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Beneath the silent gaze of the moon they meet at a distance apart,
Now bathed in the luminescent glow of the moon rhythmic beats doing the talking of the hearts.

The silver speckle leaves it's shimmery mark,
the power of silence extends far beyond the night sky,
whispering the secrets and revealing the truth.
All feelings surpassed,
Love cannot be hidden !

The moon now a silent witness to the tales of love,
conceals the beating of hearts in the darkness of the night .

In the symphony of tranquility,
Dangling along the invisible track of time,
Assuring to be there forever,
sometimes the moon is all they have !

@Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Changing perspective and knowing how to wait !

@Mrunalini Nimbalkar
Wake up to the sound of the roaster
See the chimney smoke,
water gush through the nearby stream,
Nature painting a dream.
With a song in the heart,
acceding little things in our life's part.

Hear the sparrow tweet ,
A fresh morning greet,
The dew on the Jasmine leaf,
Ants crawl away from the feet,
the distant sheep bleet.
The bus beep ,
the sound of the gardeners broom sweep.
Listen to music that soothes the mind,
thankful for the playful hands and little chuckles heard from the yard behind.
Making way for a few little things.

Hear the cycle bell ring ,
smell the flowers dwell in the sunny spring,
Bask in the drop of a golden ray ,
witness the green carpet array,
feel the grass on the feet
Sip on a hot coffee treat,
a welcoming smile or a greet,
Just a few little things.

Set your table with lilies and roses, fragrances  running through the house ; house you turn into a home.
Toasted jam and bread,
a healthy meal spread.
a little prayer to thank for the same , just a bit in God's name.
Open the windows (of your mind )and let the fresh air in,
Burn incenses and clear your mind off pain and sin ,
Being thankful for your very being.

Every moment takes its positive course, keep no space for remorse.
Pat yourself,
Put on your best smile,
Look into the mirror ,
Say "Thank You" God , for everything that life brings,
aiming to value just the little things !

Love never dies a natural death.
Replenishing the heart and soul for awhile,
Catching on to every moment to reconcile.
When veils of deceit get woven with threads of treachery and the art of dubiousness.
Sometimes in love the majestic aura conceals a mercurial mind .
Love is a subtle killer,an unstable mate ,
Heartbroken; yet doesn't care for it's fate.

A fine thread of art and manipulation interwines to create a baneful masterpiece.
Death ; alone now a soulmate searching for the love filled heart .
Parallel they move;  both love and death,
Up for the finale they both stand ,
Beyond the horizon they expand to explore the pain as best as they can .

Love and death is the destination that all shall share ,
Onwards journey into an infinite slumber, as much as one may care.
Love awaits it's ultimate fate,
Unshaken and not mistaken the vicious cycle moves,
the angles now unerringly fit into the grooves.

Finally death is an invitation to return home.
Alas ! Its is so terrible to love something that death can touch , a futile love angle with nothing much !

@Mrunalini Nimbalkar
8th of April 2024
Oh dear waves go reach the shores,
let newer stories unfold to the ocean.
If there are dreams , I am never too old.
let me dive into my passion.
plunge into the depth of gifts that are within me ,
A treasure trove of high tides of compassion,
a mystic journey into self recognization.

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