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16.8k · Dec 2015
Tea Dec 2015
I've spent centuries
in this agony
My body changes
but time stays still

All this time I've passed
waiting to be found
like a bird inside a cage,
my feet chained to this ground

I can't keep my monsters at bay
but I can't run away

In the eye of each soul
all I see is fear
and my own still whispers
"I'm not from here"

By now I thought
I'd have more power
But at the end of each day
"it" still devours

Even though there's love in my heart
I still feel like falling apart

Each fight feels like
dark mirrors inside a maze
and all I see in this reflection
is my own empty gaze

My mind is light years
away from this place
Still the only thing that saves me
is your warm embrace

And when it feels like I have no choice
I recognize your voice

I'm so tired of this fight
But your love still keeps me warm
Together, we'll win this battle
Together, we'll breathe through the storm.
I don't like history repeating itself
So I'm starting over
I just hope you'll be a part of my future
4.5k · Dec 2014
Tea Dec 2014
we are a paradox
we're the same soul,
but we come from different planets
we're made of the same flame,
but we burn in different ways
that's why you're both chaos and remedy to my heart
2.5k · May 2014
Midnight heartaches (10w)
Tea May 2014
My love for you
can only exist in the dark
And at midnight, I crave you the most.
2.2k · Oct 2014
Mr. Shooting Star
Tea Oct 2014
Dear Mr. Shooting Star,
how many times
must I wish and
call out to you
until you finally
notice me?

                                                         ­                        Sweet naive little girl,
                                                           ­                                how many times
                                                           ­                              will you fall down
                                                            ­                                  and cry
   *for me

                                                             ­                               *until you realize
                                                         ­                                  *I'm not listening
wishful thinking killed the dreamer


I keep forgetting that shooting stars can't be caught.
2.0k · Mar 2015
Tea Mar 2015
you looked me in the eye and it was clear -
as my fingertips traced the outlines of your veins
(i can feel the blood flow)
i realized that you were already flowing through my own
(it makes me feel alive)
you were my heartbeat, dancing slowly inside my rib cage
(it felt like our favorite song)
standing firmly on my mind, calming my soul
as you slept underneath my skin

so if you are my peace, my tranquility -
then why are there moments of dreadful silence
(the calm before the storm)
when i can feel the fear rattling deep inside my bones
(it whispers run, run, run)
if we are supposed to be one and the same
(don't you dare look back)
then why do I feel like you are my Vesuvius
(he will bury you alive)
*and I am your Pompeii?
toxic loves were always the most enticing ones
1.9k · Apr 2016
What have I become?
Tea Apr 2016
I lost myself today
Have you maybe seen me?
I got lost in the crowd of
who they want me to be

I lay awake in bed
Perhaps I'll start to feel
Dreams are all I have
to know that I'm still real

A spear blows through my chest
Again I start to fall
I scream for help once more
But no one hears my call

Where do I go now
that I'm behind this wall?
Everyone I trust
leaves me lost after all

The walls are closing in
My chains cut deeper still
The echoes start to scream
They go in for the ****

The voices seem to say
"The truth will set you free"
The only one to save myself
has always been me

If I could go back now
and carry what I've learned
I'd find myself again
to try and stop the hurt.
"What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away in the end"

my sort of tribute to the wonderfully heart wrenching "Hurt"
1.5k · Apr 2015
Tea Apr 2015
I keep trying to find
the right words to say;
but my throat has gone dry
my voice has gone weak
*and you never loved me anyway
My soul keeps crying out to you
but you choose to let me bleed.
1.5k · May 2014
Tea May 2014
Being near you again
after a long time
feels as if I am Tantalus;
a thirsty man surrounded by water
but unable to drink it.
Because as much as I crave for you, you will never be mine.
1.4k · Jun 2015
Tea Jun 2015
and I am prepared to walk
through the fire alone;

but I would find comfort
if you walked by my side.
"I don't need you, but I really ******* want you."
Perhaps we don't need each other to stay alive, but life would be so much better with you by my side.
1.2k · May 2014
Tea May 2014
Let me gaze into your eyes
and watch the galaxies expand
Let me smell your scent
and carve the fragrance into my senses
Let me feel your skin
and draw fairy tales on it with my fingertips
Let me touch your hair
and slide the silky strands through my fingers
Let me hear your voice
and memorize the enchanting melody
Let me taste your lips
and etch their sweetness into my memory
Let me love you entirely
*for you have taken all of my breaths
You bring me to life and deprive me of my breath.
1.2k · Jun 2014
Tea Jun 2014
You are a sunny afternoon
and a calm sea
with a glossed over surface
and the light breeze soothing my s k i n

But he
He's the tidal waves and
gray storm c l o u d s
with just a hint of midnight blue and
in the          d
and he can shake me right down to the core of my being
Tea May 2015
having to talk about the weather
with someone who knew
*every inch of your soul
It cuts me like a knife when you claim you never knew me at all.
1.2k · Oct 2015
unfinished sentences
Tea Oct 2015
Give me your hand
my forbidden one
Let me lead you to the darkest corner
where our truth can come to light
Because that's the only place
we can exist -
in between the spaces of words
always left unsaid
Where you're not afraid
to show me your soul
And I'm not afraid
to let you take a step closer
But the flame can't burn for long
Because we both know
when morning comes
we'll play pretend
The whispers of the dark
will lay forgotten
Because in our world
of unfinished sentences,
where more often than not
there is a coma where a full stop should be;
"U" and "I" will never be
side by side.
1.2k · Oct 2016
with all my heart
Tea Oct 2016
Usually my thoughts get the best of me
But what they don't tell you is
You are not your mind
You are your emotions
Your thoughts and words manifest the way you think
not what you feel

Ancient civilizations considered words and writing a lower form of communication
because they talked to each other non-verbally
And I agree, however hypocritical that might seem

I agree because no matter how many times I write
I can never quite capture the way my heart feels
About the beauty of a sunset on a busy day
or the way the stars shine brighter on a calm and silent night
About the stray dog who loves you with all his heart because you pet him that one time
or the old man on the street who fights through his days with a smile

I can only talk and write about these things so many times
before they lose meaning in my mind
But my heart remains the same

So maybe all the 'I love you's have become redundant to my brain
but you must believe me when I say
you still have
all of my heart
I guess I've changed in a lot of ways.
I've seen the world through different eyes and finally understood everything from another perspective than before.
So I suppose that's why I write a lot less than before.
And that's okay.
1.1k · May 2014
Intoxicating (10w)
Tea May 2014
From the first moment
I lost myself in your eyes
Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Tea Oct 2015
at the end of the day
all that remains
is what you have done
and not what was shown,
along with two strong arms
that you can call home.
the last few lines of a bigger piece
"things that I've learned and should never forget"
1.1k · Apr 2015
favorite regret
Tea Apr 2015
and perhaps some mistakes
demand to be made,
who even knows what's
the reasoning behind it all
all i know is -
no matter how wrong
you may be for me -
i'm sure that you will be
*my favorite regret
I am incapable of explaining you
to anyone
1.1k · May 2014
~Only for you
Tea May 2014
I shall never admit
that all of my breaths
and heartbeats
are meant
only for you

I shall never admit
that all of my stars
and galaxies
I've saved
only for you

I shall never admit
that I've spent sleepless nights
leaving my whispers and tears
on my pillow
only for you

I shall never admit
that I was often speechless
while my knees, so restless,
only for you

I shall never admit
that for days I dreamed awake
and countless verses
I made
only for you

I shall never admit
that I will write, eternally
that this heart will bleed, internally
only for you
*my love
And I shall never admit any of these things, especially not to you.
1.1k · May 2015
illusion stained eyes
Tea May 2015
I worry for you, my friend.

You look at the colors
With stars in your eyes,
But you still haven't embraced death
As a part of our lives

You push the happiness
With such certainty
But you forget that darkness
Is also a part of reality

I worry that you have forced
Your contentment too much
And once the high is gone
You will fall and crash

*And I'm not sure if I will be there to catch you.
our realities differ, but I am always here for you
you just have to let me in
before it's too late
999 · Aug 2015
thousand light years apart
Tea Aug 2015
the way the sun kissed the mountain tops
reminded me of how it felt when
you traced my skin with your fingertips
and I realized how hard it will be
to be away from you
"it felt like a hundred years passed until you came back to me"
Tea May 2014
How will you convince a man
that his own garden is beautiful
if he insists on
looking over the fence?
Interpret it as you wish.
986 · Nov 2015
Tea Nov 2015
All my life I've been told
How to act and how to think
What to do and who to be

"Don't use those words"
"Don't stay out late"
"You should have fun!
Just not that way"
"Keep your grades up"
"Keep your laugh down"
"But whoever told you
you should frown?"

I've always been good
I did as I was told
I never misbehaved
But now I'm growing old
My youth is passing by me
And how have I spent it?
Obedient - I'm seeing it
Never the miscreant
But always the misfit

"Don't talk back"
"Don't disagree"
Can't you see
your words are hurting me?
"Honey, I always wanted the best for you"
Then why don't you let my real self
shine on through?

Never had any friends
and you ask me why?
How am I supposed to blend
when you never even let me try?
But that doesn't matter
it's not what I want
What I want is out there
and you keep me locked up
But it all ends now
though you still ask how -
how did this happen?
Why did I change?
Well now I'm here to tell you
I broke out from my cage
All these
Your fixations
and my deprivations
They're done now cause can't you see?
From this day on
I'm doing me.
A note for my mother.
I know you had the best intentions;
They were just not the best for me.
979 · May 2014
[ ~]
Tea May 2014
There are unknown universes
in the deepest parts of your soul
that I wish to explore
*but you won't let me in
978 · May 2014
Celestial slumber
Tea May 2014
I had that dream again
last night
I still don't know what it was
and I only remember it vaguely
but now all I think about is
the smell of grass
and my city
the stars
the full moon
I dreamed about you nearly every night this week.
977 · May 2014
Tea May 2014
This feeling deep down inside.
Don't know what it is,
But it's eating me alive.

These monsters of the mind,
They make their victims cower.
You can run, but you can't hide,
Because from beneath you, they devour.

These demons of the soul
They're the thoughts that scare you most.
You can't even feel whole,
Because you're empty. You're a ghost.

But you don't know what are these things.
So you always wonder - "who?"
Are they evil creatures? Fiends?
The answer is simple.
It's you.

These fears of the heart,
They turn you into a coward.
Even when you run, you're back on the start.
Because from inside you... it devours.
How do you escape when you're a prisoner of your own mind?
976 · May 2015
Tea May 2015
It is tragic that the young doesn't know
what it's like to be old.

But it is even more so tragic when the old forgets
what it's like to be young.
inspired by a quote
Tea Jul 2014
In a moment,
in one blur,
it was all rushing back;
cigarette smoke on my lips,
leaning in as if we're about to kiss,
arms squeezing me tighter,
my head getting just a little lighter

that knowing smirk

your hot breath on my neck
and the last time I checked
your hand wasn't on my thigh,
then you say in that longing sigh

"Are you jealous?"

and the question still lingers
like the sparks at the tips of my fingers.
But of course, I deny -
after all, you were never mine,
even though you still often steal a glance,
we don't stand a chance.

*But I guess it's no surprise
that I still dream of twilight skies
and your emerald eyes.
green eyes were always my favorite, after all.
944 · May 2014
Unidentified reasons
Tea May 2014
For some reason,
I dreamed of summer,
a lonely beach,
the waves crashing against my feet,
sounds of thunder and rain in the distance
- the perfect sensation -
I was at peace
at that little place in my mind
that no one could ever enter,
no one.
But then, there was something in the air -
a fragrance;
so familiar, yet so distant
It reminded me of that
sandalwood perfume and
leather on heated skin and
chocolate cake that leaves
remnants of sweetness on my tongue and
old books I wished to read
with pages I longed to touch
And suddenly, my world,
my place,
was crashing down around me,
my head spinning
as strong hands cupped my shoulders gently
as if shaking me awake
for some reason,
when I woke up,
I expected
to see
Your existence haunts my dreams.
919 · Apr 2014
Incomplete tale
Tea Apr 2014
I used to welcome our story
With a smile on my face
And a flutter in my chest,
But now there only remains
The bitterness on my tongue

I used to blindly believe
In fairy-tale endings
That I still wish to have faith in,
Even though now
I’m more familiar with tragedies

Now I lie to myself
That everything is fine,
The same,
And that it couldn’t be better
But I know it could.

I sit alone
As darkness consumes me
And I wonder
What am I
When a relationship falls apart, it hurts.
When love falls apart, it hurts more.
913 · May 2014
1.18 am
Tea May 2014
I don't love everything about you.

If I said I did, I would be dishonest.

I don't love the way you hold yourself too arrogantly sometimes

I don't love the way you can be too mean with your jokes,
even though you don't mean them seriously.

I don't love how your sense of humor gets too weird sometimes

I don't love how you just love talking about yourself

I don't love how you can seem so cold and how
you can so easily ignore me to the point of madness.

But I will tell you this.

I do love the way you flash your imperfect teeth into a warm smile
whenever you see me.

I do love your stupid laugh, because it makes me laugh even more
than the joke itself.

I do love the way you talk about your dreams and your views and the world.

I do love how you can surprise me with kindness and attention
when I least expect it.

And most of all, I love how you can make me feel everything
no one else ever could.

And that is why the reasons that I love you
are all so much more important than the reasons why I don't.
907 · Mar 2015
Tea Mar 2015
what do you need
your heart for
if all it does is
give up on someone else's?
losing someone you love is hard
giving up someone you love is even harder
900 · Sep 2015
Tea Sep 2015
I conceive you with closed eyes.

your existence is not defined by the armor you wear
nor its dents and scratches
you are more than your limits and shortcomings
you are the first ray of sunshine
after a stormy spring
you are a cold gauze
on a skin filled with burns
you are the song I hear for the first time
and yet I've known it my whole life
you are every color in the spectrum
for someone who has only known black

when I imagine my future life
perhaps I don't see you next to me
but I feel you;
I know you're there
you are the only one who belongs there
and with time I realize -
that's all that matters.
you are my everything when there is nothing left
Tea Apr 2014
Drinking in the sight of you
The slow burn in your eyes
I often don't know what to do
As you leave me hypnotized

I breathe in your scent
And your fragrance fogs my mind
I focus on the small fragment
Of what you could be hiding inside

Soft whispers and feather touches
That you provide leave me breathless
Timid smiles and stolen glances
Make my wild heart so restless

And you seem to come closer every time
To show me what I still cannot see
As if you try to make our lips align

                                                                            **or is it just me?
878 · Feb 2016
Home is a feeling
Tea Feb 2016
They all went and they passed.
They were my blessings,
and my downfalls too.
They gave me
calmness and happiness,
before putting me straight in
the eye of the hurricane.
They gave me a lot to remember,
those who came before you.
They were a lot of things,
but there's one thing
they never were.

And now, you are my heart,
my soul,
my peace,
a part of my dreams.
You are my laughter
and my tears.
You are the songs that I sing
and the words that I bleed.
You are my weakness
and my greatest strength.
But the most important thing
that you are,
that no one ever was before -

You are my home.
the day everything changed
"The universe planned for us. I know it. I know it." ~Beau Taplin
863 · Apr 2014
Empty wishes
Tea Apr 2014
I wish I was deaf.
Because every time I hear the wind sing,
I hear it calling your name.

I wish I was blind.
Because in every constellation and in every shadow,
I see the image of your face.

I wish I was mute.
Because every time I start to speak,
My lips wish to call out to you.

I wish I was immobile.
Because my feet ache to run to you,
Even though they shouldn't.

I wish I was dead.
Because every day I spend living is wasted,
Since none of them are spent with you.
861 · Oct 2015
One more day
Tea Oct 2015
Everything is changing
But it all stays the same
I am broken and I am lonely
There's no one else to blame
The skies above our city are gray
And I don't want to stay
I dream to pack our bags
And grab your hand
Get in a car (a bus)(a train)
So we can see the land
But we can't
We just sit and wait
For a better day
For a better year
For more heart
And no fear
For our mothers to stop
Making our choices for us
Pushing their cowardice
and judgments
But I promise
One day that will change
One day we'll climb the mountaintop
And feel the grass beneath our feet
No one to tell us to stop
Or that we're in too deep
One day we'll fly above the clouds
And dream with our eyes open
Speak of those dreams aloud
Know that they will happen
One day we'll run with the waves
And sing with the wind
Because our hearts are the braves
They face life with a grin
This trap that we're in
The world where we live
It's not for us
But you put your arms around me
And everything slows
The clock is ticking
But time has stopped
No matter how much passes
It's not enough
When you're by my side
So I guess I can stay
I can keep fighting
For one more day.
This time it's taking too long, and I fear it's slipping away from me
But I believe in you even when they tell me not to
Maybe I'm wrong and maybe they're right
But my soul doesn't believe that
859 · Jun 2015
4:27 am
Tea Jun 2015
There was a woman; with a heart as big as the world. And she wished for love, oh, how she needed love. She wished for poems, and music, and art. For nature, and stargazing, and wilderness. For long nights and even longer drives. She wished for a wanderer like herself. Someone who understands. But most of all - someone who loves her the same way she loves him.

Then, there was a man. A man who put his life on hold, to wait for her. A man who straightforwardly told her that she is the thought that gets him through each day. But they were different. Polar opposites. He knew of her wishes and desires and of the things that made her heartstrings flutter; but he didn't understand them. Because he didn't feel them too. And he was sweet, and warm, and safe, and comfortable, and he tried so hard. She adored him - just not in the way he wanted her to.

And then, there was another man. This man was not like the previous man. No, this man made every broken bone inside her body come alive again. This man had an inexplicable thirst for life and everything it had to offer and he cherished every moment of it. He lived in a way that he never feared death. This man made her see colors and showed her the world she used to know in a different light. He held her hand in a matter that no man ever could and no man ever will again. He opened her eyes and brought her back to life. He made her believe again. And the way he said he loves her brought her to tears each time because, for the first time, there were no lies behind those words.

But she knew. Deep down in the pit of her stomach, she knew from the start. If she were ever to leave him, the colors would fade, her hands would grow cold and she would forget what laughter tasted like. And him? He would be fine. He had a thirst for life, not for her. He would move on, possibly without looking back. And that was the problem. Because he was the voice inside her mind, and she was just a thought that crossed his from time to time. And he understood her, by god, he knew her right down to her core, better than anyone else ever has. But he didn't need her in the way she needed him.

Now any logical person would come to the same conclusion: it's always better to be with the man who loves you more than life itself; than with the man who could easily go on as if you had never been a part of his life to begin with.

*But love doesn't run on logic, does it?
Well this was long. I apologize to anyone who decided to read through the entire thing but this was something that needed to be said.
858 · Apr 2015
Heart's surrender
Tea Apr 2015
I will tell you when you're wrong.
I have no problem calling you out on your mistakes
because we both know you're better than that.

I will tell you when I'm wrong as well.
I can put away my pride and admit defeat
because there are things that matter more to me.

I will tell you my thoughts.
I can share all my ideas on the secrets of the universe
because I know you're the only one who understands them.

I will tell you my dreams.
I want you to know every little thing that makes my heart race
in hopes that maybe I'll find

it makes your race as well.

I will tell you of my past.
I will take you by the hand and show you every corner
just so you can hold me when the memories become

too much to bear.

I will tell you my fears.
I will whisper of them all night as we drink our wine
and I will shake at each syllable, but I won't stop.

I will tell you my secrets.
I have so many thoughts inside this wounded mind
that I can't always conjure into words -

but I'll try my best to share them with you,
if you want me to.

I will tell you anything you wish to know
but darling, you must understand -
there are three little words
that I just
tell you.
Because you will have to read between the lines of all of my stories
and find them by yourself.
822 · Jul 2014
Breath 10w
Tea Jul 2014
Do you ever hear me
when I breathe for you?
Do you ever notice
that my heartbeat is your n a m e?
807 · May 2014
Tea May 2014
A bird in the nest is
but how will it fly?
If you're in the same place forever, you will never get hurt. But you will also never grow.
780 · Jul 2014
Craving rose petals
Tea Jul 2014
She stood up
and walked out the door.
And she didn't look back.
So I stayed.
Confused, lonely, hungry.
Hungry for her -
her skin made of pale rose petals,
her hair made of pure flames,
her touch, like silk against my skin;
hungry for that fire in her eyes
wondering why
I didn't reach out my hand
to grab her
and make her stay.
But then I realized
that wildfire
it can only be admired from a distance and longed for
for eternity
764 · May 2014
I'm not from here
Tea May 2014
I'm not from here
I feel so out of place
I need to get lost somewhere -
Just leave without a trace

These people around me,
they're so vile and close-minded
The things I hear and see every day
I'd rather be deaf and blinded

My mother said to me:
"Dear, your tries are in vain
To be so real in such a twisted place,
No wonder you're in so much pain.

You can always be like them
It'll be easy to lose your meaning
But just look at them. Just listen.
Do you want to be a heartless being?"

I'm not from here
I'm always out of place
I need to leave... somewhere
To disappear without a single trace.
A poem I wrote about a year ago. My opinion still hasn't changed, though.
762 · May 2014
Sleepless nights
Tea May 2014
Late at night,
when the stars find their way through
the blinds on my window,
and the shadows decide
to crawl into my soul,
your velvet voice and luscious scent
chase my dreams away.
Because my love for you can only exist in the dark.
725 · Aug 2016
Louder than words
Tea Aug 2016
they could scream from the
or put it in songs
recite me their poetry
and talk all night long
none of it mattered
their pleas were left unheard

because one look from your eyes
was still
louder than words.
When inspiration strikes.
It feels good to write again.
717 · Jun 2015
windpipes filled with dust
Tea Jun 2015
with every breath i took
my lungs filled with you;
and for every second that
your heart was closed to me
I taught myself how to breathe
I lost all self respect waiting for you to come around
but I don't write about you anymore.
608 · Dec 2017
close enough to touch
Tea Dec 2017
How do I unlove you?
I'd really like to know
I have all these thoughts in my head about you
but I can't express them in any
or form
and it's taking a toll on me
On one hand, I want all these feelings to just go away
and I keep wishing that,
if I ignore them enough,
they will.
But on the other hand... I just want to go outside and run,
run uphill, through the forests and meadows
run until I can't feel my legs anymore
run until I reach the top of the highest hill
surrounding this beautiful city of ours
and just
s c r e a m
at the top of my lungs
about how much I can't get you out of my head
how I think about you all the time
how you make my heart sing and how you
understand every single dark part of my soul
that no one else before you did
I want to stand there and look at the lights
colliding with the stars
and scream until my lungs collapse
about how I'm painfully,
in love with you.
it's been a very, very long time and a lot of things have changed since then
it's been a very tough year for me and as I've been battling my own demons, I haven't had neither the time nor inspiration for writing
but it's coming back to me now
if this feel rushed or messy, I apologize, I just needed a space to let out my feelings, as they have been pressing on my mind for quite a while now
I hope you enjoy
604 · Sep 2014
Write and erase
Tea Sep 2014
You pull me in your embrace
Gaze at me like I'm your saving grace
The heated touch makes my heart race
Your whisper on my ear, like honey on lace
Those brown eyes that make me feel like
I'm floating through space
With just a few moves you had my
heart locked in a case
Still I know you enjoy
the thrill of the chase
But this is the hardest decision
I've  ever  had  to  face
Make no mistakes,
You'll be the end of my days
If for some reason you leave
*Without a single trace
been away for vacation the last 2 months
feels good to be back
576 · Jul 2014
Until the day I die
Tea Jul 2014
I never thought this could happen to me,
Not even in my wildest dreams
That someone could love with such grace
And turn this world into a magical place

No matter how much I deny it,
No matter how hard I try,
I will continue loving you
Until the very day I die

There's no problem we can't face,
Or hell we can't go through
Even when my life feels like a waste,
It's still heaven when I'm beside you

And whatever storm may happen,
You'll be my only star in the sky
And I will continue loving you
Until the very day I die

When I'm far away from you
It's like my soul is torn in two
Because our existence combined is like one
As I am your Moon and you are my Sun

No matter who comes in my life
My heart and feelings cannot lie
I will always love you,
Until the very day I die.
one of my older poems, but it still holds a special place in my heart
553 · May 2014
Hollow heart
Tea May 2014
The shadows are waiting
The voices are chanting
In the humming I hear
slow taps

The eyes start bleeding
The lungs aren't breathing
Silently I hope for an
inevitable collapse

The throat starts coughing
The devil is laughing
I wait patiently for the
pain to start

The darkness empowers
The emptiness devours
But there's still a faint beat in
this hollow heart
552 · Jan 2016
Sticks and stones
Tea Jan 2016
Late at night,
when I can't fall asleep,
I see your eyes in the shadows
on the walls
I feel your touch on my skin
through the blankets
I hear your voice whispering
masked by the wind
I almost see you standing next to my bed
but I know you're not really there.
I think to myself "how many years has it been?"
When was the first time you were here?
Was it when I was eleven and my grandmother was ill
and I watched her die
for months?
Was it before that?
Was it when I realized my mother doesn't truly understand me, and perhaps that she doesn't want to?
Was it when my friends betrayed me the first time?
When I realized I can only count on myself?
Because it somehow feels like
you've always been there.
When I first came home from school in bruises and tears,
you greeted me in the confinement of my four walls
and my room was no longer my solace.
When my mother shamed me for not being the best,
even when I tried so hard,
your whispers in my head got louder.
When my grandfather got older and he seemed to have a hard time remembering exactly why this teenage girl lived in the same house as him,
you finally had enough strength
to grab my face when you thought I was asleep.
When my first love betrayed me,
you wrapped yourself around me and started standing on my shoulders.
I could feel you weighing me down with each passing day.
So now I ask you,
it's been so many years.
get off my back
and leave my head.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your presence tears me apart from the inside.
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