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MuseumofMax Mar 2023
I’m not sure I’m made to bear the weight of living

I thought love might ease the pain
But now it only causes further heartbreak

I feel so lost all the time
My mind wanders in and out of consciousness
And my heart feels cold

My medicine keeps me going
I complete the tasks I know I must do
but I’ve lost my passion, now replaced with fatigue

I wait for each day to end
And when it does I miss the sun

Will I ever find my light again?
MuseumofMax Feb 2022
I wrote out my trauma
like a letter for someone else

I’m not sure why,
but I needed it to be seen

To be heard

Something that always confused me
was why I could never talk about those things

For some reason
saying what needs to be said
wasn’t welcome in my home
MuseumofMax Dec 2022
I’m learning to love the parts of myself I used to hate.
I force myself to relive my regrets, to relive my pain.
I see each memory with fresh eyes, softening my gaze so I can not judge.

It still hurts to see what I wish I could reverse
When I couldn’t see past my delusions
I hurt so many people that I loved

I can not undo what had to be done
Fate wanted my heart to go on a journey.

I am thankful for the heartache, the loss
it taught me to accept my whole self

I had to first become who I am not
To find who I am.
MuseumofMax Nov 2022
I used to wish to stop the world with one look,
to make my mark.

Now I just want to curl up with a good book.
MuseumofMax Jan 2024
You have given me a love I cannot understand

I cannot express in words the great joy you bring me

The glee you make me feel in my tummy when you touch me

The shivers I feel when you watch me with those purple-brown eyes

The warmth I feel when you hold me as close as you can so I don’t feel afraid

The relief you bring me knowing I will always be loved by you

No longer left alone, wondering when I will be saved

You opened my door and let the light in

Now we sun bathe in our boxers

We glow with the aura of our souls

Intertwined in one another

Somehow love is not good enough to describe how I feel for you

I am utterly, deeply, wholly devoted to you

My friend, confidant, lover, companion

My forever home

I love you Kobe.
MuseumofMax Mar 2024
Dear dad,

There are so many things I wish I could say to you

but I know you would never listen

I wish I could tell you how your decisions affected my childhood
How your rage left me afraid
How your wives stole my confidence
How your step children stole my innocence

How your negligence made us feel so alone
How I still have dreams that I’m trapped in your house.

How can you not recognize the pain you caused?

How can you not see the scars on me?

I shouldn’t have to remind you of your atrocities
So many wrongs you never acknowledged
Your actions never matched your words

I used to hope you’d get better

but you never did

I gave up on you

but the pain still burns in my heart

For the father I never had

For the dad I wanted so badly

And for the monster I had instead
MuseumofMax Oct 2022
A naive little girl
believed someone would come to save her

Late nights hiding away in her bedroom
she dreamed of a life far away from here

The movies she watched always had a hero
So where was hers?
MuseumofMax Mar 2024
I overthink everything

and it’s exhausting

I wish I could stop
and I’m trying

But it’s hard to unlearn what used to help me survive

Now it only clouds my mind.

I’m so tired of not being able to enjoy things I love
for fear that they won’t last

I’m tired of worrying about how I will do
on my next test

I’m so mentally drained

My self doubt screams in my ears

You try and tell me to calm down
And I’m sorry because it doesn’t always work


I’m sorry to myself for forgetting how to be care-free

I’m trying to quiet the monsters in my head
and lay down on your chest

I remember the other day what you said
and it made my head hurt a little less

One day I won’t let my anxieties run my life

One day I’ll go beyond my doubts
and my brain can finally rest

No more tests
No more doubts
No more wondering how I can get out

I’ll find the peace I’ve been crying for
and leave behind my worries,
Cast-away, never more

And finally I’ll see
My life was right in front of me
It’s sort of all over the place but I guess that fits the title
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
I have to let go of you

I have to leave behind the anchors tied to my ankles

I can’t drag them any farther

I can’t let them hold me back

Any more
MuseumofMax Aug 2022
I’m sorry I could not heal the boy that you were,
but I am not responsible for your scars.
MuseumofMax Jan 8
I don’t have time for senseless scribbles written by arrogant men, hailed as classics

But I’ll spend hours pondering a sentence written by the most somber silent woman,

I’ll listen to hear her quiet voice
Little thought I had while looking through archival files
With your hand in mine
I no longer fear the fall

I embrace the climb.
MuseumofMax Oct 2022
Leaves fall onto dirt floors
Autumn winds smell of fresh air and the cold

Thunderstorms rage asking for war
Trees turn bare; naked, yet bold

The skies turn a clear blue that I adore
And the child, not yet grown up, feels old
MuseumofMax Jan 2022
Footsteps on a familiar path

The night-time glare follows

Tired eyes
Through a soft gaze
Wondering how the grass moves,
It sways

Long thoughts for a short walk

Multi-colored shoe laces
Scuffed heels
So many hidden faces
In the older trees

Quick steps

Wishing for rest
Although I like the night
The wind, I detest

Warmth I will soon find
If only a few steps more
Lest I stay outside forever
Me and my mind.

Trapped in my sorrow

No tomorrow?
MuseumofMax Feb 2022
Wandering in and out of what could be

I used to fear a missed opportunity

Now I’m thankful for what I lost
Despite the pain,
I grew into who I am.
MuseumofMax Sep 2024
I noticed I stopped being so judgmental

Maybe because I have become more human

                         and in doing so

          I have understood what being human is.

   I am flawed

                                               I make mistakes


                                     I learn

                       I improve

        I love

                                                              I hurt


                                  I try again.
MuseumofMax Jan 2024
Yesterday I noticed a few blonde hairs mixed in my chestnut brown hair

They blend in until I looked closer
Little strands barely there

They reminded me of when when I was a child

Sunny hair and a freckled face
Bright blue eyes and an always smile
Big front teeth and rosy pink lips

I forget what it felt like to have blonde hair
I forgot what it was to feel free

I know my childhood was not all smiles
Mostly rainy days and hiding away

But I cherish the moments when the sun came out
And I laid in the dewy grass talking to the trees

I remember now how I loved my blonde hair
That glowed under the shining stars

I remember now how I smiled when I looked in the mirror
Loving my reflection, my whole self

Now as I stare at those few blonde hairs
I remember how beautiful I can be
I remember the child that still lives within me

I hope she never leaves
I feel as if darkness is falling upon the world
A darkness that is not seen but felt
A pain that destroys peace
That hates love
Why are we so bound for destruction?

Every tree gone, every field mined for oil
Children buried under rubble
Do you feel the darkness there? Do you feel it now?

I have no words to describe this
Mother Earth is dying and so are we
While they sit in their towers
Endlessly counting
Blood money
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
My brain

Was perfect


It was deserted

Wish I could

Wish I may

Remember what I was going to say.
Brain issues…
MuseumofMax Jan 2022
Swirling around us
Thoughts of tomorrow

We’re pulled in
Sharing our energies
This is synergy

The boy made of wax
Lit now and melting fast
Lost in your eyes
My hand in yours

Take me to your starless sea
I want to know you

Squinting only to see you in focus
Every so often I look at your face
Admiring what I have
Staying over at your place

Warm skin and soft lips
Let’s stay forever in this moment
Lost in space and time
Lemon boy and me

I read a poem you wrote
Titled ‘Trees’

My stomach fluttering every-time I feel your touch
Holding me so close
Until I can’t breathe

So close but not enough
Tangled up in my sleeves

“My eyes are just brown”
But so much more

Purple gaze with a starlight haze

Moonlight can only account for some

The sun comes up
Sweeping over our faces
Deep brown and see-through

I could be blue?

But not with you.

Rosy cheeks and big smiles

Even when my blush fades
My smile starts to go-away
And your rain cloud re-appears
Dimming your energy
You hear your fears

I’ll still find some butterflies
Just for you and I

My eyes can’t lie

No matter how much I try.

Kept in a jar and saved until now
Letting them free
Every time I see you once more

open the door.

There they are again
Flying so sweetly
I’ll save a few more
for next time

Butterflies in my hair
Butterflies everywhere

With you
Without a care
Holding my heart
Please don’t let it tear.

Butterflies in my heart
And in my mind
Changing my perspective
Another one inspired by lemon boy
MuseumofMax Dec 2023
I’d like to be a willow tree
Swaying next to a cottage

I’d like to be the morning grass
Smelling of fresh dew

I’d like to be the ocean
Calm and steady
Powerful and wise

I’d like to be the warm sand
Letting waves wash it’s surface

I’d like to be a purring cat by a fireplace
Warmed and sleepy

I’d like to feel the bliss

The trees feel

Each time the sun shines brightly

I’d like to feel the sky
As I sit among clouds

I’d like to be a book
Being read for the first time

I’d like to be a painting
To be admired by all

I’d like to be a warm cup
of Chamomile tea

I hope one day
I can like
being me.
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Faint memories
Of the happiest moments of my childhood

Swinging was my favorite

I liked to wander in the grassy fields
Catch a few butterflies
Freeze when I saw
The bees

Soft walks home
With my too-big backpack
My little body
Minuscule in comparison
I remember it felt as if it weighed a ton

Silly talks
And lots of giggles

Science projects

That I hated
All I got was a participation award.

Still I
Found a way into the trees
Biked around town
No fear
Just making my rounds

I even won a few spelling bees
Nothing big just the 4th and 5th grade

I memorized the words
With no understanding
No wonder I never made it very far

Nature acted as my mother
I found my home in the twisted branches of old oaks
The dead leaves and crab apples

I slept under the stars
And counted them too

Stayed up all night
So I wouldn’t have to say goodbye
just greet the new day
And wish for night once more

Watching the sunrise
With a content sigh
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
A warm embrace
Or so they thought

Warm at first
Then it got hot

Piles of blankets
Suddenly smothering
Stuck inside
Until you

I want to leave
But I like the pain
Forgetting the hurt
What goes on in my brain.

I found a way out
Though a little late

Turns out the door was always open
I just didn’t check the lock

Stepping out onto green grass
Reminds me of an old poem I wrote

The first steps take a while
My feet are cold
But I try and smile

After what feels like forever
I look up
And I’m not alone anymore
My heart
Will not

That old door
That I thought was locked

Has disappeared.

I won’t go back
To the place I thought was home
For now I know what love is

I am Sophie
I am Max
I am an artist

Monster boy is facing the real world for the first time
Turns out he’s doing okay
And he can still rhyme.

Wonder what adventures will come next
Sophie doesn’t know
And neither does Max

But they’re excited
For the trek.

No longer perplexed.
The first steps of a new person… the poem I’m referencing is ‘Content’ by me :)
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
I get depressed a lot
Let’s write something nice for a change

I’ve been listening to softer music lately
Guess I’m expanding my taste

I’ve learned sometimes the things I say are strange
But I don’t know
I kind of like that I don’t fit in

Being weird is fun when you have weird friends
No judgement
Just fun
No paying rent

I like my ‘community’
They each have their own style

Let’s just sit and talk a while.

I still like the name monster boy
But I started feeling more like Max

Just a young adult
Growing up
A world
Not made for them

Guess it’s time to change that?

Maybe I’ll buy a cat?
Soft poem for soft times. The title references the show ‘Community’ on Netflix
MuseumofMax Mar 2018
Green grass probes my feet, wrinkling my    
A blue sky lets my eyelids grow heavy      
  longing for rest
Cars swish by
Dusty wheels turn on and on
Old roads never end
MuseumofMax Sep 2022
Innocence is lost
in my hasty decisions

I regret every step I took

but the past cannot be undone
the steps are already made

it will never be the same.

Ugly and deformed I am beheaded
by the better version of me.

Before I knew of my sins.

Before I knew of my shame.
This is based on the painting by Caravaggio: David and Goliath.
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Dear lemon boy,

I heard you’re writing about me
Be careful
You’re making me feel special

Once I’m stuck I have a hard time letting go
I think I’m falling?


Oh no.

I don’t mind I’m just scared of getting hurt
I hope it won’t and I hope you care

Why is there so much love in the air?

The skeptic in me is in awe

You showed up when I was least expecting
And now I can’t seem to let you go

I hope that’s okay
Save this for a rainy day
Lemon boy won’t get out of my mind :/
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
Hello death,

I am not afraid of you,
Many are
But I see through you

The facade of what life beyond death truly is
How can anyone know?

False prophets
The drinking of fine wines

I wonder what’s true
And I wonders what is lies
A poem inspired from  my own feelings of what death truly is mixed with inspiration from P.K the Bollywood movie. A quote from it says “I believe in the god that created me, not the god we created”.
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
My summer home

My get away

Sometimes I talk too much
Social cues not there

Mind somewhere?

Thank you for grounding me

I like it when you hold me
It reminds me
Of my purpose

Your words are confusing
But I like your soft tone

Sweet and understanding

Two boys on their thrones

You’re sleeping next to me right now
Your snoring woke me up
It’s okay though
I like it when your body is quiet

Mask off
The real you

Just like me

It’s hard when everything’s confusing
But you remind me to be smart

Look Tim (my therapist)
I’m doing art!!

I’ve been taking such good care
But sometimes I forget myself

I forgot to eat enough today
It’s okay
Tomorrow I’ll remember
Just another day
Wrote this to shut my mind up
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
I thought I would write again to help me fall asleep

I took my final today and got an A
It was easy but it’s still something so yay

Im working on staying positive
And when the depressive hits
I let it sit and feel it fully
No more pushing the waves down
No more hiding my frown.
Nap time
MuseumofMax Sep 2023
I read a book that reminded me of you

It reminded me of the days I wished to find a way out
To go through a door that would lead me somewhere else
somewhere better

I never found that door

And you never got better

I wish you had
MuseumofMax Feb 2022
Your brown eyes softly stare
into my starless sea

My endless story
You listen, no urgency

I hear your heart beat as I lay on your chest
I count the beats,
until my eyes give in to rest

I’ll hold your hand so you can fall asleep
I’ll visit you in your dreams
My heart is yours to keep
MuseumofMax Feb 5
I want to be a great many things

But to be great is daunting
And to do much is tiring

I want to express myself in a beautiful way
spreading deep emotions across crisp pages

Allowing my reader to adventure
To see worlds beyond their imagination
To become wise from my text

I want to live and breathe my poems, my art, my books

I’ll die to share a piece of myself,

to express my soul, to feel that I have told the stories that haven’t yet been told,

I’ll die for that
MuseumofMax Jan 2022
My mirror looks back at me.

Sometimes I ignore it
Other times I stare

Green eyes are all I see.

I tap the glass
Only to fall in
For eternity

Slipping through





I tap the glass again
There’s someone else
Not me?

‘To be or not to be’

The question unanswered

Eventually my stare falters
Thrown off by fears

My face remains a mystery

My body warping as
A light flickers
I tap once more
The glass

A million knives in skin that doesn’t feel like mine

Smiling through the pain
It’s a flaw in my design

For when I’m bleeding
I forget the warped image in the mirror

Instead I feel free
I disappear
So happily.
MuseumofMax Mar 2018
a little cat
sprawled out on the windowsill
gray splotches scatter her coat
a kiss of gold brushes her nose

a soft purr

stretching her whole body she yawns, flashing her wicked grin

there her dusty green eyes flicker
as they draw to a close
A tribute to my own
MuseumofMax Feb 2
I stared at my monstrosities, I looked them in the eye, swimming in pools of ink.

Silent in their darkness, I spoke.

“I forgive you,” I whispered, breaking their unyielding gaze.

They reached for me,
a single claw, then many, tangled into a mess of limbs and bone.

Pulled into an embrace, thorny vines twist around me, their eyes lock on mine.

Resistance made the vines tighten,

I welcome them inside

Our embrace into melting and melting into growth,


I stared into the mirror expecting to see a monster,

but all I saw standing before me was human,
flesh and blood,

and darkness too.
MuseumofMax Sep 2020
Can I escape ?

The guard laughs

I swallow hard,
a shiver travels all the way up my spine

Can I bear this weight forever ?
Or will I inevitably face my own doom?

I did not choose the bars from which I lie behind,
and yet now I sit staring at them.

They stare back at me and I am finally able to see;

I will not escape.
For my very prison,

is me.
MuseumofMax Oct 2022
Every time I lose my footing
I fall down and cry
Just like a little girl, tripping over her own feet.

I am older now but my tears never waver.
They well up in my eyes, I can not hold them back.
My anxieties overwhelm my thoughts
My eyes only see my failures

I am thankful that you watch me
even when I hide my face
You ask me what is wrong
even when I cannot speak

As tears run down my face you hold me close
You tell me you won’t ever let me go

You withstand my storms
and wake me from my nightmares
You listen to me, my fears and all
and calm my frenzied mind

My emotions are unstable.
Although I try so hard to function
I can not always

You told me you love me just how I am
and appreciate every flaw
You tell me I am more than I see
and that you’ll never leave me behind.
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
As a child I listened for small voices

Little footsteps and mini hand prints

Night light left on
To welcome the visitors

They never said hello

I guess I’ll never know….
Wrote this a little bit ago and it reminded me of childhood
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
I went outside to look at the meteor shower

The sky was grey and foggy
The air was damp and cold

I tried to see the falling stars
But could only see the grey white sky

I wonder how many showers I’ve missed because of a stormy sky

I wonder how many falling stars I could’ve wished on
MuseumofMax Oct 2022
When you feel far away
I muster up a memory from long ago

The last time I held you or felt your touch
The last time I slept by your side
When you told me “i love you so much”

When I can’t feel you I hold on to what you left
A too big sweatshirt that still smells like you
Is my only comfort

I can’t quite describe the smell
A mix of smoke and fresh laundry transport my mind to images of you
Your smile so big, your eyes sparkling
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
I suppose I’m a bit like fate and you’re a bit like time
We are the same
Twin flame?

Fate cannot choose what it wants
It rides the waves and attempts to guess

Time decides it’s every move
Careful planning
Striving to improve

We admire our differences
A perfect disharmony

A sprinkle of logic
And a heaping of chaos

We meet in the middle
But never further

For we’re still independent
The participant and the observer
MuseumofMax Feb 2024
What does it mean to be truly free?

I am not sure.

I know that I am not free, that I may never be.

But I am more free than others

Why does the government decide my freedom for me?

Why can’t I help those dying across the sea?

Why do they decide who I can be?

I’m not sure I’ll ever know true freedom
while living under this system

But I’m not sure how to escape, how to truly be me
MuseumofMax Mar 2024
Every so often

I am haunted

My mind betrays my eyes
And once again I’m looking out of a window  
trapped inside a brick house

The ghosts that follow me
Remind me of each moment
That I wish I could forget  

Those around me never see
How my eyes go dim
and my smile fades

my ghosts surround me
threatening to suffocate
They appear in my dreams

no escape.
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Lemon boy

Tuesdays on my mind
Walking through my brain
I feel insane

Are you thinking of me?
I can feel it
Your manifestations are immense
But I’m intense
Are you ready to handle me?
I’m not sure
I’m a witch and a bit of a *****
Biking isn’t always so easy
When you’re climbing uphill

I don’t need your protection
I just need your energy
But I still want to hold your hand
I’m in a girl band

I think we have synergy ?

You’re the Tyler to my creator
I’m the Thumbalina to your daddy issues

I’ve been listening to my instincts
Watching the signs and feeling my tics

They’re pointing to you
I guess it’s a clue?

I’m trying hard to show you,
What we can be
Will you accept or will you disagree?

Honestly whichever is ok
I just wanna stay around you

Hope you do too?

Did you you know I’m a Hufflepuff
I think you’re a Slytherin

You’ve got the brains, I’ve got the sass
Not to mention a pretty good ***

Keep trying with me
I know it’s tiring

But you’re breaking down walls
And it’s exciting

I’m enjoying this
Whatever it is

Is that ok?

I don’t see the issue
But let me know if you can’t handle it

One hand on my ****
The other on my neck

That’s right I’m freaky
Let’s get *****

I don’t want to ruin this but I don’t think that’s possible
You kinda make my heart feel full

I’m not used to this, this fast
But with you it feels like a blast

I still need breaks and late night walks
But if you wanna come along I don’t mind
Never know what you might find?

I keep thinking I’m done
But turns out I’ve just begun

Didn’t want love but it wanted me
You’re nice and I like your face
Do you like mine?

I know I’m a bit clueless
It might appear foolish

But I’m actually pretty cool
Let’s ride the waves
One day at time
Till the end of this rhyme

I’m not done yet
Almost there but not quite

Hold my hand when I need it
But don’t hold me back

The Ari to my Miller
My psychological thriller

It’s scary but good
Scary good?

I know what it’s like to deal with ****
I can take it but I don’t like it

Time to evacuate
Separate from the past
And start moving on
If you wanna come along,
I don’t mind

I see you’re hurting
I don’t mind learning
I’m a good listener

You’ve grown I can tell
But so have I
Let’s keep growing together?


What a cruel world we live in

With you it doesn’t feel so bad
Why are you so sad?
A note to a friend who could be more?
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
It’s quite funny to break the rules

Whether it’s through lyrics
or rhymes

Art is art despite the flaws

Stop making so many laws
This goes out to all my English teachers
MuseumofMax Nov 2021
Deep ruffled hair
She smells of sweet jasmine and Desi cooking

She emanates her culture
And shared it with me

She swirls around the room in a deep red saree
Her little sister watches inspired

A teacher with a good heart
Never failing to understand

A friend with a sweet smile
Never wanting to pretend

She is perfect in every way
And yet not

That’s why I like her
Oh and she’s hot
A little poem about my best friend
MuseumofMax Sep 2024
Looking into your eyes
I feel at home

You make me feel whole
When I lose myself

You give me a smile
Even on bad days

Thank you for being
My hide-away
MuseumofMax Jan 2022
Little cottage
In my dreams

Wait for me…

Under the stars

Large windows letting in the breeze
A vast garden
Some willow trees

Sunny days
And some spots of shade
The nights may be dark
But I am not afraid

A few squirrels
And a little cat

So fluffy you might think it’s fat

Me and my someone
Spending our days there
Just us, the trees, and the quiet air….
A stolen childhood is irreplaceable

Lost in the fuzzy static of camcorders
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