when we loose someone
So why is it that we grieve over this
Nothing else not the day we lost thousands
In wars and things of the like
So why is it Today is so much more important
Can you tell me?
Why Today
Today is 9/11 of 2018 and all I could think of when we were discussing it in classes over the years.
317 · Apr 2018
A Child
Furey Apr 2018
She is but a child
That's when she knows
She is not wanted
However she trudges on
She hears the whispers
The rude remarks
She sees the looks
However she continues
She tastes salt in the air
That's it she's done
She leans off the ledge
However it won't be the last time
She wakes in a hospital
There are more whispers
She's tired so tired
However she stays awake
She is but a child
311 · May 2018
Furey May 2018
The flowers bloom
The breeze flows past
Trees reach to the sky
The sun shines bright
The clear blue
This is the spring
This is the beauty
The beauty of the world
The birds sing
The butterflies flutter
The bees grasp the pollen
This is the spring
The children play
The grills fire up
There is fresh cut grass
The music plays loud
There are smiles all around
This is the spring
298 · May 2018
Minimum Wage
Furey May 2018
A loud beeping
Deep sighs
Bright lights
Spotty vision
Standing for hours
Computers and false smiles
Exhausting heat
Sore feet
Is it worth it?
Minimum wage
Little sleep
More people
Step by step
Close it
Clean it
Little respect
Late nights
Is it worth it?
Minimum wage
297 · Apr 2018
Furey Apr 2018
Eyes are greeted with white
Questions and words boom loudly
Eyes flicker shut
“You’re safe don’t worry”
Eyes open again
Glancing about fancy suits appear
One smiles looking at the child below
A white lady rushes in looking about
Beeping echoes through foggy noises
A voice breaks through with concern
It’s a suit
His tie is green
A dark green like the trees
His words flow over the child
Falling on deaf ears
“Did you save me?
The child’s voice breaks the silence
“You could say that”
The suited man says
The other suits stand at the door
Green tie is seated next to the bright white bed
The child smiles
Bruises marr the small face
A casted arm and leg
Tired blue eyes express tiredness
The child falls back to sleep
294 · Apr 2018
Furey Apr 2018
Why couldn’t I be the child my parents wanted?
Did God really want me to get picked on,
The **** beat out of me
By random people
Gay ****
Even if I haven’t consented
Dark alley ways
Salty tears
Life never seems to change
Why me?
The only question that haunts my mind
Pain surges again and again
What have I ever done to deserve this
God I pray yet nothing good has come
Barely able to walk, slipping into the house
I refuse to call it home
Blood pours as a knife clatters to the floor
The distance starts to fade
It goes black
Now I’m staring at the same thing
Four white walls
Clean white sheets
I’m waiting for the pain to just start again
However the question lingers
Why me?
Why is it me?
I find it easier to talk about myself when it is written in poetry.
292 · May 2018
Furey May 2018
There was calm before
Light flashes across the sky
Rain pounds against the windows
There are claps of thunder
Not often though
There is the smell of burnt
Trees are cracked
Wood is scattered across the road
Neighbors help clean
They chat and laugh about little things
Not just moments ago
The storm was raging
Now all is quiet and peaceful
An end to the night
It has cycled back around
The calm
290 · Nov 2018
Our Soldiers
Furey Nov 2018
I keep on tripping
How am I to carry on
If I can't carry myself
With pride and confidence
How can I be this person
That everyone expects
When I can't carry
The weight of myself
The weight that came
After he was gone
A box hand delivered
It has a set of tags
His name inscribed
We all had set certain people
These were the ones
We cared and cried for
Our soldiers
The ones who didn't come home
273 · Apr 2018
Furey Apr 2018
I can't believe you're beside me
Lying here under the stars
But just for this moment
I'll forget you'll be gone tomorrow
That I have to go to class
That you'll be half a world away
But as long as we're here
I can pretend
That we'll be here forever
That nothing has changed
Closing my eyes
I can dream in your arms one last time
Breath on my neck
Arms around my waist
A smile and a laugh
But just for this moment
You are mine
268 · Sep 2018
Furey Sep 2018
It's one of those days
The days I stand and my knees give out
The days I can't breathe
When I feel that I have no purpose
I give up
I fall even further
But I cannot see the reason to keep on
To pretend everything is fine
A fake smile
People I don't want to speak to
They talk and talk
I wish I could lay down
To finally rest
But I cannot for I am weak
I am tired and broken
Under a spell I can't release
My memory fades
Eventually I will fade to nothing
One day maybe not today or tomorrow
I will be gone and finally
Finally I will be at rest
Just not on days like this
263 · Aug 2018
Furey Aug 2018
I have been here and alone I sit
New places, new people
That is how I feel
I have had to move on
Here I am and I have nothing
I stand so afraid
259 · Jan 2019
Glittering Snow
Furey Jan 2019
Glittering snow
Freezing colds
The front moves in
The wind chill hits negative
Frostbite is likely
Power goes out

"It's freezing"

But I can't help it
I admire the beauty
It comes every winter
However I hate what it brings
The cold and sleepless nights and
Glittering snow
258 · May 2018
You're Gone Now
Furey May 2018
Never let me go
I’m so afraid that I’ll be lost
You’ve left me once again
No words
I have no words for this
My lover
My friend
You’ve left me behind with nothing
Never let me go I asked
But when the dawn broke you were gone
Kiss me, wait for me
Your last words to me
Forever in my mind on a repeating loop
It eats away at my mind
I’m so tired
I can’t sleep at night
I’m afraid
You were my protector
Now that you’re gone
I’m alone
Chips away at my mentality
I don’t know why
But when I close my eyes you stand there
Everytime I get closer you move farther away
You are no longer here to hold me up
I don’t want to feel anymore
So I guess I won’t
No, no more
254 · May 2018
Furey May 2018
Hidden in the closet
My heart drumming in my chest
Shouts and screams
They’re never ending
Silent tears stream down my cheeks
A deafening crack
I know she’s gone but I fear
I fear you
For these sounds
You are the creator, the maker
But not the God
Holding tightly to the cross hanging
On my neck
I’m hidden from you as I cry
Then there’s a creaking
I hold my breath
There you are pulling, tugging
I’m falling
Down the stairs with another crack
My head turns
There she is her eyes open
She has been bleeding over the carpet
We had cleaned the other day
I’m sure she’s safer than I
Now you shout louder
I smell the alcohol
Drag, drag, drag
Throw me like a ragdoll into the front
Speeding down the road
Then it’s all black
251 · Apr 2019
This School
Furey Apr 2019
I don't understand
Of course that means they'll be angry
God forbid I don't comprehend
They complain about reading
The simple little chapter
We get assigned small
These little things
What have they been taught
Never told it is necessary
To be able to read
Without complaint
I don't understand
This school doesn't know how to do it?
Are things really that different?
No, they're my age
Why then?
Why can they not do this?
242 · Sep 2018
Furey Sep 2018
I knew this was coming
I knew one day I would have to face my fear
A little girl
No more than six
She is the one who told
I didn’t have as much courage at the age of twelve
She picked you out of a line of people
She let them know what you’d done
How you had asked
‘Are you a boy or a girl?’
‘Could I be your friend?’
You only targeted the lonely
That was your M.O
I was always alone
I must have been an easy target
You were so nice
They had been looking for a man
While you hid in the shadows
I cried when I heard they had caught you
Now I have been asked to testify
I will if only to save more from the same
I had nightmares
You haunted me more than anyone else
I was terrified as a kid
Now I’m all grown up
I have the chance to tell others about you
I hope you rot
My parents say I shouldn’t hate
Hate is a strong word
But you took my childhood
Like him you are a monster in my eyes
In many others you are a monster
We will never be scared
Of you
Of your threats
Never again
241 · Sep 2018
The Tests
Furey Sep 2018
Today I sit
I look at the sheet
It sits in front of me
I don't know what I'll do
I know they'll be disappointed
If I don't score high enough on this
Why is it that something that hurts me
Makes these people so so much happier
Today I'll look back and think about it
I won't understand no matter what
I sit and wait for their responses
No matter what it says on it
I will still sit here and wait
So tired of these tests
This sheet sits here
While I look at it
239 · Dec 2018
Here I Go
Furey Dec 2018
I'm slowly realising that I am falling apart
Whether it is piece by piece
Or all together
I know I have miles to go
To progress and choose my path I want
However I am tired
I want to stop
At the same time I want to keep going
So here I am yet again
Writing out my feelings
Trying to ignore my hurt
While this doesn't always work
I hope it does this time around
Enlisted and hoping for a chance
To prove myself and take a breath
I hope that I am what everyone's looking for
So here I go
222 · May 2018
Furey May 2018
Bleary-eyed I sit up
It's hard my head is pounding
I lay back down
My alarm goes off
School then work
I try to breathe through my nose
It's congested
I groan
I have to go to school
I send an e-mail to my co-workers
It's a question
Can you cover for me?
Simple but no one responds
Guess I'll take a hit for it
I cough
My chest rattles and burns
I sit up again
My heads whirls
No more
It hurts
This was from last week but I forgot to post it sorry
214 · Jan 2019
I don't know
Furey Jan 2019
I don't know what I'm going to say
I can understand what happened
I comprehend
I just don't have any tears left
Another of us is gone
He fought his battle
Though he lost he was brave
Courageous, wonderful, and kind
I don't know what to say to the people
The people who loved him the most
My voice can only reach so far
Sometimes it falls on deaf ears
I understand it hurts
There's pain, fear, and anger
I wish there was something I could give
To free them from this
There is nothing except to be there
Hold them when they cry
Make sure they take care of themselves
I don't know...
A friend has passed I hope he's somewhere better.
195 · Nov 2018
Some days
Furey Nov 2018
Today I thought would be good
I woke up and said
"Happy Birthday"
To my dad a VFW
I got dressed and empty the litter
I kissed my kitten June
Packing my things together
I even remembered to charge my computer
My class did a Vet's day memorial service
Then I went to class and everything fell apart
My computer wasn't working
Google Classroom failed
I looked at my grades
My mom will be mad
I know I turned that in though
I mumble to myself
I talk to my teacher so I can get everything done
Hopefully before tonight
All will be forgotten
I can look forward to the holidays
My family
My kittens
Ha even my friends
Today is one of those days
Where it can be bad
Slowly though becomes good
I hope everyone can appreciate
These some days.

— The End —