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Jul 2014 · 1.6k
quoted belief 1
Gary Jul 2014
Our eyes can not follow their roads dream.
When the road is closed,
The road begins in the mind.
Jul 2014 · 708
Inner strength
Gary Jul 2014
Beliefs aren't only in the hands we trust,
But more importantly, in the heart we hold.
Gary Jul 2014
For this world already has already witnessed to much hate.
Gary Jul 2014
My reality is to escape.
I escape by screaming the truth,
Screaming the truth to be heard.
Heard by closed ears,
Ears such as yours.

My dream is to be able to whisper,
Whisper those same words.
To have those same words I once whispered be heard.
To have those Whispers that I now speak.
Be heard,
Heard by you.
Jul 2014 · 747
Let the Dim light shine
Gary Jul 2014
At the age of seventeen
Thought I seen all I can see.

Until that night came.
-everything changed.

Everything changed,
I am never again, who I was,

Everything is different,
My feelings -thoughts in different.

My soul exchanged bodies
That night, everything changed.

Every thing changed, change.
I am never again who I was then,
On that one night,
When it all had changed.
Everything changed.

My body turned cold,
In the silence of sleep.
I felt my age grow,
My eyes opened for a peek.

Out of mind, and body
Was My soul.
Being lifted from bed
As I grew old.

Everything changed that night,
My soul has gone.
Now it lives in a new home
-since that night.

Since that night
It all has changed,
Inner being,
My beliefes,
-Not my name - that night,
That night.

Paralyzed, not from fright
Held down from moving,
A strong force, a might.

Goodbye old soul,
Good luck where you belong.

Hello new life,
Now back to being strong.

I begged for you,
For change, come true.

You listened clearly,
Accepting my exchange
Of souls that night.

Everything changed That night,
I saw the light.

Heaven saw my face,
- Not this place or time
For me,
- tonight,
That night
Everything changed,
That night
This is about a walk in experience I had at the age of 17. Walk ins are a meeting of souls exchanging bodies. Many believe this happens to give a second chance at life and help heal both souls.
Jul 2014 · 253
Never understanding
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
Realization (15wds )
Gary Jul 2014
Sometime's the truth is brutal on us, especially when it comes from our own voice.
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
Squatting with friends
Gary Jul 2014
Her name was coffee,
Her parents we're hippies.
Coffee was a gypsy,
Who always told the truth.
The truth of words,
Wrapped in lies.
Coffee led in truth,
To carry on her name.
Spilling stories of understanding,
Living in a world so free,
With a true vision of freedom in the eyes of crystal blue.
Telling her fractured tails to take all she can. To only be seen never again.
Jul 2014 · 502
Gary Jul 2014
My wine had spilled across the table
that day.
A cheap Chiante, the bottle rolled off
the table.
Causing a castatrophic scene on my
hard wood floor.
Cheap laminet, the glass lye on it's
side, on my glass table like a gun shot
Bleeding it's last ounce of sweet nectar
across it's ground.
I lit a smoke, leaving it on the middle
of the table.
Not in a ashtray and just rolling on the
only dry spot of my uneven table.
I took a black and white photo of the
Photo shopped it all night long and
proceeded to make a really cool picture.
I'm thinking of having it framed, for
But then also know how much it would
That's alot of dough for a cheap ***
spill of wine.
And perhaps way to much thought I
have, or way to much time.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Un-recognizing (12wds)
Gary Jul 2014
Keeping your eyes closed
While your reflection is trying to see you.
Gary Jul 2014
With a dream filled flask
In an absent set mind,
His thoughts were at a stand still
-of time.

His beard long, matted and Grey
His thoughts old, fading, distant,
And aged.

His home was wherever he roamed,
His flask of dreams, is all he owned.

His well worn shoes covered his feet,
His abused heart, covered his sleeve.

I seen his blackened smile everyday,
Good morning, I'd reply as I walked away.

The same park bench every morning he'd lay.
Letting the chirps awaken his stay.

His name I did not know,
His life's road I did not know,
His morning story,
Was a man with a heart of gold.
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
Real Feeling (11 wds)
Gary Jul 2014
Out side beauty catches the eye.
While inner beauty,
Captures the soul.
Jul 2014 · 377
In my veins (5 wds)
Gary Jul 2014
Jul 2014 · 738
The tide inside me
Gary Jul 2014
An empty bottle washes a shore.
It's contents, like mine
Are gone.
The oceans water is rough,
Like my life's journey so far.
This breeze tonight, is bitter cold,
Like my heart, left sour and old.
I have no thoughts of good nor bad
Maybe a few *******, but who wants that?
It's lonely out here alone,(beautiful as well.)
So I carve these us less words
Upon this old piece of drift wood.
Throwing it from my shore,
To only be found by some other sap.
I think I'm keeping the bottle thou.
No one ever understood me until we met.
Thanks to you cold, rough ocean's tide.
Thank you for this beautiful gift of a new friend.
Gary Jul 2014
Poetry *****!
It shows my vulnerability!
It shows my compassion,  my understanding.

Poetry *****!
It let's others like you know I am human.
It shows you I'm sensitive,
And come with not only my arms, but also my defenses down.

Poetry *****!
Even at my weakest times,
Even while completely open.
My strengths shine through,
Showing my real side,
Darkness and light, that I just can't subside.
Jul 2014 · 553
Whispers to your ear (5wds)
Jul 2014 · 310
Listening (the letter)
Gary Jul 2014
Keep me in your prayers,  please.
Not prayers of sympathy,
But prayers of hope for strength.
Lend me your ear, please.
Not to listen, but be heard.
Take your time to understand why. Why I chose you to trust in confidence.
Leave both your ears and mind open.
Let both be willing to accept my truths, not your beliefs.
Just this once listen, hear, and absorb my mind.
Feel the existence of my true presence.
-the real me.
Prayers in the night time rain.
Jun 2014 · 211
Words at sea
Gary Jun 2014
I wrote my thoughts on this paper,
They're no good, just dreams, memories and hopes of brighter days.
This pen I hold helps me remember my goals and dreams, my life's belief.
I try to do good, to live life the best I can,
I try to be strong, and accept all of life's challenge,
The best I can.
All is all,
And all will be,
Roll this note,
Send it to sea.
My bottled hope,
Will float, and float
To be found perhaps,
But remember, I won't.
Jun 2014 · 849
Fire on sunset
Gary Jun 2014
He promised her the moon and stars,
When in reality, it was the sun she longed for.
"I can not give you the world. If I could you know I would."
Her words "I need to move away from your kindness, to find it all.
My greed persists and I refuse to change."
That was the day the sun forever would shine, due to his wishes.
Running back she kissed him, "thank you for this." He turned away and walked into the only bunker, the only protection from the sun. Locking it's door, "now it is your turn to burn."
The end.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Trying to beat my disease
Gary Jun 2014
I try to please you,
But we'll never have that.
You say listen, but I can't.
My ears bleed deafness,
From the screams in my head at night.
My head pounds so hard,
Feels like my neck disconnects my spine.
My voice soft and horse,
From Pleading for mercy,
You just do not listen,
My opinion,
So empty.
Me vs. Multiple sclerosis a never ending saga.
Jun 2014 · 788
Love for sale
Gary Jun 2014
Love is true freedom
And true freedom
Can never be bought
Jun 2014 · 412
Rocky Road (12wds)
Gary Jun 2014
Talking to the stars
Only caused jealousy
Between the moon and I
Jun 2014 · 684
Gary Jun 2014
The minds freedom can be missed,
But its lessons and wisdom will carry on for generations.
Jun 2014 · 3.9k
Real truth (10wds)
Gary Jun 2014
The truth may hurt
Only if we listen
Will we be free
Gary Jun 2014
My thoughts in this fierce world are to brutal in truth for the Lions den to handle.
Your facade gives you weakened followers who know no better.
When the thinker speaks and followers listen, then this is when the truth becomes feared.
The truth begs and makes you not only see, but face the reality, the reality which you fear so deeply, the reality that you can not see by your own.
This is a brain washed society,  with few hopes nowadays.
Don't be a follower,  don't feed this negative energy being used to shut out hope for a better you.
We need encouragements for our selves, our lives, our strengths.
To believe in our soul and speak only with our heart shows the greatest of all beings, a true being.
We need not the "fear to think" we need to display our thoughts and need to fear the resentment towards a free thinking society before it is too late.  Please help show others there is hope and it is never too late.
Jun 2014 · 811
With the will to carry on
Gary Jun 2014
Thoughts come and go
The body burns, yet soul carries on.
Words engraved on paper,
Tattoos engraved on skin.
Both thoughts of the inner soul
Pleading to be heard, to escape.
To be understood during its short existence.
Papers color in age, get brittle,
Become hard to read.
Tattoos fade through the years,
Become less a statement and harder to understand.
although time on this planet is short,
The soul will carry its message for eternity to come.
Like a perfectly placed tattoo engraved to this world forever.
Gary Jun 2014
Rain drops fall from the tree top.
Tree top drips, from the leaves above.
Recreation of a storm that has already gone.
Fall from the clouds rain to be captured again.
Again to the wind, carried across the darkest sky.
Land on a limb falling like the tear from a saddened eye.
Tree tops cry, winds go by.
Fall gentle my tear, like a drop from heavens sky.
Jun 2014 · 393
Dear poetry
Gary Jun 2014
You are wind,
You are fire,
The flame that burns to my creative soul.
Are you created?
Are you gifted?
Or are you just a thought?
Maybe you are magic,
The way you bring a visual to your readers with a few cleverly chosen words.
Who are you? Poetry?
I ask who? Are you?
You run through my veins,
Deep in my soul.
I live for you, in you, with you,
Just to share part of your name.
Poet, am I?
I am, poet I am and if not then poetry set me free.
For without your title my words mean nothing.
My words, not a message no more.
My words now just a mere conversation blending with society and it's normal ways.
Gary Jun 2014
Rhythmic beats,
Rain drops fall.
-listen to them all

Steady in pace,
Not missing a sound
Hitting my roof,
Hitting the ground.

Wind like an orchestra,
Howls from the side.
Rain crashing on my window
Like hitting a cowbells side.

Trees shaking,
As drops hit their leaves.
Making beautiful tones,
Sounds of tambourines.

Rhythmic sounds peacefully there
Painting pictures as I sleep,
All night I could stare.
Storms are my guru of meditative seduction.
Jun 2014 · 3.3k
Thank you my Universe
Gary Jun 2014
Thank you for allowing my soul to grow,
for watching over my mistakes,
for taking my hand to lead me on better paths.
Thank you for allowing me to see during the darkest of times.
Thank you for showing me strength
Proving to believe and trust in myself more often.
You encourage my courage,
Help steer me away from negativity,
Give me my choice in option to live clean and healthy,
To live my life.
Your guidance is a never ending learning,
Your lessons, teach me to stay whole.
Ask you shall receive, once received don't be greedy.
Never will I be greedy,
Never will I take you for granted.
Never will I abuse you, for I share my soul with you,
You are my inner being,
You are my universe,
Thank you, my universe.
Thank you.
Jun 2014 · 581
Walking away from fear
Gary Jun 2014
My thoughts in this fierce world are to brutal in truth for the Lions den to handle.
Your facade gives you weakened followers who know no better.
When the thinker speaks and followers listen, then this is when the truth becomes feared.
The truth begs and makes you not only see, but face the reality, the reality which you fear so deeply, the reality that you can not see by your own.
This is a brain washed society,  with few hopes nowadays.
Don't be a follower,  don't feed this negative energy being used to shut out hope for a better you.
We need encouragements for our selves, our lives, our strengths.
To believe in our soul and speak only with our heart shows the greatest of all beings, a true being.
We need not the "fear to think" we need to display our thoughts and need to fear the resentment towards a free thinking society before it is too late.  Please help show others there is hope and it is never too late.
Jun 2014 · 377
Begining to be
Gary Jun 2014
Sitting, starring, open mind and closed eyes.
Hoping, praying, asking God questions of why?
Listening,  being, who I am.
Who am I?
My road awaits, one of many.
My challenges will never cease,
Nor will I ever stop accepting them.
Lit up is the path leading me to this new road/journey.
My vision brought me to this point, my vision will not guide me wrong.
May my open thoughts of purity bring my sense of strength, trust and understanding of my self shine. My soul, my beautiful soul that has been through it all and never left my side deserves it, understanding. Please I beg to be understood by you.
Signed: yourself (your one and only.)
Jun 2014 · 421
Living in the moment
Gary Jun 2014
Staring in the mirror gave my soul a minute to breathe. Remembering times when I wanted to be anything but normal never wanting to grow old. As the lines in my face only deepen, so do the thoughts of a once younger man fighting to be different. Now as my age sets in a bit, I hear the thoughts of once me.
I snicker a bit, thinking "you never knew what you were thinking man."
Now I embrace these new thoughts,  thoughts of an older man. A man who has been down many roads and seen many seasons. A man who now only wants to be normal, blend in with the crowd and be listened to. I need not to be heard with my loud voice, or seen with my rebel look. I just need to be normal,  thankful when I can live normal.  Thankful for my senses allowing me permission everyday to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste life. Thankful for feeling love, through family and supportive friends. For the special connection I feel and am grateful for each day when I see my lovely wife. Grateful to be able to call my "normal" life, "my life." Grateful to learn from my past, to see my future and never to waste a single minute of life's precious minutes wishing I had anything else.
Jun 2014 · 414
Teardrops fall from our sky
Gary Jun 2014
Rain drops fall from the tree top.
Tree top drips, from the leaves above.
Recreation of a storm that has already gone.
Fall from the clouds rain to be captured again.
Again to the wind, carried across the darkest sky.
Land on a limb falling like the tear from a saddened eye.
Tree tops cry, winds go by.
Fall gentle my tear, like a drop from heavens sky.
Originally titled "the tree and I"
Jul 2013 · 529
Learning to let go
Gary Jul 2013
Learning to let go
It's raining ouside
Inside my heart drowns
The wind is un-inviting
Even smiling faces bring me down.

It's cold out here alone
It's cold in here all alone
My soul grown cold
My mind gone old.

The city is rude, bone chilling
Since you have gone I notice neither
Feelings bare, my emotions froze
All I have left is this note, I hold.

I burn this letter for warmth
To feel again, feelings again
Welcome my friends.

Set these words to the coldest air
Take it from me, let me breathe
Help me see,
As they no longer own me.

Welcome back self love
Inner strength from above
Within who I am
Seeing clearly once again.
Jun 2013 · 805
Gary Jun 2013
Never give up on hope for hope is our souls thought,
Our souls right to dream, to see, to live, to become.
Our soul is our inner guidance, our direction, our way out.
If we want to change our ways No matter what they may be,
We need to look ungrudgingly at ourselves and listen to our spiritual belief.
Not being afraid to be lead into unfamiliar territory.
Accept challenge stare it down and concur, then you will see the true power you really hold deep inside.

Why are we so ******* ourselves? Is it our mind waiting for challenge?  Don’t deny it, it has a  right to prove to you how strong you really are.
We are always more weak in our mirror then others perceive us as, and maybe need to be the  weakest “in our own eyes“.
This self proclaimed “weakness” helps strengthen these areas of our life.
To help us overcome self inflicted fears and struggles in our everyday being.
We may think we are not gaining any distance, but once we look back to our past and what we have gained. we know we need not run to gain a mile walking will get the same results in time.

This is natural, it is natural to be ******* ourselves and challenge our minds thoughts. After all we should always be the toughest critic we ever have to face. Then if others need to judge us we already know what they have said, (since we have battled it in our own mind.) leading us to a victorious battle without fight just simple knowledge of self acceptance, improvement and understanding.

— The End —