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Ricknight Sep 2014
If paradise is prison,
Then I am bound to have a vision,
The enlightened one,
In the stare of the sun,
If I ever miss a step,
No route to this mental map,
The bottle I threw away, should have kept,
Now lost amongst the kelp,
I ask for no help,
My aks knows,
Betrayals of foes,
This enemy within,
Can't control my Saimese twin,
This Feeling,
Learnt through annealing
Is biased beyond a greeting,
When I say farewell,
Even my better half couldn't tell.
aks means reflection in hindi.
I'm just another note, in your symphony.
Grab me by my throat, have me trembling on my knees.
You're just a chain smoker,
I'm a Pack of Cigarettes.
I cross the line & lean over, nothing I regret.
You tighten the strings, make another sound.
Play a rhythm, and just keep smoking around.
And with every noise, your eyes they shine brighter.
Cause the only hand you need is the one with the lighter.
Now your buds are on the ground.
You wonder what went wrong?
Your chords were right, & so was the tone.
I knew karma, couldn't harm her.
But, this time it's going down.
Cause what goes around...
...must come back around.
- **Aks, Chainsmokers & Symphonies.
Please stop.
Donall Dempsey Jul 2015
Two fictional characters
walk into a bar

in Malta
( * Marsaxlokk - to be precise ).

" beee. . ."
stammers Hamlet.

"Oh fer Gawd's sake...two beers!"
J. Alfred Prufrock snaps.

"You really milk that
"To be or not..." thingy."
J.A.P. scolds Hamlet.

"Tsk...tsk!" Hamlet tsk tsks.
( sticking his tongue out ).

Two Cisks are plonked
down before them.

"No...I am not Prince Hamlet or
was meant to be..!"
J.A.P. quotes him self.

"Awww fer Jaysus sake...loooook
just for the fun of it...the gas of it

we swop

Hamlet interrupts Prufrock's

Prufrock ponders somewhat doubtfully.

And, so:
Hamlet the Dane

( for yea it is indeed he)

(1) to eat a peach (2) wear the bottoms of his white
flannel trousers rolled (3) parts his hair behind even

(4) dares
to aks

the overwhelming question

"( Oh, do not ask, what is it! )"

Oh & (5) gets to hear
( ** ** ** )

"...the mermaids singing...."

Prufrock "Hum...."
kills the king.

Becomes the king.


" Buzz buzz...come come..go...go!"

"It's a very
Hamlet...I know

but - what the heck!

"See..? slurps Hammy
". . . now, that wasn't so bad...was it?"

"Another Cisk?"
"Naw...I'll have a Becks!"

"Jaysus Prufrock now
...what's up?"

"Don't know..."mutters J.A.P.
wearing a frothy beer moustache.

roars the barman in Maltese.

"I can connect nothing
Prufrock almost sobs.

"Like that time
on Margate sands..."

Hamlet cuts him curtly off.

"Don't even go...there!"

"But I still get that squirmy know...feeling

we are just
fragments of

the imagination of
some *
long haired Irish poet

sunning himself by
the waters of

the shimmering waters of
a Sliema hotel pool

...up up in the clouds!

Hamlet sighs.

"Yeah, me too

Hamlet looks behind him
checking for what isn't

there. . .

"Ahhhh well, never mind eh?"

Prufrock attempts an attempt
at being cheerful.

Fails miserably.

"Let us go, then
you and I...

when the evening is spread out
against the sky..."

Like a patient etherised upon a table!
they both sing outta time and outta tune

stumbling one
into the other.

A long hair Irish poet
smiles as he watches them


"Għaġġel fil-għoli...wasal iż-żmien JEKK JOGĦĠBOK!"
the barman roars.


Pronounced MAR SA SCHLOCK. Those Maltese Xs being really SHs in disguise.

* Pronounced CHISK but the new barman is obviously new to the language and pronounces it TSK which makes him think that is what our two fictional characters are ordering.

Not to be confused with mobile texting but rather the literary texts of which both of them owe their existence.

The play bounded in a nutshell as it were.

One Donall Gearld Oliver Denis Dempsey is a good example of this sort.

* The No. 1 song all over Heaven...beating Sparks THE NO. 1 SONG ALL OVER HEAVEN  to the top spot.

** "Għaġġel fil-għoli...wasal iż-żmien JEKK JOGĦĠBOK!" Once again the new Irish barman hasn't got his tonsils around the Maltese lingo and comes out with this terrible mish mash of the typical barman's cry.
Just an equation,
A Simple theorem.
A little misbehaviour,
Outside the decorum.
I add and provide,
Hoping we never divide.
At the geometry, I stare
Just a mindfuck of a square.
A slight cross multiplication,
To bond upon this attraction.
To help develop the postulates.
Of your mere subtraction.
I integrate & derive,
It's the formulae I'm deprived
Of. The questions always lead to me and you.
I always end up in my four sided cube.
- Aks, in math classes.
I need to stop doing math.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
it's almost beautiful, we created the thing called
money, in order to turn tribalism
into a myth of Eden (alone, stark naked) -
          it's almost as if we deviated from
creating it and asking for family values,
            but never got them,
       i'm trying to imagine a Russia where
Rasputin wrote a book
that might have resounded with Nietzsche's
ubermensch - but thankfully precipitated into
world war i & ii... fancy the interlude:
a cold war i, now the cold war ii...
you should be happy, to be honest, it's the best
status quo you'll ever get...
but **** me, 1970s disco craze: even i'm
like Mozart-who?
               a little notebook, and my getting
drunk thoughts in it, funny how drink intellect
knows all too well about the: diminished responsibility
white flag -
              as with the **** chokes come the
drunk-and-writing-a-poem jokes,
                                i'd say blame Al Capone!
you know how many diacritical distinctions i could
insert into that surname? diacritical marks
are ulterior forces at-be when all punctuation goes
*******, not sentences, but words -
Cá       ponè - cockney slang Capone on the phone:
        we had fun: because you really don't say
Cáponé like you might say a torero's olé, do you?!
me? i find it grand to paint syllables with
diacritical marks, i mean: it's not even a blank canvas,
shame the semi-colon isn't minded in distinction,
but still, i already know that poets are scared of
punctuation, hence breaking the lines and not
engaging in a paragraph... tying shoelaces seems about
fine when it comes to modern poets,
talk about knitting jumpers, or scarfs by grannies -
sold as doing that same activity on shredded wheat cereal:
- = a hanging pause (suspense);
       , = necessary pause (or the expected
in a rhythmic cyclone);
   then i say to all my would be assassins:
you'll be doing me a massive favour, to be honest.
at times it really is the age of trusting entertainers
and not the media and certainly not the politicians -
it's almost stating the obvious.
i was in St. Petersburg for a month, and every time
i wanted to go to a danceclub to dance she refused me....
me and my naiveness in thinking that people could
actually be seduced by good...
      i don't mean being exposed to a tsunami
among the other elemental congregations of Shiva
there goes my belief in people being good to each other...
shoom! gone... bye bi!
(origins of dyslexia? maybe).
                                 she took me to the opera and
she started her snarling condescending approach to
the new-rich girls in the next booth...
     **** me, relationships leave me so ill-equipped
i actually find it staggering that i had any...
                 i must have been really naive in believing
that people could do good that i ended up
   a hermetic pessimist or misanthrope -
i never expected to be one, or share the juices of such
a calibration of humankind:
but it's funny how a movement overstates the cartesian
sum and never the cogito,
and when you by chance encounter the actual cogito
organising a movement, you represent nothing
representative of the movement's sum,
because the cogito is actually so staggeringly
divergent from being affiliated to the (e.g.)
         French revolution's guillotine locomotive.
when utilising only one hand in writing?
a black notebooks is written into at a rhombic degree,
yep, slant.
        i have two or three decent points to make,
but, obviously, i have to utilise verbiage to state them,
let's compare that to building a thousand homes
before the leaning tower of Pisa comes along
and people say: wow! in the immediate sense i
will require compensating that exception with
enough social housing for the tower to actually be erected:
that's natural: regurgitating maxims from no experience
would be an equivalence to an exoskeleton:
no experience, no harm... and where's the fun in that?

(interlude no. 1)

almost 15 minutes in an opera house, long enough
for the march from your seat into the street and a smoke,
  i still can't understand while people adopted money
for the demand of talking to each other via pebbles,
we are in our billions and made it so demanding to
only appeal to the few for company... i mean, should
i be sad? we made our company so unbearable because
of engaging in the concept of money that we later had
adapt to books as the conversations we need to have
among people we can't even talk about the weather to.
people always think that talking about money is
shallow... as if it's some really necessary version of
the crucifix (which to my mind sounds like a name for
a charity and the need to be thankful for it being there),
then again: something so geometrically pure
hanging over us and then comes Rodin's the kiss:
that really is a miracle - walking on water can hide itself,
turning water into wine (40 days & nights in the desert would
do that to you, every time you rehydrated, any liquid
would be intoxicating).
             oh hell, i have the notebook narrative,
i need to take a break after having written the unexpected
intro, and subsequent interlude.

it seems to me that language can never be sampled,
sampling language
is anti-scientific,
because it breaches an objectification of things,
which sad,
    are the Balkan states Slavic, Christian or Turkish?
i'm asking because a Greek said
it's Byzantine, and then lapping allah illha Allah
turkish took to Istambul...
*how best to defame a god with ensnarled capitals,
each, levelled,
                                only Islam will reign under the
praise of my name, which alone, will sing my praise.

   to move mountains, one must move throngs.
          to move people you expect them to become
mountains: or sun-tanned noon
  having been charcoaled into obliteration.
     one thought: an ottoman janissary: and vlad
the lesser crucifier and the adamant
impaler, who said that homosexuality shouldn't matter....
   imagine the comparative pain...
i can't: therefore i won't.
                     thus the black scripts of notation...
better than uttering original maxims,
          as in... better to engage in transcendentalº
     ºin ref. to Nietzsche: the masses do not hold
an opinion on sanity: hence my concordance
with "him" - and insanity in individuals (self-dividing
                      duos in calamity of one):
insane individuals are rare: but conglomerates are
the norm - thus an agreement of shared truths
that has no debate to support it, because it has been
   the transcendental aspect is the lack of dialectics
(replaced with diacritics),
     and also the historical novelty of shared observation
with a disparity of a century's worth of history:
governing still the caveman and the modern man,
            as if the two were mutually compatible.
that one could rewrite the other, and so too true in
   i find it harsh having to relinquish the authority
of language, as my own it used,
but only when school-friends suggest it, those
with ******* family members do i foremostly
experience it as my own: well... thanks to you
i'm not a plumber because your father detonated
the atom bomb and never bothered checking what
the gorilla did next with the grand censor of fertility
to protect an aesthetic...
           but then again: you were always Irish.
oo! well: sodomite that oops... it'll be worth something
in 30 years' time. strange how it must read...
Holocaust deniers also have the same lysergic trip.
             insanity in individuals is rare,
among groups it's the norm, within a framework
of Nietzsche: thus an agreement of shared truths,
that has no debate to support it,
because it has been "plagiarised" (necessarily experienced
more than once),
   ºthe transcendental aspect is the actual lack of
dialectics, and also the historical shared novelty of sharing
of observation (the tsunami cult, the earthquake cult)
with a disparity of range toward the century-range...
   philosophy infamously aks purposively
unsolvable questions: or questions that require many
more questions... or what is known as a transcript
of Aristotelian awe: of those who commit to error
with that science of pure wording, to spur people on;
philosophers are the adventurers in error:
only because this engages them in providing a "gravity"
locus... for others to hone onto and correct...
(oh how i'd believe had there been a Koranic surah
on the mindful hoplites)...
         purposively erroring: philosophy;
philosophers are pioneers: birches... scientists
are all but oak: auburn well established.
       but what of transcendental dialectic that expands
into shared truths (as experience) within the dual-disparity
of nearing death and the dawn of the 20th century
   and never-nearing a life at the dawn of the 21st century?
excluding dialectics and diacritics has given us
such a society, where everything is nearly snowflake
lucratively dissolvable and gentle...
                   few people utter truths,
even fewer utter truths than need to be debated...
             for the over-lord truth is mono, or glue...
        but still the tactic of avoiding certain truths
for the necessity of sitting in an armchair rather than
on a cold pavement... for in their pluralism
they express as many universal traits of non-experience,
as they subsequently express enough
    particular traits of experience
(translate rhyming into philosophy and you get this...
going cross-eyed in allocating an understanding,
summarised by the word zez).
hence the unwinding: universals (x, ÷):
       and particulars (+, -):
    of time, and how to encourage abstracting
worded coordination into an advanced literacy rate,
that'll fail, because literacy is power that requires
labouring anyway.
  because you did say "encapsulating a zoo"
readied to perpetrate a staging of a freak-show.
examples: universals (x, ÷):
       and particulars (+, -)        are zeniths in
the narrative compensation to nothing -
        in literature a surprise turn of the plot,
a summarisation, as such stand-out moments,
or quotes: here is a version of encoding verbal
"mathematical" synonymity -
         i too would wish to create a language
that doesn't abide by the language of miles,
but that of metres, but then there's the thesaurus
distinction between metres in deviations of
centimetres and nano in close-proximity
          ruby, crimson, burgundy, bled throughout the week
until pale grey and with an epitaph.
      language never brings us together,
it never did, we all wished to be cats and have said
meow... but we rarely and will never say...
that's nearing toward shame...
  i absolve humanity of the original sin...
                    if sinning was so original i would suggest
other forms of compensating it rather than prayer:
i'm thinking of the original shame...
it's that story of a serial killer who believed he
had no universal traits concerning him,
he had no systematisation of conscience,
he denied having a sense of guilt...
          it's hard to believe such things,
given the ceiling is the universe...
        it's hard to become a rat in a solipsistic maze...
that's ****** had to believe...
                   to deny having universal a priori
is also to deny particular a posteriori...
                           even though nothing really happened
apart from god laughing and man yawning
and the devil crying. it's very hard to believe people
these days, even though they deserve it,
                    it's hard to summate oneself in being
able to;
  thank god philosophers didn't complicate simple words
with remnants of Latin like psychologists did,
there's the prior (a priori) and there's the after (a posteriori),
or the two within a-: without a prior (to) / priority -
                  or without an after / an imitable vogue / trend /
          can you write something like someone disclosing the fudge
of what's technically an arithmetic summary?          
no intelligence is being undermined here,
         what's being undermined is what's critically an optical
   java transitory period.                                                    

(int­erlude no. 2)

the laziest philosophers always write about the word
philosophy without actually philosophising,
you can say as much when saying: i'm thinking about thought.
of all the professions, philosophers don't know theirs...
it's true, if you do it, you do it not-knowing / unconsciously.
modernity does in fact overprescribe the word genius
because it doesn't give practitioners of philosophy any
credit in the slightest of actually being recipients of
life... every time a thought spawns from nothing
the limitation of expressing it is: you don't exist;
soon enough you hang up having any competence in language
and say to people you thought you knew: adios amigos,
good luck: then you wonder why they're so
prematurely depressed, and then you forget about them
and think of a million Chinese carpenters:
simply because it's less depressingly so.
     do you ever write encapsulating a rhombus on a page
with your literary / wanking hand? i know i do,
write in a notebook askew - or that's what's called the
future of absurdity: i'm thinking about thought -
some later claim morality, and some later claim god -
        that should sound more simply as: ought i?
    but it doesn't... hey, here's to self-projecting ****** -
it's not even that good people invented god,
  it's that evil people did...
                  which is always a bit ****** having that
microchip in my abstract mind (the brain) i sometimes
try to get rid off while acting as an atheist for pop super!
       does that sound highly idealistic?
it probably does... have i an influential counter to it?
n'ah. thinking about thought without the either or of
ought leaves me asking outside the box / transcendental
questions about what self is ingested by that
Pontius Pilate... talk of the "true" self and talk of
the "false" self: who the **** is the narrator then?
are we all bleaching our handshakes these days to
give a handshake?!
    some men would claim to be the husbands of that
insatiable "woman" that's Sophia,
         who, after all, is better equipped to satiate 3
men, than a man to satiated 3 women:
the trinity of ****, vaginal: oral - funny that,
how perfectly that plays against all those years of
practising to a demand of the churches': kneel!
i'll just watch you **** him off while Mary Magdalene
spread the schematic that resulted in the Islamic
******* analing the "respected".

(interlude no. 3)

just can't be bothered mate...
  never did so much charity work pour into
      herr Herrman's charity chest of
the never thought of set of poems.

- and a day later, just a blank,
what a formidable evening,
why do i queue for even a trombone, violin,
       a viola, trumpet or a sax to add to my voice?
but in musicological terms: that's exactly what i'm doing.
it's hard to not see this as a cure:
with 16,713 views matta's echo babylon is
truly the antithesis of Prokofiev, or any other,
as might call it: windy character.
        classical music was bound to tornados and
zephyrs - modern music is the epitome of rhythmic
sampling, drum eroded violins,
           and other things happened, too.
rhombus within the framework of the hand-written prior,
on tiny scraps of rectangular paper,
because it's easier to write like that: slanting
and therefore for the imagery of cascading -
and as the pronoun revolution dies down,
                    and the voices go unheard,
   people will start to think about thought
and later thought per se for transcendental purposes...
     because choice will be ejected from
having competent access to it: namely?
   i can't see those **** the ***** protests seriously
if people can't take to shooting guns,
          i mean real rebellion... obviously i'm egging
on the situation and spraying gasoline on it
(obviously), but if the French give you the statue of
liberty as a present, you get to look at the appendix,
and start thinking: where are the guns, so
it looks like a genuine protest? i thought the idea of
being able to own guns (by the people), was to suggest
that if the government was electorally undesired,
people could start shooting... the tongue isn't
I like being the dominant.
I like to tie my submissive up.
I like to play with her.
Tease her. Please her. Destroy her.
Until she breaks.
I like to tie her up and run my fingers at the bend of her curves, explore her body & bite those seraphic lips as I taste their cherubic juices.
I prefer being intimidating and rough.
I will place a blade at your throat, to remind you how we are all mortal beings indulging ourselves in the most oldest of rituals in the history of mankind.
Yet, I'll treat you like you're the only one.
The one I cherish, love, hold close.
The one that I've got shackled in my embraces.
No one else will come close to the attention that I will give to you.
No one.
I'll be your slave even though you're my submissive.
I'll make you breathe hard.
I'll make you moan.
I'll make you mine.
I'll worship you, oh goddess.
I'll worship you.
**- Aks, // Sins of the blood.
Wanderer Aug 2012
Through the eyes of heathens
Dancing altars made of poppies and ash
Coat jaded tongues in bittersweet memory
We are eternal yet our spark is on the verge of annihilation
Government needs a turnicate
Big heads bloated, filled with ego
Defiled our homeland
Seemingly snuffing forever the bright flame of freedom
A sea of distraught bodies marching onward into the night
Their chants of "HELL NO TO GMO" crescendoing as it passes by into the packed square
Those in power so easily comforted by their AKs and steel walls
Dia de Los Muertos masks hide determination
As the bombs ignite setting fire to the sky
Comprehension of our purpose is realized
We are not here to ask nicely
We will not be obedient to our peers as masters
Behind our smiling sugar skull masks
**We grin as they burn
"Hah. I wish I was an alcoholic. So every now and then I could remind you all of the things that I've done for you.
All the pain & hardships that I had to go through. All the sacrifices that I had to make.
Just to have all of my expectations torn apart by you.
I wish I could twirl my whiskey the same way you twirl me with your fingers. I wish you would realised just how lucky you are.
But out of everything I wish you'd realise all of those things by yourself.
If you'd take some of your dear time out of your own problems and maybe, just maybe ask me how my day was. Cause right now I'm on the brink of going back to that 'dark' place. A point where one would consider me twisted and deranged,
The worst kind of person you could find.
Oh, how I wish you would realise every little thing that I've done and consider me more than just an option.
Don't try to deny that.
All of this time I've been nothing but committed to you.
If only you'd have realised it much sooner, I wouldn't have to leave.
All those nights when you were alone and you'd call me up and I'd try my best to be there on the line with you. All those times when you needed someone and I'd text you back in just a few minutes no matter where I was or what I was doing. All those nights I'd make sure you didn't go to bed upset. All those times I fought with people I loved & cared for, for you. All those times I did things for you without you knowing.
All those times I tried not to love you.
I want to let you onto so many things but all you give me is disappointment and heartbreaks and I can not tell you these either because I want you to figure these out yourself, how much it is that you're hurting me, and how far it is that I am willing to go for you.
I don't want to tell you these things and force you to do things for me.
I am tired of being a shadow.
I am tired.
I am tired of you.
I wish I had another toxic to help me gulp you down other than yourself."
**- Aks, Alcoholic //Naked Emotions.
As intense as it could get.
Into the oblivion, regret is all he sees,
This is not who he is nor who he wants to be.
In all the truths and in all the lies,
Alone he stands in the rain, a lonely guy.
Not a soul can hear him scream nor hear him cry.
Alone he stands and alone he dies.
Time and time again I'm brought back to these halls.
So sore full the pain and I've been through it all.
As hidden as the faithfulness of the stars,
So everlasting are those ungrateful scars.
Everyone that I know is as much reckoning,
I know it's me even hell is beckoning.
I guess this is the moment, now is the time.
I can feel the vines of darkness taking over my mind,
Indecisively making it's way out of harm and out of sight.
But, god almighty. I ain't leaving this easy, not without a fight.
Already dead no more can I die,
I guess it's about time I went back to the dark side.

- Aks, *Old Diaries.
Written for somebody else.
Ankit Dubey May 2019
Jab bhi khush hota hu ye sochkar k kuch aur paas aye ** tum mere,
Kismat har baar tumhe aur door le jati hai....

Har baat yaad karne lag jaata hu jab bhi mai,
Teri majboriya mujhe kuch aur yad karne ko majboor karti hai.....

Tere pyar me tujhe sochkar hi tere aks ko choone ki jab jab koshish karta hu,
Har bar kismat mujhe khud k koi aur hone ka ehsas karati hai.....

Har jarre me jab teri tasveer najar aati hai,
Tab bhi na jaane ku aankhon se ojhal hone lagti **......

Bhoolkar bhi agar koshish karoo k ye ehsaas hi bahut hai k tum meri **,
Naa jaane ku tu un ehsaason me bhi kuch aisa kar jati hai,
k yaad rakhta hu tumko aur tu kuch aur door chali jaati hai.......

** gya hu adat se majbur fir bhi tumhe pyaar karta hu,
aur ye dillagi hai k har baar tumhe aur pyar krne ko majboor kar jati hai......
Skin* crawling silence, everytime we'd draw close.
she always knew how much she could wound me, what a devilish threat she posed.
we knew no language, but the one our eyes discovered every second, hour or day.
how she would jaunt her way through me and take away the words I'd try to say.
her eyes. oh, they taunted all that I ever had faith in, all that I ever believed.
I discovered devotion in them, there was nothing more I'd wanted to achieve.
and yet she must never know all that I want for her. all that I want us to be.
cause, the rejection would be something no painkiller would ever heal..
**- Aks, HeArt.
Oh, with your arms around my neck, my darling.
The days are numbered.
As the grey falls upon us,
With every other mind wondering
You tear me down like a succubus.

With your elegant, mystical being,
And my prudence as I believe what I'm seeing.
You dwell well in silence, hiding in the shadows.
Hiding a smile behind that askance, a laughter that carols.

But, I am courageous, though.
Willing to take that leap.
I just need you to know, love.
That I have no strings on me.
- Aks
Sounds like a player in his 60's trying to win back his child hood sweetheart.
that is the tone of the poem, for me
it's all very sweet and vintage.
- Dexter
He sounds more like a LOVER, it seems as if he wants her to know that it wouldn't have been destroyed by expectations. And maybe, just maybe it could've worked out if they worked together.
- Kosha.
I felt it.
- Ameya
Ankit Dubey May 2019
Tera aks hi kuj is kadar samaya hai meri ankhon me,
K ajnabi bhi milkar tera naam bata dete hai,
Koi kahta hai k ashik hai ye shakhs kisi ka,
Koi kah deta hai k toota hai dil iska,
Shayad nahi janta hai koi,
K ashik to hu mai apni jindagi ka,
par dil abhi tak meri jindagi ne toda nahi hai,
Gam to hai mujhko mohabbat me mila,
Par shayad isliye k mera mahboob abhi tak mere aagosh me har pal k liye aaya nahi hai,
Haan ashik to hu mai uska par usne dil mera abhi tak toda nahi hai,
Vo door bahut hai mujhse,
Par khata uski nahi hai,
Vo bhi utna hi bechain hai mere liye,
Utni hi tadap hai usme bhi mere kareeb aane ki,
Par shayad jindagi dene vale ki jimmedariuon se aabhi vo farig hua nahi hai,
Haan ashik to hu mai us har saans me mujhko yaad karne vale,
Par dil abhi mohabbat me toota nahi hai,
Intjaar karta to bahut hu uska,
Par intjaar abhi poora hua nahi hai,
Kuj der abhi aur baki hai,
Thode se aansoo abhi bahne aur baki hai,
Dil me thodi c chubhan baki hai ,
Baki hai abhi use apna banan,
Aur thoda sa pyar karna aur baki hai,
Haan ashik to jaroor hu mai us mohabbat me tadpane vale ka,
Par sach to ye b hai k mohabbat me dil abhi toota nahi hai.....
The meaning fo metathesis si easy ot recall
When you give your love a ikss or throw your sno a ball,
Aks fro sugra ni your cup nad dressnig no the greens
Obedience school fro the pup ro you may riks a scene.

Og fro the glod ni all you od nad when you've done your bets
Relax nad know that you will og fra along your quets,
Snik a putt ot get the pra like pors no the V.T.
Write a sotry, count the stras, climb the lod brich tree.
metathesis: transposition of sounds or letters in a word.

Copyright 2000 JB Marshall
******* a Ice Cube ya been done melted
smelted runnin' from death but ya dealt it
scared to come to the dark
cuz the lights will burn ya n turn ya
into a liquid from a solid state
create flows that make
earthquakes couldn't shake
the Real G Eazy E talkin' all that ****
in the N-W-A movie but that **** didn't move me
tryin' to ruin his legacy
knownin' you got kicked out
the group you ain't loc'd out
nothin' but a super *****
that go punk'd out
talkin' hard while puffin' cigars
on late night shows i be the black eagle
but we know ya scarred
from the streets of C-P-T
reppin' Compton but scared
to show up in Compton
like that ***** Dre **** what they say
we know ya skills ran to the house
in the hills welcome to the slaughter fields
cuz you know they gone ****
you workin' with them boys n blue
they shield you like common sense
said i can see the ***** in yoo
I got hunger like the aqua teen force
got credible source gotta make a corpse
shatterin' lucid dreams
**** yo team and cream
im exposin' ya  from scene to scene  
goin' up in ya raw with no vaseline

the bigger the black money
the bigger the sellout
who gives a **** about what
ice cubes talkin' bout?
knowin' you ain't a real G
tried to play like you a homie
wanna be the man in charge
but we know made a pact
with them devils
thats why you livin' large
you a Boy like George
went from Boyz 'N The Hood to Are We There Yet?
No longer a threat just another trained pet
claim you gotta set
but smilin' teeth gets you a movie script
**** yo vision im givin' tunnel visions
to those fake ****** grinnin'
im the grinch that stole christmas cuz i gotta long ****** list
takin' out fakes that what I Do?
even gotta posse how about you?
causin' wrecks like a crew dissin' jews
kind of ironic cuz they the same
******* that signed you?
ya fifteen minutes of fame soon to go in flames
changed ya name exposed ya self
now whats with these AKs on ya shelf ?
talkin' all hard **** gets you a casket
check my three heads in a basket  
a tisket a tasket cubes is a *******
migranes to ya membrane got ya throbbin'
see ya head in the barrel bobbin'
for apples wanted to be the G
in the spotlight stole
from the tree of life
now you hidin' in shame and strife
**** yo hollywood squares I grab a pair
of my nuts and let 'em hang til i bang
like a theory fakes fear me holla if ya hear me
thats just my gat talkin' chit chat
rat a tat tat tat down goes another black
fake hero when you really villian
i be the microphone fiend
goin' in raw with no **** vaselineeeee
yea big yosef
expose government expos
that's all I know
so **** the cash flow
but I make cash flow like creflo
never chased a dolla
yo it makes me wanna holla
not talking Marvin Gaye
um tAlking bout the words I lay spray
techs but prefer aks miss ya next birthday
make ya best ya worse day
never thirsty
stay quenching like Gatorade
make serenades
in the street
ask big leech
we after the money and the power
leaving scars on ya face
eradicate the weak out the race
I set the pace beat the case
cuz they know they place
uh we mob like Italians Mafioso's
put holes in ones
like gulf course
with ya open torso so
ya know
the game is to be sold not told
and since I'm standing large
you know we don't fold holdem
like texas pushing lexuses beamers caddys to
Bentley coupes
quick to shoot through my 30 odd six poppin licks like kilos bricks
in the hood it's understood
that when we play the game
we go for flames
but miss the burn though
we go ever where riots show quick blows
make for blood out ya nose
fluid leakin mind sinking
I mo assist than pastors to deacons
**** Spanish broads
from Columbian to Puerto Rican
I'm seekin
out the best from east north south and the west I guess
I'm tying to take down the commission
no General admjssion just listen
closely to the sounds of shots glocks pops it don't stop
til the elite off the top

uh who ya know do it better
pack a berretta
still.rock Cosby Coogi Sweaters
get hos ***** wetter ***** slayer mack mayor
say ya rhymes with me
the best on the master of the ceremonies
like ghost P come close to thee
watch my gun burn thee
like sun burn ****** neva get a turn
after i touch the mic
i melt **** hotter than lava get
out of a volcano
kick rhymes since i was embryo
make ****** sing soprano
if they try to my money though
we flips keys then take trips to Belize
on the track bless me says me
my pedigree is nasty as nas back in 93
ya see naw cuz i braille spotlight
n the limelight come in yo dreams at night
freddie cougar with tha 9 double m luger
make bodies flex like lex lugar
i drive a jaguar 20 inch rims across the bar ghetto superstar
n think before ya speak
think before ya blink?
my rhymes be confusin' as a riddle from the Sphinx
they can jinx
me all they want but all they get is a gun taunt amerikkaz most wanted
pop steels only if ya want it
representin' like ****** in the pen holdin' down on lock
i **** a glock for every year
that ya aint on the block
one luv to my army none can harm
if i got nations forming
every brother gotta ski mask
quick to blast from the past to present
never get tense or hesitant
we drop ******* puff on phillies
knock fools out til they look ****** n silly
i can go on & on til tha break of dawn
rappers get no delight when i grab the mic its like friday night lights
uh one punch one round
n you can tell i won before it begun
by listening to the crowds sound uh
Dreams are beautiful things.
Memories of past's fights,
Hope of a future light,
For a tomorrow so bright.
Thus we must work together.
To save our imagination before it rots.
Go out flaunting our true colors
and achieving the dreams we all sought.
The fell deeds of men
can be forgotten, words can not.
For they are forever etched immortal.
That's the power of dreams and thoughts.
**- Aks & Vergil.
Just a random spontaneous collab from me & my friend, Surya.
"Paint me a dead body tonight". When you paint you are at your utmost emotional level. There is absolutely nothing you care about other than getting that image that's in your mind on the piece of canvas. That image that is haunting your mind and will continue to do so until you lay it out on that heavy duty plain-woven-fabric.
It's like when you paint you don't feel anything.
Not the hunger.
Not the fatigue.
Not the thirst.
Cause that's when you pour your true feelings and emotions out and sketch and color and oh my, darling do you paint.
You have a gift.
Cause when you paint it's not the body which is making the art, it's the soul. So tonight, let your soul out once more. Let your body - a mere cocoon - be left behind. Fly away one more time tonight, my love.
"Play with my **** & bare canvas,
Play well with my fear & fright.
Sketch me another ******, honey.
Paint me another dead body tonight."
-Aks, Paint me a dead body.
When we walked our way into the night, I expected a galaxy to be laid out for us, bestowing a universal mistletoe for us.
But there we were, counting whatever little bright spots we could find. Well, at least until I looked upon at you.
Star filled eyes.
Gods had something else planned in for me.
I was finally gazing at those holy celestial bodies. As they orbited around your pupils and left me shaken. Yes, shaken.
What kept me elated was the fact that you were there with me.
But that evening only those lonely hands could meet, and not lips.
But I swear I would've stayed a lifetime there if I could.
***, I'm some serious **** and you got a nice derrière.
- Aks, Interstellar Interconnection
Bodowzski Jun 2017
Troopers invading peaceful nations, waving their country's flag.
We condemn these immoral actions, but we let these effects stack.
A thousand deaths today, no mathematical formula to predict tomorrow's.
We don't let our emotions sway, there's no way to understand their sorrow.

Shaking our heads in disagreement when we witness war on the news.
But that's all we do, then move on cause we can never walk in their shoes.
Our hands are shackled, noble notions suppressed by justified fear.
Hearts are clear, minds haggard, away from justice we steer.

Mothers standing at doorways, sons run the streets with AKs from fallen soldiers.
Fathers run the streets looking for their sons with AKs from fallen soldiers.
Mothers standing at the graves, of daughters who were bombed in their sleep.
They will stand at cemeteries filled with families and then it's vengeance that they seek.

Mortar shells decorated the cities, armies on killing sprees.
Citizens starving, and bullets filled their stomach brutally.
Children thirsty, had their fill from their mothers' lacrimal sac.
Scavengers scavenged on, survival riding on their backs.

I could protest purposely, anti-propaganda policies on picket signs.
I could rally a demonstration, but I know I will be the only one in line.
Jail journeys insufficient for the ****** and rotten, houses wrecked and families broken.
So don't blame me, cause my faith in us is lost, we are a lost cause, these monstrosities will never ever be forgotten.
That's the thing with humans. We now no longer believe in the existence of simpler things. As we grow up we realise that everything has depths. We are so very surrounded by such things that we have forgotten how simple life actually is. It's sad how people get angry at minute matters but don't even care to smile at the beautiful little things around them.
We've forgotten how it's the little things that matter, how there is so much more to life than just paper.
Whether it's your answer sheet or the currency you use. It's not at all complicated to be honest.
We've just forgotten. It's all very simple actually. Leave aside everything that frustrates you and take a sip of that nice chilled glass of your favourite wine or a nice warm bath or just a little glance up at the sky from your rooftop to get you going.
Get a reality check.
Do what makes you happy.
Let your happiness be more than just momentary.
Let it be reflected from your soul.
**- Aks, Naked & Human.
Something out of the genre.
© Mrunalini D.Nimbalkar
A # tribute# to# female #infanticide ##speechless##nishabdh##
Don't let the persistent pressure of fitting in ruin you.
Don't ever let them, who only matter for today destroy what you could have tomorrow.
You, my darling. Could have the world right where you stand.
But, do not let the questions of 'What if' ever let you down in regret and sorrow.
You're special, not realising what you have is nothing less than God's Gift.
You adore what is gentle. And you do it with pride.
You must be too used to the way you are, so notoriously modest.
For you are beautiful, ***. So go out and flaunt your true colours and stripes.
- Aks
For K.C.
They say that this world is a cruel place.
But, I'm sorry. I'd beg to differ.
Yes, the fast lane doesn't really appeal to me either.
For it is the slow lifestyle of a traveller that I prefer.
I am tunnelled to demand adventure.
Through mountains, forests & deserted lands.
For, through my vision I seek nothing but...
The embrace of warm welcomers with folded hands.
- Aks
Just a little something I wrote. It's part of a poem me and my friend am collaborating upon. Our topic mainly is - Travel
It was when I realized that I would never be able to intoxicate you with myself, that the glass broke.
When I found out that I would never be able to replace the toxics that you like flowing oh so lovingly down your gentle throat.
That I would never be able to addict you to the drugs that I claim to be, as that is not in my hands.
That I would never be able to explore your mouth, while soothingly dripping down from your lips while you let me play with your tongue.
That I would never be able to accomplish what a glass of ***** could.
Oh, how much do I ache to be that.
A weakness.
The one you visit in your need for courage.
In your times of sorrow and happiness.
A constant. A liability.
Something you just can't resist.
Someone to make your cold soul feel intimidated.
Because honey, wouldn't it be something to be the one to make your insides burn?
**- Aks, Naked Emotions
First off **** the white house
And lady liberty's game
Ya bound to get burn
When I ignite my flame
So many left ashamed puttin' they
Hearts through bunch of pain
Death ain't strange
Watch it I'm bust open
At them fools from Coast to Coast
We takin' over **** Nation no more hesitatin'
True lost prophet coming for the sons of Satan
We bringing' retaliation
No ones survives this condemnation
Welcome to the killing fields take no yields
Bust at everybody even through windshield
Hold ya guard and grab ya grill
I hit em up cuz I'm.corrupt since there's no abrupt
In society i move quietly react violently
To situation no more frustration
Its time to rise at these fools
Stirin' up hatred from HTOwn to New Jeruz
Israel coming back penetrates through flesh hard Mac
Ten in the wind as it whistle through time
Lookin' for a body to put on the flat line
Times running out no doubt
Punk *** politics all got tricks
Up they sleeve suckin' too ******* the devils ****
Soon to spit
Out that spiritual *** they swallow too.much
Full of clutch when they quick to ******
Eyes open *** wide
******' with me its like suicide homicide invested
**** nigguh ain't no testin' **** stressin'
Hennessey and Weeds smoke sessions
Openin' fire with aggression straight progressin'
Showin' eternal surpressin'
Game to makavelis lesson
Got them ******* in check now they stuck
Killin' all adversaries in the white house
I hit em upppppppppppppppppp 

Since I'm Gods lost child
Stuck in the wild I took the scars
Then I smiled
No time for raw rappin'
Extra clips in AKs that I'm packin' bodies stackin'
Makin' nigguhs vanish hearts begin to.panic
Is it me or it the **** in me
Demons been in me since I was born
No longer a quiet storm I sing harm
Beautiful.melodies muthaphukkin'
Adversaries deserve to die
Now they reachin' foe the sky
Soul searchin' still lurkin'
Around the trees waitin' ambush
Them.cowards successfully
I'm blessed and pleas
From the bomb **** I seen the devil starin' at my mirror
Showin' me visions of me in a casket
****** in cold blood by them.heartless *******
Since I'm initiated as an outlaw puttin' down Romans Law
**** what I saw how can I die?
If I got God on my side He only Judge
They say don't hold no grudge
I say **** it bring on the pain
Takin' on any muthaphukka who wanna get it on
We can strap and have slug fight blazin'
So many battles I lost but the war will be won
Breakin' the curse of Hell's song
Time through time I shed a tear
For my nigguhs that didn't make it in the past year
No doubt
I get high reminiscin' on ya memory
Don't worry G I'll come with Elijah's fire
Consumin' enemies
Revengin' for the lost crimes droppin' bodies
Like the grim reaper as I'm takin' time
The world is mineeeeeee
Belle Victoria Aug 2015
it were the dreams in which I was living that made me wanna die

the summer was ending and the cold of the winter was filling my veins
you were leaving my mind like the sun was leaving my dying fantasy..
I am getting older everyday and everyday I need a little bit more *****
running away with you, the person I adore most was all I ever wanted

and every night before I fall asleep I aks myself.. why don't you love me
why don't you have the need to touch me, to share your deepest secrets
you were mysterious like the moon, like the meaning of my tattoo's..

there always was a path of light were you have walked
the riddels you spoke, your angelic voice that haunts me everyday
but you also were dark my dear, dying and hopeless

it felt like flying everytime we kissed, I was happy, you made me happy
but I was fragile, a daughter of the dark, the keeper of sadness, demons
eleven years old when everything went wrong and it all is still wrong
the voices in my head would never let me out of this cage, trapped

september was coming and the clouds coverd my sight of happiness
it was a long way to find a way out of this dark and ****** up forest

and so she died at age seventeen, the graveyard never was this pretty
the stars of the heavens and their constellations didn't shine their light
there were flowers laying on the girl her grave, all grey, black, dying

it was the perfect night to share your tears with the world, so we did
I am not afraid of dying or crying.
Into the night, she left everyone gasping.
Who could this be?
A Diamond from Mud.
Her beauty & smile left me asking.
Was she out for love?
Or was she out for Blood?
- Aks
uh my clan be ***** as the Taliban
with illegal contraband
got more heat than desert stand
one man stand on the mic
i rock im as hard as a ****
in between a ***** legs
gettin' ready to knock
ya out with flows i expose
the industry closed
once yosef pours
out the blessin got me foes guessin no stressin
**** and henney sessions
new lessons
daily sip irish creme baily
they cant play me but pay me
listen to styles p or bump biggie
or maybe 2 p a c
host aks at birthdays
im al caponin' it runnin' ****
like diarrhea
yall just need ta
sit the **** back while i count benjamins stacks
which be
in bundle king of the hip hop jungle
and im
going to **** puffie diddy
He soft as a nestle cookie
Make mysteries
no rookies
cant play with me in this deadly game
lite a match for the flame
burn the fame
infamous is how i keep it man
hol up

I see the hate excite of the critics
Gimmicks leave with they headsplitted
And backs more open than parachute
From the guns that shoot 21 salute
Dont ya know im soldier
I keep glocks hot as folgers
In ya cup i interrupt the scene
Once i puff red hair greens
Ya drivin a limousine
N ill throw grenade in ya sunroof
And watch it land inbetween
Ya legs
So ya can blow ya own head
Get it naw forget
All i see is yellow tapes chalks
And you being admitted
To the hospital in critical
Condition no intermission
All ya memory left is ya see is my face
Im like the son of man
Leavin competition running
Marathons cuz im the biggest don
They call me the Holy one
Cuz of the way my guns
Put holes in one
The rawest spit flawless
Talk **** we'll leave ya jawless
Throw ya remains in the death valley
With the rest of the restless carcass
Facing eternal darkness what???
**** haters poetic justice
For a day will come when the raindrops will be outnumbered.
A day when all that is mighty will be prevailed.
When all that is a tear will shed more pain than the markings on the walls of her vessel.
When all that would matter is the little life in her hands.
When she will give birth to herself.
For a day will come when her cages will rattle.
A day when the barbed wires won't matter.
when she will be more than just defiant.
Beware of the day she will not remain silent.
**- Aks
Do not come to me with closed doors.
Nor with an escalator that only runs down from heaven.
I want to be your addiction.
Let me be the reason for the curve your lips make,
When they smile, when they grin, when they kiss.
I want to invade you, help you escape, like you do when you light a bud.

Do not come to me with closed doors, I tell you again.
Nor with an escalator that only runs down from heaven.

I seek nothing but your love, your true self, that randomness.
That creeps out upon us like a seven of eleven.
**- Aks.
Random **** I think of.
She came, she conquered.
Thoughts of love wandered,
Was she doing it right or was she doing it wrong?
Why doesn't any love of hers last long?
for I knew the unspoken truth, I couldn't deny.
cause I was the only one, who had tasted her venomous lies.
Those succubus's eyes.
**- Aks.
Hahah, I'm not a sad soul, I swear.
But, I like it when a heartbreaker gets her/his heart broken.
Humans feed on greed,
Take what they need,
Pray for no deeds,
Hate what they breed.
They spread the word of love & peace.
That's all they teach.
But, do we as humans ever practice what we preach?
Empty houses, closed doors.
Blood stains on the floors.
Lost innocent children with no clothes,
Or more, Hearts shattered to the core.
Wars destroy what we make.
Families, children, people at stake.
Why is it hate & war that we wage?
Turning everything in existence to dust, debris & carnage.
Them bullets over words.
Life donated to the dead.
Save me lord, don't
Let the blood run red.
- Aks
I wrote this during the 'Gaza' - West Bank feud.
He can't seem to go on,
He doesn't seem too fine.
No one seems to notice
the Demons in his Mind.
He doesn't seem to care much,
He doesn't have much time.
You better take a good look,
Cause this will be his last crime.
He won't show his pain,
Cause no one seems to get.
He's just like another,
With Demons inside his Head.

- the boy who writes, Aks.
From your ordinary closet writer/poet.
Every poet should own at least one suicidal piece of poetry.
I want to be drugged. Not by any chemical or medicine. But, by a person. Like an addiction.
I want to be assured of them never leaving.
I want to be assured of them understanding.
I want to be assured of them never taking advantage of the fact that I would reciprocate.
I want them to believe me.
I want them to trust me.
Accept me. Still love me.
I want someone to be sad when I am gone for good. Like the kind of sad that could **** a person. That is what I want.
I want them to appreciate little things.
I want them to do stuff for me.
I want them to share everything with me. Everything.
I want them to be there when I need them.
I want to give them sweet kisses in places no one's but they've seen. I want them to argue with me. For as long as it's me they're fighting with.
I want to kiss them, hold them and cherish them.
I want them to be drunk and drugged on me.
Because somehow I end up doing the same.
I want to be selfish.
I want them to bump into me someday.
I want them to exist.
I want them to be mine.
I want them.
**- Aks, //All I Want.
yo check it **** these youtube ****** sound like a bunch of ******* chirpin'

yo father of the seven seas 
its time for the realemcees 
to stand up mob up 
cuz these ****** ****
more **** than a ** thats on a street lick 
******* up is my clique
we ride w mobsters
do biz while eatin' shrimps n lobsters 
ya cant stop tha 
reign i drop on ya brain 
got ya eyes bugged out like snorts of ******* 
after i finish ya
ya cant regain ya title or fame
ya know the name yosef comin' mo explosive
than Saddam droppin bombs
no harm done to me
hold ya hands in a circle and repeat after me 
"yosef the magnificent"
none can surpass or blastme im see through to ****** that try to talk to
me with that ******* save tha soft talks i send ya to hells pits
with no remains and blood stains 
on the concrete mayne
i got multiple domains without pushin' an ounce of ******* no pain no gain yea my words insane major like pain
all ya need to do is remain 
calm and cool as the pistol to ya mouth makes ya drool
ya know the rules 
******* pay me cant slay me i was birthed in another dimension
sent back for the mental incision 
like ISIS got these *** *** emcees in a crisis
now check my ices
rolex pushin' a manual fully loaded lex
180 on the dash fast cash leads to a crash but im too smooth move pass
the crowds
im rougher than a diaper rash like Johnny Cash
i dance in the ring of fire
Hip Hops Resurrectin'Messiah ya need Higher 
Learning as im turning 
the page the **** got me in a rage
these ****** aint spittin' nothing they in a daze
when i shine i burn em harder than a sun beam rays 
even if ya had 50 aks
pointed at me it still wouldnt penetrate me im untouchable incredible
sources credible
game hungriest so yall edible
if ya sold ya soul?
ya still couldnt floss like me
shady two point o the Rap Cypher Chief 

bow down ya ***** bitchess!!!!!!
Neeraj katta Jan 2019
Ab to bas kisse, kahaniyo or yaado ki jagir baki hai.
Ab to bas aaeno me dikhte aks ki tasveer baki hai.
mazile yahi hai, raste yahi hai socha mil kar aa jau
Ab to bas pairo se tuti bikhari waqt ki zanjeer baki hai.

— The End —