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newborn Apr 2022
i have a friend who’s not even a friend who doesn’t even talk to me anymore
she ignores me cause i choose to ignore her so we don’t talk anymore
it is partly my fault and partly her’s, but in full honesty i don’t care
and i don’t want to be friends with the girl who’s a friend who’s not even a friend anymore
the amount of times i think of you in a day is innumerable. forgive me, i don’t miss you, but there’s something in the air when you are in the same room as i as if we are communicating. idk it’s weird

newborn Apr 2022
𝘆𝗼𝘂 wake up and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 smell the flowers and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 yawn and make coffee for 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳
𝘆𝗼𝘂 live in a demonic world and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 look through it with demonic eyes
the floor shakes under 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 weight and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 feel every single step 𝘆𝗼𝘂 take
𝘆𝗼𝘂 pose in front of the million dollar camera and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 smile at the homeless laying barefoot on the street
but do 𝘆𝗼𝘂 give them money?
they sit there in rags and they beg and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 watch them and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 reply “have a nice day”
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 clothes are made of silk and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 go to work in fancy wear every single waking day
𝘆𝗼𝘂 sleep in linen sheets and 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 pillow is so soft that 𝘆𝗼𝘂 fall into the night so easily
𝘆𝗼𝘂 wave to passerby’s in cars and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 yell across the street to girls 𝘆𝗼𝘂 find pretty
𝘆𝗼𝘂 strut in the alley, but only the one with twenty plus people
𝘆𝗼𝘂 switch sidewalks when 𝘆𝗼𝘂 see a man with a rapid heart rate who’s walking faster than usual due to being late
𝘆𝗼𝘂 grimace at him and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 continue along 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 way
𝘆𝗼𝘂 don’t tuck 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 kids in bed at night cause 𝘆𝗼𝘂 don’t have any
𝘆𝗼𝘂 don’t cry when falling onto the comforter, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 laugh instead
𝘆𝗼𝘂 online shop during the midnight hour and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 purchase Indonesian products that were made in sweatshops
𝘆𝗼𝘂 don’t condemn those who killed for no reason, but 𝘆𝗼𝘂 don’t have such ruthless shower thoughts, i suppose
𝘆𝗼𝘂 witness the moon glimmer in the desolate night as the world remains still
𝘆𝗼𝘂 fall asleep quickly and 𝘆𝗼𝘂 repeat
𝘆𝗼𝘂 do this all when the sun hasn’t risen for some
the moon hadn’t shined in the darkest of nights
the war was fueled with gaslighting and bombs
the fog hasn’t lifted, it barricades the doors of little houses
the street wasn’t bright enough and someone got tackled
the gun hasn’t stop shooting in the courtyard
the prayer was never uttered from such posh lips
the emptiness never ceased to exist
how could 𝘆𝗼𝘂 be so selfish?
myself included. thought i would be a hypocrite? nah, man, that stuffs wack

Apr 2022 · 22
last year feeling
newborn Apr 2022
it hurts cause i remember those nights when my favorite song blared on the ipad and i laughed and cried with you. i miss feeling alive while dancing around my small room, dreaming in color, not just in black and white. i feel the longing in my body to go back home- to you. weeks passed and i still smelled your scent in every corner, everywhere i turned. i remember happiness like it was some foreign good, so beautiful yet horrifying. i miss that feeling. the winter frost was frigid and i was miserable, but at least i was having fun, making memories. life grew stronger and stronger and i became weaker with a busted back. now all i want is my last year self back.
sometimes i despise the past and sometimes i miss the past

Apr 2022 · 58
breakfast in bed
newborn Apr 2022
breakfast in bed and perfume lingering in the stuffy air
stiff bones, the smell of bacon traveling into my bedroom
the hoarse lungs of his gagging and coughing in the other room
slamming bottles down in the kitchen, mumbling to himself
tears might be trapped inside his eyeballs, but he flicks them off before they spill down his regretful face
i lay in the half made/half messy bedsheets, almost motionless, sunken into the duvet
piles of vintage clothes laid all over the carpet, distraught and in a panic
my breathing slowed by the adrenaline rush of last night, heart beat skipping
he stumbles and grips the doorframe tightly, observing if i am asleep or not
my eyes pulled shut, tight as an opening to a safe, trying to calm my breathing in fits of trepidation
his hands—cold and clammy—graze my arms and he sets the tray down roughly
“eat,” he demands
i leap out of my pretend slumber, panting in worry, but too exhausted to fight it

so i eat.
I thought I captured emotion really well in this poem so cheers I guess (I really sounded English there)

Apr 2022 · 8
newborn Apr 2022
even in the darkest nights
even in the subtle moonlight
even in the quietest times
you shine through me
like electricity
a lot of short poems today :)

newborn Apr 2022
the type of man that’ll never leave
once he leaves an impact on me
the type of man that’ll never know
how much he means to this world
the type of man that’ll waste his life
trying to get rid of all strife
the type of man who understands
but still stands in the deep end
the type of man that’ll chase his dreams
until he drowns in the foamy sea

the type of man that’ll never be yours

haha this was org a song but it sounds great as a poem too. my sister said this was a great title and a cool concept so my ego was boosted lol
Apr 2022 · 54
sick day
newborn Apr 2022
it was astonishing
that you noticed
i was gone

i thought i was on my own
haha i was sick/dying of pain one day at school and i had to go home. i was shocked so many people texted me and asked me if i was ok.

Apr 2022 · 67
newborn Apr 2022
in the unrestrained tornado
i heard the scream of a little girl
she screeched and screeched and got louder with every breath she took
i heaved deeply
so deep i felt my ribs crack a bit
but it didn’t impair me
because i was too locked in to her helpless and terrified yet determined screaming
so locked in
that i didn’t take a moment to breathe

     and that’s when the winds died down
     the roaring halted
     the shouting of the young girl was all gone
     the uncomfortableness that i felt, dissipated
     into the shadow of the night
     no damage had been done
     everything is all good now
     i didn’t know natural disasters could be
     created inside the mind of a poser
oh my gosh, something so embarrassing happened yesterday. i don’t even want to go in full detail about the story, but let’s just say i thought about it all day yesterday. anyway, i wrote this about that situation and used metaphors so i wouldn’t have to name direct details etc. you better like this poem for my embarrassment. thx. i’m gonna cry now

newborn Apr 2022
i write and bruise my fingers just to escape
just to get a remedy for this pain
the pressure stops burning ever so slightly
but the scars still remain
still hang on my flimsy body
making towns and cities and villages
people living inside of my solar system

calm down.
they can’t see you.
their eyes are like steel.
like iron.
life kills.
that’s what’s so evil about it.
but you can’t escape the jaws of the inevitable.
you need to stop thinking.
i mean, the overthinking type.
the type of thinking that makes your brain spin.
that escalates every tiny situation.
your pain comes from opening your eyes too wide.
shut them.
stop panicking.
you will never be able to escape except in death.
but even the dead are lonely.
even the dead char and sear in pits they were locked in.
stop overthinking.
you write because you want to evaluate what you feel.
not just because it’s the only way to bolt away from crowded rooms and upset stomachs.
don’t bruise your fingers while touching the pen.
stop overthinking.

i think that i get it
sorry for all the run-on sentences
i don’t care much for punctuation
i sure don’t think rapidly about that
i just do it
so, in settings where it matters
everything in my brain halts
and i freeze
why can’t i just breathe?
it pains me to think that i am hurting my own self with my own knives
stabbing me in the heart
i shouldn’t let my hands become numb because of scribbling in the lines
i should press the pen gingerly upon the paper
and i should just do it
without hesitation
just prove i can withstand the erosion
but at least i know
i write to express
life kills
that’s what’s so evil about it.
this is kinda like a two-way poem thingy
i experimented, what did you expect?

Apr 2022 · 31
newborn Apr 2022
disappearing in the labyrinth
you are still sick
the passageways are getting more narrow
your head is spinning
in confusion
your lips turn purple from shivering
your hands turn cold
the greenery gets more
and more
each time
through each corner
the unlucky loser never left the labyrinth
so you stress out
thinking that your escape
is just a foreign idea
an impossible task
that’ll never be put into full effect
and the maze gets tighter
by minute
perhaps the once fever
is molding into a forever nightmare
the lonely labyrinth
wanted you as company
misery loves it dearly
so you are trapped in this network
of dips and turns
only the embrace of narrow paths
can soothe you from
your painful fate
mitski’s song inspired this like forever ago, but i just started writing this today. forgive me

Mar 2022 · 5
newborn Mar 2022
the morning undresses the pain from yesterday
the dew drops remind the young child
the worst will always be struck by the sword
of the next morn
idk just thought about this before confession
Mar 2022 · 25
The Gates
newborn Mar 2022
-(read the text in the parentheses if you care hehe)

the gates are opening
and—i don’t mean to sound crass
but the tainted and staggering woman
and the saturated spineless specimen
are ****** and plastered with poison
their corpses are decorated in holly leaves
they won’t be eligible to enter
i hate to be the pointer
the dog in the marsh
but their faces are melting
like molten lava
they will bring this disease through
the golden gates agape
i promise i am not the
i won’t aim the musket
with silver bullets
at them
and their porcelain skin
their lies are painted on them
my sore eyes make assumptions
i am shaking my throbbing finger
at your dismayed face
claiming the woman with the
squid-like back
shouldn’t enter the golden gates
but i am here
the hypocrite of the century
taking accountability
but only in privacy
i should be tossed out of the
weightless sky
not banging the gates loudly
declaring that i have a ticket
when the man in the front
says i am denied access
who am i to say you won’t
be entering the king’s castle?
who am i to judge a soul
just as damaged as mine?
these gates were destined to
keep out stragglers
but we are catfighting
because we both think
our ways are more superior
this is such a waste of energy
how dare us both avouch
that our paths to our houses
are the correct ways to travel
ah—yet he took the road less traveled by
and surely got through
to the other side
i might know for sure
that i have the right code
to the front door
but i shouldn’t assert my dominance
on such a similar being as me
leave it up to the guard
(the one with slicked back hair
and a watercolor smile
the one with medallion teeth
and jewelry sculpted from
lemon grass, brass and gold)
at the opening of the golden gates
to call upon us disoriented people
(or illusions as i call us)
and punish and kiss and love and miss
those who
are plunging to their eternal death
the guard will decide
and i don’t think i will make it out
fully alive
or at least without a single rash
or cause of decay
or a single slap on the back for
not trying hard enough
(not a pat on the back as i would
hope for at minimal
getting to breathe
the same air as saints and
“paying their way” passengers)
but anyway
the women and i will give
each other fair grins
and maybe even shake twisted hands
mending the wounds we caused
by (maybe) being ignorant?
my wings will start to be restored
but i know i will probably
tumble to my eternal demise
just like the same people
who tried to dictate
other’s lives
or tried to play the guard
in a playwright
dangling the keys
but not taking the time to
review the sign up sheets
(i included)
i am guilty of passing judgment
for no reason
and i’m sorry
newborn Mar 2022
they locked lips as the evening sank further
and further
and further
the sun took one last peek
i stood in shock
and heard the band slow their music
slicing open my heart
pulling its strings
and i am still here
half dead
but wishing someone would also do that to me
or that the moonlight could help me breathe
choose the tongue over comfortability
I wanted to cry
But my throat was dry
I just don’t think I’ll ever be loved
It costs too much

Sorry for sad boy hour lol
newborn Mar 2022
the horizon is becoming multicolored
the bitterness of the wind whips through my hair
my heart is empty
mind blank, but full of memory
regrets, and sadness
only i am in the wilderness
looking over the cliff
trapped in limbo
the sun would never know
as it disappears into the horizon
good night.
i was listening to an Air Force band at my school and they started playing heat waves. i have loved that song ever since i heard it on never have i ever (the Netflix show). it made me sad tho, it reminded me that i might never have a boyfriend and i felt unlovable. anyways, enjoy <3

Mar 2022 · 16
newborn Mar 2022
write it on my
                            F      A      C       E

the air is heavy
incapable of breathing it
it clings to my mouth
******* in the

i’ve never hated being alone more
but i know i am not just alone
i am lonely
when the sky falls
turns purple and pink
i am left in an empty battlefield
full of unloaded guns

oh, what have i come to?
but what am i kidding
i have always been unlikeable
i should have known
i am going to be forever alone
Mar 2022 · 17
damsel in distress
newborn Mar 2022
some of us don’t want to climb out of the tower by ourselves
some of us need to be saved
and if that means i am a damsel in distress
then so be it

i am sick of this false “female empowerment”
when it’s really just shoving ur agenda in others faces
i get sexism exists
but not everything needs to be female, female, female
a woman can do this
a woman is stronger than a man (biologically- heck no)
a woman doesn’t have to wear pink laced prom dresses and high heels (but what if she wants to?!)
a woman this, a woman that
even me, as a young woman
can’t seem to fathom why we need to shove just to make people realize
and we all know they are just rolling their eyes
this fake female empowerment, this damsel in distress, “i’m tired of the woman always getting saved”
i am not
because sometimes there’s no other way
chivalry is almost dead
because the woman who wants her husband to open the door for her and her groceries won’t
he says, who cares?
a woman is just as capable
open that dang door by yourself, Janet!

and then we have all these insane people saying it’s a woman’s right to do whatever she wants with her body
but what about the other body in her body
are we just gonna let innocent children die because some woman claimed it was her “right”?
come on, people

i understand that
woman still have a little way to go with progression and full women’s rights
but not everything is against women and their pride

let me watch snow white and call it romantic
let me dream and pine and wish for a prince to save me by his castle while stabbing a dragon
let me be saved by a man sometimes
let me get kissed when i have been poisoned
let me do something powerful without calling me a girl boss
let me do everything a man can, but without making a sound
let our bodies stop being used as symbols to empower
because some of us women hate ourselves and what our bodies have gone through and we are embarrassed
a body is a vessel, not some kind of boss-like female defining characteristic
let us be empowered without saying it
without taking off our clothes and dancing with the crystal lake in the background
please stop saying girl power because it makes me want to *****
we already have power
makes it seem as if we gain our power
but there’s no men power, huh?
we don’t say “boy power!”
no because it sounds stupid

i am a girl but i am not stomping around saying girls are better than boys, i hate all men
girls don’t get the job done better
they just make more noise to let people know they’re there

ugh, damsel in distress
so what
i least i get saved
i don’t know why i wrote this but

***** cringe feminism!

also pls do not get offended by this
just my opinion

newborn Mar 2022
looking around the room
watching the door
the windows
every entrance
just to see if you would come back to me


only my eyes are lit up by the moon
the tears are streaming in slow mo
the door still hasn’t opened

that’s it.
wrote this while listening to the night we met by Lake Huron :((

Mar 2022 · 32
trampoline park
newborn Mar 2022
i went to the trampoline park yesterday
and let me tell you- i have never felt more free
bounding and jumping into the air
i felt my soul condense and release
and turn into flames and dragons and mythical creatures
i felt the pressure leave me
it escaped from my gaping mouth
i stopped caring for a few hours
and it felt as if time was going super slow
it’s funny how today
the next day
i feel sore
as if it hurts me to be free
as if it is detrimental for me to get ideas about escaping
like i should be trapped in this crammed atmosphere
sore and beaten, nothing more than a menace
i can’t be free
i can’t be free
i will never be free
jumping is a form of escapism.
but after the fact, it hurts
and you feel like you can’t jump on surfaces that aren’t bouncy anymore
cause it hurts your sore legs too bad
Mar 2022 · 13
two different realms
newborn Mar 2022
waking up from dreams
where i don’t even know the true reality
i was caught in netting like a whale
beached, on the beach
but when i awoke
the webbing was still on me
i was arising from slumber
in the fragments from my dreams
what is reality?
is my mind thinking in ways i can’t seem to?
dreaming half awake
living falsely
what is the cure for escaping
without meaning to?
wake me
from both realms
they are both so mysterious
i’d rather disappear into the pockets
of my drifting mind
oh, it would be much easier that way

it really would
one time, i woke up and i didn’t know where i was. i thought something happened when it didn’t and i was so confused it wasn’t even funny. i actually thought i had such a conversation with you, but it was all a lie. it wasn’t even in reality...
Mar 2022 · 18
newborn Mar 2022
days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and you turned into screens and screens turned into dreams and dreams turned into memories and memories turned into metaphors
i miss you
Mar 2022 · 16
life, what can i tell ya?
newborn Mar 2022
i’ve let the pyroclastic flow swallow me whole
I wanted to write a whole poem for this but I couldn’t so here’s a tiny tiny tiny poem. Enjoy :))

newborn Mar 2022
i imagine falling in love is like watching the rain fall onto the porch, dampening the surface
i imagine it is sweet, like drinking soda and downing smarties in the embrace of a summer day
it must feel tingly, like your whole body is on fire
it must be stone cold yet hot as blazes
it must ache and churn and screech and beg you to quit, like a silly addiction

i imagine falling in love is like tumbling headfirst from the sky, diving into a world of the unknown, but you know that’s where freedom lies
i imagine it is fluffy, marshmallow, cotton candy type
it must be fabulous, must be scary
it must feel like the world is crashing down, but you are saved by your parachute
it must tear your insides open and make you scream for mercy

i imagine falling in love is like dancing alone in a rose garden, holding hands with the perfectly positioned statues
i imagine it is heavy, like a weight you almost cannot lift, but you manage
it must be fairytale like, almost as if you are captured in a screenplay, so you act in a Hollywood way
it must be light, like floating on top of clouds or touching silk that softens your skin and removes your scars
it must be troubling, having something so momentous happen to you without any sort of control

i imagine falling in love is like staring into someone’s eyes and finding their soul and reaching inside of their eye sockets to pull it out
i imagine it is fruitful, one nudge and it is a cherry blossom tree, evergreen and forever spring
it must be quick witted, it must happen so fast you don’t even notice the difference
it must be rapid, like heart beating in the middle of the night when life creeps up on you
it must be filling, like eating mounds of bread and filling up before the main course arrives
it must be everlasting, the feeling, the rush of a glance shooting straight to the gut, to the heart, to the veins
it must be enveloping, dragging every part of you into its embrace

i imagine falling in love is like smiling in pure silence, feeling your reflexes calm because this is what your body is supposed to do
i imagine it is perfect, perfect in a way that isn’t entirely godlike, but it feels like perfection to such joyful eyes
it must be like leaping and bounding in fresh magnolia fields, erasing the anxiety and the pressure of society, just so you can be free and flap your hummingbird wings
it must be like finding home and never feeling lost ever again
no matter the circumstance
love: the antidote to every disease

newborn Mar 2022
i saw the last ray of sunlight hit his back
as if pleading for him not to go
but if you truly, fully, and wholeheartedly love someone
let them walk away freely
just watch them turn back and wave
goodbye is better than no answer
we’ll meet again someday
stop- i’m soft

Mar 2022 · 3
newborn Mar 2022
i find it odd how the most well known love story is a tragedy
i wonder why i ever thought it could work for me
thx Shakespeare
Mar 2022 · 11
newborn Mar 2022
i looked up at the depressed sky
and i saw her children
the stars
they cried with her
and they sparkled as they did
i watched in silence
i felt at home
even as a tiny being
on a tiny planet
in a massive universe
and when i sit in my room
in the dead still night
alone and empty
i look out of my window
at the glowing sky
the stars are crying tears for me
i guess i am not as lonely
as i thought i was
basic title but ***** it.

sooo i think we can all agree that the sky gives us comfort. we can recognize how small we are in this humongous universe. such a hauntingly beautiful perspective. such a humbling moment. anyway, hope you enjoyed :D
Mar 2022 · 15
the kids my age
newborn Mar 2022
they are all in love
they have all been touched
but i stand here alone, with my soaking wet socks
unlovable, unloved

come on, i am fifteen
i should have had a boyfriend by now
but no, i am alone
and i am sick of wanting happiness for myself
in a teenage boy who would probably want something more out of me

i am not like the kids my age
they can turn their shoulder and be kissed
i haven’t even experienced that sensation yet
i haven’t even had a boyfriend
again, another hopeless romantic hopeless yet hopeful “poem”

Mar 2022 · 24
newborn Mar 2022
sometimes i write to no one
nobody is filling the void deep in my soul
so i make up fantasy men to take up the space
to fill in the cracks with their vibrant smiles
cheekbones accentuated
i instruct these prosthetics to heat my freezing
cold heart
stuck in a plain old reverie with kisses and children dancing in a ballroom
these fake and imagined life forms leave behind a vestige of fantastical beauties
these creations are flowing like water in secret caverns
dancing around my empty body
healing my blemishes but they still return to the creations’ surprise
they lift my limp limbs and lower me over the ancient greek pond
letting me drink the rich and luscious stream
filling my body with water, weighing me down
more mass and a bigger center of gravity
btw i am almost dead by the time they finish these rituals
these fantasy men care for me day in and day out, but they are sculpted from my mind
not real, this is not reality
they make me feel “happier” and “fuller” in my eyes but i know this is all a façade
naked and no one shall know
that the girl who waits here for fantastical sculptures to touch her and clothe her is a deep and dark disappointment
some say, “what an ingrate.”
some don’t even bother to care
nobody truly cares
and i figured this out many months ago
i am finally letting go
and as i turn to these creations i have created inside of my head
they blow and dissolve into the wind
therefore i have virtually no one
so i weep into my pruny hands
then draw the conclusion that i will never be loved
at least i know one thing for certain  :/
i want to fall in love. i really just want someone to be my other half. i want to be tied at the hip to someone. chasing rainbows and happiness and fulfilling memories. someone to share moments with and laugh at our own displeasure.  i wanna ache for somebody other than me. i want someone’s compelling fire to burn every inch of my skin. ****** but on fire and engulfed in the flames. let me be with someone. let me heal with someone. let me hold someone. it hurts too much to be alone.

and i wanna stop making up fantasies inside of my delusional mind. i wanna start living and loving in real time.

newborn Mar 2022
how sad the sun must be
he is beautiful and warm
a paradise in the sky
but people can’t look him head on
the sun blinds them
now, may i ask
what’s the purpose for the brightest light in the sky
if no one seems to look up?
sometimes i feel bad for him
Mar 2022 · 4
newborn Mar 2022
today i pondered and wondered if i had actually liked my old school
and right now i don’t wholeheartedly know
the same kids around me
the same stimulants every day
those people were my family
but maybe distant relatives
those people were my rocks
but maybe they couldn’t skip
or maybe i didn’t even try
it felt like heaven compared to this pit of lions
it felt like floating compared to now dying
it hurts
that it might not have worked out the way i
remembered that it had
maybe i was fed poison and forced to cough it back up
throw up into the hands of a burly man
who ate it and finished every last drop of it
maybe at the end of the day
i just feel lost
and i don’t belong
and i absolutely positively hate it
with all of my numb beating heart
what the heck
u were the bully

(Idek if you remember me tehee)

Mar 2022 · 8
nature noises
newborn Mar 2022
the flutes are playing and the wind chimes are chiming. they sound melodious and my spine gets tingles. it is seventy degrees outside. the birds are chirping, singing songs i don’t fully understand, but i can get the gist of it. the lyrics of the lark must be different than the crow. soft, slow, and sensual. the sad heron cackles and caws, after all, she did lose all of her chicks. the terrified and melancholy calls of a mother who couldn’t protect her young. but how would i know about this? maybe the heron just sings to let the hours pass by. maybe the wind chimes chime because it’s in their nature to do so. just like i yawn and sigh because life hurts and breathing is the only thing that truly keeps me alive. oh, trying is so hard.
was listening to an old asian music playlist
it was beautiful and inspired this :)

Mar 2022 · 16
newborn Mar 2022
i talk to my friend on the phone
but i can’t help but wish it was a boy
cause we could sneak out late just to laugh at ourselves
or swing on the swing set and you could catch me midair
but wait, these are fantasies
i will never be loved
by a boy who will wrap me up in his arms
treasure me and tell me i’m one of a kind
and not want my body but long for my soul
yearn for my presence and not for the immodest clothes that i wear
i wish it could be like 1922
when boys were men and girls were women
all of the romances written at that time
were sweet and delicate and dainty and slices of life
whereas now i hate every boy that i see because they like my figure and dislike me
but maybe i’m a rambler
and i have nothing to complain
even so, i’m just as lonely at the end of the day
i wish there was someone who would be my umbrella in the rain
but those boys are so scarce nowadays
i fear they’ve gone away
i’m waiting for the day we are all monsters
not waiting for the day when i find a 60 degree day love
in between my polyester sheets
when we both wake up
and we are just in peace
do you ever get so sick of waiting that you turn to stone?
your bones aren’t yours anymore cause you let someone else borrow them
ugh, life is so unfair

Mar 2022 · 27
kind of love
newborn Mar 2022
i want a fire escape love
i want a “feels like i’m in space” love
i want a looking around every crowd to see your sweat dribbled face love
i want a kiss in your car love
i want a hold passionately in the dark love
i want an “aim at your heart cause i know where you are” love
i want a forgiving love
i want a long living love
i want a “shower you in kisses cause this is what i’m giving” love
i want a meadow runner love
i want a midsummer love
i want a “lay in a field of flowers with the sky above, us under” love
i want a fully encapsulated love
i want a “you make me exasperated” love
i want a never cause arguments or leave me aggravated love
i want a strong love
i want a hold me while i’m crying hard love
i want a never let the sadness get too far love
i want a peaceful love
i want a hand that removes the letal love
i want a “give me medicine so i don’t become feeble” love
i want a free love
i want a frolic on the beach love
i want an “end of the week it’s you i want to see” love
and i want an everlasting love
i want a light up the shadows that are casting love
i want an “end of a disaster it’s you and i that are going to be lasting” love

i want you, love
i want you, love

newborn Mar 2022
i met Good
oh, she was a beauty
she was so perfect, everything almost felt rehearsed
she sat down beside me, and handed me a cup of tea
and complimented the shirt i was cautious about wearing in fear of seeming unprofessional
her voice was smooth like silk
and her laugh was sweet like cotton candy and jolly like Santa Claus
she only told me fabulous news
news about how much she loved the world and how many people provided her joy
how a kindhearted gentleman saved a baby deer from a rabid bear
and she spoke with such eloquence that i couldn’t help but listen attentively
and i smiled
and smiled
the whole time we held the engaging conversation
when she and i bid our goodbyes, she kissed me on both cheeks and said i had beautiful decadently smelling hair
i smiled again for good measure
then i left

i met Evil
he grimaced as soon as he saw me
he seemed alarmed that someone wanted to have a word with him
i sat down without speaking and i let him start things off
he glared at me with discontent and didn’t crack a smile once
his judgy eyes shone on me and i felt insecure and confused
his voice was raspy and it sounded like he smoked frequently
his lips would curl up in disgust if i looked at him strangely, so i just watched the water bubble and churn in my cup
his body language showed malicious intent
but his eyes had some kind of spark in them
a light, a blue/violet light that overshadowed the deep dark brown eyes he bore
underneath it all, i am pretty sure Evil is just misunderstood
he isn’t all bad sometimes
he isn’t loving the bloodbath twenty four seven
so once i got up and whispered in his ear
“you aren’t all what you are cracked out to be, so just put the beating and stabbing devices away please.”
and i left without looking back

i met Indifference
now he was a doozy
he was nervous and shaky
it was painfully obvious, but i overlooked it
he half smiled sometimes
fake smiled to make me feel validated after i told a few icebreaking jokes
but sometimes he would watch me with a scornful face
so i fixed my posture and stopped conversing for a while, then began again
he never gave me an opinion or a complete response
it would always be “maybe,” “only time can tell,” and “i don’t really know.”
the vagueness of his disdainful answers fascinated me
how can someone remain neutral about everything?
he wasn’t at all like anyone i had ever met
his face was always neutral
his reactions never negative nor positive
and he showed confusion when i said things that were too passionate or too far sided
so i asked him a quick question
“what do you think is the right way? Evil or Good?”
his eyelids quivered and he shrugged with little effort or desire
“i don’t know.
i think we are all evil and good in our own ways.
you may think a rabbit is good by eating grass, but you are bad for eating animals, another living organism.
evil cannot be defined by bad where as good cannot be defined as the only way.
we are all mixtures of both.
therefore, that is why i am Indifferent.
i choose to be everything
and after all, good comes from wanting to be loved and valued in society, whilst evil mostly comes from being misunderstood and i am none of the sort.”
if i met everyone on this planet, i bet no one would be exactly good or evil.
we are all indifferent

Mar 2022 · 12
newborn Mar 2022
i’ve wanted to fly
ever since i was a little kid
but i never realized that if i could i would be the center of attention
i could be taken advantage
i am so exhausted of being the highlighted
on a planet i never wanted to be associated with
now, i would like to be invisible
the shrugs and shoulders that would bump me on my way to class
but i wouldn’t mind that
the cloak of protection from the deadly weapons and teeth that all strangers bear
free and safe from the paranormal stares from the ghosts that have occupied my mind for years
walking alone
with no one to hurt
what can be bad about that?
i know outgoing never suited me well
i know being noticed was awkward never swell
and i know in the bones of the people i know
that they want me gone
so i will do them all a favor
and become invisible
i know for a fact that no one would notice i had disappeared
they would all forget what i looked like while i would watch them with sorrowful eyes
sipping soda
sitting sophisticatedly
as the bokeh lights blur even more
drowning in the silent whispers and the drool made by my tongue from trying to make sounds
invisibility would hurt me
but not as much as the brush to the side hair clippings falling
from me
parts of me are crashing and dying ever so slowly
but they still are
i’ve always wanted to be invisible therefore i could ruin my own life, but not even come close to affecting others
a burden, would be the official definition, and i fit it like a glove
hiding away never seemed to hurt anyone
disappearing is mostly for humanity’s greater good
so no, i don’t wanna fly like a pelican in the florida sky
i am not made for that elegant flight type of life
my roots were made in the sewers
muck, murk, and waste
deep down below, i always knew no one loved me
i just wanted to prove myself wrong
prove to the world that i wasn’t just a detriment stepping into all the puddles
but it turns out i am
i have always been a detriment
shielding myself with an arm that didn’t deflect any enemies or spiders  
climbing into my skull
and claiming it as their own
invisible so nobody can see me get eaten alive by the monsters under my bed
chewed strategically by the monsters that dictate my head
i honestly think i was God’s mistake
and He regrets placing me on the earth now
clutching his fingers and almost cursing watching the security camera footage of me
but that’s enough!
i wanna be invisible
harming my own personal self on the inside
nobody knows
nobody wants to know
but i can’t care or say anything because i am invisible
melting away
as dust scatters off of me
gone with the flush of a last tear
a tree fell down in the woods
and no one was around to hear it
so it didn’t even make a sound.
i thought i was ok
newborn Feb 2022
i wail
but maybe you can’t hear me over the screeching of the boat engines and the crashing of the waves
i wail
it pains me so badly that you can’t hear me in the air or in the flowers that fill the wind
i wail
desolate creature is unknown, her voice is lonely and can be mistaken for a lone wolf in the dense woods
i wail
but i think this is the last sound i am going to make
no one can hear me
maybe i should just scream louder or

Feb 2022 · 18
newborn Feb 2022
my innocence floated away in fourth grade
when all my classmates grew up and it petrified me.
the world has ruined my bones, has ruined the soil where i planted my first milkweed for the monarch butterflies
we have all been destroyed
we just don't realize
or maybe we do, we just shower and bask in it.  
every soul is so uncouth and the world now stings more than the crack of the whip.
termites are crawling inside our mouths
moths are being inhaled through our nostrils.
when i was nine, everything had a clear answer and i was always happy
but now that my innocence has been scraped from the bark of a crabapple tree
i am so bewildered and i can’t find any sanctuary and life is so unendurable.
restore my patient calm and timid mind
i loathe this planet and this wicked institutionalized harbor where i now have to spend my days
all because i lost my innocence in fourth grade
Feb 2022 · 17
newborn Feb 2022
only true poets listen to the voices in their heads
Kinda true...

Feb 2022 · 15
newborn Feb 2022
now i am doubting that i will see you
it seems way way too good to be true
march third is too close
i could wear it like a scarf
i thought i wanted to see your dim lit face
but now i am nervous
and i am stapling my fingers
anticipating everything
escalating the situation

ever been anxious about seeing someone you’ve known for ten years before?
well, i am
and you might not even be there
might not want to waste your time on such time consuming activities
i wouldn’t blame you
i have never been interesting let alone stand alone material

now i am contemplating and overthinking
why can’t i just stop torturing myself?
this is getting out of hand
this is over some stupid reunion
this is getting so overwhelmingly nerve-racking
and it’s wailing so loud
like a siren in the sea
that you wouldn’t want to die for
or get eaten alive by
it’s so excruciating
the pain i feel when i relapse
and when i fixate on the silly things

that isn’t a request
that is a demand
a constant reminder that i am spiraling
and that you will never help.
and that i will never regain my strength
to climb up the steep mountain

i am so serious this time
the days are getting longer
and you are getting farther away from me
please help.
especially since this is all because i am worried that you might not come
show up and look me in the eyes
or wonder what i am doing on such a perplexing thursday night

now i am doubting that you will even show
so i am lining this heart of mine with barricades so no foreigner can get inside
come if you can
if you have the time
but i won’t cry
if you only stay for a little while
just stay.
a continuation of thought i should tell you this before march third
cause you might not come
uh oh

newborn Feb 2022
i hate the sun


maybe it’s because i am never truly fully happy
or because i don’t want my ***** pale and wretched skin illuminated in the light for everyone and their mother to see
maybe because the sun shined when i was having a crisis and now i resent his rays
or because the sun is gorgeous and i am not and jealousy can eat someone alive
i am sick of watching the sun rise and fall almost every single day
only a few clouds bid me goodnight
maybe that’s why i find comfort in the gray and the gloom
because i can hide in the cracks and crevices and in the light from the moon
i hate the sun because he understands how much i despise him and yet he still returns over and over again
my family say that i sound crazy
sound like a vampire or something
i just retreat and retreat
the sun shouldn’t follow me shouldn’t define me shouldn’t label me depressed for hating the extra light
but i will still hate the brightness of the sun no matter what
what the heck

Feb 2022 · 13
water, i envy you
newborn Feb 2022
why can’t i be as pretty and translucent as water?
the little tiny ripples
the mistakes
the errors- they are beautiful

when i am worried
the tears fall out of my eye sockets
the only part of me
that i find admirable

water, why can’t i be exactly like you?
melting into different shapes
and sizes
shimmering in the strawberry light?

why can’t i be as beautiful?
the water dripped off her hands
and she sighed
because she has never been that sleek and wonderful
in her life
newborn Feb 2022
apparently the opposite of love is fear
so why do you think running away from him skittishly after he burned you
means he loves you?
Feb 2022 · 8
traces of me in you
newborn Feb 2022
my tears could be your tears
          ever so s

                        ­                      different but not
                                              quite noticeable

my tears could be
a part
of the rain
d r i z z l i n g
onto your

                       a             e
                                                  my struggles
                                                  could­ transfer
                                                  to yours
                      through the w
                 ­                           t
                               c y c l  e
   ­       we aren’t so different
          after a
This was sooooo tedious

newborn Feb 2022
if you were such a great writer
you wouldn’t lose hope
a great writer would sculpt skies and seas and escapes
a great writer would use the pen to scribble the world without its worst mistakes

but then i wonder
should a writer
make things up
to make them feel better
or should they embrace
the demonic future
and confront it even through the danger?

what does it take to be a good writer?
i am not a real poet
so i just call myself a writer
not a good one
just a writer

newborn Feb 2022
firstly: i know one hundred and fifty percent that i will blush when i see your face after all these years. my smile will morph into a full face frenzy of happiness. and i will definitely hide behind my friend that i see basically every single day. sorry, you always brought out my nerves
secondly: i miss you and i have missed you so incredibly much ever since you left and i left too. i don’t want to admit that unless you read my poetry one day, which i might end up giving you the username and you’ll read every poem i have ever written, you will never know what i truly feel about you. breach of privacy, but it’s for you. cause i wrote almost every time i missed you and i tried to summon you as if you would appear outside of my window, throwing rocks, waking me up in the middle of the still night. maybe you don’t miss me?
thirdly: i will struggle making conversation with you. i was always horrible at doing that before, but now it’s gonna be even worse. you will laugh and say i am being awkward and then i will laugh to try to cover the awkward, but it will always creep around the corners where i reside. i am hoping it can be just like before without any hesitation
fourthly: i am gonna show up to impress, probably in ripped jeans that show off my thighs. maybe you will be encapsulated by my features and maybe ask for my number that you never got. who am i kidding? from you stemmed my worst insecurities and the nights when i sobbed the loudest in the pouring rain. but i will still put my heart and my body out on the line, ready for objection and rejection of all kinds. maybe this time you will call me “pretty” or “pleasing.”
and lastly: life hasn’t been the same since i have seen you. i am afraid that i will act differently than you have been expecting. a different girl from a different world in a different form. don’t judge me for shifting my personality to fit in. whatever, as long as you say hi and we all have great recollections of such fantastic memories, i think it will all be ok. in the end, i am the only one who can control what i do and how i speak. i just can’t wait to see you and everyone else. and read my poems :D
I don’t think I’m ready

P.S- it got postponed:’(

newborn Feb 2022
you could say i’ve been dreaming since march of 2020
cause nothing feels like reality anymore
i have pinched myself and my scaly skin
i never seem to wake up
which means maybe i am not caught in a dream
or a nightmare of a landslide
i am walking like a zombie in limbo
clomping slowly, pondering whether to go
or to tumble down the cliffside
i can’t remember life before this
cascade of emotions

death to the dreamer
she left so long ago
she tumbled down the cliffside
now she can’t even say hello.
March 2020-
when i lost all hope in society
social anxiety
Feb 2022 · 36
newborn Feb 2022
jupiter, dear
i love you for not letting the hormones in your body control your every move
the raging ocean and cascading waterfalls
dripping from your supposed emotionless hands.
you have different chromosomes than me
and you dance and i sit and you prance and i try to live
jupiter, dear
i don’t hate you for your chemical reactions
or the way you are so stupidly attractive
to me.
i will never know what it’s like to be exactly like you
strung on bodies and sunlit shapes
feeling around your out of body experience.
drunk on hazel eyes and i am tipsy off sweet conversation
ripping and passionate in the nighttime
and i am teasing and tumbling with somebody as pastel as the moonlight.
but i can’t plague you for the corruption of humankind
you aren’t a silk butterfly but at least you can fly
jupiter, dear
just because you have a different chromosome than i
doesn’t mean anything about who you are inside
i love men.
and that’s on period.

(not a pick me)
Feb 2022 · 49
newborn Feb 2022
love ain’t pretty
but i am not looking for a hospital without blood
Feb 2022 · 13
love letter to my body
newborn Feb 2022
i love my body
my waist that isn’t the slimmest
but it’s doing the job
my lips aren’t the fullest
but they can taste
i admit i used to hate my legs
i despised the way they fell together
no thigh gap
plump in the mirror and through my judgmental eyes
but i had body dysmorphia
and she was so cruel to me
hitting me and shaming me for every little crease and imperfection on my body
she obsessed and i listened
and i cried and i watched myself twenty four seven
but now my legs are powerful
they could take down anyone
they’ve got a mind of their own
idk when i started loving every swoop and curve and turn my body took
i still think my stomach is too fat
it’s not flat enough
and i would and still **** in to create an effect as if i didn’t eat the two burgers
that i only ate one
but i know i shouldn’t be perfect
i should be human, after all
but how am i supposed to adore the parts of my stomach that don’t look like other womens’ do?
eat less, don’t bloat, stop drinking or you’ll float
i don’t take that type of criticism anymore
my body ain’t perfect
not even a bit
but i am human
what’s wrong with it?
cause it’s a built in truth teller
i won’t let any man stick around who doesn’t beg at my feet
and touch my body as if it were blessed by God
who doesn’t dream of tracing every edge of me and doesn’t say i’m pretty
he better wanna explore every part and dive in deep
love me in my rawest form, beautifully
i will leave him if he uses me for my body
i will love him if he waits for me
you know a body is just a outer wall
for the goopiness and strength of ones heart
so i will love my body
because it is a part of me
and not obsess over it
because it doesn’t matter at all to me
Wrote this 1/30/22

It’s been forever since I didn’t care what anyone thought about my body or how I looked and right now i feel quite confident about myself. I never think I’m fat anymore.

and if any person tells you to change your body or that you are too ugly just tell them that you aren’t perfect but you try and that they will never be good enough for you, because any person who has the guts to call you ugly or too fat when you look like a stick isn’t worth a single moment of your time.

That’s all, I think I love my body now. i am pretty sure. whatever. if that isn’t true, that is the reason for this poem yourself :}

edit- i hate everything about my body 8/8/22
Feb 2022 · 55
newborn Feb 2022
ice is sharp and cold and you don’t wanna get frostbite during the winter months
i never wanted to step on the cracks
i never wanted to fall in so deep
painfully sobbing and at the very edge of drowning
i never wanted to get hypothermia from my fatal accident
i only wanted to step over the cracks
and return safely to the promised land of warm beds and train tracks
i hate being so anxious at school
just let me run away
in the cornfields
high off of my giddy steps
newborn Feb 2022
you say you don’t love him anymore
yet you always blush and turn pink when he’s around
you get giddy and you tell me to do things
and if i refuse, you speed walk in the other direction
you still have a bonfire buried deep inside those smoking lungs
your soul keeps gathering sticks
your heart keeps lighting matches
inflaming and heating up the blazes of the man-eating fire
you say you don’t love him anymore
but he still affects your ethereal smile
he still changes your attitude
and you will never not love him
so stop lying to yourself
and stop letting him capture your mood
and put it in a russian doll
layers upon layers
without discovering the truth
you say you don’t love him anymore
but i know you still do
Inspired by some random poem on this website
You ain’t over him
Whoever “you” are

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