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Anna Mosca Apr 2016

where I live
now is very hot
it's the dry desert

mountains encircle
the valley where
the rainbows lay

for short breaks
on periodically
sprinkled grass
From the collection California Notebooks 01
2.9k · Mar 2015
Being The Shore
Anna Mosca Mar 2015

some times I miss
being the shore

constantly smoothed
by the froth caressed

by the whispering
waves to find myself

in the soft morning light
cleaned up reordered

from all the creases
of worrisome days
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
2.4k · Mar 2015
Anna Mosca Mar 2015
I long for your hand
reaching out to you
in your solitary time

it feels right to exchange
tenderness as rare
garment today

everyone wearing
passion, jealousy, envy
claiming to feel

alive consumed indeed
that common look
wearing everything out

underwear outerwear
deeds feelings selfies
very little left beneath

simply I reach out
to your hand let it be
all with all its significance
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
2.3k · Mar 2015
What Survives
Anna Mosca Mar 2015

may my smile
be forever loving
as I play in life

new roles and adjust
words as a tight dress

may wind cloth me
forever changing
just that loving smile

let then one survive
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
1.8k · Jun 2016
On Lightness
Anna Mosca Jun 2016

it is a revelation
not one cicada
sounds the same

a butterfly sitting
by me admiring
something I lose

myself on such lightness
I use to tell children
to stop and to listen to

the songs  of
butterflies as
they nodded back
This poem is from the collection California Notebooks 01
Anna Mosca Aug 2016

some nights

I soothe restlessness
vacating the house
for a brisk walk

until steps get
few and slower
I may stargaze

or understand at once
those leaves shaking
in the dark torpor

I may turn to catch
the light patter of
my shadow born

under the moon

This poem belongs to the collection of the California Notebooks 01
1.5k · Mar 2015
Anna Mosca Mar 2015

the stillness
of some nights
has few equals

owls sounds
out of nowhere
under this canopy

honeyed darkness
wrapped around
my lonely steps
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
1.4k · Feb 2015
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

not sure if it’s a song

my ear gathers or a

story gently murmured

out of the blue water

sailing between ridges

innumerable notes

I listen to these secret

codes I lightly stare

at the creases an

opening on the

All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
1.4k · Apr 2015
Hotels, Love And Poetry
Anna Mosca Apr 2015

should have taken one

picture as i walked in

bed spread tight

all folded and straight

me dog tired

before a long hot shower

cramped in one tomorrow

with everything i own

spreaded wastly around

a colorful explosion

I will walk around

picking up the pieces

stepping on geography

not singing over maps

using a finger

to caress a route and  

the thought of you

limping from hotel to hotel

and a sleeping bag

go away

artists’ lives are messy

it’s a known fact

the walls are disheveled

would I have some glue

to nail you there and there

I will hop around happily

tattooing words about us

and hiding some

under letters
From The London Hours Collection
1.3k · Jul 2016
The Longing of Poems
Anna Mosca Jul 2016

some poems
long to be gardens
or more likely lakes

enclosed and safe
ideal for thinking
suitable for letting go

where even silence
is guarded precious
embracing yet

leaving time out
somehow a small
palpitation held

between hands
From the collection California Notebooks 01
1.3k · Feb 2015
Wearing Existence
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

let me wear existence

to move easily around

infinitude of problems

mind never ceasing

grudges uttered

between harsh words

I forgot I was once clad

with petals and blossoms

delicate easing out

fragrances as dreams

you don’t pay attention

nor have some sense

of smell no more sense

ordinary days of wasting

away in full daylight
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
1.2k · Sep 2016
Mothering Love
Anna Mosca Sep 2016

the mothering love
of letting go

silently keeping
a corner

warm the nest
ready to welcome

anytime me
the wounded bird

a small body
still crossing oceans

this poem is part of the collection California Notebooks 01
1.1k · Nov 2016
May My Smile
Anna Mosca Nov 2016

may my smile
be forever loving
as I play in life

new roles and adjust
words as a tight dress

may wind clothe me
forever changing
just that loving smile

let that one survive
this poem is part of the collection California Notebooks 01
1.1k · Jun 2016
Anna Mosca Jun 2016

it is so
that every morning
I go about pressing the foot
on the same path that’s how

habits are formed good ones

I’ve learned in between

steps to make treasure of
observation new revelations
as they come blossom

in presence
This poems belongs to the collection of the California Notebooks 01
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

what makes

the difference

between a word

and a scream

the curiosity

of seeing behind
past knowledge

to have the gaze

of who had never been

troubled by notions

foggy clouds
of opinions to be

carried away

swiftly over

the land disappearing

now light as dust
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
976 · Aug 2016
Infinite Beauty
Anna Mosca Aug 2016

the littlest
month coming
but I wished it stuffed

with all colors of peace
gratitude and smiles of
understanding a cold drink
can be sweet in silence
savored limbs stretched

infinite beauty my
thoughts a pillow
come lay with me

This poem belongs to the collection of the California Notebooks 01
959 · Jun 2016
Letting Go
Anna Mosca Jun 2016

where the horizon

nothing to climb
and look down on

just a step over
looking at the other

and letting go

This poem is part of the collection California Notebooks 01
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

allow me to dive

beneath the surface

of things told once

into a stream of


into a sea of muffled

noises moving

slowly within a

smile performed

with my eyes as

you watch me

desiring sleep
894 · Aug 2016
Listening To Silence
Anna Mosca Aug 2016

my favorite occupation
has been that of
listening to silence

to give shapes
to music singing
with my hands

on top of the colors
that lay already there
to tiptoe in-love

slowing down
my responses
to evade darkness

into the beauty held
inside as the harmony
viable all around

This poem is part of the bilingual collection California Notebooks 01
872 · Jun 2016
Anna Mosca Jun 2016

I notice the silence

not anymore the chirping
or the chatter of the wind

I notice the hummingbird
trying stillness by furious

flapping I stop engaging
myself I let go of my eyes

frantic grasping of letters
on a page putting the book

down where it was letting
my head as beheaded

falling too

From the collection California Notebooks 01
860 · Feb 2015
To Ride The Wind
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

to ride the wind

is an old dream of mine

I have to (be) content for now

just whispers to my ears

wind that moves foliage

and flowers alike

that caresses the surface

of sea and rocks alike

to soar to dive to lazily

float around thing

breathing again

and again


All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
859 · Feb 2015
Borrowed Dreams
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

on borrowed dreams

he said we are made

with the same atoms

as the sun and the stars

that a small part of him

could have been a star

long ago now fallen

on this solid planet

yet not having

a light of its own

he was afraid he

may fly apart

anytime once

more into the

finest powder

a tear in my eyes

as I dive into

deep thoughts

he never ceases

to surprise me
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
820 · Apr 2015
To Meet A Man
Anna Mosca Apr 2015

to meet a man

with no past


of no recent past

better a man


that doesn’t call

past what is



that knows

his tenses


to meet a man

with a past that


made him

vulnerable yet


secure to take

risks in spite of


to be that man

to be one that


adds and not

steals to be a


man to be

of a man


to be

From The London Hours Collection
814 · Jul 2016
Writing Between Letters
Anna Mosca Jul 2016

the sun rests
on my hair on a
winter afternoon

hours fleeting
rushing into the
calm evening

not daring to
go inside subtracting
myself from grace

I keep my head down
bowed as I write between
letters my emotions

This poem is part of the bilingual collection California Notebooks 01
799 · Feb 2015
The History Of Time
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

time leaving

traces everywhere

victims never

to be avenged

time cannot

be hold it can

be classified

never arrested

and if doing some

serious thinking

we last but the

length of a breath

time shows itself

and swiftly go
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
798 · Aug 2016
Anna Mosca Aug 2016

it’s the beauty we hold
and carelessly wear around
what we’ll be missing more

I’ve been that route

bumps holes and crevices
known to me if you’ll let me
stop the nonsense and hold
dear what we have

This poem belongs to the bilingual collection of the California Notebooks 01
771 · May 2016
Eternity Roams
Anna Mosca May 2016

eternity roams
inside me I can’t
help but travel

forever wondering
the mind and space
on earth as in dreams

seeking some order
chasing the waters
harmony to fill me

deep from the inside
to make me a lake

alas at home

From the collection California Notebooks 01
719 · May 2016
Early Mornings
Anna Mosca May 2016

early morning
every one works

to make the land
more beautiful

sprinklers sing
water jumping

up in the air
birds grooming

their songs
elderly women

with rolls walking
their poodles

old pick up trucks
filled with new

flowers to plant
slowly driving by

From the collection California Notebooks 01
712 · Jun 2016
I Pick Up Words
Anna Mosca Jun 2016

I pick up words
as small daisies
on a spring field

careful to hold them
in small bunches
never as beautiful

as when first spotted
a memory of wonder
blushing as they close

around their meaning
covering the heart
shy of a truth near

enough for our dull spirit

to remember a note
or two

This poem is part of the collection of California Notebooks 01
712 · May 2016
Me Decorated
Anna Mosca May 2016

me decorated
with an unexpected smile

I now expect little and live the moment
exploring while passing over

I’ve quit detaining I let
motion befalling having no

more addresses pinheads or pencils
I found myself delighted
in the last three lines

From the collection California Notebooks 01
704 · Nov 2016
My Windows
Anna Mosca Nov 2016

I always wish
for my windows
to face the sun

a revolving house
I plan activities
around the light

moving courting
a gentle routine
caressing my walls

as the flowers heads
up and silent pride
it is me contented

yours is a daily
kiss I crave for

this poem belongs to the collection California Notebooks 01
589 · Apr 2016
I've Seen Rain
Anna Mosca Apr 2016
I’ve seen rain
stepping on the sea
incessantly tapping

not able to carve
ancient holes

as on rocks
because it

was welcomed
it was welcome
576 · Feb 2015
Finding A Way
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

may we find a way

to silence the loud

obsessive thoughts

sons of fear to welcome

the ones shaped as wings

a conglomerate of lightness

feathers on strong muscles

to allow us to soar through

life’s beauty with our beak

open wide
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from

— The End —