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Styles Jun 4
I gripped her hips, matching her rhythm, feeling her tightness envelop me. It was pure ecstasy. Every ******, every movement, sent waves of pleasure through me. I watched her, mesmerized by the way her body moved, the way her ******* bounced with each ******, the way her face contorted in pleasure.
Styles Jun 3
I gazed upon her, ******* cast away,
Her thick hips swaying, a tantalizing display.
Each garment she shed, an invitation to sin,
My anticipation surged, aching to begin.

With deliberate grace, she unveiled her form,
My desire ignited, a feverish storm.
The sweet scent of her essence, a delicate tease,
Tickled my senses, brought me to my knees.
Styles Jun 3
Her mind filled
with vivid fantasies,
fueling her arousal.

Her **** throbbed
under and on top
swollen and ultra-sensitive.
he rubbed it faster,
hips bucking

involuntarily in response
The control has long pasted her

The combinations
Of  sensations
his fingers inside her
the relentless stimulation of her ****
created an overwhelming tide of pleasure.

The pleasure built to an unbearable peak,
and with a final, intense stroke, she was sent over the edge.

Now she is
Passed out,
curled over,
her legs weak.
Styles Jun 3
The rhythm of his fingers,
on her **** quickened,
each stroke becoming more insistent.
Her moans consistent,
With the waves of pleasure,
radiating through her.

He does it so good to her,
her breath comes in,
shallow, needy gasps.

With his fingers
he teased her entrance,
feeling the heat and wetness there.

he pushed ******* inside,
feeling the tight,
velvety walls of her *****,
clench around them.
fingers in and out,

Curled to hit the right spot
Got her begging him not to stop
Styles Jun 1
He strides with power, making hearts leap.
Not tall, dark, or handsome, yet a sight to see,
Big, black, and strong, raw intensity.

His skin, a deep brown, a warrior’s tale,
Scars map his body, a living trail.
Each mark a story of battles fought,
Victories won, and lessons taught.

A rugged face with a granite jaw,
Eyes like fire, wild and raw.
Intimidation mixed with thrill,
A promise of power, strong and still.

Beyond the fight, his passions flame,
For his lovere, his heart does claim.
A touch both tender, yet commanding,
Master of desire, ever expanding.

His caress a journey, his glance a vow,
In his arms, no resistance now.
A force magnetic, drawing near,
Igniting flames, dispelling fear.

A legend lives in shadows’ embrace,
Strength and desire, no one can trace.
In his presence, mysteries unfold,
A tale of power and passion, bold
Styles May 30
Beneath the moonlight, where shadows gently play,
Our passion lingers, though night begins to sway.
With tender hands, I trace her silken skin,
A wordless vow, where our love begins.

Her whispers are the music of the night,
Soft echoes of our love, pure and bright.
In every touch, a story softly speaks,
Of dreams fulfilled and moments love seeks.

Under stars, in our haven we reside,
Two souls as one, with hearts open wide.
Her laughter, like a song, fills the night air,
A melody of joy that we both share.

As dawn emerges, with its gentle light,
I hold her close, embracing the sight.
For in her presence, my soul finds its grace,
A love eternal, in this sacred space.
Styles May 28
I used to read your lips,
like books,
I loved watching you write.

Lately you have been silent,
like a flash at night,
a lovely sight.

Breaking apart at the seams,
with all my might,
you sent me a message, but
I just didn't read it right.

Now, your silence is deafening,
but at least I got the message
last night.
Styles May 28
I felt;
you were more than just a fling, but then
you flung me away,
like I was nothing.

I was to you,
as you were to me.

Styles May 28
Words without actions;
lost opportunity.
Styles May 1
Rockin' that dress, fits just right
Hair styled high, shining bright
Syncopate my soul to your rhythm, all night

'Cause I wanna shine bright for you, shine for you, oh-oh
I just wanna shine bright for you, shine for you, oh-oh
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
This mess of a night, still shining, no remorse
Shine bright for you, shine for you, oh-oh

Like marquise diamonds, rare and fine
I'm your marquise diamond, divine
Even Melody could get jealous
You say I give it to you strong
So good, so good
Keep you hooked, never wanting to move on
I won't, I won't
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