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8.8k · Dec 2014
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
i lost my virginity to a guy who didn't care
i lost my virginity to a guy who was never there
i lost my virginity in a way that's never great

i was, i am the "other woman"
i was, i am the one that doesn't matter
i was, i am just a body to ****

it never matter how long it took
it just had to make his body shake
oh baby that feels great
it wasn't like he cared if i got off fair

just as long as i was there

still to this day, i **** him
i don't know why, but i do
and i hate myself for sticking around

but i guess it's because i have that craving
of using him
just for his body too.
6.2k · Dec 2014
how does a kiss feel...
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
a kiss feels like that smile you have when you first wake up
it brightens up every dark corner of my heart

a kiss feels like a fight over who has to take out the trash
it shuts up every word

a kiss feels like the words you whisper in my ear late at night
it brings me closer and closer to the new beginnings of us

a kiss feels like your hands, your arms, your legs, your tummy, your ***, your everything.
i think im falling in love
5.5k · Sep 2014
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
It's crazy how you once called me baby
crazy how everything has gone hazy
And crazy how I can't breath without shaking

It's funny how you once said you loved me
Funny how everything is hanging by a tee
And funny how I can't shake this wanton feeling to just be
3.3k · Sep 2014
Welcome to Reality
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
Welcome to reality
Where everything is real
The pain
The heartache
Its all sitting here
Just listen to the view of society
Oh how it has become my new reality
The pain
The heartache
It all lives here
2.4k · Jan 2016
I'm Drowning
Naaliah Green Jan 2016
Throw me over the river bank,
Fill my pockets with all of your lies.
Drown me in the thought of you.
1.8k · Dec 2014
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
i am not sure of what i am supposed to believe
am i supposed to listen to the sway of the trees
or the buzzing of the bees

i am not sure of what will happen in
two minutes or even three
i am not sure of what will happen to
you and me

can things ever go back to how they used to be
when simplicity overthrew
the torrent storms
of insanity
1.3k · Sep 2016
Naaliah Green Sep 2016
i'll just
sit here
and smoke
the memory
of you
into ash
1.2k · Jan 2016
Things that Never Happened
Naaliah Green Jan 2016
I write about a love story
that I've never experienced
I write about all these
beautiful, wonderful things
that have never happened before.

I feel like a poser, writing
about you.
Disgusted with myself for writing about
a love affair with a guy
that I made up in my head.
Naaliah Green Jan 2015
that it hurt when you cried,
and it hurt when you lied.

it hurt to see you hurt yourself,
and it hurt to hurt myself...

and then i remembered that it hurt...

that it hurt when you left,
and that it hurt when we were both depressed

it hurt that you always felt compressed
and it hurt that i suppressed my feeling when it came to you

whenever i think of you, i remember that it hurt.
there is this movie called Stuck In Love, and there is one scene when Rusty's father has gone through his journals and a entry begins "And I remembered that it hurt...", that line has always stood out to me, and i had to write about it.
1.1k · Jan 2016
test tube candy
Naaliah Green Jan 2016
eating candy from a test tube
thinking of how my life would've been
if i hadn't met you.

nothing is the same - you said -

i told you that everything would change but you did not believe me.
i told you that i would begin to rely on you
that i would begin to constantly think of you
and only you.
when you met me, i gave you the disclaimer

why do you always do this - you asked -

my test tube of candy is about to be gone
the last two pieces are in my mouth
and i am still thinking of how my life
would've been if i had not met you.
how it would have been if i didn't spend my
days thinking of you.
1.1k · Nov 2015
being normal
Naaliah Green Nov 2015
writing has been hard lately...
it's like i've being trapped under
this invisible bubble, thats almost
impossible to break free from.

it's hard being surrounded by people constantly
it's hard always having to fake...everything
words never come easily anymore
its almost like i have to put my fingers
down my throat and force them out.

the stress and anxiety is slowly eating
away at my soul.
as drastic and unreal as that sounds - its
i can feel it, gnawing away at my feeble attempts at being normal.

945 · Jul 2014
Naaliah Green Jul 2014
I'm too different for this town
Too weird for this state
I really need to move away to someplace where they can relate
~ n.g
Found this in my notes
862 · Sep 2014
Glass Walls
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
I can honestly say that I have no idea what I am doing anymore
The waves torment within the glass walls of my head
Creating a mixture of uncertainty and confusion and everything in between
Naaliah Green Jan 2016
I’ve been thinking about what to say for a couple of weeks, long before my birthday, and yet I still cannot articulate the words that I really really want to say. I know that we aren’t friends anymore and that we don’t talk anymore, but still I would’ve thought that after so many years of friendship and after everything that we have been through, you would’ve text or called or something for my birthday. In my mind, I thought that what we had, the bond that we had shared was stronger than that. Despite everything that had transpired. Even though we were not talking, I still wished you a happy 18th birthday. I knew that that was a milestone for you, I knew that it was a major occasion. I swallowed my pride, even though I was still extremely hurt and mad at you. I did that and against better judgement will still continue to do that, because believe it or not you are still the first person I think to tell things to. You are still the first person that I reach to call whenever things in my head are going to ****.
Last week, I was at A&T; with one of my friends Britni and for some reason, I started going down memory lane. Friday, it started with looking through my Instagram and then onto yours and then to my very old account. I then moved to Facebook, looking through all of our stupid videos and pictures. Then I ventured to your mother’s account. And as I swam deeper and deeper into the memory pool that mainly consisted of us, I got sadder and sadder and sadder. First it started off one eye tear stream and then I got up and walked to the bathroom and my vision became blurred with our smiling faces and mascara burning its way down my cheeks.
Even now, I am sitting in a stairway contemplating sending this to you or just saying, “**** it, she doesn’t care about you anyway”, and proceed with my original plan of getting drunk tonight with you on my brain. But I don’t know, maybe I need to send this, get all of this off my chest like my therapist says. Maybe sending this to you will help me sleep more, maybe it will help to let go of the past. I really don’t want to cry anymore. I really don’t want to keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking of you. Pathetic I know, because you don’t feel the same.
You don’t have to respond, it’s okay.
Naaliah Green Jun 2015
monday @ 2.30 a.m*
my eyes are bloodshot and my words are slurred.

tuesday @ 4.50 p.m
do you remember how our bodies used to fit whenever we slept?

wednesday @ 8.00 p.m
I was so close to calling you, but the thought of actually having to tell you how I feel terrifies the **** outta me.

thursday @ 12.37 a.m
you just texted me back and I don't know the words to say to make you stay.

friday @ 11.05 p.m
i could've seen you tonight but instead im sitting in bed crying over the stupid things you once said.

saturday @ 1:25 p.m
i think it's time i forgot you...

sunday @ 6:37 a.m
i can't forget matter what i do. i can't my mind off of you. it's sad, but true
745 · Dec 2014
Storms and Love
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
there is a storm here
and all i can think about is that
you are watching the same storm as i

the lightning travels from me all the way to you
and you love every moment of it.

i tell you about sitting out and just watching rain fly by my eyes
and so you do the same
just so that you could be that one step closer to me
734 · Jul 2014
Wither Away
Naaliah Green Jul 2014
as the leaves change their colors
so does my heart
as the leaves fall to the ground
so does my soul as you tear it apart
as the days get short and then nights go on
i can feel deep down that it'll be my time to

what will happen when the leaves all die?
will any of them get the chance to survive?
or will they wither away with nothing left to give.

i will wither,
and i will crack,
i will be nothing,
in the dead of night,
like the beauties of tress,
that once was thriving leaves.
Naaliah Green Aug 2015
I'm having thoughts
of grandiose things.
Pain filled lives always
sing for less rain
Your body comes and goes
Used up like a vacant hole
There are so many cigarette
butts lying around
Polluting the ground,
like you did to my mind
I'm trying to remember
the light and
asking myself,
"was it always this bright?"
It always seems like nothing
matters to you -
and I guess you're right
Right now it seems like
all you want to do is
725 · Nov 2015
Dear No One
Naaliah Green Nov 2015
Dear No one,

Your eyes were shinning bright today and I was at a loss of words to say. It's finally starting to feel like fall again. The leaves are falling and my heart is constantly wandering  back to sleep. Dreaming of worlds so beautiful and true. All of the colours swirled together and made something new. In the sky they drew out the face of you. I am not sure if you're going to understand my late night banter but try to remember to look up at the stars every once in a while.

No one
700 · Sep 2016
less of what we used to be
Naaliah Green Sep 2016
i feel like everything is happening so very far away from me
that the ocean doesn't turn without seeing deep inside of me
that the waves of your emotions only revolve on the course that is of you and me

we feel like we can be so much more than the feelings that we see when we sleep
but wake up feeling less than what we used to be
665 · Jun 2015
You've Done it Again
Naaliah Green Jun 2015
You've done it again // made me feel like this was the // beginning // when really it was just the // end // I've done it again // cried // over the things that youve said // that are  constantly breaking my heart
650 · Sep 2015
3:30 thoughts
Naaliah Green Sep 2015
it's 3:30 and i'm up
thinking about the past again
drowning in the thoughts you bring

i'm starting not to make any sense
and i can't see past my phone screen
the time keeps changing, getting
onward with the night

i keep dreaming
and not really dreaming
i keep smiling
but inside i'm still kinda dying

i don't know what to make of any of this
i don't know what to make of any of this
i don't know what to make of any of this

I am constantly finding poems on my phone
606 · Sep 2016
Naaliah Green Sep 2016
"do you ever stop and think about me?"


my mind is constantly racing
thinking about all of the colours that
you're creating
i keep coming up with all these
different scenarios
like how you'd be coming up the
stairs having eyes just for me
or how you'd catch me watching you
watch me
i keep wondering about all the
possible meet ups that we could have had
the one off chances of a crazy maybe
but then my mom would bring me back to
and i would suddenly be reminded of
the things that'll never be
something old
595 · Sep 2014
To My New Friend
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
I met a friend
Who handed me a pen
And told me, "write"
To write about what gave me life,
That spark of unwavering light

I met a friend
Who handed me a piece of paper
And told me, "create"
To create things
That'll make your bones shake

I met a friend
Who gave me the best advice
He said to be true to myself
And everything will be all right
I started conversing with another poet, one who is quite wonderful, and he gave me so much wisdom about poetry. He has helped me a lot.
595 · Sep 2014
A note for you
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
you rise from the ashes
the tumultuous sea
a new bird, born again
like a summer's breeze
This is written for and inspired by my best friend, who I believe to be a beautiful Phoenix.
592 · Jan 2015
i want
Naaliah Green Jan 2015
I wan to fall madly and deeply in love with you... I want to wake up next to you, long before you do. Just so that I cant watch you wake up to the world. I want to claim you when we go out into public. Scream at the top of my lungs, "THIS HUMAN BEING IS MY LOVE AND YOU CANNOT HAVE HIM!" I want to fight over who ate the last of our favorite box of cereal. Claim up and down that you had the last bowl, even though it was I who finished the box and just forgot that I had. I want to walk our dogs together. I want to sit on the window seat with your arms cradling me. We'll be watching a Summer's storm or a Winter's storm, or a Spring storm or even a Autumn storm; only because you know how much I love to do that. I want to read my favorite poem to you over and over in the dead of night. You'll know it so well, that you will randomly whisper it to me while I sleep. I want to take baths with you and showers too. Honestly, I just want to be held by you. I want to stay up until the next morning talking to you about nothing and everything in between. I want to tell you my fears. Tell you why I am the way that I am. I want to be the shoulder that you lean your head on when you're too tired from a long day at work, or when life has just gotten to be too much. I want to be the person that you call first with good news and bad news too. Sweetheart, know that you are all those things for me. I want to wake up from a nightmare, to find the best dream lying next to me, waiting for me to indulge in its sweetness. I  want to go on adventures with you. Travel the world with you. Sing songs about you. Scream songs at you. Get drunk and have hot, wasted *** with you, and only you. I want to visit your favorite place in the world and find the meaning of why it is held so dearly to your heart. I want that place to be our place. So that we can always have somewhere that is just ours. I want the world with you. I even want children with you. I want a house with you. I want bad fights, that leads to sweet apologizes and make-up *** on the floor. I want my life with you, and the next one, and the one after that. I want everything I can't have and everything that I can, but only if I am with you.
sorry that this is so long. I wrote this a couple of days ago and it was inspired by a love that I 've never had but pray that i do have
582 · Mar 2016
last pack of sanity
Naaliah Green Mar 2016
i think the world is starting to wake
it's 5:37,
the cars are riding pass me
more and more as the minutes
tick by
i'm halfway through my last pack
and i'm ******* broke
my mind is a mess and i really
haven't slept in days
my parents think everything is
but they don't really know what
happens when it's ******* late at
540 · Sep 2014
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
I hurt my body
So that my mind could breath
I hurt my mind  
So that my body would be at ease
I hurt myself
The same way that you hurt me
And you hurt yourself
Just to sleep
513 · Apr 2015
Naaliah Green Apr 2015
Why do you always leave,
when I beg you to stay?

Why do you always blame me,
when things don't go your way?

Why am I the only one feeling something,
when it should be both of us instead of just one?

Why am I staying up writing you love poems,
when you can't read the pages?
498 · Nov 2014
Summer Rain
Naaliah Green Nov 2014
The thunder shakes the house
the house shakes the room
the room shakes the heart
that breaks too soon

The rain pelts down
down with grace but
without its constant pace

The lighting.... the lighting
is what tears us all apart
tears us apart from the very
start, just down to the beating
of our fragile hearts

This is what we call summer rain
that's why we still feel
the ******* pain
i wrote this during a late summer rain storm
466 · Nov 2016
writers block
Naaliah Green Nov 2016
i have been staring at this notepad,
trying to think of something to come and write itself out on this page,
but nothing seems to work.

not the late nights, not the jitters in my hands, not even the lack of sleep seems to be having their same loving effects.

i'm not sure how to get out of this little bout of writers block, not sure how to connect again with my words.

i miss the feeling of feeling, and i miss that feeling of relieve i got every time i wrote out everything i tried to say and never could.
434 · Oct 2015
I Am Desperate
Naaliah Green Oct 2015
I am desperate...
Desperate for affection that I know
  will never come from your
Or even your heart
Constant give and take,
With me always giving and never
  taking what I want
Or taking what I deserve

I let you hurt me
Allowed you to evade my questions
But answered yours truthfully and

I feel stupid for still wanting you
I feel stupid for always sticking up
   for you when everyone is saying,
cut her loose!

Now I'm laying bed wishing you'd
   text me back
And trying to hold back tears
My hands are shaking because of
All my fears....

They all look like you

im stating to really like this girl
429 · Dec 2014
moon (sun) you (me)
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
the moon is my companion
for it keeps all of the secrets that ive never told
we both share a tragic truth; a love that cannot be

the moon, like i, is in love.
every night the moon stays up thinking, instead of dreaming, of a girl who is miles away from his heart.
and when the moon finally falls asleep, his love shows her face.

i, like the moon, am in love.
every day i dream of a lover that is not real.
a person who comes to life behind my eyes.
i want to touch this love, but every time i open my
eyes my made up love disappears

the moon and the sun will never be
the union of their love only happens once every hundred years
i will never have my love, because he is my daydream
our union will only happen behind my eyes.
420 · Feb 2015
Quarter Past You
Naaliah Green Feb 2015
I've been up for a while,
    my pill wore off around quarter till you.
And I stayed up until the time changed to half past
    your morning stretch.
But then I fell asleep for a little bit and the last thing I saw
    was your bright eyes shinning into my bedroom.
I'm up again and I'm not
    sure what the time currently is,
but I know that I've lost you.
417 · Sep 2014
I see
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
I see you
No you do not
Yes I do, I have always seen you
No you have not
I see everything about that you chose not to see
Everything that I chose not to see…
Yes, I see the beauty
I see the pain
I see the love
I see the scars
And all of those things are good reasons to not see them at all,
For they are ugly
They are cruel
They taunt the person that you thought you used to be
And that my dear is the reason why I see them…
Naaliah Green Mar 2015
does the memory of us
ever leave a bitter
taste in your mouth as it
does in mine?
407 · Dec 2014
A Letter to the Sky
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
Dear No-one
   i am sitting in the cold and quiet kitchen...thinking about nothing and everything at the same time. i wanted to write to someone, but i had no one to write to. i wanted to talk to someone but i had no one to talk to. so i am writing to you, hoping that i can express everything that i have been keeping to myself.
    the rain is slowly coming down and my mother is in the next room, getting dressed. i feel a certain kind of solace looking out into the darkened sky, watching the dead leaves fly by.
    i am alone, but that is not news to me. sometimes i like being alone, and most times i do not. i do not know how i can be both happy and sad at the same time. it is not like i am living a rough life, things could be a lot worse than they are but they are not. sure i do not have a close relationship with my father, or that my mother left me when i was three.
    every day on the news, there are more and more stories about young people, older people dying. not being able to live out their lives, ending so suddenly. and here i stand thinking of ways to be gone.
388 · Sep 2014
Time Laspe
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
It 4:19 and I should be sleeping
     But here I am, sitting up. Thinking
It's 4:20,
     and yet I am still drinking
It's 4:21,
      I miss the smell of your clothes
It's 4:22,
       Where did you go when I needed you most?
It's 4:23,
       Why did you leave me all alone
It's 4:24,
        The time is moving slowly, it makes everything that much more lonely
It's 4:25,
        And I have nothing else to say
It's 4:26,
        I don't even want to know why you walked away.
It's 4:27,
        Goodnight sweet friend
387 · Jan 2015
it's ok
Naaliah Green Jan 2015
and if you want to leave
at any time, it's ok.
i'm used to it. it'll
hurt, but i'll be ok
381 · Dec 2014
One in the Same
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
i think of you
as i think of the ocean

so close, yet so far away

yin and yang, pushing and

a constant that'll never be

always grazing, never staying
touching the scared parts of me

your touch sends chills down my

a touch that'll never be mine

the ocean has many loves, just

as you
forever loving some but never

just one
the ocean is a major source of inspiration for me
372 · Jul 2014
au revoir mon amour
Naaliah Green Jul 2014
goodbye my love
for I will see you soon...
I will see you on the next full moon.
I will see you when the lights burn away,
and on the next day.
my love for will burn bright.
even in the dead of night.
goodbye my love
for I am gone
I will be gone by the end of the song...
~ n.g
347 · Jun 2015
I Just Don't Know Why
Naaliah Green Jun 2015
I don't know why I do this to myself
Get myself so worked up that I can't function

I don't know why I do this to myself
Get so bent out of shape that I can't think straight

I don't know why I do this to myself
Get so attached to things that I know will never stay

I don't know why I'm here
When I can't even do anything right
I wrote this last October at 1 in the morning. These weren't good times for me
334 · Dec 2014
what i do not have
Naaliah Green Dec 2014
ocean breeze
summer's ease
forever reminding me of things
that'll never
i wrote this, along with 17 other poems, earlier this week when i got denied from my #2 college.....
325 · Oct 2014
This Book
Naaliah Green Oct 2014
I have this book that I use to write.
I've written countless poems about you, for you.
That hint towards you.
And the hardest thing is knowing
That you may never get the
Chance to read them.
Maybe it is because I'm scared
Of what you may say or
What you'll think...
That constantly keeps me on
The brink of letting you in on
The secrets.

I'll see you another day
But for now I must lay
This pen down and rest.
My heart is tired of writing
About you for now
317 · Sep 2014
I Saw You
Naaliah Green Sep 2014
It's 2:23,
And I'm sitting up thinking about you
Thinking about the things we didn't do

I've wanted to believe for the longest of times
That it wasn't the end of you and I  
That your departure wasn't final

But then I saw you

And at 2:25,
I knew everything that you said wasn't true
All the sweet melodies that turned
Into violent symphonies

But then I saw you
316 · Jul 2014
I've fallen
Naaliah Green Jul 2014
I think I've fallen I'm love with a boy from the north, the place of my birth. Who's beautiful melodies creates wonderours symphonies. That pluck and pluck at the fragile strings of my heart. I want to believe that this love is true,
      But I know just like the rest, that it is best to leave this love to the trained characters. Who live within the pages of our favorite book.
266 · Jul 2014
Naaliah Green Jul 2014
You are you -
And I am me -
We are two
Can't you see?  
~ n.g

— The End —