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Aug 2016 · 5.3k
At Arm’s Length (10w)
Justin G Aug 2016
I am  
far too weak
to help carry  
your pain.
Jun 2016 · 12.6k
I Said..
Justin G Jun 2016
Despite the heart which is froze
Hatred runs fluidly
Like the water in shattered glass
Like the blood in broken bones
Like the flames in our homes    
This hatred
It speaks to me
Like drugs to an addict

When it tells me to shoot
                                         I relapse and
                                       aim for the sky

I said..
In spite of my own humility
Hatred runs deeply
Like the roots beneath the dirt
Like the pain beyond the hurt
Like this poem before your eyes

I despise 
                Way too many lies
                And so little truth

I said..
I hate beautiful  
It cripples me deeply  
For you are my pity
My pain and their pleasure

When I am high
                           I'll collapse and fall
                        Far from this place
                        Of rotten bliss

I said..
Look at me        
Blood misrepresents me    
For I am cut differently
This pain isn't felt
Like the emptiness
Residing in your cup
It is felt
Like a toxic
Living inside the gut
Like these words
Traveling directly
Towards the stomach

I mean..
             Although this addiction kills me
           Hatred is also the remedy
          It is all I need to truly appreciate
          The little love I have left.
May 2016 · 934
Justin G May 2016
Within the eyes of the beholder
Another curtain closes
Behind closed doors
Apathy is closest
To the heart
I am but blind
And yet still able to lead
If we followed you
We all would eventually bleed
Can't you see there's pain
Behind those knives
Stuck in your back?
You are stuck behind
A pathetic dream
And a guilty pleasure
How could you put them first?
I should pity the sight
But I'm too embarrassed to look
And too embarrassed to plea
Trash or treasure
You must rid yourself from it
It is cracked from the head
And yet it is you who fell
It's been dead for years
And yet you refuse to bury it
I'm through dragging this corpse
I can no longer bear the stench
May I be equally absent
As I am equally blind to you
Justin G Feb 2016
Most people live for love
But some of us live because of it

Such unforgivable forgetfulness
Lost within potential photos
Preoccupied and overly abrasive
Harmless yet persuasively implicit
These eyes are speechless
But explicitly dying to speak
A picture so perfect for lust
A thousand words
Just isn't enough
Deeply indebted
With every glance
  Too perplexed by color  
  How none of it belongs  
  Another illustrated nightmare   
Where sleep is prolonged
Where the sick plans
To escape with the thought
Trapped inside the mind
So adolescent
Oh picture the heartache
Rejoicing over a carcass
Still standing
And rapturing moments
We all long to feel
This winter shiver
So sicken from cold feet
An undying hunger
For butterfly soup
What worthy time to be alive
Clearly sold on the vision
Never too hasty to cover
This lover isn't blind  
But envisioned
May we all fall victim
To the photos
We aren't viable to find
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
Justin G Dec 2015
He spoke it all into existence and now he dreadfully merits his quiet.

Words do nothing for me
He quietly echoes
They leave him lost
Like dismayed homes       
You cannot heed him 
For he is the silence
Which reeks of ire
Do not try and plead him
For your abjection
Is his sole desire
In opposition to the will
He held her hands
Like a broken clock
No time for compromise
No time to stop
Words are nothing to you
He loudly utters
Words are everything to me
She struggles to mutter
Intrusion proceeds
Denuding her garden
Walls shadow
A penalizing truth
He cannot be pardon.
Nov 2015 · 1.9k
A Thirst for Eternity
Justin G Nov 2015
Whispering eyes
You tell me no lies
  You speak my absence
You know my truth
I'm dying to be inspired
I long to see what you see
  I need you immensely
Like education
  Teach me your liberty
I want to be enabled like rain
Release me from cloudy skies
  Quiet my thundering blue

Your tranquil breath
    Envelop all of me
   Your heavenly touch
Soothes the beats of my heart
  I crave for solace
In your wings of warmth
  Take me with you
Into the deep serene
  Engulf me with  
Your duvet of love*

My lunar eclipse
  With shivering lips
What you sung above
Leave me lost for words
  I search from within
Just beneath my skin
  I discover a gift
A sanctuary of roses
Volcanic in nature
Your presence erupts
  A scent of divinity
May you clip these wings
  Only here with you
Is where I rather be

Let us soar
As the empyreal embosom
  Beyond the universe
Outside the realm of
   Embracing the seclusion
Trunks of our hearts entwined
   They beat as one
Without qualms
Exhaling carefree
Slowly sipping eternity

Justin G
This is exceedingly brilliant
Special thanks to the most
Sensational wonder,
Miss Lady Eudora!
I couldn't have done it
without you.
: )
Nov 2015 · 12.1k
I Am..
Justin G Nov 2015
I do not identify myself as a black american
I do not identify myself as an activist
I do not identify myself
As anything other than what I am
Do not arbitrate my existence
It will only magnify your bigotry
Do not lecture me
It will not ratify your ministry
Do not objectify my identity
Do not marginalize my sincerity
I know your criticism
It will not dwindle me
I am defiantly deaf to it
It will not compute
Trust me
It will only intensify
What I occupy
Do not subject me to anomaly
Do not try and direct me
I will not comply
Do not concern yourself
with my essentiality
I am not lost
Do not concern yourself
With what defines me
Just ask
If I am willing and able.
Justin G Nov 2015
I need you to know the severity of the first three words of this sentence and how the last of the three represent my felicity.

I am captivated
by your existence
So humbled by the thought
I'd probably exchange
all my better days
Just to spend my worst
few minutes with you
~ ~~~~ ~~~
I dreamt of basking
unclothed in a garden
Listening to snakes
Eating forbidden fruit
reluctantly giving in
to my thirst
I hear a voice
~ ~~~~ ~~~
In your presence
I am speechless
A humiliating truth
I rest for hope  
but truth be told
I'm sick of dreams
Help me speak you
into existence   
So we could Ioan
each other hugs
And hershey kisses.
~ ~~~~ ~~~
Learn to Love Me
Oct 2015 · 4.4k
Secular Benevolence
Justin G Oct 2015
Man developed pens
for the pensive

when they write
they relieve themselves
from everything wrong

**- JG
My analogue of Mike Essig's fantastic daily "Divine Generosity."
Sep 2015 · 2.2k
Justin G Sep 2015
Behind all his smiles and silly gestures
He longs to walk a thousand miles away
He desires to escape from everyday
No more small talk
Or large gatherings
The curtain has CLOSED
A contemporary task.

In the eyes of the crowd
All they see is the proud facade
Entertainment is important
And all they care about
Forgetting the person
behind the PERSONA
a temporary mask.

As his mask fades
Rabbits shift
into sparrows
No light at the end
Only cued applauds
Some flowers
And skewed imagery
An exemplary stage.

Disappearing into the night
Unmasking the illusions he conjured.
The sinking reality comes back
Silence echoes his longing…
A price to pay of the famed gift
Hoping this will be his last...


Justin G / **Pax
A special collaboration with the one and only Pax. Thanks for this major contribution.
Sep 2015 · 820
Justin G Sep 2015
I desire to be close
So I bury myself
Like a flower
Hoping for rain
To quinch this thirst
And nourish this skin
Encircled by lustre
A world so bright
  Beckoned by existence
    Such wondrous delight   
I can't help  
But feel overshadowed
And overlooked
Stuck in the dirt
I struggle to escape
From worms
And strong roots
These old lingering boots
No longer hoping for rain
I wish only to be plucked
Felt and Smelt
Just before the pain
That stems from sorrow
Which grieves the leaves
Of yesterday.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Justin G Aug 2015
I love my space
So I keep my distance
Like stars above
I am strictly meant
To be marveled
Never to be touched
Keep your hands
To yourself
Don't try and reach
Leaping is fruitless
I meditate
Among darkness
But I am
Exceptionally bright
If you dare come close
I will undoubtedly blind you
Like boarded windows
No sight for the soul
No scythe
For those who reap
I am cold
But like a comet
I'll eventually fall
Slipping downward
Into the void
Such lost of power
A magnificent plight
But until then
I will pocket my distance
And know full well
Never to trade
This place
For anything
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
Bad Company
Justin G Aug 2015
I left her room for improvement, but then she occupied it with other people's shoes as if any of them could ever suit her. The company she keeps wage minimally. They place their bets where she places her rest. I placed my bet where she places her plate. She knows exactly what I brought to the table, but yet she is in bed with them? Business partners she says? Well then that's just bad company and this is precisely why...

I left...
Jul 2015 · 2.0k
Justin G Jul 2015
I've been meaning to write you, but my words are all too stuck in their ways. They wish to be spoken and long to be felt, but to be honest they all lack virtue. All they can do now is hurt you.

Drenched in dopamine
These words swim within
Gasping for air  
They plead for solace
In the jungle of thought  
They inhale agony
And exhale apathy  
They are jaded implicitly
These words
I secretly imprisoned
Still inconvenience me
They ******* my heart
Despite their innocence
I can not trust them
Hence my silence
Hence the look in my eyes
My stomach was weak
I saw novelty in every lie
But to be honest  
I been meaning to ask
Is it too late for us?
April 19th, 2012
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
The Sole Survivor
Justin G Jun 2015
In this world plagued in darkness
A humble Valkyrie of light emerges
Her voice echoes an unequivocal faith
She is the personification of embrace
A symbolic heart for all that is broken
A soul who keeps running her course
Where ever she leaps
Hope persistently follows
It is her grace and joy that won us all
But how she survived those battles
Is a truth only she could speak
As she generously weeps
Billions of stars from afar
Which all resemble her
Eloquent poems
In which they were born
To uplift each spirit and kept
To remain true
A tribute of appreciation to one of Hello Poetry's many greats.
Jun 2015 · 3.5k
No Fair! You Cheated
Justin G Jun 2015
When she hid
I went out to look for her
I did not feel like playing
But she swore I was joking

All I wanted was for her to stay
But it's only a game
It's only a game
Is what she would often say
But if only she knew how lonely I felt
Then maybe she wouldn't think the same

By the time I found her
She went skinny dipping
Despite knowing I couldn't swim
She still pulled me in
She called me marco
But I was too busy choking
She laughed at me
When I thought she'll rescue me
But instead she left
And unfortunately I was right

I didn't drown
but when I awoke
I frowned because
She was playing tag
With other men

I guess this is it
Jun 2015 · 778
Never Look For Me
Justin G Jun 2015
If you do not
know who I am
Do not look for me

I won't be meditating far out within the
Great Mountains of Mount Meru

You won't find me
At the top of a hourglass,
Nor will I be groomed in all black

I will smell of albacore
drenched in blood
and anguish
Kissing wingless
pigeons with one eye

I will be beneath
frozen pillars
amongst phantom

If you are still oblivious to my identity
Please don't hesitate to walk away from me
I will soon be buried elsewhere
under the Sahara Desert
In a tomb made from fire & brimstone

Better yet

I will be eaten alive in a dark forest
either by wolves, or devoured by snakes
under decomposed trees left to transpose

But if you truly have forgotten
Who I am?
Pay me no mind

I will be below land
drowning in the harsh seas of iceland
I will be starved with unspeakable scars
thorned from head to toe

I will be ****** into a black hole
deep within outer space
brutally beaten by asteroids in light speed
You won't find me desperately searching or striving
You will simply live on
Without me as if my
love never existed
This is a dark counterpart to my old poem
Look For Me
May 2015 · 580
Too Little Time
Justin G May 2015
Too much poetry
So many lines
A bunch of words
Too little time

Confused by the lies
She yells out only in writing
Pouring out her pain  
It rains storms and lightning

Cold showers for a dead flower
Hearts lost in this tug of war
She wants what she wants
So she gets what she gets

It all comes full circle
Remember this is a story of wits
Her poetry is deep
Defined by a lover

In a pool full of lnk
Squids blind each other
She finds discomfort in solitude
So she rooms his attitude

Lonely nights soon forgotten
Sublime to the stars
Its light ignited compassion
Redefined by her scars

I heard it all and read it all
She lives just across the hall
Red coated kisses
Caught him red handed

Where he falls on his knees
Every tear wasted
When yes slips from her lips
Yet another slit on her wrist

The towering love of a child
Ruined by mistreated wounds
Before it even reached the moon
Her power breached a tomb
Time is not treatment
It is cruelty
We get just enough to live
But not enough to learn
Justin G May 2015
I swear this life isn't worth it
as I lock on to my targets
I shoot robustly
unhumbly tarnishing
all ties and bridges
from scratch
These hands built
They hate work
They rapidly fire
every employer
for every bruise
then it clicked
wanted for innocence
a dream of making a killing
The unheavenly seeks depth
In solitude
bodies flop  
buildings drop
They all fall
before me
one by one
As I reform these fingers
the larger one stands alone
rebirth these hands of glory
for I am a man of stone
May 2015 · 1.4k
Deceased Sympathy II
Justin G May 2015
No rest
for a lost boy
he knows no bounds

A journey he embarks
What he seeks
is yet found

A premature hatred
Like ******
He pukes
from stomach

For weeks
he is weak
For days
he is dazed

Eyes vengefully blazed
bullets flew
grenades blew
Such beautiful lies

of times
No disguising it
This child has lost

A dreadful crime
He executed
right along with his
Another series of 10w stanzas
Apr 2015 · 821
Deceased Sympathy
Justin G Apr 2015
Her Love belated
Like flowers
She only arrived  
for funerals

She would often smother me
but unfortunately
She suffocated first

Fade the last verse
She is not deceased
but jaded

When everyone else died
I cried
Life never felt dissuaded

Erase the eleventh line
nobody died
I just been forgotten

But honestly
They should be less
And more rotten

Because all I ever did
was simply pathetic
And misbegotton
A series of 10w stanzas
Apr 2015 · 803
Landmines in Baltimore
Justin G Apr 2015
History is being made right before us and all you can contribute is contempt? Since when have we all become so polarizing? There has never been a civilization not built on war.

I'm all for mind over matter,
but If all lives matter?
than please respect mine
Show admiration not shame
Because they aren't to blame
It's hard to remain sane and ignore
When every month it rains and it pours
They see looting and dysfunction
I see grouping and discussion
Anger is no way to communicate
But it's the best commute to irate
I'm all for mind over matter
But if all lives matter?
Than I don't care whose
Business you mind
Just as long as you
Don't mind mine.
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Graffiti, Piss, & Spit
Justin G Apr 2015
Lets go for a joy ride
I want to take you on a trip
Straight down enormity
I'm talking grand larceny
You know
A little vandalism
Here and there
I think
It'll be fun
To raid someone's home
Degrade their throne
Take what's theirs
And break their phones
Lets not care for fear
We have no time for tears
Just spit in their face
And tear up the place
Paint the ceilings red
if you have too
Just don't forget
To spray the walls
Along with each door
Because we can't leave any
We're still going to need a few
Graves to **** on
My crack at the crimespree challenge.
Apr 2015 · 800
Ace of Spades
Justin G Apr 2015
Every card I was dealt said bad decision, so how can anyone expect me not to draw? I will shoot and aim higher with phenomenal precision even if it means a bullet lands in your head.

I'm through playing games,
I'm through listening
Everyone likes to hear themselves talk
But we all know money walks the walk
Too many followers mimicking;
Too many followers tweeting
All birds
No bees
They sees where I reside
All rhythm and blues
You snooze?
You lose
We play for keeps
But yet every card
I was dealt
Said bad decision
I wonder what it'll take
For one of us
To gain some vision.
Justin G Mar 2015
Ignore the mind
Too difficult              
To confide
Too much        
Story telling
Misguided intention  
An age old conviction   
Too ill intended       
   Pitiful thoughts  
Plentiful lost
Death toll enthralled
Each skill was killed
No depth            
Nor sound
No gold             
All sold  
They're teasing me  
I've lost space                    
Came in last place         
Everything stolen
I'm feeling squeezed
I'm losing it        
Mistook it for empathy 
It kept misusing me           
The sweetest of symphonies     
  The smell of fresh failure       
Everything freshly faked  
What a Life                   
A piece of cake    
   Nothing decisive       
Existence is strife
Collecting undeserving data
Nihility is unadulteration  
   The purest form of freedom
No water for family trees    
   No soil for plants or seeds
Too much abused energy   
       To be is transient
Evoking unfulfillment
Provokingly altering
All reality conflicting
A deep sea of dreams  
Why be?            
When being    
Always falls
... ... ...
     ... ... ...

A poem for me?
Why me? 
I'm not one to be
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Be (A Poem for you)
Justin G Feb 2015
Listen to your heart
Don't hide from the art
Play to win
Be smart
Escape from fear
Be willing to steer
Speak your truth  
Be clear as the skies
Don't expect to be empathized
Be resilient
Reject being chastised
Don't accept their lies
Make an exception
To be free
Even if you aren't
Like a tree
Be brilliant
Be available
Listen to the wind
Become reliable within
Respect your mind
Love yourself
Don't rest until
You know it's true

This poem is for you
Justin G Feb 2015
Despicability is the foundation to their life
For them it is intrinsic
Genetically encoded
Poetically eroded
Reprehensible at best

     Unscrupulously callous
     Secrets and facts, they conveniently
     Distorted byproducts, they release to the
     To aid their campaign; a forked tongue

Pathetic and unapologetic
A beast armed to the teeth
Imported bypasses to increase the flow of police
A weakness and an act,
They so vehemently attest

     Harvesting greens off the branches of
     the people
     Pockets engorged with wads and folds
     Crushing blue collars at the lower levels
     As they sit atop their pyramids of gold

Today they sip champagne
To celebrate their reign
Tonight we'll skip being humane
To feed them excruciating pain

     You've incited this coup with ill-thought
     Now herald the arrival of the scourge
     Down with lopsided governments
     Tonight... All we would topple! Tonight we purge!

Justin G
This truly was an experience. I really enjoyed sending and receiving verses from the one and only amazing ryn. I really got into character with this one, but long story short: **** corruption!  The pen is mightier than the sword
Feb 2015 · 4.1k
If Shadows Could Speak
Justin G Feb 2015
In the light
Shadows are prisoners
And prisoners we are to our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am no prisoner
I am but a listener
I guide the light
and shape
the stars
I am detailed
craftily inked
I am what links
us all

In the darkness
Our shadows are free
And we are free from our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am beyond free
I am everywhere
and omniscient
I shade what most
aren't aware of
I am the protector
The keeper
of all secrets
I am defined
by none

But if shadows could speak
will anyone still feel lonesome?
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
A Long Drive
Justin G Feb 2015
I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
I traveled with a group of four  
In a gray-black jeep

I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
Yeah, we went down that road
We saw the gray skies
I wore the black wool
She dyed the white sheep
She lived a lie once
I lived to die twice

I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
As I close my eyes
I wonder why?
Why must I be a passenger?
Why am I just this bachelor?
Yesterday was my birthday
I just turned twenty-five
What a long long drive
I think I'm finally ready to strive
But however...
I couldn't fall in love
Or fall asleep
So when I dwell
Just beep
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
Nothing New Boulevard
Justin G Jan 2015
In the city that never sleeps
Nobody has time to dream

No one cares for the color scheme
Everybody on these streets are mean
Women over here dress to ****

Yearning for a life to steal
Outrageous trigger happy police
Ruthless, spiteful and rigorous
Kindness comes fatally priced

No time for love or paradise  
Obsessive depression is what's subsidised
Beggars on my train struggle and scuffle
Oblivious oppression lurking
Delirious children deceived  
Yesterday's conception grieved

Craving lust is a must
Ageless shame is  
Rationalized pain
Everyone here idealizes blame
S*erenity is an absentee in this chaotic city
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
A Well Kept Secret
Justin G Jan 2015
I have a confession to make
And it won't be clear  
Or even wise for that matter  
But I was there  

My eyes saw what they saw
I knew they would tear    
And I swore it nothing new  
But no one was near

I saw what I saw
but now I am here
And yet I still wonder
If I'm ever really here  

I guess the skies
were never as clear
At least In this disguise
I am *sincere
There are places in life where I think everyone goes too once in while, but it's the lessons we learn from those places that makes it all worthwhile. Right?

Thank you TGWLY for creating this exciting challenge. It helped me tap into something I haven't felt in quite sometime. Much gratitude.
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Heart Full of Vanity
Justin G Jan 2015
A heart lost in vanity

                                              Will service and suffice
                         My Lack of paradise  

      May all my enemies Die

 From a heart of Envy
                                 May their hopes descend into Despair

         No need for friends or Family

                                All I desire in this world is

    ­                                             &

        ­                     I only require the Finer things
             ­                                      The Shiny things

                  They are the fuel to my


                       They are the *Love
of my life
                 My nutritious Diet

      My everyday Health plan

                My Psychologist
                        They keep my eyes Green

                                        They keep me going

    They keep me Safe

                                                       ­ They keep me Sane.

               ­                             I
                                  ­           T

                       Oh how I have succumbed to it's beauty

             Its Art                                             
  It's Terror  
                              It's Pleasure                        

                                                           Its Life  

                       It's Wonder

                 The sensation it brings me is Unworldly              
                             I had to Devour its taste

             I needed to Sink my teeth

  Into its Succulent


         ­                                          The Honesty 

     ­                                   It Possesses  

                         Is Euphoric in nature. 
                                                 They say I am Addicted
                                                            And Shallow
        But I say they are Conflicted

                                                 ­             Envious

                    And Callow.

                           *A heart full of vanity
                                         Had thee eyes of insanity
This was originally going to be another 10w poem, but I ended up being bombarded with ideas and conjuring up this materialistic and crazed individual. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. : )
Jan 2015 · 1.8k
Justin G Jan 2015
If love was something edible
     What kind of taste would have?
Would it taste sweet, or sour?
  Bitter, or salty?
Would it be an ingredient, or the main dish
Would it be healthy, or unhealthy?
  How much would it cost?
If love was something audible
    What kind of sound would it have?
  Would it sound loud, or soft?
  nasal, or boxy?
  Would it be a song, or an album?
A speech, or a dialogue?
  Where would be the most likely place to hear it?

If love was something tangible**
What kind of mass would it be?
Would it feel wet, or dry?
Airy, or moist?
Would it be heavy, or light?
Painful, or pleasurable?
How useful would it be?

If love was something visible
  What color, or shape would it have?
Would it look like a rose, or a war ship?
A diamond, or a *******?
  Would it resemble the day, or the night?
A bunch of stars, or a few roaches?
If it was a person would you trust it?

If love had a smell
It would probably smell fishy.
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Recipe (konr challenge)
Justin G Jan 2015
What's in his mind?
One cup of labor
Two scoops of pain
Three scoops of lust
Issues with trust
Four cups of distress
One more for the rest
And five milligrams
of pessimism at best

What's in his heart?
One tablespoon of pride
Two teaspoons of shame
A spoonful of ambition
One third expedition
Two-thirds of abolition
A half a cup of absentee
Another half depravity

What's in his soul?
A recipe I have yet to know
This was fun, I hope I did swell. Here's a link for the instructions to this challenge.
Dec 2014 · 557
Rest For Hope
Justin G Dec 2014
What if we had it all wrong?

What if our realities were our abstractions
and our dreams were our true lives?

What if light were nothing more than a sojourner?

What if our universe is engulfed in darkness
is solely meant for us to sleep peacefully?

What merit is there in being awake
When all of our dreams exist

What freedom is there in being woke
When there are

Why see the world when you can dream?
Why seek anything at all from
objective reality?

Why strive for something so transient?
Why even bother?

How could anyone of us comprehend
What is incomprehensible?

This temptation to survive as a collective is daunting.
Sleep well
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
No Equal
Justin G Dec 2014
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Look For Me
Justin G Dec 2014
If you know who I am?
Look for me.

I will be meditating far away deep within the
Great Mountains of Mount Meru.
You will find me
on top of a hourglass, groomed in all black.
You will see me feeding sunflower seeds
to purple winged sheep
that smell of lavender.

If you know who I am?
Please don't hesitate to look for me.
I will be levitating somewhere over the Sahara Desert,
on a carpet made from fire & brimstone.

Better yet!

You will find me drifting off in a rainforest
singing with the wolves, or dancing with snakes,
or even composing with the trees,

But if you truly know who I am?
Pay me a visit.

I will be below land
swimming in the vast seas of Atlantis.
I shall be decorated in golden pearls from head to toe.
I will be above and beyond the clouds, deep in outer space,
dodging asteroids in light speed.
You will find me desperately searching and striving
for a better place to call home
A better place to call my own.
Look For Me.
Dec 2014 · 642
Gentle Life
Justin G Dec 2014
Life is not eternal, but evanescent.
To breathe requires dietary discipline.

Life for me is beseeched, and bestowed.
Actuation requires necessary alleviation.

Life has no preference, interest, nor treatise.
Here lives a ****** who is obsessed with you.

Gentle life, so vibrant, so devourable.
I long to taste, and caress the flesh of fruition.

Life must sustain, and harbor hearts from down below.
My heavy thoughts cry as they tear from head to toe.

Life is thoughtless, inconclusive, and unfortunate.
Too shy, and too pessimistic; too immune to formality.

Life shall enable all settings and allow us access anywhere.
Survival demands travel! Strive, apprehension, and assiduity.

Gentle Life, Gentle Life, Gentle Life,

So miscellaneous and so condensable,
Such undesirable beauty and emptiness,
How challenging it is to convey such love.
Dec 2014 · 7.0k
Endure Thyself
Justin G Dec 2014
I fear thyself
I fear attraction
I fear unfamiliarity
I fear attention
I fear incidence
I fear conversation
I fear interaction
I fear answers
I fear questions
I fear to tell my story
I fear to hear yours
I fear compliance
I fear conflict
I fear benevolence
I fear mutuality
I fear victimisation
I fear change
I fear to love
I fear to hate
I fear significance
I fear insignificance
I fear the lies we tell
I fear the truths we hide
I fear imprisonment
I fear freedom
I fear hope
I fear despair
I fear old age
I fear children
I fear intelligence
I fear ignorance
I fear to take
I fear to give
I fear to borrow
I fear to loan
I fear to exchange
I fear to teach
I fear to learn
I fear to laugh
I fear to cry
I fear to be
I fear not to be
I fear to be afraid
I fear to be brave
I fear to die
I fear to live
I fear discomfort
I fear responsibility
I fear to gain
I fear to lose
I fear victory
I fear defeat
I fear antrophy
I fear hypertrophy
I fear inertia
I fear activity
I fear obedience
I fear disobedience
I fear justice
I fear injustice
I fear totality
I fear poverty
I fear embarrassment
I fear addiction
I fear declamation
I fear guilt
I fear pride
I fear delusion
I fear unfulfillment
I fear my apathy
I fear to be wakeful
I fear to be tired
I fear my capabilities
I fear my incapabilities
I fear my dreams
I fear my nightmares
I fear women
I fear men
I fear being disabled
I fear misinterpretation
I fear misrepresentation
I fear altruism
I fear limitation
I fear to endear
I fear to inspire
I fear to forget
I fear to remember
I fear self doubt
I fear discrimination
I fear starvation
I fear migration
I fear fragility
I fear formality
I fear banality
I fear enticement
I fear cruelty
I fear judgement
I fear to embrace
I endure what I fear
I endure because I must
I endure myself because I fear
Endure thyself
Justin G Dec 2014

I once was a dreamer and a lover of dedication.
There was nothing in my path I couldn't overcome or revolutionize.
I was the practitioner of self indulgence;
the preeminence of gluttony.

I held myself in the highest regards.

Whatever I desired, I made sure to obtain.
Whoever I desired, I made sure to detain.

I was fascinated by my own passion for existence
It was only natural for me to bear hatred for those
who I condemned wasteful and destructive.

Throughout my years on this planet
I desperately and yearningly needed space.

I wanted to be distant like the stars,
so I decided to disconnect myself
from society altogether.


In my own world away from the world I was in
I often found myself counting minuscule grains of sand
left in the hour glass that brutally executed my ancestors.

I have counted approximately eighty six thousand
four hundred and fifty six grains of sand before I realized
how insignificant and meaningless it was to persist.

I asked myself, why must I be so flagrant? Why am I so conflicted between my ability to be sane and in my inability to be inane? How was I to know I would become what I hated most?

I have become wasteful and self destructive.

I wasted so much time in counting the time I had left,
I neglected myself from moments that were essential and nutritious for me to experience and treasure.

I realized how timing and planning aren't always most important.

Sometimes it is better to simply take chances and jump without worrying too much about where we land because it is the memories that we cherish most in thee end.

All fears and boundaries come secondary. They are all subject to change. I learnt to think of them as illusioary variables.


All I ever wanted out of life was to talk and express myself
in a way that will be cogent to everyone.

I wanted to express my deviation in a way that will be supplemental to our everyday life. I urgently felt the need to be ingenuous and indispensable.

I knew it was necessary to be more direct and down to earth,
but my head was too far stuck in the clouds. I was duped into thinking that love was in the air, and all wealth and knowledge were all at the top.

I was naive enough to pilot myself through stromy weather in the high hopes of finding better.

Flying fearlessly reckless I swore I would keep my distance
I swore to reach far beyond the stars, and rock the milky way, but unbeknownst to me I learnt an undisputed truth.
The sky above is truly the limit.

The space I thought I desperately needed ended up being lifeless and unbearable.


I went above and beyond just to be unworldly enough to give you the world, but doing so only left me feeling alienated. I was too blinded to see the rocket I flew was built with infatuation.  

I misconceptionally thought love was the highest power,
but in actuality it is the most deepest.

The sound of rain and thunder deafened me from sound advice and good judgment. Reality struck me out of the skies above,
and harshly colluded me against the cold deep blue sea
where I struggled to survive and failed to overcome.

The aphotic pressure below was far too much for me to endure alone.

My strength hasn't quite recovered from the impact of the collision. I tried to recall how I gotten myself into this predicament, but the only thing I could remember was me searching for something. I was too weak to move, too weak to admit defeat. Nothing made much sense to me anymore.


I was told our lives flash before us just before the moment of our demise, but it wasn't long before my confidence along with my dignity were instantly crushed. My eyes widen when my heart shattered.

My voice sealed shut by the suffocation of silence.

I had no memories to cherish, and had no one to save me. I had no one to breathe life back into me. It was all elusive and reclusive. I had fallen from the skies and crushed deep into the sea where it swallowed me whole.

My mind locked away in a book of endless darkness and pure abyss, but somehow my body managed to remain functional and intact.**

My body was washed ashore on a remote island where it continues to walk in a path of agony and unfulfillment.
I wrote a little heavily here, but if you manage to finish this lengthy gem I'm sure you might find a bit of inspiration and joy from the twist and turns of a young man's inner journey to an unexpected enlightenment.

— The End —