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Oct 2017 · 316
Laurel Leaves Oct 2017
You think by loving someone, you can speak on behalf of them, completely understand them but, I was with someone for five years who looked straight through me.
I can’t even recognize my own reflection in the mirror most days and I poke and **** at my skin to make sure it’s real almost daily. I want to displace the sensation that one day, I will have this all figured out, or one day, I will have someone who accepts the moments I can’t seem to get out of bed, but not endorse it. I want to stop living for an eventually, so I shove present tense down my throat.
I want to know that when I do finally go out, I can outlive this body in some form, that the human population can remember me for something more than my mania, but for the vulnerable moments when I spoke out against the delusion that there is a good or bad, there is a way to live and a way to not live. I hope that the people who loved me can take away the times when I sat patiently, biting onto my lip and holding them through their own fears and awakenings, see the way I brought validation to their own neurosis. I hope they all see me as the love I tried to display and the times I stubbornly kept going when the final blinking seconds on the tile floor sounded so much safer than my own mind.

I hope I can outlive this body. I hope I can leave something that doesn’t sting. I hope that I don’t just fall into the same societal traps as the general population and that my illnesses won’t be the definition of me, I hope I can continue to exist in spite of them.
Sep 2017 · 447
Work me.
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
Grandeur in their audacity to
Compare me to each insignificant blade of grass
As I stand above the overpass

Blurry reds and whites
Melting apathetically in with the dusting of pink

Almost lept from my gravitational pull
Instead remembered how good it felt
When your indecency once slid up
The opening in my dress
I stayed planted
Promising my dillusion the same temptations
Would ultimately make another appearance
In the infinite rotation of a tangled set of lucid moments

And maybe,just maybe
This time
They'd stay a little longer.
Sep 2017 · 445
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I retract like a mollusk receding into it’s shell.
I think of the way I could simply just tilt my head back out of the passenger seat window
he drove,
moving through songs that meant the same to us.
I tickle the sand between my toes
slowly into the water while it wades around my knees,
how I could wrap my hands around his neck
just stand there while the world moved around us.

I find the trajectory of the mania, the nights where I just tried to lay as still as possible, not breathing too heavy or looking him in the eyes. How triggering it could have become if I would have
crossed my arms, sat up, or spoke.

I think of how the smoke enveloped most of our time together
blurring our vision
clouding our minds
I didn’t need to see much further than his skin
I didn’t need to look over his shoulder
Just closed my eyes and soaked it all in.
Sep 2017 · 1.1k
Repeating dejavu
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
My belly emerges above the ripple in the water
While the rainbow hue of small delicate bubbles pop the moment they make contact with my skin
Exposed the goose bumps grow around my areolas
I think of the small toes
Bumping, tickling the inside of me
While a heart beat
Moves rhythmically with me
How the butterflies sing me to sleep when
Her eyes glow
A burdening row of uncontrollable
I watch as his fingers trace the porcelain
The water cascades in
Roaring, boiling
My lips purse together
While the steam
Emerges from the ends of the mug
Water dripping down my shoulders
Pooling at the ends of my hair
Breathing deeply
Dreams recently
Sep 2017 · 398
Weird fish
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I crept through
The way summer
Lapsed like a
Quick reaction
My sinuses rejecting
Foreign objects

You stayed planted
In the pacing emptiness of
Our home
I could have
Come back to the same scene
At anytime

While I slowly walked through
The way that the hills
Sloped through
Curving around
Cascade fault lines

I forgot how to
Find the simple ideology
Of breathing
When living in fear
Of existing on the same
Latitude as we used to

I am no longer home
I am capsized
Cannot grasp
The same

I just let the dark
Winding roads
Where our song plays
Droning out the white noise
Over and over again
Until my nerves stabilize

Who said loving me
Wasn't going to become a balancing act
When you met me
I couldn't even sit down
I couldn't think of anything
“Today, try not to drown”
I'm not feeling myself and this weather is making my knees crawl.
Sep 2017 · 319
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
Hoarders houses
Filled to brim
overgrown fig tree's
fallen chestnuts
heat no longer rising from the asphalt
faded American Flags
TV's blaring

The pink clouds of
warm blooming roses

the musky air of
freshly put out forest fires
stale aftertaste of bitter coffee

is this your home?
Do you reside here?
How can you breathe with all of this smog filling your lungs?
Do your legs ache for a new path?

Neighborhood cats
curiously follow you
making no sudden movements
on the verge of making it
I'm leaving Portland in a month.
Sep 2017 · 315
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I think of the way he landed me on the map,

the way the first time he sat on my bed across from me and tried to explain to me how he felt, I could feel it.

I could feel how the world seemed to shift into this small microcosm of a fragment in time.

I could relate to him in a way I could never relate to anyone.

I could see his mind flash through the same tickling sensations as it did for me.

Somehow in the minutes, I turned.

I pushed the mirror up to my own lense, saw how weak my knees had become, saw how little I had inhabited my own mind.

I sat with him while he burst through the rapid fire responses of his brain grasping for dopamine,

I closed my eyes and allowed deep breaths to overpower me while I pictured tall evergreen trees surrounded by fog.

I pictured us standing in the eerie forest holding hands, inhaling misty, deep cold breaths while our bodies regulated to the surroundings.

I envisioned the way he kissed, how his lips feverishly grasped for mine, how I could forget the way the world spun for hours, days, weeks.

I could be placed into moments and feel them over power me, how roses smelt, the sun slowly setting, the cars speeding past.

I took in the time I had with him, the calamity it provided my five senses while I stuck my head out of his passenger window and watched as the stars chased us across state lines.

I didn’t excuse my behavior, I didn’t hide it. I allowed him to see the four am hospital beds, how sometimes the only time I could breathe was if I rolled to my side and bit down.

I impulsively let him into my life, I opened the door wide open and allowed him to see the sides of myself I didn’t recognize, I’d never personally met, I let him love me for all of it.

I let him hate me for all of it.

I met myself through his perception of me, through the way he held me, pushed me, pulled me.

I opened my arms wide to the potential he provided, the small details he could pick out that no one had bothered to do.

I fell hard and deeply, impulsively and erratically.

But I didn’t blame mania,
I didn’t blame myself.

I just held it close and ingested the time I had,
the only way I knew how to with him,

by simply being unapologetically myself.
Sep 2017 · 203
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I don't even know how to tread water anymore.
I casually wait for the riptide to grab me by my ankles
**** me in until I'm just marrow. I sit in the passenger's seat and let it all pass
Cascade faults
ritualistic, it's described so often like a taste in my mouth
Metal, sharp, pungent
I retract, let it flow down my throat
Fill my chest with yearning
while someone else holds onto the wheel
Biting my lip at the fantasy of getting out of the car, throwing my shoes behind me and swan diving

I don't even want the end.
I don't fantasize the beauty of complete silence.
I linger on the milliseconds before the crack
The stringing pull
Of a visceral heart attack
Sep 2017 · 262
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
The eloquence of something obtainable
when all you have is this dissociated, distorted reality
where you can't even see past your fingertips
He enters in
Makes you open your eyes
appreciate the freckles on your knuckles
The way your thighs feel
wrapped tightly around his waist

Enunciates how perfect it is to just be not make excuses or apologize
He slows the time
holds you down,
lifts you out
Let's you fall
Stopping when you start to drown.
I can't stop writing love poems. O.o
Sep 2017 · 205
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
Here's where the sip
drips slowly down my chin

she elaborates on the fragments
some self proclaimed
between her own bitter desires
to distinguish any fire
while she sits like cinders
singing the same praise
he once made

alone in the corner
headset tangled
her mania ignites
it's a spark
where she once knelt in
parking lots
throwing trash over fences
she stands taller
her embodiment of life

you sing to her like she's shallow
she cascaded down mountain sides
before she bent to you
sang behind the musty moments
of lover's eyes
broke bones
to mold the same life

you claim is your rightful
and true

she doesn't even beg
if only you knew.
Sep 2017 · 259
Angels Rest
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I kiss him while our world burns
The playground we danced in
While rainbows formed under the awning of waterfalls
I feel his heartbeat
While it all turns to ash
The television blaring
State of emergency
But I don't hear it
I don't feel it
I curl my arms inward and allow him to hold me
the spaces we tossed and turned
Slowly mold into the shape of an urn
Evergreens crashing
He folds
Oregon is on fire.
Sep 2017 · 505
Hand. Fasting.
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I'm not the way home reminds me
I waft through the world obtaining the ideals
Of unanimous prophecies

Spelling it as if it is so
He turns towards me and hands me the fine tip of a needle
open arms
Swings the words through catalytic loops

He says
Till the final throws of life come through my eyes
I wont breathe still youre mine

But I'm motionless
I freeze as the cracks take their form
The natural progression of ice melting
It signifies nothing
Nodding as the moonlight
I sit still for hours
Cigarette after cigarette
The thick chews of ginger candy
Wrappers clothing me

I'm the skin
Holding our bodies as they morph into one
As the paint fumes poison us
Rats tickling the walls

We lie
To ourselves
Above the sheets on the bed
I tell him I want to see the world
He perks
"Aren't I your world?"
When I was 17 and I didnt know any better.
Sep 2017 · 429
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I'm captured
The dimly lit room holds us
Locks the outside world to our own

We lick the faint fragile moments of
He's with another
He doesn't hold her body
Like he held mine
He looks away while she squirms

He sits at the edge of the bed
Back toward her torso
While I lay
Legs spread
Waiting for the daylight to
Wake up the realism
The ideology
Memories of why you refuse
To exist for me

Why our bodies seem to
Slip into the same glazed over rhythmic patterns

My own lips pining for
A mind of their own
A mind free of how it felt to be
Eaten alive
Stashed aside

An independent ignorance
of your design.
Sep 2017 · 382
Light up the room // rewind
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
He licks me like I'm fragile.
Like I'm so unique, so delicate, so irreplaceable, that one false move and I could be gone forever.

He leaves prints on my skin and comes back to retrace them the next time we lie in bed together.
Surprised to see that his fingerprints existed on me hours before.
The first time I sat on top of him and wrapped my legs around his waist,
I heard seagulls in the distance.

I felt the last traces of sunlight fall behind the hills and I smelt the warm river water,
the smells of the earth kept me grounded,
placed me closer to the moment with him.
My body fell,
the way his skin seemed to trace mine so perfectly.
I didn't have to escape.
I could shoot my eyes open and watch the scenes of the empty beach
while I felt him push deeper inside me,
felt his teeth sink into mine,
felt his fingers curl
around the places I needed him to touch.
I inhale the moments where he keeps his eyes on mine,
where he says my name,
where his hands slowly slip my pants off.

I gulp them up and swallow them whole,
doing everything in my power to absorb the time I have.

The time he is here,
he is present
and he can't resist me.

I feel him in scenes,
I hold my breath waiting for the plot to change on me
and I kiss him in the spaces that smell close to home.

I wait until the morning sunlight slips in through my window,
the red sun illuminates the dashboard, his hand travels to my thighs
and I whisper what I want to say,
what I shouldn't say.
Sep 2017 · 95
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
When she knocks on my door
Does she mean it?

With my own volition I speak
I take the approach to preach.
Aug 2017 · 242
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
Could have been anyone
The page tears and it's the way
He describes how I hold
Onto every passing moment like
I'm suffocating the life out of them

Could have been anyone
I sharpened my nails to the summer nights
I promised I'd spend forgetting him
Not falling

Loving every passing body
Except my own

Must have been the way he looked through me
Like he understood
The seconds after a casualty
A crusade of
Life when all you have left
Is the smell of roses
Right after they bloom
And naked bodies
Wrapped around eachother in a
Musty hotel room.
Aug 2017 · 285
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
curled over the table
I pull on the edges

his body always sat poised when he knew he was right

the way Whiskey used to spill down the sides of my lips
While they curled into a smile I did not recognize

His lips lay flat, a line parallel to the next
They don't move,
They don't hint
Or quiver

I feel the way the oceans rocks my body
The way the waves seem to control my hips when I can't even smell
The maritime air

I move out of memory
Out of nostalgia
Above him
Beside him
Keeping my eyes tightly shut
I follow a rhythm
As he pulls
I remain

Above water
Aug 2017 · 466
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
I sit nodding while the sweat drips
Sliding down my spine
Tracing the marks he left
The night before

Singing alongside
Drinking the smoke from the
Orange air
Toes curling
While the AC burns hot
I don't sleep
I don't blink

I live to feel
How it passes through me
How weightless my abdomen becomes
When the world no longer watches me
When he moves his hands
Farther away from the tips
I breathe
Aug 2017 · 335
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
I just want to be naked
To slowly wake up next to someone and feel the morning light wrap around us while the coffee brews in the other room.
I can visualize the scene
the exact corner of the world me and this stranger will lie next to each other
but I can’t see his face and I don’t know who he is

I want the world to wrap it’s fingers around my throat
force me to feel
the explanation of where I am going and what I am doing
I want to be able to stay the same weight
and not randomly gain ten pounds when I take a few days off of exercising.
The hard work of sobriety to pay off
the moment of elation where I feel ok,
where I don’t feel numb
or scared
just at peace

I want to understand how easy it is to fall out of love
and why I am able to do it constantly
with myself
with lovers
with life

I want the visions to leave me the **** alone
The memories so tangible
I can taste the scenes as they scatter across my pre frontal cortex
How quickly they died
how easily I survived

I cannot comprehend the moments in my life
the triggers that slip through each passing second
I find them all intertwined
the manic penmanship of someone who is scared
who is eager
who somehow in spite of everything
is resilient

I feel safe only in the corners of coffee shops
my fingers gripping the sides of a warm mug
my journal spread open begging to be touched

I feel safe only in times when there is turmoil
when they say the no longer love me
because I can trust that they mean it

I feel safest on the mountaintops
where the silence over takes me
the fog clears and I can see the small miniature tree’s
humbled beneath my height in the clouds
I can almost touch the airplanes as they fly above me
I can be.
Written during a manic episode.
Aug 2017 · 307
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
Ok so I just walked through a garden
The sprinkler went off
It was dark
The rose bushes tickled bug bites
I couldn't focus my eyes

He told me in a manic frenzy
That loving something
So indecisive felt like
Biting the air
Watching as the leaves just float away

Felt like mountains cascading towards him

I told him loving me
Wasnt suitable for anyone
Not even myself

You see I stand perplexed by the idea
That I could even be held
That anyone could even feel the sensation
Of my own still body

As I dart
Dodging moments where they lie through their teeth

Who could even conceive
My rotting body adjacent to
A mind that is inhabited by land mines

A mapped out memory of each trauma
As it crashes towards me

He said that I was easier than
Southern deserts
Stuck in the car

Forgot to mention it contextually
Do you wake it up if you cannot dispose of it later

Do you reach to touch it

If you know you can never feel it?

The sprinkler went off
The water didn't even get me wet
Yet I stood there leaking
Stood there
Thorns cutting
Every side of me.
Aug 2017 · 549
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
Couldn't love me
When my body dripped
The blood soaked through the floor boards
Picturing the seconds when they strip me
Bite the tips of my toes
As they beg for the pain
To pull out my eyes

I don't scream loud enough
I dont fight tough enough
I dont lay complacent

The agitation
How they rise
How they devour

I drip I sting
My venom
Doesn't even drop them
To their knees.
Aug 2017 · 445
Pt. Sd.
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
To be

Lonesome solace where the
Sit in a circle
Criss crossed I saw him
Lie in the middle
Smirk wrapped against  teeth

As they pushed deeper and deeper inside me

Void of lonesome
I didnt drive in fear while the knife wielded into my spine
I led the cowardly
Edge of the lake standing

His needle just rested against his forearm
Poison barely made it into
The vein next to
Thick lined tattoo
Said he barely felt pain

The past tense
Was edible
It melted into euphoria
Forgetfulness was a privilege
I could be consumed by moments
Where his ringing noises didnt
Completely devour
Where he didnt catapult me into
Leaping fenses
Shoving cliffsides

I'm capsized
Defined by an adlib
By bullet holes and

Wish I could have wrapped my fists tighter
Made the pigment of my beating heart
Aug 2017 · 313
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
Don't make me initiate.

Seconds leading up to rushing river beds where they stand adjacent

Hands held out whispering
"Don't worry, don't worry"
But I stumble
I let the fast paced movement of molecules rushing west, east.

On an atomic level I swore you were beneath me

My human instinct to just breathe to plummet
To scratch the itch
Where you stung
The side of my hips
I ached for you
I waited days
Left the lights on
Water sat trembling

My current rippling the way
The universe never seems to do what I ask

Gravity sending you farther and farther
While I sit like a magnet
Rumble in my own state
The days slur on
sun jumps
Catching glimpses of trees through the crack in the window
Forgot the necessity to eat
My ribs curl inward and squeeze.
Sheets drape
Can they be you if I close my eyes tightly?

Will they ever stop echoing the same melancholy?
Aug 2017 · 395
Manic Depressive
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
I used to beg for him to just

Stand in the doorway

I would kneel on the edge of our bed

Saying his name repeatedly as he slipped through the front door.

I found this comfort in my mania

In my starvation

He left me emaciated,

Never fully satisfied I would stumble through our apartment

Picking up inanimate objects and throwing them at the wall

Watching as they plummeted to the ground

I could feel the sigh of relief

Immeasurable to what he used to do to me

He provided the healthy appetite of rage

With each door click

Each time he slowly said my name

Licking vowels clean

The frustration his fingertips


His plane landing on the other side of the world

He was closest to me when he couldn’t see

The outlines of my freckles

But instead the visions  

He’d manifested in his own head

The first time he told me he loved me

I felt the bed shake as the words fell out

You could see the regret

Instantaneous, he’d forgotten that loving

Meant more than being attached to the heartbeat

meant loving my mania

Meant loving my forgiveness

Meant loving open doors

It meant feeding me until I was full,  

I believed him only when he was disappointed,

when he was too drunk to remember

The moments when he finally let his eyes wander

When he closed his lips to kiss me

Screaming through the phone

The final seconds

When his words were always

“I have to go, I have to go.”
Aug 2017 · 1.4k
For our lives
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
Blurry city streets seem to call your name
I forgot how to exist when I no longer love you

As years weigh tightly on my spine
I creep through the monotonous state
no longer hungry
slurring speech
Towards the impending luxury
Where he keeps my arms pinned down
On the dying grass
People watching
The adrenaline never seems to last

Their eyes gaze in our direction
As I bite into his shoulder
As I squirm
Friday night’s celebrations
wrap tightly
I can taste the whiskey
But it doesn’t bubble inside me
It lures him towards the smoky bars
Where I cower above him

I ache
My anger bubbles in moments where
I’m screaming as the
Car window opens
As I drive away from the emergency room
Soap still slipping through my wet hair
Could I find meaning in this existence
Where you don’t reside alongside me
Whispering in my ear
I used to count on my subconscious
your voice of reason

Outgrowing the state of being
My veins exacerbate the tight
Need to fight
To stand up straighter
Hold it all together
I let him wrap his fingers where
He wants
I let them gasp
wake the neighborhood up
To sounds of me howling
Begging for
An escape where
They no longer ask from me
Where the pain no longer pools
Like the storm clouds
Above the dry valley
One strike of lightning
Suddenly it’s a fight for our lives

Hit me so I can take my mental state
Throw it into a definition
Look through the stars
the colors blend together in gaseous realities  

I can find the one strand where I used
moments of joy
the orange duvet, window open
Boiling tea kettles,

I used to just stand in the grass and not think about the
The crawling underworld
Soil seeping through,
Induce me
I’ll sink past the dirt, the sand
And let go of your hand.
Aug 2017 · 328
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
So I focus on

the way his hands wrap around my throat

close my eyes, let the constant
Slip of white light
Allow my lips to grow numb

The pull at the end of my hair
skin crawling sensation
to the tips of my limbs
I howl
Aug 2017 · 403
Rush Hour
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
I’d like to take you to this moment, it’s five in the afternoon and downtown Portland is quiet.

The sidewalks are cluttered with bodies silently moving,
sleepily dodging the sun
the sounds of sirens
doors slamming
cars braking for red lights
fill the lapses of time
I walk slowly through the crowd
reflections of sunlight jumping off tower windows
illuminating my elbow
three freckles on my forehead
my right knee
The space surrounding me smells strongly of burning tobacco
foods dipped in boiling oil
rich, dark coffee.

There’s a way my lungs jolted before and there’s way they do now.

The parachute of air running in and out
flexing like wings inside my chest.
How they used to flutter

how they once had a choreographed routine

                        designed around their sudden need jolt
                                                  whenever they thought of being near lips

Now, in the shadows of concrete and plexiglass they remain following a newfound mundane routine
flapping their wings only to keep me upright
only to feed the world between my ears

I’d like you stand in this moment

                               wrap your fingers in the way loss pulls like a trigger

Wake you  up to the world where the towers finally fall
allow you to watch as they cascade towards you and feed each human instinct that follows, do you run?
Do you stand in fear?
I want you here in this moment alone
in your interpretation of a body

I want you to see the way I pull on you
the way I run from you
the way I stand
glued to the ground
as each wave washes over me

The way you came into my life anxious
the three seconds where the entire block is silent
and you can suddenly hear each and every single one of the vibrations your body makes
when no one is looking you in the eyes as they pass you by.

I don’t even know how bite into you
                                                          when you’re just the lapse in time

the five in the afternoon lull that manifests the slow
rhythmic pulsing of my heart
feeding only to keep me alive
the machine that clicks at every passing minute

                                                         I want you to crave the connection

the sounds of voices
the stem of a scream to grow inside your throat

                                                        let it consume you

the way it does me
a fear not of being alone, but never truly being seen
Aug 2017 · 282
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
Counter tops

Sterile, alcohol free sanitizer

Bare feet sweating

Sticking to the glassy

White porcelain floors,

Blood soaked rags in the trashcan

Peaking above the metal box

Sneaking looks

Mocking my pathetic state

The needle digs deeper into my right arm

Small plastic tubes tickling my shoulder as they

Crawl up to the small rack that

Follows me from room to room

The bag slowly dripping

Pushing weight

Bubbling inside my abdomen

The blurry molecules of light tickle the tips of my

static lips

my spine twisting

posture arching

Slowly I melt to an almost horizontal state

Craving a hand

The sensation of touch

To make an entrance

push the hair from my forehead

Or fingers to trace my back

And pull me upright

The flicker of fluorescent

While time perpetually lulls on

I do my best to grip onto reality


Into purgatory

Slipping from a sleep

“I’ll be home later”

I didn’t have time to grab shoes

He stayed in bed, peaceful,

didn’t even lift his head

Wiping away as I speed mercilessly towards the red lights

the rain slips through the cracks of the night

I let the four am turn into nine

And I wait for him

To make time.
Aug 2017 · 411
The Same
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
I think I have successfully found a way to avoid it all
Slamming my fist into the dashboard

The plastic cracks under my knuckles

I see your white lighter that fell

Years ago

rolling out from under the passenger’s seat

initials scratched in sharpie

I said when the tan line on my ring finger disappeared

I’d be over that stage of us

So I kept wearing rings on that finger

I see it in his eyes

The same loss that I felt

Creeping through me

As I claw for the delicate throws of normality

Fantasizing escaping

I wanted to break even

To orchestrate the great

Explain to the world

That I can hold fast

That I can find a sense of sanity that would last

All the while,
tying myself to the train tracks

I used to have this grip

I held it so tightly

promising myself that this mania

of prep meals

and daily runs

would sooth me

I said that the schedule is what will keep me

off the edge of the bridge

but it slipped under my head like a knife

followed me to bed nightly

singing the same trope of dependency

how they led me

I drank them in like their skin

was wine,

I sipped heavy gulps

and called them mine

leading down the same path

of sitting in the passengers seat of the car,

parked outside of our house

holding onto an old lovers lighter
Aug 2017 · 245
5pm Friday
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
"I don't understand you seem so happy"

          "Didn't you go to school to learn how to deal with people  like me? I project what people want to see."  

                        "Yeah but look at you, you understand why you're acting this way, you can logically decipher it, you don't even need me sitting across from you taking notes or telling you what you need to do, you already know. But you still want to die. You still sit across from me every week with new scars, new stories and I want to help you but how do I help someone who already knows?"

                  "Ok, but that's my problem. I can logically see what is happening, I get it, I'm ******* depressed, we're all ******* depressed and we all die, and inevitably the happiness I feel will disappear and worse things will come my way ----
          and god forbid if worse things don't come my way, I'll live a meaningless, numb, long life. Doesn't that thought keep you up at night? Doesn't that just epically ******* up? It's all I can think about. And if I go home and finish the job I started 3 years ago and actually end it, I will have lived a short,unfulfilling life that left nothing on this planet I was proud of, except for the grief the people who love me will feel  
..........and well. I don't want that."

"Yeah, you're right."

"****. So what do I do?"

"You keep living and endure it."
Conversations with my therapist.
Aug 2017 · 228
Crown Point
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
We got in the car
And I said “head east”
He turned the car towards the desert
No questions asked

We wind through the smoke filled streets
While he pierced through me

Always joking that
He’d never be good enough
I laughed it off
Like he had any idea

Letting my eyes drift through the whirling
Sleep deprivation that

Feeling him provides
                                     Living provides

                                                                     Wanting to escape
                                                                      Always abides
Aug 2017 · 140
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
This is what it means to love myself
this is what it feels like to be resurrected from the depths of hell
Aug 2017 · 260
Hunger Talks
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
I let lovers bite into me
Beg for them to leave marks
As they track lines down my back
I whisper dreams
Of a heart attack

They say I’m too dark
Try to illuminate me
With stories of their past heroic decency
bowing at the end as if
I was just another one
In their bed of complacency

                                              I can slow to down to the exact minute that
                                              They're slipping their jeans back on
                                              While I pretend to sleep
                                              it’ll hurt when I wake up
                                              notice blank canvas
                                              of freshly vacant sheets
                                              These lover's they get high
                                              off these informal goodbye's
                                              assuming I lay in bed awaiting their return
                                              with my trembling thighs
                                              they pat their own backs
                                              Slip in between the 4am cracks

                                   But they’ll never be him
                         And they’ll never kiss me like he did

They’ll never be the hands behind another broken lid
And the pain subsides quickly
leaving the iron taste in my mouth craving

                            Hunger under the rising moon
                                     I wait in my sheets
                               For another lover to slip in
                               And dig their teeth into me
                                Knowing they'll be gone
                                              Just as soon.

— The End —