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Jan 31 · 137
The Pessimist
Secret Poet Jan 31
The sun shines, I'm alive and delighted but when the depression creeps in I become dead and appalling. I was never meant to be like this, why can't I be normal? As my smile starts to fade, I trace my scars and become pessimistic. I grab a blade and begin the regrets. Someone please tell me why ended up like this?
Feb 2023 · 1.0k
Secret Poet Feb 2023
You claim you know me best,
So why don't you tell me why I'm always depressed.
Feb 2023 · 621
Sad Artist
Secret Poet Feb 2023
These paint splattered tear drops falling on the canvas.  Shaky brush from these rattling thoughts, and joy division playing silently in the dark.
Joy Division is such a vibe
Feb 2020 · 232
Happy (Never) After
Secret Poet Feb 2020
I'm no good at writing about things that make me happy or things that make me glow.
All it seems that I'm good at is writing about everything that gets me low.
These feelings and news, filled with substance abuse, that's all I am good at and nothing else, so I guess that is my muse
It's been a minute..  I'm sitting on a pile of unfinished pieces.
Aug 2016 · 1.5k
Secret Poet Aug 2016
You and I and these beachy vibes.
Swaying like the palm trees in the wind.
The California breeze blowing through our hair as we stay here perfectly still. We build barriers from sand and shells, to protect this moment from all the stares.
I was iffy about posting this one.
Jul 2016 · 4.9k
Secret Poet Jul 2016
You make me as happy as the stars in the night sky or a cup of coffee and photography.
Blissful thoughts.
Jul 2016 · 671
Secret Poet Jul 2016
Hazel eyed boy so mysterious and abstruse, won't you let me explore you?
You seem so disclosed but let people know that you are one who won't let anything show. You're hard to read. Some have attempted and left your pages tattered and torn, just know that I have always been one that is up for a difficult read.
I enjoy you.
Jul 2016 · 482
Secret Poet Jul 2016
You're my 11 o'clock craving,

     my 12 o'clock mistake.

     My 1 o'clock headache,

      and my 2 o'clock hate.
Spaces between us.
Jul 2016 · 462
Free Falling
Secret Poet Jul 2016
Every poem or song I write about you never seems to perfectly describe how I feel about you. When I'm with you, I feel like I'm free falling, on an endless flight through the clouds. Will you hold my hand as we fall together?
home is where ever I'm with you.
Jun 2016 · 396
Rob Hefferan
Secret Poet Jun 2016
The way your skin glistens in the morning sun reminds me of Rob Hefferan's artwork. You are an astonishing piece of art, darling.
Jun 2016 · 735
Depression At Its Finest
Secret Poet Jun 2016
Painting the things inside my head, while I'm on them meds. I was told that they would take me out of this deep hole that I dug myself into, but I'm just sinking deeper and deeper.
it's been a while.
May 2016 · 358
Secret Poet May 2016
I went to the deep part of the sea,
wanted to dive in.
I can't swim.
I wanted to drown,
I would've been missing; Gone.
It finally wouldn't have been a dream.
Drowning myself in my own thoughts.
Apr 2016 · 535
50 Shades of Fucked Up
Secret Poet Apr 2016
I live in shades of black and grey all I really want to do is get away. Let'***** this ****, and ditch this town, they won't miss us anyways.
Craving an adventure.
Apr 2016 · 466
Secret Poet Apr 2016
I want to be someone.
Someone important.
I want to do something that
means everything to somebody out there.
I want to make a change, be a change.
Hear me out.
I want to be the difference.
I want to make a change.
Apr 2016 · 414
Secret Poet Apr 2016
I'm looking in the mirrior.
I'm a wreck, and I wish I were dead.
I'm tired of feeling numb, and of missing you all the time.
"No wonder you left"
I tell myself as I stare at my own pittyness in the mirror.
I'm a mess.
Mar 2016 · 803
Untitled III
Secret Poet Mar 2016
This blank canvas mocks me as I stare blanklessly at it.
why can't I be an artist?
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Effy Stonem
Secret Poet Mar 2016
Dark and mysterious she is.

Reckless and bold she acts.

Drinks and pills she consumes.

Steamy, hot *** we produce.

Now she's gone.
Any SkinsUK watchers?
Mar 2016 · 9.0k
Cup of Tea
Secret Poet Mar 2016
I wrote this while drinking tea with you, and I must say I'd rather be taking shots of ***** with you my love.
I need alcohol in my system.
Mar 2016 · 409
Secret Poet Mar 2016
I am a lonely sailor on the small boat of happiness. Tonight I feel as if the sea of depression will take a hold of me, and sink my ship, I will never be seen again.
Feels at 9:20 p.m.
Mar 2016 · 260
Secret Poet Mar 2016
She writes and paints to tell others that it's okay or going to be okay, but she can never get herself to listen to her own advice.
You are art.
Mar 2016 · 322
Secret Poet Mar 2016
I lie in bed, and toss and turn as my hazy head circulates with vivid images of you.

I think I'm in love.

Or that may just be the drugs kicking in.
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Run Wild
Secret Poet Mar 2016
You're young and beautiful,
                         don't be scared              
     of being reckless and falling in love.
       Just run wild, and don't look back.
Be wild babe.
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
Secret Poet Feb 2016
My mind full of hope and eagerness to travel far and beyond further than the eyes can see.
My body aches for those places I have yet to travel to.
My eyes seek those places unimaginably visited.
My soul searches for another like me.
Let's get lost?
Feb 2016 · 3.1k
The Girl With Blue Hair
Secret Poet Feb 2016
Can't anybody see that I'm just a mess? A blue haired freak wonderin' the streets. Cigarertte in hand, blasting my bands and could give less of a **** about what you think.
I wish I had blue hair.
Feb 2016 · 344
Secret Poet Feb 2016
Although her scars are displayed for all to see, when I try to talk to her, she tries to hide them from only me.
Sunshine mixed with a little huricane.
Feb 2016 · 317
Secret Poet Feb 2016
Hold me tight all through the night so I can feel safe.
I'm tired of all these tears, and the blood that seems to overflow the sink almost every other night. I just need you to tell me that everything is alright.
Feb 2016 · 4.9k
Dangerous Reflections
Secret Poet Feb 2016
My broken pieces are scattered everywhere.
I'm bleeding, pleading for help as everyone just walks past me and over the mess.
I'm screaming.
The crowd is passing, not even glancing.
Fragile girl in this unscrupulous world.
Days like this..
Jan 2016 · 740
Secret Poet Jan 2016
I wanna see new places, and meet new faces. Let's go on an adventure tonight?
We'll see all the stars, travel every road, and have a glance at everything in between.
We'll forget everything and live in the moment.
Lets get lost?
You and I.
This small, washed away town has nothing to offer me.
Jan 2016 · 420
Little Girl
Secret Poet Jan 2016
At age 5 she was starting to thrive
At age 6 she just wanted to play
At age 7 she wanted to be a doctor
At age 8 all the other kids mocked her
At age 9 she locked herself away
At age 10 she was there to stay
At age 11 she tore her skin
At age 12 all her emotions were caving in
At age 13 she was doing *******
At age 14 she was low everyday
At age 15 she tied the rope
and later on that night wrote this note:
"Thinking about this night, thought everything over twice. I can feel it getting the best of me, once again its trying to invent me... and so it has. Goodbye."
Shaking hands and swollen eyes, she kicked the chair.
As she dangled in the air, she didn't even think about the rest, and took her final breath.
I wrote this the end of 2014, and yes, I know it's a really dark piece.
Jan 2016 · 321
Rain clouds
Secret Poet Jan 2016
Gray clouds over my head, as I pick up my pen and bleed my heart out to the paper, my only friend. I'm trying to find myself, but these dark clouds resting upon me aren't helping, and I can't seem to find a dry spot on the ground.
Gray clouds, rain clouds.
Jan 2016 · 283
Don't You Mind?
Secret Poet Jan 2016
I wrote you a poem today, you didn't seem to care.
I spilled my heart out for you, and you just sat there.
It turns out that we weren't only a pair, why would you want to tear us apart?
All that we had was all I had ever wanted, and now I'm being taunted.
Good while it lasted.
Jan 2016 · 597
New Beginnings
Secret Poet Jan 2016
I know they said to not put your own happiness into other people, but this country boy has got my heart racing and my smile brighter than the sun.
I just hope this is right.
Change is good, right?
Jan 2016 · 318
Secret Poet Jan 2016
She's absolutely perfect in every way, but she chooses the guys that make her feel like she only deserves the usual "weekend chill".
In need of new friends...
Jan 2016 · 376
Whole Again
Secret Poet Jan 2016
I fell in love once before, and trust me I won't be doing that anymore. Boy, you completed me, and now you're nothing more than a memory. You were like my favorite song and you made me want to sing all night long.
Misery loves my company.
Dec 2015 · 2.3k
Green Eyes
Secret Poet Dec 2015
Your eyes are the perfect shade of green, I swear mother nature had something to do with that.
I see all the good in the world inside of your eyes.
Dec 2015 · 508
Secret Poet Dec 2015
I love the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about things you enjoy with such passion, and I absolutely adore your crooked smile that you have recently decided to grow fond of because you're trying to learn to love yourself more.
I also find it very attractive how you stutter and start looking at objects around me every time you find me starting blankly into your gorgeous green eyes to distract yourself from knowing that I'm looking at you.
I know you hate when people look at you, and I'm sorry, but I can't help it. I just get so lost in your starry eyes. How do you not know that there is a universe inside of you darling?
There's a universe inside of you.
Dec 2015 · 271
Dark Thoughts II
Secret Poet Dec 2015
One blade is all it takes to make all her feelings go away millions of scars this is so hard but all she does is repeat. The things she's told never grow old, as her life gets dull she can't endure this anymore Every night are thoughts of suicide she takes the gun and counts to three. With a sigh of grief or more like relief, she pulls the trigger forgetting she is loved.
Grey clouds over my head.
Dec 2015 · 319
He Wouldn't Be Gone
Secret Poet Dec 2015
Maybe if I cared, maybe if I tried, maybe if I changed, then he wouldn't be gone.
He would've stayed a little longer, and maybe even loved me a little harder, maybe if I bothered, you would've lasted a while longer.
Missing the memories... why am I the way that I am though?
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
Secret Poet Dec 2015
Come and lay your head down next to mine on this empty field of grass. Feel how soft the ground is all over your skin as all the clouds begin to pass.
Astonishing clouds all shapes and sizes drifting along in the sky. Cerulean images fill my colorful mind as we loose track of time. I float along with you ever changing, morphing oh so amazing these clouds above transform so quick the winds a blazing, while our eyes stay gazing at the view from up above.
Nov 2015 · 343
Same nights, different guys
Secret Poet Nov 2015
I pretended I didn't have any scars on my body, and he pretended not to see any while we steamed up the windows in the car last night.
Lust in disguise.
Nov 2015 · 361
Secret Poet Nov 2015
I am not here to stay and make my home in you, or with you.
I am nomadic.
I will tell you how much I love you knowing that I'll be gone the next day.
There are so many paths and I'm on my way, wherever I come to find myself I promise it's not for long, and I will not change.
This is for the best.
The sadness is taking over me.
Oct 2015 · 458
Secret Poet Oct 2015
When I look at you, the stars align
and I feel as if you are picking up my broken bits piece by piece. You make all the pain disappear, and help me forget all the scars as they fade away. I didn't know I was falling for you, I feel as if you complete me.
If only you felt the same way...
Old song lyrics + feels of the moment
Oct 2015 · 244
Secret Poet Oct 2015
My love for you is like a vivid flower that has just been picked...
                   dead and gone the very next day.
I find love in all the wrong places.
Oct 2015 · 672
Secret Poet Oct 2015
Putting on a smile seems so much easier than trying to explain all the pain that she has deep down inside.
She rolls up her sleeves convinced that she wasn't pretty anymore.
He traced all her scars though assuring that she was as perfect as she could ever be.
Being bad again after you feel as though you've been good for a while is one of the worst feelings ever.
Oct 2015 · 377
Dark Thoughts PT. I
Secret Poet Oct 2015
All these emotions bottled up inside if only someone can see from the outside. It's a constant struggle between dragging a blade down my skin or just keeping everything within. I can't take this anymore though, I feel like being buried two feet wide and six feet deep, I'm sure nobody would weep. For now I'll just keep myself isolated for all of my happiness has drained away. I see how empty and dull my life has become, so I turned my wrists red so that my world wouldn't seem so dark anymore.
I'm tired all the time.
Oct 2015 · 305
Secret Poet Oct 2015
Time flies in a blink of an eye it's like you're here then you say goodbye.
But don't be shy just stay with me,           
                                          please stay with me.
I promise we will be together for eternity.     
                    Don't you wanna be?
           Oh darling don't you wanna be?
This was a part from a song that I had written a very long time ago.
Sep 2015 · 193
Secret Poet Sep 2015
You're not in love until you want someone as bad as you want to breathe, but what if you're not sure about breathing?
I really want a cat
Sep 2015 · 269
Secret Poet Sep 2015
Just another depressed soul wandering around and I'm in desperate need of another one like me.
I've been very inactive with school and all :(
Sep 2015 · 218
Falling for You
Secret Poet Sep 2015
Take my hand in your darkest hour,
I swear we'll break on through.
I can't help but fall for you,
when I lie down in your arms.
Sep 2015 · 256
Blue Eyes
Secret Poet Sep 2015
Your eyes are as blue as the deepest parts of the ocean, and I know the only thing you like about yourself is your eyes, but baby you are so much more than just a color.
I miss you.
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