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Y Rada Oct 2016
Your name sounds like John Lennon
But you make my mouth water more
I feel giddy when squeezing you hard!
Day 5: Write a three-line poem about lemons without using the following words: lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, ****, juicy, peel, and sour.

I can't believe how hard this is hahaha! And this poem ***** - i know haha.
Y Rada Oct 2015
Oh Daughter of mine hear my plea,
Surpass our challenge through beauty.
Use the mind to be the game's mistress,
Heart be bothered not of any distress.

Acquire grace, charm and wiles to catch,
A certain man of power is truly your match.
If he be made of steel melt it with kiss,
If born out of war then grant him peace.

Gentle as feather strong as diamond,
Bring him to his knees with every summon.
Bestow him joy and fresh breath of life,
And ease his encumbrance and strife.

Receive the gifts of different pleasures,
Which he brings in his cove of treasure.
Swallow your embarrassment and pride,
In this life we must sail with the tide.

Heed not to Aphrodite's words of passion,
Be guarded from the love arrow's invasion.
Color red for victory but grounded by black,
Loneliness is payment yet your smile is intact.
Y Rada Oct 2015
Lipstick so red on lips so blue,
Shadows so black on eyes untrue.
Puff of smoke huffed to the air,
Swirling amorously around the lady fair.

Lust is dancing with natural ease,
Hips sway to and fro - what a tease!
Hands beckoning at night's affair,
Fingers snap with passionate flare.

Words whispered with carelessness,
Hearts shielded from tomorrow's mess.
For tonight lovers cling for security,
Such solace found in darkness' infidelity.
Y Rada Mar 2017
I fell in loved with you eons ago
You fulfilled my deepest fantasies
An ideal man in an ideal world
But reality hit me like a Tsunami -

Passion ... Obsession...

You honed me into someone else
I tried to understand you but I couldn't
Was this how to live in fiery hell?
Save me my guardian angels, please!

Artistry ... Madness...

All the colors in your mystery palette
And my eyes only registered red and black!
What have you done to me this time?
"An act of love" you chanted softly -

Life ... Death...

You wanted to capture my essence
And you buried me under the rose beds!
Blooming flowers made you think of me
Until your next victim came along -
Dedicated to all abused.
And to those women who died under the hands of abusers.
Y Rada Nov 2015
You can adorn my hair with love,
You can decorate my head with hate.
You can put passion as my veil,
You can place anything but loneliness.

You can bring ardour in my eyes,
You can arrange despise in my tears.
You can put fervor in my brows,
You can place anything but loneliness.

You can touch sweetness on my neck,
You can murmur curses on my lips.
You can put flames on my tongue,
You can place anything but loneliness.

You can hug my body with lust,
You can woo my being with loathe.
You can wrap my soul with affection,
You can place anything but loneliness.
Y Rada Mar 2016
My arms you cannot touch
my voice you cannot hear
my tears you cannot wipe away
but my heart is pierced by your cries
my ears hear your silent wails
on the other side of this world
i know your pains but
i do not feel you -

oh faceless one!
oh persecuted one!

do not lose yourself because
of these deathly struggles
do not let the fire burn down
finish the race sweet sibling of faith-
get your reward at Jesus' feet
receive the applause of the
myriad of angels
and let the heavens embrace
you in its bossom
Y Rada Aug 2016
I sat by the window side at the bus
And ate some chocolate cake with gusto
Headaches from last night's partying
And suddenly I dozed off while eating

How strange...

Someone tapped me on the shoulder
I ****** and opened up my eyes
And saw you with your gentle smile
My face with smudges of chocolate

How embarrassing...

You asked if the seat beside me was vacant
I nodded unable to speak for shame and fear
Of opening my mouth full with chocolate cake
Too conscious how my teeth would look like

How pathetic...

Side by side, hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder
Instantly felt the warmth of your smooth skin
You glanced at me and smiled again very slowly
My cheeks were blushing of my indecent thoughts

How pitiful...

You asked softly if where my destination was
I answered politely afraid of looking directly
Too distracted by the musky scent you have in you
I wanted to ask what perfume you were wearing

How awkward...

The journey was tediously long and I had hangover
We sat there for five hours in companionable silence
But my insides were screaming with excitement
By your mere presence, I felt I was safe and sound

How weird...

"Excuse me sir, may I pass?" I nudged you respectfully
Your eyes widened a little bit and nodded in silence
I got off the bus and stared as it continued on the road
Regretted that I never even dared to ask for your name

How hopeless...
Dedicated to that beautiful stranger who was my seatmate at the bus. He was really handsome, with beautiful eyes and wonderful smell. One of the things I regretted in my life was I never asked his name. And four years later, I still wonder about that 5 hour drive.

I know I will never meet him again.
Y Rada Nov 2015
In Silence and in Darkness
In Grief, Chaos and its likeness
In all the Tears you ever had
Be still and know that I am God.

In your Heartaches and Pains
When you feel your prayers are in Vain
And when your Soul is covered in Mud
Just be still and know that I am God.

In times when you are all Alone
And when you are Far away from Home
When your Spirit is Tempted in Loveless Fad
Be still and know that I am God.
Y Rada Feb 2018
​I was young and full of dreams
Wanting to be with you always
So I let my black hair grow long
'Til it would reach your heart​

You glanced at me many times
And I was too shy to confess
I looked at the skies everyday
As I brushed my cascading mane

I imagined your hands on me
Your fingers were so soft
Telling me that you adore me
As you ******* my long hair

The sun gave way to the moon
Silky black turned to gray
But still my hair is flowing
Past my untamed bitter heart

I look sadly at the starlit skies
When I alone brush my long tresses
Remembering regrets of the past
And knowing you bind up her hair.
This is my first poem in 2018. I got inspired with the Beautiful Chinese Music - Binding Up My Hair. The melody is so beautiful and melancholic.
Y Rada Jul 2016
I am crying not because I am jealous of your lot. You deserve that happiness friend. You deserve that love that you have kept and nurtured for ten seasons of summer and rain.

I am not tearful because I am afraid that in time I will be alone. I will never be able to experience clandestine kisses nor embraces from another. I expect and prepare myself to be on my own.

I am weeping because as I assist you on your wedding day it will be the last time that we share that moment as maidens. The thread of being sisters of circumstance will be cut as you say “I do”. Somehow our worlds will part as your groom will take you by his side.
Y Rada Dec 2015
I sent a letter through the bubbles
It said that I miss you terribly so
I wish you were here for holidays

I sent a letter through the bubbles
They will burst before reaching the skies
I wonder if you ever received my mail...
My dad died in 2012... I miss him sooooo much...
Y Rada Jul 2016
My eyes are closed and yet
You delight my very senses
You are so soft and so smooth
Heavenly scent awash my soul
You are created solely for desire
Come and fulfill my cove of lust
I surrender to dark temptation
Fill me with your forbidden flavor
Oh Chocolate I will marry you!
Y Rada Nov 2015
Fear of
Fear of
Fear of
Basically just
Y Rada Mar 2017
My feelings are stuck in my mind
If you have time to listen - be so kind.
You are unromantic is what they tell
But my heart knows no reasons why I fell.

You pass me by daily without a glance
A glimpse from you is one in a million chance.
My soul cries of craving for you - only you
Please Sir, hear my feelings oh so true!

Do not close the door of destiny on me
Open the ears of your heart and set me free.
I do not dare ask that you love me in return
Let me confess my emotions which brightly burn.

Your secret admirer
Y Rada Jun 2016
One is enough they say
But I saw two to satisfy
I was giddy for a while
But then again I learned three
Oh Hot! Hot! Hot!
Four let me discover
The beauty of borderline...
Five I cannot do more...
It is enough...! It is enough..!
Y Rada Sep 2016
Dear Lord,

I know you know by now the news -
I did not pass the board exam
You made me feel that I did -
I dreamed I was on top six
Was I a fool to dream and believe?
I actually never made it
The peace felt before the results
The calm before the storm
All successes are from You
And failures came solely from me
And it's all my fault.

I just received the news that I did not pass the licensure exam.
Y Rada Jul 2017
I am a farm girl or love to pretend that I am one

I graduated with BS Psychology degree in 2009

Yet worked in a retail company for many many years.

I dreamed to be a clinical psychologist you know

As I counted the stocks and boxes in the warehouse

And voided transactions at the check-out-counters.

I desired to help people on how to deal with life's problems

Yet I could not cope up with my own majestic failures

The reality hit like a truck when I did not pass the exam.

I wallowed in the mud of self - pity and bitter tears

As I planted those leeks, basil, onions, peppers and dills

And waited patiently for the babies to sprout and grow.

I sowed dreams yet I nurtured other things like nightmares

And I reaped unrealistic, unhealthy desires and I cried hard

What happened to those teenage aspirations that I had?
Y Rada Nov 2015
So wonderfully and fearfully made…
And through you God’s beauty is displayed.
Only Him and none can make you feel satisfied…
In trying times on His word diligently abide.
Roses are red and waterfalls of tears are blue,
Sometimes life is filled with lies that seemed true,
Everything passes but the Lord will guide you through.

Never ever forsake your family and friends…
Inspire them with your essence until the end.
Kneel when you can’t carry the yoke any longer…
On your knees and folded hands Jesus will take over.
Learn things seriously and take rejection politely…
A** smile on your face every time you hurt terribly.

So wonderfully and fearfully molded don’t forget…
And you are made whole even if life’s not perfect.
Love, faith and joy are your simple treasures…
Take them with you in your every adventure.
In giving your all expect nothing in return,
Nurture the seeds of every blessing earned,
Go and make your heart’s fire brightly burn.
To my beautiful goddaughter.
Even though I have only seen you in pictures darling girl, and I'm so far away from you, be known that you have a place in my heart. My prayers are there for you :-)
Y Rada Nov 2015
Symphony of heavens blasted joyously,
Even the angels triumphantly sang "Seerie"
Endless dew drops of hypnotizing colors
Ribbons and laces scattered at earthly doors
Intricate emotions made way to beauty so true
E**den at its best when dear God created you.
Seerie bear, this is for you :-)
Y Rada May 2014
I know for you this is queer
The words you are going to hear
I’ve never done this before
And I’m askin you not to close the door.

I got to let you know that I love you
Please don’t doubt it, it’s true.
I got to let you know I care,
And for you I’ll always be there.

I wanna give my love to you completely
Begging you to listen to me
I’m hoping to open up your eyes
To let you see my love is not a lie.

You made me weak beyond control
And I had you in my soul
I love you more than life itself
Be my man & I wouldn’t love anyone else.
Y Rada Sep 2018
Killed there
Invisible here
Heart beats no more
Yet still feels pain.
Y Rada Jun 2020
Ninety-three years seem long
But life is short -
How youth seems strong
But life is short -
How you love and give,
Life is still short -
How "is" a few minutes ago
Became a "was"
Oh, life is so short.
This was what I wrote last night, a few minutes when my grandfather drew his last breath. Although we thank God that He took Lolo
Y Rada Jun 2020
"Ninety-three years seem long
But life is short -
How youth seems strong
But life is short -
How you love and give,
Life is still short -
How "is" a few minutes ago
Became a "was"
Oh, life is so short."
I wrote this minutes before my grandfather died. It's sad that he went in this pandemic time. It's heart wrenching that we live on the same island yet separated by different region, province, municipality. So near yet so far. And we couldn't get into him and see him being burried.
Y Rada May 2014
If dreams can only be true,
Then in my life I can have you.
If dreams can be so real,
Then it’s your love I can feel.

I can see you face to face,
In any time at any place.
I can always be with you,
And prove what I feel for you is true.

You’ll never be a character in a book,
For which I am very hooked.
You’ll never be in my imaginations,
But a part of the real world’s situation.

I can touch your face with my fingertips,
And I can kiss your lovely lips.
I can be a heroine in your life,
And save you from sorrows and strife.

If only you can leap through the books’ pages,
And have life to the end of ages.
If only you live in reality,
Then I am able to erase my fantasies.

I can wait ‘till the ends of time,
Until this poem runs out of rhyme.
I can love you forever,
Like the song The 12th of Never.

But all I can do is dream,
Dream ‘till the fire runs out of gleam.
Until my life here is longer no more,
I am sure you will always be staying in a bookstore.
I can’t remember the particular date when I wrote this. But I do recall that the guy is based on Clayton Westmoreland of the book Whitney, My Love by Juditch McNaught.
Y Rada Jun 2016
mechanical    mechanical
technical    maniacal
proves    nothing
technical    asexual
mechanical    mechanical
Y Rada Mar 2017
9:30 pm when my mom called me at work
Telling me to leave for a couple of weeks
My father had less than 5 days here on earth
Dying from pancreatic cancer...

I felt that the walls around me came closing in
I heard my spirit and soul got crushed into pieces
I felt the universe stopped for a couple of minutes
Yet I moved because my shift's till 10 o'clock...

I texted my buddies if they were free that night
I needed someone to lean on or cry on
I wanted someone to comfort me in any ways
None replied except "him"...

The one I secretly called my "Mr. Left" for years
Whom I confessed my love two years prior
Who didn't want my romantic feelings for him to grow
Who I stayed friends with despite his rejection...

"I'm at a nearby park just strolling," he texted me
My heart beat wildly with certain decisions to make
Should I go and accompany him around the city?
Should I accept the comfort he's going to offer me?

I closed the store and blinked back the tears
That starlit night I walked around the blocks in daze
Until I arrived at the park which he told me minutes ago
And then I stepped back and went inside a karaoke bar...

I sang in the darkness for two hours - completely alone
Pouring my grief, fears and heartbreak into nothingness
He never texted me again and I knew then that it ended
A Premonition of a dying friendship with him...

A person gets easily fall when he/she is vulnerable
My mother's words rang between the melodies
He was available that night yet I chose myself
To be with me, to be in touch with my own grief...

Soothing myself, "He would never understand anyway..."
Rationalizing, "I'd fall for him again if I did go..."
Better be alone and cry for many things in the night
Than to mistake his comfort as romantic love...
It's almost five years since that night. All along, I was right not to go to him then. A couple of months after my father went to heaven, my friendship with him died. And it really hurt like hell.
Y Rada Jul 2016
You are so **** and hot to look at
When you gorge on that strawberry
I remember the time you showed me
How you like your fruit to be -

You licked it making sure it’s wet
I gasped when the coldness hit me
You nipped and peeled the skin gently
My ***** heaved wantonly at the touch
You ****** with ardour all the juices
My mind ran havoc not knowing what to do -

You stare and wink at me naughtily
That devilish grin now you just make
You know that I recall what you did
When you tasted and I was your fruit
Y Rada Jul 2016
Twenty seven years:
Of doubt and fears
Silence and tears
Future is unclear.

New identity embrace:
Not just a fad or craze
Done walking in a maze
Yep happily I am an Ace.
Y Rada Nov 2016
I suddenly remember watching you
Sobbed heavily while praying for "him"
"He" - who broke your heart many times
The one who contributed those tears

I remember well the day when you told us
All the "what - ifs" on this earth and life
What would I say if you left him - forever?
I answered silently, "I am now one of them"

Those tears were a testament of pain
Of certain sacrifices a mother did
Clinging to something - complete family
And I never understood everything -

I sadly bathe in that pool of your eyes
Wondering if I would become like you
It was then I realized that dreadful curse
Which embraced you and your sisters -

I detested then - everything I knew
Of softness, of dependency, of letting go
My heart was a rock founded by your tears
I vowed never to surrender to anyone -

I would never ever let another hurt me
And I prayed that my womb be closed
That my heart be locked with no keys
That my body be frigid from any touch

Years passed and I am successful with that
Yet a certain longing creeps unto me -
I wallow in the pit of my own curse
But this ends with me - I am the end!
Dedicated to my mother...
You probably didn't realize that I saw your tears
and I heard your cries.
Thank you for being a wonderful mother
and I don't have the courage to become one.

Reading It Ends with Us by Coleen Hoover brought back certain memories that I wanted to forget.
Y Rada Oct 2015
I buried him somewhere…
When I go to bed at night,
I checked the closet and he’s not there,
I tried under my bed and he’s not there.

Surely he’s dead for I buried him somewhere,
I am a woman now and not a frantic child,
It’s been a long while since I have not visited his grave,
Pray then, why must he appear now?

I tried hard to move on with life,
I persevered to love and accept myself,
I opened my heart to forgive my own,
My being is as wide as the skies.

I found solace in the plateau of my existence,
Why must he visit now?
Truly, I buried him somewhere,
And I swore he’ll never see me again.

He’s there trying to taunt and torture me,
He’s the one who mocks me,
He scoffs me when I search for happiness,
He laughs when I try beating myself.

Nightmares haunt me even at day,
He was the devil himself,
He, a vile and a disgusting man,
Who touched and fondled me in my innocent years.

He violated my freshness to rotten,
And it took me years to pick up the pieces,
Now that I’m almost whole I couldn’t understand,
Why must he resurrect in my dreams?

I am a woman and I still live,
Yet fear still envelopes my being,
I can never forgive and I will never forget,
But surely, I buried him somewhere…
Dedicated to the abused (sexually or other) females around the world
Y Rada Nov 2016
My superman, my duke, my demigod!
Ahh your visage was absolute perfection!
"I'm in control, you're in my world now"
I chanted in my thoughts many times -

I approached you with so much confidence
Femininity was my golden armour
Seduction was my double edged sword
Slowly, lustily, hungrily - - - -


****! This dream was my realm
Then why was she here with you?
I gulped down my surprise because
You stared and smiled at me gently

"Oh, my prince charming" I thought
You nodded at me and said respectfully
"My fiance & I would like to order our lunch..."
I didn't hear you because I fell on a black-hole!

I suddenly woke up with tears on my cheeks
I didn't know which was worse actually
My dream last night about you and her or
The reality that you will never be mine - - -
Dedicated to all those who got nightmares like these instead of sweet dreams. Tsk tsk, dreams are supposedly our realms to be with the person we adore. But reality sometimes caught us - even in our dreams.
Y Rada Nov 2015
If tomorrow never comes,
To my family what must I say?
Must I ask for forgiveness
For the mistakes of yesterday?

If tomorrow never comes,
To my friends what must I tell?
Must I assure them that
Heaven is much better than hell?

If tomorrow never comes,
To my foes what must I offer?
Must I serve some droplets
Of love on their plates during supper?

If tomorrow never comes,
To my beloved what must I do?
Must I speak honestly that
“A pity I’ve never known you?”

If tomorrow never comes,
To my unborn babies what must I choose?
Must I be regretful for
My ovaries are never used?

If tomorrow never comes,
To my world what must I shout?
Must I open my heart and
Let my feelings be out?

If tomorrow never comes,
To my Christ what must I give?
Must I give my whole being and
Trust that in Him everything I received?
Y Rada Oct 2015
It is difficult to be a man,
For I am not a typical one.
It is hard for me to go on,
There’s a secret that pulls me.

I loathe when my memories strike,
They hit emotionally with might.
I struggle so much to survive,
In a world so deaf towards my cries.

I look at a He and my heart convulses,
For I recall a He who gave me kisses.
I was young, forced and naïve,
I fought but He was much stronger.

Society might tell that I’m gay,
For I let a man violated me in a way.
But I’m not a ***** and I’m sure,
I play a role for which others envy.

When I was a teen I met her,
I admired her even if she’s older.
I was then shy and very timid,
With mental and emotional scars.

I thought of her as a dear friend,
Then she turned to be my worst fiend.
One instance she forced herself on me,
And used things that hurt me so.

A girl’s tactics differ from the stronger ***,
Tears she used first and blackmail next.
She was cunning, sly and very clever,
She stole my pride and my dignity.

My fears now mixed with anger,
My determinations got bolder.
I still cry and sometimes get lonely,
Like any other victim I want to fight.

I can not shout to the whole nations,
For societies will scorn at my declamation.
Both sexes forgot that I have feelings too,
I am also made of flesh, bones and spirit.

I am not proud of what I become,
Within me clouding reasons try to calm.
My desire is to win this battle to the end,
I am capable of vulnerability like any human.

But where does my right begin?
This universe has compassion for women.
The likes of me are expected to be steel made,
Yet I have feelings too for I am just a man.
Dedicated to all abused males by other men and to the men abused by females. A simple shout out to the world that I care…that I have heard your cries… and that you are still loved.
Y Rada Oct 2015
I have no right to be jealous,
Of you and that perfect woman.
She is definitely yours,
And you are hers of course.

I have no right to be jealous,
If you brushed your fingers through her hair.
You look at her divinely in the eyes,
And mine are misty for my heart cries.

I have no right to be jealous,
If you kiss her ever so softly.
You whisper her words of caress,
I'm locking my soul in self-made fortress.

I have no right to be jealous,
When you speak her name gently.
Drawling each syllable with care,
I wish to have that girl's name to be fair.

I have no right to be jealous,
When you give her the whole universe.
You offer her the most simple "I love you",
I yearn to reply freely "me too".
Y Rada Oct 2015
I know when life abandoned me
When dreams and the future slipped away
When the joy and freedom died

I exactly know the time when fear called
When confusion clouded my eyes
When loath lived in my heart

I know when hope and despair united
When tears fell nightly of shame
When love is just another word

The moment when secrets are revealed
The cure of it is nowhere to be found
When I found out of my chronic illness
Y Rada Aug 2016
Hello, how are you? I’m fine thank you
What? Oh yes, this is our first meeting
I’m amazed how destiny plays a trick
My friend is lucky to have known you
And you’re blessed to have met her too

But you’re a sly one if I may say

I heard that you had plans hand in hand
You know those building futures together
Flowers she wanted to use for decorations
Red shoes she desired to catwalk the aisle
Kisses she wanted to plant on you daily

Castles in the air that’s all she has now

I want to be bold and shout at you mightily
How can you leave her without saying goodbye?
You’re jilting her at the altar of her dreams
My shoulders are stiff from her silent crying
I want to be angry with you but I know I can’t

You’re there lying peacefully in your coffin.
Dedicated to one of my best buddies. She called up 2 days ago and broke the news that her boyfriend (perhaps fiance) died of cardio pulmonary arrest secto pneumonia. It was all sudden. She's still 28 and he is not 30 yet. I never met this guy but I believed he was a good one because he made my friend happy all through out their relationship (more than 2 years).
Y Rada Sep 2023
BER months are moving fast
Making me remember the past.
Never thought August would fly by
Easily disposed making me cry.

Wherever you go, whatever you do
You won't know my heart is with you.
You were the light at the end of the tunnel
Yet you doused the flame - so cruel!

Loving you quietly but my eyes are loud
Your success always makes me proud.
You said we will always be friends
Yet you left me hanging dry in the end.

Adieu, farewell, so long, goodbye
Don't come back even if you try.
I love you still but I won't be here
In silence, I kiss you and dry your tears.
Y Rada Nov 2015
Tick – tock! Tick – tock!
I never imagined that listening to the Hickory clock
Could be sensuous or ******.
Hah! Tick for the longing to reach one lover’s arms for caress
Tock for wanting to do heavenly things on this earth.

Ah! The glory of this lustrous life,
So full of hate, so full of love, so full of lust.
Tick – tock! Tick – tock!
Time itself is passion,
The waiting agony seeping through the body
Like a sweet toothache
Making way to the center of the being.

Squirming, not knowing what will be the next
Cookoo! Cookoo! Chimed the Hickory...
Ah! Is this what they call prolonging of pain?
Deliciously blind and white.
But what do I know?
I am still naïve with these feelings,
What do I know about it?
What do I know?
Y Rada Nov 2018
I was your admirer during college years
Discretely looking at you limping away
To your classes looking alone and aloof

One afternoon at the canteen, I blocked your path
You blurted something while I stepped back
Your words made me feel giddy and restless!

You graduated first and I grew up also
And I thought I forgot my silly crush on you
Until I saw you limping inside a mall - - -

There were romantic comedy movies in my head
I, the heroine and you the Hero - imperfect pairs
Strangers at the university and ended as one - -

But you had a girl friend, my friends announced
I smiled while looking at you limping away again
My prince was at last taken by someone else - - -

Today I learned from my BFFs that you are gone
An accident yesterday and proclaimed as DOA
You're so young at early 30s and I - - - sigh- - - - -

One of my regrets in life is not telling you about me
That I existed somewhere in your timeline on earth
I wanted to confess and yet was afraid and now this

I admire you secretly and now I cry quietly
Sadly, we only exchanged two words in this lifetime
It was at the canteen when I blocked your path

You said, "Excuse Me!" and I just stood there speechless.
I just learned that my ultimate crush in college died from an accident yesterday. I never expected that I would feel regret for not telling him that I admired him... And I never will... A pity really.
Y Rada Jul 2016
Please scratch it
Slowly tickle it
A Lip bite
What is that?
Do not stop
Do it again!
Y Rada Nov 2016
more than 20 years in fact
more than 10 years without knowing
if someone found me beautiful or adorable
6 years since that first drunken french kiss
more than 14 years of people asking me
"Why? Why don't you have someone?"

I sent myself valentines card
I stole a single rose from a bunch
which my friends received from others
I begged for that piece of chocolate from them
wishing someone would hopelessly give me
a token of their admiration

I've been alone too long that I forgot
what if feels like to love someone passionately
to have a simple crush to make me feel giddy
to send someone love letters and confess
"I Love You even if you don't feel the same way"

I've been alone too long that I'm liking it
and feeling guilty to romance me, myself and I
and I'm afraid that I can't open up for another
because it's been too long now
or maybe it's too late already...
Dedicated to those single people...
the no boyfriend since birth
the no relationship for months or years
Y Rada Sep 2016
And all the journeys I made were worth it:
The offerings to the Gods above
The whispers to the Gods beneath
The curses to the humans on earth
The idolatry of my heart to others
Fornication of my dreams with impostors
Robbery of my hopes from other couples
Almost ****** of the thing called "love"

You awaken me from the slumber with a kiss
Tears cascaded as your lips brush softly
But the silver droplets belong to you
"Why are you crying?" I asked of you
"I thought you were lost to me" you reply
If this is what it feels to kiss you my love
I will hold on for another decades for it
I will endure another 500 years of waiting
Y Rada Dec 2016
That Night…

That certain night I came to him with reverence
And I was like a goddess and he the worshipper
I accepted his offerings of passion not because
He was the sole pilgrim to my pantheon of love
But since I heard his supplications to cherish me.

My tears mingled with his just like our ardor in a cup
And we will drink it for many days and nights later
My soul and his were in cased in a time capsule
That both of us could easily open in the far future
To fill the lonely winter nights to balance our sanity.

Then I started to wish that summer would never cease
But the leaves started to fall hard just like my dreams
As I looked at him packing his things the next morn
He said farewell and went to war and to his people
But at least I was…

A goddess that night and my enemy was my devotee.
I was sorting and re-reading some of my contest pieces (short story) and a couple of sentences in "He was mine during Summer" caught my attention.

Although I didn't win (I just dabble at short stories just like my poems haha), I found it intriguing to make some of the sentences used in that story into a poem.
Y Rada Oct 2016
No matter how painful they are


At least you are there
To inflict emotions on me.
Y Rada May 2016
The texture reminds me of you
Soft, silky fragile yet durable
The design makes me think of you
Very flamboyant yet inspiring.

I kept these gifts for the past years
Eight summers to be exact
Cherishing them like you cared for me
Afraid of losing the scent of you.

You’ve come and go like you always do
Leaving me waiting and craving
Please don’t bring kimonos anymore
Your presence or your heart is enough.
Sesshy x Grown up Rin :-)
Y Rada Nov 2015
Your friendship is like a kiss of death
It is better in the beginning
But slowly poisoning me with your affection.

And when I cling to you for strength
And when I need your breath in me
You silently draw away and leave me.

Better put a sting on my tongue
And punch me on the face than
Leaving me in silence and confusion.
Y Rada Sep 2016
I put little folded papers in a jar –
Yes and No in minute scribbles
Let the game of human and God begin

Will I marry in the future?
Shake! Shake! Shake!

My heart flutters in anticipation
Surely a Yes will come out
Let my supplication be answered


Another round with the same question.
Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hope still embraces my beating heart
This is still the second round
Chances of having a Yes is great


Another round for “Will I ever marry?”
Shake! Shake! Shake!

I am anxious now for the next result
Third is the final answer
But I want to experience love.


Oh, let’s play again Lord next year.
Y Rada Aug 2016
You’re terribly and dangerously wicked
With a pair of wandering lips and hands
Journeying towards my centremost being
You laughed as I flinched at your touch

The looking glass was our sole witness
As your ******* discovered well
From above the hood unto the entrance
Wet and slick with juices of my passion

Your hand journeyed back and again
To the very top and flicked the bud
I whimpered as you repeated the deed
Until I squealed, “Whoooo! Whoooo!”

You ceased and I got frustrated
But with your other hand you spread me
That rakish finger explored again
Focused on tapping the bud til I cried

“You enjoy that?” your eyes met mine
I looked into your reflection and sighed
“Give me more” I breathlessly begged
You kissed my nape and replied, “Alright”.
Y Rada Oct 2015
Can you smell the scent of passion?
Mine - my pheromones sprinkling tonight
Baptizing you with my ardour and lust.

Let my voice guide you sweetly to your end
Whisper to you the delicious promises
Whiteness and warmth comfort me for tomorrow.

Can you feel the slightest touch?
My feather-like kisses blow your mind
Engulfing you in satins, laces and ribbons!
Y Rada Oct 2016
Oh dear cousin who is a sister to me
With a name sounds like a Marian nun
Who works for the poor, with the poor
But who is never ever poor in everything
Guide me with your kindness and affection.
Day 2: Who was the last person you texted? Write a five-line poem to that person.
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