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4.1k · Dec 2021
Healer Dec 2021
My earth was waiting for your stormy footsteps.
They say,
It's not a crime to love what you can't explain.
So you'll be my secret forever
just like the sea's oath to the inquisitive siren.
I promise to hide you in
the crimson of my eyes,
in the blues of my veins.
2.1k · Feb 2023
Healer Feb 2023
My failures are the loudest silence,
I have ever sat with
2.1k · May 2023
Heart's Melody
Healer May 2023
I never noticed that my heartbeat was so beautiful,
In the solitude of my evening,
I discovered this delight,

As my heart played a symphony of treat,
Lub dub Lub dub Lub dub
In this melodious Serenity, I found myself wrapped in my own embrace.

It was today, I came to know that
The pulsing of my bounded soul, the cadence of my fading heart,
Is my harmony to myself, my whisper of peace.
Note to the reader: Embrace your inner symphony and find harmony in life's beautiful beats.
1.9k · May 2023
Healer May 2023
Failure a ruthless painter
splatters my soul with its tainted brush,
Staining the fabric of my hope,
Shredding the canva of  my ambition.
Eroding the castle/ fortress of my desires, it washes away the footprints of progress.
I am left stranded in bottomless sea of missed opportunity
collecting the shattered pieces of my expectations.
1.8k · Oct 2018
Healer Oct 2018
Yesterday which seems so far away
brought a new glowing dawn, a new day, opening a new path, new ways
Blessing every tired child with new energy to play
Every blind to see, mute to say
past is gone but let's love this gift of the present
do not delay cause life has a bad habit of taking everything away
If you are fortunate than me then in this journey called life
you'll be stabbed and betrayed
if you don't love yourself but want others to pray
here's harsh slap on your face that no one will ever want to stay
Everyone wants others love but no one will give their's to spray
This life of your's is more of a living on a battlefield
every day will bring new war lined up in arrays
ready to ****, to defeat
ready to send you on your knees
This life is your's to live
yours from society's chain to free
take charge of it else not only for you
but also for other's your life will become a misfit
1.8k · May 2021
Ardent love
Healer May 2021
Even black has a shade of blue,
when I see it from your point of view.
Your love has the power to change every wrong to right.
With you by my side, these hollow and dead night turn's into a beautiful twilight.
Your laughter is an assurance that everything is fine, it'll be alright,
hope is everywhere so is the lingering light.
Your eyes are like sacred raining of starlight,
like the drifts of leaves, immovable and bright,
filling the world as fair as white.
Your talk is so magical it feels so right,
I just want to listen as you talk in the spotlight.
When you look in my direction,
I feel a connection, it makes me want to grow into your definition of perfection.
Still undecided on the title part.
This poem is dedicated to the reflection I see every time I pass by my mirror.
Even when there is chaos in world and life feels ****** up, one self talk sessions with myself in the mirror and I fall in love with myself again. So I wanna thank me for nurturing the beautiful soul that I am becoming.
1.8k · Feb 2023
Healer Feb 2023
How do I paint my life ?
when I don't dream in colors.
1.8k · Dec 2021
A dream
Healer Dec 2021
For a moment you a moonlit dream,
me a grounded reality got intertwined.
You the best of good,
me the worst of bad
met at the right corner of the round world.
However, like a flame finding fuel,
my fear of the lovely dawn solidifies.
Alas, the dream that can't be grasped has finally disappeared.
1.7k · Jan 2023
Life is beautiful
Healer Jan 2023
Maybe the fact that I am a human,
that this very moment could be my last
makes living more beautiful.
1.7k · Nov 2022
Tangled Path
Healer Nov 2022
My heart keeps crawling to the path my destiny won't fly
1.6k · Oct 2018
chasing reality
Healer Oct 2018
There's a  time for everything,

a future where this passing moment will seem like nothing.

There's a song for every dream,

where dark and bright will be a theme.

Where negativity will die with no esteem,

where happiness will **** negativity scream,

hope and faith will make a strong team.

Making every existence of life supreme,

only positivity will reside in our bloodstream.

No one will whisper but speak,

optimism in every beat making no heart a weak,

outlook on life will never be bleak,

where time will be at it's highest peak,

each soul will be unique.
1.5k · Sep 2022
Healer Sep 2022
Reality is tearing through the pages of my life, smearing the ink of my dreams.
1.5k · Mar 2022
A beautiful disintegration.
Healer Mar 2022
You met me like a question with no **** explanation.
We embraced eachother like
Icy water and smoky flames,
Now I see you in every constellations.
In different timeline, in different planes.
They say I am over imaginative but **** you are a beautiful disintegration.
1.4k · Sep 2022
Healer Sep 2022
Why does it feels like I am the villian?
When all I do is choose myself over the burning world.
1.4k · Jan 2023
Healer Jan 2023
Maybe my eyes are a cursed palace,
where dreams might never arrive
1.4k · Feb 2023
Healer Feb 2023
It's evident that the sun is setting in my life,
but for once I so badly wants to be a sunrise.
1.4k · Feb 2023
Healer Feb 2023
Maybe it will hurt a little less,
If I agree that yes I am a mess.
You say I don't know how to behave,
Be the perfect daughter for you to showcase.
Dad, I am not perfect and certainly not brave.
Mom, You live in hollow society and break my soul for your society.
Why must I die every day? my dreams sacrificed in every way
So that you can have your rules sailed and kingdoms to hail.
You say the biggest honor you did to me by giving me life
I must adhere to your command like a puppet, eat the meal, and compromise.
But did it occur to you that your words are sharper than the knife,
And the long list of expectations is dimming my light.
1.3k · Mar 2022
Healer Mar 2022
I could never judge you on your absence.
For that glimpse of rarest blood moon was sufficient for a blind like me.
1.3k · Aug 2022
Healer Aug 2022
The tragic irony is that my ocean of world feels like a drop,
a drop from the world drags me under the current.
1.3k · Nov 2018
My delima
Healer Nov 2018
My heart remains invincible ,
My Brain from start was unbeatable.
There is a war going in me ,
Where peace was never affordable,
This disease which I am suffering is untreateable.
1.2k · Jun 2022
Healer Jun 2022
There's a trace of you in my dried tears,
but why aren't you in my destiny.
1.2k · Jun 2023
Bound wings
Healer Jun 2023
The clay bird said to the caged bird, "There's this burning desire to fly and soar, but my clay heart chokes on the fear of finding my shattered pieces on the ground."
1.2k · Jul 2022
Healer Jul 2022
Dear Moon,
million dreams are keeping me wide awake.
1.2k · Jul 2021
Healer Jul 2021
Does the solitary candle desire to melt and die?
Is it silvered kite fate to glide on the wind?
How can a blind seek the uncertain light?
What if these wishes are the test of an unfair life.
Maybe it wasn't about the candle's love,
But the warm gaze of baleful flame grew all unkind.
Maybe a blind can't find the light,
can't differentiate between black and white.
Like pandora's box mystery, the light will give him a fright.
Maybe there is no answer that is right.
My mother once said,'no one is empty of love'
Then why every soul is thirsty,
Why is every heart full of questions?
1.1k · Aug 2021
End differently
Healer Aug 2021
There you are knocking at my heart,
I don't know when it started
Maybe centuries or was it yesterday?
Unknowingly I was being coloured by you.
I am unaware of my first wish but now my time flows through you.

There you are knocking at my heart,
I am already afraid of the cold days without you.
Are you a dream? Maybe a mirage?
Because like a lie I am clinging to you.

There's this book in my hands,
it's cold, even the ending is sad.
I am not insane to smile or read to a sad story.
But strangely, I keep opening you up.

I keep reading it page by page,
like I would touch the moon.
In between the visible lines
like there's a secret prayer just for me.

Now I am weeping willow, but I can't close it.
Even though this story is like the thousand others,
But I secretly keep wishing to
the broken stars and dried wishing well,
Maybe this one will end differently.
1.1k · Jan 2023
Bleeding Red
Healer Jan 2023
She is Red, bleeding in oceanic blues
Scattered in life's spectrum with different hues
You may know her but she doesn't belong to one definition.
1.1k · May 2022
Healer May 2022
In the red dusk of the desert with folded umbrella,
I am waiting in the ruins for you.

Touch me with your eyes for my arms aren't enough to hold you,
Breathe life into the shadows of my eyes.

This flutter of my heartbeat is the sign of the approaching storm,
Tearing apart my hopes has always been my favorite tune.

Maybe this traitorous moon was at fault,
cause the fireflies aren't enough to lighten up my world.
Inspired from the song 'sabotage' bebe rexha
I am amazed how self sabotaging one can be,
Ruining something so beautiful.
1.1k · May 2021
Be like a Bison
Healer May 2021
Dear me, be like a bison
keep walking one step at a time.
Eyes on the prize, at the horizon.
This winter you are going through may perceive like a thousand lifetimes,
especially the dreary and frigid night, which feels like never-ending,
an opaque blanket of treacherous ice descending.
But dear me, don't be afraid
You are bison, you are meant to go through storms.
In this merciless wind,
you are breaking, shattering to the pieces.
However, keep your mighty will unbending.
For this colorless time, your limits are being constantly tested.
So pick up your stained pieces and fill them with luminous gold.
Push, push more harder, and break through failure's icy barrier.
Create, move your blind self from your exotic art.
Reach to your mystical soul.
Dear me don't be afraid
You are bison, you are meant to go through storms.
For you, yourself can set the limit
of  what's possible and what is not,
to have imperishable patience and never give up.
And dear me don't be afraid of losing your feet on the ground.
Because, sometimes that's the best thing you'll ever do.
So dear me don't be afraid
You are bison, you are meant to go through storms.
887 · Apr 2022
Paper boat
Healer Apr 2022
The flare of my sun is dying,
Not feeling good enough
Finally, the beauty is falling.
They say it's just for some moment,
it will pass but it's been decades
My worn-out shoes are tired of tracing the unknown facade,
Like my limbs are my own shackles
Fascinated by raindrops,
paper boat drowning in the ocean
Maybe more than dream
I have made friends with mirage it seems.
711 · Jul 2022
Healer Jul 2022
So caught up to embrace the evading fate,
My shaky arms got used to the warm touch of tragedy.
687 · Jun 2021
Healer Jun 2021
Hope is so warmly cruel.
It would hold up a lamp in my fiery heart,
And light up my lonely universe.
Being a noble fool that I am,
I exchange my vernal sunshine for the frosty moonlight.
632 · Oct 2018
Healer Oct 2018
She was in love with appreciation,

she was in love with the names,

she put them all above.

She was driven by thirst to be loved and cherished,

she did everything to please them,

still, she could never become their gem no matter how much she grinds.

Everyone loved roses she was a daisy, a raven,

so she painted herself red and wore the skin of dove to please them.

Slowly yet she was fading and withering away,

it was never enough.

All, in the end, she got betrayed by the world and by herself,

her heart got filled with grief for letting her self down,

for billeting her courage and killing her dream.

Her pain became her heal,

she glued her heart together,

she took her picture off from the corner of the dusty shelf.

Now here she stands as herself.

A strong pillar who runs a nation.

A creative mind who rules peoples heart by ruling pen and paper.

In so many ways she is you, she is me,

but most important she is herself.
632 · Jun 2021
To love
Healer Jun 2021
What good does it do for me to love a God?
I am nothing but a human, a hopeless creature.
Sabotaging everything I love is my true nature.
Loving you doesn't come easy to me.
It's tearing me apart knowing that we don't have a future.
How can I protect my soul against the force of nature?
How can I work on the storm in my heart?
I was silent symphony you have undone me.
I am snow-blind at your golden sight,
I selfishly leach to your unearthly company.
I am trembling with a frantic uproar,
An inquiring rumble so deep it shocks me too.
You crept into my black dreams,
turning every unspeakable ****** nightmare into a rosy dream.

I am a creature starved of love,
you are an enchanting mirage of affection.
How can I not fall for your exquisite smile?
Your intangible but visible presence brightens my unholy sky.
Unknowingly, you snared my heart.
Now I am ruined for this lifetime.
But what good does it do for me to love a God?
I might as well love the sun or the stars or anything else that's forever out of reach.
546 · Jun 2023
Chasing illusions
Healer Jun 2023
Should I make peace with this persistent Mirage
let my life bleed ?
497 · Oct 2018
Our Actuality
Healer Oct 2018
Is this the end or is this where it begins,
a mirage of happiness and dream.
Who to ask? , whom to believe,
cause a mirage is always a tease.  
Like the treacherously empty sand,
always slipping away from the hand.
We all are trying to give our best, trying to seize,
but the monster within us is a freak,
he always brings us on our knees.
Negative thoughts surround us like diseases,  
rules of this world seem never to please,
we could never be at ease.
our soul from this world could never be released,
still, our existence will cease,
but all around the world will never be in peace.
465 · Dec 2021
Naked Reality
Healer Dec 2021
If only wishes could save
But soon it will be dawn
The night will bleed, serene and dead.
The greedy clock is again at its treacherous game.
If only I could be brave
The way I freely stain the bare paper Red,
But my world has always been prone to chaos.
At every fiery turn, I keep hitting rock bottom
One can say that I am on the right side of the wrong war,
Defenseless, fighting with plastic guns.
Healer Nov 2018
Everything's gonna be alright,
Everything's gonna be okay,
that's what my shadowy demon says,
you'll live to see another festal day.
Let's be an inseparable friend and play,
I'll take your dusty sanity with me,
you catch while I fly away.
Your pure fear is my colorful wings, for you are my favorite prey,
I'll never leave you alone, so you better obey.
Please love, you don't realize, you want me to stay,
if not me as your loyal friend you'd be long dead, decay.
So invites me with naked arms, my beloved do not delay.
I am with you right from start, right from the deranged dark.  
Those saying I am evil are the one who is going to betray,
they all will leave,
don't listen to them, don't get swayed
now with red heart, you must repay.
Hold my hands and listen to what I say,
I will be with you through your ragged lifetime
I will accompany you to your pray.
447 · Oct 2018
Healer Oct 2018
Did I push everyone away,

that no one wants to stay?

will ever my finite days and hollow night won't be gray,

will ever anyone will accompany me to my prayers

before hope in me fades away.

With these thoughts and loneliness,

I am nearby to my doomsday.

all my life people hurt me,

made me feels like the joke of April fools day.

maybe it was yesterday

when my ******* reality ****** me away,

I didn't get a choice, didn't get a say.

life has ****** me without much foreplay.

I lost my sanity as everyone in my life took advantage of me ,

had their ways.

that was the day I set my soul ablaze,

to become my own hope of rays,

to make my own glory days.

I will keep exploring ' life ' the mighty maze,

even when I could feel hidden shadows watching me,

ready to pounce and  drag me away,

but I'll fight to rise above these haze.

I know I have my doubt I have my black days,

but I am a fighter and tomorrow is another day.
395 · Jul 2022
Healer Jul 2022
I wanna be better than my best!
372 · Nov 2018
Healer Nov 2018
I know you are wild moonlighting
so fool me like I am dreaming
As if your wistful eyes have meaning
"You are the one" your eternal silence is always screaming
your erratic heartbeat has a notion,
which brings my grey heart to motion
Every frosty night you haunt me
I am amazed by your warm devotion
Your stare fills my  naked soul with colorful emotions
No matter how much I refuse  you always seek my attention
You are a seductive mirage of the sensational desert
alluring me to my  sweet destruction
one lightest touch of your's
my cold sanity has stopped it's tuneful function
you have  become its owner now it won't listen to my instruction
for I am an emotional volcano, ready for my catastrophic eruption
356 · Jun 2022
It's okay
Healer Jun 2022
Today I had the option
to continue how life is
take a step and change.
I didn't do anything
And it's okay
One cannot win every day.
Just a reminder don't be ******* yourself and it's okay if you didn't show up for yourself.
Tomorrow is another day, maybe another chance as well.
333 · Oct 2018
Healer Oct 2018
Everyone is taking efforts,
to their fate, to their future,
desiring of being a leader.
hoping for good to come, swaying them to the moon,
instead comes the icy wind, knocking them off their breath.
Once what was suppose to be the reality,
instead became a forgotten melody,
rooting light with white misery,
dark with a black symphony.
319 · Oct 2018
Healer Oct 2018
Sky, it never says bye.
Day and night it makes me believe,
faith only hugs, with the hope future, can surely be conceived,
Green and blue are not just color but emotions to feel.
The ceaseless and mournful wind that blow draws a new dream,
the celestial river that flows makes me want to glow.
The mighty rainbow makes me feel that not negative but positivity will always overflow.
The breathless dawn makes me want to live the life of beyond,
Every martyr tree growing tall makes me want to forgive,
glorious moon makes me want to believe that every day is boon.
Birds flying in the sky gives away a hope that I'll survive,
with every laborer breathe it gives me the motivation to sheath my dreams.
318 · May 2022
Was it worth it ?
Healer May 2022
Standing at the tempest end, I wonder if the exorbitant price paid was worth it.
311 · Oct 2018
ONCE I ...
Healer Oct 2018
Once I thought I  was born  to fly,
till now all I was made to do was rely on,
I was just a standby.
Once I wanted   to be  the snowflakes,
but got cursed to be a snow grave.
Once the mirror used to reflect  me blest (bless),
now it only mocks me to death.
Once I used to love to feel alive,
now all I hope is to survive.
Once I used to love the sun,
now all  I feel is it's burn.
Once I was ready to live life,
now all I  see and face is strife.
Once I used to love the glow in the  dark,
now all I see and face is stark.
Once I was other's cover, their fence,
now all of it is past tense.
Once I was other's perfect illusion,
now all I am left is my own delusion.
286 · Jun 2022
Healer Jun 2022
Maybe it's what I will be as my most ruined.
But I dare not confess it to my warm destiny,
that my dimming soul have made peace with it.
207 · Aug 2022
Healer Aug 2022
I miss you in the moonlight
And hate you in the daylight
190 · Jun 2021
Siren of hope
Healer Jun 2021
Why is the flame of hope upset with the wick of life?
Even my defeated eyes dream of the defeated knights.
Not knowing how to ignite the flames of the distant tomorrow.
In the slanted lines of my hands
I don't know where I stand.
If it's already written, then let me ask, will there be punishment or benevolence?
With translucent waves, will my feeble defense be washed away like a castle of sands?
Whatever is happening is it my feverish efforts or just a mirage in life's desert.
In front of me, there are two boats,
Today might not be the right day for anyone of them.
177 · Mar 2022
Healer Mar 2022
Will ever my dreams not
just pass me by
That they'll stay even after the dawn.
Accompany me in my lost way
Will these candid faith decaying with self-hate will lessen.
Even the cold Hope is hoping for the warmth of life's embrace.
Like this tsunami of efforts to wake up every day isn't drowning enough,
that the greedy self latch to the hollow clouds of dim thought.
Honestly, the light is giving me fright
like darkness hasn't been ******* over my life.
I keep trying and becoming my enemy,
even if my futile attempt is just to have the best.
Maybe the good, better, and best itself is a lie.
Maybe there is just now me and tomorrow me
And the distance between them is far, tied by a fragile knot barely holding.
This life seems impossible
171 · Jun 2022
Healer Jun 2022
Is it my life or a puzzling disorder
Can I trust these murky waters
Close my eyes and put my faith in this deceitful mirage,
Hoping it will lead me to my heart.
The crystal fear is getting stronger,
my ****** tears flowing longer.
The noisy train promised a destination but thrown at me are uncertain equations,,
My naive steps waver with hesitation.
The pelting rain owed me a rainbow,
not this wretched game of life
Drowning me, dragging me below.

— The End —