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2.7k · Jan 2018
Missed Calls
Luis Valencia Jan 2018
When you called me
I waited a second to answer
Anxiety shook my body to its core
In that second time shifted
That second turned into 5 seconds
Then into 30 seconds
By then the phone stopped ringing

I never knew what heartbreak was
I was naive when it came to love
But somehow my perspective shifted
I felt my heartbreak in those 30 seconds

The phone rang again

And I watched it’s blinking red lights-
Mock the tears streaming down my face

I backed away
The phone screamed with desperation
Its screams ridiculing my heart
Laughing at the cracks forming

Missed calls
Most people don’t know the true meaning behind the name
I do
They call them that because they are missed conversations
Missed hopes, missed second chances
They are able to make someone miss you

I do not answer his calls anymore
It hurts too much to give myself false hope
When he just wants friendship
today he called me and I did not answer, he was my best friend but I wanted more. Here is a tribute to my dreams that were washed away when I hung up the phone.
1.4k · Feb 2019
Luis Valencia Feb 2019
the power of love is magnified by those who receive it
yet some souls that I've talked to have been deprived of this love
each breath they take involves a wheeze
they cry and ponder life and wonder
if there is more than this empty feeling
the feeling of sinking and going under
holding their breath hoping for relief
wishing for the privilege that other people have
the privilege to exhale
without feeling every emotion spring up
without shaking and crying on the floor
without wishing for a way out
in life there are two kinds of people
those who can't exhale
and those who can
I wish we could exhale
1.4k · Jul 2018
Once. Now. Forever.
Luis Valencia Jul 2018
It was once
In the stillness of night
I saw the eyes of an angel

He watched over me and carried me away
He guided me to mornings
He took my fears away

It was once
I loved a man
A man who was bold

He loved me
He kissed me
He made me feel secure

It was once
I suspected a lie that I realized
It would grow over time

My stomach had begun to churn
Life smacked me from the balconies
Onto the concrete below

It was only once
Those are the words that shot from his lips
The second that he was accused

His face was full of anger
A fist flew too quickly for me to react
A hard hand across a soft cheek

It was once
Then twice
Then three times

It was once
In my home I felt safe
Now im a hostage

Because I forgave him
Because I loved him
Because I needed him I stayed

It was only once
but I let it go on
I never asked him to stop

Now my face has a new bruise
Every night
And he gets what he wants every night

Once I was happy
Now life is hell
the memories of my mother
942 · Dec 2018
My First Storm
Luis Valencia Dec 2018
it feels like thunder
the first time always feels that way
he takes me in his hands and i melt
my body is overheating
i try to suppress my pleasure
i'm afraid to make a sound  
he kisses me
his lips are hot to the touch
everything about this is burning
sweat drips from our skin
his hands are holding mine and im lost
im feeling everything im feeling pleasure
the thunder booms
and i yelp and pant
then lighting strikes
it blooms all around us
it raises the hair on our skin
it flashes so quickly
i begin to relax
i feel warmth all over me
the rain begins to fall
and he lays beside me
i grab his hands and kiss his palms
the rain softens
and he pulls me closer
only he can create a storm inside my body
A tribute to the first time.
825 · Jul 2018
We look
Luis Valencia Jul 2018
I look at you
And I see the future
Of humanity
The pain
The suffering
And the peace

You look at me
And see nothing
For your eyes are blind to the truth
Scars from your past cloud your vision

We look at each other
There is a ominous static in the air
A heavy burden weighs on both of us
The undying love and our insecurities

I want
You want
We want
To be healed
Heal me please
734 · Mar 2020
Luis Valencia Mar 2020
Tomorrow always felt like it was years away as a child
I would wait in anticipation for it
I fell in love with Tomorrow
Until I started to be pushed toward Tomorrow
Tomorrow drew closer as we got older
I started to notice that Tomorrow began to creep into my head
Tomorrow became a due date
Tomorrow became one of the major things that fueled my anxiety
In my mind there was never enough time between the present and Tomorrow
Tomorrow began to tear at my sanity
Tomorrow inserted itself into the most private places of my mind
It built itself a home there
I never wanted to see Tomorrow
But when I met you
I started to anticipate Tomorrow again
Tomorrow no longer felt like a death sentence
Tomorrow became one of my biggest goals
If I could make it to Tomorrow
That meant I could make it to you
I learned that Tomorrow is never guaranteed
I no longer fear Tomorrow
I embrace it
You helped me realize that Tomorrow is not Infinite
We all will eventually run out of Tomorrows
So instead of worrying I will dream and imagine what Tomorrow will bring
Because at one point in time a Tomorrow brought me you
I wrote this for someone special in my heart
715 · Apr 2019
Unrequited Love
Luis Valencia Apr 2019
It was easy to get lost in you
You were everything I wanted
But through the fabrications of my mind I created a current of falseness
I was washed away by my own reassurance

I felt that I could replace what You couldn't give me


Now I exist
In the skeleton of love
Buried deep where the warmth of you
Can't reach me

The after shocks of your heart beating
For someone else still drives me crazy

You were the budding flowers of spring
Those fragrant flowers I once loved
Now all I know is the foul stench of a rotting tree

You took me
And broke me

Now I have to pick up the pieces
And rebuild Myself
I wish he loved me
664 · Dec 2018
Luis Valencia Dec 2018
Dear Anyone

I lay awake listening to the sounds of a settling apartment
It creaks and moans and then goes still what I hate most is the silence
It’s ominous

I lay there in a cold bed
My chest feels tight
And my throat feels like it’s closing
My legs are shaking
My eyes are heavy

I ask for rest
I close my eyes and pray
I feel my hot breath escape my lips
My eyes burn and water leaks from them

I want to sleep
But I cannot
I think about leaving the room
But I’m scared I’ll disturb the silence

Tears try to leave my eyes
And my eyes begin to sting  
I cannot sleep
I will not sleep
658 · Apr 2019
love is kind of Fucked Up
Luis Valencia Apr 2019
Time slips away
But time was a concept created by man
That makes me think
What if love was a concept created by man
Not some god
Not some other ancient force
But human beings
Who thought that being lonely was a sin
Single people are characterized as
They pity us
They think that we can't function properly
Because we are alone
I say
**** THAT
**** THAT
When did it become mandatory for people to find a soulmate
Seriously why is companionship so important for human beings to have
What type of ****** up spirt created this
And why didn't they give us the option to leave
If companionship is required for us to live then I'm
And Completely ******
**** this **** I opt out
650 · Oct 2018
Thoughts in my dorm
Luis Valencia Oct 2018
I smile
Hoping to give someone a reason
To talk to me
I’m ignored

Lately I’ve felt lonely
I have friends
But there is still an emptiness inside of

I look at walls of beige
And carpet floors
I feel like I’m in a cage
Or a display case

Each day I live in a character
Someone who I wish I could be
I feel like I’m not genuine
I’m a clone of what society fixated as normal

It’s exhausting looking in the mirror
And seeing a ghost
Fighting it seems useless
It just crawls back into my mouth
And burrows there

Why must we become someone we’re not
To feel whole again
Luis Valencia Mar 2019
Through the pain of dissatisfaction comes the ending of a life worth more than gold itself.
Each breath that a loved one takes is in vain
Through the burden of life we learn new things
Such as the feeling of hurt
And sometimes joy
And when we feel joy it feels sweet on our tongues
Life is bitter
And dissatisfaction is sour
The only release we have from our minds
Is a cold casket
I only ask that if I die soon
If I die young
Please bury me where the peppermints are
For if I were to taste them
They would bring me back to you
And joy would be everlasting
The only thing we would learn from life would be peace
Bury me where the peppermints are
557 · Jul 2018
Luis Valencia Jul 2018
You were a work of art
Made from golden strokes of light
A picture of a thousand solar flares

You were a quiet wind
In the still of the night
As the leaves danced in the wind
You followed in their footsteps

You were a queen at a young age
Born to rule
Given every chance to be successful
Yet you wasted it on a boy who couldn’t love you

While you rotted away from a broken heart
Your parents tried to save you
They tried to paint you in gold
And remake the art work
That showed who you were

You took their brushes and ripped them to shreds
You gathered their paint and smeared it across a canvas Of miserableness
You tried to ruin each piece of art they made of you
When you crushed their brushes they were sent to tears
Yet they started painting with their fingers trying to reach out to you

You slowly realized that you were gold
And when you saw the art that showed who you were you began to cry
Tears of golden lace and crimson made way for the shower of rose patches on your cheeks

You are loved
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
I feel empty
Like I have no purpose.

I feel like an ancient god or maybe even an elemental who sees that the earth is functioning well without him
Who notices that the skies are no longer starving the earth of their sweet moisture.

I feel like a boy trapped inside a brick house
He looks out of his sheltered home
and longs for the feeling of the cool breeze on his face.

I feel like a rotting tree
Nothing good on the inside while the outside looks almost normal, maybe even stoic and well kept from a distance.

give me purpose.
Tears and Tiger lilies
464 · Jun 2018
I Believe in love
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
Man was created
Humanity was lost
We were given false promises of a new world
We fell in love with the idea
We started to give pieces of ourselves away to meet the criteria to enter
a place that only accepts the clean
But those who are “clean“ speak filth
There are those who shame us for who we are
There are things that they say that hurt

When you listen to them spread lies you hear hate Steam out of their pale lips
You Feel it wash over you and then you feel *****

They say we are condemned to a final punishment
Yeah we rise above the ashes but it still hurts

They don’t understand the concept of love
They think of it as a thing between a man and a woman
They don’t understand that it’s much more
Love is being able to connect with someone
Love is being free without hurt or pain

Everlasting life is a nice concept but why is it not obtainable for a whole community who has no choice in their sexuality

I might Offend some of you with my words
I might get nasty comments for this
I believe in love not a concept of something that hates us
Not a book that was written by man dictating whats right and whats wrong
I believe in love

And if there is a higher being
Looking and listening
I know that they would believe in love too
I can feel them sometimes
In my heart and in my soul and they are  not condeming me down to hell
They are Holding me and my love in their arms
They are lifting us up to the sky
Calling us their children because we are infact theirs
They made us this way and they made us with love
Love was made by the higher being hate was spread by humanity a poem about love and the Lgbtq+ community - Luis Valencia
408 · Apr 2019
Luis Valencia Apr 2019
As we weep
The flowers grow
From the pain
We rise
But when anger strikes us
We burn
We turn to ash
Once we are ash
We stay ash

We were told by our mothers
That the spirits
That the winds that blow against our skin
Will one day move through us
And take what little of us remains
The wind will soar and carry us
Across fields and streams and mountains

But the winds have died
There are no more tears
No fire burns
And the flowers don't grow

We've killed ourselves
We've killed ourselves
406 · Jul 2018
How my love may be
Luis Valencia Jul 2018
I feel like my heart is longing for affection
The heart cries and hopes that one day
It will see the light of love and feel it’s warmth

Its cold all alone
I grip my sheets at night hoping that
A warm body will be there
I nuzzle my head into my pillow wishing that it was a warm chest that I could lay on

In my head I see you
Holding me with your arms around my waist
Breathing softly against my neck
That vision makes my body feel warm
It gives me chills
It gives me hope

One day I hope to find someone like the man inside my head
I hope that he loves me and never leaves me
I want someone like him so badly.
387 · May 2018
Luis Valencia May 2018
Give me your regrets
Give me the lies
Tell me the whole story
Break me with your fists
Drench me in your sorrow
Twist my arm with your anger

But just know that I will never leave you.

I stay even when you say you don’t need me
I touch your lips
Because I know the words that drip off of them
Are not meant for me.

When you strike the wall out of anger
I bandage your hands
They bleed hate and pain
But I kiss your ****** knuckles
And cradle your head in my arms

You are a mess
But I am as well
We are a mess

But I promise I won’t leave you.
384 · Jun 2018
sweet lie
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
Taste the lies
On the lips
Of your lover

Tell me it isn’t delicious
The saltiness of lust
And the sweetness of pain

Tell me how you betrayed me
The way your lips move taunt me
They make me shake

I love hearing you say things
The vibrations of your voice
Take the thoughts of longing away

Kiss my hips
Kiss my chest
My lips

Tell me you love me
Even if its just lust
I want your lies

They fuel the fire
Of passion
In me

Even if its all
Just a fantasy
He kissed me once
381 · Jan 2018
The Man at 9:54
Luis Valencia Jan 2018
My name is chaos in his mouth
His voice was a storm - Tempest
A fierce zephyr
He is fragrant
Hibiscus Hyacinth Jasmine Gardenia  
spreading over me like a fog
A quiet mist
That sings a beautiful song
He is everything
The molecules in everything
Yet he can make me feel like nothing
watched me
Luis Valencia Mar 2019
its late at night
and I don’t feel like talking

I think instead
I look Inside my mind
Instead of seeing you
I see myself

I lose feeling in my fingertips
its cold in the aftermath of loss

Wherever could you be
On this late night

through each shadowed lamplight
I see fragments of you
on every street corner
there is a memory of you

each kiss you laid upon me
is still trapped in the crooks of my lips

Wherever could you be
On this late night

its cold out
and the darkness is intruding
have you left
or have you always been gone
collaborative piece my friend Ryan Will gave me the idea of the phrase "On This Late Night"
375 · Dec 2017
A Quiet Thought
Luis Valencia Dec 2017
On nights like this I feel like I'm floating
I lay on a bed made of the atmosphere
I envelop myself in blankets of light

I lay still with my eyes shut
A steady energy beats in my head
My mind is a river that never stops roaring

My heart thumps in my chest
it's a rabbit - and,
My body is the open field that it runs on

The air moves in and out of my body
Like waves on a California beach
That are pulled by our sister the Moon

Her presence lights up the dark veil of the night
She beams with light and happiness
Enjoying the stillness of twilight

Sister goes to bed
And Brother wakes up
His passion burns colors of autumn into the sky

He is a mystery
A strange being filled with the hopes of children
A giant flower in the sky with petals of amber light


She is peace
A gentle breeze flowing through a field of lilacs
A calming rain, a shower of thoughtfulness

Day, Night, Brother, Sister
They are humanities perfection
They are the hope that drives humanities progression
hello I am new to this amazing society of poetry!
375 · Jan 2019
2:53 am
Luis Valencia Jan 2019
I’m not sure of what I need
I don’t know whether it’s sleep
Or a way to smile
Or a sleeping pill
But these late nights have me feeling like I’m a cloud
High in the sky
Spreading throughout the atmosphere
I feel like I’m stretched out so thinly
That if I were to move any more
I would rip
When I say that I’m tired
Just know I’m not tired of you
I’m tired of battling with myself
Sleep is nonexistent rn
368 · Jul 2018
Luis Valencia Jul 2018
Tonight I am scared
I hear voices
They dont like me

Tonight I think about all my insecurities  
The things I’ve done to be loved
The lengths I would go to feel wanted

Tonight I soak myself in hot water
Hoping to drown out the regrets I hold
Blinding myself from reality with steam

Tonight I pull the covers over my head flushing out the rays of light that are supposed to comfort me

Tonight I look at the moon
I wonder how many people are like me
Whoever is just know I’m sorry

Tonight I took one step forward
And a million steps back
I took my pills to sleep

Tonight I relapsed
364 · May 2018
Luis Valencia May 2018
sweet hope pours from her *******
she leaks the flowers of may
her caviar produces life
she has forests on her legs and in the dips of her body
two beautiful orbs of earth lighten the world around her
mountains of silk cover her body
oils of cocoa scent her skin
fingers graze the cavern of beginning
she is life
she is a giver
she is beauty
creation of eve
356 · Apr 2018
The Things I carry
Luis Valencia Apr 2018
Each day I carry things that I wish I could drop.
Each day the burden of the things that I carry crush me into submission.
I feel alone and lost each day; it’s like I’m gasping for air and holding onto a fragment of hope.
Each day I carry something new and it piles on until it will ultimately lead to my demise.
The burden of solitude, guilt, a necklace, a fragment of hope.
Each item or emotion that I carry holds a piece of me.
I can’t dare part with these things it would tear my very existence apart.

My mother once said that each day I walk into the world, someone would try to hurt me.
It was a cold night and my mother was at the kitchen table holding something. My birthday was fast approaching, and somehow I knew that whatever was in my mother's curled fist was my gift.
She whispered my name, and I walked in, anxious and excited.
Her hands were soft in the kitchen light.
She looked tired and worried.
I walked to her and held her hands.
They were small in size and frail to touch.
A swift rain was tapping on the windows, begging to be let in.
In a delicate movement, she dropped a sea of silver into my hands.
When my eyes finally fixed on the object, it was a necklace that had a treble clef on it.
I felt the cool silver in my hand and looked up at her.
She held my gaze with her eyes and whispered to me.
She told me that as long as I had that necklace, I would never be alone.
I carry it with me but never wear it in fear of it getting damaged.

When walking down a street alone, a person hears things that they never thought they would.
I hear life blooming and blossoming with emotions of love and happiness.
But each day I carry something different.
My emotions are dark, and I am unable to change them.
They are a black hole ******* in any ounce of happiness that I have.
I carry the weight of not fitting in anywhere; I carry the blood of the cuts that harsh reality has laid upon my body.
The world has slammed me to the ground, and I carry the bruises that life has placed on my heart.
Each time I try to get up, the burden of all the things that I carry becomes crushing.
I feel useless and alone; I doubt that the things I carry will ever go away.
I just have to hope and pray.
The only way to forget the emotional trauma that I’ve been through is to let everything go,
but I'm not strong enough to say goodbye,
nor am I strong enough to keep holding on.    

There are moments in life that stay with us even when things seem rough.
I remember when I was younger, and the world seemed like a huge place. Everything just felt smaller at grandma’s house.
I would go over there everyday and help her clean her house and arrange cans of food by their expiration date.
We would laugh and sing together, she would hold me close to her chest, and I would hear her heartbeat in her chest.
The sound of life pulsed through her, until it didn’t.
My grandmas funeral was on a very hot summer day, but I had never felt colder.  The vision of seeing her casket being lowered into the ground made my heart twist in my chest.
I was alone in that moment, and it will always stick with me.
The memories of life and death remind me of how little time we really have on this earth.
Now I live each day as if it was my last.
I carry the memory of time that pressures me to be more and do more before my time runs out.
When I look at all the things that I carry I realize that being human is one of the hardest things to do.
We have to carry the burdens of life, things to keep us from going down, and the hopes and dreams to do better.
The things I carry each day are a reminder of how the world has shaped my personality.
I would never be able to part with the things I carry because, ultimately they are the things that make me myself.
I felt lost and alone yet I realized we all are lost and alone
336 · Dec 2019
Luis Valencia Dec 2019
I kissed your palms
And offered you all my praise .
You took me in your hands
And molded my heart
You made me into art
You made me feel whole.

You planted yourself inside of me
Your roots dug into my body
You nourished yourself
From my pain.

You used me as a host
For your lonely soul.
You left when You were done feeding.
When I had nothing left to give.

You left me hollow.
The art is gone.
You replanted yourself.
You found a new host.

I'm left as a blank canvas
an unfinished meal
half of a soul
because You couldn't commit.
If you give yourself to me I promise I'll be true to you.
323 · Jan 2019
Luis Valencia Jan 2019
Strong shrouded tears
Long and boastful years
Stain the hands of a soul

Hands filled with roses
The smell of dirt fills their noses
A place that is calm and serene

Solidarity describes the chamber
Gone describes the member
To home he lays in rest

When each to their own
Know they are grown
Hold the truth to their necks

A heart beaten and torn
Those of us left to mourn
An angel goes home at last
In memory
321 · Dec 2018
Luis Valencia Dec 2018
I lay in silence
I feel a sense of bliss here  
Skin on skin
The taste of sin on my tongue
I lay in his bed
With his  blanket wrapped around me

The light peers in through an open window
The wind blows outside
Leaves hit the windows screen
And stick there

He is snoring
My head is on his chest
I love him
I trace my finger along his chest

He wakes with ease and smiles at me
His hair awkwardly sticks up
And he reaches toward me
We kiss for what seems like an eternity
I kiss him as if I’ll die if I don’t
As if he’s the only thing keeping me alive

I could stay like this forever
And if not forever
Maybes a few minutes more
-if we meet again-
-I love you-
316 · Dec 2017
untitled love
Luis Valencia Dec 2017
tears fall from my eyes when I think about him
its been days and I haven't heard from him
I wonder if he spares a thought for me
I want to invade his mind
place my feelings inside of his hollow brain
and make him feel what I feel
I want him to feel the pain he has caused me
the longing
the wishing
the hoping
all of it
the worst part about loving someone like him is the ignorance
he holds nothing close to him
he can kiss me and feel nothing
he is ignorant in love
and I am an expert
he can share a bed with me
and still say that we are just strangers
he can see the vulnerable parts of me
and still claim that he doesn't know me

I have loved him for 10 years
10 years I want to take back
how and why does he make me feel this way
I still love him even though it hurts
316 · Jun 2018
About noone in particular
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
You can kiss the mouths of a million women.
But you will never taste the sweetness
Of my lips.

I know that love is a tricky concept for you
I know that you try to love with your body
You bury yourself in a woman to forget me but you can’t.

You laid a kiss on my lips once
I felt your sweetness in the electricity of the air.
We were alone in that moment it was just you and me feeling each other’s imperfections.

You kissed her in front of me.
Now I wonder if you felt the electricity.
You can’t hide what we did.
You can’t hide what we felt.

I still think about you even when I say I don’t care.
I care about you... more than you will ever know.
I still remember the feelings
315 · Jun 2018
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
To the man who stole my innocence
Kiss my ***

To the men who think its okay for them to ask me to expose myself for their pleasure
Kiss my ***

To the conservative women out there who think *** is unpleasurable
Leave your husbands

To the men who can’t please their wives take ******

To the old ladies who feed the stray cats of my hometown
Live like you’re young agaun

To the children who still dream never lose your minds

To those who are reading this keep pushing you are worth it.
....yeah kind of not sure what this is...
303 · Jun 2019
In a room at a party
Luis Valencia Jun 2019
I'm in a room at a party
And the only thing I can think about
Is how different I am

I'm stubborn
But I'm too weak to keep fighting
I feel run down
Completely drained

When I speak
The words rush into each other
I panic and feel them string together
The taste of empty words
is like sewage in my mouth

I dress like my skin will peel off if it is admired by someone
The fabric must be loose or I fear that people will call me grotesque

When people are around me
They always hear my voice
But never listen
I'm a cacophony of forgotten lines

I'm in a room at a party
And I'm the outcast
I am different
But that shouldn't make me
An outcast
301 · Jan 2019
Luis Valencia Jan 2019
a mist calls my name
and shows my reflection  in a mirror
I am standing tall
loving life and-
making love-
to the only person who matters

the mist pulls me back-
and shoves itś talons in me
Then it whispers of the
insecurities I hold
inside empty spaces
empty steps
empty tears

pain is pain
death is death
hope is hope

but love
well love..
love is confusion

its the random stain on clean laundry
the bruises you wake up with
the moments of laughter
and heart ache,
that you miss having.
I’m in pain
268 · Mar 2019
The Thoughts of A Flower
Luis Valencia Mar 2019
We grow
We rise
We wither
We die
We feel
We hurt
We smile
We hope

Introduction: - the THOUGHTS of a FLOWER
262 · Jun 2019
I don't want love
Luis Valencia Jun 2019
I want to kiss someone
Not for love
But just for the sake of kissing someone
I want a platonic entanglement of tongues
I just want to feel the warmth of another human
I want to be held
Kissed on my forehead and taken care of
I want to feel something
Other than a cold mattress
I don't want love
I want a warm body
I want to sit in silence and be comfortable
I don't want love
Love is artificial
I want something that has no label
I want freedom
253 · Feb 2022
In the echoes of my heart
Luis Valencia Feb 2022
I hope to find peace
in the still of the night
and the glory of false promises

I see that we hold fast to our merits
in which we find ourselves turning to say
words we often regret
that lay in a bittersweet caricature
or even perhaps a decoy
of whats true

we used to communicate
through tears
and words so heavy
that even cement
had envy in its eye
when it looked upon the flesh
of the very thing we bore
from a devilish tongue
covered in copious amounts
of stale laments
and polished with the
promises we could never keep

I often think of your eyes
and how they used to catch me
now they avoid me
and watch as I fall
to nothing

I hope to find peace
and if not now
one day
I hope
you will catch me again
so that I could slip into
eternity bound to you by a light
made of my own volition
and basked in the aura of the vision
that one day you will hold me
and say you are mine
249 · Jan 2019
Luis Valencia Jan 2019
Hello everyone
This is my goodbye

Tears I never knew I could shed so many tears
They cloud my vision and make everything hazey

My head
It pounds and pounds
Thoughts of emptiness
Broken relationships
And taped mouths
Silent I’ve been silent for so long

I feel like my body is humming
But it’s song is shrill and out of tune
Nothing makes sense
It’s chaos it’s just noise
Noise that no one will miss

Hello this is my goodbye
As I sink into the darkness of my mind
Captivated by the thought of ending it all
Taking steps forward but not moving an inch

Working so hard for little reward
Seeing gray clouds when you prayed for sun
Watching as each person you know crumbles in front of you

I’m asking for a reason to stay
I’m asking for a chance to breathe
But all I have is nothing

Hello, this is my goodbye, not my final one.
Not yet.
I’m not stable
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
Bullets rain down
And they fall
On the backs of children

Children who had more
Children who could have had more
Children who would have made changes

The public is outraged
The children protest
The adults panic

Adults are ignorant
The believe in a number
They believe that the number 2 gives them rights

They aren’t aware that none of us have rights
We live in a cesspoll of lies and false justice
All because we never took action
We want change
219 · Jun 2018
A Personal Memo
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
I feel like
Im drowning
I’ve done things
Terrible things

I’ve exposed myself in numerous ways

I’ve given everything to someone who wouldnt give a **** thing to me

I trusted anyone who said they loved me
I gave them vulnerable parts of myself
Things I should have kept hidden

I kissed the palms of those greedy
Hands that took my innocence away

I trusted everyone with my beauty
I gave it away too soon
I let the lust and desire of love
Take control of my mind

I made mistakes

So now im trying to change
What have I done to the pure skin my mother gave im rotting
201 · May 2018
Drunk rambling
Luis Valencia May 2018
nothing without

Flowers are
Things that grow
But die when they are starved of moisture

Moisture is
The representation of sadness
Upon my weary colored cheeks

Cheeks are
Gods gift to us they
Come in all shapes and sizes

Sizes are
Fixed labels made by men who
Only see a number not a human being

Being is
The art of simply existing in a
World that is so cruel to us

Us is
A thing that we say to describe being
Together in soul and in spirit

Spirit is
The thing that drives us home when
We are not sober

A thing that I am not at the moment...
Drunk stunk flunk PFFT
197 · May 2018
Clay and Ductape
Luis Valencia May 2018
Each kiss laid upon my cheek is filled with guilt
When I saw you with that other man my heart had shattered
and you tried to fix it with glue and duct tape
but it still remained unfixed.

Imagine that my heart was a clay vase
And your mistakes were a hammer
Each time you looked toward another man-
you broke away a piece of me
Each time you touched or laid a kiss upon them-
you broke more

I was crushed into a fine powder
now imagine you trying to put that powder together with glue
and duct tape.
in other words imagine trying to heal my wounds with sorry's
And promises to do and be better.

it doesn't work
you broke me
and there are just some things that you can't fix.
196 · Oct 2019
I'm learning
Luis Valencia Oct 2019
I'm learning
That life isn't simple
It's complex

I'm learning
That smiling can cure a wounded heart

I'm learning
That it's okay for people to touch you
It's okay to need a hug
It's okay to not cry alone

I'm learning
That it's normal to take a day to relax
It's easier to focus when you have a clear mind

I'm learning
That sometimes the person you love
Can't love you back

I'm learning
That it's okay to let go
its okay to say goodbye

Im learning
How to be patient
Good things will come
192 · May 2019
Living Lie
Luis Valencia May 2019
People get tired of me quickly
They never stay around for long

Its like I'm artificial
I'm not actually myself
I'm not living my truth
I'm trapped in a mind that babbles
I only respond
I never create
I've trapped myself  

I'm living in a world that is a product of false pretenses
This world is a facade
A mere illusion
A distraction from the inevitable truth
That I am flawed
That I am broken
And I truly cannot be fixed

The senseless ticking of the clock of life
Rings in my ears
I used to feel alive
Now the clock serves as a reminder
that I am being forced to live out my days on a world that is filled with empty promises

I was always told that I'm never guaranteed tomorrow
I was always told to live life to the fullest
But how can I live life to the fullest
When I'm barley living at all
Who am I
180 · Feb 2019
Luis Valencia Feb 2019
When I wake up
I kiss my mirror
It’s the first thing I do
I make sure my reflection knows
How loved it truly is

When I walk toward new beginnings
I don’t drag my feet
I hold my head high
And walk with a purpose

When I sing I sing with my heart
I no longer mumble
I use my voice to show you everything
I love about this world

I’m growing
Every day
Step 1
180 · Dec 2017
Luis Valencia Dec 2017
I am crying out to you my love
I hold dozens of shredded roses in my hands
I count the stars that have fallen to hell

I hold onto the memories we share
The ones I hope you remember

Tears of glass cut my cheeks
I'm bleeding for you my love

I want to feel your warmth
I want you to hold me

Wants turn to needs
I Need You, Please Stop Shutting Me Out

You need to hold
I need you to hold me
I need you to kiss me
I need you

open up a bottle of gin my love
explore me
touch me
feel me

I need attention
I need your physical attention

Touch my skin made of ice
make me melt
then freeze me all over again

I want disaster and that's what you are my love
I want pain
I want culture
You are these things and more love
168 · Dec 2017
Common Eyes
Luis Valencia Dec 2017
Brown eyes
Filled with a silent rage
Sewn shut by the lies of society
Watchful yet blind
Tears fall from them
Salty enough to
Starve the trees of life
Brown Eyes Hold The Imperfections Of The
165 · Jan 2018
lost in a solo
Luis Valencia Jan 2018
why do I feel so lost

noone has found me
and I can't find myself

I hope and pray that somone will love me
I am running out of time

my life is a flame being snuffed out by a winter wind
I am hopeless when it comes to affection

the tides turn while the ocean churns away my hope
the air hits my face like a monsoon of hatred

life has tossed me into a dark cavern
the thought of light piercing through is unjust

the thought of my soul intertwining with someone elses
is unjust

I have come to the conclusion that life and love
are beautiful songs made for two people

All hearts are meant to sing duets
mine sings a solo
Life and Love are things That I have truly never Understood
163 · Apr 2019
Cher taught me
Luis Valencia Apr 2019
Cher once said that men were like a dessert
Luxurious but not a necessity

The man I loved was difficult
He was artificial
He never really saw me as a person
I was an item
An accessory
A thing he could wear for five minutes
When he grew tired of me
He would throw me to the side

Cher said
Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable.

In my rage I agree with her
He should have been disposable
Yet I couldn't breathe without him
It was like he attached himself to my heart
And when he left he ripped it from my chest
Leaving me hollow

Cher taught me to be independent
Cher taught me to take my strength and love and invest it in something worth more than a man.
Thank god for Cher
I love Cher
160 · Jan 2018
Luis Valencia Jan 2018
Love is ******
One day the love of your life
Is going to walk right in and
******* up.
They will leave you with
An empty heart and a
Darkened soul.
They will twist every limb in your body
Until you can’t take it any more.
They will break every bone
That they mended with
Their false promises.
Then they will rot
Your body with all the goodbyes
They used against you.
Like less of a person.
But you stay because you love them
And you will always hurt
Because you love them.
149 · Jul 2019
The Universe
Luis Valencia Jul 2019
The universe kisses my palms
And lays it's stars inside of me
The universe saves me by
Planting orbs of warm light
In my chest

In the night
gentle beams of hope
Radiate through my skin
Like Fireflies
And lure the darkness away from my lover

The light guides him
Into my arms
Where he is safe
And will never fear the dark again
For when he touches me
The universe will bless him
With the warm light inside of me

He will find his way home
And guide others
How I have guided him
The universe nurtures us
And feeds us the hope we lost
By giving us a light
When the world is dark
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