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Oct 2017 · 472
Maybe I'm Breathing?
apollota Oct 2017
I think
my chest is heaving,
a person that I don't

Where has the time
I'm growing older and older,
I can't
now I'm falling.

My feet are still, but I'm falling.
Screaming out,
calling for a friend.
But, no one's here.
Is this the

Oct 2017 · 386
The Dead Are Walking
apollota Oct 2017
I feel like I'm dying.
Even though I know I'm not.
I'm breathing, I think.
I have to be,
but I've struggling to feel anything.
Everyone says it's impossible
to die and keep walking the earth
but I feel like the person I am died long ago
and now I'm just sitting in a suit of skin.
Sep 2017 · 331
2 am questions
apollota Sep 2017
Recently I've been having
with myself, in the dark.
I ask myself questions, like;
"Do you have likes and dislikes?"
"Do you have hopes and dreams?"
"Where do you see yourself in the future?"

I never respond,
I never have an answer to respond with.
Aug 2017 · 608
White Picket Fence
apollota Aug 2017
On a dimly lit street is a house,
with broken windows shattered from expectation
and a roof not built to hold the weight of living.
The furniture is covered in dusted memories from the past
and the floorboards creak with the sound of every mistake.
The grass that once sat atop the dirt has ran away
and the pool is filled with an ocean of tears.
The laundry hamper is full, piling up with self doubt.
This is my resting place;
a little tattered,
a little sad,
but a little hopeful.
Jul 2017 · 431
Things I've Forgot
apollota Jul 2017
am not made of stone,
even if
the way I exist says the opposite.

am not made of wax,
even if
the tears that fall disagrees.

am not made of paper,
even if
the scrunching of my soul yells otherwise.

am human,
even if
the chaos inside my head challenges that.

A little broken,
a little flawed.
A little self love goes a long way.
I will never get better,
but every step I take will build a bridge
towards a lighter weight on my shoulders.
Jul 2017 · 455
apollota Jul 2017
I wonder,
how many kingdoms
have I blown to dust
to get where I am?
I haven't written in a while, however I'd like to start again. It's 2 am, this thought crossed my mind and I couldn't get it out. How much of life have I missed out on because of my anxiety and depression? I imagine the percentage is quite high. I want to start going outside more, putting my dusty camera to use. Perhaps this short poem will give me the courage to do so.
May 2017 · 398
The World Will Shake
apollota May 2017
When I die
I hope my passing disturbs
the universe so much
that even Atlas's knees quiver
Apr 2017 · 909
anything you want
apollota Apr 2017
when you are young and naive,
your guardians will sit you down
and give you a speech about
how you can be anything you want to be.
they will look down at you with soft eyes
and say "anything you can dream, you can be"
and, you will believe it
because you are naive.

when you are a little older and a little less naive,
your guardians will sit beside you on the couch
and they'll say with hopeful eyes
"what classes will you pick?"
and they will give you a speech about
how you can be anything you want to be
and you will think for a moment before choosing.
and you will ignore how your guardians look away as you do
because you are naive.

when you are even older and even less naive,
your guardians will bring you out to dinner at your favorite place
and order your favorite food even though it is expensive
and they will look at you with nervous eyes as they ask
"what do you want to do with your life?"
and you will wait for the speech about
how you can be anything you want to be
but, it will never come
and you will stay silent for the rest of the night
because you are not naive.
Apr 2017 · 372
apollota Apr 2017
It's 2 AM and everyone I know is asleep.
And, although there's no sound coming from the apartment,
it's not silent.
Because I'm still awake
and my mind is still racing,
the factory inside producing treats of despair.
They look so tasty,
despite the horror that I know lies in the middle.
But, they're calling to me.
Begging for me to bite into them,
maybe if I do I'll discover something.
Discover me.

It's 2 AM and everyone I know is asleep.
Apr 2017 · 281
Dark Runs Out
apollota Apr 2017
Inside a head that lays on red pillows
are thoughts of chaos.
Old and new, bright and dark.
And when hollow eyes look at
bland ceilings under soft moonlight,
the chaos gets a little neater.
Apr 2017 · 318
apollota Apr 2017
Everything a person can do creates a thought,
a car that runs through a persons mind when they are
trying to sleep, but they can't.
But, with a poet,
a thought isn't a car.
A thought is a wave of water,
it's a dunk tank at a carnival
and everyone has perfect aim.
It's a soft touch on cold skin,
one that feels like a lost lover.

And when a poet writes,
and a thought is used,
it lives forever.
Apr 2017 · 410
apollota Apr 2017
How long did the water clog your throat before you could finally breathe in death?
Apr 2017 · 413
apollota Apr 2017
It’s in everything, everywhere.
in the water you run away to when things get hard,
in the glass shards on the ground every night,
in the spoon you hold while you eat breakfast alone,
in the screen of the phone you use when you have thoughts.
Reflection is everywhere, in everything.
Because it’s not in the mirror you stare into,
when it’s 2 am and you’re desperate to know yourself.
Apr 2017 · 990
Atlas, how do you live?
apollota Apr 2017
I am not Atlas.
I can’t carry the weight the world on my back,
Watching from below as
symphonies become sorrows
And hopes become hopeless.
As hearts stop beating despite the flowing
Of blood through the veins along scarred wrists.
And bones fracture after words stab into
Discarded bodies with lifeless heads.
And maybe Atlas didn’t have this problem.
Maybe Atlas could bend his knees,
Perhaps they were sculpted to shift that way
But, even if I wished upon the brightest star
My knees would not bend at the hands of chaos.
How deep do your bruises run, Atlas?
Apr 2017 · 327
apollota Apr 2017
I’m filled with lightning.
It shines bright, flowing through my wrists.
It cracks through with everything I do.
My smile, my laugh.
The way I walk and talk.
It’s electrifying.
I've realized a lot of my poems are filled with self hatred, so I wanted to make this one. A small poem about self love and realizing your worth. I'm filled with light even if I can't see it often.
Apr 2017 · 954
I'm gone
apollota Apr 2017
That December,
I was a mess.
A pile of broken bones
And discarded hopes.
Skin clammy and lips cracked,
Devoid of anything.
You ignored it,
All of it.
Now, it’s April.
Two years later
And I’m still a mess.
I’m still a pile of broken bones
And discarded hopes.
My skin is still clammy
And my lips are still cracked.
I’ve still devoid of everything.
But mostly?
I’m devoid of you.
Apr 2017 · 378
You Love The Burn
apollota Apr 2017
Cracked lips hurt the most.
You learned this when you were young.
Naive and overwhelmed by the things you felt.
You didn’t understand them and so you ignored them.
Pretending that your mind didn’t scream at you,
Smacking at the ****** fingers that tried to pry at the closet doors.
Then you met him.
And you remembered that band aids exist.
That alcohol can clean the wounds that cover your skin.
You were so caught up in feeling something,
That you forgot liquor stings when it hits flesh.
Mar 2017 · 767
Weaved through time
apollota Mar 2017
Bodies crash into foreign sheets
and lips mold against currents.
Drunken declarations of love,
filled without meaning or thought.
The world fades to black
and slumber takes over.
Hands clutch empty spaces
and lift cold pillow cases
to realize that it was never real.
It was just a night weaved through time,
forgotten one day to never be spoke of.
Lonely people discovering what it's like to feel alive.
Mar 2017 · 613
12 AM
apollota Mar 2017
Light shines through windows,
painting on comfortable carpets.
Stairs creek after steps passed
and throats clog after whispers caught.
Waves crash against sand,
playing soft symphonies in lonely ears.
While hearts break as glass smashes to floorboards
and bodies fall into pieces.
Mar 2017 · 644
Sixteen Wishes
apollota Mar 2017
I th016ink there's a g015litch in my co014de.
I'm tr013ying, but I st012ill feel alo011ne.
A010nd, my he009art?
It's bi008tter cold t007o the touc006h.
I wi005sh this l004ife w003as eno002ugh.
Li001fe is to d000ie.
it reads;
"I think there's a glitch in my code.
I'm trying, but I still feel alone.
And, my heart?
It's bitter cold to the touch.
I wish this life was enough.
Life is to die."
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Life After Death
apollota Mar 2017
Put the feet back on the ground,
the earth has been found a home.
Leave the umbrella alone,
the rain has stopped and the reason is unknown.
Dry the eyes of their tears.
The fears were conquered tonight.
Now, soar through the sky in the light.
The things of secret are within the sights.
Feb 2017 · 510
Save Me
apollota Feb 2017
I knew a boy once,
beautiful and broken.
He made rules out of construction paper
and lived by others ideas.

I knew a boy once,
who saved birds from annoying teenagers
and despised shoes with a burning passion.

I knew a boy once,
who couldn't swim
and floated on water like he was weightless.

I knew a boy once,
who could swim
and seemed as though he was born from the sea.

I knew a boy once,
who met a boy
and they saved each other.
apollota Feb 2017
Allow the young to grasp the hands of death,
pull the strings of their brains,
shape them into monsters
and make them endure the worst.

Create tragedy from their touch,
give them guns
and send them to war.
They are hollow,
their heartbreak written in the spilled blood.

You took their hope and exchanged it for hell,
yet still they breathe
and stand tall
as their knees quiver
from the heavy burden of the things they've done.
written on 2017-02-20.
Feb 2017 · 806
Assembly Of The Soul
apollota Feb 2017
You walk through fires,
hot as Hades for the ones you hate
and swim through oceans,
cold as ice for the ones you love.
But when you're stuck at a cliff
and the only way back is a broken bridge
who rebuilds it for you?
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Time Waits For No One
apollota Feb 2017
Fragmented nothings
And sullen crowds,
A life dreamed in color
Under dark storm clouds.
And all the while in wonder,
A fairyland awaits.
Disrupting the hands of time,
To anger the fates
Wrote this on Jan 03 2017
Feb 2017 · 1.0k
To Feel Is A Heavy Burden
apollota Feb 2017
Three months ago,
I saw your face in the rear view mirror
Of a beat pickup truck.
And now,

I can still feel the sting of your cold fingers
As they glide across my heart and grasp at it.

I can still taste the hatred spewing from your
Teeth and flowing into my head.
Telling me i am not enough.

I can still smell the burnt scraps of my soul,
Lying in a pile by your bed.

I still feel like I was paper,
Crumpled and unfixable.
Wrote this on Jan 27th, just posting it now.
Jan 2017 · 372
apollota Jan 2017
"Life imitates art"

As if the wasteland we call being alive
could become something so beautiful,
full of vision, voice and hope.

As if this hell could write symphonies
about the flames that infect our soil.

As if a pile of bodies
who felt their lives would amount to nothing
could be a masterpiece in a museum.

Life does not imitate art, it opposes it.
This is a piece I wrote today, January 21st 2017. Take what you want from it.
Oct 2016 · 389
apollota Oct 2016
I was young.
A child.
Barely able to comprehend simple math.
And you told me that I could be anything.
Anything at all.
To pick who I want to be.
I think you wanted me to pick nothing.
Third of a collection of one word titled poems.
Oct 2016 · 335
apollota Oct 2016
That’s how long it takes
For you to be gone.
To walk away and leave me behind.

But, you said you wouldn’t.
You said you’d never leave me behind.
But, if someone better came along,
I bet you’d leave me behind.
In seconds.
The second in a collection of four poems
Oct 2016 · 644
apollota Oct 2016
I knew a boy once.
He wasn’t anything special,
Just a boy sitting in the back of a noisy classroom.
Taking up space.
He wore the same T-shirt three days in a row
And he sat by himself at lunch.

Then I thought about myself.
I wasn’t anything special.
Just a boy sitting at the front of a noisy classroom.
Taking up space.
I wore the same sweater three days in a row
And sat by myself at lunch.

We aren’t anything special.
Just people sitting in noisy places.
Taking up space.
Wearing the same clothes three days in a row
And sitting by ourselves.
I wrote this last night, along with three other poems.
This was the first one I wrote out of the four,
it started as a poem about a boy
then it became a poem about the universe.
Sep 2016 · 583
Straw Of Gold
apollota Sep 2016
I'm frozen.
Standing in place,
my feet still on the cold concrete I once called home.
I can see the spinning wheel.
Constantly turning,
but never changing time.
Like a vortex without energy
or a lamp without light.
It's nothing,
just there.
It exists.
do I?
Sep 2016 · 445
Friend Please (7 Words)
apollota Sep 2016
Don't compliment me, just say you're here.
Sep 2016 · 512
Decimated Hopes.
apollota Sep 2016
When I was younger,
I used to think we were all equal.
I guess I was wrong
because now I'm pretty sure this Earth is lethal.

**Don't **** me.

I decided to
post it on here for safe keeping.
Sep 2016 · 586
apollota Sep 2016
I want to run away.
Not very far,
maybe just down the street.
To the home of books upon dusty shelves and checkout cards,
I could get away from reality and just read.
Read about fairylands and mythical wastelands
where the heroes end up winning and all the monsters die.
There's no fear,
no hatred.
Just happiness
and I'll squint at the paper pages,
trying to read the small print
as the sunlight drips over it like a fresh oil painting on a hot day.
The sky will shine like a kaleidoscope array
of precious pinks and bright blues.
I'll lean against an old tree
and my back with probably ache several  days later,
but the solitude is worth the pain.

I want to run away,
but my wings won't seem to fly.
Sep 2016 · 2.9k
Feeling Human
apollota Sep 2016
I yearn for that ability,
to feel human without ease.
No binder grasping at your ribs as your breathe,
no **** being stuffed into your pants.
No having to see if your hips stick out in those jeans
or if your chest looks weird in that shirt,
just being human.
Sometimes I think I never will,
because feeling human is a privilege
and the different don't get them.
Sep 2016 · 424
apollota Sep 2016
they don't have
They sense rejection
and think they're not worth
worth love,
so they get rid of.
Their personality,
morality turned upside down.
Originality is,
So think.
No reflection,
no connection.
Are you a monster too?
Aug 2016 · 317
Somewhere, Maybe.
apollota Aug 2016
I remember the time we met.
I was a broken tea cup,
a prince without a crown.
You were a cracked bottle,
a princess without a gown.

But, life isn't a fairy tale.

We caught eyes
and continued on,
a broken boy and a cracked girl.

Maybe we would've fallen in love.
Maybe we would've healed.

we have a happy ending.
Aug 2016 · 1.4k
I Know Now
apollota Aug 2016
When he was four,
he tried to write a poem
and named it "Happy"
because he was happy.
He had a new toy
and new paints.

When he was nine,
he tried to write another
and named it "Confused"
because that's what he was.
He had questions about his body,
but couldn't find the answers.

When he was thirteen,
he wrote another
and named it "Scared"
because that's how he felt.
His body was changing
and he didn't like it.

When he was Fifteen,
he wrote a different poem
and named it "Knowledge"
because that's what he gained.
He knew what was wrong,
so he told them his new name.

When he was eighteen,
he wrote a new one
and named it "Ghost"
because that's what he was.
Nobody respected him,
his pronouns were never heard.

So when he turned twenty,
he wrote his final poem
and named it "Boy"
because that's what he always was.
He taped it to his door
and danced from his ceiling fan.
This poem is very special to me.
I hope someone out there understands what I meant to say.
Aug 2016 · 546
Please, Friend. Hold On.
apollota Aug 2016
A boy sat alone
with books by his side,
in between shelves
and out of the eye.

His thick glasses hung low
and his face wet with tears.
He'd spent all of high school
hidden in fear.

He always looked back
when he walked home from class
and slept with all the lights on.

He locked the door
and hid from his parents.
They yelled and they screamed.
Arguing every day
and always the boy wished
someone would take his life away.
Aug 2016 · 338
Tragedy Consumes
apollota Aug 2016
I met a boy today,
similar to me,
with hopeful eyes and yellow teeth.

He looked like death,
smelled like it too.
With skin made of gray
and hair that flew.

A mind made of magic,
graced with such life.
Soul of beauty
and a backstory,

He fell in love,
with a girl from the sea.
His heart was a lock
and her's was the key.

He slipped
and he slipped
until he drown,

The auburn girl burned still in his head.
Aug 2016 · 226
apollota Aug 2016
We met
and I felt
                       ­                       v
                                        ­               e

You broke me
and now I'm struggling to
           ­                          r
Aug 2016 · 268
This Isn't A TV Show
apollota Aug 2016
I can't seem to sleep anymore,
the hill is still steep like before.
And I'd rather fall
and break my bones
than spend one more year
beside all these clones.

I know that I fear more than anyone,
but I'll be fine 'cause
at least my life is mine.

I won't be like you.
I don't want to see the colors fade to blue.
Enjoy the view,
this is a preview.

Of what your life could be,
if you'd try to see.

A life like me.
Aug 2016 · 272
Paint, To Cover Up
apollota Aug 2016
Punch me,
kick me.
Scream at me in color.
A kaleidoscope of reds and blues swirl around my eyes.
Mute the tones.
I won't speak.
Put a filter on it
and pretend you loved me.
Aug 2016 · 233
Pointlessly Regretful
apollota Aug 2016
Brain flickers,
like an almost empty light bulb.
Realization trickles in
and you think to yourself,*
"What am I really doing?"

You'll try to post pins on a map,
trying to contour your life.
Most of the map will be blank.
A large lack of red pins pushed into the paper.
You'll try to understand why,
you'll look back and regret.

Regret the ticket you didn't buy,
the person you didn't talk to.
You'll want to change it.
But, you can't.
You'll crave to remember how it made you feel,
that trip across the world or that concert.
You won't remember.

And when you're dying,
you'll sit.
You'll wonder,
and question.

"Did I ever know what I was really doing?"

*No, you couldn't.
I've come to the realization that across the constellations of people on this Earth, nobody has ever experienced everything the world has to offer. This poem is sort of based off that.
Jul 2016 · 298
Depending On You
apollota Jul 2016
The sun
can't live
without the moon.
Maybe that's me
without you.
Jul 2016 · 436
Leaving Me Out To Dry
apollota Jul 2016
White picket fence,
house of suburban wishes.
Where you graced me with bittersweet kisses.

Static slumber,
electricity cut off.
When you put me in the sink.

Green blades,
two toned sky.
How you pinned me to the washing line.

Held on by my plastic pins,
you watched as I blew in the wind.
Falling to the mud.
You cleaned me, I got *****.
Why did you watch me fall?

I got this idea randomly and decided to go with the flow, as I always do. I'm really proud of this one.
Jul 2016 · 329
The Circle Of Existing
apollota Jul 2016
Dream, oh dream.
A fallen leaf flowing down a stream.

Wish, oh wish.
Rain boots squish in pretty puddles.

Hope, oh hope.
Dizzy souls walk across the tightrope.

Live, oh live.
Give the empty vessels a heartfelt smile.

And remember, oh remember.
How I left the window open that December.
Jul 2016 · 332
apollota Jul 2016
Sugar cubes
Salt cubes.

They look so similar
that they're often
confused with
the other
apollota Jul 2016
They say
that a house becomes a home
only after you've
lived in it
long enough to learn
it's weak spots.

I've lived in this
for years.
I've learned the flaws
weak spots
and abnormalities
yet it doesn't
feel like
Jul 2016 · 548
apollota Jul 2016
I spent a long time hating myself.
Thinking that my hands were saws
and to touch anyone would be to **** them.
I thought that my eyes were darts,
drops of poison on the ends.
I aimed my eyes at my feet so I wouldn't **** anyone.
but myself.
I thought that I was like the sun,
I'd burn you if you got close.
I wasn't handsome,
not like everyone else.
I was just me,
a burning pound of flesh.

I've realized that I am not flesh.
I am not a poison dart
or a ****** weapon.
I'm a celestial man.
I have stars growing in between my ribs
and crystals pouring from my eyes,
my hands bleed glitter.

I'm not the nothing I once thought,
I'm the everything I never knew.
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