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18.6k · Mar 2016
Tomorrows Exam is Mathematics
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Tomorrows Exam is Mathematics
loaded my head with unknown tricks
Doodling with numbers
Yes, teacher calls us dumbers
Too much problems, yet very lil, solutions
The long mountains of  graphs
The Greek symbols alpha, beta omega
equations and formulas
Find height, depth use trigonometry
My answer a picture of a tree
infinite zeros in red
Sets, Relations,  Geometry,
variables and algebra and Lines,
Its like stepping into a field of mines
All time me wondering why
reciprocal of zero undefined?
much of the time
In exam, I stay
Tomorrow's my maths exam..... yippee
9.4k · Jan 2016
C 4 choice..
Arvind Krish Jan 2016
Sometimes your choices may deceive you
Don't complain..
They are your choices..
Choices to be written on your grave
6.0k · Mar 2016
A kerala rain
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Mild rain
the splashes of  browny mud
holi with dirt and water
tasting the soil
being merged in nature
the ignorant childhood in rain
diving to the bottom of rivers
fishing for bral and karimeen
the occasional frights from snakes
rain, raining rained.
holi is a festival of colors
bral and karimeen is the native names of fishes in kerala
3.7k · Oct 2015
Raised Eyebrow
Arvind Krish Oct 2015
Every Time I talk
She greets me with a raised eyebrow.
Whenver I tease
She frowns with her right eyebrow.
I never knew
A raised eyebrow could hold so much meaning.
Whenver u raise
Your right eyebrow,
It feels like a touch ,
It feels like a hug,
It feels like a kiss.
3.2k · Mar 2016
Exam night
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Notes of papers
modules, graphs, maps and scales
me lost in dreams of fairy tales
hard to count
rush to the exam mount
endless cups of coffee in vain
shallows, brooks of caffeine

The clock runs the marathon
eyes dead '
brain washed
3.2k · Dec 2015
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
choose                                         choose
               to                  hate                        love             ­    to
           like                              LOVE                       ­       had
            life                                      ­                                  life
                 my                                                               ­ my  
                       but                                                    but
      ­                       hate                                    love
                    ­                 to                           to
                                          love         hate
                                                  I     ­                                                     
for my love who chose to hate me.

Read from I to love i.e bottom to top
2.2k · Nov 2015
Lost in Time
Arvind Krish Nov 2015
There were times
When I loved Tomorrows
Than Todays
But when those Tomorrows have become Todays
And had become Yesterdays,

I no longer crave for Tomorrows
And the lust for Todays are long gone.
I jut live in the traces of Yesterdays.

Is there any other concept than the above said
In Space-Time?
If Yes'
I'm on my way to  the TIME-MACHINE!
a poem about confessions of time
2.1k · Feb 2016
Still you pretend..
Arvind Krish Feb 2016
You really know that I have a crush on you
still you pretend like I'm just a passerby
Yesterday you became
my best talkers
my best sharer
my best friend

And you know that
I want you to be my best lover
Still you pretend..
I want you to be my best lover
1.8k · Feb 2016
Time is a teddy bear
Arvind Krish Feb 2016
Time is stuffed up like a teddy bear.
At times it's so adorable..
And you just feel you are inseparable
As you hug to it.
It becomes your most secure friend .

But then you grow up
realizing than its a non living
would never talk back
would never listen
and you tear it apart

Only after which you realize
that its existence was in being non-living,
that it was a silent spectator.
please evaluate
1.7k · Dec 2015
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
I now  believe
that I could
conquer the highest mountain
swim across the longest channel
survive the harshest desert
make the longest jump
dive the deepest trench
and ride the wildest horse
I passed one day without teasing you
lived one week without  talking to you
spent an year without seeing you.
1.5k · Jan 2016
Happ New year
Arvind Krish Jan 2016
2015 had its last breath..
and we had given the light to
last  year we made mistakes'
this year we make success
last year we learnt more
this year we teach more
last year we made resolutions...fake
this year we know
it  doesn't  need new year
for a great start
1.3k · Dec 2015
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
I came to know you first
In my Chemistry class..
First you sounded like a lil' toddler
with all the pressure and volumes
But when you made your steps
all the pages made me feel like
lost in b/w crying toddlers.
No matter how much I tried
Neither could I understand you
nor console you.

Then after 2 weeks of separation,
you came back
This Time In Phyiscs!
Now with all those complex equations

Now I hear whispers
In corners of classroom
They tell silently
"He's there in Biology too"
a simple funny poem that came to my mind after seeing an fb troll..
1.3k · Mar 2016
Wish me or not? Birthday
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
This birthday
Is game of coin-toss day.
I don't know whats head whats tail
Wanting my heart not to fail.

It all depends
You wish me or not!
1.3k · Dec 2015
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
We all really want to
be that carefree child
"stops for nothing
do not check your bank account
never tries to please your boss
laugh out loudly
join a gang immediately
always mess with others
and dont even think of future"

Aren' we all becoming
the Antonym of that carefree child?
1.1k · Mar 2016
India- Untouched borders
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
The hues that we respire
the chants of myth
heavenly birds in the ghats
India brims with the untouched
borders of mortality
1.1k · Dec 2015
Re-union of greater bonds
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
Some re-unions have a greater story to tell,
Some Friendships are never meant to end,
Some bonds never meant to be broken,

One day
One month
And Twelve Years passed
We first met
we exchanged glances
made the first laugh
did the first prank
got the first punishment
wiped the first tear..

And today when we  saw all our faces
we had gone back to that lil' kids
and each moment we spent replicated our years of togetherness..

**Our Family is a legend
We are its living traces.
This poem is dedicated to all my friends who have created my school life a miracle. And I thought of writing this on our first re-union. Even a separation of 12 months made us cry and made our bonds deeper.
love you all friends
1.1k · Mar 2016
Romantic exam
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Why is it that most beautiful dreams
come to me
just the night before exams?

I found the answer
My exams are romantic
After finishing the paper I could stare on her
for hours.
1.0k · May 2016
Old Photograph
Arvind Krish May 2016
The old photograph
bordered with dust
a long gone memory
A childhood of hooded dreams.
The fresh oak tree
now blasted and cleft.
The woods redeeming in ashes
The sky grey with mist
The high pants and sneakers
haven for centigrades,
a **** in boots
Max, the Cocker Spaniel
his strayed legacy on streets.

The mood silent
The wind mourning
of old times of photographs
995 · May 2016
Arvind Krish May 2016
The ink fades off the crumbled paper
like my memories were erased
slowly and translucently
leaving wet traces
in my heart.
990 · Mar 2016
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
A motherly cry
pierced head of a fetus
dried placenta.
824 · Dec 2015
Showing Life
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
Felt like running away yesterday
but there was a bridge to cross
but there was demon on the way.
he asked me about life
I told him,
"Come with me, I'll show you.
He followed me.

Then the roads diverged to two
There came a nymph
She wanted to know about life
I said,
"Follow me".

I had to cross a river
In the boat there was a fairy.
She didnt know about life.
I asked her to come with me.

Yes, I passed all mountains, tredges, deserts and forests
came with me
A mermaid, troll, centaur, serpant
all those who didnt know Life
and tired after a long run
the asked,
"You didnt give us the answer"

I just said
"cant you see
This is life
Its just running away"

burning with rage
They tore my throat
and as the blood gushed out
I was still thinking
"Am I not right?
but I had finished my race
and won my reward.
810 · Mar 2016
Turned 17...
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Turned 17*
in yet another ordinary day..
Yes there were kind of joy
in my dreams
But the cake was bitter, balloons deflated, grey jacket
withered flowers, self written cards, melted candles
And infinite wait for your call..

17 years of humanly life... earthly
that faint odor of emptiness
Every time you turn back and realize how beautiful it was
It will make you only wilt
That how dull it is
That how beauti-dull its going to be..

And after all
Its me wishing myself
737 · Nov 2015
On day
Arvind Krish Nov 2015
Is it written on my walls
That you would be mine?
OR is just a faked dream?
The shattered rains
and broken winds..
I wonder if you know what I mean!
When you talked that day
as if we are known for years,
When we stood by the road
having a roadside snack
and when you opened your dreams
I felt like you are mine..
And now when you are away from me
for just two days
It seems like a lifetime
And turned yourself without giving a bye...
I left alone
with half eaten roadside snack!
732 · Dec 2015
Junk of wishes
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
Yesterday was the christmas feast at school
And I went with a lot of wishes
And to open my heart to you.
I went in my best attire
To see you in your best
To see your hair untied
flying its softness in the x'mas air
To watch your raised eyebrow
questioning my shyness.

A wish
To be the first one to greet you
as you come to school.
To be the first one to see your smile.
To be with you while hanging the balloons.
To wipe the glitter off your nose.

A wish
to be with you when the cake
has its first slice
To splash the cake to your soft face
past your lips
when creaminess meets softness.

A wish that
you would do the same
to feel the magnet of your hand
on my desireful face
To see your laughter coming out like crystals.

A wish to be with you always
and to melt in each moment.

And I had gone with all these thoughts
only to be confronted by
the long distance between me and you
And my heart and body sprang
with high velocity
to vanish that distance.

And then my body halted
but not my heart
When I saw another pair of legs
walking to you
To see him feeling your hands
To see him walking past you
To see you laughing and smiling to his words.

And I was left alone on the ground
With wishes
scattered around   me.
Nothing but
futile wishes..
Arvind Krish Apr 2016
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
The brook flows bound to wastes

Cut, Cut, Cut
The fallen trees they shed

****, ****, ****
The animals roasted in fire.

Smoke, Smoke, Smoke
The grey turned air sneeze

Blast, Blast, Blast
The wrecks of once mighty peaks

Dry, Dry, Dry
The last drop water vapourise

War, War, War
Men pierce hearts and blood

Throw, Throw, Throw
food ever to be scarce

Explode, Explode, Explode
The radium bursting the cells

Invent, Invent ,Invent
all that earth never wanted

Destroy, Demolish ,Doom
until the last life turns solid

Bleed, Bleed, Bleed
Earth you are never more alive.

For mankind was never
to be a savior
Never to be an angel
But to be the mark of doom.
720 · Mar 2016
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Not seeing you is the hardest pain
But I'm already familiar with it.

But last time you had left me
I'm the one who turned the stone.
losing your love is a real pain
but sometimes she has reasons
710 · Nov 2016
Arvind Krish Nov 2016
To be the best
or the worst
is my choice
white rain dances the white off
I chose white over ride
my plight the brightest lie
of all heights.
697 · May 2016
What did she miss?
Arvind Krish May 2016
She hides her pupil
under the long lashes
'A silent sweet girl"
I thought

Then I knew she was
a shooting expert
'A serious one"

Her photos of hiking
had crossed 100 likes
"an adventurous one"

She sang a melody
struck the strings of guitar
" A real Virtuoso! "

She won A in next exam
"A prodigy"

Did she miss the fun?
Funny because she is
holding my hands
and what more fun!
679 · May 2016
Arvind Krish May 2016
The more I try to swim
The more I learn to drown
636 · Nov 2016
I'd rather
Arvind Krish Nov 2016
I'd rather write unknown poems
that no one would ever read
than shut myself to a living coffin
618 · Feb 2016
My love
Arvind Krish Feb 2016
We are tied together with an invisible  thread
no matter how much is the distance between us
the thread blooms with romance
we dance  like peacocks in rain
we sing like  cuckoos in dusk
As the Rays of sun & mist fuse
As the breeze and smoke swirl
As the snow kisses the leafs
I hold you in my arms
And whole world envy us.
611 · Mar 2016
A note of love
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
She walks before me, sliding her eyelashes in a dancing mood, the wind being fortunate enough to carry her strands of long black hair, the light being fortunate enough to reflect on her soft skin. She talks to me and  rush of adrenaline wakes the wave of emotions in me. Dear, do you really know that I love you? Or you wish to become a silent spectator enjoying my madly acts of love? Where did all the romantic lines I that by-heartened  flew away? Where did all that courage I mustered went to hide? That please be with me. Please don't run away from me. That I only want to be with you. That I love you
A note of my best Friends life. After we all have gone through this
600 · Mar 2016
Still I run for you
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
The days of  sweet
your face shining
the smile, the origin of happiness
that was more.. to see your plain skin.

7,8,9, ten days passed
I've run past the corridors of school
to find your trace.
At times I see
a pair of sandals tripping to the van.
At times I see
a pair of hands  crossed in his.

Still I run everyday
Hoping you would give me a gaze
the one you had in our beautiful days
still I run..
597 · Feb 2016
Arvind Krish Feb 2016
I'm crazy afraid of this valentines day
I try to improve
I try to modulate
I try to flirt
I try to cross the friend zone
I try to romance
but yet
your single gaze makes me blank.

because I cant lose you forever ..
578 · Jun 2016
Arvind Krish Jun 2016
White pale snow
forms the boundary
of my anger
Arvind Krish Nov 2015
You might have left me
but you also left me
with mixed emotions.
You taught me even my notions
could be false.
They were mere thoughts alas!
I learnt to hold my cries
to hold my sighs.
I controlled my rage
tied my dreams in a cage.
But when you walk past me
with same joy
I'm still left unanswered!
541 · Feb 2016
Yes life
Arvind Krish Feb 2016
Fighting hard to survive
Enjoying wild to live
Being normal to exist
Life is a combination of these acts.
Live  survive
541 · Mar 2016
The leftovers of a suicide
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Broken glass of a french scotch
stamped to the mysteries of a sand
loosed tie and and unanswered calls
The fears of tomorrow
He chose the doorway to death.

In the most heroic way
In the most romantic  way
To become a coward
To become a  maniac
As the daily's said.
life death
526 · Mar 2016
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
luster of life is pale.
there are just demonic  fables.
faint songs
humming with deep notes
The cry of a phoenix
mountains tremble
with fear of men
523 · Jan 2016
Snow and Fire
Arvind Krish Jan 2016
Fire has burned our skin
Snow has made our blood frozen

Some pain have to be felted
Some joy to be known..

if not
we would be the snow
who has never known
the warmth of fire
if not
we would be the fire
who has never felt
the chill of snow..
501 · Mar 2016
The silent myth
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
The silent myth
The sacred nuptials
the bind mackerel
a broken furred leg of spider
a feast for ants
fused medallions
Evoke the night!
489 · Nov 2015
Arvind Krish Nov 2015
As the clock struck O'clock
and my FB account soon sets out
my phone ready to beep
After getting his alarm note
I had drown into the dark sea
Under blanket.

I dream of dreaming unicorns
But the state convulses me
Into an undefined ratio.
And as I free my eyesfor their
Long struggle to open,
I see  the everday ceiling
Yet Yesterdays seem an
empty space for me!
489 · Mar 2016
Moon_ silent messenger
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
Are we really connected enough
as the realm of inner animism
metamorphises into brain waves
I believe the moon acts as messenger
and moonlight as the medium
of our thoughts, love and feelings.

And yet
I spent the entire night
gazing and talking to the moon
hoping you are at the other end....
487 · Nov 2015
For what?
Arvind Krish Nov 2015
What was all that
Talks, smiles and fun for?
If it was just for you
To walk away like a stranger

What potion do u take
To forget such sweet memories
Were they never sweet for you?

When I waved my arm
And you passed by me, never noticing
It was my heart
Which was lost in the
Waves of rejection.
483 · Nov 2015
Arvind Krish Nov 2015
Waiting for yet another day
for today is becoming past
and what we did all these years
has become futile sands of past.
Theres nothing left.
and we cant fathom into future
for they are mirages of hope
ready to deceive
ready to vanish.
And what's left is just "NOW"
The "NOW" ascending from future
The "NOW" descending to past
And that "NOW" is really a present to us!
483 · Jan 2016
Love lost
Arvind Krish Jan 2016
Not a moment did I spend
without thinking  about  you  
And still I feel something lost
Yes , I have gained  something  to have  it lost
And I started my venture to find what was lost
but you are a good runner
The more I advance towards you
The  more our separation
Still I never stop
Still  I'm trying .....
love sad wish
464 · Mar 2016
Circle of love
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
In the great circle of love
I feel like a dot
And more the radius of my love
extends to you
Th more smaller I get
464 · May 2016
Melting love
Arvind Krish May 2016
The chocolate I wanted to give you
That you didn't accept
melts down into my heart
463 · Feb 2016
My love is booked
Arvind Krish Feb 2016
For 13 years I loved the books
They were my best sharers
Last two years I knew that
Those I have been knowing for 10 years
We're more than my friends
But it was too late that high school ended.

In a new haven
I started to love someone more..
I started to notice the blues of sky.
I began to love poetry
The hues of the world
Blush of the wind..

But now I'm back to books
This time I'm not reading
But I'm inscribing the pain of love
Into the torn pages
453 · Mar 2016
Arvind Krish Mar 2016
She sits there on the verandha
her kitty pausing for some occasional mews
she had pale blunt eyes
long unknown odor of thoughts
She speaks else
She sees else

there is his solitary lady..
I see I pass...
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