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Feb 2015
I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
I traveled with a group of four  
In a gray-black jeep

I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
Yeah, we went down that road
We saw the gray skies
I wore the black wool
She dyed the white sheep
She lived a lie once
I lived to die twice

I couldn't fall in love so I fell asleep
As I close my eyes
I wonder why?
Why must I be a passenger?
Why am I just this bachelor?
Yesterday was my birthday
I just turned twenty-five
What a long long drive
I think I'm finally ready to strive
But however...
I couldn't fall in love
Or fall asleep
So when I dwell
Just beep
Justin G
Written by
Justin G  A poet's poet
(A poet's poet)   
       Eudora, Dreams of Sepia, Maddie, ---, Sarah and 20 others
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