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3.3k · Apr 2021
What Makes a Kiss Magical?
Brendann Apr 2021
Now I have never kissed you before

But I have imagined it.
What it might feel like
Or what you might do

Some people say it’s magical
But do you think that’s true?

Because my Father says it’s like a raindrop,
Now I don’t understand that too

But he’s had a lot more experience than me
If I had to guess what he meant
I would say it’s soft,
And sends a chill down your spine,
Is a little uncomfortable at first
But in the end, it will be just fine.

If this is true, then it’s not how it feels that makes it magical
It’s the fact I’ll be doing it with you.
Free Verse
3.0k · Apr 2021
Loss of Words
Brendann Apr 2021
There are approximately 470,000 words in the English language

4 syllables in “Hey, How are you?”

9 letters in “Beautiful”

3 words in “I love you”

And still

I can’t find a single thing to say

When your smile accidentally makes my day.
Free Verse.
2.6k · Apr 2021
Brendann Apr 2021
The creaking boards, leading to the endless fog

The smell of salt

The crack of the waves, seem like a distant memory

The only noise comes from the boards and the birds

The smoke, white as snow, consumes me as I near the end of the peer

I could only stand and stare
I wrote this in 2019. It was really smokey from the forest fires and I took my motorcycle on a ride to the beach. I walked down the pier, sat down in the smoke, and wrote this. It was so peaceful.
1.6k · Apr 2021
How to Calm the Waves
Brendann Apr 2021
I could rule the world
I could make the waves of life calm
The birds would chirp
The sun would shine
The world would be more alive
If you were mine.
Reverse Poem
1.5k · Apr 2021
The Waves of the mind.
Brendann Apr 2021
A shifting plane of alternate realities

The waves in the ocean
The uncertainty of the collide

Peaceful for a few moments
Then back to the war of a lifetime

A maze of thoughts
That you try to outrun

A deep and thorough rot
Paralizying you
Keeping you in fear
Giving you glimpses of hope
Just for another wave to consume it

A day in the life
Of an overthinker.
Free Verse
1.3k · Nov 2021
This or The Next
Brendann Nov 2021
If you don't find happiness in this life

It will find you in the next.
Free Verse
1.3k · Apr 2021
The Hole in My Soul
Brendann Apr 2021
Do you ever sit and think
About what goes on above?
How something could happen
Within a blink

But it’s not like you can tell
Or see what goes on
Between the stars above
It must be so swell

This begs the question
What IS up there?
What could be looking right back at you?
Do you have a suggestion?

It rattles my brain
Turns my stomach
Pulls at my soul
I can feel the curiosity crawling through my veins

The everlasting void of our galaxy
There’s so much
Yet we know so little
Free Verse
1.2k · Apr 2021
The Sharper Side of Me
Brendann Apr 2021
I am glass

I’m sturdy
till I crack
Then I shatter

don’t be fooled though
For even when I’m shattered
I’m still strong enough to hurt you
For when I shatter is when you bleed

So don’t push me

Or I might just crack
Free Verse
1.2k · May 2021
My Guardian Angel
Brendann May 2021
Your smile, a crescent moon
That gives me guidance at night

Your eyes, a forest
That I get lost in

You, an angel sent down from the heavens
To mend, heal, and protect me

My life is not complete
And nothing can compete
With the love, you give to me
Free Verse
923 · May 2021
Blissfully Dark
Brendann May 2021
I look up at the sky
So blissful and dark
So clear
Filled with an ocean of stars


I'm comfortable

Not happy
Not pleased
But comfortable

Because I have a sliver of hope
That even tho you live thousands of miles away
You're looking at the same star I am
And smiling, the same way.
Free Verse
624 · Jan 2021
Brendann Jan 2021
We were in love
Told me you would never leave
And I fell for not only your personality
Your welcoming smile
Your warm eyes
But also
For your lies
Your manipulation
You had my heart
And now
You have my happiness
Because like you
It also left
Without saying goodbye
Free verse
567 · Apr 2021
I Won’t be Your Cage
Brendann Apr 2021
I’m so lost without you.

But you’re so free without me.
Free Verse
563 · Mar 2020
Take the Jump
Brendann Mar 2020
“Why jump out of airplanes?” someone once asked
"For the thrill? Or the adrenaline rush?"
"Doing it for the attention? or the blast?"
I say I'm falling for wind, like a crush

The answer cannot be put into words
To see a sunset, far above the ground
No restrictions, to fly high like the birds
Feeling the soothing, cool wind all around

Take the jump out of the ordinary
Let yourself feel the extraordinary
Don't ever tell yourself it's too scary
Never be tied down, be arbitrary

See, to make the jump into the unknown
Is way better than being stuck in the known

I hope this answered your query at last
10 Syl. per line, 15 lines, pattern: abab gg ***
Brendann Apr 2020
When I die
Would you remember me in 2 weeks?
2 months?
Or 2 years?
If you look in the mirror and can't remember your old self
Before the mistakes you made
The drugs you took
The risks you didn't take
Before society took hold of you
How can anyone else?
Free Verse
355 · Jan 2021
Brendann Jan 2021
You don’t wanna leave

What might your family think?
Your friends?
But they don’t know how it is
How hard it is to wake up
Knowing today won’t be better
feeling life fill your stomach with bricks
your head
with poison
They will never know what it’s like to have the taste
of metal in their mouth
Their tears dripping down their face
But not hitting the floor
How close they are
To pulling that trigger

You don’t wanna leave

You just want the pain
To leave
And it will
So instead of holding the metal
Hold your sibling’s hand
Your friends
They may not know the pain you feel
But you will know
That they will experience it
If you relieve yours

Take a breath
And know that tomorrow will be better than the last
And that you will make it through
Free verse
293 · Mar 2020
Eerie Fog Path
Brendann Mar 2020
The eerie fog looms just below the treetops
The sound of crunching branches fills my ears
The owls, protectors of the forest, ask who goes there
It is I, great owls of the forest
A pause in noise, as if the world had stopped
Twinkling rays of the moon shoot through the fog
Lighting the path ahead
Like it had always been there
I walk down the path, not knowing who is watching
Or who is following
Or if I will ever make my way home
Free Verse
273 · Mar 2020
Infinite Mistakes
Brendann Mar 2020
Mistakes were made
No lessons were learned
Will I do it again?
Free Verse
265 · Mar 2020
My Drug
Brendann Mar 2020
Never thought you would be so enticing
My Friends said stay back, don’t even try
Silly me for not taking their advice
I was hooked, and there was no saying bye

I don't ever want to say goodbye
Cause you're too amazing, too stunning
So mind-altering, trust me, I can fly
My heartbeat rises, almost skipping a beat

My pessimistic mind thinks you’re fiction
That being said, you're still my addiction
10 Syl./line, 10 lines, pattern: abab gg
238 · May 2020
The Fools Paradox
Brendann May 2020
Only fools rush in,
But those fools,
Have a better chance of getting to where they want,
Than those who procrastinate.

Guess that makes me the biggest fool ever... But not a day goes by that I don't love you less.
Free verse
233 · Apr 2020
Burning Fog
Brendann Apr 2020
As the final flame burns to ash
Darkness floods the world over
A fog, suffocating all it consumes
Until a darkened soul
lights the empty ember
restoring the lost flame
Free Verse
223 · Apr 2020
Brendann Apr 2020
A bullet through your chest
Feels almost like
A heart-break
Reverse poem
219 · Mar 2020
The Arising Sun
Brendann Mar 2020
The quiet, damp, moonlit field shivers all night
Where the tempted wild beasts hunt, have been searching
In silent night, roams a piercing starlight
The warm sun is soon to be emerging

A Fiery glow, seen in the horizon
The lonely oaks long for the warm sun
The stars, once dim, begin to enlighten
Through the land, a new day has now begun

The yellowish glow leaks into the sky
Beasts, once active, lay while the sun shines
The infants, now awake, begin to cry
The cool night meets the warm light and align

An arising sun shone among the stars
Awakening the world, as would on mars
10 Syl. per line, 14 lines, pattern: abab gg
213 · Mar 2020
A World Of Gray
Brendann Mar 2020
All new faces
Each and every day
Such a small world
Wouldnt you say?
Won’t ever see me again
In this world of gray
For the world is for the living
So I guess I can’t stay
Free Verse, Every Second Line Rymes
200 · Mar 2020
Swaying Tears
Brendann Mar 2020
The sky
Up so high
The pavement
Down so low
the building sways with the wind
The bottle I hold
Latching on for life
But it too
Wants me to let go
My mind says go
But my feet stay in place
My tears
Beating me to the road
Calling me
Telling me to fly
So I jump
Free Verse
191 · Mar 2020
Raining Hearts
Brendann Mar 2020
The rain falls from the once silver-lined clouds,
As I stare out the crying glass, I wonder
Had someone hurt him?
I pressed myself up against the glass
Hearing thunder roll like a rock, in thick smoke
The sound soothes my broken heart
Free Verse
188 · Mar 2020
My Candy Girl
Brendann Mar 2020
Eyes like the sea
Her smile makes me smile
Sweet just like candy
174 · Mar 2020
I love You
Brendann Mar 2020
The saying “Seeing is believing”
Is not really true
Because what if I said
“I love you”
You wouldn’t have to see
To believe it to be true
And there is no other way to explain that
It will always be you
You have my heart
It will always beat for you
Because I mean it when I say
“I love you”
Free Verse, Every Second Line Rymes
164 · Mar 2020
The Fight for Warmth
Brendann Mar 2020
To say I tried would be false
the urge was too great
my will
too weak
As I fight the wall that keeps me from my future
the coldness fills my lungs
and at that moment I realize the inevitable
The people I love fill my brain
replacing the blood that was once there
My mind drifts to a place of warmth and air
as my body drifts to the bottom of the frozen lake
Free Verse
158 · Mar 2020
Brendann Mar 2020
I’m a mediocre man, I see only, a pale personality,
I used to see myself as one of the greats, but that time has long since passed
as there is no need to see color, I’m but a lone survivor
How could anyone, choose to love thee, for I am constant downcast
yet your beauty supersedes, my weary mask, unsurpassed
waiting, I've been, at long last

Choose the right path, you must take, for a life with me might not meet standards
and choose me you once did, lifting my spirits, and changing my downed feelings
but change that is good, only lasting so long, must now change again
seeing life without you, what we could have, I’m almost dreaming
from my mind, I realize I never, want to catch that feeling
just another human being
Syllables =  17, 18, 16, 15, 15, 7
Rhyming scheme = abcbbb
2 stanzas
Brendann Mar 2020
Like some have said
Our own hearts choose our paths
Varying from heart to heart
Escaping the loneliness together
128 · Mar 2020
Brendann Mar 2020
You can make me smile
On a dark and stormy night
Or on a warm day
120 · Mar 2020
Brendann Mar 2020
Blood runs through our veins
The veins of the strong and the pure
Giving us power

— The End —